view orpg/dirpath/ @ 16:281ca8daa911 grumpy-goblin

Traipse 'OpenRPG' {090808-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Grumpy-Goblin' was created as a stablizing branch in an effort to remove bugs from core code. Update Summary: This version is stable. ServerGUI works with very few problems, Update Manager is working quite well, and the software has been improved in overall stability This update cleans print statements, adds the /tmp/tmp.txt placeholder, and removes one major bug that caused errors to appear with the ServerGUI
author sirebral
date Sat, 08 Aug 2009 00:35:09 -0500
parents 5df1340bda13
children 97265586402b
line wrap: on
line source

import sys
import os
import errno
from orpg.orpg_wx import *

    class tmpApp(wx.App):
        def OnInit(self):
            return True

# void load_paths( dir_struct_reference )
# moved structure loading from by Snowdog 3-8-05
def load_paths(dir_struct, root_dir):
    dir_struct["home"] = root_dir + os.sep
    dir_struct["core"] = dir_struct["home"] + "orpg"+ os.sep
    dir_struct["data"] = dir_struct["home"] + "data"+ os.sep
    dir_struct["d20"] = dir_struct["data"] + "d20" + os.sep
    dir_struct["dnd3e"] = dir_struct["data"] + "dnd3e" + os.sep
    dir_struct["dnd35"] = dir_struct["data"] + "dnd35" + os.sep
    dir_struct["SWd20"] = dir_struct["data"] + "SWd20" + os.sep
    dir_struct["icon"] = dir_struct["home"] + "images" + os.sep
    dir_struct["template"] = dir_struct["core"] + "templates" + os.sep
    dir_struct["plugins"] = dir_struct["home"] + "plugins" + os.sep
    dir_struct["nodes"] = dir_struct["template"] + "nodes" + os.sep
    dir_struct["rollers"] = dir_struct["core"] + "dieroller" + os.sep + "rollers" + os.sep

    _userbase_dir = _userbase_dir = os.environ['OPENRPG_BASE']
    _user_dir = _userbase_dir + os.sep + "myfiles" + os.sep

        os.makedirs(_user_dir + "runlogs" + os.sep);
        os.makedirs(_user_dir + "logs" + os.sep);
        os.makedirs(_user_dir + "webfiles" + os.sep);
    except OSError, e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

    dir_struct["user"] = _user_dir

    dir_struct["logs"] = dir_struct["user"] + "logs" + os.sep

# int verify_home_path( directory_name )
# added by Snowdog 3-8-05
# updated with bailout code. Snowdog 7-25-05
def verify_home_path( path ):
    """checks for key ORPG files in the openrpg tree
       and askes for user intervention if their is a problem"""

        #verify that the root dir (as supplied) exists
        if not verify_file(path): return 0

        #These checks require that 'path' have a separator at the end.
        #Check and temporarily add one if needed
        if (path[(len(path)-len(os.sep)):] != os.sep):
            path = path + os.sep

        # These files should always exist at the root orpg dir
        check_files = ["orpg","data","images"]
        for n in range(len(check_files)):
            if not verify_file(path + check_files[n]): return 0

        # an error occured while verifying the directory structure
        # bail out with error signal
        return 0

    #all files and directories exist.
    return 1

# int verify_file( absolute_path )
# added by Snowdog 3-8-05
def verify_file(abs_path):
    """Returns True if file or directory exists"""
        return 1
    except OSError:
        #this exception signifies the file or dir doesn't exist
        return 0

# pathname get_user_help()
# added by Snowdog 3-8-05
# bug fix (SF #1242456) and updated with bailout code. Snowdog 7-25-05
def get_user_located_root():
    """Notify the user of directory problems
    and show directory selection dialog """

    if WXLOADED:
        app = tmpApp(0)

        dir = None

            msg = "OpenRPG cannot locate critical files.\nPlease locate the /System/ directory in the following window"
            alert= wx.MessageDialog(None,msg,"Warning",wx.OK|wx.ICON_ERROR)
            if alert.ShowModal() == wx.OK:
            dlg = wx.DirDialog(None, "Locate the openrpg1 directory:",style=wx.DD_DEFAULT_STYLE)
            if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
                dir = dlg.GetPath()
            return dir
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            print "OpenRPG encountered a problem while attempting to load file dialog to locate the OpenRPG root directory."
            print "please delete the files ./openrpg/orpg/dirpath/ and ./openrpg/orpg/dirpath/aproot.pyc and try again."
        dir = raw_input("Enter the full path to your openrpg folder:  ")
        return dir