2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <crtdbg.h>
6 #include "Engine/ErrorHandling.h"
8 #include "GUIWindow.h"
9 #include "GUIFont.h"
10 #include "Engine/Party.h"
11 #include "Engine/LOD.h"
12 #include "IO/Keyboard.h"
13 #include "Engine/OurMath.h"
14 #include "Engine/Timer.h"
15 #include "Media/Audio/AudioPlayer.h"
16 #include "IO/Mouse.h"
17 #include "Engine/Graphics/Viewport.h"
18 #include "Engine/Tables/StorylineTextTable.h"
19 #include "GUI\UI\UIHouses.h"
20 #include "GUI\UI\UIBooks.h"
21 #include "Engine/texts.h"
22 #include "Engine/Autonotes.h"
23 #include "Engine/Awards.h"
24 #include "Engine/Objects/Chest.h"
25 #include "Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h"
26 #include "Engine/Game.h"
27 #include "Engine/Tables/IconFrameTable.h"
28 #include "Engine/Objects/Actor.h"
30 #include "GUI\UI\UIArena.h"
31 #include "Engine/Events.h"
32 #include "Engine/Graphics/Level\Decoration.h"
34 typedef struct _RGBColor
35 {
36 unsigned char R;
37 unsigned char B;
38 unsigned char G;
39 }RGBColor;
42 std::array<RGBColor, 20> spell_tooltip_colors={{
43 {0x96, 0xD4, 0xFF},
44 {0xFF, 0x80, 0x00},
45 {0xFF, 0xFF, 0x9B},
46 {0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1},
47 {0x80, 0x80, 0x80},
48 {0x96, 0xD4, 0xFF},
49 {0xFF, 0x55, 0x00},
50 {0x96, 0xD4, 0xFF},
51 {0xFF, 0x55, 0x00},
52 {0xE1, 0xE1, 0xE1},
53 {0xFF, 0x55, 0x00},
54 {0x96, 0xD4, 0xFF},
55 {0xEB, 0x0F, 0xFF},
56 {0xFF, 0x80, 0x00},
57 {0x96, 0xD4, 0xFF},
58 {0x80, 0x80, 0x80},
59 {0xFF, 0x55, 0x00},
60 {0x00, 0x80, 0xFF},
61 {0x00, 0x80, 0xFF},
62 {0x96, 0xD4, 0xFF}}};
65 int pWindowList_at_506F50_minus1_indexing_buttons____and_an_int_[1]; // idb
66 struct GUIWindow *pWindow_MMT_MainMenu;
67 struct GUIWindow *pWindow_MainMenu;
68 std::array<struct GUIWindow, 20> pWindowList;
70 struct GUIMessageQueue *pMessageQueue_50CBD0 = new GUIMessageQueue;
71 struct GUIMessageQueue *pMessageQueue_50C9E8 = new GUIMessageQueue;
78 // inlined
79 //----- (mm6c::00420520) --------------------------------------------------
80 void GUIMessageQueue::Flush()
81 {
82 if (uNumMessages)
83 uNumMessages = pMessages[0].field_8 != 0;
84 }
86 //----- (004356B9) --------------------------------------------------------
87 void GUIMessageQueue::PopMessage(enum UIMessageType *pType, int *pParam, int *a4)
88 {
89 if ( this->uNumMessages )
90 {
91 *pType = this->pMessages[0].eType;
92 *pParam = this->pMessages[0].param;
93 *a4 = this->pMessages[0].field_8;
94 if ( (signed int)(this->uNumMessages - 1) > 0 )
95 {
96 for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)(this->uNumMessages - 1); ++i )
97 {
98 this->pMessages[i].eType = this->pMessages[i + 1].eType;
99 this->pMessages[i].param = this->pMessages[i + 1].param;
100 this->pMessages[i].field_8 = this->pMessages[i + 1].field_8;
101 }
102 }
103 --this->uNumMessages;
104 }
105 }
107 //----- (0041B4E1) --------------------------------------------------------
108 int __fastcall GUI_ReplaceHotkey(unsigned __int8 uOldHotkey, unsigned __int8 uNewHotkey, char bFirstCall)
109 {
110 int result; // eax@1
111 int i; // edx@2
112 GUIButton *j; // ecx@3
113 int k; // edx@7
114 GUIButton *l; // ecx@8
115 unsigned __int8 v9; // [sp+4h] [bp-8h]@1
116 char old_hot_key; // [sp+8h] [bp-4h]@1
118 //v3 = uNewHotkey;
119 old_hot_key = toupper(uOldHotkey);
120 result = toupper(uNewHotkey);
121 v9 = result;
122 if ( bFirstCall )
123 {
124 for ( i = uNumVisibleWindows; i >= 0; --i )
125 {
126 result = 84 * pVisibleWindowsIdxs[i];
127 for ( j = pWindowList[pVisibleWindowsIdxs[i] - 1].pControlsHead; j; j = j->pNext )
128 j->field_28 = 0;
129 }
130 }
131 for ( k = uNumVisibleWindows; k >= 0; --k )
132 {
133 result = 84 * pVisibleWindowsIdxs[k];
134 for ( l = pWindowList[pVisibleWindowsIdxs[k] - 1].pControlsHead; l; l = l->pNext )
135 {
136 LOBYTE(result) = old_hot_key;
137 if ( l->uHotkey == old_hot_key )
138 {
139 if ( !l->field_28 )
140 {
141 LOBYTE(result) = v9;
142 l->field_28 = 1;
143 l->uHotkey = v9;
144 }
145 }
146 }
147 }
148 return result;
149 }
151 //----- (0041B438) --------------------------------------------------------
152 GUIButton *__fastcall GUI_HandleHotkey(unsigned __int8 uHotkey)
153 {
154 char Hot_key_num; // al@1
155 GUIWindow *current_window; // ecx@2
156 GUIButton *result; // eax@2
158 Hot_key_num = toupper(uHotkey);
159 for( int i = uNumVisibleWindows; i >= 0 && pVisibleWindowsIdxs[i] > 0; i-- )
160 {
161 current_window = &pWindowList[pVisibleWindowsIdxs[i] - 1];
162 for ( result = current_window->pControlsHead; result; result = result->pNext )
163 {
164 if ( result->uHotkey == Hot_key_num )
165 {
166 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(result->msg, result->msg_param, 0);
167 return result;
168 }
169 }
170 if ( !current_window->uFrameX && !current_window->uFrameY
171 && (current_window->uFrameWidth == window->GetWidth() && current_window->uFrameHeight == window->GetWidth()) )
172 break;
173 }
174 return 0;
175 }
176 // 5075E0: using guessed type int pVisibleWindowsIdxs[20];
178 //----- (0041D73D) --------------------------------------------------------
179 void GUIWindow::_41D73D_draw_buff_tooltip()
180 {
181 __int64 remaing_time; // ST28_8@11
182 unsigned short text_color;
183 int Y_pos; // esi@11
184 int string_count; // [sp+20h] [bp-4h]@7
186 string_count = 0;
187 for (int i=0; i<20; ++i)
188 if ( pParty->pPartyBuffs[i].uExpireTime > 0i64 )
189 ++string_count;
191 uFrameHeight = pFontArrus->uFontHeight + 72;
192 uFrameHeight += (string_count - 1) * pFontArrus->uFontHeight;
193 uFrameZ = uFrameWidth + uFrameX - 1;
194 uFrameW = uFrameY + uFrameHeight - 1;
195 DrawMessageBox(0);
196 DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, 12, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[451], 3);
197 if ( !string_count )
198 DrawTitleText(pFontComic, 0, 40, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[153], 3);
200 GetTickCount();
201 string_count = 0;
202 for (int i=0; i<20; ++i)
203 {
204 if ( pParty->pPartyBuffs[i].uExpireTime>0i64 )//!!!
205 {
206 remaing_time = pParty->pPartyBuffs[i].uExpireTime- pParty->uTimePlayed;//!!!
207 Y_pos = string_count * pFontComic->uFontHeight + 40;
208 text_color = Color16(spell_tooltip_colors[i].R, spell_tooltip_colors[i].G, spell_tooltip_colors[i].B);
209 DrawText(pFontComic, 52, Y_pos, text_color, aSpellNames[i], 0, 0, 0);
210 DrawBuff_remaining_time_string(Y_pos, this, remaing_time, pFontComic);
211 ++string_count;
212 }
213 }
214 }
217 //----- (0041D08F) --------------------------------------------------------
218 void GUIWindow::_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(int num_buttons, int a3, int a4, int a5)
219 {
220 if (num_buttons)
221 {
222 this->pNumPresenceButton = num_buttons;
223 this->field_30 = a3;
224 this->field_34 = a4;
225 this->pCurrentPosActiveItem = a5;
226 this->pStartingPosActiveItem = a5;
227 this->receives_keyboard_input = true;
228 }
229 else
230 {
231 this->pNumPresenceButton = 0;
232 this->field_30 = a3;
233 this->field_34 = a4;
234 this->pCurrentPosActiveItem = 0;
235 this->pStartingPosActiveItem = 0;
236 this->receives_keyboard_input = false;
237 }
238 }
241 //----- (0041C26A) --------------------------------------------------------
242 void GUIWindow::Release()
243 {
244 //GUIWindow *v1; // esi@1
245 int i; // edi@20
246 //GUIButton *v8; // eax@26
247 GUIButton *pNextBtn; // edi@27
248 //int v10; // esi@28
249 //int v11; // ecx@28
250 int v12; // edx@29
252 //v1 = this;
253 if ( !this )
254 return;
256 switch( this->eWindowType )
257 {
258 case WINDOW_GreetingNPC:
259 {
260 pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
261 pCurrentScreen = pMainScreenNum;
262 pKeyActionMap->SetWindowInputStatus(WINDOW_INPUT_CANCELLED);
263 break;
264 }
265 case WINDOW_HouseInterior:
266 {
267 for ( i = 0; i < uNumDialogueNPCPortraits; ++i )
268 pDialogueNPCPortraits[i]->Release();
269 uNumDialogueNPCPortraits = 0;
270 pTexture_Dialogue_Background->Release();
272 pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
273 pIcons_LOD->RemoveTexturesPackFromTextureList();
274 dword_5C35D4 = 0;
275 if ( bFlipOnExit )
276 {
277 pParty->sRotationY = (stru_5C6E00->uIntegerDoublePi - 1) & (stru_5C6E00->uIntegerPi + pParty->sRotationY);
278 pGame->pIndoorCameraD3D->sRotationY = pParty->sRotationY;
279 }
280 pParty->uFlags |= 2u;
281 break;
282 }
283 case WINDOW_Transition:
284 {
285 //pVideoPlayer->Unload();
286 pTexture_outside->Release();
287 pTexture_Dialogue_Background->Release();
288 pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
289 pCurrentScreen = pMainScreenNum;
290 break;
291 }
292 case WINDOW_SpellBook:
293 {
294 OnCloseSpellBookPage();
295 OnCloseSpellBook();
296 break;
297 }
298 case WINDOW_Book:
299 {
300 OnCloseBook();
301 break;
302 }
303 case WINDOW_ChangeLocation:
304 {
305 pTexture_outside->Release();
306 pTexture_Dialogue_Background->Release();
307 pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
308 pCurrentScreen = pMainScreenNum;
309 break;
310 }
311 case WINDOW_Dialogue:
312 {
313 if ( !dword_591084 )
314 pDialogueNPCPortraits[0]->Release();
315 uNumDialogueNPCPortraits = 0;
316 pTexture_Dialogue_Background->Release();
318 pIcons_LOD->SyncLoadedFilesCount();
319 pCurrentScreen = pMainScreenNum;
320 break;
321 }
322 case WINDOW_null:
323 return;
324 default:
325 break;
326 }
327 //v8 = this->pControlsHead;
328 if ( this->pControlsHead )
329 {
330 do
331 {
332 pNextBtn = this->pControlsHead->pNext;
333 free(this->pControlsHead);
334 this->pControlsHead = pNextBtn;
335 }
336 while ( pNextBtn );
337 }
338 this->pControlsHead = 0;
339 this->pControlsTail = 0;
340 this->uNumControls = 0;
341 this->eWindowType = WINDOW_null;
342 while ( this->numVisibleWindows < uNumVisibleWindows )
343 {
344 v12 = pVisibleWindowsIdxs[this->numVisibleWindows + 1];
345 pVisibleWindowsIdxs[this->numVisibleWindows] = v12;
346 --pWindowList[v12 - 1].numVisibleWindows;
347 ++this->numVisibleWindows;
348 }
349 pVisibleWindowsIdxs[uNumVisibleWindows] = 0;
350 uNumVisibleWindows = uNumVisibleWindows - 1;
351 }
353 //----- (0041CD3B) --------------------------------------------------------
354 GUIButton *GUIWindow::GetControl(unsigned int uID)
355 {
356 GUIButton *result; // eax@1
358 result = this->pControlsHead;
359 for ( uID; uID; --uID )
360 result = result->pNext;
361 return result;
362 }
364 //----- (00411BFC) --------------------------------------------------------
365 void GUIWindow::InitializeBookView()
366 {
367 char *pString; // eax@12
368 int pTextHeight; // eax@12
369 //__int64 page_count; // qax@12
370 unsigned int page_count; // esi@12
371 unsigned __int16 v18; // ax@38
372 signed int max_beacons; // [sp+10h] [bp-5Ch]@38
373 GUIWindow journal_window; // [sp+18h] [bp-54h]@8
375 pAudioPlayer->StopChannels(-1, -1);
376 InitializeBookFonts();
377 this->CreateButton(475, 445, 158, 34, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[79], 0); // Close
378 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_BOOKS;
379 full_num_items_in_book = 0;
380 books_primary_item_per_page = 0;
381 books_page_number = 0;
382 num_achieved_awards = 0;
383 switch (this->par1C)
384 {
385 case WINDOW_LloydsBeacon:
386 {
387 byte_506360 = 0;
388 pTexture_CurrentBook = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("lb_bordr", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
389 pTexture_LloydBeacons[0] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("sbmap", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
390 pTexture_LloydBeacons[1] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("sbmap", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
391 pTex_book_button1_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-6b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
392 pTex_book_button1_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-6a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
394 pBtn_Book_1 = this->CreateButton(415, 13, 39, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_LloydsBeacon_FlippingBtn, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[375], 0); // Set Beacon
395 pBtn_Book_2 = this->CreateButton(415, 48, 39, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_LloydsBeacon_FlippingBtn, 1, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[523], 0); // Recall Beacon
397 max_beacons = 1;
398 v18 = pParty->pPlayers[_506348_current_lloyd_playerid].pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_WATER];
399 if ( v18 & 0x100 || (v18 & 0x80) )
400 max_beacons = 5;
401 else if ( v18 & 0x40 )
402 max_beacons = 3;
404 for ( int i = 0; i < max_beacons; ++i )
405 CreateButton(pLloydsBeaconsPreviewXs[i], pLloydsBeaconsPreviewYs[i],
406 92, 68, 1, 180, UIMSG_InstallBeacon, i, 0, "", 0);
408 for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i )
409 {
410 if (pParty->pPlayers[_506348_current_lloyd_playerid].pInstalledBeacons[i].uBeaconTime >= (signed __int64)pParty->uTimePlayed)
411 LoadThumbnailLloydTexture(i, _506348_current_lloyd_playerid + 1);
412 else
413 memset(&pParty->pPlayers[_506348_current_lloyd_playerid].pInstalledBeacons[i], 0, sizeof(LloydBeacon));
414 }
415 }
416 break;
418 case WINDOW_TownPortal:
419 {
420 pTexture_CurrentBook = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("townport", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
421 pTexture_TownPortalIcons[0] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tpharmndy", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
422 pTexture_TownPortalIcons[1] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tpelf", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
423 pTexture_TownPortalIcons[2] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tpwarlock", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
424 pTexture_TownPortalIcons[3] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tpisland", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
425 pTexture_TownPortalIcons[4] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tpheaven", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
426 pTexture_TownPortalIcons[5] = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tphell", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
428 static int pTownPortalBook_ws[6] = { 80, 66, 68, 72, 67, 74};
429 static int pTownPortalBook_hs[6] = { 55, 56, 65, 67, 67, 59};
430 for ( uint i = 0; i < 6; ++i )
431 this->CreateButton(pTownPortalBook_xs[i], pTownPortalBook_ys[i], pTownPortalBook_ws[i], pTownPortalBook_hs[i], 1, 182, UIMSG_ClickTownInTP, i, 0, "", nullptr);
433 }
434 break;
436 case WINDOW_QuestBook:
437 {
438 pTexture_CurrentBook = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("sbquiknot", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
439 pSpellBookPagesTextr_10 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr( "divbar", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
440 pTex_book_button1_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-6b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
441 pTex_book_button2_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-7b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
442 pTex_book_button1_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-6a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
443 pTex_book_button2_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-7a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
444 pBtn_Book_1 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 1,
445 pTex_book_button1_on->uTextureWidth, pTex_book_button1_on->uTextureHeight,
446 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 0xBu, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[192],// "Scroll Up"
447 pTex_book_button1_on, 0);
448 pBtn_Book_2 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 38,
449 pTex_book_button2_on->uTextureHeight, pTex_book_button2_on->uTextureHeight,
450 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 0xAu, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[193],// "Scroll Down"
451 pTex_book_button2_on, 0);
452 num_achieved_awards = 0;
453 memset(achieved_awards.data(), 0, 4000);
454 for ( uint i = books_primary_item_per_page; i < 512; ++i )
455 {
456 if ( _449B57_test_bit(pParty->_quest_bits, i) && pQuestTable[i] )
457 {
458 achieved_awards[num_achieved_awards] = (AwardType)i;
459 ++num_achieved_awards;
460 }
461 }
462 full_num_items_in_book = num_achieved_awards;
463 num_achieved_awards = 0;
464 }
465 break;
467 case WINDOW_AutonotesBook:
468 {
469 pTexture_AutonotesBook = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("sbautnot", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
470 pSpellBookPagesTextr_10 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("divbar", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
471 pTex_book_button1_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-6b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
472 pTex_book_button2_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-7b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
473 pTex_book_button1_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-6a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
474 pTex_book_button2_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-7a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
475 pTex_book_button3_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-1b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
476 pTex_book_button3_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-1a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
477 pTex_book_button4_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-2b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
478 pTex_book_button4_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-2a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
479 pTex_book_button5_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-3b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
480 pTex_book_button5_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-3a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
481 pTex_book_button6_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-5b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
482 pTex_book_button6_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-5a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
483 pTex_book_button7_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-4b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
484 pTex_book_button7_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-4a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
485 pTex_book_button8_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-8b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
486 pTex_book_button8_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-8a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
488 pBtn_Book_1 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 1, 50, 34, 1, 0,
489 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 11, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[193], pTex_book_button1_on, 0);
490 pBtn_Book_2 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 38, 50, 34, 1, 0,
491 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 10, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[192], pTex_book_button2_on, 0);
492 pBtn_Book_3 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 113, 50, 34, 1, 0,
493 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 2, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[85], pTex_book_button3_on, 0); // "Potion Notes"
494 pBtn_Book_4 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 399, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 150, 50, 34, 1, 0,
495 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 3, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[137], pTex_book_button4_on, 0); // "Fountain Notes"
496 pBtn_Book_5 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 397, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 188, 50, 34, 1, 0,
497 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 4, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[8], pTex_book_button5_on, 0); // "Obelisk Notes"
498 pBtn_Book_6 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 397, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 226, 50, 34, 1, 0,
499 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 5, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[141], pTex_book_button6_on, 0); // "Seer Notes"
500 pBtn_Autonotes_Misc = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 397, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 264, 50, 34, 1, 0,
501 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 6, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[123], pTex_book_button7_on, 0); // "Miscellaneous Notes"
502 pBtn_Autonotes_Instructors = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 397, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 302, 50, 34, 1, 0,
503 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 7, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[662], pTex_book_button8_on, 0); // "Instructors"
505 num_achieved_awards = 0;
506 for ( uint i = books_primary_item_per_page; i < 196; ++i )
507 {
508 if ( _506568_autonote_type == pAutonoteTxt[i].eType)//dword_72371C[2 * v10] )
509 {
510 if ( i )
511 {
512 if ( _449B57_test_bit(pParty->_autonote_bits, i) && pAutonoteTxt[i].pText )
513 {
514 achieved_awards[num_achieved_awards] = (AwardType)i;
515 ++num_achieved_awards;
516 }
517 }
518 }
519 }
520 full_num_items_in_book = num_achieved_awards;
521 num_achieved_awards = 0;
522 }
523 break;
525 case WINDOW_MapsBook:
526 {
527 dword_506364 = 1;
528 pSpellBookPagesTextr_12 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("sbmap", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
529 pTex_book_button1_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("zoom-on", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
530 pTex_book_button2_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("zoot-on", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
531 pTex_book_button1_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("zoom-off", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
532 pTex_book_button2_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("zoot-off", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
533 pTex_book_button3_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tabNon", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
534 pTex_book_button3_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tabNoff", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
535 pTex_book_button4_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tabSon", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
536 pTex_book_button4_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tabSoff", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
537 pTex_book_button5_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tabEon", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
538 pTex_book_button5_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tabEoff", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
539 pTex_book_button6_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tabWon", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
540 pTex_book_button6_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tabWoff", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
542 pBtn_Book_1 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 1, 50, 34, 1, 0,
543 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[251], pTex_book_button1_on, 0);// "Zoom In"
544 pBtn_Book_2 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 38, 50, 34, 1, 0,
545 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 1, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[252], pTex_book_button2_on, 0);// "Zoom Out"
546 pBtn_Book_3 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 397, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 113, 50, 34, 1, 0,
547 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 2, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[192], (Texture *)"", 0);// Scroll Up
548 pBtn_Book_4 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 397, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 150, 50, 34, 1, 0,
549 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 3, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[193], (Texture *)"", 0);// Scroll Down
550 pBtn_Book_5 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 397, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 188, 50, 34, 1, 0,
551 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 4, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[573], (Texture *)"", 0);// "Scroll Right"
552 pBtn_Book_6 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 397, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 226, 50, 34, 1, 0,
553 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 5, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[572], (Texture *)"", 0);// "Scroll Left"
554 }
555 break;
557 case WINDOW_CalendarBook:
558 {
559 pSpellBookPagesTextr_13 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("sbdate-time", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
560 pTex_moon_new = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("moon_new", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
561 pTex_moon_4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("moon_4", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
562 pTex_moon_2 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("moon_2", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
563 pTex_moon_2_2 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("moon_2", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
564 pTex_moon_ful = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("moon_ful", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
565 }
566 break;
568 case WINDOW_JournalBook:
569 {
570 pSpellBookPagesTextr_11 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("sbplayrnot", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
571 pTex_book_button1_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-6b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
572 pTex_book_button2_on = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-7b", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
573 pTex_book_button1_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-6a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
574 pTex_book_button2_off = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("tab-an-7a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
576 pBtn_Book_1 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 1,
577 pTex_book_button1_on->uTextureWidth, pTex_book_button1_on->uTextureHeight, 1, 0,
578 UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 11, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[192], pTex_book_button1_on, 0);
579 pBtn_Book_2 = this->CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + 398, pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + 38, pTex_book_button2_on->uTextureHeight,
580 pTex_book_button2_on->uTextureHeight, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickBooksBtn, 10, 0,
581 pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[193], pTex_book_button2_on, 0);
583 num_achieved_awards = 0;
584 journal_window.uFrameX = 48;
585 journal_window.uFrameY = 70;
586 journal_window.uFrameWidth = 360;
587 journal_window.uFrameHeight = 264;
588 journal_window.uFrameZ = 407;
589 journal_window.uFrameHeight = (LOBYTE(pAutonoteFont->uFontHeight) - 3) * 264 / LOBYTE(pAutonoteFont->uFontHeight) - 3;
590 journal_window.uFrameW = journal_window.uFrameHeight + 69;
591 memset(&achieved_awards, 0, 4000);
592 memset(Journal_limitation_factor.data(), 0, 100);
593 if ( books_primary_item_per_page < 29 )
594 {
595 for ( int i = books_primary_item_per_page; i < books_primary_item_per_page + 29; i++ )
596 {
597 if ( pParty->PartyTimes.HistoryEventTimes[i] > 0 )
598 {
599 if ( pStorylineText->StoreLine[i + 1].pText )
600 {
601 pString = BuildDialogueString(pStorylineText->StoreLine[i + 1].pText, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, &pParty->PartyTimes.HistoryEventTimes[i]);
602 pTextHeight = pAutonoteFont->CalcTextHeight(pString, &journal_window, 1, 0);
603 page_count = ((pTextHeight - (pAutonoteFont->uFontHeight - 3)) / (signed int)journal_window.uFrameHeight) + 1;
604 memset32((char *)&achieved_awards[num_achieved_awards] , i + 1, page_count);
605 for ( uint j = 0; j <= page_count - 1; ++j )
606 Journal_limitation_factor[num_achieved_awards++] = j;
607 }
608 }
609 }
610 }
611 full_num_items_in_book = num_achieved_awards;
612 num_achieved_awards = 0;
613 }
614 break;
615 }
616 }
618 //----- (00415551) --------------------------------------------------------
619 void GUIWindow::DrawMessageBox(int arg0)
620 {
621 unsigned int v2; // edi@1
622 signed int v4; // esi@2
623 unsigned int v5; // eax@2
624 unsigned int v16; // esi@19
625 GUIWindow current_window; // [sp+Ch] [bp-60h]@18
626 POINT cursor; // [sp+60h] [bp-Ch]@8
627 unsigned int v22; // [sp+74h] [bp+8h]@2
629 v2 = 0;
630 if ( arg0 )
631 {
632 v4 = pViewport->uViewportTL_X;
633 v5 = pViewport->uViewportBR_X;
634 v2 = pViewport->uViewportTL_Y;
635 v22 = pViewport->uViewportBR_Y;
636 }
637 else
638 {
639 v4 = 0;
640 v5 = window->GetWidth();
641 v22 = window->GetHeight();
642 }
643 pMouse->GetCursorPos(&cursor);
644 if ( (signed int)this->uFrameX >= v4 )
645 {
646 if ( (signed int)(this->uFrameWidth + this->uFrameX) > (signed int)v5 )
647 {
648 this->uFrameX = v5 - this->uFrameWidth;
649 this->uFrameY = cursor.y + 30;
650 }
651 }
652 else
653 {
654 this->uFrameX = v4;
655 this->uFrameY = cursor.y + 30;
656 }
658 if ( (signed int)this->uFrameY >= (signed int)v2 )
659 {
660 if ( (signed int)(this->uFrameY + this->uFrameHeight) > (signed int)v22 )
661 this->uFrameY = cursor.y - this->uFrameHeight - 30;
662 }
663 else
664 this->uFrameY = cursor.y + 30;
665 if ( (signed int)this->uFrameY < (signed int)v2 )
666 this->uFrameY = v2;
667 if ( (signed int)this->uFrameX < v4 )
668 this->uFrameX = v4;
669 this->uFrameZ = this->uFrameWidth + this->uFrameX - 1;
670 this->uFrameW = this->uFrameHeight + this->uFrameY - 1;
671 memcpy(¤t_window, this, sizeof(current_window));
672 current_window.uFrameX += 12;
673 current_window.uFrameWidth -= 24;
674 current_window.uFrameY += 12;
675 current_window.uFrameHeight -= 12;
676 current_window.uFrameZ = current_window.uFrameWidth + current_window.uFrameX - 1;
677 current_window.uFrameW = current_window.uFrameHeight + current_window.uFrameY - 1;
678 if ( this->Hint )
679 v16 = pFontLucida->CalcTextHeight(this->Hint, ¤t_window, 0, 0) + 24;
680 else
681 v16 = this->uFrameHeight;
682 if ( (signed int)v16 < 64 )
683 v16 = 64;
684 if ( (signed int)(v16 + this->uFrameY) > 479 )
685 v16 = 479 - this->uFrameY;
686 DrawPopupWindow(this->uFrameX, this->uFrameY, this->uFrameWidth, v16);
687 if ( this->Hint )
688 current_window.DrawTitleText(pFontLucida, 0, (signed int)(v16 - pFontLucida->CalcTextHeight(this->Hint, ¤t_window, 0, 0)) / 2 - 14, 0, this->Hint, 3);
689 }
691 //----- (00411B59) --------------------------------------------------------
692 void __fastcall LoadThumbnailLloydTexture(unsigned int uSlot, unsigned int uPlayer)
693 {
694 //unsigned int v2; // esi@1
695 //unsigned int v3; // edi@1
696 FILE *v4; // ebx@1
697 FILE *v5; // eax@2
698 char pContainerName[64]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-44h]@1
699 //unsigned int v7; // [sp+4Ch] [bp-4h]@1
701 //v2 = uSlot;
702 //v7 = uPlayer;
703 //v3 = uSlot + 1;
704 sprintf(pContainerName, "data\\lloyd%d%d.pcx", uPlayer, uSlot + 1);
705 v4 = fopen(pContainerName, "rb");
706 if ( v4 )
707 {
708 pSavegameThumbnails[uSlot].LoadFromFILE(v4, 0, 1);
709 fclose(v4);
710 }
711 else
712 {
713 sprintf(pContainerName, "lloyd%d%d.pcx", uPlayer, uSlot + 1);
714 v5 = pNew_LOD->FindContainer(pContainerName, 1);
715 if ( v5 )
716 pSavegameThumbnails[uSlot].LoadFromFILE(v5, 0, 0);
717 else
718 *((int *)&pSavegameThumbnails.data()->pPixels + 10 * uSlot) = 0;
719 }
720 }
723 //----- (00411621) --------------------------------------------------------
724 void GUIWindow::OpenSpellBook()
725 {
726 Player *pPlayer; // edi@1
727 //GUIWindow *pWindow; // esi@1
728 //unsigned int v3; // ebp@1
729 int v4; // eax@3
730 ///GUIButton *result; // eax@25
731 int a2; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@1
732 //int v7; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@1
734 pPlayer = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
735 //pWindow = this;
736 LoadSpellbook(pPlayer->lastOpenedSpellbookPage);
737 //v3 = 0;
738 a2 = 0;
740 PlayerSpellbookChapter* chapter = &pPlayer->spellbook.pChapters[pPlayer->lastOpenedSpellbookPage];
741 for (uint i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
742 {
743 if (!chapter->bIsSpellAvailable[i])
744 continue;
745 v4= pPlayer->lastOpenedSpellbookPage;
746 //v4 = (12 * pPlayer->lastOpenedSpellbookPage + pSpellbookSpellIndices[pPlayer->lastOpenedSpellbookPage][i + 1]);
747 CreateButton(pViewport->uViewportTL_X + pIconPos[v4][pSpellbookSpellIndices[v4][i+1]].Xpos,
748 pViewport->uViewportTL_Y + pIconPos[v4][pSpellbookSpellIndices[v4][i+1]].Ypos, //dword_4E20D0
749 SBPageSSpellsTextureList[i + 1]->uTextureWidth,
750 SBPageSSpellsTextureList[i + 1]->uTextureHeight,
751 1, 79, UIMSG_SelectSpell, i, 0, "", 0);
752 ++a2;
753 //++v3;
754 }
755 //while ( (signed int)v3 < 11 );
757 CreateButton(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_SpellBook_PressTab, 0, '\t', "", 0);
758 if ( a2 )
759 _41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(a2, 0, 0, 0);
761 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_FIRE]) CreateButton(399, 10, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 0, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[0], 0);
762 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_AIR]) CreateButton(399, 46, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 1, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[1], 0);
763 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_WATER]) CreateButton(399, 83, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 2, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[2], 0);
764 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_EARTH]) CreateButton(399, 121, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 3, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[3], 0);
765 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_SPIRIT]) CreateButton(399, 158, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 4, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[4], 0);
766 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_MIND]) CreateButton(400, 196, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 5, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[5], 0);
767 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_BODY]) CreateButton(400, 234, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 6, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[6], 0);
768 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_LIGHT]) CreateButton(400, 271, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 7, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[7], 0);
769 if (pPlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_DARK]) CreateButton(400, 307, 50, 36, 1, 0, UIMSG_OpenSpellbookPage, 8, 0, aSpellSchoolNames[8], 0);
771 CreateButton(476, 450, pSBClickQuickSpellBtnTextr->uTextureWidth, pSBClickQuickSpellBtnTextr->uTextureHeight, 1, 78, UIMSG_ClickInstallRemoveQuickSpellBtn, 0, 0, "", 0);
772 pBtn_InstallRemoveSpell = CreateButton(476, 450, 48, 32, 1, 78, UIMSG_ClickInstallRemoveQuickSpellBtn, 0, 0, "", pSBClickQuickSpellBtnTextr, 0);
773 CreateButton(561, 450, pSpellBookClickCloseBtnTextr->uTextureWidth, pSpellBookClickCloseBtnTextr->uTextureHeight, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[79], 0);
774 pBtn_CloseBook = CreateButton(561, 450, 48, 32, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[79], pSpellBookClickCloseBtnTextr, 0);
775 }
776 // 50640C: using guessed type int dword_50640C[];
778 //----- (004B3157) --------------------------------------------------------
779 void GUIWindow::HouseDialogManager()
780 {
781 unsigned __int16 pWhiteColor; // di@2
782 const char *pHouseName; // edx@4
783 signed int v3; // edx@5
784 char *v4; // edi@9
785 int pTextHeight; // eax@45
786 int v6; // edi@45
787 char *v7; // eax@45
788 int v8; // edi@46
789 int v9; // eax@50
790 unsigned int v10; // [sp-10h] [bp-C8h]@53
791 char *pTitleText; // [sp-8h] [bp-C0h]@50
792 GUIWindow pDialogWindow; // [sp+Ch] [bp-ACh]@4
793 GUIWindow pWindow; // [sp+60h] [bp-58h]@2
794 int pColor2; // [sp+B4h] [bp-4h]@2
796 if ( !window_SpeakInHouse )
797 return;
798 memcpy(&pWindow, this, sizeof(pWindow));
799 pWindow.uFrameWidth -= 18;
800 pWindow.uFrameZ -= 18;
801 pWhiteColor = Color16(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0xFFu);
802 pColor2 = Color16(0x15u, 0x99u, 0xE9u);
803 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(0x1DDu, 0, pTexture_Dialogue_Background);
804 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexedAlpha(0x1D4u, 0, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_right_panel_loop]);
805 if ( pDialogueNPCCount != uNumDialogueNPCPortraits || !uHouse_ExitPic )
806 {
807 pDialogWindow.uFrameWidth = 130;
808 pDialogWindow.uFrameHeight = 2 * LOBYTE(pFontCreate->uFontHeight);
809 pHouseName = p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].pName;
810 if ( pHouseName )
811 {
812 v3 = 2 * LOBYTE(pFontCreate->uFontHeight) - 6 - pFontCreate->CalcTextHeight(pHouseName, &pDialogWindow, 0, 0);
813 if ( v3 < 0 )
814 v3 = 0;
815 pWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontCreate, 0x1EAu, v3 / 2 + 4, pWhiteColor,
816 //(const char *)p2DEvents_minus1_::04[13 * (unsigned int)ptr_507BC0->ptr_1C],
817 p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].pName, 3);
818 }
819 }
820 pWindow.uFrameWidth += 8;
821 pWindow.uFrameZ += 8;
822 if ( !pDialogueNPCCount )
823 {
824 if ( in_current_building_type == BuildingType_Jail )
825 {
826 JailDialog();
827 if ( pDialogueNPCCount == uNumDialogueNPCPortraits && uHouse_ExitPic )
828 {
829 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(556, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_x_u]);
830 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(476, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_ok_u]);
831 }
832 else
833 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(471, 445, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uExitCancelTextureId]);
834 return;
835 }
836 if ( current_npc_text )
837 {
838 pDialogWindow.uFrameWidth = 458;
839 pDialogWindow.uFrameZ = 457;
840 pTextHeight = pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(current_npc_text, &pDialogWindow, 13, 0);
841 v6 = pTextHeight + 7;
842 pRenderer->GetLeather(8, 352 - (pTextHeight + 7), &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Leather],
843 pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Leather].uTextureHeight - (pTextHeight + 7));
844 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8, 347 - v6, pTexture_591428);
845 v7 = FitTextInAWindow(current_npc_text, pFontArrus, &pDialogWindow, 0xDu, 0);
846 window_SpeakInHouse->DrawText(pFontArrus, 13, 354 - v6, 0, v7, 0, 0, 0);
847 }
848 if ( uNumDialogueNPCPortraits <= 0 )
849 {
850 if ( pDialogueNPCCount == uNumDialogueNPCPortraits && uHouse_ExitPic )
851 {
852 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(556, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_x_u]);
853 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(476, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_ok_u]);
854 }
855 else
856 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(471, 445, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uExitCancelTextureId]);
857 return;
858 }
859 for ( v8 = 0; v8 < uNumDialogueNPCPortraits; ++v8 )
860 {
861 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pNPCPortraits_x[uNumDialogueNPCPortraits - 1][v8] - 4,
862 pNPCPortraits_y[uNumDialogueNPCPortraits - 1][v8] - 4, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50795C]);
863 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pNPCPortraits_x[uNumDialogueNPCPortraits - 1][v8],
864 pNPCPortraits_y[uNumDialogueNPCPortraits - 1][v8], pDialogueNPCPortraits[v8]);
865 if ( uNumDialogueNPCPortraits < 4 )
866 {
867 if ( v8 + 1 == uNumDialogueNPCPortraits && uHouse_ExitPic )
868 {
869 pTitleText = pMapStats->pInfos[uHouse_ExitPic].pName;
870 v9 = 94 * v8 + 113;
871 }
872 else
873 {
874 if ( !v8 && dword_591080 )
875 {
876 pTitleText = (char *)p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].pProprieterTitle;
877 pWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontCreate, 0x1E3u, 113, pColor2, pTitleText, 3);
878 continue;
879 }
880 pTitleText = HouseNPCData[v8 +1 - (dword_591080 != 0)]->pName;
881 v9 = pNPCPortraits_y[uNumDialogueNPCPortraits - 1][v8] + pDialogueNPCPortraits[v8]->uTextureHeight + 2;
882 }
883 v10 = v9;
884 pWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontCreate, 483, v10, pColor2, pTitleText, 3);
885 }
886 }
887 if ( pDialogueNPCCount == uNumDialogueNPCPortraits && uHouse_ExitPic )
888 {
889 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(556, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_x_u]);
890 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(476, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_ok_u]);
891 }
892 else
893 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(471, 445, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uExitCancelTextureId]);
894 return;
895 }
896 v4 = (char *)pDialogueNPCCount - 1;
897 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pNPCPortraits_x[0][0] - 4, pNPCPortraits_y[0][0] - 4, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50795C]);
898 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pNPCPortraits_x[0][0], pNPCPortraits_y[0][0], pDialogueNPCPortraits[(signed int)v4]);
899 if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_E )
900 {
901 CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(pPlayers[uActiveCharacter], true);
902 if ( pDialogueNPCCount == uNumDialogueNPCPortraits && uHouse_ExitPic )
903 {
904 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(556, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_x_u]);
905 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(476, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_ok_u]);
906 }
907 else
908 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(471, 445, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uExitCancelTextureId]);
909 return;
910 }
911 if ( v4 || !dword_591080 )//�� ���������� ������� ������� �� ������� ���� �� ��������� ������
912 SimpleHouseDialog();
913 else
914 {
915 sprintfex( pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[429],
916 p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].pProprieterName,
917 p2DEvents[(unsigned int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 1].pProprieterTitle);
918 pWindow.DrawTitleText(pFontCreate, 0x1E3u, 0x71u, pColor2, pTmpBuf.data(), 3);
919 switch ( in_current_building_type )
920 {
921 case BuildingType_WeaponShop:
922 WeaponShopDialog();
923 break;
924 case BuildingType_ArmorShop:
925 ArmorShopDialog();
926 break;
927 case BuildingType_MagicShop:
928 MagicShopDialog();
929 break;
930 case BuildingType_AlchemistShop:
931 AlchemistDialog();
932 break;
933 case BuildingType_FireGuild:
934 case BuildingType_AirGuild:
935 case BuildingType_WaterGuild:
936 case BuildingType_EarthGuild:
937 case BuildingType_SpiritGuild:
938 case BuildingType_MindGuild:
939 case BuildingType_BodyGuild:
940 case BuildingType_LightGuild:
941 case BuildingType_DarkGuild:
942 GuildDialog();
943 break;
944 case BuildingType_18:
945 __debugbreak(); //What over the dialog?
946 sub_4B6478();
947 break;
948 case BuildingType_TownHall:
949 TownHallDialog();
950 break;
951 case BuildingType_Tavern:
952 TavernDialog();
953 break;
954 case BuildingType_Bank:
955 BankDialog();
956 break;
957 case BuildingType_Temple:
958 TempleDialog();
959 break;
960 case BuildingType_Stables:
961 case BuildingType_Boats:
962 TravelByTransport();
963 break;
964 case BuildingType_Training:
965 TrainingDialog();
966 break;
967 case BuildingType_Jail:
968 JailDialog();
969 break;
970 default:
971 //__debugbreak();//New BuildingType (if enter Boat)
972 break;
973 }
974 }
975 if ( pDialogueNPCCount == uNumDialogueNPCPortraits && uHouse_ExitPic )
976 {
977 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(556, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_x_u]);
978 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(476, 451, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_x_ok_u]);
979 }
980 else
981 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(471, 445, &pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uExitCancelTextureId]);
982 }
984 //----- (004B1854) --------------------------------------------------------
985 void GUIWindow::DrawShops_next_generation_time_string( __int64 next_generation_time )
986 {
987 unsigned int full_time; // esi@1
988 signed __int64 hours; // kr00_8@1
989 const char *text; // eax@2
990 signed __int64 minutes; // [sp+Ch] [bp-10h]@1
991 signed __int64 seconds; // [sp+14h] [bp-8h]@1
992 unsigned int days; // [sp+20h] [bp+4h]@1
994 full_time = (signed __int64)((double)next_generation_time * 0.234375);
995 seconds = (signed __int64)full_time % 60;
996 minutes = (signed __int64)(full_time / 60) % 60;
997 hours = ((full_time / 60) / 60) % 24;
998 days = (unsigned int)((full_time / 60) / 60) / 24;
999 strcpy(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[532]);
1000 if ( days )
1001 {
1002 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[57];//Days
1003 if ( days <= 1 )
1004 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[56];//Day
1005 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%d %s ", days, text);
1006 strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), pTmpBuf2.data());
1007 }
1008 if ( hours )
1009 {
1010 if ( hours <= 1 )
1011 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[109];//Hour
1012 else
1013 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[110];//Hours
1014 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%d %s ", (int)hours, text);
1015 strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), pTmpBuf2.data());
1016 }
1017 if ( minutes && !days )
1018 {
1019 if ( minutes <= 1 )
1020 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[437];//"Minute"
1021 else
1022 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[436]; //"Minutes"
1023 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%d %s ", (int)minutes, text);
1024 strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), pTmpBuf2.data());
1025 }
1026 if ( seconds && !hours )
1027 {
1028 if ( seconds <= 1 )
1029 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[439]; //"Second"
1030 else
1031 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[438]; //"Seconds"
1032 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%d %s ", (int)seconds, text);
1033 strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), pTmpBuf2.data());
1034 }
1035 this->DrawTitleText(pFontArrus, 0, (212 - pFontArrus->CalcTextHeight(pTmpBuf.data(), this, 0, 0)) / 2 + 101, Color16(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu), pTmpBuf.data(), 3);
1036 }
1038 //----- (0044D406) --------------------------------------------------------
1039 void GUIWindow::DrawTitleText( GUIFont *a2, signed int uHorizontalMargin, unsigned int uVerticalMargin, unsigned __int16 uDefaultColor,
1040 const char *pInString, unsigned int uLineSpacing )
1041 {
1042 //GUIWindow *pWindow; // esi@1
1043 unsigned int v8; // ebx@1
1044 char *v9; // eax@1
1045 unsigned int v11; // edi@1
1046 signed int v12; // esi@1
1047 int v13; // eax@2
1048 GUIFont *pFont; // [sp+Ch] [bp-4h]@1
1049 const char *Stra; // [sp+24h] [bp+14h]@5
1051 //pWindow = this;
1052 pFont = a2;
1053 v8 = this->uFrameWidth - uHorizontalMargin;
1054 ui_current_text_color = uDefaultColor;
1055 v9 = FitTextInAWindow(pInString, a2, this, uHorizontalMargin, 0);
1056 Stra = strtok(v9, "\n");
1057 v11 = uHorizontalMargin + this->uFrameX;
1058 v12 = uVerticalMargin + this->uFrameY;
1059 while ( 1 )
1060 {
1061 if ( !Stra )
1062 break;
1063 v13 = (signed int)(v8 - pFont->GetLineWidth(Stra)) >> 1;
1064 if ( v13 < 0 )
1065 v13 = 0;
1066 pFont->DrawTextLine(uDefaultColor, v11 + v13, v12, Stra, window->GetWidth());
1067 v12 += pFont->uFontHeight - uLineSpacing;
1068 Stra = strtok(0, "\n");
1069 }
1070 }
1071 // 5C6DB4: using guessed type int ui_current_text_color;
1073 //----- (0044CE08) --------------------------------------------------------
1074 void GUIWindow::DrawText(GUIFont *a2, signed int uX, int uY, unsigned int uFontColor, const char *Str, int a7, int max_text_height, signed int uFontShadowColor )
1075 {
1076 GUIFont *v10; // ebx@1
1077 signed int v12; // esi@9
1078 signed int v13; // edi@9
1079 int v14; // edx@9
1080 int v15; // eax@25
1081 unsigned int v16; // ecx@25
1082 int v17; // eax@27v21
1083 int v18; // edi@32
1084 int v19; // esi@38
1085 char Dest[6]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-2Ch]@32
1086 const char *v27; // [sp+20h] [bp-18h]@25
1087 int v28; // [sp+24h] [bp-14h]@25
1088 int v29; // [sp+28h] [bp-10h]@1
1089 size_t v30; // [sp+2Ch] [bp-Ch]@4
1090 const char *v32; // [sp+34h] [bp-4h]@7
1091 size_t pInString; // [sp+4Ch] [bp+14h]@11
1093 v29 = 0;
1094 v10 = a2;
1095 if ( !Str )
1096 {
1097 MessageBoxW(nullptr, L"Invalid string passed!", L"E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\Font.cpp:859", 0);
1098 return;
1099 }
1100 if (!strcmp(Str, "null"))
1101 return;
1103 v30 = strlen(Str);
1104 //int v11 = 0;
1105 if ( !uX )
1106 uX = 12;
1108 if ( max_text_height != 0 )
1109 v32 = Str;
1110 else
1111 v32 = FitTextInAWindow(Str, v10, this, uX, 0);
1113 v12 = uX + uFrameX;
1114 v13 = uY + uFrameY;
1115 v14 = 0;
1117 if (max_text_height != 0 && v13 + LOBYTE(v10->uFontHeight) > max_text_height)
1118 return;
1120 pInString = 0;
1121 if ( (signed int)v30 > 0 )
1122 {
1123 do
1124 {
1125 unsigned char c = v32[v14];
1126 if ( c >= v10->cFirstChar && c <= v10->cLastChar
1127 || c == 12
1128 || c == 13
1129 || c == 9
1130 || c == 10 )
1131 {
1132 switch ( c )
1133 {
1134 case 9u:
1135 strncpy(Dest, &v32[v14 + 1], 3);
1136 Dest[3] = 0;
1137 pInString += 3;
1138 v29 = atoi(Dest);
1139 v19 = atoi(Dest);
1140 v12 = uX + uFrameX + v19;
1141 break;
1142 case 0xAu:
1143 uY = uY + LOBYTE(v10->uFontHeight) - 3;
1144 v13 = uY + uFrameY;
1145 v12 = uX + v29 + uFrameX;
1146 if ( max_text_height != 0 )
1147 {
1148 if (LOBYTE(v10->uFontHeight) + v13 - 3 > max_text_height )
1149 return;
1150 }
1151 break;
1152 case 0xCu:
1153 strncpy(Dest, &v32[v14 + 1], 5);
1154 Dest[5] = 0;
1155 uFontColor = atoi(Dest);
1156 pInString += 5;
1157 break;
1158 case 0xDu:
1159 strncpy(Dest, &v32[v14 + 1], 3);
1160 Dest[3] = 0;
1161 pInString += 3;
1162 v18 = atoi(Dest);
1163 v12 = uFrameZ - v10->GetLineWidth(&v32[pInString]) - v18;
1164 v13 = uY + uFrameY;
1165 if ( max_text_height != 0 )
1166 {
1167 if (LOBYTE(v10->uFontHeight) + v13 - 3 > max_text_height )
1168 return;
1169 break;
1170 }
1171 break;
1172 default:
1173 if (c == 34 && v32[v14 + 1] == 34 )
1174 {
1175 ++v14;
1176 pInString = v14;
1177 }
1178 v27 = &v32[v14];
1179 v15 = (unsigned __int8)v32[v14];
1180 v16 = *((int *)&v10->cFirstChar + 3 * v15 + 9);
1181 v28 = *((int *)&v10->cFirstChar + 3 * v15 + 9);
1182 if ( v14 > 0 )
1183 v12 += v10->pMetrics[v15].uLeftSpacing;
1184 v17 = (int)((char *)&v10[1] + v10->font_pixels_offset[v15]);
1185 if ( (short)uFontColor )
1186 pRenderer->DrawText(v12, v13, (unsigned __int8 *)v17, v16, LOBYTE(v10->uFontHeight),
1187 v10->pFontPalettes[0], uFontColor, uFontShadowColor);
1188 else
1189 pRenderer->DrawTextAlpha(v12, v13, (unsigned char*)v17, v16, LOBYTE(v10->uFontHeight),
1190 v10->pFontPalettes[0], a7);
1191 v12 += v28;
1192 if ( (signed int)pInString < (signed int)v30 )
1193 v12 += v10->pMetrics[(unsigned __int8)*v27].uRightSpacing;
1194 break;
1195 }
1196 }
1197 v14 = pInString++ + 1;
1198 }
1199 while ( (signed int)pInString < (signed int)v30 );
1200 }
1201 }
1204 //----- (0044CB4F) --------------------------------------------------------
1205 int GUIWindow::DrawTextInRect( GUIFont *pFont, unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uColor, const char *text, int rect_width, int reverse_text )
1206 {
1207 int pLineWidth; // ebx@1
1208 int text_width; // esi@3
1209 unsigned __int8 v12; // cl@7
1210 signed int v13; // esi@19
1211 signed int v14; // ebx@19
1212 unsigned __int8 v15; // cl@21
1213 // int v16; // eax@22
1214 // int v17; // ecx@22
1215 // int v18; // ecx@23
1216 // int v19; // ecx@24
1217 unsigned int v20; // ecx@26
1218 unsigned char* v21; // eax@28
1219 // int v22; // ebx@34
1220 int v23; // eax@34
1221 int v24; // ebx@36
1222 char Str[6]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-20h]@34
1223 // char v26; // [sp+Fh] [bp-1Dh]@34
1224 // char v27; // [sp+11h] [bp-1Bh]@35
1225 int v28; // [sp+20h] [bp-Ch]@17
1226 GUIWindow *pWindow; // [sp+24h] [bp-8h]@1
1227 size_t pNumLen; // [sp+28h] [bp-4h]@1
1228 size_t Str1a; // [sp+40h] [bp+14h]@5
1229 // size_t Str1b; // [sp+40h] [bp+14h]@19
1230 // const char *Sourcea; // [sp+44h] [bp+18h]@20
1231 // int v34; // [sp+48h] [bp+1Ch]@26
1232 int i;
1235 pWindow = this;
1236 pNumLen = strlen(text);
1237 pLineWidth = pFont->GetLineWidth(text);
1238 if ( pLineWidth < rect_width )
1239 {
1240 pWindow->DrawText(pFont, uX, uY, uColor, text, 0, 0, 0);
1241 return pLineWidth;
1242 }
1243 strcpy(pTmpBuf2.data(), text);
1244 text_width = 0;
1245 if ( reverse_text )
1246 _strrev(pTmpBuf2.data());
1247 Str1a = 0;
1248 for ( i = 0; i < pNumLen; ++i )
1249 {
1250 if ( text_width >= rect_width )
1251 break;
1252 v12 = pTmpBuf2[i];
1253 if ( pFont->IsCharValid(v12) )
1254 {
1255 switch (v12)
1256 {
1257 case '\t':// Horizontal tab 09
1258 case '\n': //Line Feed 0A 10
1259 case '\r': //Form Feed, page eject 0C 12
1260 break;
1261 case '\f': //Carriage Return 0D 13
1262 i += 5;
1263 break;
1264 default:
1265 if ( i > 0 )
1266 text_width += pFont->pMetrics[v12].uLeftSpacing;
1267 text_width += pFont->pMetrics[v12].uWidth;
1268 if ( i < pNumLen )
1269 text_width += pFont->pMetrics[v12].uRightSpacing;
1270 }
1271 }
1272 }
1273 pTmpBuf2[i - 1] = 0;
1276 pNumLen = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
1277 v28 = pFont->GetLineWidth(pTmpBuf2.data());
1278 if ( reverse_text )
1279 _strrev(pTmpBuf2.data());
1281 v13 = uX + pWindow->uFrameX;
1282 v14 = uY + pWindow->uFrameY;
1283 for (i=0; i<pNumLen; ++i)
1284 {
1285 v15 = pTmpBuf2[i];
1286 if ( pFont->IsCharValid(v15) )
1287 {
1288 switch (v12)
1289 {
1290 case '\t':// Horizontal tab 09
1291 {
1292 strncpy(Str, &pTmpBuf2[i+1], 3);
1293 Str[3] = 0;
1294 // atoi(Str);
1295 i += 3;
1296 break;
1297 }
1298 case '\n': //Line Feed 0A 10
1299 {
1300 v24 = pFont->uFontHeight;
1301 v13 = uX;
1302 uY = uY + pFont->uFontHeight - 3;
1303 v14 = uY+pFont->uFontHeight - 3;
1304 break;
1305 }
1306 case '\r': //Form Feed, page eject 0C 12
1307 {
1308 strncpy(Str, &pTmpBuf2[i+1], 5);
1309 Str[5] = 0;
1310 i += 5;
1311 uColor = atoi(Str);
1312 break;
1313 }
1314 case '\f': //Carriage Return 0D 13
1315 {
1316 strncpy(Str, &pTmpBuf2[i+1], 3);
1317 Str[3] = 0;
1318 i += 3;
1319 v23 = pFont->GetLineWidth(&pTmpBuf2[i]);
1320 v13 = pWindow->uFrameZ - v23 - atoi(Str);
1321 v14 = uY;
1322 break;
1323 }
1324 default:
1325 v20 = pFont->pMetrics[v15].uWidth;
1326 if ( i > 0 )
1327 v13 += pFont->pMetrics[v15].uLeftSpacing;
1328 v21 = &pFont->pFontData[pFont->font_pixels_offset[v15]];
1329 if ( uColor )
1330 pRenderer->DrawText(v13, v14, v21, v20, pFont->uFontHeight, pFont->pFontPalettes[0], uColor, 0);
1331 else
1332 pRenderer->DrawTextAlpha(v13, v14, v21, v20, pFont->uFontHeight, pFont->pFontPalettes[0], false);
1333 v13 += v20;
1334 if ( i < (signed int)pNumLen )
1335 v13 += pFont->pMetrics[v15].uRightSpacing;
1336 }
1337 }
1338 }
1339 return v28;
1340 }
1342 //----- (0041D12F) --------------------------------------------------------
1343 GUIButton *GUIWindow::CreateButton(unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uWidth, unsigned int uHeight,
1344 int a6, int a7, UIMessageType msg, unsigned int msg_param, unsigned __int8 uHotkey, const char *pName, Texture *pTextures, ...)
1345 {
1346 GUIButton *pButton; // esi@1
1347 // unsigned int v13; // eax@1
1348 // unsigned int v14; // ebx@4
1349 // unsigned int v15; // eax@4
1350 unsigned int TextureNum=0; // ebx@4
1351 // unsigned int v17; // eax@4
1352 // Texture *v18; // eax@4
1353 // Texture **v19; // ecx@5
1354 // Texture **v20; // edx@5
1355 // GUIButton *v21; // eax@7
1356 va_list texturs_ptr;
1358 pButton = (GUIButton *)malloc(0xBC);
1359 pButton->pParent = this;
1360 pButton->uWidth = uWidth;
1361 pButton->uHeight = uHeight;
1363 if ( a6 == 2 && !uHeight )
1364 pButton->uHeight = uWidth;
1366 pButton->uButtonType = a6;
1367 pButton->uX = uX + this->uFrameX;
1368 pButton->uY = uY + this->uFrameY;
1369 pButton->uZ = pButton->uX + uWidth - 1;
1370 pButton->uW = pButton->uY + uHeight - 1;
1371 pButton->field_2C_is_pushed = 0;
1372 pButton->field_1C = a7;
1373 pButton->msg = msg;
1374 pButton->msg_param = msg_param;
1375 pButton->uHotkey = uHotkey;
1376 //strlen(pName);
1377 strcpy(pButton->pButtonName, pName);
1378 va_start(texturs_ptr, pName);
1379 while (NULL!=(pTextures=va_arg(texturs_ptr, Texture *)))
1380 {
1381 pButton->pTextures[TextureNum]=pTextures;
1382 ++TextureNum;
1383 }
1384 va_end(texturs_ptr);
1385 pButton->uNumTextures = TextureNum;
1386 if ( this->pControlsTail )
1387 this->pControlsTail->pNext = pButton;
1388 else
1389 this->pControlsHead = pButton;
1390 pButton->pPrev = this->pControlsTail;
1391 this->pControlsTail = pButton;
1392 pButton->pNext = 0;
1393 ++this->uNumControls;
1394 return pButton;
1395 }
1397 //----- (00459C2B) --------------------------------------------------------
1398 void GUIWindow::DrawFlashingInputCursor( signed int uX, int uY, struct GUIFont *a2 )
1399 {
1400 if ( GetTickCount() % 1000 > 500 )
1401 DrawText(a2, uX, uY, 0, "_", 0, 0, 0);
1402 }
1404 //----- (0041C432) --------------------------------------------------------
1405 GUIWindow * GUIWindow::Create( unsigned int uX, unsigned int uY, unsigned int uWidth, unsigned int uHeight, enum WindowType eWindowType, int pButton, const char* hint )
1406 {
1407 unsigned int uNextFreeWindowID; // ebp@1
1408 //int *v8; // eax@1
1409 //GUIWindow *pWindow; // esi@4
1410 //int v10; // eax@4
1411 unsigned int v11; // ebx@15
1412 NPCData *speakingNPC; // ebp@15
1413 int v14; // eax@20
1414 int v16; // eax@25
1415 int v18; // eax@30
1416 int v20; // eax@35
1417 int v22; // eax@40
1418 int v24; // eax@45
1419 // int v25; // eax@65
1420 unsigned int v26; // ebx@65
1421 char *v27; // eax@71
1422 const char *v29; // [sp-8h] [bp-18h]@68
1423 char *v30; // [sp-4h] [bp-14h]@68
1424 // int uWidtha; // [sp+14h] [bp+4h]@66
1425 int num_menu_buttons; // [sp+20h] [bp+10h]@15
1427 for (uNextFreeWindowID = 0; uNextFreeWindowID < 20; ++uNextFreeWindowID)
1428 {
1429 if (pWindowList[uNextFreeWindowID].eWindowType == WINDOW_null)
1430 break;
1431 }
1433 GUIWindow* pWindow = &pWindowList[uNextFreeWindowID];
1434 pWindow->uFrameWidth = uWidth;
1435 pWindow->uFrameHeight = uHeight;
1437 pWindow->uFrameX = uX;
1438 pWindow->uFrameY = uY;
1439 pWindow->uFrameZ = uX + uWidth - 1;
1440 pWindow->uFrameW = uY + uHeight - 1;
1442 pWindow->ptr_1C = (void *)pButton;
1443 pWindow->Hint = hint;
1445 pWindow->eWindowType = eWindowType;
1446 pWindow->receives_keyboard_input = false;
1447 ++uNumVisibleWindows;
1448 pWindow->numVisibleWindows = uNumVisibleWindows;
1449 pVisibleWindowsIdxs[uNumVisibleWindows] = uNextFreeWindowID + 1;
1450 if ( (signed int)eWindowType <= 20 )
1451 {
1452 if (eWindowType != WINDOW_Chest)
1453 {
1454 switch (eWindowType)
1455 {
1456 case WINDOW_Book: {
1457 pWindow->InitializeBookView();
1458 break;
1459 }
1460 case WINDOW_Dialogue: {
1461 pMainScreenNum = pCurrentScreen;
1462 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_NPC_DIALOGUE;
1463 pBtn_ExitCancel = pWindow->CreateButton(0x1D7u, 0x1BDu, 0xA9u, 0x23u, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[79], //"Exit"
1464 pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0);
1465 if ( pWindow->par1C != 1 )
1466 {
1467 num_menu_buttons = 0;
1468 v11 = LOBYTE(pFontArrus->uFontHeight) - 3;
1469 speakingNPC = GetNPCData(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID);
1470 if ( GetGreetType(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID) == 1 )//QuestsNPC_greet
1471 {
1472 if ( speakingNPC->joins )
1473 {
1474 pWindow->CreateButton(480, 130, 140, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0xDu, 0, "", 0);
1475 num_menu_buttons = 1;
1476 }
1477 if ( speakingNPC->evt_A )
1478 {
1479 if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 )
1480 {
1481 v14 = NPC_EventProcessor(speakingNPC->evt_A);
1482 if ( v14 == 1 || v14 == 2 )
1483 pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E0u, num_menu_buttons++ * v11 + 130, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x13u, 0, "", 0);
1484 }
1485 }
1486 if ( speakingNPC->evt_B )
1487 {
1488 if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 )
1489 {
1490 v16 = NPC_EventProcessor(speakingNPC->evt_B);
1491 if ( v16 == 1 || v16 == 2 )
1492 pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E0u, num_menu_buttons++ * v11 + 130, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x14u, 0, "", 0);
1493 }
1494 }
1495 if ( speakingNPC->evt_C )
1496 {
1497 if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 )
1498 {
1499 v18 = NPC_EventProcessor(speakingNPC->evt_C);
1500 if ( v18 == 1 || v18 == 2 )
1501 pWindow->CreateButton( 0x1E0u, num_menu_buttons++ * v11 + 130, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x15u, 0, "", 0);
1502 }
1503 }
1504 if ( speakingNPC->evt_D )
1505 {
1506 if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 )
1507 {
1508 v20 = NPC_EventProcessor(speakingNPC->evt_D);
1509 if ( v20 == 1 || v20 == 2 )
1510 pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E0u, num_menu_buttons++ * v11 + 130, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x16u, 0, "", 0);
1511 }
1512 }
1513 if ( speakingNPC->evt_E )
1514 {
1515 if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 )
1516 {
1517 v22 = NPC_EventProcessor(speakingNPC->evt_E);
1518 if ( v22 == 1 || v22 == 2 )
1519 pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E0u, num_menu_buttons++ * v11 + 130, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x17u, 0, "", 0);
1520 }
1521 }
1522 if (speakingNPC->evt_F )
1523 {
1524 if ( num_menu_buttons < 4 )
1525 {
1526 v24 = NPC_EventProcessor(speakingNPC->evt_F);
1527 if ( v24 == 1 || v24 == 2 )
1528 pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E0u, num_menu_buttons++ * v11 + 130, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x18u, 0, "", 0);
1529 }
1530 }
1531 }
1532 else
1533 {
1534 if ( speakingNPC->joins )
1535 {
1536 pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E0u, 0x82u, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x4Du, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[407], 0);//���������
1537 if (speakingNPC->Hired())
1538 {
1539 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[408], speakingNPC->pName); //���������
1540 pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E0u, v11 + 130, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x4Cu, 0, pTmpBuf.data(), 0);
1541 }
1542 else
1543 pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E0u, v11 + 130, 0x8Cu, v11, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 0x4Cu, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[406], 0);//������
1544 num_menu_buttons = 2;
1545 }
1546 }
1547 pWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(num_menu_buttons, 1, 0, 1);
1548 }
1549 break;
1550 }
1551 case WINDOW_ChangeLocation:
1552 {
1553 pMainScreenNum = pCurrentScreen;
1554 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_CHANGE_LOCATION;
1555 pBtn_ExitCancel = pWindow->CreateButton( 566, 445, 75, 33, 1, 0, UIMSG_CHANGE_LOCATION_ClickCencelBtn, 0, 'N', pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[156], pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTDESC2), 0);//�������� � ���� �������
1556 pBtn_YES = pWindow->CreateButton( 486, 445, 75, 33, 1, 0, UIMSG_OnTravelByFoot, 0, 'Y', pWindow->Hint, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTYES2), 0);
1557 pWindow->CreateButton(pNPCPortraits_x[0][0], pNPCPortraits_y[0][0], 63, 73, 1, 0, UIMSG_OnTravelByFoot, 1, ' ', pWindow->Hint, 0, 0, 0);
1558 pWindow->CreateButton( 8, 8, 460, 344, 1, 0, UIMSG_OnTravelByFoot, 1, 0, pWindow->Hint, 0);
1559 break;
1560 }
1561 case WINDOW_SpellBook: {// ���� ����� ������
1562 InitializeBookTextures();
1563 pWindow->OpenSpellBook();
1564 break;
1565 }
1566 case WINDOW_GreetingNPC: {// ���� ����������� ���
1567 pMainScreenNum = pCurrentScreen;
1568 pKeyActionMap->EnterText(0, 15, pWindow);
1570 break;
1571 }
1573 }
1574 return pWindow;
1575 }
1576 //LABEL_62:
1577 pWindow->CreateButton(61, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 1, '1', "", 0);
1578 pWindow->CreateButton(177, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 2, '2', "", 0);
1579 pWindow->CreateButton(292, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 3, '3', "", 0);
1580 pWindow->CreateButton(407, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 4, '4', "", 0);
1581 pWindow->CreateButton(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_CycleCharacters, 0, 9, "", 0);
1582 return pWindow;
1583 }
1584 if (eWindowType == WINDOW_HouseInterior)
1585 {
1586 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_HOUSE;
1587 pBtn_ExitCancel = pWindow->CreateButton(471, 445, 169, 35, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[80],//����� �� ������
1588 pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0);
1589 for ( v26 = 0; v26 < uNumDialogueNPCPortraits; ++v26 )
1590 {
1591 if ( v26 + 1 == uNumDialogueNPCPortraits && uHouse_ExitPic )
1592 {
1593 v30 = pMapStats->pInfos[uHouse_ExitPic].pName;
1594 v29 = (char*)pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[LOCSTR_ENTER_S];
1595 }
1596 else
1597 {
1598 if ( v26 || !dword_591080 )
1599 v27 = HouseNPCData[v26 +1 - ((dword_591080 != 0)? 1:0)]->pName;
1600 else
1601 v27 = (char*)p2DEvents[pButton - 1].pProprieterName;
1602 v30 = v27;
1603 v29 = (char*)pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[435];
1604 }
1605 sprintfex(byte_591180[v26].data(), v29, v30);
1606 HouseNPCPortraitsButtonsList[v26] = pWindow->CreateButton(pNPCPortraits_x[uNumDialogueNPCPortraits - 1][v26],
1607 pNPCPortraits_y[uNumDialogueNPCPortraits - 1][v26],
1608 63, 73, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickHouseNPCPortrait, v26, 0, byte_591180[v26].data(), 0, 0, 0);
1609 }
1610 if ( uNumDialogueNPCPortraits == 1 )
1611 {
1612 window_SpeakInHouse = &pWindowList[uNextFreeWindowID];
1613 _4B4224_UpdateNPCTopics(0);
1614 }
1615 }
1616 else
1617 {
1618 if (eWindowType == WINDOW_Transition)
1619 {
1620 pMainScreenNum = pCurrentScreen;
1621 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_INPUT_BLV;
1622 pBtn_ExitCancel = pWindow->CreateButton(0x236u, 0x1BDu, 0x4Bu, 0x21u, 1, 0, UIMSG_TransitionWindowCloseBtn, 0, 'N', pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[34], pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTDESC2), 0);//������
1623 pBtn_YES = pWindow->CreateButton(0x1E6u, 0x1BDu, 0x4Bu, 0x21u, 1, 0, UIMSG_TransitionUI_Confirm, 0, 'Y', pWindow->Hint, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTYES2), 0);
1624 pWindow->CreateButton(pNPCPortraits_x[0][0], pNPCPortraits_y[0][0], 0x3Fu, 0x49u, 1, 0, UIMSG_TransitionUI_Confirm, 1, 0x20u, pWindow->Hint, 0);
1625 pWindow->CreateButton(8, 8, 0x1CCu, 0x158u, 1, 0, UIMSG_TransitionUI_Confirm, 1u, 0, pWindow->Hint, 0);
1626 return pWindow;
1627 }
1628 if (eWindowType == WINDOW_CastSpell)
1629 {
1630 pEventTimer->Pause();
1631 pAudioPlayer->StopChannels(-1, -1);
1632 pMouse->SetCursorBitmap("MICON2");
1633 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[39], 2u);//�������� ����
1634 return pWindow;
1635 }
1636 if (eWindowType == WINDOW_Scroll)
1637 {
1638 pWindow->CreateButton(61, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 1, '1', "", 0);
1639 pWindow->CreateButton(177, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 2, '2', "", 0);
1640 pWindow->CreateButton(292, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 3, '3', "", 0);
1641 pWindow->CreateButton(407, 424, 31, 0, 2, 94, UIMSG_SelectCharacter, 4, '4', "", 0);
1642 pWindow->CreateButton(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_CycleCharacters, 0, '\t', "", 0);
1643 return pWindow;
1644 }
1645 if (eWindowType == WINDOW_CastSpell_InInventory)
1646 {
1647 pMouse->SetCursorBitmap("MICON2");
1648 pBtn_ExitCancel = pWindow->CreateButton(392, 318, 75, 33, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[34],//������
1649 pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_BUTTDESC2), 0);
1650 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[39], 2);//������� ����
1651 ++pIcons_LOD->uTexturePacksCount;
1652 pWindowList_at_506F50_minus1_indexing_buttons____and_an_int_[0] = 103;
1653 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_CASTING;
1654 if ( !pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles )
1655 pIcons_LOD->uNumPrevLoadedFiles = pIcons_LOD->uNumLoadedFiles;
1656 }
1657 }
1658 return pWindow;
1659 }
1660 //----- (004B3EF0) --------------------------------------------------------
1661 void DrawJoinGuildWindow( int pEventCode )
1662 {
1663 uDialogueType = 81;//enum JoinGuildDialog
1664 current_npc_text = (char *)pNPCTopics[pEventCode + 99].pText;
1665 ContractSelectText(pEventCode);
1666 pDialogueWindow->Release();
1667 pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), 350, WINDOW_MainMenu, pEventCode, 0);
1668 pBtn_ExitCancel = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(471, 445, 169, 35, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[34], pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0); // Cancel
1669 pDialogueWindow->CreateButton( 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", 0);
1670 pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(480, 160, 140, 30, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x52u, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[122], 0);
1671 pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(1, 1, 0, 2);
1672 dialog_menu_id = HOUSE_DIALOGUE_OTHER;
1673 }
1674 //----- (0044603D) --------------------------------------------------------
1675 void DialogueEnding()
1676 {
1677 sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID = 0;
1678 pDialogueWindow->Release();
1679 pDialogueWindow = 0;
1680 pMiscTimer->Resume();
1681 pEventTimer->Resume();
1682 }
1683 //----- (004156F0) --------------------------------------------------------
1684 void GUI_UpdateWindows()
1685 {
1686 GUIWindow *pWindow; // esi@4
1687 //unsigned int pWindowType; // eax@4
1688 const char *pHint; // edx@66
1689 // GUIButton *pButtonPtr_1C; // ebp@79
1690 // char *pHint1; // edx@80
1691 int v26; // eax@98
1692 unsigned int v27; // ebp@106
1693 GUIWindow *pGUIWindow2; // ecx@109
1694 // GUIFont *pGUIFont; // ST1C_4@115
1695 int v31; // eax@115
1696 GUIButton *pButton; // ebp@118
1697 int v39; // eax@129
1698 unsigned int pNumMessages; // eax@142
1699 GUIButton *pGUIButton; // ebp@146
1700 //unsigned int pX; // [sp-1Ch] [bp-124h]@17
1701 //unsigned int pY; // [sp-18h] [bp-120h]@17
1702 //Texture *pTexture; // [sp-14h] [bp-11Ch]@17
1703 //Texture *pTexture2; // [sp-14h] [bp-11Ch]@86
1704 int i; // [sp+0h] [bp-108h]@3
1705 // ItemGen pItemGen; // [sp+4h] [bp-104h]@98
1706 GUIButton GUIButton2; // [sp+28h] [bp-E0h]@133
1707 ItemGen ItemGen2; // [sp+E4h] [bp-24h]@129
1709 if (GetCurrentMenuID() != MENU_CREATEPARTY)
1710 Mouse::UI_OnKeyDown(VK_NEXT);
1712 for ( i = 1; i <= uNumVisibleWindows; ++i )
1713 {
1714 pWindow = &pWindowList[pVisibleWindowsIdxs[i] - 1];
1715 switch (pWindow->eWindowType)
1716 {
1717 case WINDOW_OptionsButtons:
1718 {
1719 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pViewport->uViewportTL_Y,
1720 pViewport->uViewportTL_X, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_Options));
1721 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1722 continue;
1723 }
1724 case WINDOW_CharacterRecord:
1725 {
1726 CharacterUI_CharacterScreen_Draw(pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]);
1727 continue;
1728 }
1729 case WINDOW_Options:
1730 {
1731 GameMenuUI_Options_Draw();
1732 continue;
1733 }
1734 case WINDOW_Book:
1735 {
1736 BookUI_Draw((WindowType)(int)pWindow->ptr_1C);
1737 continue;
1738 }
1739 case WINDOW_Dialogue:
1740 {
1741 GameUI_DrawDialogue();
1742 continue;
1743 }
1744 case WINDOW_QuickReference:
1745 {
1746 GameUI_QuickRef_Draw();
1747 continue;
1748 }
1749 case WINDOW_Rest:
1750 {
1751 RestUI_Draw();
1752 continue;
1753 }
1754 case WINDOW_ChangeLocation:
1755 {
1756 TravelUI_Draw();
1757 continue;
1758 }
1759 case WINDOW_SpellBook:
1760 {
1761 DrawSpellBookContent(pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]);
1762 continue;
1763 }
1764 case WINDOW_GreetingNPC:
1765 {
1766 GameUI_DrawBranchlessDialogue();
1767 continue;
1768 }
1769 case WINDOW_Chest:
1770 {
1771 if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_CHEST )
1772 {
1773 Chest::DrawChestUI(pWindow->par1C);
1774 }
1775 else if ( pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_CHEST_INVENTORY )
1776 {
1777 pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
1778 draw_leather();
1779 CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(pPlayers[uActiveCharacter], true);
1780 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pBtn_ExitCancel->uX, pBtn_ExitCancel->uY, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId));
1781 }
1782 continue;
1783 }
1784 case WINDOW_SaveLoadButtons:
1785 {
1786 SaveUI_Draw();
1787 continue;
1788 }
1789 case WINDOW_MainMenu_Load:
1790 {
1791 LoadUI_Draw();
1792 continue;
1793 }
1794 case WINDOW_HouseInterior:
1795 {
1796 pWindowList[pVisibleWindowsIdxs[i] - 1].HouseDialogManager();
1797 if ( !window_SpeakInHouse )
1798 continue;
1799 if ( window_SpeakInHouse->par1C >= 53 )
1800 continue;
1801 if ( pParty->PartyTimes._shop_ban_times[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C] <=pParty->uTimePlayed )
1802 {
1803 if ( window_SpeakInHouse->par1C < 53 )
1804 pParty->PartyTimes._shop_ban_times[window_SpeakInHouse->par1C] = 0;
1805 continue;
1806 }
1807 pNumMessages = pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages;
1808 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0);
1809 continue;
1810 }
1811 case WINDOW_Transition:
1812 {
1813 TransitionUI_Draw();
1814 continue;
1815 }
1816 case WINDOW_Scroll:
1817 {
1818 CreateScrollWindow();
1819 continue;
1820 }
1821 case WINDOW_CastSpell_InInventory:
1822 {
1823 pRenderer->ClearZBuffer(0, 479);
1824 draw_leather();
1825 CharacterUI_InventoryTab_Draw(pPlayers[uActiveCharacter], true);
1826 CharacterUI_DrawPaperdoll(pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]);
1827 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexedAlpha(pBtn_ExitCancel->uX, pBtn_ExitCancel->uY, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_x_x_u));
1828 continue;
1829 }
1830 case WINDOW_ModalWindow:
1831 {
1832 ModalWindow_ShowHint();
1833 continue;
1834 }
1835 case WINDOW_50:
1836 {
1837 v27 = Color16(255, 255, 255);
1838 if ( ptr_507BD0->receives_keyboard_input_2 == WINDOW_INPUT_IN_PROGRESS)
1839 {
1840 ptr_507BD0->DrawMessageBox(0);
1841 ptr_507BD0->DrawText(pFontCreate, 30, 40, v27, pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer, 0, 0, 0);
1842 v31 = pFontCreate->GetLineWidth(pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
1843 ptr_507BD0->DrawFlashingInputCursor(v31 + 30, 40, pFontCreate);
1844 continue;
1845 }
1846 if ( ptr_507BD0->receives_keyboard_input_2 == WINDOW_INPUT_CONFIRMED)
1847 {
1848 pWindow->receives_keyboard_input_2 = WINDOW_INPUT_NONE;
1849 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage((UIMessageType)(int)ptr_507BD0->ptr_1C, 0, 0);
1850 pEventTimer->Resume();
1851 ptr_507BD0->Release();
1852 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_GAME;
1853 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
1854 continue;
1855 }
1856 if ( ptr_507BD0->receives_keyboard_input_2 == WINDOW_INPUT_CANCELLED)
1857 {
1858 pWindow->receives_keyboard_input_2 = WINDOW_INPUT_NONE;
1859 pEventTimer->Resume();
1860 ptr_507BD0->Release();
1861 continue;
1862 }
1863 }
1864 case WINDOW_59:
1865 {
1866 pWindow->DrawMessageBox(0);
1867 pWindow->DrawText(pFontLucida, 10, 20, 0, "Making item number", 0, 0, 0);
1868 pWindow->DrawText(pFontLucida, 10, 40, 0, pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer, 0, 0, 0);
1869 if ( !pKeyActionMap->field_204 )
1870 {
1871 ItemGen2.Reset();
1872 pWindow->Release();
1873 pEventTimer->Resume();
1874 pCurrentScreen = 0;
1875 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
1876 v26 = atoi(pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
1877 if ( v26 > 0 )
1878 {
1879 if ( v26 < 800 )
1880 {
1881 ItemGen2.uAttributes |= 1;
1882 ItemGen2.uItemID = v26;
1883 if ( pItemsTable->pItems[v26].uEquipType == 12 )
1884 {
1885 ItemGen2.uNumCharges = rand() % 6 + ItemGen2.GetDamageMod() + 1;
1886 ItemGen2.uMaxCharges = LOBYTE(ItemGen2.uNumCharges);
1887 }
1888 else
1889 {
1890 if ( v26 >= 221 && v26 < 271 )
1891 ItemGen2.uEnchantmentType = rand() % 10 + 1;
1892 }
1893 pItemsTable->SetSpecialBonus(&ItemGen2);
1894 pParty->SetHoldingItem(&ItemGen2);
1895 }
1896 }
1897 }
1898 continue;
1899 }
1900 case WINDOW_PressedButton2:
1901 {
1902 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1903 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1904 pButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
1905 if ( pButton->uX >= 0 && pButton->uX <= window->GetWidth() )
1906 {
1907 if ( pButton->uY >= 0 && pButton->uY <= window->GetHeight() )
1908 {
1909 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, pButton->pTextures[0]);
1910 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1911 if ( pWindow->Hint )
1912 {
1913 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1914 pButton->DrawLabel(pWindow->Hint, pFontCreate, 0, 0);
1915 }
1916 pWindow->Release();
1917 continue;
1918 }
1919 }
1920 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1921 if ( pWindow->Hint )
1922 {
1923 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1924 pButton->DrawLabel(pWindow->Hint, pFontCreate, 0, 0);
1925 }
1926 pWindow->Release();
1927 continue;
1928 }
1929 case WINDOW_CharactersPressedButton:
1930 {
1931 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1932 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1933 pButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
1934 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, pButton->pTextures[1]);
1935 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1936 if ( pWindow->Hint )
1937 {
1938 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1939 pButton->DrawLabel(pWindow->Hint, pFontCreate, 0, 0);
1940 }
1941 pWindow->Release();
1942 continue;
1943 }
1944 case WINDOW_PressedButton:
1945 {
1946 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1947 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1948 pButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
1949 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexedAlpha(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, pButton->pTextures[0]);
1950 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1951 if ( pWindow->Hint )
1952 {
1953 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1954 pButton->DrawLabel(pWindow->Hint, pFontCreate, 0, 0);
1955 }
1956 pWindow->Release();
1957 continue;
1958 }
1959 case WINDOW_5D:
1960 {
1961 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1962 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1963 pButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
1964 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexedAlpha(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, pButton->pTextures[1]);
1965 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1966 pWindow->Release();
1967 continue;
1968 }
1969 case WINDOW_SaveLoadBtn:
1970 {
1971 if (pWindow->Hint != (char *)1)
1972 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1973 pButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
1974 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, pButton->pTextures[0]);
1975 pHint = pWindow->Hint;
1976 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1977 if ( pHint && pHint != (char *)1 )
1978 pButton->DrawLabel(pHint, pFontCreate, 0, 0);
1979 pWindow->Release();
1980 if (pCurrentScreen == SCREEN_SAVEGAME)
1981 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_SaveGame, 0, 0);
1982 else
1983 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_LoadGame, 0, 0);
1984 continue;
1985 }
1986 case WINDOW_LoadGame_CancelBtn:
1987 {
1988 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1989 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
1990 pButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
1991 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexedAlpha(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, pButton->pTextures[0]);
1992 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
1993 if ( pWindow->Hint && pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
1994 pButton->DrawLabel(pWindow->Hint, pFontCreate, 0, 0);
1995 pWindow->Release();
1996 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0);
1997 continue;
1998 }
1999 case WINDOW_CloseRestWindowBtn:
2000 {
2001 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
2002 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2003 pGUIButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
2004 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, pGUIButton->pTextures[0]);
2005 pHint = pWindow->Hint;
2006 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
2007 if ( pHint && pHint != (char *)1 )
2008 pGUIButton->DrawLabel(pHint, pFontCreate, 0, 0);
2009 pWindow->Release();
2010 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0);
2011 continue;
2012 }
2013 case WINDOW_ExitCharacterWindow:
2014 {
2015 if ( pWindow->Hint != (char *)1 )
2016 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2017 pButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
2018 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, pButton->pTextures[1]);
2019 pHint = pWindow->Hint;
2020 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
2021 if ( pHint && pHint != (char *)1 )
2022 pButton->DrawLabel(pHint, pFontCreate, 0, 0);
2023 pWindow->Release();
2024 pNumMessages = pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages;
2025 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0);
2026 continue;
2027 }
2028 case WINDOW_RestWindow:
2029 {
2030 memset(&GUIButton2, 0, 0xBCu);
2031 GUIButton2.uZ = 197;
2032 GUIButton2.uW = 197;
2033 GUIButton2.uX = 27;
2034 GUIButton2.uY = 161;
2035 GUIButton2.uWidth = 171;
2036 GUIButton2.uHeight = 37;
2037 GUIButton2.pParent = pButton_RestUI_WaitUntilDawn->pParent;
2038 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_StartMainChoice02, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2039 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pWindow->uFrameX, pWindow->uFrameY, *((Texture **)pWindow->ptr_1C + 15));
2040 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
2041 GUIButton2.DrawLabel(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[183], pFontCreate, 0, 0);//����� � ������� 8 �����
2042 GUIButton2.pParent = 0;
2043 pGUIWindow2 = pWindow;
2044 pGUIWindow2->Release();
2045 continue;
2046 }
2047 case WINDOW_BooksWindow:
2048 {
2049 pButton = (GUIButton *)pWindow->ptr_1C;
2050 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(pWindow->uFrameY,
2051 pWindow->uFrameX, pButton->pTextures[0]);
2052 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
2053 continue;
2054 }
2055 case WINDOW_CharacterWindow_Inventory:
2056 {
2057 pWindow->DrawMessageBox(0);
2058 pWindow->DrawText(pFontLucida, 10, 20, 0, "Making item number", 0, 0, 0);
2059 pWindow->DrawText(pFontLucida, 10, 40, 0, pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer, 0, 0, 0);
2060 if ( !pKeyActionMap->field_204 )
2061 {
2062 ItemGen2.Reset();
2063 pWindow->Release();
2064 pEventTimer->Resume();
2065 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_GAME;
2066 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = 1;
2067 v39 = atoi(pKeyActionMap->pPressedKeysBuffer);
2068 if ( v39 > 0 )
2069 {
2070 if ( v39 < 800 )
2071 SpawnActor(v39);
2072 }
2073 }
2074 continue;
2075 }
2076 case WINDOW_KeyMappingOptions:
2077 {
2078 GameMenuUI_DrawKeyBindings();
2079 continue;
2080 }
2081 case WINDOW_VideoOptions:
2082 {
2083 GameMenuUI_DrawVideoOptions();
2084 continue;
2085 }
2086 default:
2087 continue;
2088 }
2089 }
2090 if ( GetCurrentMenuID() == -1 )
2091 GameUI_DrawFoodAndGold();
2092 if ( sub_4637E0_is_there_popup_onscreen() )
2093 UI_OnMouseRightClick(0);
2094 }
2095 //void LoadFonts_and_DrawCopyrightWindow()
2096 //{
2097 //MainMenuUI_LoadFontsAndSomeStuff();
2098 // DrawCopyrightWindow();
2099 //}
2100 //----- (00415485) --------------------------------------------------------
2101 void DrawMM7CopyrightWindow()
2102 {
2103 GUIWindow Dst; // [sp+8h] [bp-54h]@1
2105 memset(&Dst, 0, sizeof(Dst));
2106 Dst.uFrameWidth = 624;
2107 Dst.uFrameHeight = 256;
2108 Dst.uFrameX = 8;
2109 Dst.uFrameY = 30; // c 1999 The 3DO Company.
2110 Dst.uFrameHeight = pFontSmallnum->CalcTextHeight(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[157], &Dst, 24, 0)
2111 + 2 * LOBYTE(pFontSmallnum->uFontHeight)
2112 + 24;
2113 Dst.uFrameY = 470 - Dst.uFrameHeight;
2114 Dst.uFrameZ = Dst.uFrameX + Dst.uFrameWidth - 1;
2115 Dst.uFrameW = 469;
2116 //Dst.Hint = "abcagfdsgsg ljsrengvlkjesnfkjwnef";
2117 Dst.DrawMessageBox(0);
2119 Dst.uFrameWidth -= 24;
2120 Dst.uFrameX += 12;
2121 Dst.uFrameY += 12;
2122 Dst.uFrameHeight -= 12;
2123 Dst.uFrameZ = Dst.uFrameX + Dst.uFrameWidth - 1;
2124 Dst.uFrameW = Dst.uFrameY + Dst.uFrameHeight - 1;
2125 Dst.DrawTitleText(pFontSmallnum, 0, 0xCu, ui_mainmenu_copyright_color, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[157], 3);
2126 }
2128 int modal_window_prev_screen;
2130 //----- (004141CA) --------------------------------------------------------
2131 void ModalWindow(const char *pStrHint, UIMessageType OnRelease_message)
2132 {
2133 pEventTimer->Pause();
2134 modal_window_prev_screen = pCurrentScreen;
2135 pModalWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_ModalWindow, OnRelease_message, pStrHint);
2136 pCurrentScreen = SCREEN_MODAL_WINDOW;
2137 }
2139 //----- (0041420D) --------------------------------------------------------
2140 void ModalWindow_ShowHint()
2141 {
2142 GUIWindow pWindow; // [sp+4h] [bp-54h]@1
2144 sprintf(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%s\n \n%s", pModalWindow->Hint, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[61]);// Press Escape
2145 pWindow.Hint = pTmpBuf2.data();
2146 pWindow.uFrameWidth = 400;
2147 pWindow.uFrameHeight = 100;
2148 pWindow.uFrameX = 120;
2149 pWindow.uFrameY = 140;
2150 pWindow.uFrameZ = 519;
2151 pWindow.uFrameW = 239;
2152 pWindow.DrawMessageBox(0);
2153 }
2155 //----- (0041426F) --------------------------------------------------------
2156 void ModalWindow_Release()
2157 {
2158 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage((UIMessageType)pModalWindow->par1C, 0, 0);
2160 pModalWindow->Release();
2161 pModalWindow = nullptr;
2163 pCurrentScreen = modal_window_prev_screen;
2164 pEventTimer->Resume();
2165 }
2167 //----- (00467FB6) --------------------------------------------------------
2168 void CreateScrollWindow()
2169 {
2170 unsigned int v0; // eax@1
2171 char *v1; // ST18_4@3
2172 GUIWindow a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-54h]@1
2174 memcpy(&a1, pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow, sizeof(a1));
2175 a1.Hint = 0;
2176 a1.uFrameX = 1;
2177 a1.uFrameY = 1;
2178 a1.uFrameWidth = 468;
2179 v0 = pFontSmallnum->CalcTextHeight(pScrolls[pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow->par1C], &a1, 0, 0)
2180 + 2 * LOBYTE(pFontCreate->uFontHeight) + 24;
2181 a1.uFrameHeight = v0;
2182 if ( (signed int)(v0 + a1.uFrameY) > 479 )
2183 {
2184 v0 = 479 - a1.uFrameY;
2185 a1.uFrameHeight = 479 - a1.uFrameY;
2186 }
2187 a1.uFrameZ = a1.uFrameWidth + a1.uFrameX - 1;
2188 a1.uFrameW = v0 + a1.uFrameY - 1;
2189 a1.DrawMessageBox(0);
2190 a1.uFrameX += 12;
2191 a1.uFrameWidth -= 24;
2192 a1.uFrameY += 12;
2193 a1.uFrameHeight -= 12;
2194 a1.uFrameZ = a1.uFrameWidth + a1.uFrameX - 1;
2195 a1.uFrameW = a1.uFrameHeight + a1.uFrameY - 1;
2196 v1 = pItemsTable->pItems[(unsigned int)pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow->ptr_1C + 700].pName;
2197 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), format_4E2D80, Color16(0xFFu, 0xFFu, 0x9Bu), v1);
2198 a1.DrawTitleText(pFontCreate, 0, 0, 0, pTmpBuf.data(), 3);
2199 a1.DrawText(pFontSmallnum, 1, LOBYTE(pFontCreate->uFontHeight) - 3, 0,
2200 pScrolls[(unsigned int)pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow->ptr_1C], 0, 0, 0);
2201 }
2202 //----- (00467F48) --------------------------------------------------------
2203 void CreateMsgScrollWindow( signed int mscroll_id )
2204 {
2205 if ( !pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow && mscroll_id >= 700 )
2206 {
2207 if ( mscroll_id <= 782 )
2208 {
2209 uTextureID_720980 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("leather", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2210 pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_Scroll, mscroll_id - 700, 0);
2211 }
2212 }
2213 }
2214 //----- (00467F9F) --------------------------------------------------------
2215 void free_book_subwindow()
2216 {
2217 if ( pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow )
2218 {
2219 pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow->Release();
2220 pGUIWindow_ScrollWindow = 0;
2221 }
2222 }
2223 //----- (004226EF) --------------------------------------------------------
2224 void SetUserInterface(PartyAlignment align, bool bReplace)
2225 {
2226 extern void set_default_ui_skin();
2227 set_default_ui_skin();
2229 if (align == PartyAlignment_Evil)
2230 {
2231 if ( bReplace )
2232 {
2233 pTexture_RightFrame->Reload("ib-r-C.pcx");
2234 pTexture_BottomFrame->Reload("ib-b-C.pcx");
2235 pTexture_TopFrame->Reload("ib-t-C.pcx");
2236 pTexture_LeftFrame->Reload("ib-l-C.pcx");
2237 pTexture_StatusBar->Reload("IB-Foot-c.pcx");
2238 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_right_panel], "ib-mb-C", 2);
2239 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Minimap_Loop], "ib-autmask-c", 2);
2240 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Compas], "IB-COMP-C", 2);
2241 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079D0], "IB-InitG-c", 2);
2242 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079C8], "IB-InitY-c", 2);
2243 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079CC], "IB-InitR-c", 2);
2244 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_NPCLeft], "IB-NPCLD-C", 2);
2245 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_NPCRight], "IB-NPCRD-C", 2);
2246 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_ZoomIn], "ib-autout-C", 2);
2247 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_ZoomOut], "ib-autin-C", 2);
2248 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_GameUI_CharSelectionFrame], "IB-selec-C", 2);
2249 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_CastSpell], "ib-m1d-c", 2);
2250 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_Rest], "ib-m2d-c", 2);
2251 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_QuickReference], "ib-m3d-c", 2);
2252 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_GameSettings], "ib-m4d-c", 2);
2254 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Bless], "isg-01-c", 2);
2255 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Preservation], "isg-02-c", 2);
2256 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Hammerhands], "isg-03-c", 2);
2257 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_PainReflection], "isg-04-c", 2);
2259 pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("wizeyeC");
2260 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation(pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID);
2261 pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("torchC");
2262 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation(pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID);
2264 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uExitCancelTextureId], "ib-bcu-c", 2);
2265 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50795C], "evtnpc-c", 2);
2266 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_CharacterUI_InventoryBackground], "fr_inven-c", 2);
2267 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Parchment], "parchment", 2);
2268 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076B4], "cornr_ll-c", 2);
2269 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076B0], "cornr_lr-c", 2);
2270 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076AC], "cornr_ul-c", 2);
2271 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A8], "cornr_ur-c", 2);
2272 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A4], "edge_btm-c", 2);
2273 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A0], "edge_lf-c", 2);
2274 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50769C], "edge_rt-c", 2);
2275 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_507698], "edge_top-c", 2);
2276 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(pTexture_591428, "endcap-c", 2);
2277 }
2278 else
2279 {
2280 pTexture_RightFrame->Load("ib-r-C.pcx", 0);
2281 pTexture_BottomFrame->Load("ib-b-c.pcx", 0);
2282 pTexture_TopFrame->Load("ib-t-C.pcx", 0);
2283 pTexture_LeftFrame->Load("ib-l-C.pcx", 0);
2284 pTexture_StatusBar->Load("IB-Foot-c.pcx", 0);
2285 uTextureID_right_panel = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-mb-C", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2286 uTextureID_Minimap_Loop = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-autmask-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2287 uTextureID_Compas = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-COMP-C", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2288 dword_5079D0 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-InitG-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2289 dword_5079C8 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-InitY-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2290 dword_5079CC = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-InitR-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2291 uTextureID_Btn_NPCLeft = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-NPCLD-C", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2292 uTextureID_Btn_NPCRight = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-NPCRD-C", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2293 uTextureID_Btn_ZoomIn = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-autout-C", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2294 uTextureID_Btn_ZoomOut = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-autin-C", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2295 uTextureID_GameUI_CharSelectionFrame = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-selec-C", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2296 uTextureID_Btn_CastSpell = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-m1d-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2297 uTextureID_Btn_Rest = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-m2d-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2298 uTextureID_Btn_QuickReference = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-m3d-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2299 uTextureID_Btn_GameSettings = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-m4d-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2300 uExitCancelTextureId = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-bcu-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2301 uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Bless = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("isg-01-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2302 uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Preservation = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("isg-02-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2303 uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Hammerhands = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("isg-03-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2304 uTextureID_PlayerBuff_PainReflection = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("isg-04-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2305 uTextureID_50795C = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("evtnpc-c", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2306 uTextureID_CharacterUI_InventoryBackground = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("fr_inven", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2307 pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("wizeyeC");
2308 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation((signed __int16)pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID);
2309 pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("torchC");
2310 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation((signed __int16)pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID);
2311 }
2312 uGameUIFontMain = Color16(0xC8u, 0, 0);
2313 uGameUIFontShadow = Color16(10, 0, 0);
2314 }
2315 else if (align == PartyAlignment_Neutral)
2316 {
2317 if ( bReplace )
2318 {
2319 pTexture_RightFrame->Reload("ib-r-a.pcx");
2320 pTexture_BottomFrame->Reload("ib-b-a.pcx");
2321 pTexture_TopFrame->Reload("ib-t-a.pcx");
2322 pTexture_LeftFrame->Reload("ib-l-a.pcx");
2323 pTexture_StatusBar->Reload("IB-Foot-a.pcx");
2324 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_right_panel], "ib-mb-a", 2);
2325 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Minimap_Loop], "ib-autmask-a", 2);
2326 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Compas], "IB-COMP-a", 2);
2327 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079D0], "IB-InitG-a", 2);
2328 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079C8], "IB-InitY-a", 2);
2329 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079CC], "IB-InitR-a", 2);
2330 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_NPCLeft], "IB-NPCLD-a", 2);
2331 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_NPCRight], "IB-NPCRD-a", 2);
2332 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_ZoomIn], "ib-autout-a", 2);
2333 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_ZoomOut], "ib-autin-a", 2);
2334 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_GameUI_CharSelectionFrame], "IB-selec-a", 2);
2335 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_CastSpell], "ib-m1d-a", 2);
2336 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_Rest], "ib-m2d-a", 2);
2337 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_QuickReference], "ib-m3d-a", 2);
2338 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_GameSettings], "ib-m4d-a", 2);
2339 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Bless], "isg-01-a", 2);
2340 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Preservation], "isg-02-a", 2);
2341 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Hammerhands], "isg-03-a", 2);
2342 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_PainReflection], "isg-04-a", 2);
2343 pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("wizeyeA");
2344 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation((signed __int16)pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID);
2345 pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("torchA");
2346 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation((signed __int16)pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID);
2347 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uExitCancelTextureId], "ib-bcu-a", 2);
2348 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50795C], "evtnpc", 2);
2349 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_CharacterUI_InventoryBackground], "fr_inven", 2);
2350 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Parchment], "parchment", 2);
2351 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076B4], "cornr_ll", 2);
2352 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076B0], "cornr_lr", 2);
2353 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076AC], "cornr_ul", 2);
2354 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A8], "cornr_ur", 2);
2355 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A4], "edge_btm", 2);
2356 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A0], "edge_lf", 2);
2357 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50769C], "edge_rt", 2);
2358 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_507698], "edge_top", 2);
2359 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(pTexture_591428, "endcap", 2);
2360 }
2361 else
2362 {
2363 pTexture_RightFrame->Load("ib-r-A.pcx", 0);
2364 pTexture_BottomFrame->Load("ib-b-A.pcx", 0);
2365 pTexture_TopFrame->Load("ib-t-A.pcx", 0);
2366 pTexture_LeftFrame->Load("ib-l-A.pcx", 0);
2367 pTexture_StatusBar->Load("IB-Foot-a.pcx", 0);
2368 uTextureID_right_panel = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-mb-A", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2369 uTextureID_Minimap_Loop = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-autmask-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2370 uTextureID_Compas = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-COMP-A", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2371 dword_5079D0 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-InitG-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2372 dword_5079C8 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-InitY-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2373 dword_5079CC = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-InitR-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2374 uTextureID_Btn_NPCLeft = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-NPCLD-A", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2375 uTextureID_Btn_NPCRight = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-NPCRD-A", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2376 uTextureID_GameUI_CharSelectionFrame = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("IB-selec-A", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2377 uTextureID_Btn_CastSpell = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-m1d-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2378 uTextureID_Btn_Rest = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-m2d-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2379 uTextureID_Btn_QuickReference = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-m3d-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2380 uTextureID_Btn_GameSettings = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-m4d-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2381 uTextureID_Btn_ZoomIn = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-autout-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2382 uTextureID_Btn_ZoomOut = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-autin-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2383 uExitCancelTextureId = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("ib-bcu-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2384 uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Bless = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("isg-01-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2385 uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Preservation = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("isg-02-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2386 uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Hammerhands = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("isg-03-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2387 uTextureID_PlayerBuff_PainReflection = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("isg-04-a", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2388 uTextureID_50795C = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("evtnpc", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2389 uTextureID_CharacterUI_InventoryBackground = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("fr_inven", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2390 pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("wizeyeA");
2391 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation((signed __int16)pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID);
2392 pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("torchA");
2393 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation((signed __int16)pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID);
2394 uTextureID_Parchment = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("parchment", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2395 uTextureID_5076B4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("cornr_ll", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2396 uTextureID_5076B0 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("cornr_lr", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2397 uTextureID_5076AC = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("cornr_ul", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2398 uTextureID_5076A8 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("cornr_ur", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2399 uTextureID_5076A4 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("edge_btm", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2400 uTextureID_5076A0 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("edge_lf", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2401 uTextureID_50769C = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("edge_rt", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2402 uTextureID_507698 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexture("edge_top", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2403 pTexture_591428 = pIcons_LOD->LoadTexturePtr("endcap", TEXTURE_16BIT_PALETTE);
2404 }
2405 uGameUIFontMain = Color16(0xAu, 0, 0);
2406 uGameUIFontShadow = Color16(230, 214, 193);
2407 }
2408 else if (align == PartyAlignment_Good)
2409 {
2410 if ( bReplace )
2411 {
2412 pTexture_RightFrame->Reload("ib-r-B.pcx");
2413 pTexture_BottomFrame->Reload("ib-b-B.pcx");
2414 pTexture_TopFrame->Reload("ib-t-B.pcx");
2415 pTexture_LeftFrame->Reload("ib-l-B.pcx");
2416 pTexture_StatusBar->Reload("IB-Foot-b.pcx");
2417 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_right_panel], "ib-mb-B", 2);
2418 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Minimap_Loop], "ib-autmask-b", 2);
2419 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Compas], "IB-COMP-B", 2);
2420 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079D0], "IB-InitG-b", 2);
2421 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079C8], "IB-InitY-b", 2);
2422 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[dword_5079CC], "IB-InitR-b", 2);
2423 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_NPCLeft], "IB-NPCLD-B", 2);
2424 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_NPCRight], "IB-NPCRD-B", 2);
2425 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_ZoomIn], "ib-autout-B", 2);
2426 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_ZoomOut], "ib-autin-B", 2);
2427 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_GameUI_CharSelectionFrame], "IB-selec-B", 2);
2428 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_CastSpell], "ib-m1d-b", 2);
2429 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_Rest], "ib-m2d-b", 2);
2430 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_QuickReference], "ib-m3d-b", 2);
2431 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Btn_GameSettings], "ib-m4d-b", 2);
2432 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Bless], "isg-01-b", 2);
2433 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Preservation], "isg-02-b", 2);
2434 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_Hammerhands], "isg-03-b", 2);
2435 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_PlayerBuff_PainReflection], "isg-04-b", 2);
2436 pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("wizeyeB");
2437 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation((signed __int16)pUIAnim_WizardEye->uIconID);
2438 pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID = pIconsFrameTable->FindIcon("torchB");
2439 pIconsFrameTable->InitializeAnimation((signed __int16)pUIAnum_Torchlight->uIconID);
2440 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uExitCancelTextureId], "ib-bcu-b", 2);
2441 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50795C], "evtnpc-b", 2);
2442 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_CharacterUI_InventoryBackground], "fr_inven-b", 2);
2443 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_Parchment], "parchment", 2);
2444 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076B4], "cornr_ll-b", 2);
2445 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076B0], "cornr_lr-b", 2);
2446 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076AC], "cornr_ul-b", 2);
2447 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A8], "cornr_ur-b", 2);
2448 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A4], "edge_btm-b", 2);
2449 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_5076A0], "edge_lf-b", 2);
2450 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_50769C], "edge_rt-b", 2);
2451 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(&pIcons_LOD->pTextures[uTextureID_507698], "edge_top-b", 2);
2452 pIcons_LOD->ReloadTexture(pTexture_591428, "endcap-b", 2);
2453 }
2454 uGameUIFontMain = Color16(0, 0, 0xC8u);
2455 uGameUIFontShadow = Color16(255, 255, 255);
2456 }
2457 else Error("Invalid alignment type: %u", align);
2458 }
2459 //----- (0041D20D) --------------------------------------------------------
2460 void DrawBuff_remaining_time_string( int uY, struct GUIWindow *window, __int64 remaining_time, struct GUIFont *Font )
2461 {
2462 unsigned int full_time; // esi@1
2463 signed __int64 hours; // kr00_8@1
2464 const char *text; // eax@2
2465 signed __int64 minutes; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@1
2466 signed __int64 seconds; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@1
2467 unsigned int day; // [sp+24h] [bp+4h]@1
2469 full_time = (signed __int64)((double)remaining_time * 0.234375);
2470 day = (unsigned int)((full_time / 60) / 60) / 24;
2471 hours = ((full_time / 60) / 60) % 24;
2472 minutes = (signed __int64)(full_time / 60) % 60;
2473 seconds = (signed __int64)full_time % 60;
2474 strcpy(pTmpBuf.data(), "\r020");
2475 if ( day )
2476 {
2477 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[57]; // Days
2478 if ( day <= 1 )
2479 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[56]; // Day
2480 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%d %s ", (int)day, text);
2481 strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), pTmpBuf2.data());
2482 }
2483 if ( hours )
2484 {
2485 if ( hours <= 1 )
2486 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[109];// Hour
2487 else
2488 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[110];// Hours
2489 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%d %s ", (int)hours, text);
2490 strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), pTmpBuf2.data());
2491 }
2492 if ( minutes && !day )
2493 {
2494 if ( minutes <= 1 )
2495 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[437];// Minute
2496 else
2497 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[436];// Minutes
2498 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%d %s ", (int)minutes, text);
2499 strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), pTmpBuf2.data());
2500 }
2501 if ( seconds && !hours )
2502 {
2503 if ( seconds <= 1 )
2504 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[439];// Second
2505 else
2506 text = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[438];// Seconds
2507 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), "%d %s ", (int)seconds, text);
2508 strcat(pTmpBuf.data(), pTmpBuf2.data());
2509 }
2510 window->DrawText(Font, 32, uY, 0, pTmpBuf.data(), 0, 0, 0);
2511 }
2514 //----- (0042EB8D) --------------------------------------------------------
2515 void GUIMessageQueue::AddMessageImpl(UIMessageType msg, int param, unsigned int a4, const char *file, int line)
2516 {
2517 //Log::Warning(L"%s @ (%S %u)", UIMessage2String(msg), file, line);
2518 if (uNumMessages < 40)
2519 {
2520 files[uNumMessages] = file;
2521 lines[uNumMessages] = line;
2523 pMessages[uNumMessages].eType = msg;
2524 pMessages[uNumMessages].param = param;
2525 pMessages[uNumMessages++].field_8 = a4;
2526 }
2527 }
2529 //----- (004637E0) --------------------------------------------------------
2530 char sub_4637E0_is_there_popup_onscreen()
2531 {
2532 return dword_507BF0_is_there_popup_onscreen == 1;
2533 }
2534 // 507BF0: using guessed type int dword_507BF0_is_there_popup_onscreen;
2536 //----- (00417AD4) --------------------------------------------------------
2537 unsigned int GetSkillColor(unsigned int uPlayerClass, PLAYER_SKILL_TYPE uPlayerSkillType, signed int skill_level)
2538 {
2539 switch (uPlayerClass % 4)
2540 {
2541 case 0:
2542 {
2543 if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[uPlayerClass][uPlayerSkillType] >= skill_level)
2544 return ui_character_skillinfo_can_learn;
2545 if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[uPlayerClass + 1][uPlayerSkillType] < skill_level &&
2546 byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[uPlayerClass + 2][uPlayerSkillType] < skill_level)
2547 {
2548 if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[uPlayerClass + 3][uPlayerSkillType] < skill_level)
2549 return ui_character_skillinfo_cant_learn;
2550 }
2551 return ui_character_skillinfo_can_learn_gm;
2552 }
2553 break;
2555 case 1:
2556 {
2557 if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[uPlayerClass][uPlayerSkillType] >= skill_level)
2558 return ui_character_skillinfo_can_learn;
2559 if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[uPlayerClass + 1][uPlayerSkillType] < skill_level)
2560 {
2561 if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[uPlayerClass + 2][uPlayerSkillType] < skill_level)
2562 return ui_character_skillinfo_cant_learn;
2563 }
2564 return ui_character_skillinfo_can_learn_gm;
2565 }
2566 break;
2568 case 2:
2569 case 3:
2570 {
2571 if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[uPlayerClass][uPlayerSkillType] < skill_level)
2572 return ui_character_skillinfo_cant_learn;
2573 return ui_character_skillinfo_can_learn;
2574 }
2575 break;
2576 }
2577 Error("Invalid player class: %u", uPlayerClass);
2578 }
2580 //----- (0040F92A) --------------------------------------------------------
2581 void __fastcall ZBuffer_DoFill2(int *pZBuffer, Texture *a2, int a3)
2582 {//����������� � ������� � ��������
2583 void *v4; // eax@3
2584 //int *v5; // edi@5
2585 // int v6; // ecx@6
2586 // int v9; // [sp+18h] [bp-4h]@1
2588 if (pIcons_LOD->dword_011BA4 && a2->uDecompressedSize)
2589 v4 = a2->UnzipPalette();
2590 else
2591 v4 = a2->pLevelOfDetail0_prolly_alpha_mask;
2592 //v5 = pZBuffer;
2593 for (uint i = 0; i < a2->uTextureHeight; i++)
2594 {
2595 for (uint j = 0; j < a2->uTextureWidth; j++)
2596 {
2597 *pZBuffer = a3;
2598 ++pZBuffer;
2599 }
2600 pZBuffer += window->GetWidth() - a2->uTextureWidth;
2601 }
2602 if (pIcons_LOD->dword_011BA4)
2603 {
2604 if (a2->uDecompressedSize)
2605 free(v4);
2606 }
2607 }
2610 // 4E28F8: using guessed type int pCurrentScreen;
2612 //----- (0040F82D) --------------------------------------------------------
2613 void __fastcall ZBuffer_Fill(int *pZBuffer, int uTextureId, int iZValue)
2614 {
2615 assert(uTextureId != -1);
2616 ZBuffer_DoFill(pZBuffer, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureId), iZValue);
2617 }
2619 //----- (0040F89C) --------------------------------------------------------
2620 void __fastcall ZBuffer_DoFill(int *pZBuffer, Texture *pTex, int uZValue)
2621 {//����������� ��� ������� � ��������
2622 void *v3; // eax@3
2623 //void *v4; // esi@5
2624 //int *v5; // edi@5
2625 //int v6; // eax@5
2626 // int v7; // ecx@6
2627 // int v11; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@1
2628 //void *v12; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@5
2630 if (pIcons_LOD->dword_011BA4 && pTex->uDecompressedSize)
2631 v3 = pTex->UnzipPalette();
2632 else
2633 v3 = pTex->pLevelOfDetail0_prolly_alpha_mask;
2634 //v12 = v3;
2635 //v4 = v3;
2636 //v5 = pZBuffer;
2637 //v6 = 0;
2638 for (uint i = 0; i < pTex->uTextureHeight; i++)
2639 {
2640 for (uint j = 0; j < pTex->uTextureWidth; j++)
2641 {
2642 //LOBYTE(v6) = *(char *)v4;
2643 //v4 = (char *)v4 + 1;
2644 //if ( v6 )
2645 *pZBuffer = uZValue;
2646 ++pZBuffer;
2647 }
2648 pZBuffer += window->GetWidth() - pTex->uTextureWidth;
2649 }
2650 if (pIcons_LOD->dword_011BA4)
2651 {
2652 if (pTex->uDecompressedSize)
2653 free(v3);
2654 }
2655 }
2657 //----- (004BC49B) --------------------------------------------------------
2658 void OnSelectNPCDialogueOption(DIALOGUE_TYPE newDialogueType)
2659 {
2660 NPCData *speakingNPC; // ebp@1
2661 int npc_event_id; // ecx@10
2662 char *v13; // [sp-8h] [bp-18h]@60
2664 speakingNPC = GetNPCData(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID);
2665 uDialogueType = newDialogueType;
2666 if (!speakingNPC->uFlags)
2667 speakingNPC->uFlags = 1;
2668 if (newDialogueType == DIALOGUE_PROFESSION_DETAILS)
2669 dialogue_show_profession_details = ~dialogue_show_profession_details;
2670 else if (newDialogueType == DIALOGUE_76)
2671 {
2672 if (speakingNPC->Hired())
2673 {
2674 if ((signed int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs > 0)
2675 {
2676 for (uint i = 0; i < (unsigned int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs; ++i)
2677 {
2678 if (pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].uFlags & 0x80 && !strcmp(speakingNPC->pName, pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName))
2679 pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].uFlags &= 0x7Fu;
2680 }
2681 }
2682 if (pParty->pHirelings[0].pName && !_stricmp(pParty->pHirelings[0].pName, speakingNPC->pName))
2683 memset(&pParty->pHirelings[0], 0, sizeof(NPCData));
2684 else if (pParty->pHirelings[1].pName && !_stricmp(pParty->pHirelings[1].pName, speakingNPC->pName))
2685 memset(&pParty->pHirelings[1], 0, sizeof(NPCData));
2686 pParty->hirelingScrollPosition = 0;
2687 pParty->CountHirelings();
2688 dword_591084 = 0;
2689 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
2690 dword_7241C8 = 0;
2691 return;
2692 }
2693 if (pParty->pHirelings[0].pName && pParty->pHirelings[1].pName)
2694 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[533], 2);// ""I cannot join you, you're party is full""
2695 else
2696 {
2697 if (speakingNPC->uProfession != 51) //burglars have no hiring price
2698 {
2699 if (pParty->uNumGold < pNPCStats->pProfessions[speakingNPC->uProfession].uHirePrice)
2700 {
2701 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[155], 2);// "You don't have enough gold"
2702 dialogue_show_profession_details = false;
2703 uDialogueType = 13;
2704 if (uActiveCharacter)
2705 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_NotEnoughGold, 0);
2706 if (!dword_7241C8)
2707 pGame->Draw();
2708 dword_7241C8 = 0;
2709 return;
2710 }
2711 Party::TakeGold(pNPCStats->pProfessions[speakingNPC->uProfession].uHirePrice);
2712 }
2713 LOBYTE(speakingNPC->uFlags) |= 0x80u;
2714 if (pParty->pHirelings[0].pName)
2715 {
2716 memcpy(&pParty->pHirelings[1], speakingNPC, sizeof(pParty->pHirelings[1]));
2717 v13 = pParty->pHireling2Name;
2718 }
2719 else
2720 {
2721 memcpy(&pParty->pHirelings[0], speakingNPC, sizeof(pParty->pHirelings[0]));
2722 v13 = pParty->pHireling1Name;
2723 }
2724 strcpy(v13, speakingNPC->pName);
2725 pParty->hirelingScrollPosition = 0;
2726 pParty->CountHirelings();
2727 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
2728 if (sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID >= 0)
2729 pDialogue_SpeakingActor->uAIState = Removed;
2730 if (uActiveCharacter)
2731 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_61, 0);
2732 }
2733 }
2734 else if ((signed int)newDialogueType > DIALOGUE_84 && (signed int)newDialogueType <= DIALOGUE_ARENA_SELECT_CHAMPION) //����� ������ ��������� ���
2735 {
2736 ArenaFight();
2737 return;
2738 }
2739 else if (newDialogueType == DIALOGUE_USE_NPC_ABILITY)
2740 {
2741 if (UseNPCSkill((NPCProf)speakingNPC->uProfession) == 0)
2742 {
2743 if (speakingNPC->uProfession != GateMaster)
2744 speakingNPC->bHasUsedTheAbility = 1;
2745 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
2746 }
2747 else
2748 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[140], 2); //"Your packs are already full!"
2749 }
2750 else if (newDialogueType == DIALOGUE_13)
2751 {
2752 if (!speakingNPC->Hired())
2753 {
2754 sub_4B3E1E();
2755 dialogue_show_profession_details = false;
2756 }
2757 else
2758 {
2759 for (uint i = 0; i < (signed int)pNPCStats->uNumNewNPCs; ++i)
2760 {
2761 if (pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].uFlags & 0x80 && !strcmp(speakingNPC->pName, pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].pName))
2762 pNPCStats->pNewNPCData[i].uFlags &= 0x7Fu;
2763 }
2764 if (pParty->pHirelings[0].pName && !_stricmp(pParty->pHirelings[0].pName, speakingNPC->pName))
2765 memset(&pParty->pHirelings[0], 0, sizeof(NPCData));
2766 else if (pParty->pHirelings[1].pName && !_stricmp(pParty->pHirelings[1].pName, speakingNPC->pName))
2767 memset(&pParty->pHirelings[1], 0, sizeof(NPCData));
2768 pParty->hirelingScrollPosition = 0;
2769 pParty->CountHirelings();
2770 dword_591084 = 0;
2771 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
2772 dword_7241C8 = 0;
2773 return;
2774 }
2775 }
2776 else if (newDialogueType >= DIALOGUE_EVT_A && newDialogueType <= DIALOGUE_EVT_F)
2777 {
2778 switch (newDialogueType)
2779 {
2780 case DIALOGUE_EVT_A: npc_event_id = speakingNPC->evt_A; break;
2781 case DIALOGUE_EVT_B: npc_event_id = speakingNPC->evt_B; break;
2782 case DIALOGUE_EVT_C: npc_event_id = speakingNPC->evt_C; break;
2783 case DIALOGUE_EVT_D: npc_event_id = speakingNPC->evt_D; break;
2784 case DIALOGUE_EVT_E: npc_event_id = speakingNPC->evt_E; break;
2785 case DIALOGUE_EVT_F: npc_event_id = speakingNPC->evt_F; break;
2786 }
2787 if ((npc_event_id >= 200) && (npc_event_id <= 310))
2788 _4B3FE5_training_dialogue(npc_event_id); //200-310
2789 else if ((npc_event_id >= 400) && (npc_event_id <= 410))
2790 { //400-410
2791 dword_F8B1D8 = newDialogueType;
2792 DrawJoinGuildWindow(npc_event_id - 400);
2793 }
2794 else
2795 {
2796 switch (npc_event_id)
2797 {
2798 case 139:
2799 OracleDialogue();
2800 break;
2801 case 311:
2802 CheckBountyRespawnAndAward();
2803 break;
2804 case 399:
2805 Arena_SelectionFightLevel();
2806 break;
2807 default:
2808 activeLevelDecoration = (LevelDecoration*)1;
2809 current_npc_text = 0;
2810 EventProcessor(npc_event_id, 0, 1);
2811 activeLevelDecoration = nullptr;
2812 break;
2813 }
2814 }
2815 }
2816 if (!dword_7241C8)
2817 pGame->Draw();
2818 dword_7241C8 = 0;
2819 }
2821 //----- (004B3E1E) --------------------------------------------------------
2822 void sub_4B3E1E()
2823 {
2824 NPCData *v0; // ST40_4@1
2825 signed int v1; // edi@1
2826 //GUIWindow *v2; // ecx@1
2828 __debugbreak();
2829 v0 = GetNPCData(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID);
2830 v1 = 0;
2831 pDialogueWindow->eWindowType = WINDOW_MainMenu;
2832 pDialogueWindow->Release();
2833 pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), window->GetHeight(), WINDOW_Dialogue, 1, 0);
2834 if (pNPCStats->pProfessions[v0->uProfession].pBenefits)//*(&pNPCStats->field_13A5C + 5 * v0->uProfession) )
2835 {
2836 pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(480, 160, 140, 28, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 77, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[407], 0);//���������
2837 v1 = 1;
2838 }
2839 pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(480, 30 * v1 + 160, 140, 30, 1, 0, UIMSG_SelectNPCDialogueOption, 76, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[406], 0);//������
2840 pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(v1 + 1, 1, 0, 1);
2841 }
2843 //----- (004B2001) --------------------------------------------------------
2844 void __fastcall ClickNPCTopic(signed int uMessageParam)
2845 {
2846 //signed int v1; // eax@1
2847 NPCData *pCurrentNPCInfo; // ebp@1
2848 int pEventNumber; // ecx@8
2849 Player *v4; // esi@20
2850 //int v5; // eax@28
2851 //int v6; // eax@31
2852 //int v7; // eax@34
2853 //int v8; // eax@37
2854 //int v9; // eax@40
2855 //unsigned int v10; // eax@43
2856 char *v12; // eax@53
2857 char *v13; // eax@56
2858 char *v14; // eax@57
2859 char *v15; // eax@58
2860 //unsigned int v16; // ebp@62
2861 char *v17; // ecx@63
2862 char *v18; // eax@65
2863 // const char *v19; // ecx@68
2864 //unsigned int v20; // eax@69
2865 signed int pPrice; // ecx@70
2866 char *v22; // [sp-Ch] [bp-18h]@73
2867 //int v23; // [sp-8h] [bp-14h]@49
2868 char *v24; // [sp-8h] [bp-14h]@73
2869 //int v25; // [sp-4h] [bp-10h]@49
2871 uDialogueType = uMessageParam + 1;
2872 pCurrentNPCInfo = HouseNPCData[pDialogueNPCCount - ((dword_591080 != 0) ? 1 : 0)];//- 1
2873 if (uMessageParam <= 24)
2874 {
2875 switch (uMessageParam)
2876 {
2877 case 13:
2878 current_npc_text = pNPCStats->pProfessions[pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession].pJoinText;//(char *)*(&pNPCStats->field_13A64 + 5 * v2->uProfession);
2879 current_npc_text = BuildDialogueString(current_npc_text, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2880 NPCHireableDialogPrepare();
2881 dialogue_show_profession_details = false;
2882 BackToHouseMenu();
2883 return;
2884 case 19:
2885 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_A;
2886 break;
2887 case 20:
2888 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_B;
2889 break;
2890 case 21:
2891 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_C;
2892 break;
2893 case 22:
2894 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_D;
2895 break;
2896 case 23:
2897 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_E;
2898 break;
2899 case 24:
2900 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_F;
2901 break;
2902 default:
2903 BackToHouseMenu();
2904 return;
2905 }
2906 /*switch ( pEventNumber )
2907 {
2908 case 139:
2909 OracleDialogue();
2910 goto _return;
2911 case 311:
2912 CheckBountyRespawnAndAward();
2913 goto _return;
2914 }*/
2915 if (pEventNumber < 200 || pEventNumber > 310)
2916 {
2917 if (pEventNumber < 400 || pEventNumber > 410)
2918 {
2919 if (pEventNumber == 139)
2920 {
2921 OracleDialogue();
2922 }
2923 else
2924 {
2925 if (pEventNumber == 311)
2926 {
2927 CheckBountyRespawnAndAward();
2928 }
2929 else
2930 {
2931 current_npc_text = 0;
2932 activeLevelDecoration = (LevelDecoration*)1;
2933 EventProcessor(pEventNumber, 0, 1);
2934 activeLevelDecoration = nullptr;
2935 }
2936 }
2937 }
2938 else
2939 {
2940 dword_F8B1D8 = uMessageParam;
2941 DrawJoinGuildWindow(pEventNumber - 400);
2942 }
2943 }
2944 else
2945 {
2946 _4B3FE5_training_dialogue(pEventNumber);
2947 }
2948 BackToHouseMenu();
2949 return;
2950 }
2951 if (uMessageParam != 76)
2952 {
2953 if (uMessageParam == 77)
2954 {
2955 //v16 = pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession;
2956 __debugbreak(); // probably hirelings found in buildings, not present in MM7, changed "pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession - 1" to "pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession", have to check in other versions whether it's ok
2957 if (dialogue_show_profession_details)
2958 v17 = pNPCStats->pProfessions[pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession].pJoinText;
2959 else
2960 v17 = pNPCStats->pProfessions[pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession].pBenefits;
2961 current_npc_text = v17;
2962 v18 = BuildDialogueString(v17, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
2963 dialogue_show_profession_details = ~dialogue_show_profession_details;
2964 current_npc_text = v18;
2965 }
2966 else
2967 {
2968 if (uMessageParam == 79)
2969 {
2970 if (contract_approved)
2971 {
2972 Party::TakeGold(gold_transaction_amount);
2973 if (uActiveCharacter)
2974 {
2975 v12 = (char *)&pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number];
2976 *(short *)v12 &= 0x3Fu;
2977 switch (dword_F8B1B0_MasteryBeingTaught)
2978 {
2979 case 2:
2980 v15 = (char *)&pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number];
2981 *v15 |= 0x40u;
2982 break;
2983 case 3:
2984 v14 = (char *)&pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number];
2985 *v14 |= 0x80u;
2986 break;
2987 case 4:
2988 v13 = (char *)&pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number];
2989 v13[1] |= 1u;
2990 break;
2991 }
2992 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_85, 0);
2993 }
2994 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
2995 /*if ( (signed int)pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages < 40 )
2996 {
2997 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].eType = UIMSG_Escape;
2998 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].param = 1;
2999 *(&pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3 * pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3) = 0;
3000 ++pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages;
3001 }*/
3002 }
3003 }
3004 else
3005 {
3006 if (uMessageParam == 82 && contract_approved) //join guild
3007 {
3008 Party::TakeGold(gold_transaction_amount);
3009 v4 = pParty->pPlayers.data();
3010 do
3011 {
3012 v4->SetVariable(VAR_Award, dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number);
3013 ++v4;
3014 } while ((signed int)v4 < (signed int)pParty->pHirelings.data());
3015 switch (dword_F8B1D8)
3016 {
3017 case 19:
3018 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_A;
3019 if (pEventNumber >= 400 && pEventNumber <= 416)
3020 pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_A = 0;
3021 break;
3022 case 20:
3023 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_B;
3024 if (pEventNumber >= 400 && pEventNumber <= 416)
3025 pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_B = 0;
3026 break;
3027 case 21:
3028 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_C;
3029 if (pEventNumber >= 400 && pEventNumber <= 416)
3030 pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_C = 0;
3031 break;
3032 case 22:
3033 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_D;
3034 if (pEventNumber >= 400 && pEventNumber <= 416)
3035 pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_D = 0;
3036 break;
3037 case 23:
3038 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_E;
3039 if (pEventNumber >= 400 && pEventNumber <= 416)
3040 pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_E = 0;
3041 break;
3042 case 24:
3043 pEventNumber = pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_F;
3044 if (pEventNumber >= 400 && pEventNumber <= 416)
3045 pCurrentNPCInfo->evt_F = 0;
3046 break;
3047 }
3048 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
3049 /*if ( (signed int)pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages < 40 )
3050 {
3051 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].eType = UIMSG_Escape;
3052 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].param = 1;
3053 *(&pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3 * pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3) = 0;
3054 ++pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages;
3055 }*/
3056 //v11 = uActiveCharacter;
3057 if (uActiveCharacter)
3058 {
3059 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound((PlayerSpeech)SPEECH_86, 0);
3060 BackToHouseMenu();
3061 return;
3062 }
3063 }
3064 }
3065 }
3066 BackToHouseMenu();
3067 return;
3068 }
3069 if (pParty->pHirelings[0].pName && pParty->pHirelings[1].pName)
3070 {
3071 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[533], 2);// ""I cannot join you, you're party is full""
3072 BackToHouseMenu();
3073 return;
3074 }
3077 if (pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession != 51) //burglars have no hiring price
3078 {
3079 __debugbreak(); // probably hirelings found in buildings, not present in MM7, changed "pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession - 1" to "pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession", have to check in other versions whether it's ok
3080 pPrice = pNPCStats->pProfessions[pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession].uHirePrice;
3081 if (pParty->uNumGold < (unsigned int)pPrice)
3082 {
3083 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[155], 2);
3084 dialogue_show_profession_details = false;
3085 uDialogueType = 13;
3086 current_npc_text = pNPCStats->pProfessions[pCurrentNPCInfo->uProfession].pJoinText;
3087 current_npc_text = BuildDialogueString(current_npc_text, uActiveCharacter - 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
3088 if (uActiveCharacter)
3089 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound(SPEECH_NotEnoughGold, 0);
3090 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[155], 2);
3091 BackToHouseMenu();
3092 return;
3093 }
3094 else
3095 Party::TakeGold(pPrice);
3096 }
3097 //LOBYTE(v2->uFlags) |= 0x80u;
3098 pCurrentNPCInfo->uFlags |= 128;
3099 pParty->hirelingScrollPosition = 0;
3100 pParty->CountHirelings();
3101 if (pParty->pHirelings[0].pName)
3102 {
3103 memcpy(&pParty->pHirelings[1], pCurrentNPCInfo, sizeof(pParty->pHirelings[1]));
3104 v24 = pCurrentNPCInfo->pName;
3105 v22 = pParty->pHireling2Name;
3106 }
3107 else
3108 {
3109 memcpy(pParty->pHirelings.data(), pCurrentNPCInfo, 0x4Cu);
3110 v24 = pCurrentNPCInfo->pName;
3111 v22 = pParty->pHireling1Name;
3112 }
3113 strcpy(v22, v24);
3114 pParty->hirelingScrollPosition = 0;
3115 pParty->CountHirelings();
3116 PrepareHouse((HOUSE_ID)(int)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C);
3117 dialog_menu_id = HOUSE_DIALOGUE_MAIN;
3119 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddGUIMessage(UIMSG_Escape, 1, 0);
3120 /*if ( (signed int)pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages < 40 )
3121 {
3122 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].eType = UIMSG_Escape;
3123 pMessageQueue_50CBD0->pMessages[pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages].param = 1;
3124 *(&pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3 * pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages + 3) = 0;
3125 ++pMessageQueue_50CBD0->uNumMessages;
3126 }*/
3127 if (uActiveCharacter)
3128 pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->PlaySound((PlayerSpeech)61, 0);
3130 _return:
3131 BackToHouseMenu();
3132 }
3134 //----- (004B3FE5) --------------------------------------------------------
3135 //Originally called _4B254D_SkillMasteryTeacher to have contract_approved assigned, to be able to set some button name.
3136 //But it the name gets immediately overwritten
3137 void _4B3FE5_training_dialogue(int a4)
3138 {
3139 const char *v2; // edi@1
3141 //__debugbreak();
3142 uDialogueType = DIALOGUE_SKILL_TRAINER;
3143 current_npc_text = (char *)pNPCTopics[a4 + 168].pText;
3144 _4B254D_SkillMasteryTeacher(a4); //might be needed because of contract_approved ?
3145 pDialogueWindow->Release();
3146 pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), 350, WINDOW_MainMenu, a4, 0);
3147 pBtn_ExitCancel = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(471, 445, 169, 35, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0,
3148 pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[34], pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0);
3149 pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", 0);
3150 v2 = "";
3151 if (contract_approved)
3152 v2 = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[535];
3153 pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(480, 160, 0x8Cu, 0x1Eu, 1, 0, UIMSG_ClickNPCTopic, 0x4Fu, 0, v2, 0);
3154 pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(1, 1, 0, 2);
3155 dialog_menu_id = HOUSE_DIALOGUE_OTHER;
3156 }
3158 //----- (004B1ECE) --------------------------------------------------------
3159 void OracleDialogue()
3160 {
3161 __int16 *v0; // edi@1
3162 signed int v4; // eax@9
3163 int v5; // ebx@11
3164 signed int v8; // edi@14
3165 ItemGen *v9; // [sp+Ch] [bp-Ch]@11
3166 signed int v10; // [sp+10h] [bp-8h]@13
3167 int v11; // [sp+14h] [bp-4h]@1
3169 contract_approved = 0;
3170 v11 = 0;
3171 uDialogueType = 84;
3172 current_npc_text = (char *)pNPCTopics[667].pText;
3173 v0 = _4F0882_evt_VAR_PlayerItemInHands_vals.data();
3174 //while ( 1 )
3175 for (uint i = 0; i <= 53; i++)
3176 {
3177 if ((unsigned __int16)_449B57_test_bit(pParty->_quest_bits, *v0))
3178 {
3179 //v1 = 0;
3180 //v2 = pParty->pPlayers.data();
3181 for (uint pl = 0; pl < 4; pl++)
3182 {
3183 //LOBYTE(v3) = pParty->pPlayers[pl].CompareVariable(VAR_PlayerItemInHands, *(v0+1));
3184 if (pParty->pPlayers[pl].CompareVariable(VAR_PlayerItemInHands, *(v0 + 1)))
3185 break;
3186 //++v2;
3187 //++v1;
3188 }
3189 //while ( (signed int)v2 < (signed int)pParty->pHirelings.data() );
3190 //if ( v1 == 4 )
3191 //break;
3192 }
3193 ++v11;
3194 //v0 += 2;
3195 //if ( v0 > &_4F0882_evt_VAR_PlayerItemInHands_vals[53] )
3196 //break;
3197 }
3198 if (v0 <= &_4F0882_evt_VAR_PlayerItemInHands_vals[53])
3199 {
3200 current_npc_text = (char *)pNPCTopics[666].pText; // Here's %s that you lost. Be careful
3201 v4 = _4F0882_evt_VAR_PlayerItemInHands_vals[2 * v11];
3202 contract_approved = _4F0882_evt_VAR_PlayerItemInHands_vals[2 * v11];
3203 pParty->pPlayers[0].AddVariable(VAR_PlayerItemInHands, v4);
3204 }
3205 if (contract_approved == 601)
3206 {
3207 v5 = 0;
3208 //v12 = pParty->pPlayers.data();//[0].uClass;
3209 v9 = 0;
3210 //while ( 1 )
3211 for (uint i = 0; i < 4; i++)
3212 {
3213 if (pParty->pPlayers[i].classType == PLAYER_CLASS_LICH)
3214 {
3215 v10 = 0;
3216 //v6 = pParty->pPlayers.data();//[0].pInventoryItems[0].field_1A;
3217 for (uint pl = 0; pl < 4; pl++)
3218 {
3219 for (v8 = 0; v8 < 126; v8++)//138
3220 {
3221 if (pParty->pPlayers[pl].pInventoryItemList[v8].uItemID == ITEM_LICH_JAR_FULL)
3222 {
3223 if (!pParty->pPlayers[pl].pInventoryItemList[v8].uHolderPlayer)
3224 v9 = &pParty->pPlayers[pl].pInventoryItemList[v8];
3225 if (pParty->pPlayers[pl].pInventoryItemList[v8].uHolderPlayer == v5)
3226 v10 = 1;
3227 }
3228 }
3229 }
3230 if (!v10)
3231 break;
3232 }
3233 // ++v12;
3234 ++v5;
3235 // if ( v12 > &pParty->pPlayers[3] )
3236 // return;
3237 }
3238 if (v9)
3239 v9->uHolderPlayer = v5;
3240 }
3241 }
3243 //----- (004B46A5) --------------------------------------------------------
3244 void __fastcall DrawTextAtStatusBar(const char *Str, int a5)
3245 {
3246 pRenderer->DrawTextureRGB(0, 352, pTexture_StatusBar);
3247 pPrimaryWindow->DrawText(pFontLucida, pFontLucida->AlignText_Center(450, Str) + 11, 357, a5, Str, 0, 0, 0);
3248 }
3250 //----- (004BBA85) --------------------------------------------------------
3251 void CheckBountyRespawnAndAward()
3252 {
3253 int i; // eax@2
3254 int rand_monster_id; // edx@3
3256 uDialogueType = 83;
3257 pDialogueWindow->Release();
3258 pDialogueWindow = GUIWindow::Create(0, 0, window->GetWidth(), 350, WINDOW_MainMenu, 0, 0);
3259 pBtn_ExitCancel = pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(471, 445, 169, 35, 1, 0, UIMSG_Escape, 0, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[34],// "Cancel"
3260 pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uExitCancelTextureId), 0);
3261 pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, UIMSG_BuyInShop_Identify_Repair, 0, 0, "", 0);
3262 pDialogueWindow->CreateButton(480, 160, 140, 30, 1, 0, UIMSG_0, 83, 0, "", 0);
3263 pDialogueWindow->_41D08F_set_keyboard_control_group(1, 1, 0, 2);
3264 dialog_menu_id = HOUSE_DIALOGUE_OTHER;
3265 //get new monster for hunting
3266 if (pParty->PartyTimes.bountyHunting_next_generation_time[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)] < (signed __int64)pParty->uTimePlayed)
3267 {
3268 pParty->monster_for_hunting_killed[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)] = false;
3269 pParty->PartyTimes.bountyHunting_next_generation_time[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)] = (signed __int64)((double)(0x12750000 * (pParty->uCurrentMonth + 12i64 * pParty->uCurrentYear - 14015)) * 0.033333335);
3270 for (i = rand();; i = rand())
3271 {
3272 rand_monster_id = i % 258 + 1;
3273 pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)] = rand_monster_id;
3274 if ((unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id < 0x73u || (unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id > 0x84u)
3275 {
3276 if (((unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id < 0xEBu || (unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id > 0xFCu)
3277 && ((unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id < 0x85u || (unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id > 0x96u)
3278 && ((unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id < 0x97u || (unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id > 0xBAu)
3279 && ((unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id < 0xC4u || (unsigned __int16)rand_monster_id > 0xC6u))
3280 break;
3281 }
3282 }
3283 }
3284 bountyHunting_monster_id_for_hunting = pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)];
3285 if (!pParty->monster_for_hunting_killed[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)])
3286 {
3287 bountyHunting_text = pNPCTopics[351].pText;
3288 if (!pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)])
3289 bountyHunting_text = pNPCTopics[353].pText;
3290 }
3291 else//get prize
3292 {
3293 if (pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)])
3294 {
3295 pParty->PartyFindsGold(100 * pMonsterStats->pInfos[(unsigned __int16)pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)]].uLevel, 0);
3296 for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
3297 pParty->pPlayers[i].SetVariable(VAR_Award, 86);
3298 pParty->uNumBountiesCollected += 100 * pMonsterStats->pInfos[pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)]].uLevel;
3299 pParty->monster_id_for_hunting[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)] = 0;
3300 pParty->monster_for_hunting_killed[(int)((char *)window_SpeakInHouse->ptr_1C - 102)] = false;
3301 }
3302 bountyHunting_text = pNPCTopics[352].pText;
3303 }
3304 }
3306 //----- (004B254D) --------------------------------------------------------
3307 const char * _4B254D_SkillMasteryTeacher(int trainerInfo)
3308 {
3309 int teacherLevel; // edx@1
3310 int skillBeingTaught; // ecx@1
3311 int pClassType; // eax@7
3312 int currClassMaxMastery; // eax@7
3313 int pointsInSkillWOutMastery; // ebx@7
3314 int classBaseId; // eax@8
3315 unsigned int skillMastery; // eax@29
3316 unsigned __int16 pointsInSkill; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-10h]@7
3317 int masteryLevelBeingTaught; // [sp+24h] [bp-8h]@7
3319 contract_approved = 0;
3320 teacherLevel = (trainerInfo - 200) % 3;
3321 skillBeingTaught = (trainerInfo - 200) / 3;
3322 Player* activePlayer = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter];
3323 pClassType = activePlayer->classType;
3324 currClassMaxMastery = byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[pClassType][skillBeingTaught];
3325 masteryLevelBeingTaught = teacherLevel + 2;
3326 dword_F8B1B0_MasteryBeingTaught = masteryLevelBeingTaught;
3327 if (currClassMaxMastery < masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3328 {
3329 classBaseId = pClassType - pClassType % 4;
3330 if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[classBaseId + 1][skillBeingTaught] >= masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3331 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[633], pClassNames[classBaseId + 1]);//�� ������ ������� ������ %s ��� �������� ����� ������ ������. You have to be promoted to %s to learn this skill level.
3332 else if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[classBaseId + 2][skillBeingTaught] >= masteryLevelBeingTaught
3333 && byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[classBaseId + 3][skillBeingTaught] >= masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3334 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[634], pClassNames[classBaseId + 2], pClassNames[classBaseId + 3]);//�� ������ ������� ������ %s ��� %s ��� �������� ����� ������ ������. You have to be promoted to %s or %s to learn this skill level.
3335 else if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[classBaseId + 2][skillBeingTaught] >= masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3336 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[633], pClassNames[classBaseId + 2]);//�� ������ ������� ������ %s ��� �������� ����� ������ ������. You have to be promoted to %s to learn this skill level.
3337 else if (byte_4ED970_skill_learn_ability_by_class_table[classBaseId + 3][skillBeingTaught] >= masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3338 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[633], pClassNames[classBaseId + 3]);//�� ������ ������� ������ %s ��� �������� ����� ������ ������. You have to be promoted to %s to learn this skill level.
3339 else
3340 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[632], pClassNames[pClassType]);//���� ������� ������ �� ����� ���� ��������� ������� %s. This skill level can not be learned by the %s class.
3341 return pTmpBuf.data();
3342 }
3343 if (!activePlayer->CanAct())
3344 return pNPCTopics[122].pText; //Not in your condition!
3345 pointsInSkill = activePlayer->pActiveSkills[skillBeingTaught];
3346 pointsInSkillWOutMastery = pointsInSkill & 0x3F;
3347 if (!pointsInSkillWOutMastery)
3348 return pNPCTopics[131].pText; //You must know the skill before you can become an expert in it!
3349 skillMastery = SkillToMastery(pointsInSkill);
3350 if ((signed int)skillMastery > teacherLevel + 1)
3351 return pNPCTopics[teacherLevel + 128].pText; // You are already an SKILLLEVEL in this skill.
3352 dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number = skillBeingTaught;
3353 if (masteryLevelBeingTaught == 2 && pointsInSkillWOutMastery < 4
3354 || masteryLevelBeingTaught == 3 && pointsInSkillWOutMastery < 7
3355 || masteryLevelBeingTaught == 4 && pointsInSkillWOutMastery < 10
3356 )
3357 return pNPCTopics[127].pText; //"You don't meet the requirements, and cannot be taught until you do."
3358 switch (dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number)
3359 {
3368 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3369 {
3370 case 2:
3371 gold_transaction_amount = 2000;
3372 break;
3373 case 3:
3374 gold_transaction_amount = 5000;
3375 break;
3376 case 4:
3377 gold_transaction_amount = 8000;
3378 break;
3379 }
3380 break;
3382 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3383 {
3384 case 2:
3385 gold_transaction_amount = 0;
3386 break;
3387 case 3:
3388 gold_transaction_amount = 0;
3389 break;
3390 case 4:
3391 gold_transaction_amount = 0;
3392 break;
3393 }
3394 break;
3399 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3400 {
3401 case 2:
3402 gold_transaction_amount = 1000;
3403 break;
3404 case 3:
3405 gold_transaction_amount = 3000;
3406 break;
3407 case 4:
3408 gold_transaction_amount = 7000;
3409 break;
3410 }
3411 break;
3419 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3420 {
3421 case 2:
3422 gold_transaction_amount = 1000;
3423 break;
3424 case 3:
3425 gold_transaction_amount = 4000;
3426 break;
3427 case 4:
3428 gold_transaction_amount = 8000;
3429 break;
3430 }
3431 break;
3433 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3434 {
3435 case 2:
3436 gold_transaction_amount = 2000;
3437 break;
3438 case 3:
3439 if (!(unsigned __int16)_449B57_test_bit(pParty->_quest_bits, 114))
3440 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3441 gold_transaction_amount = 5000;
3442 break;
3443 case 4:
3444 if (!activePlayer->ProfessionOrGuildFlagsCorrect(0x22u, 1) ||
3445 !activePlayer->ProfessionOrGuildFlagsCorrect(0x1Au, 1))
3446 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3447 gold_transaction_amount = 8000;
3448 break;
3449 }
3450 break;
3452 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3453 {
3454 case 2:
3455 gold_transaction_amount = 2000;
3456 break;
3457 case 3:
3458 if (!(unsigned __int16)_449B57_test_bit(pParty->_quest_bits, 110))
3459 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3460 gold_transaction_amount = 5000;
3461 break;
3462 case 4:
3463 if (!activePlayer->ProfessionOrGuildFlagsCorrect(0x23u, 1)
3464 || !activePlayer->ProfessionOrGuildFlagsCorrect(0x1Bu, 1))
3465 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3466 gold_transaction_amount = 8000;
3467 break;
3468 }
3469 break;
3478 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3479 {
3480 case 2:
3481 gold_transaction_amount = 500;
3482 break;
3483 case 3:
3484 gold_transaction_amount = 2500;
3485 break;
3486 case 4:
3487 gold_transaction_amount = 6000;
3488 break;
3489 }
3490 break;
3492 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3493 {
3494 case 2:
3495 gold_transaction_amount = 2000;
3496 break;
3497 case 3:
3498 if (activePlayer->GetBaseWillpower() < 50)
3499 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3500 gold_transaction_amount = 5000;
3501 break;
3502 case 4:
3503 gold_transaction_amount = 8000;
3504 break;
3505 }
3506 break;
3508 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3509 {
3510 case 2:
3511 gold_transaction_amount = 500;
3512 break;
3513 case 3:
3514 if (activePlayer->GetBaseEndurance() < 50)
3515 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3516 gold_transaction_amount = 2500;
3517 break;
3518 case 4:
3519 gold_transaction_amount = 6000;
3520 break;
3521 }
3522 break;
3524 Error("Diplomacy not used");
3525 break;
3527 Error("Thievery not used");
3528 break;
3530 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3531 {
3532 case 2:
3533 gold_transaction_amount = 2000;
3534 break;
3535 case 3:
3536 gold_transaction_amount = 5000;
3537 break;
3538 case 4:
3539 if ((activePlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_UNARMED] & 63) < 0xA)
3540 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3541 gold_transaction_amount = 8000;
3542 break;
3543 }
3544 break;
3546 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3547 {
3548 case 2:
3549 gold_transaction_amount = 2000;
3550 break;
3551 case 3:
3552 gold_transaction_amount = 5000;
3553 break;
3554 case 4:
3555 if ((activePlayer->pActiveSkills[PLAYER_SKILL_DODGE] & 63) < 0xA)
3556 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3557 gold_transaction_amount = 8000;
3558 break;
3559 }
3560 break;
3562 switch (masteryLevelBeingTaught)
3563 {
3564 case 2:
3565 gold_transaction_amount = 2000;
3566 break;
3567 case 3:
3568 if (activePlayer->GetBaseIntelligence() < 50)
3569 return pNPCTopics[127].pText;
3570 gold_transaction_amount = 5000;
3571 break;
3572 case 4:
3573 gold_transaction_amount = 8000;
3574 break;
3575 }
3576 break;
3577 default:
3578 Error("Unknown skill");
3579 }
3580 if (gold_transaction_amount > pParty->uNumGold)
3581 return pNPCTopics[124].pText; //You don't have enough gold!
3582 contract_approved = 1;
3583 if (masteryLevelBeingTaught == 2)
3584 {
3585 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[534],//�������� ������� ^Pr[%s] � ������ ^Pr[%s] �� ^I[%lu] �����^L[��;��;��]
3586 pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[433], pSkillNames[dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number], gold_transaction_amount);//�������
3587 }
3588 else if (masteryLevelBeingTaught == 3)
3589 {
3590 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[534],
3591 pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[432], pSkillNames[dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number], gold_transaction_amount);//������
3592 }
3593 else if (masteryLevelBeingTaught == 4)
3594 sprintfex(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[534],
3595 pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[225], pSkillNames[dword_F8B1AC_award_bit_number], gold_transaction_amount);//������� �������
3596 return pTmpBuf2.data();
3597 }
3599 //----- (00495461) --------------------------------------------------------
3600 char *BuildDialogueString(const char *lpsz, unsigned __int8 uPlayerID, ItemGen *a3, char *a4, int a5, __int64 *a6)
3601 {
3602 Player *pPlayer; // ebx@3
3603 const char *pText; // esi@7
3604 int v17; // eax@10
3605 signed __int64 v18; // qax@18
3606 unsigned __int8 *v20; // ebx@32
3607 int v21; // ecx@34
3608 int pReputation; // eax@45
3609 int v29; // eax@68
3610 __int16 v55[56]; // [sp+10h] [bp-128h]@34
3611 stru351_summoned_item v56; // [sp+80h] [bp-B8h]@107
3612 char a1[100]; // [sp+B8h] [bp-80h]@3
3613 int v63; // [sp+12Ch] [bp-Ch]@32
3615 if (IsBadStringPtrA(lpsz, 1))
3616 return "Invalid String Passed";
3618 a1[0] = 0;
3619 pPlayer = &pParty->pPlayers[uPlayerID];
3620 memset(pTmpBuf2.data(), 0, sizeof(pTmpBuf2));
3622 NPCData *npc = nullptr;
3623 if (dword_5C35D4)
3624 npc = HouseNPCData[(unsigned int)((char *)pDialogueNPCCount + -(dword_591080 != 0))]; //- 1
3625 else
3626 npc = GetNPCData(sDialogue_SpeakingActorNPC_ID);
3628 //pText = a4;
3629 uint len = strlen(lpsz);
3630 for (int i = 0, dst = 0; i < len; ++i)
3631 {
3632 char c = lpsz[i];
3633 if (c != '%')
3634 pTmpBuf2[dst++] = c;
3635 else
3636 {
3637 v17 = 10 * (int)(lpsz[i + 1] - '0') + lpsz[i + 2] - '0';
3639 switch (v17)
3640 {
3641 case 1://���������
3642 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), npc->pName);
3643 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3644 i += 2;
3645 break;
3646 case 2:
3647 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pPlayer->pName);
3648 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3649 i += 2;
3650 break;
3651 case 3:
3652 case 4:
3653 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3654 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3655 i += 2;
3656 break;
3657 case 5:
3658 v18 = (signed __int64)((double)(signed __int64)pParty->uTimePlayed * 0.234375) / 60 / 60 % 24;
3659 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[397];// "evening"
3660 if (SHIDWORD(v18) <= 0 && SHIDWORD(v18) >= 0 && (unsigned int)v18 >= 5 && SHIDWORD(v18) <= 0)
3661 {
3662 if (SHIDWORD(v18) >= 0 && (unsigned int)v18 >= 11)
3663 {
3664 if (v18 < 20)
3665 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[396];// "day"
3666 }
3667 else
3668 {
3669 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[395];// "morning"
3670 }
3671 }
3672 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3673 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3674 i += 2;
3675 break;
3676 case 6:
3677 if (pPlayer->uSex)
3678 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[387];// "lady"
3679 else
3680 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[385];// "sir"
3681 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3682 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3683 i += 2;
3684 break;
3685 case 7:
3686 if (pPlayer->uSex)
3687 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[389];// "Lady"
3688 else
3689 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[386];// "Sir"
3690 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3691 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3692 i += 2;
3693 break;
3694 case 8:
3695 v63 = 0;
3696 v20 = (unsigned __int8 *)pPlayer->_achieved_awards_bits;
3697 for (uint _i = 0; _i < 28; ++_i)
3698 {
3699 if ((unsigned __int16)_449B57_test_bit(v20, word_4EE150[i]))
3700 {
3701 v21 = v63;
3702 ++v63;
3703 v55[v63] = word_4EE150[i];
3704 }
3705 }
3706 if (v63)
3707 {
3708 if (dword_A74CDC == -1)
3709 dword_A74CDC = rand() % v63;
3710 pText = (char *)pAwards[v55[dword_A74CDC]].pText;//(char *)dword_723E80_award_related[2 * v55[v24]];
3711 }
3712 else
3713 pText = (char *)pNPCTopics[55].pText;
3714 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3715 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3716 i += 2;
3717 break;
3718 case 9:
3719 if (npc->uSex)
3720 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[384];// "her"
3721 else
3722 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[383];// "his"
3723 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3724 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3725 i += 2;
3726 break;
3727 case 10:
3728 if (pPlayer->uSex)
3729 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[389];// "Lady"
3730 else
3731 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[388];// "Lord"
3732 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3733 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3734 i += 2;
3735 break;
3736 case 11:
3737 pReputation = pParty->GetPartyReputation();
3738 if (pReputation >= 25)
3739 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[379];
3740 else//v25 < 25
3741 {
3742 if (pReputation < 6)
3743 {
3744 if (pReputation >= -5)//6 >= v25 >= -5
3745 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[399];
3746 else// v25 < -5
3747 {
3748 if (pReputation < -24)//-24 > v25
3749 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[434];
3750 else// -5 > v25 > -24
3751 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[402];
3752 }
3753 }
3754 else//25 > v25 > 6
3755 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[392];
3756 }
3757 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3758 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3759 i += 2;
3760 break;
3761 case 12:
3762 pReputation = npc->rep;
3763 if (pReputation >= 25)
3764 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[379];//�����������
3765 else
3766 {
3767 if (pReputation < 6)
3768 {
3769 if (pReputation >= -5)
3770 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[399];//�����������
3771 else
3772 {
3773 if (pReputation < -24)
3774 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[434];//���������
3775 else
3776 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[402];//�����������
3777 }
3778 }
3779 else
3780 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[392];//�������������
3781 }
3782 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3783 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3784 i += 2;
3785 break;
3786 case 13:
3787 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pNPCStats->sub_495366_MispronounceName(pPlayer->pName[0], pPlayer->uSex));
3788 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3789 i += 2;
3790 break;
3791 case 14:
3792 if (npc->uSex)
3793 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[391];// "sister"
3794 else
3795 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[390];// "brother"
3796 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3797 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3798 i += 2;
3799 break;
3800 case 15:
3801 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[393]);// "daughter"
3802 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3803 i += 2;
3804 break;
3805 case 16:
3806 if (npc->uSex)
3807 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[391];// "sister"
3808 else
3809 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[390];// "brother"
3810 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3811 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3812 i += 2;
3813 break;
3814 case 17://����� ������� ���
3815 {
3816 uint pay_percentage = pNPCStats->pProfessions[npc->uProfession].uHirePrice / 100;
3817 if (!pay_percentage)
3818 pay_percentage = 1;
3819 sprintf(a1, "%lu", pay_percentage);
3820 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3821 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3822 i += 2;
3823 break;
3824 }
3825 case 18:
3826 case 19:
3827 case 20:
3828 case 21:
3829 case 22:
3830 case 26:
3831 strncpy(a1, lpsz + i + 1, 2);
3832 sprintf(a1, "%lu", atoi(a1));
3833 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3834 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3835 i += 2;
3836 break;
3837 case 23:
3838 if (pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName))
3839 pText = pMapStats->pInfos[pMapStats->GetMapInfo(pCurrentMapName)].pName;
3840 else
3841 pText = pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[394];// "Unknown"
3842 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pText);
3843 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3844 i += 2;
3845 break;
3846 case 24://�������� ������ � �������
3847 sprintfex(a1, format_4E2D80, Color16(255, 255, 155), a3->GetDisplayName());
3848 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3849 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3850 i += 2;
3851 break;
3852 case 25:
3853 v29 = pPlayer->GetBaseBuyingPrice(a3->GetValue(), p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier);
3854 switch (a5)
3855 {
3856 case 3:
3857 v29 = pPlayer->GetBaseSellingPrice(a3->GetValue(), p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier);
3858 break;
3859 case 4:
3860 v29 = pPlayer->GetBaseIdentifyPrice(p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier);
3861 break;
3862 case 5:
3863 v29 = pPlayer->GetBaseRepairPrice(a3->GetValue(), p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier);
3864 break;
3865 case 6:
3866 v29 = pPlayer->GetBaseSellingPrice(a3->GetValue(), p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier) / 2;
3867 break;
3868 }
3869 sprintfex(a1, "%lu", v29);
3870 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3871 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3872 i += 2;
3873 break;
3874 case 27://����� �������
3875 v29 = pPlayer->GetBuyingPrice(a3->GetValue(), p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier);
3876 if (a5 == 3)
3877 {
3878 v29 = pPlayer->GetPriceSell(a3->GetValue(), p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier);
3879 if (a3->IsBroken())
3880 v29 = 1;
3881 sprintfex(a1, "%lu", v29);
3882 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3883 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3884 i += 2;
3885 break;
3886 }
3887 if (a5 != 4)
3888 {
3889 if (a5 == 5)
3890 v29 = pPlayer->GetPriceRepair(a3->GetValue(), p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier);
3891 else
3892 {
3893 if (a5 == 6)
3894 {
3895 v29 = pPlayer->GetPriceSell(a3->GetValue(), p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier) / 2;
3896 if (a3->IsBroken())
3897 v29 = 1;
3898 if (!v29)
3899 v29 = 1;
3900 sprintfex(a1, "%lu", v29);
3901 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3902 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3903 i += 2;
3904 break;
3905 }
3906 }
3907 sprintfex(a1, "%lu", v29);
3908 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3909 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3910 i += 2;
3911 break;
3912 }
3913 sprintfex(a1, "%lu", pPlayer->GetPriceIdentification(p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier));
3914 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3915 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3916 i += 2;
3917 break;
3918 case 28://���������
3919 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), (char *)p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].pProprieterTitle);
3920 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3921 i += 2;
3922 break;
3923 case 29:
3924 sprintfex(a1, "%lu", pPlayer->GetPriceIdentification(p2DEvents[(signed int)a4 - 1].fPriceMultiplier));
3925 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3926 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3927 i += 2;
3928 break;
3929 case 30:
3930 if (!a6)
3931 {
3932 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a4);
3933 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3934 i += 2;
3935 break;
3936 }
3937 init_summoned_item(&v56, *a6);
3938 sprintfex(a1, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[378], aMonthNames[v56.field_14_exprie_month], v56.field_C_expire_day + 1, v56.field_18_expire_year);
3939 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3940 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3941 i += 2;
3942 break;
3943 case 31:
3944 case 32:
3945 case 33:
3946 case 34:
3947 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), pParty->pPlayers[v17 - 31].pName);
3948 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3949 i += 2;
3950 break;
3951 default:
3952 if (v17 <= 50 || v17 > 70)
3953 {
3954 strncpy(a1, lpsz + i + 1, 2);
3955 sprintf(a1, "%lu", atoi(a1));
3956 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3957 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3958 i += 2;
3959 break;
3960 }
3961 if (v17 - 51 >= 20)
3962 {
3963 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a4);
3964 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3965 i += 2;
3966 break;
3967 }
3968 init_summoned_item(&v56, pParty->PartyTimes._s_times[v17 - 51]);
3969 sprintfex(a1, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[378], aMonthNames[v56.field_14_exprie_month], v56.field_C_expire_day + 1, v56.field_18_expire_year);
3970 strcat(pTmpBuf2.data(), a1);
3971 dst = strlen(pTmpBuf2.data());
3972 i += 2;
3973 break;
3974 }
3975 }
3976 }
3977 return pTmpBuf2.data();
3978 }
3980 //----- (0044C175) --------------------------------------------------------
3981 void ShowStatusBarString(const char *pString, unsigned int uNumSeconds)
3982 {
3983 strcpy(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data(), pString);
3984 GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft = 1000 * uNumSeconds + GetTickCount();
3986 for (int i = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data()); i > 450;
3987 i = pFontLucida->GetLineWidth(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data()))
3988 GameUI_Footer_TimedString[strlen(GameUI_Footer_TimedString.data()) - 1] = 0;
3989 }
3991 //----- (0044C1D0) --------------------------------------------------------
3992 void ShowNothingHereStatus()
3993 {
3994 if (!GameUI_Footer_TimeLeft)
3995 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[521], 2);// Nothing here
3996 }
3998 //----- (0044C28B) --------------------------------------------------------
3999 int const_2()
4000 {
4001 return 2;
4002 }