view src/audio/iphoneos/SDL_coreaudio_iphone.c @ 3202:3aa519a5c676

I've made so many changes I don't dare continue until I check the current stuff in. /test/testatomic.c performs absolutely basic tests to show that the function work as expected. Need a second test to do more detailed tests. /include/SDL_atomic.h provides declarations for all included functions. /src/atomic/linux/SDL_atomic.c provided all the functions. On a generic built the 64 bit functions work, but they are emulated. On a build for -march=pentium and above the 64 bit functions use native instructions /src/atomic/dummy/SDL_atomic.c emulates all the operations using SDL_mutex.h. /src/atomic/win32/SDL_atomic.c is a copy of dummy /src/atomic/macosx/SDL_atomic.s is a copy of dummy These versions of SDL_atomic.c provide a frame work for building the library with a mixture of native and emulated functions. This allows the whole library to be provided on all platforms. (I hope.) I hope this fits with the SDL philosophy of either providing a common subset or emulating when the platform is missing a feature. I have not added dummy, macosx, or win32 to the build. They are there as place holders for future work. I have modified to compile sources in /src/atomic/linux. (The SDL file is an amazing piece of work and I hope I didn't mess it up. :-)
author Bob Pendleton <>
date Mon, 29 Jun 2009 19:54:43 +0000
parents 1e431c2631ee
children f7b03b6838cb
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

    Sam Lantinga
#include "SDL_config.h"

#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.h>

#include "SDL_audio.h"
#include "../SDL_audio_c.h"
#include "../SDL_sysaudio.h"
#include "SDL_coreaudio_iphone.h"


static void

/* The CoreAudio callback */
static OSStatus
outputCallback(void *inRefCon,
               AudioUnitRenderActionFlags * ioActionFlags,
               const AudioTimeStamp * inTimeStamp,
               UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames,
               AudioBufferList * ioDataList)
    SDL_AudioDevice *this = (SDL_AudioDevice *) inRefCon;
    AudioBuffer *ioData = &ioDataList->mBuffers[0];
    UInt32 remaining, len;
    void *ptr;

    /* Is there ever more than one buffer, and what do you do with it? */
    if (ioDataList->mNumberBuffers != 1) {
        return noErr;

    /* Only do anything if audio is enabled and not paused */
    if (!this->enabled || this->paused) {
        SDL_memset(ioData->mData, this->spec.silence, ioData->mDataByteSize);
        return 0;

    /* No SDL conversion should be needed here, ever, since we accept
       any input format in OpenAudio, and leave the conversion to CoreAudio.
       assert(this->spec.channels == ioData->mNumberChannels);

    remaining = ioData->mDataByteSize;
    ptr = ioData->mData;
    while (remaining > 0) {
        if (this->hidden->bufferOffset >= this->hidden->bufferSize) {
            /* Generate the data */
            SDL_memset(this->hidden->buffer, this->spec.silence,
            (*this->spec.callback) (this->spec.userdata, this->hidden->buffer,
            this->hidden->bufferOffset = 0;

        len = this->hidden->bufferSize - this->hidden->bufferOffset;
        if (len > remaining)
            len = remaining;
                   (char *) this->hidden->buffer + this->hidden->bufferOffset,
        ptr = (char *) ptr + len;
        remaining -= len;
        this->hidden->bufferOffset += len;

    return 0;

static OSStatus
inputCallback(void *inRefCon,
              AudioUnitRenderActionFlags * ioActionFlags,
              const AudioTimeStamp * inTimeStamp,
              UInt32 inBusNumber, UInt32 inNumberFrames,
              AudioBufferList * ioData)
    //err = AudioUnitRender(afr->fAudioUnit, ioActionFlags, inTimeStamp, inBusNumber, inNumberFrames, afr->fAudioBuffer);
    // !!! FIXME: write me!
    return noErr;

static void
    if (this->hidden != NULL) {
        if (this->hidden->audioUnitOpened) {
            OSStatus result = noErr;
            AURenderCallbackStruct callback;
            const AudioUnitElement output_bus = 0;
            const AudioUnitElement input_bus = 1;
            const int iscapture = this->iscapture;
            const AudioUnitElement bus =
                ((iscapture) ? input_bus : output_bus);
            const AudioUnitScope scope =
                ((iscapture) ? kAudioUnitScope_Output :

            /* stop processing the audio unit */
            result = AudioOutputUnitStop(this->hidden->audioUnit);

            /* Remove the input callback */
            SDL_memset(&callback, '\0', sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct));
            result = AudioUnitSetProperty(this->hidden->audioUnit,
                                          scope, bus, &callback,

            this->hidden->audioUnitOpened = 0;
        this->hidden = NULL;

#define CHECK_RESULT(msg) \
    if (result != noErr) { \
        COREAUDIO_CloseDevice(this); \
        SDL_SetError("CoreAudio error (%s): %d", msg, result); \
        return 0; \

static int
prepare_audiounit(_THIS, const char *devname, int iscapture,
                  const AudioStreamBasicDescription * strdesc)
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    AURenderCallbackStruct callback;
    AudioComponentDescription desc;
    AudioComponent comp = NULL;

    UInt32 enableIO = 0;
    const AudioUnitElement output_bus = 0;
    const AudioUnitElement input_bus = 1;
    const AudioUnitElement bus = ((iscapture) ? input_bus : output_bus);
    const AudioUnitScope scope = ((iscapture) ? kAudioUnitScope_Output :

    SDL_memset(&desc, '\0', sizeof(AudioComponentDescription));
    desc.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
    desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_RemoteIO;
    desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;

    comp = AudioComponentFindNext(NULL, &desc);
    if (comp == NULL) {
        SDL_SetError("Couldn't find requested CoreAudio component");
        return 0;

    /* Open & initialize the audio unit */
       AudioComponentInstanceNew only available on iPhone OS 2.0 and Mac OS X 10.6  
       We can't use OpenAComponent on iPhone because it is not present
    result = AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp, &this->hidden->audioUnit);

    this->hidden->audioUnitOpened = 1;

    // !!! FIXME: this is wrong?
    enableIO = ((iscapture) ? 1 : 0);
    result = AudioUnitSetProperty(this->hidden->audioUnit,
                                  kAudioUnitScope_Input, input_bus,
                                  &enableIO, sizeof(enableIO));
    CHECK_RESULT("AudioUnitSetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_EnableIO input)");

    // !!! FIXME: this is wrong?
    enableIO = ((iscapture) ? 0 : 1);
    result = AudioUnitSetProperty(this->hidden->audioUnit,
                                  kAudioUnitScope_Output, output_bus,
                                  &enableIO, sizeof(enableIO));
    CHECK_RESULT("AudioUnitSetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_EnableIO output)");

    /*result = AudioUnitSetProperty(this->hidden->audioUnit,
       kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0,

       CHECK_RESULT("AudioUnitSetProperty (kAudioOutputUnitProperty_CurrentDevice)"); */

    /* Set the data format of the audio unit. */
    result = AudioUnitSetProperty(this->hidden->audioUnit,
                                  scope, bus, strdesc, sizeof(*strdesc));
    CHECK_RESULT("AudioUnitSetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat)");

    /* Set the audio callback */
    SDL_memset(&callback, '\0', sizeof(AURenderCallbackStruct));
    callback.inputProc = ((iscapture) ? inputCallback : outputCallback);
    callback.inputProcRefCon = this;
    result = AudioUnitSetProperty(this->hidden->audioUnit,
                                  scope, bus, &callback, sizeof(callback));
        ("AudioUnitSetProperty (kAudioUnitProperty_SetInputCallback)");

    /* Calculate the final parameters for this audio specification */

    /* Allocate a sample buffer */
    this->hidden->bufferOffset = this->hidden->bufferSize = this->spec.size;
    this->hidden->buffer = SDL_malloc(this->hidden->bufferSize);

    result = AudioUnitInitialize(this->hidden->audioUnit);

    /* Finally, start processing of the audio unit */
    result = AudioOutputUnitStart(this->hidden->audioUnit);
    /* We're running! */
    return 1;

static int
COREAUDIO_OpenDevice(_THIS, const char *devname, int iscapture)
    AudioStreamBasicDescription strdesc;
    SDL_AudioFormat test_format = SDL_FirstAudioFormat(this->spec.format);
    int valid_datatype = 0;

    /* Initialize all variables that we clean on shutdown */
    this->hidden = (struct SDL_PrivateAudioData *)
        SDL_malloc((sizeof *this->hidden));
    if (this->hidden == NULL) {
        return (0);
    SDL_memset(this->hidden, 0, (sizeof *this->hidden));

    /* Setup a AudioStreamBasicDescription with the requested format */
    SDL_memset(&strdesc, '\0', sizeof(AudioStreamBasicDescription));
    strdesc.mFormatID = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
    strdesc.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked;
    strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame = this->spec.channels;
    strdesc.mSampleRate = this->spec.freq;
    strdesc.mFramesPerPacket = 1;

    while ((!valid_datatype) && (test_format)) {
        this->spec.format = test_format;
        /* Just a list of valid SDL formats, so people don't pass junk here. */
        switch (test_format) {
        case AUDIO_U8:
        case AUDIO_S8:
        case AUDIO_U16LSB:
        case AUDIO_S16LSB:
        case AUDIO_U16MSB:
        case AUDIO_S16MSB:
        case AUDIO_S32LSB:
        case AUDIO_S32MSB:
        case AUDIO_F32LSB:
        case AUDIO_F32MSB:
            valid_datatype = 1;
            strdesc.mBitsPerChannel = SDL_AUDIO_BITSIZE(this->spec.format);
            if (SDL_AUDIO_ISBIGENDIAN(this->spec.format))
                strdesc.mFormatFlags |= kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsBigEndian;

            if (SDL_AUDIO_ISFLOAT(this->spec.format))
                strdesc.mFormatFlags |= kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsFloat;
            else if (SDL_AUDIO_ISSIGNED(this->spec.format))
                strdesc.mFormatFlags |= kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger;

    if (!valid_datatype) {      /* shouldn't happen, but just in case... */
        SDL_SetError("Unsupported audio format");
        return 0;

    strdesc.mBytesPerFrame =
        strdesc.mBitsPerChannel * strdesc.mChannelsPerFrame / 8;
    strdesc.mBytesPerPacket =
        strdesc.mBytesPerFrame * strdesc.mFramesPerPacket;

    if (!prepare_audiounit(this, devname, iscapture, &strdesc)) {
        return 0;               /* prepare_audiounit() will call SDL_SetError()... */

    return 1;                   /* good to go. */

static int
COREAUDIO_Init(SDL_AudioDriverImpl * impl)
    /* Set the function pointers */
    impl->OpenDevice = COREAUDIO_OpenDevice;
    impl->CloseDevice = COREAUDIO_CloseDevice;
    impl->Deinitialize = COREAUDIO_Deinitialize;
    impl->ProvidesOwnCallbackThread = 1;

    /* added for iPhone */
    impl->OnlyHasDefaultInputDevice = 1;
    impl->OnlyHasDefaultOutputDevice = 1;
    impl->HasCaptureSupport = 0;        /* still needs to be written */

    return 2;                   /* defitely have an audio device. */

AudioBootStrap COREAUDIOIPHONE_bootstrap = {
    "coreaudio-iphoneos", "SDL CoreAudio (iPhone OS) audio driver",
    COREAUDIO_Init, 0

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