1 #pragma once
2 #include <string>
3 #include "OSAPI.h"
5 #include "VectorTypes.h"
7 typedef char _UNKNOWN;
10 typedef unsigned int uint;
11 /*
12 #define LOWORD(a) (*((unsigned short *)&a))
13 #define SLOWORD(a) (__debugbreak(), *((signed short *)&a))
14 #define HIWORD(a) (*((unsigned short *)&a + 1))
15 #define SHIWORD(a) (*((short *)&a + 1))
17 #define LODWORD(a) (*((unsigned int *)&a))
18 #define HIDWORD(a) (*((unsigned int *)&a + 1))
19 #define SLODWORD(a) (*((int *)&a))
20 #define SHIDWORD(a) (*((int *)&a + 1))
22 #define LOBYTE(a) (*((unsigned char *)&a))
23 #define SLOBYTE(a) (*((signed char *)&a))
25 #define HIBYTE(a) (*((unsigned char *)&a + sizeof(a) - 1))
27 #define BYTE1(a) (*((unsigned char *)&a + 1))
28 #define SBYTE1(a) (*((signed char *)&a + 1))
30 #define BYTE2(a) (*((unsigned char *)&a + 2))
31 #define BYTE3(a) (*((unsigned char *)&a + 3))
33 #define WORD2(a) (__debugbreak(), *(unsigned short *)((char *)&a + 4))
35 #define __OFSUB__(a, b) (unsigned __int8)((a) == (b))
38 typedef unsigned __int16 _WORD;
39 typedef unsigned __int64 _QWORD;
40 */
46 #define COERCE_UNSIGNED_INT64(a) (__debugbreak(), a)
62 #if defined(__GNUC__)
63 typedef long long ll;
64 typedef unsigned long long ull;
65 #define __int64 long long
66 #define __int32 int
67 #define __int16 short
68 #define __int8 char
69 #define MAKELL(num) num ## LL
70 #define FMT_64 "ll"
71 #elif defined(_MSC_VER)
72 typedef __int64 ll;
73 typedef unsigned __int64 ull;
74 #define MAKELL(num) num ## i64
75 #define FMT_64 "I64"
76 #elif defined (__BORLANDC__)
77 typedef __int64 ll;
78 typedef unsigned __int64 ull;
79 #define MAKELL(num) num ## i64
80 #define FMT_64 "L"
81 #else
82 #error "unknown compiler"
83 #endif
84 typedef unsigned int uint;
85 typedef unsigned char uchar;
86 typedef unsigned short ushort;
87 typedef unsigned long ulong;
89 typedef char int8;
90 typedef signed char sint8;
91 typedef unsigned char uint8;
92 typedef short int16;
93 typedef signed short sint16;
94 typedef unsigned short uint16;
95 typedef int int32;
96 typedef signed int sint32;
97 typedef unsigned int uint32;
98 typedef ll int64;
99 typedef ll sint64;
100 typedef ull uint64;
102 // Partially defined types:
103 #define _BYTE uint8
104 #define _WORD uint16
105 #define _DWORD uint32
106 #define _QWORD uint64
107 #if !defined(_MSC_VER)
108 #define _LONGLONG __int128
109 #endif
111 #ifndef _WINDOWS_
112 typedef int8 BYTE;
113 typedef int16 WORD;
114 typedef int32 DWORD;
115 typedef int32 LONG;
116 #endif
117 typedef int64 QWORD;
118 #ifndef __cplusplus
119 typedef int bool; // we want to use bool in our C programs
120 #endif
122 // Some convenience macros to make partial accesses nicer
123 // first unsigned macros:
124 #define LOBYTE(x) (*((_BYTE*)&(x))) // low byte
125 #define LOWORD(x) (*((_WORD*)&(x))) // low word
126 #define LODWORD(x) (*((_DWORD*)&(x))) // low dword
127 #define HIBYTE(x) (*((_BYTE*)&(x)+1))
128 #define HIWORD(x) (*((_WORD*)&(x)+1))
129 #define HIDWORD(x) (*((_DWORD*)&(x)+1))
130 #define BYTEn(x, n) (*((_BYTE*)&(x)+n))
131 #define WORDn(x, n) (*((_WORD*)&(x)+n))
132 #define BYTE1(x) BYTEn(x, 1) // byte 1 (counting from 0)
133 #define BYTE2(x) BYTEn(x, 2)
134 #define BYTE3(x) BYTEn(x, 3)
135 #define BYTE4(x) BYTEn(x, 4)
136 #define BYTE5(x) BYTEn(x, 5)
137 #define BYTE6(x) BYTEn(x, 6)
138 #define BYTE7(x) BYTEn(x, 7)
139 #define BYTE8(x) BYTEn(x, 8)
140 #define BYTE9(x) BYTEn(x, 9)
141 #define BYTE10(x) BYTEn(x, 10)
142 #define BYTE11(x) BYTEn(x, 11)
143 #define BYTE12(x) BYTEn(x, 12)
144 #define BYTE13(x) BYTEn(x, 13)
145 #define BYTE14(x) BYTEn(x, 14)
146 #define BYTE15(x) BYTEn(x, 15)
147 #define WORD1(x) WORDn(x, 1)
148 #define WORD2(x) WORDn(x, 2) // third word of the object, unsigned
149 #define WORD3(x) WORDn(x, 3)
150 #define WORD4(x) WORDn(x, 4)
151 #define WORD5(x) WORDn(x, 5)
152 #define WORD6(x) WORDn(x, 6)
153 #define WORD7(x) WORDn(x, 7)
155 // now signed macros (the same but with sign extension)
156 #define SLOBYTE(x) (*((int8*)&(x)))
157 #define SLOWORD(x) (*((int16*)&(x)))
158 #define SLODWORD(x) (*((int32*)&(x)))
159 #define SHIBYTE(x) (*((int8*)&(x)+1))
160 #define SHIWORD(x) (*((int16*)&(x)+1))
161 #define SHIDWORD(x) (*((int32*)&(x)+1))
162 #define SBYTEn(x, n) (*((int8*)&(x)+n))
163 #define SWORDn(x, n) (*((int16*)&(x)+n))
164 #define SBYTE1(x) SBYTEn(x, 1)
165 #define SBYTE2(x) SBYTEn(x, 2)
166 #define SBYTE3(x) SBYTEn(x, 3)
167 #define SBYTE4(x) SBYTEn(x, 4)
168 #define SBYTE5(x) SBYTEn(x, 5)
169 #define SBYTE6(x) SBYTEn(x, 6)
170 #define SBYTE7(x) SBYTEn(x, 7)
171 #define SBYTE8(x) SBYTEn(x, 8)
172 #define SBYTE9(x) SBYTEn(x, 9)
173 #define SBYTE10(x) SBYTEn(x, 10)
174 #define SBYTE11(x) SBYTEn(x, 11)
175 #define SBYTE12(x) SBYTEn(x, 12)
176 #define SBYTE13(x) SBYTEn(x, 13)
177 #define SBYTE14(x) SBYTEn(x, 14)
178 #define SBYTE15(x) SBYTEn(x, 15)
179 #define SWORD1(x) SWORDn(x, 1)
180 #define SWORD2(x) SWORDn(x, 2)
181 #define SWORD3(x) SWORDn(x, 3)
182 #define SWORD4(x) SWORDn(x, 4)
183 #define SWORD5(x) SWORDn(x, 5)
184 #define SWORD6(x) SWORDn(x, 6)
185 #define SWORD7(x) SWORDn(x, 7)
190 // Generate a reference to pair of operands
191 template<class T> int16 __PAIR__( int8 high, T low) { return ((( int16)high) << sizeof(high)*8) | uint8(low); }
192 template<class T> int32 __PAIR__( int16 high, T low) { return ((( int32)high) << sizeof(high)*8) | uint16(low); }
193 template<class T> int64 __PAIR__( int32 high, T low) { return ((( int64)high) << sizeof(high)*8) | uint32(low); }
194 template<class T> uint16 __PAIR__(uint8 high, T low) { return (((uint16)high) << sizeof(high)*8) | uint8(low); }
195 template<class T> uint32 __PAIR__(uint16 high, T low) { return (((uint32)high) << sizeof(high)*8) | uint16(low); }
196 template<class T> uint64 __PAIR__(uint32 high, T low) { return (((uint64)high) << sizeof(high)*8) | uint32(low); }
198 // rotate left
199 template<class T> T __ROL__(T value, uint count)
200 {
201 const uint nbits = sizeof(T) * 8;
202 count %= nbits;
204 T high = value >> (nbits - count);
205 value <<= count;
206 value |= high;
207 return value;
208 }
210 // rotate right
211 template<class T> T __ROR__(T value, uint count)
212 {
213 const uint nbits = sizeof(T) * 8;
214 count %= nbits;
216 T low = value << (nbits - count);
217 value >>= count;
218 value |= low;
219 return value;
220 }
222 // carry flag of left shift
223 template<class T> int8 __MKCSHL__(T value, uint count)
224 {
225 const uint nbits = sizeof(T) * 8;
226 count %= nbits;
228 return (value >> (nbits-count)) & 1;
229 }
231 // carry flag of right shift
232 template<class T> int8 __MKCSHR__(T value, uint count)
233 {
234 return (value >> (count-1)) & 1;
235 }
237 // sign flag
238 template<class T> int8 __SETS__(T x)
239 {
240 if ( sizeof(T) == 1 )
241 return int8(x) < 0;
242 if ( sizeof(T) == 2 )
243 return int16(x) < 0;
244 if ( sizeof(T) == 4 )
245 return int32(x) < 0;
246 return int64(x) < 0;
247 }
249 // overflow flag of subtraction (x-y)
250 template<class T, class U> int8 __OFSUB__(T x, U y)
251 {
252 if ( sizeof(T) < sizeof(U) )
253 {
254 U x2 = x;
255 int8 sx = __SETS__(x2);
256 return (sx ^ __SETS__(y)) & (sx ^ __SETS__(x2-y));
257 }
258 else
259 {
260 T y2 = y;
261 int8 sx = __SETS__(x);
262 return (sx ^ __SETS__(y2)) & (sx ^ __SETS__(x-y2));
263 }
264 }
266 // overflow flag of addition (x+y)
267 template<class T, class U> int8 __OFADD__(T x, U y)
268 {
269 if ( sizeof(T) < sizeof(U) )
270 {
271 U x2 = x;
272 int8 sx = __SETS__(x2);
273 return ((1 ^ sx) ^ __SETS__(y)) & (sx ^ __SETS__(x2+y));
274 }
275 else
276 {
277 T y2 = y;
278 int8 sx = __SETS__(x);
279 return ((1 ^ sx) ^ __SETS__(y2)) & (sx ^ __SETS__(x+y2));
280 }
281 }
283 // carry flag of subtraction (x-y)
284 template<class T, class U> int8 __CFSUB__(T x, U y)
285 {
286 int size = sizeof(T) > sizeof(U) ? sizeof(T) : sizeof(U);
287 if ( size == 1 )
288 return uint8(x) < uint8(y);
289 if ( size == 2 )
290 return uint16(x) < uint16(y);
291 if ( size == 4 )
292 return uint32(x) < uint32(y);
293 return uint64(x) < uint64(y);
294 }
296 // carry flag of addition (x+y)
297 template<class T, class U> int8 __CFADD__(T x, U y)
298 {
299 int size = sizeof(T) > sizeof(U) ? sizeof(T) : sizeof(U);
300 if ( size == 1 )
301 return uint8(x) > uint8(x+y);
302 if ( size == 2 )
303 return uint16(x) > uint16(x+y);
304 if ( size == 4 )
305 return uint32(x) > uint32(x+y);
306 return uint64(x) > uint64(x+y);
307 }
311 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 // Data declarations
313 extern int (__cdecl *sprintfex)(char *a1, const char *a2, ...);
315 extern int pWindowList_at_506F50_minus1_indexing[1];
316 extern int dword_4C9890[10]; // weak
317 extern int dword_4C9920[16]; // weak
318 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4D8548; // weak
319 extern char byte_4D864C; // weak
320 extern float flt_4D86CC; // weak
321 extern int dword_4D86D8; // weak
322 extern int dword_4DAFCC; // weak
323 extern int (__stdcall *off_4DAFDC)(char); // weak
324 extern char asc_4DB724[]; // idb
325 extern int dword_4DBD94; // weak
326 extern int dword_4DF380[]; // weak
327 extern int dword_4DF390; // weak
328 extern char Str2[]; // idb
329 extern int dword_4DF3A4; // weak
330 extern char byte_4E185C; // weak
331 extern char am_byte_4E185D; // weak
332 extern char byte_4E185E; // weak
333 extern int amuint_4E1860; // weak
334 extern int amuint_4E1864; // weak
335 extern int amuint_4E1868; // weak
336 extern int amuint_4E186C; // weak
337 extern int amuint_4E1870; // weak
338 extern int dword_4E1874; // weak
339 extern int dword_4E1878; // weak
340 extern float flt_4D84E8;
341 extern int dword_4E187C; // weak
342 extern int dword_4E1880; // weak
343 extern int dword_4E1884; // weak
344 extern int dword_4E1888; // weak
345 extern char pArcomagePlayer2Name[8];
346 extern char pArcomagePlayer1Name[8];
347 extern char pDeckMaster[12];
348 extern char aIxf[4]; // idb
349 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4E19FC; // weak
350 extern char pAreYouSureWishToLeave[32];
351 extern char asc_4E1A28[4]; // idb
352 extern char aUsxfs[13];
353 extern char aLayout_pcx[11]; // weak
354 extern char aSprites_pcx[12]; // weak
355 extern char aProblemInBlit_[]; // idb
356 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm7M[]; // idb
357 extern char aProblemInBli_0[]; // idb
358 extern char aD[]; // idb
359 extern char asc_4E1AB0[]; // idb
360 extern char aWb_0[]; // idb
361 extern char a24bitPcxOnly[]; // idb
362 extern char Mode[]; // idb
363 extern char a16bitPcx[]; // idb
364 extern char aUnableToLoadS[]; // idb
365 extern char aBitmaps[]; // idb
366 extern char aIcons[]; // idb
367 extern char aPending[]; // idb
368 extern char aCanTFindS[]; // idb
369 extern char pDayMoonPhase[28];
370 extern char *spellbook_texture_filename_suffices[8]; // weak
371 extern __int16 word_4E1D3A[]; // weak
372 extern __int16 pTownPortalBook_xs[6];
373 extern __int16 pTownPortalBook_ys[6];
374 extern __int16 pTownPortalBook_ws[6];
375 extern __int16 pTownPortalBook_hs[6];
376 extern int dword_4E20D0[]; // idb
377 extern char byte_4E2430[]; // weak
378 extern char byte_4E2431[]; // weak
379 extern unsigned int pLloydsBeaconsPreviewXs[5];
380 extern unsigned int pLloydsBeaconsPreviewYs[5];
381 extern unsigned int pLloydsBeacons_SomeXs[5];
382 extern unsigned int pLloydsBeacons_SomeYs[5]; // idb
383 extern char aSbwb00[7]; // weak
384 extern char aW[2]; // idb
385 extern char aA[2]; // idb
386 extern char aSD[]; // idb
387 extern char aSS03d03dS000S0[]; // idb
388 extern char aLuS[]; // idb
389 extern char aS_1[]; // idb
390 extern char aSbSc02d[]; // idb
391 extern char aSbSs02d[]; // idb
392 extern char aTabDb[]; // idb
393 extern char aTabDa[]; // idb
394 extern char aIbM6D[]; // idb
395 extern char aIbM6U[]; // idb
396 extern char aIbM5D[]; // idb
397 extern char aIbM5U[]; // idb
398 extern char aPagemask[]; // idb
399 extern char aBook[]; // idb
400 extern char aSpell_fnt[]; // idb
401 extern char aAutonote_fnt[]; // idb
402 extern char aBook2_fnt[]; // idb
403 extern char pFontFile[]; // idb
404 extern char aFontpal[]; // idb
405 extern char aMapbordr[]; // idb
406 extern char aLloydDD_pcx[]; // idb
407 extern char aDataLloydDD_pc[]; // idb
408 extern char aLb_bordr[]; // idb
409 extern char aTphell[]; // idb
410 extern char aTpheaven[]; // idb
411 extern char aTpisland[]; // idb
412 extern char aTpwarlock[]; // idb
413 extern char aTpelf[]; // idb
414 extern char aTpharmndy[]; // idb
415 extern char aTownport[]; // idb
416 extern char aSbquiknot[]; // idb
417 extern char aTabAn8a[]; // idb
418 extern char aTabAn8b[]; // idb
419 extern char aTabAn4a[]; // idb
420 extern char aTabAn4b[]; // idb
421 extern char aTabAn5a[]; // idb
422 extern char aTabAn5b[]; // idb
423 extern char aTabAn3a[]; // idb
424 extern char aTabAn3b[]; // idb
425 extern char aTabAn2a[]; // idb
426 extern char aTabAn2b[]; // idb
427 extern char aTabAn1a[]; // idb
428 extern char aTabAn1b[]; // idb
429 extern char aDivbar[]; // idb
430 extern char aSbautnot[]; // idb
431 extern char aTabwoff[]; // idb
432 extern char aTabwon[]; // idb
433 extern char aTabeoff[]; // idb
434 extern char aTabeon[]; // idb
435 extern char aTabsoff[]; // idb
436 extern char aTabson[]; // idb
437 extern char aTabnoff[]; // idb
438 extern char aTabnon[]; // idb
439 extern char aZootOff[]; // idb
440 extern char aZoomOff[]; // idb
441 extern char aZootOn[]; // idb
442 extern char aZoomOn[]; // idb
443 extern char aSbmap[]; // idb
444 extern char aMoon_ful[]; // idb
445 extern char aMoon_2[]; // idb
446 extern char aMoon_4[]; // idb
447 extern char aMoon_new[]; // idb
448 extern char aSbdateTime[]; // idb
449 extern char aTabAn7a[]; // idb
450 extern char aTabAn6a[]; // idb
451 extern char aTabAn7b[]; // idb
452 extern char aTabAn6b[]; // idb
453 extern char aSbplayrnot[]; // idb
454 extern char aPending_0[]; // idb
455 extern char aUnknown[8]; // weak
456 extern char aS100110S[]; // idb
457 extern char aS100110D[]; // idb
458 extern char aS100110DS[]; // idb
459 extern char aS100110D02dSS[]; // idb
460 extern int pCurrentScreen; // weak
461 extern char byte_4E28FC; // weak
462 extern unsigned int uGammaPos;
463 extern int dword_4E2910[]; // weak
464 extern __int16 RightClickPortraitXmin[4];
465 extern __int16 RightClickPortraitXmax[4];
466 extern void *off_4E2A12; // weak
467 extern int dword_4E2A18[5];
468 extern int dword_4E2A2C[9];
469 extern int dword_4E2A50[12];
470 extern int _4E2A80_skills[9];
471 extern unsigned __int8 pAwardsTextColors[20];
472 extern unsigned int pHealthBarPos[4];
473 extern unsigned int pManaBarPos[4];
474 extern char _4E2AD8_ui_colors[72];
475 extern char _4E2B21_buff_spell_tooltip_colors[80];
476 extern char byte_4E2B70[]; // weak
477 extern char byte_4E2BC8; // weak
478 extern int pChestSmthn1ByType[8];
479 extern int pChestSmthn2ByType[8];
480 extern int pChestWidthsByType[8];
481 extern int pChestHeightsByType[8];
482 extern char aSS[]; // idb
483 extern char ascii_4E2C54[6];
484 extern char ascii_4E2C5C[7];
485 extern char ascii_4E2C68[8];
486 extern char ascii_4E2C70[9];
487 extern char ascii_4E2C7C[8];
488 extern char ascii_4E2C84[11];
489 extern char ascii_4E2C90[12];
490 extern char ascii_4E2C9C[8];
491 extern char ascii_4E2CA4[7];
492 extern char ascii_4E2CB0[12];
493 extern char ascii_4E2CBC[12];
494 extern char ascii_4E2CC8[12];
495 extern char ascii_4E2CD4[6];
496 extern char ascii_4E2CDC[11];
497 extern char ascii_4E2CE8[8];
498 extern char ascii_4E2CF0[12];
499 extern char ascii_4E2CFC[6];
500 extern char ascii_4E2D04[8];
501 extern char ascii_4E2D0C[8];
502 extern char ascii_4E2D14[6];
503 extern char ascii_4E2D1C[12];
504 extern char ascii_4E2D28[8];
505 extern char ascii_4E2D30[7];
506 extern char ascii_4E2D38[5];
507 extern char ascii_4E2D40[8];
508 extern char ascii_4E2D48[6];
509 extern char ascii_4E2D50[12];
510 extern char ascii_4E2D5C[7];
511 extern char aMakingItemNumb[]; // idb
512 extern char aNpc03d[]; // idb
513 extern char format_4E2D80[16];
514 extern char format_4E2D90[8];
515 extern char aS03d03dS000_0[]; // idb
516 extern char aS03d03dS000[]; // idb
517 extern char format_4E2DC8[8];
518 extern char aS[]; // idb
519 extern char aLuSLuS[]; // idb
520 extern char byte_4E2DE8; // idb
521 extern char asc_4E2DFC[3]; // idb
522 extern char format_4E2E00[2]; // idb
523 extern char format_4E2E10[28]; // weak
524 extern char aS100S_0[]; // idb
525 extern char aS100S[]; // idb
526 extern char aS100D[]; // idb
527 extern char aS180[6]; // idb
528 extern char format_4E2E68[28]; // weak
529 extern char aS_6[2]; // idb
530 extern char aSS_0[]; // idb
531 extern char aS_5[4]; // idb
532 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4E2EB8; // weak
533 extern char string_4E3294[8];
534 extern char Format[]; // idb
535 extern char aMem03i_txt[]; // idb
536 extern char aMemory[]; // idb
537 extern char aIdSSizeI[16]; // idb
538 extern __int16 word_4E3C66[]; // idb
539 extern int dword_4E455C; // weak
540 extern int dword_4E4560[6];
541 extern int dword_4E4578[6];
542 extern int dword_4E4590[6];
543 extern int dword_4E45A8[6];
544 extern char aDDSDDS[]; // idb
545 extern char asc_4E45DC[]; // idb
546 extern char aD02dSSDSD[]; // idb
547 extern char aButtexi1[]; // idb
548 extern char aCanTJumpToThat[]; // idb
549 extern char aNoMapFoundForS[]; // idb
550 extern char global_a2[]; // idb
551 extern char aSSS[]; // idb
552 extern char aNotInMapStats[17]; // weak
553 extern char aD47_blv[]; // idb
554 extern char aOut15_odm[]; // idb
555 extern char Delim[]; // idb
556 extern char aGamma_pcx[];
557 extern char aQuit1[]; // idb
558 extern char aControls1[]; // idb
559 extern char aSave1[]; // idb
560 extern char aLoad1[]; // idb
561 extern char aNew1[]; // idb
562 extern char aOptions[]; // idb
563 extern char aGammapos[9]; // weak
564 extern char aBloodsplats[]; // idb
565 extern char aTinting[]; // idb
566 extern char aColoredLights[]; // idb
567 extern char aTurndelta[]; // idb
568 extern char aFliponexit[]; // idb
569 extern char pKey[]; // idb
570 extern char aGraphicsmode[]; // idb
571 extern char aShowdamage[]; // idb
572 extern char aWalksound[]; // idb
573 extern char aCharvoices[]; // idb
574 extern char aMusicflag[]; // idb
575 extern char aSoundflag[]; // idb
576 extern char aOpvdgTn[]; // idb
577 extern char aOpvdgCl[]; // idb
578 extern char aOpvdgBs[]; // idb
579 extern char aOpvdhTn[]; // idb
580 extern char aOpvdhCl[]; // idb
581 extern char aOpvdhBs[]; // idb
582 extern char aOptvid[]; // idb
583 extern char aOptkb_2[]; // idb
584 extern char aOptkb_1[]; // idb
585 extern char aResume1[]; // idb
586 extern char aOptkb_h[]; // idb
587 extern char aOptkb[]; // idb
588 extern char aOption01[]; // idb
589 extern char aOption02[]; // idb
590 extern char aOption03[]; // idb
591 extern char aOption04[]; // idb
592 extern char aConvol90[]; // idb
593 extern char aConvol80[]; // idb
594 extern char aConvol70[]; // idb
595 extern char aConvol60[]; // idb
596 extern char aConvol50[]; // idb
597 extern char aConvol40[]; // idb
598 extern char aConvol30[]; // idb
599 extern char aConvol20[]; // idb
600 extern char aConvol10[]; // idb
601 extern char aConvol00[]; // idb
602 extern char aCon_smoo[]; // idb
603 extern char aCon_arrr[]; // idb
604 extern char aCon_arrl[]; // idb
605 extern char aCon_32x[]; // idb
606 extern char aCon_16x[]; // idb
607 extern char aControlbg[]; // idb
608 extern char aTitle_pcx[10]; // weak
609 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm_0[]; // idb
610 extern char aDraw_debug_lin[]; // idb
611 extern char aGenuineintel[13]; // weak
612 extern char asc_4E4938[13]; // weak
613 extern int dword_4E4948[]; // weak
614 extern int dword_4E494C[]; // weak
615 extern int dword_4E49D0[]; // weak
616 extern _UNKNOWN dword_4E49D4; // idb
617 extern int dword_4E4A18[]; // weak
618 extern int dword_4E4A1C[]; // weak
619 extern int dword_4E4A40[]; // weak
620 extern int dword_4E4A44[]; // weak
621 extern char aCentaurhauls[13]; // weak
622 extern char aCyrixinstead[13]; // weak
623 extern char aAuthenticamd[13]; // weak
624 extern float flt_4E4A80[10];
625 extern char aInvalidPlayerI[]; // idb
626 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm_1[]; // idb
627 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm_2[]; // idb
628 extern char aErrorNoKeyboar[25]; // weak
629 extern char aInvalidDeviceP[]; // idb
630 extern char aInvalidDevic_0[]; // idb
631 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm_3[]; // idb
632 extern char aErrorNoMouseFo[22]; // weak
633 extern int papredoll_4E4C28; // weak
634 extern int paperdoll_4E4C2C; // weak
635 extern int paperdoll_array_4E4E30[4][17][2];
636 extern int dword_4E5050[8];
637 extern int dword_4E5270[8];
638 extern int dword_4E5490[4][7][2];
639 extern int paredoll_array_4E54B8[3][14];
640 extern int paperdoll_array_4E5570[4][10][2];
641 extern int dword_4E56B0; // weak
642 extern int dword_4E56B4; // weak
643 extern int dword_4E57F0[4][7][2];
644 extern int dword_4E58D0[]; // weak
645 extern int dword_4E58D4[]; // weak
646 extern int dword_4E5AD0[]; // weak
647 extern int dword_4E5AD4[]; // weak
648 extern int dword_4E5AE0[8];
649 extern int pPaperdollLeftHand[8];
650 extern int pPaperdollRightHand[8];
651 extern int pPaperdollLeftEmptyHand[8];
652 extern int dword_4E5C1C[6];
653 extern int dword_4E5C34[6];
654 extern char aItem092v3[]; // idb
655 extern char aIbCd5D[]; // idb
656 extern char aAr_dn_dn[]; // idb
657 extern char aAr_dn_up[]; // idb
658 extern char aAr_up_dn[]; // idb
659 extern char aAr_up_up[]; // idb
660 extern char aItem281pc02d[]; // idb
661 extern char aPc02dbrd[]; // idb
662 extern char aPc23vDlhu[]; // idb
663 extern char aPc23vDlh[]; // idb
664 extern char aPc23vDrh[]; // idb
665 extern char aPc23vDlau[]; // idb
666 extern char aPc23vDlad[]; // idb
667 extern char aPc23vDbod[]; // idb
668 extern char aBackhand[]; // idb
669 extern char aBackdoll[]; // idb
670 extern char aMagnifB[]; // idb
671 extern char aItem3_3dvDa2[]; // idb
672 extern char aItem3_3dvDa1[15]; // weak
673 extern char aItem3_3dvD[13]; // weak
674 extern char aItem64v1[9]; // weak
675 extern char aEffpar01[]; // idb
676 extern int pPartySpellbuffsUI_XYs[14][2];
677 extern char byte_4E5DD8[]; // weak
678 extern unsigned __int8 pPartySpellbuffsUI_smthns[14];
679 extern char aSpell27[]; // idb
680 extern char aSpell21[]; // idb
681 extern char aIsn02d[]; // idb
682 extern char aBardataB[]; // idb
683 extern char aBardata[8]; // weak
684 extern char aBardataC[10]; // weak
685 extern char aLoadprog[]; // idb
686 extern char aLoadingD_pcx[]; // idb
687 extern int _4E5E50_transui_x; // idb
688 extern int dword_4E5EC8[]; // weak
689 extern int _4E5EE0_transui_y; // idb
690 extern const char *pHouse_ExitPictures[11];
691 extern char *_4E6BDC_loc_names[11];
692 extern char aOutside[]; // idb
693 extern char aMer[]; // idb
694 extern char aMir[]; // idb
695 extern char aSel[]; // idb
696 extern char aEle[]; // idb
697 extern char aDar[]; // idb
698 extern char aLig[]; // idb
699 extern char aBod[]; // idb
700 extern char aMin[]; // idb
701 extern char aSpi[]; // idb
702 extern char aEar[]; // idb
703 extern char aWat[]; // idb
704 extern char aAir[]; // idb
705 extern char aFir[]; // idb
706 extern char aBan[]; // idb
707 extern char aTav[]; // idb
708 extern char aTow[]; // idb
709 extern char aTra[]; // idb
710 extern char aTem[]; // idb
711 extern char aBoa[]; // idb
712 extern char aSta[]; // idb
713 extern char aAlc[]; // idb
714 extern char aMag[]; // idb
715 extern char aArm[]; // idb
716 extern char aWea[]; // idb
717 extern char asc_4E7BD4[2]; // idb
718 extern char a2devents_txt[]; // idb
719 extern char aFileSSizeLuBuf[]; // idb
720 extern char aGlobal_evt[]; // idb
721 extern char aMax_event_text[]; // idb
722 extern char aS_str[]; // idb
723 extern char aS_evt[]; // idb
724 extern char aNoMazeInfoForT[36]; // weak
725 extern char aC[]; // idb
726 extern char aB[3]; // weak
727 extern char aEvt02d[]; // idb
728 extern char aNoTransitionTe[]; // idb
729 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm_4[]; // idb
730 extern char asc_4E7CD4[]; // idb
731 extern char aSS_1[]; // idb
732 extern char aNpcIdExceedsMa[]; // idb
733 extern char aNpc03u[]; // idb
734 extern char aPcout01[]; // idb
735 extern char aArbiterEvil[]; // idb
736 extern char aArbiterGood[]; // idb
737 extern char a0[]; // idb
738 extern char aPartyStart[]; // idb
739 extern char aNorthStart[12]; // weak
740 extern char aSouthStart[12]; // weak
741 extern char aEastStart[11]; // weak
742 extern char aWestStart[11]; // weak
743 extern char aUnableToFindDo[]; // idb
744 extern char aNwc_blv[]; // idb
745 extern char aUnableToOpenS[]; // idb
746 extern char aInvalidStringP[]; // idb
747 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm_5[]; // idb
748 extern char aNull[]; // idb
749 extern char aInvalidStrin_0[]; // idb
750 extern char aSI[]; // idb
751 extern char aS7[4]; // weak
752 extern char aS6[]; // idb
753 extern char aS5[4]; // weak
754 extern char aS1[]; // idb
755 extern char aS3[4]; // weak
756 extern char aS0[]; // idb
757 extern char aS2[4]; // weak
758 extern char aS4[4]; // weak
759 extern char aUnableToSaveDs[]; // idb
760 extern char aDataDsft_bin[]; // idb
761 extern char aPFrames[]; // idb
762 extern char aEFrames[]; // idb
763 extern char aSFrames[]; // idb
764 extern char aMirror7[]; // idb
765 extern char aMirror6[]; // idb
766 extern char aMirror5[]; // idb
767 extern char aMirror4[]; // idb
768 extern char aMirror3[]; // idb
769 extern char aMirror2[]; // idb
770 extern char aMirror1[]; // idb
771 extern char aMirror0[]; // idb
772 extern char aLuminous[]; // idb
773 extern char a1[]; // idb
774 extern char aNew[]; // idb
775 extern char pMessag[]; // idb
776 extern char aCspriteframeta[]; // idb
777 extern char aR[]; // idb
778 extern char aNew_0[]; // idb
779 extern char aUnableToSaveDt[]; // idb
780 extern char aDataDtft_bin[]; // idb
781 extern char aTxtFrames[]; // idb
782 extern char aCtexturefram_1[]; // idb
783 extern char aCtexturefram_0[]; // idb
784 extern char aCtextureframet[]; // idb
785 extern int bWinNT4_0; // weak
786 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm_6[]; // idb
787 extern char aTheVisObjectPo[]; // idb
788 extern char aSpriteOutlineC[]; // idb
789 extern char aUndefinedCobje[]; // idb
790 extern char aEWorkMsdevMm_7[]; // idb
791 extern char aGammaControlNo[]; // idb
792 extern __int16 word_4E8152[11];
793 extern char byte_4E8168[116];
794 extern char aD3dTextureName[]; // idb
795 extern char aLogd3d_txt[]; // idb
796 extern char byte_4E8394[]; // weak
797 #include "Texture.h"
798 extern stru355 stru_4E82A4;// = {0x20, 0x41, 0, 0x20, 0xFF0000, 0xFF00, 0xFF, 0xFF000000};
799 extern stru355 stru_4EFCBC;// = {0x20, 0x41, 0, 0x10, 0x7C00, 0x3E0, 0x1F, 0x8000};
800 extern char byte_4E94D0; // weak
801 extern char _4E94D2_light_type; // weak
802 extern char byte_4E94D3; // weak
803 extern unsigned int saveload_dlg_xs[2];
804 extern unsigned int saveload_dlg_ys[2];
805 extern unsigned int saveload_dlg_zs[2];
806 extern unsigned int saveload_dlg_ws[2];
807 extern int dword_4E98BC_bApplicationActive; // weak
808 extern char *off_4EB080; // idb
809 extern char *pTransitionStrings[464];
810 extern char aAwards_txt[]; // idb
811 extern char aScroll_txt[]; // idb
812 extern char aMerchant_txt[]; // idb
813 extern char aTrans_txt[]; // idb
814 extern char aTeacher[]; // idb
815 extern char aObelisk[]; // idb
816 extern char aSeer[]; // idb
817 extern char aStat[]; // idb
818 extern char aPotion[]; // idb
819 extern char aAutonote_txt[]; // idb
820 extern char aQuests_txt[]; // idb
821 extern char aNpcdist_txt[]; // idb
822 extern char aNpctopic_txt[]; // idb
823 extern char aNpctext_txt[]; // idb
824 extern char aNpcnews_txt[]; // idb
825 extern char aNpcgroup_txt[]; // idb
826 extern char aNpcgreet_txt[]; // idb
827 extern char aNpcdata_txt[]; // idb
828 extern char aNpcprof_txt[]; // idb
829 extern char aNpcnames_txt[]; // idb
830 extern char aD3dVersionOfRe[]; // idb
831 extern char aEWorkMsdevM_16[]; // idb
832 extern char aLevels_0[]; // idb
833 extern char aDmap[]; // idb
834 extern char aAmap[]; // idb
835 extern char aTmap[]; // idb
836 extern char aHmap[]; // idb
837 extern int dword_4EC268[]; // weak
838 extern int dword_4EC28C[]; // weak
839 extern int dword_4EC2A8; // weak
840 extern int dword_4EC2AC; // weak
841 extern char aInvalidGroundT[]; // idb
842 extern char aInvalidSkyTexH[]; // idb
843 extern char aIdlist[]; // idb
844 extern char aOmap[]; // idb
845 extern char aCmap[]; // idb
846 extern char aMm6OutdoorV1_0[]; // idb
847 extern char aI6_odm[]; // idb
848 extern char aBlank[]; // idb
849 extern char aHm005[]; // idb
850 extern char aSky043[]; // idb
851 extern char aDefault_odm[]; // idb
852 extern char aPlansky3[]; // idb
853 extern char aPlanskyD[]; // idb
854 extern char a_ddm[5]; // weak
855 extern char aCanTLoadFile[]; // idb
856 extern char aEWorkMsdevM_17[]; // idb
857 extern char a_odm[]; // idb
858 extern char aUnableToFindSI[]; // idb
859 extern char aSpawn[]; // idb
860 extern char aBddata[]; // idb
861 extern char aTernorm[]; // idb
862 extern char aGrastyl[]; // idb
863 extern char aOut09_odm[]; // idb
864 extern char aNewedges[]; // idb
865 extern char aSurfs[]; // idb
866 extern char aEdges[]; // idb
867 extern char aSpans[]; // idb
868 extern char aTheTextureFram[]; // idb
869 extern char aEWorkMsdevM_18[]; // idb
870 extern char aWtrtyla[]; // idb
871 extern char aWtrtyl[]; // idb
872 extern char aUnableToSave_1[]; // idb
873 extern char aDataDtile_bin[]; // idb
874 extern char aTileDescrip[]; // idb
875 extern char aTtattr_transit[]; // idb
876 extern char aTtattr_nodraw[]; // idb
877 extern char aTtattr_wave[]; // idb
878 extern char aTtattr_flat[]; // idb
879 extern char aTtattr_repulse[]; // idb
880 extern char aTtattr_block[]; // idb
881 extern char aTtattr_water2[]; // idb
882 extern char aTtattr_water[]; // idb
883 extern char aTtattr_burn[]; // idb
884 extern char aTtsect_dnw[]; // idb
885 extern char aTtsect_dse[]; // idb
886 extern char aTtsect_dne[]; // idb
887 extern char aTtsect_dsw[]; // idb
888 extern char aTtsect_de[]; // idb
889 extern char aTtsect_dw[]; // idb
890 extern char aTtsect_ds[]; // idb
891 extern char aTtsect_dn[]; // idb
892 extern char aTtsect_wcap[]; // idb
893 extern char aTtsect_scap[]; // idb
894 extern char aTtsect_ecap[]; // idb
895 extern char aTtsect_ncap[]; // idb
896 extern char aTtsect_ew_s[]; // idb
897 extern char aTtsect_ew_n[]; // idb
898 extern char aTtsect_ns_w[]; // idb
899 extern char aTtsect_ns_e[]; // idb
900 extern char aTtsect_s_w[]; // idb
901 extern char aTtsect_s_e[]; // idb
902 extern char aTtsect_n_w[]; // idb
903 extern char aTtsect_n_e[]; // idb
904 extern char aTtsect_ew[]; // idb
905 extern char aTtsect_ns[]; // idb
906 extern char aTtsect_cros[]; // idb
907 extern char aTtsect_xsw1[]; // idb
908 extern char aTtsect_xse1[]; // idb
909 extern char aTtsect_xnw1[]; // idb
910 extern char aTtsect_xne1[]; // idb
911 extern char aTtsect_s1[]; // idb
912 extern char aTtsect_n1[]; // idb
913 extern char aTtsect_w1[]; // idb
914 extern char aTtsect_e1[]; // idb
915 extern char aTtsect_sw1[]; // idb
916 extern char aTtsect_se1[]; // idb
917 extern char aTtsect_nw1[]; // idb
918 extern char aTtsect_ne1[]; // idb
919 extern char aTtsect_speci_6[]; // idb
920 extern char aTtsect_speci_5[]; // idb
921 extern char aTtsect_speci_4[]; // idb
922 extern char aTtsect_speci_3[]; // idb
923 extern char aTtsect_speci_2[]; // idb
924 extern char aTtsect_speci_1[]; // idb
925 extern char aTtsect_speci_0[]; // idb
926 extern char aTtsect_special[]; // idb
927 extern char aTtsect_base4[]; // idb
928 extern char aTtsect_base3[]; // idb
929 extern char aTtsect_base2[]; // idb
930 extern char aTtsect_base1[]; // idb
931 extern char aTtsect_start[]; // idb
932 extern char aTtsect_null[]; // idb
933 extern char aTttype_roadcit[]; // idb
934 extern char aTttype_roads_2[]; // idb
935 extern char aTttype_roadsno[]; // idb
936 extern char aTttype_roadt_0[]; // idb
937 extern char aTttype_roadtro[]; // idb
938 extern char aTttype_roads_1[]; // idb
939 extern char aTttype_roadswa[]; // idb
940 extern char aTttype_roadv_0[]; // idb
941 extern char aTttype_roadvol[]; // idb
942 extern char aTttype_roads_0[]; // idb
943 extern char aTttype_roadsan[]; // idb
944 extern char aTttype_roadc_0[]; // idb
945 extern char aTttype_roadcra[]; // idb
946 extern char aTttype_roadg_0[]; // idb
947 extern char aTttype_roadgra[]; // idb
948 extern char aTttype_city[]; // idb
949 extern char aTttype_swamp[]; // idb
950 extern char aTttype_tropica[]; // idb
951 extern char aTttype_water[]; // idb
952 extern char aTttype_dirt[]; // idb
953 extern char aTttype_volcano[]; // idb
954 extern char aTttype_sand[]; // idb
955 extern char aTttype_snow[]; // idb
956 extern char aTttype_cracked[]; // idb
957 extern char aTttype_grass[]; // idb
958 extern char aTttype_start[]; // idb
959 extern char aTttype_null[]; // idb
960 extern char aTiletableLoadO[]; // idb
961 extern char aTiletableLoadU[]; // idb
962 extern char byte_4ECA93[]; // weak
963 extern char byte_4ECACF[]; // weak
964 extern char byte_4ECB0C[64]; // idb
965 extern char aError_0[]; // idb
966 extern char aCouldnTLoadMap[]; // idb
967 extern char aOut02d_odm[]; // idb
968 extern char aOut14_odm[]; // idb
969 extern char aOut[]; // idb
970 extern char aLunSun[]; // idb
971 extern char aLunfull[]; // idb
972 extern char aLun34[]; // idb
973 extern char aLun12[]; // idb
974 extern char aLun14[]; // idb
975 extern char aPal03i[]; // idb
976 extern const char *pPlayerPortraitsNames[25];
977 extern const char *dlad_texnames_by_face[25];
978 extern const char *dlau_texnames_by_face[25];
979 extern const char *dbod_texnames_by_face[25];
980 extern const char *drh_texnames_by_face[25];
981 extern const char *dlh_texnames_by_face[25];
982 extern const char *dlhu_texnames_by_face[25];
983 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4ED3D8; // weak
984 extern unsigned char byte_4ED498; // weak
985 extern __int16 pPlayerPortraitsXCoords_For_PlayerBuffAnimsDrawing[4];
986 extern char byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[32][37];
987 extern int dword_4EDEA0[]; // weak
988 extern int dword_4EDEB4[]; // weak
989 extern int dword_4EDEC4[]; // weak
990 extern __int16 word_4EDED8[]; // weak
991 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4EDF40; // weak
992 extern unsigned int pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsX[2];
993 extern unsigned int pHiredNPCsIconsOffsetsY[2];
994 extern int dword_4EE07C[2]; // weak
995 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4EE084; // weak
996 extern __int16 word_4EE088_sound_ids[]; // weak
997 extern short word_4EE150[];
998 extern int dword_4EED78; // weak
999 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4EED80; // weak
1000 extern int dword_4EFA80; // weak
1001 extern int dword_4EFA84; // weak
1002 extern void *off_4EFDB0; // weak
1003 extern int dword_4F031C[]; // weak
1004 extern const char *off_4F03B8[]; // idb
1005 extern __int16 word_4F03FE[]; // weak
1006 extern __int16 word_4F0400[]; // weak
1007 extern __int16 word_4F0498[]; // weak
1008 extern __int16 word_4F0576[]; // weak
1009 extern __int16 word_4F0578[]; // weak
1010 extern __int16 word_4F05AE[]; // weak
1011 extern char _4F063C_smthn_by_2da_uType[]; // weak
1012 extern __int16 word_4F063E[290];
1013 extern __int16 word_4F06D8[22];
1014 extern __int16 word_4F0704[40];
1015 extern __int16 word_4F0754[49];
1016 extern __int16 word_4F07B6[88];
1017 extern __int16 word_4F0866[14];
1018 extern __int16 _4F0882_evt_VAR_PlayerItemInHands_vals[53];
1019 extern int dword_4F08EC[]; // weak
1020 extern char byte_4F09B0[]; // weak
1021 extern char byte_4F09B1[]; // weak
1022 extern char byte_4F09B8[]; // weak
1023 extern int dword_4F09CC[192];
1024 extern char byte_4F0CCF[]; // weak
1025 extern char _4F0D38_TravelInfo[]; // weak
1026 extern int dword_4F0E10[32];
1027 extern Vec2_int_ pMonsterArenaPlacements[20];
1028 extern __int16 word_4F0F30[]; // weak
1029 extern char aS03d[]; // idb
1030 extern char byte_4F0F98; // idb
1031 extern char sz[]; // idb
1032 extern char aSSSSSS[]; // idb
1033 extern char aSDS[]; // idb
1034 extern char aSS_3[]; // idb
1035 extern char aSSSS[]; // idb
1036 extern char aS_2[]; // idb
1037 extern char aErrorlog_txt[]; // idb
1038 extern char aUnsupportedPix[]; // idb
1039 extern char aSmackerError[]; // idb
1040 extern char aCS[]; // idb
1041 extern char aAnimsMagic7_vi[]; // idb
1042 extern char aVideoFileError[]; // idb
1043 extern char aCanTOpenFileAn[]; // idb
1044 extern char aAnimsMight7_vi[]; // idb
1045 extern char aCanTLoadS[]; // idb
1046 extern char aS_smk[]; // idb
1047 extern char aUnsupportedBin[27]; // weak
1048 extern char aEWorkMsdevM_29[]; // idb
1049 extern char aFailedToOpenBl[]; // idb
1050 extern char aCanTAllocateMe[33]; // weak
1051 extern char aCanTLoadFileAn[]; // idb
1052 extern char aS_bik[]; // idb
1053 extern char aMm7_win_pcx[]; // idb
1054 extern char aLuSLuSLuS[]; // idb
1055 extern char aEndgame_fnt[]; // idb
1056 extern char aWinbg_pcx[10]; // weak
1057 extern char aDefaultCaseRea[]; // idb
1058 extern char aUnsupportedExc[71]; // weak
1059 extern char aEWorkMsdevM_30[]; // idb
1060 extern char aUndefinedTypeR[]; // idb
1061 extern char aUnknownPointer[]; // idb
1062 extern char a1_1_3[6]; // weak
1063 extern double dbl_4F2870; // weak
1064 extern int dword_4F288C; // weak
1065 extern double dbl_4F5372; // weak
1066 extern int dword_4F5428[]; // weak
1067 extern int dword_4F542C[]; // weak
1068 extern _UNKNOWN crtunk_4F54B8; // weak
1069 extern int dword_4F5B24_ys[]; // idb
1070 extern int dword_4F5BF4_xs[]; // idb
1071 extern int dword_4F5CC4_ys[]; // idb
1072 extern int dword_4F5D98_xs[]; // idb
1073 extern int ai_array_4F5E68[500];
1074 extern int ai_array_4F6638_actor_ids[500];
1075 extern int dword_4F6E08[500];
1076 extern int ai_arrays_size; // weak
1077 extern int ai_array_4F75E0[500];
1078 extern unsigned int ai_array_4F7DB0_actor_ids[500];
1079 extern int dword_4F8580[]; // weak
1080 extern int dword_4FA9B0[]; // weak
1081 extern int dword_4FA9B4[]; // weak
1082 extern char byte_4FAA00; // weak
1083 extern __int16 am_sounds[12];
1084 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4FAA20; // weak
1085 extern char byte_4FAA24; // weak
1086 extern HWND dword_4FAA28; // idb
1087 extern char byte_4FAA2C; // weak
1088 extern char byte_4FAA2D; // weak
1089 extern char byte_4FAA2E; // weak
1090 extern int amuint_4FAA34; // weak
1091 extern int amuint_4FAA38; // weak
1092 extern int amuint_4FAA3C_blt_xy[2];
1093 extern int am_uint_4FAA44_blt_xy[2];
1094 extern int amuint_4FAA4C; // weak
1095 extern unsigned int uCardID; // idb
1096 extern int amuint_4FAA54_blt_xy[2];
1097 extern int amuint_4FAA5C_blt_xy[2];
1098 extern int dword_4FAA64; // weak
1099 extern int dword_4FAA68; // weak
1100 extern int amuint_4FAA6C; // idb
1101 extern int dword_4FAA70; // weak
1102 extern char byte_4FAA74; // weak
1103 extern char am_byte_4FAA75; // weak
1104 extern char am_byte_4FAA76; // weak
1105 extern char am_byte_4FAA77; // weak
1106 extern int amuint_4FAA78[777]; // weak
1107 extern char am_byte_4FAA7C[777]; // weak
1108 extern int amuint_4FAA80[777]; // weak
1109 extern int amuint_4FAA84[777]; // weak
1110 extern int amuint_4FAA88[777]; // weak
1111 extern int amuint_4FAA8C[777]; // weak
1112 extern int amuint_4FAA90[777][2];
1113 extern int dword_4FABB8; // weak
1114 extern signed int dword_4FABBC; // idb
1115 extern unsigned int amuint_4FABC0; // idb
1116 extern int amuint_4FABC4; // weak
1117 extern int dword_4FABC8; // weak
1118 extern char byte_4FABD0[]; // weak
1119 extern char byte_4FABD1[]; // weak
1120 extern _UNKNOWN unk_4FABD4; // weak
1121 extern int dword_4FABD8[]; // weak
1122 extern int dword_4FABDC[]; // weak
1123 extern int dword_4FABE0[]; // weak
1124 extern int dword_4FABE4[]; // weak
1125 extern int dword_4FABE8[]; // weak
1126 extern int dword_4FABEC[]; // weak
1127 extern int dword_4FABF0[]; // weak
1128 extern int dword_4FABF4[]; // weak
1129 extern int dword_4FABF8[]; // weak
1130 extern int dword_4FABFC[]; // weak
1131 extern int dword_4FAC00[]; // weak
1132 extern int dword_4FAC04[]; // weak
1133 extern int dword_4FAC08[]; // weak
1134 extern int dword_4FAC0C[]; // weak
1135 extern _UNKNOWN unk_5052C8; // weak
1136 extern int dword_505314[]; // weak
1137 extern char byte_5054C8[32]; // idb
1138 extern char byte_5054E8[108];
1139 extern int dword_505554[]; // weak
1140 extern _UNKNOWN unk_505704; // weak
1141 extern char byte_505880; // weak
1142 extern char byte_505881; // weak
1143 extern int amuint_505884; // weak
1144 extern int amuint_505888; // weak
1145 extern int amuint_50588C; // weak
1146 extern int dword_505890; // weak
1147 extern unsigned int pSRZBufferLineOffsets[480];
1148 extern int areWeLoadingTexture; // weak
1149 extern char byte_506130[]; // weak
1150 extern int dword_506338; // weak
1151 extern int dword_50633C; // idb
1152 extern signed int sRecoveryTime; // idb
1153 extern unsigned int uRequiredMana; // idb
1154 extern int _506348_current_lloyd_playerid; // weak
1155 extern __int64 qword_506350; // weak
1156 extern char byte_506360; // weak
1157 extern int dword_506364; // weak
1158 extern int dword_506408[]; // weak
1159 extern int dword_50640C[]; // weak
1160 extern unsigned int uTextureID_506438;
1161 extern int dword_50651C; // weak
1162 extern int dword_506520; // weak
1163 extern int dword_506524; // weak
1164 extern int dword_506528; // weak
1165 extern int dword_50652C; // weak
1166 extern int dword_506530; // weak
1167 extern int dword_506534; // weak
1168 extern int dword_506538; // weak
1169 extern int dword_50653C; // weak
1170 extern int dword_506540; // weak
1171 extern int dword_506544; // weak
1172 extern int dword_506548; // weak
1173 extern int dword_50654C; // weak
1174 extern char byte_506550; // weak
1175 extern char *aMoonPhaseNames[5];
1176 extern int dword_506568; // weak
1177 extern char bRecallingBeacon; // weak
1178 extern int uLastPointedObjectID; // weak
1179 //extern unsigned __int8 bMonsterInfoUI_bDollInitialized;
1180 extern char *aSpellNames[44];
1181 extern int dword_506978; // weak
1182 extern char byte_50697C; // weak
1183 extern int dword_506980; // weak
1184 extern int dword_506984; // weak
1185 extern int dword_506988; // weak
1186 extern int dword_50698C; // weak
1187 extern int dword_506E68; // weak
1188 extern __int16 word_506E6C[18]; // weak
1189 extern unsigned int pPrevVirtualCidesMapping[27];
1190 extern int dword_506F08; // weak
1191 extern int dword_506F0C[]; // idb
1192 extern int uRestUI_FoodRequiredToRest;
1193 extern int dword_506F14; // weak
1194 extern int _506F18_num_hours_to_sleep; // weak
1195 extern int dword_506F1C; // weak
1196 extern int pVisibleWindowsIdxs[20]; // weak
1197 extern int uNumVisibleWindows;
1198 extern char bFlashHistoryBook; // weak
1199 extern char bFlashAutonotesBook; // weak
1200 extern char bFlashQuestBook; // weak
1201 extern int dword_507960; // weak
1202 extern int dword_507964; // weak
1203 extern int dword_507968; // weak
1204 extern int dword_50796C; // weak
1205 extern int dword_507974; // weak
1206 extern int dword_5079B4; // weak
1207 extern int dword_5079C8; // weak
1208 extern int dword_5079CC; // weak
1209 extern int dword_5079D0; // weak
1210 extern int dword_5079D8; // weak
1211 extern struct GUIButton *dword_507A14; // idb
1212 extern struct GUIButton *dword_507A18; // idb
1213 extern unsigned int uGameUIFontShadow;
1214 extern unsigned int uGameUIFontMain;
1215 extern int dword_507B00_spell_info_to_draw_in_popup; // weak
1216 extern char *aMonthNames[12];
1217 extern char *aDayNames[7];
1218 extern char *aSpellSchoolNames[9];
1219 extern char *aAttributeNames[7];
1220 extern int dword_507B94; // weak
1221 extern int dword_507B98_ctrl_pressed; // weak
1222 extern unsigned int uActiveCharacter;
1223 extern int dword_507BF0_is_there_popup_onscreen; // weak
1224 extern int dword_507C08; // weak
1225 extern int dword_507C0C; // weak
1226 extern int dword_507CBC; // weak
1227 extern int dword_507CC0; // weak
1228 extern __int64 qword_507CC8; // weak
1229 extern int _507CD4_RestUI_hourglass_anim_controller; // weak
1230 extern int dword_507CD8; // weak
1231 extern int dword_50B570[]; // weak
1232 extern int dword_50B638[]; // weak
1233 extern int dword_50B700; // weak
1234 extern int dword_50B738[]; // idb
1235 extern int _50B744_view_transformed_ys[43];
1236 extern int dword_50B828[];
1237 extern int _50B834_view_transformed_zs[43];
1238 extern int dword_50B918[];
1239 extern int _50B924_view_transformed_xs[43];
1240 extern int unk_50B9D4[]; // idb
1241 extern int dword_50B9D8_ys[];
1242 extern int dword_50B9E0_ys[]; // idb
1243 extern int dword_50B9EC[]; // idb
1244 extern int dword_50B9F0[2]; // idb
1245 extern int dword_50BAE8_xs[];
1246 extern int dword_50BAF4_xs[];
1247 extern int dword_50B9F8[]; // idb
1248 extern int dword_50BA08[]; // idb
1249 extern int dword_50BAC4[]; // weak
1250 extern int dword_50BAC8[]; // idb
1251 extern int dword_50BAD0[]; // weak
1252 extern int dword_50BAD4[]; // weak
1253 extern int dword_50BADC_xs[]; // weak
1254 extern int dword_50BAE0[]; // weak
1255 extern int dword_50BAE8[]; // weak
1256 extern int dword_50BAEC_xs[]; // weak
1257 extern int dword_50BAF4[]; // weak
1258 extern int dword_50BAF8_xs[]; // weak
1259 extern int dword_50BC10[]; // weak
1260 extern int dword_50BDA0[]; // weak
1261 extern int dword_50BF30[]; // weak
1262 extern char byte_50C0C0; // weak
1263 extern int some_active_character; // weak
1264 extern _UNKNOWN unk_50C190; // weak
1265 extern int dword_50C968; // weak
1266 extern unsigned int pIconIDs_Turn[5];
1267 extern unsigned int uIconID_TurnStop;
1268 extern unsigned int uIconID_TurnHour;
1269 extern int uIconID_CharacterFrame; // idb
1270 extern int dword_50C98C; // weak
1271 extern unsigned int uIconID_TurnStart;
1272 extern int dword_50C994; // weak
1273 extern int dword_50C998_turnbased_icon_1A; // weak
1274 extern int uSpriteID_Spell11; // idb
1275 extern _UNKNOWN unk_50C9A0; // weak
1276 extern int dword_50C9A8; // weak
1277 extern int dword_50C9AC; // weak
1278 extern int dword_50C9D0; // weak
1279 extern int dword_50C9D4; // weak
1280 extern int dword_50C9D8; // weak
1281 extern int dword_50C9DC; // weak
1282 extern struct NPCData *ptr_50C9E0;
1283 extern int dword_50C9E8; // idb
1284 extern int dword_50C9EC[]; // weak
1285 extern int dword_50C9F0[120]; // idb
1286 extern int dword_50CDC8; // weak
1287 extern int dword_50CDCC; // weak
1288 extern int bProcessorIsNotIntel; // weak
1289 extern Vec3_int_ layingitem_vel_50FDFC;
1290 extern char pStartingMapName[]; // idb
1291 extern unsigned __int8 IsPlayerWearingWatersuit[5];
1292 extern char byte_5111C0[54];
1293 extern char byte_5111F6[18];
1294 extern unsigned int papredoll_dbrds[16];
1295 extern unsigned int papredoll_drhs[4];
1296 extern unsigned int papredoll_dlhus[4];
1297 extern unsigned int papredoll_dlhs[4];
1298 extern unsigned int papredoll_dbods[5];
1299 extern int paperdoll_array_511290[4][17][3];
1300 extern unsigned int papredoll_dlaus[5];
1301 extern unsigned int papredoll_dlads[4];
1302 extern int papredoll_flying_feet[]; // idb
1303 extern int dword_511638[4][6];
1304 extern int dword_511788[]; // weak
1305 extern int dword_51179C; // weak
1306 extern int dword_5117A0; // weak
1307 extern int dword_5117A4; // weak
1308 extern int dword_5117A8; // weak
1309 extern int dword_5117AC; // weak
1310 extern int paperdoll_array_511828[4][10];
1311 extern int bRingsShownInCharScreen; // weak
1312 extern int _unused000; // weak
1314 extern unsigned __int16 _56EFD8_minimap[117][137];
1315 extern unsigned int uNumBlueFacesInBLVMinimap;
1316 extern unsigned __int16 pBlueFacesInBLVMinimapIDs[50];
1317 extern int pTextureIDs_isns[14];
1318 extern unsigned int uIconIdx_Spell21;
1319 extern unsigned int uIconIdx_Spell27;
1320 extern int dword_576E28; // weak
1321 extern int dword_576E2C; // weak
1322 extern __int64 _5773B8_event_timer; // weak
1323 extern int dword_5773C0; // weak
1325 extern int dword_591080; // weak
1326 extern int dword_591084; // weak
1327 extern struct Actor *pDialogue_SpeakingActor;
1328 extern unsigned int uDialogueType;
1329 extern unsigned int uDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID;
1330 extern struct LevelDecoration *_591094_decoration;
1331 extern char byte_591098[200]; // idb
1332 extern int uCurrentHouse_Animation; // weak
1333 extern char *dword_591164_teleport_map_name; // idb
1334 extern int dword_591168_teleport_speedz; // weak
1335 extern int dword_59116C_teleport_directionx; // weak
1336 extern int dword_591170_teleport_directiony; // weak
1337 extern int dword_591174_teleportz; // weak
1338 extern int dword_591178_teleporty; // weak
1339 extern int dword_59117C_teleportx; // weak
1340 extern char byte_591180[600]; // idb
1341 extern struct NPCData *array_5913D8[12];
1342 extern struct Texture *pDialogueNPCPortraits[6];
1343 extern int uNumDialogueNPCPortraits; // weak
1344 extern struct Texture *pTexture_591428;
1345 extern struct Texture *pTexture_outside; // idb
1346 extern struct Texture *pTexture_Dialogue_Background;
1347 extern _UNKNOWN unk_597F10; // weak
1348 extern int dword_597F18; // weak
1349 extern char byte_5B0938[2000];
1350 extern int dword_5B5920; // weak
1351 extern int dword_5B5924; // weak
1352 extern int _5B65A8_npcdata_uflags_or_other; // weak
1353 extern int _5B65AC_npcdata_fame_or_other; // weak
1354 extern int _5B65B0_npcdata_rep_or_other; // weak
1355 extern int _5B65B4_npcdata_loword_house_or_other; // weak
1356 extern int _5B65B8_npcdata_hiword_house_or_other; // weak
1357 extern int dword_5B65BC; // weak
1358 extern int dword_5B65C0; // weak
1359 extern int dword_5B65C4; // weak
1360 extern int dword_5B65C8; // weak
1361 extern int dword_5B65CC; // weak
1362 extern int dword_5B65D0_dialogue_actor_npc_id; // weak
1363 extern int dword_5C3418; // weak
1364 extern int dword_5C341C; // weak
1365 extern char byte_5C3427[]; // weak
1366 extern char GameUI_StatusBar_TimedString[200];
1367 extern char pStatusBarString[200];
1368 extern unsigned int GameUI_StatusBar_TimedStringTimeLeft;
1369 extern int bForceDrawStatusBar; // weak
1370 extern int dword_5C35C0; // weak
1371 extern int bDialogueUI_InitializeActor_NPC_ID; // weak
1372 extern int dword_5C35C8; // weak
1373 extern char *p2DEventsTXT_Raw;
1374 extern int uHouse_ExitPic; // weak
1375 extern int dword_5C35D4; // weak
1376 extern char *aAMPMNames[2];
1377 extern char byte_5C45AF[]; // weak
1378 extern char pTmpBuf3[2048];
1379 extern char pFinalMessage[4096]; // idb
1380 extern char pTmpBuf[2000];
1381 extern char pTmpBuf2[2000];
1382 extern char byte_5C6D50[]; // weak
1383 extern int ui_current_text_color; // weak
1384 extern __int64 qword_5C6DF0; // weak
1385 extern int dword_5C6DF8; // weak
1386 extern char item__getname_buffer[104]; // idb
1387 extern char *pClassDescriptions[36];
1388 extern char *pAttributeDescriptions[7];
1389 extern char *pGrandSkillDesc[38];
1390 extern char *pMasterSkillDesc[38];
1391 extern char *pExpertSkillDesc[38];
1392 extern char *pNormalSkillDesc[38];
1393 extern char *pSkillDesc[38];
1394 extern char *pHealthPointsAttributeDescription;
1395 extern char *pSpellPointsAttributeDescription;
1396 extern char *pArmourClassAttributeDescription;
1397 extern char *pPlayerConditionAttributeDescription; // idb
1398 extern char *pFastSpellAttributeDescription;
1399 extern char *pPlayerAgeAttributeDescription;
1400 extern char *pPlayerLevelAttributeDescription;
1401 extern char *pPlayerExperienceAttributeDescription;
1402 extern char *pAttackBonusAttributeDescription;
1403 extern char *pAttackDamageAttributeDescription;
1404 extern char *pMissleBonusAttributeDescription;
1405 extern char *pMissleDamageAttributeDescription;
1406 extern char *pFireResistanceAttributeDescription;
1407 extern char *pAirResistanceAttributeDescription;
1408 extern char *pWaterResistanceAttributeDescription;
1409 extern char *pEarthResistanceAttributeDescription;
1410 extern char *pMindResistanceAttributeDescription;
1411 extern char *pBodyResistanceAttributeDescription;
1412 extern char *pSkillPointsAttributeDescription;
1413 extern char *pClassTXT_Raw;
1414 extern char *pStatsTXT_Raw;
1415 extern char *pSkillDescTXT_Raw;
1416 extern struct StorylineText *pStorylineText;
1417 extern struct FactionTable *pFactionTable;
1418 extern char byte_5C8D1A[]; // weak
1419 extern char *pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[677];
1420 extern char byte_5E4C15[]; // weak
1421 extern char *pSomeItemsNames[14];
1422 extern char *pGlobalTXT_Raw;
1423 extern char *pMonstersTXT_Raw;
1424 extern char *pMonsterPlacementTXT_Raw;
1425 extern char *pSpellsTXT_Raw;
1426 extern char *pMapStatsTXT_Raw;
1427 extern char *pHostileTXT_Raw;
1428 extern char *pPotionsTXT_Raw;
1429 extern char *pPotionNotesTXT_Raw;
1430 extern char *pHistoryTXT_Raw;
1431 extern int _6807B8_level_decorations_ids[]; // idb
1432 extern int _6807E0_num_decorations_with_sounds_6807B8; // weak
1433 extern int _6807E8_level_decorations_ids[]; // idb
1434 extern int _6836C8_num_decorations_6807E8; // weak
1435 extern int dword_69B010[64];
1436 extern float flt_69B138_dist; // weak
1437 extern char byte_69BD41_unused; // weak
1438 extern unsigned int uTextureID_x_u;
1439 extern unsigned int uTextureID_LS_saveU;
1440 extern unsigned int uTextureID_LS_loadU;
1441 extern unsigned int uTextureID_AR_DN_DN;
1442 extern unsigned int uTextureID_AR_UP_DN;
1443 extern unsigned int uTextureID_LS_;
1444 extern unsigned int uTextureID_x_d;
1445 extern unsigned int uTextureID_save_up;
1446 extern unsigned int uTextureID_load_up;
1447 extern unsigned int uTextureID_loadsave;
1448 extern _UNKNOWN _69FBB4_ptr_iterator_end; // weak
1449 extern _UNKNOWN unk_6A0758; // weak
1450 extern int dword_6A0C9C; // weak
1451 extern unsigned int uLoadGameUI_SelectedSlot;
1452 extern HWND hInsertCDWindow; // idb
1453 extern int uCPUSpeed; // weak
1454 extern char cMM7GameCDDriveLetter; // idb
1455 extern void *ptr_6A0D08;
1456 extern int _6A0D0C_txt_lod_loading; // weak
1457 extern int _6A0D10_txt_lod_loading__unused; // weak
1458 extern enum MENU_STATE uCurrentMenuID;
1459 extern unsigned int uGameState;
1460 extern int uDefaultTravelTime_ByFoot; // weak
1461 extern int day_attrib; // weak
1462 extern int day_fogrange_1; // weak
1463 extern int day_fogrange_2; // weak
1464 extern struct TileTable *pTileTable; // idb
1465 extern int texmapping_terrain_subdivsize; // weak
1466 extern int texmapping_terrain_subdivpow2; // weak
1467 extern int texmapping_building_subdivsize; // weak
1468 extern int texmapping_building_subdivpow2; // weak
1469 extern int unnamed_6BE060[2];
1470 extern int mipmapping_building_mm1; // weak
1471 extern int mipmapping_building_mm2; // weak
1472 extern int mipmapping_building_mm3; // weak
1473 extern int mipmapping_terrain_mm1; // weak
1474 extern int mipmapping_terrain_mm2; // weak
1475 extern int mipmapping_terrain_mm3; // weak
1476 extern int outdoor_grid_band_1; // idb
1477 extern int outdoor_grid_band_2; // idb
1478 extern int outdoor_grid_band_3; // idb
1479 extern char outdoor_day_top_r; // weak
1480 extern char outdoor_day_top_g; // weak
1481 extern char outdoor_day_top_b; // weak
1482 extern char outdoor_day_bottom_r; // weak
1483 extern char outdoor_day_bottom_g; // weak
1484 extern char outdoor_day_bottom_b; // weak
1485 extern char outdoor_night_top_r; // weak
1486 extern char outdoor_night_top_g; // weak
1487 extern char outdoor_night_top_b; // weak
1488 extern char outdoor_night_bottom_r; // weak
1489 extern char outdoor_night_bottom_g; // weak
1490 extern char outdoor_night_bottom_b; // weak
1491 extern char pDefaultSkyTexture[]; // idb
1492 extern char byte_6BE124_cfg_textures_DefaultGroundTexture[16]; // idb
1493 extern int _6BE134_odm_main_tile_group; // weak
1494 extern int dword_6BE138; // weak
1495 extern int dword_6BE13C_uCurrentlyLoadedLocationID; // weak
1496 extern float fWalkSpeedMultiplier; // weak
1497 extern float fBackwardWalkSpeedMultiplier; // weak
1498 extern float fTurnSpeedMultiplier; // weak
1499 extern float flt_6BE150_look_up_down_dangle; // weak
1500 //extern char pMM7WindowClassName[]; // idb
1501 //extern HINSTANCE hInstance; // idb
1502 //extern char *pCmdLine;
1503 extern HWND hWnd; // idb
1504 extern int uWindowWidth; // idb
1505 extern int uWindowHeight; // idb
1506 extern int uWindowX; // idb
1507 extern int uWindowY; // idb
1508 extern LONG uWindowStyle; // idb
1509 extern HMENU hOSMenu; // idb
1510 extern int dword_6BE340; // weak
1511 extern char pCurrentMapName[20]; // idb
1512 extern unsigned int uLevelMapStatsID;
1513 extern int uLevel_StartingPointType; // weak
1514 extern int dword_6BE364_game_settings_1; // weak
1515 extern int dword_6BE368_debug_settings_2; // weak
1516 extern unsigned __int8 bUseLoResSprites;
1517 extern unsigned __int8 bUseRegistry;
1518 extern unsigned __int8 bCanLoadFromCD;
1519 extern int bShowDamage; // idb
1520 extern unsigned int bAlwaysRun;
1521 extern unsigned int bFlipOnExit;
1522 extern int dword_6BE384_2dacceloff; // weak
1523 extern char byte_6BE388_graphicsmode; // weak
1524 extern unsigned int uTurnSpeed;
1525 extern float flt_6BE3A0; // weak
1526 extern float flt_6BE3A4_debug_recmod1;
1527 extern float flt_6BE3A8_debug_recmod2;
1528 extern float flt_6BE3AC_debug_recmod1_x_1_6;
1529 extern char byte_6BE3B0[20]; // idb
1530 extern char bUnderwater; // weak
1531 extern char bNoNPCHiring; // weak
1532 extern int _702AC0_unused; // weak
1533 extern int _702AC4_unused; // weak
1534 extern char _702ACC_unused; // weak
1535 extern int bDebugResouces; // weak
1536 extern unsigned int bNoVideo;
1537 extern bool bNoIntro;
1538 extern bool bNoLogo;
1539 extern bool bNoCD;
1540 extern bool bNoSound;
1541 extern int aborting_app; // weak
1542 extern int dword_720020_zvalues[100];
1543 extern int dword_7201B0_zvalues[299];
1544 extern int dword_72065C[]; // weak
1545 extern int dword_720660[]; // idb
1546 extern int dword_7207EC[]; // weak
1547 extern int dword_7207F0[]; // idb
1548 extern int uTextureID_720980; // weak
1549 extern int _720984_unused; // weak
1550 extern char _72098C_unused; // weak
1551 extern __int16 word_7209A0_intercepts_ys_plus_ys[104];
1552 extern __int16 word_720A70_intercepts_xs_plus_xs[104];
1553 extern __int16 word_720B40_intercepts_zs[104];
1554 extern __int16 word_720C10_intercepts_xs[102];
1555 extern int dword_720CDC;
1556 extern __int16 word_720CE0_ys[]; // idb
1557 extern __int16 word_720DB0_xs[]; // idb
1558 extern int dword_720E80[20];
1559 extern int dword_720ED0[20];
1560 extern int dword_720F20[20];
1561 extern __int16 word_720F70[]; // idb
1562 extern __int16 word_721040[]; // idb
1563 extern int dword_721110[]; // idb
1564 extern int dword_721160[]; // idb
1565 extern int dword_7211B0[]; // idb
1566 extern int dword_721200[]; // idb
1567 extern int dword_7212C8[]; // idb
1568 extern __int16 word_721390[]; // idb
1569 extern __int16 word_721460[]; // idb
1570 extern int blv_prev_party_x; // weak
1571 extern int blv_prev_party_z; // weak
1572 extern int blv_prev_party_y; // weak
1573 extern char *dword_721660; // idb
1574 extern char *dword_721664; // idb
1575 extern char *dword_722F10; // idb
1576 extern const char *pQuestTable[512];
1577 extern _UNKNOWN unk_723714; // weak
1578 extern char *dword_723718_autonote_related; // idb
1579 extern int dword_72371C[]; // weak
1580 extern const char *pScrolls[82];
1581 extern int dword_723E80_award_related[]; // weak
1582 extern int dword_723E84[]; // weak
1583 extern int dword_7241C8; // weak
1584 extern struct NPCStats *pNPCStats;
1585 extern char *aNPCProfessionNames[59];
1586 extern char *pAwardsTXT_Raw;
1587 extern char *pScrollsTXT_Raw;
1588 extern char *pMerchantsTXT_Raw;
1589 extern const char *pMerchantsBuyPhrases[7];
1590 extern const char *pMerchantsSellPhrases[7];
1591 extern const char *pMerchantsRepairPhrases[7];
1592 extern const char *pMerchantsIdentifyPhrases[7];
1593 extern char *pTransitionsTXT_Raw;
1594 extern char *pAutonoteTXT_Raw;
1595 extern char *pQuestsTXT_Raw;
1596 extern unsigned int uNumTerrainNormals;
1597 extern int pTerrainSomeOtherData[32768];
1598 extern unsigned __int16 pTerrainNormalIndices[32768];
1599 extern struct Vec3_float_ *pTerrainNormals;
1600 extern int dword_76D518_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_y; // weak
1601 extern int dword_76D51C_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_y; // weak
1602 extern int dword_76D520_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_y; // weak
1603 extern int dword_76D524_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_y; // weak
1604 extern int dword_76D528_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_z; // weak
1605 extern int dword_76D52C_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_z; // weak
1606 extern int dword_76D530_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_z; // weak
1607 extern int dword_76D534_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_z; // weak
1608 extern int dword_76D538_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_x; // weak
1609 extern int dword_76D53C_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_x; // weak
1610 extern int dword_76D540_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_x; // weak
1611 extern int dword_76D544_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_x; // weak
1612 extern int dword_76D548_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_y; // weak
1613 extern int dword_76D54C_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_y; // weak
1614 extern int dword_76D550_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_y; // weak
1615 extern int dword_76D554_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_y; // weak
1616 extern int dword_76D558_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_z; // weak
1617 extern int dword_76D55C_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_z; // weak
1618 extern int dword_76D560_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_z; // weak
1619 extern int dword_76D564_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_z; // weak
1620 extern int dword_76D568_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_x; // weak
1621 extern int dword_76D56C_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_x; // weak
1622 extern int dword_76D570_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_x; // weak
1623 extern int dword_76D574_terrain_cell_world_pos_around_party_x; // weak
1624 extern int terrain_76D5C8[128];
1625 extern int terrain_76D7C8[128];
1626 extern int terrain_76D9C8[128];
1627 extern int terrain_76DBC8[128];
1628 extern int terrain_76DDC8[128];
1629 extern int terrain_76DFC8[128];
1630 extern int terrain_76E1C8[128];
1631 extern int terrain_76E3C8[128];
1632 extern _UNKNOWN unk_801A00; // weak
1633 extern _UNKNOWN unk_801A0C; // weak
1634 extern char byte_80AA10; // weak
1635 extern int dword_80AA14; // weak
1636 extern int dword_80AA18; // weak
1637 extern int dword_80AA1C; // weak
1638 extern int dword_80AA20; // weak
1639 extern unsigned int uNumElementsIn80AA28;
1640 extern struct stru148 *ptr_80AA28[2000];
1641 extern struct Edge *pNewEdges;
1642 extern struct Surf *pSurfs;
1643 extern struct Edge *pEdges;
1644 extern struct Span *pSpans;
1645 extern struct Edge *ptr_80C978_Edges;
1646 extern struct Surf *ptr_80C97C_Surfs;
1647 extern struct Edge *ptr_80CA10[480];
1648 extern _UNKNOWN unk_80D190; // weak
1649 extern int dword_A74C88; // weak
1650 extern unsigned int uPlayerCreationUI_SkySliderPos;
1651 extern int uPlayerCreationUI_ArrowAnim;
1652 extern unsigned int uPlayerCreationUI_SelectedCharacter;
1653 extern int dword_A74CDC; // weak
1654 extern struct Texture *pTexture_PlayerFaceMask;
1655 extern struct Texture *pTexture_PlayerFaceEradicated;
1656 extern struct Texture *pTexture_PlayerFaceDead;
1657 extern struct Texture *pTextures_PlayerFaces[4][56];
1658 extern int dword_A75070; // weak
1659 extern struct Player *pPlayers[5];
1660 extern __int64 qword_A750D8; // weak
1661 extern __int16 word_A750E0; // weak
1662 extern __int16 word_A750E2; // weak
1663 extern char *pClassNames[36];
1664 extern char *aCharacterConditionNames[19];
1665 extern char *pSkillNames[38];
1666 extern char byte_AE3368[]; // weak
1667 extern char byte_AE3369; // weak
1668 extern char byte_AE336A; // weak
1669 extern char byte_AE336B; // weak
1670 extern int dword_AE336C; // weak
1671 extern int dword_AE3370; // weak
1672 extern char byte_AE5B91; // weak
1673 extern int dword_F1B430[32]; // weak
1674 extern int dword_F8B144; // idb
1675 extern char byte_F8B148[16];
1676 extern __int16 word_F8B158[]; // weak
1677 extern struct Texture *dword_F8B164; // idb
1678 extern struct Texture *dword_F8B168[12];
1679 extern int dword_F8B198; // weak
1680 extern int dword_F8B19C; // weak
1681 extern __int16 word_F8B1A0; // weak
1682 extern const char *dword_F8B1A4; // idb
1683 extern int dword_F8B1A8; // weak
1684 extern int dword_F8B1AC_something_todo_with_awards; // idb
1685 extern int dword_F8B1B0; // weak
1686 extern int dword_F8B1B4; // weak
1687 extern char *pShopOptions[4];
1688 extern _UNKNOWN unk_F8B1C8; // weak
1689 extern int dword_F8B1D8; // weak
1690 extern int dword_F8B1DC; // weak
1691 extern int dword_F8B1E0; // weak
1692 extern int dword_F8B1E4; // weak
1693 extern const char *ptr_F8B1E8; // idb
1694 extern char byte_F8B1EC; // weak
1695 extern char byte_F8B1EF[]; // weak
1696 extern char byte_F8B1F0[4];
1697 extern int dword_F8B1F4; // weak
1698 extern _UNKNOWN unk_F8B1F8; // weak
1699 extern _UNKNOWN unk_F8B5E0; // weak
1700 extern struct FrameTableTxtLine stru_F8B5E8; // weak
1701 extern _UNKNOWN unk_F8B668; // weak
1702 extern _UNKNOWN unk_F8BA50; // weak
1703 extern char byte_F8BC0C; // weak
1704 extern int bGameoverLoop; // weak
1705 extern __int16 word_F8BC48_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_a; // idb
1706 extern __int16 word_F8BD18_displaced_face_intersect_plane_coords_b; // idb
1707 //extern _UNKNOWN unk_F8EA04; // weak
1708 //extern _UNKNOWN unk_F8F8F8; // weak
1709 extern int dword_F93F20; // weak
1710 extern int dword_F93F70; // weak
1712 //extern int crt_F94004; // weak
1713 //extern int crtdword_F9400C; // weak
1714 extern FARPROC lpfn; // idb
1715 //extern int crt_F944EC; // weak
1716 //extern int crtdword_F944F0; // weak
1717 //extern void *crt_F944F4; // idb
1718 //extern int crtdword_F944F8; // weak
1719 //extern LPVOID crt_lpMem; // idb
1720 //extern int crt_F94500; // weak
1721 //extern HANDLE crt_hHeap; // idb
1722 //extern int crt_F94508; // weak
1737 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
1738 // Function declarations
1740 #define __thiscall __cdecl // Test compile in C mode
1742 void __stdcall mm7__vector_constructor(void *a1, int objSize, int numObjs, int (__thiscall *constructor)(int));
1743 int __cdecl ODM_4014E6_AI();
1744 int __cdecl BLV_4016FA_AI();
1745 void __cdecl sub_401A91_AI();
1746 bool __fastcall sub_4070EF_prolly_collide_objects(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uObj2ID);
1747 bool __fastcall sub_4075DB(int a1, int a2, int a3, struct BLVFace *a4);
1748 bool __fastcall sub_4077F1(int a1, int a2, int a3, struct ODMFace *a4, struct BSPVertexBuffer *a5);
1749 bool __fastcall sub_407A1C(int x, int z, int y, struct Vec3_int_ v); // idb
1750 void InitializeActors();
1751 void InitializeLayingItems();
1752 int __fastcall sub_4088E9(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6);
1753 unsigned int __thiscall SearchAliveActors(unsigned int *pTotalActors);
1754 unsigned int __fastcall SearchActorByMonsterID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, int uMonsterID);
1755 unsigned int __fastcall SearchActorByGroup(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int uGroup);
1756 unsigned int __fastcall SearchActorByID(unsigned int *pTotalActors, unsigned int a2);
1757 // char __usercall am_408BB4<al>(int a1<ecx>, int a2<ebp>);
1758 void __cdecl sub_409BE8();
1759 void __cdecl PrepareArcomage();
1760 char __cdecl am_409FE9();
1761 char __cdecl am_40A198();
1762 int __fastcall am_40A255(int a1, int a2);
1763 int __fastcall am_40A283(int a1, int a2);
1764 signed int __fastcall am_40A324(int a1);
1765 int __fastcall am_40A346(int a1);
1766 void __cdecl am_40A383();
1767 bool __cdecl am_40A514();
1768 char __thiscall am_40A560(unsigned int _this);
1769 void __thiscall am_blts(int a1); // idb
1770 void __cdecl am_40AA4E();
1771 void __cdecl am_chroma_blts();
1772 void __cdecl am_DrawUI();
1773 void __fastcall am_40B102(int a1, char *a2, int *pXY); // idb
1774 void __fastcall am_40B17E(int a1, int a2, int *pXY); // idb
1775 void __fastcall am_40B1F3(int a1, int a2, int a3);
1776 void __fastcall am_40B268(int a1, char *a2, int *pXY); // idb
1777 void __cdecl am_chroma_and_copy_blts();
1778 void __cdecl am_chroma_blt();
1779 void __cdecl am_40B4B9();
1780 void __fastcall am_40B76F(int a1);
1781 int __fastcall am_40BB49(int a1);
1782 signed int __fastcall am_40BB67(int a1);
1783 char __fastcall am_40BCFB(int a1, signed int a2);
1784 bool __fastcall am_40BE0E(int a1, signed int a2);
1785 bool __fastcall am_40BF15(int a1, int a2);
1786 void __fastcall am_40BF77(int a1, unsigned int uCardID); // idb
1787 int __fastcall am_40D2B4(struct Vec2_int_ *, int); // weak
1788 int __fastcall am_40D402(int, int); // weak
1789 int __cdecl am_40D444();
1790 struct GUIWindow *__fastcall ModalWindow(const char *pStr, int a4);
1791 char __fastcall pGUIWindow0_draws_text(int a1, const char *pText, int *pXY);
1792 void __thiscall am_BeginScene(unsigned __int16 *pPcxPixels, int a2, int a3); // idb
1793 void __fastcall Blt_Chroma(struct ArcomageRect *pSrcXYZW, int *pTargetXY, int a3, int a4);
1794 void __fastcall Blt_Copy(struct ArcomageRect *pSrcXYZW, int *pTargetXY, int a3);
1795 void __cdecl am_EndScene();
1796 void __fastcall DrawRect(struct Vec4_int_ *pXYZW, unsigned __int16 uColor, char bSolidFill); // idb
1797 int __fastcall rand_interval(int a, int b); // idb
1798 char *__fastcall inv_strcat(const char *Source, char *Dest);
1799 char *__fastcall inv_strcpy(const char *Source, char *Dest);
1800 void __fastcall intToString(int val, char *pOut);
1801 // int __cdecl crt_retnull_sub();
1802 unsigned int __stdcall R8G8B8_to_TargetFormat(int uColor); // idb
1803 unsigned int __fastcall GenerateColorAsCloseAsPossibleToR8G8B8InTargetFormat(unsigned __int16 r, unsigned __int16 g, unsigned __int16 b); // idb
1804 void __cdecl CallRenderPresent();
1805 void __thiscall DoBlt_Copy(unsigned __int16 *pPixels); // idb
1806 int __stdcall retzero_sub_40DFA7(int); // weak
1807 int loc_40E4FC(); // weak
1808 void __fastcall ZBuffer_Fill(int *pZBuffer, int uTextureId, int iZValue);
1809 __int16 __fastcall sub_40F845(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, __int16 a6, int a7);
1810 void __fastcall ZBuffer_DoFill(int *pZBuffer, Texture *pTex, int uZValue);
1811 void __fastcall sub_40F92A(int *pZBuffer, struct Texture *a2, int a3); // idb
1812 void __cdecl SetMoonPhaseNames();
1813 void __thiscall DrawSpellDescriptionPopup(void *_this);
1814 signed int __fastcall sub_410D99_get_map_index(int a1);
1815 unsigned int __cdecl DrawLloydBeaconsScreen();
1816 char *__cdecl DrawTownPortalScreen();
1817 struct Texture *__fastcall LoadSpellbook(unsigned int uID); // idb
1818 struct GUIWindow *__cdecl sub_41140B();
1819 void __cdecl sub_411473();
1820 void __cdecl OnCloseSpellook();
1821 void __cdecl InitializeBookTextures();
1822 void __cdecl InitializeBookFonts();
1823 void __fastcall LoadThumbnailLloydTexture(unsigned int uSlot, unsigned int uPlayer);
1824 void __cdecl sub_412AF9();
1825 void __cdecl sub_412B58();
1826 char __cdecl sub_412E85();
1827 void __cdecl DrawSpellbook_Quests();
1828 void __cdecl DrawSpellbook_Autonotes();
1829 char *__cdecl DrawSpellbook_Map();
1830 void __thiscall DrawSpellbook(unsigned int uBook); // idb
1831 char *__cdecl GetDayPart();
1832 char __cdecl DrawSpellbook_Calendar();
1833 void __cdecl SetAttributeNames();
1834 void __cdecl uGameUIFontMain_initialize();
1835 void __cdecl uGameUIFontShadow_initialize();
1836 void __cdecl sub_41420D_press_esc();
1837 void __cdecl sub_41426F();
1838 char __cdecl GameMenuUI_DrawKeyBindings();
1839 unsigned int __thiscall sub_414D24(int _this);
1840 void __cdecl GameMenuUI_DrawVideoOptions();
1841 void __cdecl sub_414F82_DrawGameOptions();
1842 void __fastcall DrawPopupWindow(unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uWidth, unsigned int uHeight); // idb
1843 char *__cdecl DrawCopyrightWindow();
1844 void __cdecl GUI_UpdateWindows();
1845 void __cdecl identify_item();
1846 void __thiscall sub_416B01(void *_this);
1847 void __thiscall sub_416D62_ShowPopupWindow_MonsterRecord_ItemInfo_etcsub_416D62(struct Vec2_int_ *_this);
1848 void __thiscall UI_OnMouseLeftClick(int *pXY); // idb
1849 void __thiscall sub_417871(int *pXY);
1850 void __cdecl sub_4178C4();
1851 void __cdecl sub_4178E1();
1852 unsigned int __fastcall UI_GetHealthManaStringColor(signed int a1, signed int a2);
1853 signed int __thiscall GetConditionDrawColor(unsigned int uConditionIdx); // idb
1854 char __fastcall sub_4179BC_draw_tooltip(const char *a1, const char *a2); // idb
1855 unsigned int __fastcall sub_417AD4(unsigned int uPlayerClass, enum PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE uPlayerSkillType, signed int a3);
1856 const char *__fastcall CharacterUI_GetSkillDescText(unsigned int uPlayerID, enum PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE uPlayerSkillType);
1857 char __cdecl CharacterUI_SkillsTab_ShowHint();
1858 char __cdecl CharacterUI_StatsTab_ShowHint();
1859 char __fastcall CharacterUI_StatsTab_Draw(unsigned int uPlayerID); // idb
1860 int __cdecl sub_419100();
1861 void __cdecl sub_419220();
1862 void __cdecl sub_419379();
1863 void __cdecl sub_419401();
1864 void __cdecl sub_4196A0();
1865 char __fastcall CharacterUI_SkillsTab_Draw(unsigned int uPlayerID); // idb
1866 unsigned int __fastcall CharacterUI_AwardsTab_Draw(unsigned int uPlayerID); // idb
1867 unsigned int __fastcall GetSizeInInventorySlots(unsigned int uNumPixels);
1868 void __fastcall CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(unsigned int uPlayerID, char a2);
1869 void __cdecl draw_leather();
1870 char __cdecl QuickRefDraw();
1871 void __thiscall CharacterUI_CharacterScreen_Draw(unsigned int uPlayerIdx); // idb
1872 void __cdecl GameUI_DrawRightPanelItems();
1873 void __cdecl GameUI_DrawFoodAndGold();
1874 void __cdecl GameUI_DrawLifeManaBars();
1875 void __cdecl draw_right_panel();
1876 void __cdecl GameUI_DrawRightPanelFrames();
1877 struct GUIButton *__fastcall GUI_HandleHotkey(unsigned __int8 uHotkey); // idb
1878 int __fastcall GUI_ReplaceHotkey(unsigned __int8 uOldHotkey, unsigned __int8 uNewHotkey, char bFirstCall);
1879 void __cdecl MainMenuUI_LoadFontsAndSomeStuff();
1880 void __cdecl MainMenuUI_Create();
1881 void __cdecl GameUI_DrawStatusBar_2();
1882 void __thiscall sub_41C0B8_set_status_string(const char *pStr); // idb
1883 void __cdecl GameUI_DrawStatusBar();
1884 bool __thiscall sub_41CD4F(unsigned int _this);
1885 char __fastcall sub_41D20D_buff_remaining_time_string(int ecx0, struct GUIWindow *edx0, __int64 a3, struct GUIFont *a2);
1886 void __thiscall GameUI_DrawItemInfo(struct ItemGen *_this); // idb
1887 char *__fastcall MonsterPopup_Draw(unsigned int uActorID, struct GUIWindow *edx0);
1888 void __cdecl nullsub_3(); // idb
1889 void __cdecl LoadActualSkyFrame();
1890 void __cdecl Sleep6Hours();
1891 void __cdecl RestUI_Initialize();
1892 void __cdecl RestUI_Draw(); // idb
1893 void __cdecl sub_42038D();
1894 void __fastcall sub_420B13(int a1, int a2);
1895 void __fastcall party_finds_gold(unsigned int uNumGold, int _1_dont_share_with_followers___2_the_same_but_without_a_message__else_normal); // idb
1896 void __cdecl sub_420E01();
1897 void __cdecl GameUI_WritePointedObjectStatusString();
1898 struct GUIWindow *__thiscall GameUI_InitializeCharacterWindow(unsigned int _this);
1899 struct GUIWindow *__thiscall sub_4219BE(void *a4);
1900 bool __cdecl sub_421B2C_PlaceInInventory_or_DropPickedItem();
1901 void __fastcall GameUI_OnPlayerPortraitLeftClick(unsigned int uPlayerID); // idb
1902 void __cdecl sub_421EA6_OnInventoryLeftClick();
1903 void __cdecl OnGameViewportClick();
1904 bool __cdecl sub_4226C2();
1905 void __fastcall SetUserInterface(int a1, bool bReplace);
1906 void __cdecl reset_some_strus_flt_2Cs();
1907 void __cdecl j_sub_423B4A();
1908 void __cdecl sub_423B4A();
1909 int __fastcall sub_423B5D(unsigned int uFaceID);
1910 signed int __fastcall sub_424579(int uFaceID, struct stru320 *a2);
1911 bool sub_424829(int a1, struct BspRenderer_stru2 *a2, struct BspRenderer_stru2 *a3, int a4);
1912 signed int __fastcall sr_424CD7(unsigned int uVertexID); // idb
1913 signed int __fastcall sr_424EE0_MakeFanFromTriangle(unsigned int uVertexID); // idb
1914 signed int __fastcall sr_4250FE(unsigned int uVertexID); // idb
1915 signed int __fastcall sr_4252E8(unsigned int uVertexID);
1916 int __fastcall sr_4254D2(signed int a1);
1917 bool __thiscall sr_42620A(struct RenderVertexSoft *p);
1918 int __fastcall _4268E3_smthn_to_a1r5g5b5(unsigned int uColor); // idb
1919 int __fastcall _42690D_colors_cvt(unsigned int a1);
1920 void __cdecl sub_426947();
1921 int __fastcall sub_4269A2_GivePartyExp(unsigned int a1);
1922 bool __fastcall sub_427769_spell(unsigned int uSpellID);
1923 bool __fastcall _42777D_CastSpell_UseWand_ShootArrow(int a1, unsigned int uPlayerID, unsigned int a4, __int16 a5, int a6);
1924 int __fastcall sub_42EBBE(int, int); // weak
1925 bool __cdecl _42ECB5_PlayerAttacksActor();
1926 void __thiscall InitializeTurnBasedAnimations(void *);
1927 signed int __cdecl sub_42F4DA();
1928 bool __fastcall sub_42F7EB_DropItemAt(unsigned int uSpriteID, int x, int y, int z, int a4, int count, int a7, unsigned __int16 attributes, ItemGen *a9);
1929 void __fastcall sub_42F960_create_object(int x, int y, int z); // idb
1930 char *__cdecl sub_42FA22_mess_with_laying_item_list();
1931 signed int __fastcall _42FA66_do_explosive_impact(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, __int16 a5, signed int a6);
1932 bool __fastcall sub_42FB5C(signed int a1);
1933 // int __cdecl crt_sub_42FBB7();
1934 // void __cdecl crt_construct_50CDB4();
1935 void __cdecl sub_42FBDD();
1936 void __cdecl sub_42FC15();
1937 void __cdecl ProcessInputActions();
1938 void __cdecl GameUI_MsgProc();
1939 void __cdecl back_to_game();
1940 void __cdecl GUI_MainMenuMessageProc();
1941 double __cdecl get_shading_dist_mist();
1942 double __cdecl GetPickDepth();
1943 void Vec3_short__to_RenderVertexSoft(struct RenderVertexSoft *_this, struct Vec3_short_ *a2);
1944 void __cdecl nullsub_4(); // idb
1945 void __cdecl nullsub_5(); // idb
1946 void __cdecl nullsub_6(); // idb
1947 __int16 __thiscall sub_4382BC(int _this);
1948 int __cdecl sub_4383ED();
1949 __int16 __cdecl sub_43847A();
1950 void __cdecl _438F8F_area_of_effect__damage_evaluate();
1951 void __fastcall DamagePlayerFromMonster(unsigned int uObjID, int a2, struct Vec3_int_ *pPos, unsigned int a4);
1952 void __fastcall sub_43A97E(unsigned int uLayingItemID, signed int a2); // idb
1953 double __fastcall sub_43AE12(signed int a1);
1954 int __fastcall _43AFE3_calc_spell_damage(int a1, int a2, signed int a3, int a4);
1955 void __fastcall sub_43B057(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uActorID, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity);
1956 __int16 __fastcall sub_43B1B0(signed int a1, unsigned int a2, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity, signed int a4);
1957 int __stdcall DirectInputKeyboard_enumerator_43B9B9(int, int); // weak
1958 void Software_ResetNewEdges();
1959 // int __cdecl crt_deconstruct_43B9E3();
1960 int __stdcall DirectInputMouse_enumerator(int, int); // weak
1961 int __cdecl CharacterUI_LoadPaperdollTextures();
1962 int __fastcall _43C91D_FormItemTextureFilename(char *a1, signed int a2, int a3, int a4);
1963 void __fastcall CharacterUI_DrawPaperdoll(unsigned int uPlayerID); // idb
1964 void __fastcall CharacterUI_DrawPaperdollWithRingOverlay(unsigned int uPlayerID); // idb
1965 bool _43ED6F_check_party_races(bool b);
1966 bool __thiscall sub_43EDB9_get_some_race_sex_relation_2(unsigned int _this);
1967 bool __fastcall sub_43EE15_player_has_item(unsigned int uItemID, struct Player *pPlayer, char a3);
1968 bool __fastcall sub_43EE77_ProbablyIfUnderwaterSuitIsEquipped(signed int a1);
1969 void __fastcall WetsuitOn(unsigned int uPlayerID); // idb
1970 unsigned int __fastcall WetsuitOff(unsigned int uPlayerID);
1971 void __fastcall PrepareDrawLists_BLV(struct IndoorLocation_drawstru *_this);
1972 int /*__usercall*/ sr_sub_4D6FB0/*<eax>*/(struct stru315 *a1/*<ebp>*/);
1973 int /*__usercall*/ sr_sub_4D705A/*<eax>*/(struct stru315 *a1/*<ebp>*/);
1974 void __cdecl MessWithBillboards_BLV();
1975 int __fastcall _43F55F_get_billboard_light_level(struct RenderBillboard *a1, int uBaseLightLevel);
1976 int __fastcall _43F5C8_get_point_light_level_with_respect_to_lights(unsigned int uBaseLightLevel, int uSectorID, float x, float y, float z);
1977 void PrepareBspRenderList_BLV();
1978 void __fastcall PrepareDecorationsRenderList_BLV(unsigned int uDecorationID, unsigned int uSectorID);
1979 void PrepareActorRenderList_BLV();
1980 void PrepareItemsRenderList_BLV();
1981 void __fastcall sub_440639(int a1);
1982 void __fastcall sub_4406BC(int a1, unsigned int uFirstNode); // idb
1983 void __fastcall sub_440BED(struct IndoorLocation_drawstru *_this);
1984 bool sub_44100D();
1985 void GameUI_DrawTorchlightAndWizardEye();
1986 void GameUI_DrawCharacterSelectionFrame();
1987 void Load_isn_spells_21_27();
1988 void GameUI_DrawPartySpells();
1989 __int16 __fastcall sub_441A4E(int a1);
1990 void GameUI_DrawMinimap(unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uZ, unsigned int uW, unsigned int uZoom, unsigned int flags);
1991 int __fastcall DrawSpellbook_Map_sub(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, unsigned int a4, int a5, int _48074); // idb
1992 int __cdecl Initialize2DA();
1993 unsigned int __fastcall LoadEventsToBuffer(const char *pContainerName, char *a2, unsigned int uBufferSize);
1994 void __cdecl Initialize_GlobalEVT();
1995 void __cdecl LoadLevel_InitializeLevelStr();
1996 void __cdecl LoadLevel_InitializeLevelEvt();
1997 void __cdecl OnMapLeave();
1998 void /*__usercall*/ OnMapLoad();
1999 void __thiscall Level_LoadEvtAndStr(const char *pLevelName);
2000 char *__cdecl _4443D5_GetMinimapRightClickText();
2001 const char *__cdecl sub_444564();
2002 char *__thiscall _444732_GetEventHintString(unsigned int uEventID); // idb
2003 unsigned int __fastcall sub_444839_move_map(unsigned int a1, int a2, int x, int y, int z, int directiony, int directionx, int a8, const char *pLocationName); // idb
2004 char *__cdecl TransitionUI_Draw();
2005 struct GUIWindow *__cdecl UI_CreateTravelDialogue();
2006 signed int __cdecl GetTravelTime();
2007 void __cdecl TravelUI_Draw();
2008 void __cdecl DrawBranchlessDialogueUI();
2009 void __fastcall sub_4451A8_press_any_key(int a1, int a2, int a4);
2010 void __cdecl sub_4452BB();
2011 const char *__fastcall sub_445308(int a1);
2012 void __cdecl DrawDialogueUI();
2013 struct NPCData *__fastcall GetNPCData(unsigned int npcid);
2014 struct NPCData *__fastcall GetNewNPCData(signed int npcid, int a2);
2015 int __fastcall sub_445C8B(signed int a1);
2016 void __cdecl sub_44603D();
2017 int __fastcall PrepareHouse(unsigned int uHouseID); // idb
2018 bool __fastcall EnterHouse(enum HOUSE_TYPE uHouseID);
2019 int sub_4465DF_check_season(int a1);
2020 int __fastcall IsActorAlive(unsigned int uType, unsigned int uParam, unsigned int uNumAlive); // idb
2021 // void __cdecl crt_construct_5773C4();
2022 bool __thiscall sub_4466C4(void *_this);
2023 void __fastcall EventProcessor(int a1, int a2, int a3);
2024 void __fastcall sub_448518_npc_set_item(int npc, unsigned int item, int a3);
2025 void __fastcall sub_44861E_set_texture(unsigned int uFaceCog, const char *pFilename);
2026 void __fastcall SetDecorationSprite(unsigned int uCog, int a2, const char *pFileName); // idb
2027 void __fastcall sub_44892E_set_faces_bit(int sCogNumber, int bit, int on);
2028 void __fastcall ToggleActorGroupFlag(unsigned int uGroupID, unsigned int uFlag, unsigned int bToggle);
2029 void __thiscall GameUI_StatusBar_UpdateTimedString(unsigned int bForceHide); // idb
2030 void __thiscall OnTimer(int a1);
2031 void __fastcall sub_448CF4_spawn_monsters(__int16 typeindex, __int16 level, int count, int x, int y, int z, int group, unsigned int uUniqueName);
2032 void __fastcall sub_448DF8_cast_spell(int spellnum, int rank, int level, int fromx, int fromy, int fromz, int tox, int toy, int toz);
2033 char *__fastcall sub_44987B(const char *pMapName, unsigned int uStartingPointType); // idb
2034 void __thiscall TeleportToStartingPoint(unsigned int uPointType); // idb
2035 __int16 __fastcall sub_449A49_door_switch_animation(unsigned int uDoorID, int a2); // idb
2036 unsigned int __fastcall _449B57_test_bit(unsigned __int8 *a1, __int16 a2);
2037 unsigned char *_449B7E_toggle_bit(unsigned char *pArray, __int16 a2, unsigned __int16 bToggle); // idb
2038 void __cdecl sub_44A56A();
2039 void __fastcall ShowStatusBarString(const char *pString, unsigned int uNumSeconds);
2040 void __cdecl ShowNothingHereStatus();
2041 signed int __cdecl const_2();
2042 bool __cdecl sub_44C28F_open_nwc_dungeon();
2043 // int __cdecl crt_deconstruct_44C42C();
2044 struct GUIFont *LoadFont(const char *pFontFile, const char *pFontPalette, ...);
2045 char *__fastcall FitTextInAWindow(const char *pInString, GUIFont *pFont, GUIWindow *pWindow, unsigned int uX, int a5);
2046 void SpawnEncounter(struct MapInfo *pMapInfo, struct SpawnPointMM7 *spawn, int a3, int a4, int a5);
2047 int __fastcall sub_44FA4C_spawn_light_elemental(int a1, int a2, int a3);
2048 void __cdecl sub_450218_prolly_generate_chests_loot();
2049 signed int __fastcall sub_450521_ProllyDropItemAt(int ecx0, signed int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, unsigned __int16 a6);
2050 int __fastcall sub_45063B(struct MapInfo *a1, int a2);
2051 void RespawnGlobalDecorations();
2052 bool __fastcall SpawnActor(unsigned int uMonsterID);
2053 int __cdecl GetAlertStatus();
2054 unsigned int __fastcall sub_452442(unsigned __int16 a1, unsigned __int16 a2, int a3, int a4);
2055 signed int __fastcall sub_452A9E(signed int a1);
2056 int __fastcall MakeColorMaskFromBitDepth(int a1);
2057 void __fastcall fill_pixels_fast(unsigned int a1, unsigned __int16 *pPixels, unsigned int uNumPixels);
2058 int __fastcall GetDiceResult(unsigned int uNumDice, unsigned int uDiceSides); // idb
2059 inline void __fastcall memset32(void *ptr, unsigned __int32 value, int count)
2060 {
2061 auto p = (unsigned __int32 *)ptr;
2062 for ( int i=0; i < count; i++ )
2063 *p++ = value;
2064 }
2065 inline void __fastcall j_memset32(int a2, void *a1, unsigned int a3) {memset32(a1, a2, a3);}
2066 // int __cdecl crt_452B74();
2067 int __cdecl j_SetSomeItemsNames();
2068 void __cdecl SetSomeItemsNames();
2069 char *RemoveQuotes(char *Str);
2070 void __cdecl InitializeGameText();
2071 unsigned int __fastcall ParseSpellType(struct FrameTableTxtLine *, int a2);
2072 int __thiscall ParseAttackType(unsigned __int8 *_this);
2073 char __fastcall ParseDamage(const char *Str, int a2, int a3, int a4);
2074 int __fastcall ParseMissleAttackType(const char *Str1);
2075 unsigned int __fastcall SkillToMastery(unsigned __int16 a1);
2076 unsigned int __fastcall GetSpellColor(signed int a1);
2077 void *__thiscall unknown_vdtor_6(void *_this, bool a2);
2078 unsigned __int16 *__fastcall MakeScreenshot(signed int width, signed int height);
2079 void __thiscall SaveScreenshot(const char *pFilename);
2080 void __fastcall GameUI_DrawLoadMenu(unsigned int uDialogueType); // idb
2081 void __cdecl GameUI_DrawSaveMenu();
2082 void __fastcall LoadGame(unsigned int uSlot); // idb
2083 int __fastcall SaveGame(int a1, __int16 *a2);
2084 void __fastcall DoSavegame(unsigned int uSlot); // idb
2085 void GameUI_MainMenu_DoDrawLoad(int a1);
2086 void GameUI_MainMenu_DrawLoad();
2087 void __cdecl sub_4606FE();
2088 void __cdecl TryLoadLevelFromLOD();
2089 void __cdecl sub_46080D();
2090 bool __cdecl Initialize_GamesLOD_NewLOD();
2091 bool Autosave();
2092 void __thiscall PrepareToLoadBLV(unsigned int bLoading);
2093 void __fastcall PrepareToLoadODM(unsigned int bLoading, struct OutdoorCamera *a2);
2094 void __cdecl sub_461103();
2095 int __cdecl sub_4613C4();
2096 int __fastcall sub_4621DA(signed int a1, signed int a2, signed int a3);
2097 int __cdecl sub_46224A();
2098 int __cdecl crt_init_globals_462620();
2099 void __cdecl crt_init_globals_462659();
2100 void __cdecl crt_init_globals_46269B();
2101 void __cdecl crt_init_globals_46271C();
2102 void __cdecl MainMenu_Loop();
2103 char __cdecl sub_4637E0_is_there_popup_onscreen();
2104 void __cdecl ResetCursor_Palettes_LODs_Level_Audio_SFT_Windows();
2105 void __thiscall PrepareWorld(unsigned int _this);
2106 void __thiscall Game_DeinitializeAndTerminate(int exitCode); // idb
2107 void __cdecl FinalInitialization();
2108 char __cdecl Is_out15odm_underwater();
2109 void __cdecl SetUnderwaterFog();
2110 void __fastcall DoPrepareWorld(unsigned int bLoading, int a2);
2111 int __fastcall ReadWindowsRegistryInt(const char *pKey, int uDefValue); // idb
2112 void __fastcall WriteWindowsRegistryString(const char *pKey, const char *pString);
2113 void __fastcall ReadWindowsRegistryString(const char *pKeyName, char *pOutString, int uBufLen, const char *pDefaultValue);
2114 void __fastcall WriteWindowsRegistryInt(const char *pKey, int val);
2115 bool __fastcall CheckMM7CD(char c);
2116 int loc_465CC8(); // weak
2117 void __cdecl SecondaryInitialization();
2118 void __cdecl CreateAsyncMouse();
2119 void __cdecl CreateAsyncKeyboard();
2120 void __cdecl MM6_Initialize(const wchar_t *pIniFilename);
2121 void __cdecl MM7Initialization();
2122 int __cdecl AbortWithError();
2123 void Abortf(const char *Format, ...);
2124 void FreeSavegameThumbnails();
2125 void SetCurrentMenuID(enum MENU_STATE); // idb
2126 enum MENU_STATE GetCurrentMenuID();
2127 void *__thiscall output_debug_string(void *_this, std::string a2, const char *a3, int a4);
2128 std::string *__fastcall _4678E2_make_error_string(std::string *a1, int line, std::string file);
2129 int __thiscall sub_467D5D(int _this);
2130 void __thiscall sub_467E7F_EquipBody(unsigned int uEquipType); // idb
2131 void __fastcall sub_467F48(signed int a1);
2132 void __cdecl free_book_subwindow();
2133 char __cdecl sub_467FB6();
2134 void __cdecl OnPaperdollLeftClick();
2135 int __thiscall UnprojectX(int x);
2136 int __thiscall UnprojectY(int _this);
2137 char __cdecl OnPressSpace();
2138 char __fastcall DoInteractionWithTopmostZObject(int a1, int a2);
2139 int __fastcall sub_46A6AC(int a1, int a2, int a3);
2140 int __fastcall sub_46A7C8(int a1, int a2, signed int a3);
2141 int __fastcall sub_46A89E(int a1, int a2, signed int a3);
2142 int __cdecl sub_46A99B();
2143 void *__thiscall unknown_libname_8(void *_this, char a2);
2144 unsigned int __cdecl GetGravityStrength();
2145 void __cdecl sub_46BDC0_UpdateUserInput_and_MapSpecificStuff();
2146 void __cdecl BLV_UpdateUserInputAndOther();
2147 void __cdecl ODM_UpdateUserInputAndOther();
2148 bool __fastcall _46BFFA_check_object_intercept(unsigned int uLayingItemID, signed int a2);
2149 void __cdecl _46CC4B_check_event_triggers();
2150 int _46CEC3_get_floor_level(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int uSectorID, unsigned int *pFaceID);
2151 int __fastcall sub_46D49E_prolly_get_world_y_under_party(int a1, signed int a2, int a3, int a4, int *a5, int *a6, int a7);
2152 int __fastcall sub_46D8E3(int a1, signed int a2, int a3, int a4);
2153 signed __int64 __fastcall _46DCC8_get_gravity_direction_outdoor(int a1, int a2, Vec3_int_ *a3);
2154 unsigned int __fastcall sub_46DEF2(signed int a2, unsigned int uLayingItemID);
2155 int __fastcall _46DF1A_collide_against_actor(int, int); // weak
2156 void __cdecl _46E0B2_collide_against_decorations();
2157 void __fastcall _46E26D_collide_against_sprites(signed int a1, signed int a2);
2158 int __thiscall _46E44E_collide_against_faces_and_portals(unsigned int b1); // idb
2159 int __fastcall _46E889_collide_against_bmodels(unsigned int ecx0);
2160 int _46ED1B_collide_against_floor(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int *pSectorID, unsigned int *pFaceID); // idb
2161 void __fastcall _46ED8A_collide_against_layingItems(unsigned int _this);
2162 int __thiscall _46EF01_collision_chech_player(int a1); // idb
2163 signed int __cdecl _46F04E_collide_against_portals();
2164 void __cdecl BLV_UpdateDoors();
2165 void __cdecl UpdateActors_BLV();
2166 void __cdecl UpdateActors_ODM();
2167 void __cdecl UpdateObjects();
2168 int _47272C_collide_agains_some_secotors_floors(int x, int y, int z, unsigned int *pSectorID, unsigned int *pFaceID); // idb
2169 void __cdecl BLV_ProcessPartyActions();
2170 void __cdecl ODM_ProcessPartyActions();
2171 bool __fastcall sub_47531C(int a1, int *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, BLVFace *a9, int a10);
2172 bool __fastcall sub_4754BF(int a1, int *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, BLVFace *a9, int a10, int a11);
2173 signed int __thiscall sub_475665(BLVFace *_this, int a2, __int16 a3);
2174 bool __fastcall sub_4759C9(BLVFace *a1, int a2, int a3, __int16 a4);
2175 bool __fastcall sub_475D85(Vec3_int_ *a1, Vec3_int_ *a2, int *a3, BLVFace *a4);
2176 bool __fastcall sub_475F30(int *a1, BLVFace *a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6, int a7, int a8, int a9);
2177 bool __cdecl sub_476387();
2178 bool __thiscall CheckHiredNPCSpeciality(unsigned int uProfession);
2179 void __cdecl InitializeAwards();
2180 void __cdecl InitializeScrolls();
2181 void __cdecl InitializeMerchants();
2182 void __cdecl InitializeTransitions();
2183 void __cdecl InitializeAutonotes();
2184 void __cdecl InitializeQuests();
2185 int __fastcall const_1(int, int); // weak
2186 int __cdecl GetPartyReputation();
2187 void __cdecl sub_4783FA_construct_global_73D150();
2188 void __cdecl loc_4789D4(); // idb
2189 void __cdecl loc_47907F(); // idb
2190 bool __fastcall IsBModelVisible(unsigned int uModelID, int *unused);
2191 void __fastcall _479A53_draw_some_blv_poly(unsigned int uNumVertices, unsigned int uFaceID); // idb
2192 void __thiscall ODM_LoadAndInitialize(const char *pLevelFilename, struct OutdoorCamera *thisa);
2193 unsigned __int16 *__fastcall GetBillboardPalette(struct RenderBillboard *a1, int a2, signed int a3, int a4);
2194 int __fastcall sr_sub_47BEB1(signed int a1, stru148 *a2, int terrain_gamma, int a4, int *a5, int *a6, int a7, int a8);
2195 void *__fastcall sr_sub_47C178(signed int a1, stru148 *a2, int terrain_gamma, int a4);
2196 void *__fastcall sr_sub_47C1CA(stru148 *a1, char a2, int a3, signed int a4);
2197 unsigned __int16 *__fastcall sr_sub_47C24C_get_palette(BLVFace *a1, int a2, int a3, char a4);
2198 char *__fastcall sr_sub_47C28C_get_palette(stru148 *a1, char a2, signed int a3, signed int a4);
2199 unsigned int __cdecl GetLevelFogColor();
2200 int __fastcall sub_47C3D7_get_fog_related_stuff(int a1, int a2, float a3);
2201 signed int __fastcall GetActorTintColor(int a1, int a2, float a3, int a4, struct RenderBillboard *a5);
2202 int __stdcall WorldPosToGridCellX(int); // weak
2203 int __stdcall WorldPosToGridCellZ(int); // weak
2204 int __stdcall GridCellToWorldPosX(int); // weak
2205 int __stdcall GridCellToWorldPosZ(int); // weak
2206 void __fastcall sub_47F4D3(int band1, int band2, int band3);
2207 void __cdecl loc_481185(); // idb
2208 void __cdecl loc_48118F(); // idb
2209 void __cdecl loc_481199(); // idb
2210 char __fastcall sr_sub_481DB2(RenderVertexSoft *a1, signed int a2, stru148 *a3);
2211 void __cdecl ResetStru148s();
2212 void __cdecl sub_481ED9_MessWithOutdoorCamera();
2213 bool __fastcall sub_481EFA(RenderVertexSoft *a1, RenderVertexSoft *a2, RenderVertexSoft *a3, RenderVertexSoft *a4, int a5);
2214 signed int __fastcall sub_481FC9(RenderVertexSoft *_ECX, RenderVertexSoft *a2, RenderVertexSoft *a3, stru148 *a4);
2215 bool __fastcall GetTerrainHeightsAroundParty(int a1, int a2);
2216 int __fastcall GetTerrainHeightsAroundParty2(int a1, int a2, int *a3, int a4);
2217 struct stru148 *__fastcall sr_sub_4829B9(RenderVertexSoft *a1, RenderVertexSoft *a2, RenderVertexSoft *a3, stru148 *a4, int a5);
2218 signed int __cdecl const_1_0();
2219 signed int __thiscall sr_sub_482A94(struct Span *_this);
2220 signed int __fastcall sr_sub_482E07(struct Span *a1, unsigned __int16 *pRenderTarget); // idb
2221 signed int __fastcall sr_sub_4839BD(struct Span *a1, unsigned __int16 *pTargetSurface); // idb
2222 signed int __thiscall sr_sub_48408A_prolly_odm_water_no_waves(struct Span *_this);
2223 signed int __thiscall sr_sub_484442(struct Span *_this);
2224 signed int __thiscall sr_sub_4847EB(struct Span *_this);
2225 signed int __fastcall sr_sub_485407_prolly_odm_water_wavy(struct Span *a1);
2226 signed int __fastcall sr_sub_48585C_mb_DrawSpan(struct Span *a1, unsigned __int16 *pRenderTarget, int a3); // idb
2227 struct stru315 *__fastcall sr_sub_485975(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru315 *a2);
2228 struct stru315 *__fastcall sr_sub_485A24(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru315 *a2);
2229 struct stru315 *__fastcall sr_sub_485AFF(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2230 struct stru315 *__fastcall sr_sub_485BAE(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2231 struct stru315 *__fastcall sr_sub_485C89(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2232 struct stru315 *__fastcall sr_sub_485D3E(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2233 void *__fastcall sr_sub_485E1F(struct stru316 *a1, Span *a2, int a3, struct stru148 *a4, int a5, unsigned __int8 a6, char a7);
2234 void __thiscall sub_485F53(struct Vec2_int_ *v); // idb
2235 char __fastcall sr_sub_486B4E_push_outdoor_edges(struct RenderVertexSoft *a1, int *a2, int *a3, stru148 *a4);
2236 void __cdecl sr_sub_486F92_MessWithEdgesAndSpans();
2237 void __cdecl sub_487DA9();
2238 double __thiscall GetFogDensityByTime(struct OutdoorLocation *_this);
2239 int __stdcall loc_489BB3(struct stru320 *a2, int thisa, unsigned int uNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *a5, float a6, char uClipFlag); // weak
2240 bool __fastcall HSV2RGB(float *a1, float *a2, float *a3, float a4, float a5, float a6);
2241 void __fastcall RGB2HSV(float *a1, float *a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, float *a6);
2242 unsigned int ReplaceHSV(unsigned int uColor, float a2, float gamma, float a4);
2243 int _48B561_mess_with_scaling_along_z(/*int a1, */float a2);
2244 signed int __cdecl sub_4908DE();
2245 signed int __cdecl PlayerCreation_ComputeAttributeBonus();
2246 void __cdecl LoadPlayerPortraintsAndVoices();
2247 int __fastcall ReloadPlayerPortraits(int, int); // weak
2248 void __cdecl sub_491E3A();
2249 void __cdecl DrawHiredNPCs();
2250 void __thiscall GameUI_DrawPortraits(unsigned int _this);
2251 signed int __thiscall CycleCharacter(unsigned int _this);
2252 void __fastcall Rest(unsigned int uHoursToSleep);
2253 int __cdecl _493938_regenerate();
2254 int __thiscall sub_493F79(struct stru351 *_this, __int64 a2);
2255 void __cdecl _494035_timed_effects__water_walking_damage__etc();
2256 unsigned int __fastcall sub_494820(unsigned int a1);
2257 char *__fastcall sub_495366(unsigned __int8 a1, unsigned __int8 a2);
2258 char *__fastcall GetReputationString(signed int a1);
2259 char *__fastcall sub_495461(char *lpsz, unsigned __int8 uPlayerID, struct ItemGen *a3, char *a4, int a5, __int64 *a6);
2260 void __cdecl PlayerCreationUI_Draw();
2261 void __cdecl PlayerCreationUI_Initialize();
2262 void __cdecl DeleteCCharFont();
2263 bool __cdecl PlayerCreationUI_Loop();
2264 void __cdecl loc_49B785(); // idb
2265 unsigned int __fastcall GetMaxMipLevels(unsigned int uDim);
2266 bool __cdecl CheckTextureStages();
2267 bool __cdecl AreRenderSurfacesOk();
2268 int __fastcall sub_4A19D8(unsigned int, unsigned int); // weak
2269 void __cdecl DoRenderBillboards_D3D();
2270 int __fastcall sr_4A46E6_draw_particle_segment(unsigned int x, signed int y, signed int z, int a4, unsigned int lightColor);
2271 void __cdecl Present_ColorKey();
2272 void __cdecl Present_NoColorKey();
2273 int __thiscall sub_4A7063(unsigned int uDiffuse, float a2); // idb
2274 struct SoundHeader *__fastcall FindSound_BinSearch(unsigned int uStart, unsigned int uEnd, const char *pName);
2275 struct SoundData *LoadSound(const char *pSoundName, struct SoundData *pOutBuff, unsigned int uID);
2276 int __fastcall sub_4AAEA6_transform(RenderVertexSoft *a1);
2277 int __fastcall sub_4AB66C(int, int); // weak
2278 int __fastcall GetSoundStrengthByDistanceFromParty(int a1, int a2, int a3);
2279 struct _DIG_DRIVER *Audio_GetFirstHardwareDigitalDriver(void);
2280 void __cdecl PlayLevelMusic();
2281 int __thiscall sub_4AC1C9(unsigned int _this, Vec4_int_ *a2);
2282 struct Vec4_int_ *__thiscall sub_4AC277(unsigned int _this, Vec4_int_ *a2);
2283 struct Vec4_int_ *__thiscall sub_4AC33A_get_cpu_clocks_QPC(int _this, Vec4_int_ *a1);
2284 struct Vec4_int_ *__thiscall sub_4AC4FD_get_cpu_clocks_rdtsc(int _this, Vec4_int_ *a1);
2285 int __fastcall sub_4AD504(unsigned int uFaceID);
2286 void __fastcall sub_4ADD1D(int uFaceID);
2287 int __fastcall sub_4AE1E7(int a1, int a2, int a3);
2288 int __fastcall sub_4AE313(int viewport_space_x, int viewport_space_y, struct stru337_stru0 *p);
2289 int __fastcall sub_4AE491(int, int); // weak
2290 void __fastcall sub_4AE5F1(unsigned int uFaceID); // idb
2291 int __cdecl sub_4AF412();
2292 void __cdecl stru170_sub_4B0967();
2293 void __cdecl loc_4B0DFB(); // idb
2294 void __cdecl nullsub_18(); // idb
2295 void __cdecl nullsub_19(); // idb
2296 unsigned int __fastcall sub_4B0E07(unsigned int uFaceID); // idb
2297 void __cdecl nullsub_20(); // idb
2298 void __cdecl nullsub_21(); // idb
2299 struct Player *__fastcall sub_4B1447_party_fine(int a1, int a2, int a3);
2300 char *__thiscall sub_4B1523(int *_this);
2301 bool __cdecl sub_4B1784_check_if_player_concious__draw_warning_else_mess_with_dlg_win();
2302 void __cdecl sub_4B1A2D();
2303 void __stdcall RestAndHeal(__int64 uNumMinutes); // idb
2304 void __cdecl sub_4B1D27();
2305 void __fastcall HousePlaySomeSound(unsigned int uHouseID, int a2); // idb
2306 void __cdecl sub_4B1ECE();
2307 void __fastcall sub_4B2001(signed int a1);
2308 char *__thiscall _4B254D_SkillMasteryTeacher(int _this);
2309 const char *__fastcall sub_4B29F2(int a1);
2310 char __cdecl sub_4B2A74();
2311 struct GUIButton *__fastcall sub_4B36CC(int a1, unsigned int a2);
2312 int __thiscall sub_4B3703(void *_this);
2313 int __thiscall sub_4B3A72(int a1); // idb
2314 int __fastcall sub_4B3AD4(signed int a1);
2315 int __fastcall sub_4B3B42(signed int a1);
2316 void __cdecl sub_4B3E1E();
2317 void __fastcall sub_4B3EF0(int a4);
2318 void __fastcall sub_4B3FE5(int a4);
2319 void __cdecl sub_4B40E6();
2320 struct GUIButton *__thiscall _4B4224_UpdateNPCTopics(int _this);
2321 char __fastcall sub_4B46A5(const char *Str, int a5);
2322 int __fastcall sub_4B46F8(int a1);
2323 int __cdecl ui_training();
2324 char *__cdecl sub_4B4F4F();
2325 int __cdecl ui_shop_teachers();
2326 int __cdecl sub_4B5D7C();
2327 int __cdecl sub_4B6478();
2328 bool __fastcall sub_4B68EA(int a1);
2329 void __cdecl TravelByTransport();
2330 int __cdecl sub_4B705E();
2331 void __cdecl sub_4B7911();
2332 void __cdecl _4B7D7E_bank();
2333 void __cdecl sub_4B8285_prolly_draw_arcomage_result();
2334 void *__cdecl GenerateShopItems();
2335 void *__cdecl sub_4B8F94();
2336 char *__cdecl sub_4B910F();
2337 POINT *__cdecl sub_4B9CC6();
2338 void __cdecl sub_4BA928();
2339 signed int __fastcall sub_4BB756(signed int a1);
2340 const char *sub_4BBA85_bounties();
2341 void __cdecl sub_4BBCDD();
2342 void __fastcall _4BBF61_summon_actor(int a1, __int16 x, int y, int z); // idb
2343 void __cdecl ArenaFight();
2344 void __thiscall sub_4BC49B(unsigned int _this);
2345 struct Texture *__cdecl sub_4BC8D5();
2346 struct GUIButton *__cdecl sub_4BCA33();
2347 void __fastcall sub_4BCACC_bounties(signed int a1);
2348 signed int __cdecl sub_4BD8B5();
2349 bool __fastcall sub_4BDAAF(ItemGen *a1, int _2da_idx);
2350 void __cdecl sub_4BDB56_buy_skill____();
2351 struct FrameTableTxtLine *__thiscall texture_frame_table_txt_parser(const char *_this, FrameTableTxtLine *a2);
2352 struct FrameTableTxtLine *__thiscall frame_table_txt_parser(const char *pString, FrameTableTxtLine *a2);
2353 int __fastcall sub_4BE571(int a1, int *a2, int a3, int a4);
2354 void __cdecl ShowIntroVideo_and_LoadingScreen();
2355 unsigned int __thiscall GameOverMenu(void *ecx0);
2356 bool __thiscall BinkLockBuffer(struct _BINKBUF *_this);
2357 void __thiscall BinkUnlockBuffer(struct _BINKBUF *_this);
2358 void __cdecl loc_4C0D27(); // idb
2359 void __cdecl vis_nullsub_22(); // idb
2360 void __cdecl vis_nullsub_23(); // idb
2361 void __cdecl vis_loc_4C19F7(); // idb
2362 int __cdecl sr_sub_4D714C(struct stru315 *a1);
2363 int __cdecl sr_sub_4D71F8(struct stru315 *a1);
2364 void __cdecl sr_sub_4D754B(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2365 void __cdecl sr_sub_4D7630(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2366 void __cdecl sr_sub_4D76ED(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2367 void __cdecl sr_sub_4D77D2(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2368 void __cdecl sr_sub_4D789A(struct stru315 *a1, struct stru316 *a2);
2369 int __cdecl sub_4D798C(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
2370 int __cdecl sub_4D79CF(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
2371 int __cdecl sub_4D79FD(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
2372 int __cdecl sub_4D7A10(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4);
2373 int /*__usercall*/ sr_sub_4D72EC/*<eax>*/(int a1/*<ebp>*/);
2374 int /*__usercall*/ sr_sub_4D73DF/*<eax>*/(int a1/*<ebp>*/);
2375 signed int __fastcall SpawnRandomTreasure(struct MapInfo *a1, struct SpawnPointMM7 *a2);
2376 bool __fastcall DamageMonsterFromParty(signed int a1, unsigned int uActorID_Monster, struct Vec3_int_ *pVelocity);
2379 #define ErrD3D(hr) do {extern void ErrHR(HRESULT, const char *, const char *, const char *, int); ErrHR(hr, "Direct3D", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__);} while(0)
2382 namespace zlib
2383 {
2384 int MemZip(void *dest, unsigned int *destLen, void *source, unsigned int sourceLen);
2385 int MemUnzip(void *dest, unsigned int *destLen, const void *source, unsigned int sourceLen);
2386 }; |