changeset 2114:68fbaf45ef66

_42FB5C_check_spell cleaned
author Ritor1
date Mon, 23 Dec 2013 17:30:22 +0600
parents a94c5bee0225
children 18dee3152c52 c7bf59066842
files Actor.cpp AudioPlayer.cpp Game.cpp Render.cpp TurnEngine.h UI/UICharacter.cpp mm7_5.cpp mm7_6.cpp mm7_7.cpp mm7_data.h
diffstat 10 files changed, 172 insertions(+), 361 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/Actor.cpp	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/Actor.cpp	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -1669,7 +1669,7 @@
     v3->vVelocity.z = 0;
     v3->vVelocity.y = 0;
     v3->vVelocity.x = 0;
-    if ( _42FB5C_check_spell(v16) )
+    if ( _42FB5C_check_spell(v3->pMonsterInfo.uSpell1ID) )
       v3->uCurrentActionLength = 64;
       v3->uCurrentActionTime = 0;
--- a/AudioPlayer.cpp	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/AudioPlayer.cpp	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -52,8 +52,10 @@
 std::array<float, 10> pSoundVolumeLevels = 
-  0.0000000f, 0.4900000f, 0.5500000f, 0.6100000f, 0.6700000f,
- 0.7000000f, 0.7600000f, 0.8200000f, 0.8800000f, 0.9700000f     //changed 0.9900000f to 0.9700000f. for some reason it only works for values below this
+  0.0000000f, 0.1099999f, 0.2199999f, 0.3300000f, 0.4399999f,
+ 0.5500000f, 0.6600000f, 0.7699999f, 0.8799999f, 0.9700000f  
+//  0.0000000f, 0.4900000f, 0.5500000f, 0.6100000f, 0.6700000f,  //for 128.0f
+// 0.7000000f, 0.7600000f, 0.8200000f, 0.8800000f, 0.9700000f     //changed 0.9900000f to 0.9700000f. for some reason it only works for values below this
@@ -692,10 +694,14 @@
             //if (!source_x)
               //source_x = pParty->vPosition.x;
-            //if (!source_x)
-              //source_x = pParty->vPosition.y;
-            AIL_set_sample_pan(pMixerChannels[j].hSample, sub_4AB66C(source_x, source_y));
-            AIL_set_sample_volume(pMixerChannels[j].hSample, GetSoundStrengthByDistanceFromParty(source_x, source_y, pParty->vPosition.z));
+            //if (!source_y)
+              //source_y = pParty->vPosition.y;
+           if ( source_x )//Ritor1: for pedestals
+           {
+              AIL_set_sample_pan(pMixerChannels[j].hSample, sub_4AB66C(source_x, source_y));
+              int vol = GetSoundStrengthByDistanceFromParty(source_x, source_y, pParty->vPosition.z);
+              AIL_set_sample_volume(pMixerChannels[j].hSample, vol);
+           }
           if (uNumRepeats)
             AIL_set_sample_loop_count(pMixerChannels[j].hSample, uNumRepeats - 1);
--- a/Game.cpp	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/Game.cpp	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -1895,9 +1895,9 @@
             if ( (char)uMusicVolimeMultiplier < 1 )
               uMusicVolimeMultiplier = 0;
             GUIWindow::Create(243, 216, 0, 0, WINDOW_PressedButton2, (int)pBtn_SliderLeft, (char *)1);
-            //if ( uMusicVolimeMultiplier )
-              pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Bell, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 128.0f, 0);
-            pAudioPlayer->SetMusicVolume(pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 128.0f);
+            if ( uMusicVolimeMultiplier )
+              pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Bell, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 64.0f, 0);
+            pAudioPlayer->SetMusicVolume(pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 64.0f);
           if ( uMessageParam == 5 )//������ ���������
@@ -1907,16 +1907,16 @@
               uMusicVolimeMultiplier = 9;
             GUIWindow::Create(435, 216, 0, 0, WINDOW_PressedButton2, (int)pBtn_SliderRight, (char *)1);
             if ( uMusicVolimeMultiplier )
-              pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Bell, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 128.0f, 0);
-            pAudioPlayer->SetMusicVolume(pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 128.0f);
+              pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Bell, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 64.0f, 0);
+            pAudioPlayer->SetMusicVolume(pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 64.0f);
           uMusicVolimeMultiplier = (pMouse->GetCursorPos(&v202)->x - 263) / 17;//��� ������� ��������� ������
           if ( (char)uMusicVolimeMultiplier > 9 )
             uMusicVolimeMultiplier = 9;
           if ( uMusicVolimeMultiplier )
-            pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Bell, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 128.0f, 0);
-          pAudioPlayer->SetMusicVolume(pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 128.0f);
+            pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_Bell, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 64.0f, 0);
+          pAudioPlayer->SetMusicVolume(pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 64.0f);
         case UIMSG_ChangeSoundVolume:
           if ( uMessageParam == 4 )//reduce sound level button left
--- a/Render.cpp	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/Render.cpp	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -8681,18 +8681,18 @@
-  for (uint i = pRenderer->uNumBillboardsToDraw - 1; i != (uint)-1; --i)
-  {
-    RenderBillboardD3D* p = &pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[i];
-    if (p->uOpacity != RenderBillboardD3D::NoBlend)
-      SetBillboardBlendOptions(p->uOpacity);
+  for (int i = pRenderer->uNumBillboardsToDraw - 1; i >= 0; --i)
+  {
+    if((int)pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[i].pTexture == 0xcdcdcdcd)
+      __debugbreak();//Ritor1: error
+    if (pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[i].uOpacity != RenderBillboardD3D::NoBlend)
+      SetBillboardBlendOptions(pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[i].uOpacity);
-	//if((int)p->pTexture!=0xcdcdcdcd)
-    pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetTexture(0, p->pTexture);
+    pRenderer->pRenderD3D->pDevice->SetTexture(0, pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[i].pTexture);
                                                          D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR | D3DFVF_TEX1,
-                                                         p->pQuads, p->uNumVertices,
+                                                         pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[i].pQuads, pRenderer->pBillboardRenderListD3D[i].uNumVertices,
                                                          D3DDP_DONOTLIGHT | D3DDP_DONOTUPDATEEXTENTS));
--- a/TurnEngine.h	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/TurnEngine.h	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
   int turns_count;
-  int turn_stage;
+  int turn_stage; //if = 2 - action
   int ai_turn_timer;
   int uActorQueueSize; //c
   int turn_initiative;
--- a/UI/UICharacter.cpp	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/UI/UICharacter.cpp	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -1545,7 +1545,7 @@
   Texture *pTexture; // esi@6
   int v13; // eax@13
-  int v15; // eax@13
+  //int v15; // eax@13
   unsigned int v17; // edi@15
   unsigned int uCellX; // [sp+30h] [bp-8h]@5
   unsigned int uCellY; // [sp+34h] [bp-4h]@5
@@ -1567,12 +1567,13 @@
       pTexture->uTextureWidth = 14;
     if ( (pTexture->uTextureWidth - 14) / 32 == 0 && pTexture->uTextureWidth < 32)
       uCellX += (32 - pTexture->uTextureWidth) / 2;
-    v13 = pTexture->uTextureWidth - 14;
-    LOBYTE(v13) = v13 & 0xE0;
-    v15 = v13 + 32;
+    //v13 = pTexture->uTextureWidth - 14;
+    //LOBYTE(v13) = v13 & 0xE0;
+    //v15 = v13 + 32;
     if (pTexture->uTextureHeight < 14 )
       pTexture->uTextureHeight = 14;
-    v17 = uCellX + ((v15 - pTexture->uTextureWidth) >> 1) + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[uCellY + (( (int)((pTexture->uTextureHeight - 14) & 0xFFFFFFE0) - pTexture->uTextureHeight + 32) >> 1)];   //added typecast. without it the value in the brackets got cat to unsigned which messed stuff up
+    v17 = uCellX + (( (int)((pTexture->uTextureWidth - 14) & 0xE0) + 32 - pTexture->uTextureWidth) / 2)
+       + pSRZBufferLineOffsets[uCellY + (( (int)((pTexture->uTextureHeight - 14) & 0xFFFFFFE0) - pTexture->uTextureHeight + 32) / 2)];   //added typecast. without it the value in the brackets got cat to unsigned which messed stuff up
     if (player->pInventoryItemList[player->pInventoryMatrix[i] - 1].uAttributes & ITEM_ENCHANT_ANIMATION)
       Texture *loadedTextureptr = nullptr;
--- a/mm7_5.cpp	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/mm7_5.cpp	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -342,9 +342,9 @@
   int v6; // eax@3
   //Actor *v7; // esi@4
   //Actor *v8; // edi@4
-  char v9; // zf@5
+  //char v9; // zf@5
   __int64 v10; // qax@8
-  signed __int16 v11; // cx@9
+  //signed __int16 v11; // cx@9
   signed int v12; // ecx@20
   int v13; // ecx@22
   int v14; // edi@30
@@ -364,19 +364,19 @@
     v6 = pActors[actor_id].IsNotAlive();
     if ( !v6 )
-      v9 = pActors[actor_id].uAIState == 7;
+      //v9 = pActors[actor_id].uAIState == 7;
       pActors[actor_id].uLastCharacterIDToHit = v17;
-      if ( v9 )
-        BYTE2(pActors[actor_id].uAttributes) |= 2u;
-      v6 = pActors[PID_ID(v17)]._4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(&pActors[actor_id], v4, 0);
-      if ( v6 )
+      if ( pActors[actor_id].uAIState == Fleeing )
+        BYTE2(pActors[actor_id].uAttributes) |= 2;
+      //v6 = pActors[PID_ID(v17)]._4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(&pActors[actor_id], v4, 0);
+      if ( pActors[PID_ID(v17)]._4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(&pActors[actor_id], v4, 0) )
         v10 = (unsigned int)pActors[PID_ID(v17)]._43B3E0_CalcDamage(a4);
         if ( (signed __int64)pActors[PID_ID(v17)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uExpireTime > 0 )
-          v11 = pActors[PID_ID(v17)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower;
-          if ( v11 )
-            v10 = (signed int)v10 / (unsigned __int16)v11;
+          //v11 = pActors[PID_ID(v17)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower;
+          if ( pActors[PID_ID(v17)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower )
+            v10 = (signed int)v10 / (unsigned __int16)pActors[PID_ID(v17)].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SHRINK].uPower;
         if ( SHIDWORD(pActors[actor_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime) >= SHIDWORD(v10)
           && (SHIDWORD(pActors[actor_id].pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_STONED].uExpireTime) > SHIDWORD(v10)
@@ -447,18 +447,15 @@
 //----- (0043F515) --------------------------------------------------------
 void FindBillboardsLightLevels_BLV()
   for (uint i = 0; i < uNumBillboardsToDraw; ++i)
-    RenderBillboard* p = &pBillboardRenderList[i];
-    if (p->field_1E & 2 || uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor && !p->uIndoorSectorID)
-      p->dimming_level = 0;
+    if (pBillboardRenderList[i].field_1E & 2 || uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor && !pBillboardRenderList[i].uIndoorSectorID)
+      pBillboardRenderList[i].dimming_level = 0;
-      p->dimming_level = _43F55F_get_billboard_light_level(p, -1);
+      pBillboardRenderList[i].dimming_level = _43F55F_get_billboard_light_level(&pBillboardRenderList[i], -1);
@@ -468,9 +465,7 @@
   signed int v3; // ecx@2
   if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
-  {
     v3 = pIndoor->pSectors[a1->uIndoorSectorID].uMinAmbientLightLevel;
-  }
     if ( uBaseLightLevel == -1 )
@@ -759,7 +754,7 @@
       obj2_x = pParty->vPosition.x;
       obj2_z = pParty->sEyelevel + pParty->vPosition.z;
       obj2_y = pParty->vPosition.y;
-	  obj2_sector = pIndoor->GetSector(obj2_x, obj2_y, obj2_z);
+	  obj2_sector = pIndoor->GetSector(pParty->vPosition.x, pParty->vPosition.y, pParty->sEyelevel + pParty->vPosition.z);
 	case OBJECT_Actor:
       obj2_y = pActors[v12].vPosition.y;
@@ -885,15 +880,10 @@
 		v58 = fixpoint_div(v38,v59);
 		if( v58 < 0 )
-		{
-			continue;
-		}
+          continue;
-		if(!sub_4075DB(
-				obj1_x + ((fixpoint_mul(v49,v58) + 32768) >> 16),
-				obj1_y + ((fixpoint_mul(v48,v58) + 32768) >> 16),
-				obj1_z + ((fixpoint_mul(v47,v58) + 32768) >> 16),
-				v29) )
+		if(!sub_4075DB(obj1_x + ((fixpoint_mul(v49,v58) + 32768) >> 16), obj1_y + ((fixpoint_mul(v48,v58) + 32768) >> 16),
+				obj1_z + ((fixpoint_mul(v47,v58) + 32768) >> 16), v29) )
@@ -906,9 +896,7 @@
 		//no more portals, quit
 		if ( next_sector == current_sector )
-		{
-			break;
-		}
+          break;
 		current_sector = next_sector;
@@ -937,28 +925,11 @@
 //----- (004075DB) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool __fastcall sub_4075DB(int x, int y, int z, BLVFace *a4)
+bool __fastcall sub_4075DB(int x, int y, int z, BLVFace *face)
-  unsigned int v5; // esi@1
-  char v7; // zf@2
   int v8; // edi@2
-  Vec3_short_ *v9; // ecx@3
-  int v10; // edx@4
-  Vec3_short_ *v12; // ecx@8
-  int v13; // edx@9
-  Vec3_short_ *v15; // ecx@12
-  int v16; // edx@13
-  bool v18; // esi@14
-  int v19; // ecx@14
-  int v20; // ecx@16
-  int v21; // edx@16
-  int v22; // eax@17
-  signed int v23; // ebx@18
-  int v24; // esi@20
   signed int v25; // eax@22
-  signed __int64 v26; // qtt@22
   bool result; // eax@25
-  int v29; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@14
   signed int a3a; // [sp+24h] [bp+8h]@14
   int a4a; // [sp+28h] [bp+Ch]@2
@@ -967,44 +938,42 @@
-  v5 = a4->uAttributes;
-  v9 = pIndoor->pVertices;
-  if ( v5 & FACE_XY_PLANE )
+  if ( face->uAttributes & FACE_XY_PLANE )
     a4a = x;
     v8 = y;
-    for(int i = 0; i < a4->uNumVertices; i++)
+    for(int i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices; i++)
-        dword_4F5D98_xs[i] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
-        dword_4F5CC8_ys[i] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
+        dword_4F5D98_xs[i] = pIndoor->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
+        dword_4F5CC8_ys[i] = pIndoor->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
     v8 = z;
-    if ( v5 & FACE_XZ_PLANE )
+    if ( face->uAttributes & FACE_XZ_PLANE )
       a4a = x;
-      for(int i = 0; i < a4->uNumVertices; i++)
+      for(int i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices; i++)
-		dword_4F5D98_xs[i] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
-		dword_4F5CC8_ys[i] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
+		dword_4F5D98_xs[i] = pIndoor->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
+		dword_4F5CC8_ys[i] = pIndoor->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
       a4a = y;
-      for(int i = 0; i < a4->uNumVertices; i++)
+      for(int i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices; i++)
-		dword_4F5D98_xs[i] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
-		dword_4F5CC8_ys[i] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
+		dword_4F5D98_xs[i] = pIndoor->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
+		dword_4F5CC8_ys[i] = pIndoor->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
   a3a = 0;
-  dword_4F5D98_xs[a4->uNumVertices] = dword_4F5D98_xs[0];
-  dword_4F5CC8_ys[a4->uNumVertices] = dword_4F5CC8_ys[0];
-  for(int i = 0; i < a4->uNumVertices && a3a < 2; i++)
+  dword_4F5D98_xs[face->uNumVertices] = dword_4F5D98_xs[0];
+  dword_4F5CC8_ys[face->uNumVertices] = dword_4F5CC8_ys[0];
+  for(int i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices && a3a < 2; i++)
     if ( dword_4F5CC8_ys[i] >= v8 ^ (dword_4F5CC8_ys[i + 1] >= v8) )
@@ -1019,7 +988,7 @@
 			v25 = fixpoint_div(dword_4F5D98_xs[i + 1] - dword_4F5D98_xs[i], dword_4F5CC8_ys[i + 1] - dword_4F5CC8_ys[i]);
-			if( dword_4F5D98_xs[i] + (fixpoint_mul(v25, (v8 - dword_4F5CC8_ys[i]) << 16) + 32768 >> 16) >= a4a)
+			if( dword_4F5D98_xs[i] + (fixpoint_mul(v25, (v8 - dword_4F5CC8_ys[i]) << 16) + 0x8000 >> 16) >= a4a)
@@ -1032,75 +1001,51 @@
 //----- (004077F1) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool __fastcall sub_4077F1(int a1, int a2, int a3, ODMFace *a4, BSPVertexBuffer *a5)
+bool __fastcall sub_4077F1(int a1, int a2, int a3, ODMFace *face, BSPVertexBuffer *a5)
-  //ODMFace *v5; // eax@1
-  Vec3_int_ *v9;
-  unsigned int v5; // esi@1
-  signed int v7; // edi@1
-  //char v8; // zf@2
-  //unsigned __int16 *v9; // edx@3
-  int v10; // ecx@4
-  unsigned __int16 *v11; // edx@8
-  int v12; // ecx@9
-  int v13; // edx@12
-  int v14; // ecx@13
-  int v15; // esi@14
-  bool v16; // edi@14
-  int v17; // ecx@16
-  int v18; // edx@16
-  int v19; // eax@17
-  signed int v20; // ebx@18
-  int v21; // edi@20
-  signed int v22; // eax@22
-  signed __int64 v23; // qtt@22
-  //bool result; // eax@25
-  //int v25; // [sp+14h] [bp-8h]@14
   int a4a; // [sp+28h] [bp+Ch]@2
   signed int a5a; // [sp+2Ch] [bp+10h]@14
   std::array<int, 52> dword_4F5B24_ys; // idb
   std::array<int, 52> dword_4F5BF4_xs; // idb
   //__debugbreak();	//����������� ��� ��������� ������������ � �����
-  v5 = a4->uAttributes;
-  v9 = a5->pVertices;
-  if ( v5 & FACE_XY_PLANE )
+  if ( face->uAttributes & FACE_XY_PLANE )
     a4a = a1;
     a3 = a2;
-    for(int i = 0; i < a4->uNumVertices; i++)
+    for(int i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices; i++)
-        dword_4F5BF4_xs[i+1] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
-        dword_4F5B24_ys[i+1] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
+        dword_4F5BF4_xs[i+1] = a5->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
+        dword_4F5B24_ys[i+1] = a5->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
-    if ( v5 & FACE_XY_PLANE )
+    if ( face->uAttributes & FACE_XY_PLANE )
       a4a = a1;
-      for(int i = 0; i < a4->uNumVertices; i++)
+      for(int i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices; i++)
-		dword_4F5BF4_xs[i+1] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
-		dword_4F5B24_ys[i+1] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
+		dword_4F5BF4_xs[i+1] = a5->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].x;
+		dword_4F5B24_ys[i+1] = a5->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
       a4a = a2;
-      for(int i = 0; i < a4->uNumVertices; i++)
+      for(int i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices; i++)
-		dword_4F5BF4_xs[i+1] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
-		dword_4F5B24_ys[i+1] = v9[a4->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
+		dword_4F5BF4_xs[i+1] = a5->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].y;
+		dword_4F5B24_ys[i+1] = a5->pVertices[face->pVertexIDs[i]].z;
   a5a = 0;
-  dword_4F5BF4_xs[a4->uNumVertices + 1] = dword_4F5BF4_xs[1];
-  dword_4F5B24_ys[a4->uNumVertices + 1] = dword_4F5B24_ys[1];
-  for(int i = 0; i < a4->uNumVertices; i++)
+  dword_4F5BF4_xs[face->uNumVertices + 1] = dword_4F5BF4_xs[1];
+  dword_4F5B24_ys[face->uNumVertices + 1] = dword_4F5B24_ys[1];
+  for(int i = 0; i < face->uNumVertices; i++)
     if ( a5a >= 2 )
@@ -1112,11 +1057,11 @@
-              v23 = (__int64)(dword_4F5BF4_xs[i + 2] - dword_4F5BF4_xs[i + 1]) << 16;
+              //v23 = (__int64)(dword_4F5BF4_xs[i + 2] - dword_4F5BF4_xs[i + 1]) << 16;
               __int64 _a = dword_4F5B24_ys[i + 2] - dword_4F5B24_ys[i + 1];
               __int64 _b = (__int64)(a3 - dword_4F5B24_ys[i + 1]) << 16;
-              if (dword_4F5BF4_xs[i + 1] + ((((v23 / _a * _b) >> 16) + 32768) >> 16) >= a4a)
+              if (dword_4F5BF4_xs[i + 1] + ((((((__int64)(dword_4F5BF4_xs[i + 2] - dword_4F5BF4_xs[i + 1]) << 16) / _a * _b) >> 16) + 0x8000) >> 16) >= a4a)
@@ -1132,20 +1077,14 @@
 //----- (004088E9) --------------------------------------------------------
 int __fastcall sub_4088E9(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3)
-  int v8; // eax@1
   signed int result; // eax@1
-  int v11; // [sp+18h] [bp+8h]@1
-  v11 = abs(x2 - x1);
-  v8 = abs(y2 - y1);
-  result = integer_sqrt(v11 * v11 + v8 * v8);
+  result = integer_sqrt(abs(x2 - x1) * abs(x2 - x1) + abs(y2 - y1) * abs(y2 - y1));
   if ( result )
     result = abs(((x2 - x1) * (y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1) * (x1 - x3)) / result);
   return result;
 //----- (0040F82D) --------------------------------------------------------
 void __fastcall ZBuffer_Fill(int *pZBuffer, int uTextureId, int iZValue)
@@ -1153,95 +1092,69 @@
   ZBuffer_DoFill(pZBuffer, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureId), iZValue);
 //----- (0040F89C) --------------------------------------------------------
 void __fastcall ZBuffer_DoFill(int *pZBuffer, Texture *pTex, int uZValue)
+{//����������� ��� ������� � ��������
   void *v3; // eax@3
-  void *v4; // esi@5
-  int *v5; // edi@5
-  int v6; // eax@5
+  //void *v4; // esi@5
+  //int *v5; // edi@5
+  //int v6; // eax@5
   int v7; // ecx@6
-  Texture *v8; // [sp+Ch] [bp-14h]@1
-  int *v9; // [sp+10h] [bp-10h]@1
-  int v10; // [sp+14h] [bp-Ch]@1
   int v11; // [sp+18h] [bp-8h]@1
-  void *v12; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@5
+  //void *v12; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-4h]@5
-  v10 = pTex->uTextureWidth;
-  v8 = pTex;
-  v9 = pZBuffer;
-  v11 = pTex->uTextureHeight;
   if ( pIcons_LOD->dword_011BA4 && pTex->uDecompressedSize )
     v3 = pTex->UnzipPalette();
     v3 = pTex->pLevelOfDetail0_prolly_alpha_mask;
-  v12 = v3;
-  v4 = v3;
-  v5 = v9;
-  v6 = 0;
-  do
+  //v12 = v3;
+  //v4 = v3;
+  //v5 = pZBuffer;
+  //v6 = 0;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < pTex->uTextureHeight; i++ )
-    v7 = v10;
-    do
+    for ( uint j = 0; j < pTex->uTextureWidth; j++ )
-      LOBYTE(v6) = *(char *)v4;
-      v4 = (char *)v4 + 1;
-      if ( v6 )
-        *v5 = uZValue;
-      ++v5;
-      --v7;
+      //LOBYTE(v6) = *(char *)v4;
+      //v4 = (char *)v4 + 1;
+      //if ( v6 )
+        *pZBuffer = uZValue;
+      ++pZBuffer;
-    while ( v7 );
-    v5 += 640 - v10;
-    --v11;
+    pZBuffer += 640 - pTex->uTextureWidth;
-  while ( v11 );
   if ( pIcons_LOD->dword_011BA4 )
-    if ( v8->uDecompressedSize )
-      free(v12);
+    if ( pTex->uDecompressedSize )
+      free(v3);
 //----- (0040F92A) --------------------------------------------------------
 void __fastcall ZBuffer_DoFill2(int *pZBuffer, Texture *a2, int a3)
-  Texture *v3; // esi@1
+{//����������� � ������� � ��������
   void *v4; // eax@3
-  int *v5; // edi@5
+  //int *v5; // edi@5
   int v6; // ecx@6
-  int *v7; // [sp+Ch] [bp-10h]@1
-  int v8; // [sp+10h] [bp-Ch]@1
   int v9; // [sp+18h] [bp-4h]@1
-  v3 = a2;
-  v7 = pZBuffer;
-  v8 = a2->uTextureWidth;
-  v9 = a2->uTextureHeight;
   if ( pIcons_LOD->dword_011BA4 && a2->uDecompressedSize )
     v4 = a2->UnzipPalette();
     v4 = a2->pLevelOfDetail0_prolly_alpha_mask;
-  v5 = v7;
-  do
+  //v5 = pZBuffer;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < a2->uTextureHeight; i++ )
-    v6 = v8;
-    do
+    for ( uint j = 0; j < a2->uTextureWidth; j++ )
-      *v5 = a3;
-      ++v5;
-      --v6;
+      *pZBuffer = a3;
+      ++pZBuffer;
-    while ( v6 );
-    v5 += 640 - v8;
-    --v9;
+    pZBuffer += 640 - a2->uTextureWidth;
-  while ( v9 );
   if ( pIcons_LOD->dword_011BA4 )
-    if ( v3->uDecompressedSize )
+    if ( a2->uDecompressedSize )
@@ -1254,6 +1167,7 @@
   const char **v3; // esi@2
   char *v4; // ebx@2
+  __debugbreak();//Ritor1
   v1 = a1;
   v2 = 1;
   if ( _stricmp(pMapStats->pInfos[1].pFilename, (const char *)&pGames_LOD->pSubIndices[a1]) )
--- a/mm7_6.cpp	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/mm7_6.cpp	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@
   int v15; // eax@14
   signed int result; // eax@17
+  __debugbreak();//Ritor1
   v5 = pActor->pMonsterInfo.uAC;
   v6 = 0;
   if ( (signed __int64)pActor->pActorBuffs[ACTOR_BUFF_SOMETHING_THAT_HALVES_AC].uExpireTime > 0 )
@@ -439,11 +440,7 @@
     DamageMonsterFromParty(PID(OBJECT_Player, uActiveCharacter - 1), target_id, &a3);
-          _42FA66_do_explosive_impact(
-            actor->vPosition.x,
-            actor->vPosition.y,
-            actor->vPosition.z + actor->uActorHeight / 2,
-            0, 512, uActiveCharacter);
+          _42FA66_do_explosive_impact(actor->vPosition.x, actor->vPosition.y, actor->vPosition.z + actor->uActorHeight / 2, 0, 512, uActiveCharacter);
   else if (bow_idx)
@@ -464,7 +461,6 @@
     player->SetRecoveryTime(flt_6BE3A4_debug_recmod1 * (double)recovery * 2.133333333333333);
   int v34 = 0;
   if (shooting_wand)
@@ -529,6 +525,7 @@
   int i; // [sp+38h] [bp+Ch]@33
   signed int v32; // [sp+3Ch] [bp+10h]@32
+  __debugbreak();//Ritor1
   v4 = 0;
   v5 = this;
   v24 = this;
@@ -708,16 +705,11 @@
   pSpellObject.spell_id = 0;
   pSpellObject.field_54 = 0;
   pSpellObject.uType = uSpriteID;
-  if ( (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects <= 0 )
-    pObjectDescID = 0;
-  else
+  pObjectDescID = 0;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects; ++i )
-    pObjectDescID = 0;
-    for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects; ++i )
-    {
-      if ( (short)uSpriteID == pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID )
-        pObjectDescID = i;
-    }
+    if ( (short)uSpriteID == pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID )
+      pObjectDescID = i;
   pSpellObject.uObjectDescID = pObjectDescID;
   pSpellObject.vPosition.x = x;
@@ -770,52 +762,32 @@
 //----- (0042F960) --------------------------------------------------------
 void __fastcall sub_42F960_create_object(int x, int y, int z)
-  int v3; // ebx@1
-  int v4; // edi@1
-  signed int v5; // edx@1
-  char *v6; // ecx@2
   unsigned __int16 v7; // ax@5
   signed int v8; // eax@6
   signed int v9; // eax@7
-  //SpriteObject a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-70h]@1
-  v3 = x;
-  v4 = y;
   SpriteObject a1; // [sp+Ch] [bp-70h]@1
-  v5 = 0;
   a1.spell_skill = 0;
   a1.spell_level = 0;
   a1.spell_id = 0;
   a1.field_54 = 0;
   a1.uType = 800;
-  if ( (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects <= 0 )
-  {
-    v7 = 0;
-  }
-  else
+  v7 = 0;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects; ++i )
-    v6 = (char *)&pObjectList->pObjects->uObjectID;
-    while ( *(short *)v6 != 800 )
-    {
-      ++v5;
-      v6 += 56;
-      if ( v5 >= (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects )
-        goto LABEL_5;
-    }
-    v7 = v5;
+    if ( a1.uType == pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID  )
+      v7 = i;
   a1.uObjectDescID = v7;
-  a1.vPosition.x = v3;
-  a1.vPosition.y = v4;
+  a1.vPosition.x = x;
+  a1.vPosition.y = y;
   a1.vPosition.z = z;
   a1.uSoundID = 0;
   a1.uAttributes = 0;
-  a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(v3, v4, z);
+  a1.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(x, y, z);
   a1.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
   a1.spell_caster_pid = 0;
   a1.spell_target_pid = 0;
@@ -828,23 +800,11 @@
 //----- (0042FA66) --------------------------------------------------------
 void _42FA66_do_explosive_impact(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, __int16 a5, signed int a6)
-  int v6; // edi@1
-  int v7; // esi@1
-  char *v8; // ecx@2
   unsigned __int16 v9; // ax@5
-  //int v10; // eax@10
-  //signed int result; // eax@11
-  //__int16 v12; // ax@12
-  //SpriteObject a1a; // [sp+Ch] [bp-74h]@1
-  int v14; // [sp+7Ch] [bp-4h]@1
-  v6 = a1;
-  v7 = a2;
   SpriteObject a1a; // [sp+Ch] [bp-74h]@1
   a1a.uType = 600;
@@ -853,43 +813,27 @@
   a1a.spell_id = SPELL_FIRE_FIREBALL;
   a1a.spell_level = 8;
   a1a.spell_skill = 3;
-  v14 = 0;
-  if ( (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects <= 0 )
-  {
-    v9 = 0;
-  }
-  else
+  v9 = 0;
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < pObjectList->uNumObjects; ++i )
-    v8 = (char *)&pObjectList->pObjects->uObjectID;
-    while ( (short)a1a.uType != *(short *)v8 )
-    {
-      ++v14;
-      v8 += 56;
-      if ( v14 >= (signed int)pObjectList->uNumObjects )
-        goto LABEL_5;
-    }
-    v9 = v14;
+    if ( a1a.uType == pObjectList->pObjects[i].uObjectID )
+      v9 = i;
   a1a.uObjectDescID = v9;
-  a1a.vPosition.x = v6;
-  a1a.vPosition.y = v7;
+  a1a.vPosition.x = a1;
+  a1a.vPosition.y = a2;
   a1a.vPosition.z = a3;
   a1a.uAttributes = 0;
-  a1a.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(v6, v7, a3);
+  a1a.uSectorID = pIndoor->GetSector(a1, a2, a3);
   a1a.uSpriteFrameID = 0;
   a1a.spell_target_pid = 0;
   a1a.field_60_distance_related_prolly_lod = 0;
   a1a.uFacing = 0;
   a1a.uSoundID = 0;
   if ( a6 >= 1 || a6 <= 4 )
-  {
     a1a.spell_caster_pid = PID(OBJECT_Player, a6 - 1);
-  }
-  {
     a1a.spell_caster_pid = 0;
-  }
   int id = a1a.Create(0, 0, 0, 0);
   if (id != -1)
@@ -898,63 +842,22 @@
 //----- (0042FB5C) --------------------------------------------------------
-bool _42FB5C_check_spell(signed int a1)
+bool _42FB5C_check_spell(signed int spell_id)
-  int v1; // ecx@3
-  int v2; // ecx@4
-  int v3; // ecx@5
-  int v4; // ecx@6
-  int v5; // ecx@7
-  int v6; // ecx@8
-  char v7; // zf@9
-  if ( a1 > 39 )
+  if ( spell_id > 39 )
-    if ( a1 > 77 )
-    {
-      if ( a1 == 80 )
-        return 0;
-      if ( a1 > 84 )
-      {
-        if ( a1 <= 86 )
-          return 0;
-        v7 = a1 == 95;
-        goto LABEL_20;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      if ( a1 == 77 )
-        return 0;
-      if ( a1 >= 46 )
-      {
-        if ( a1 <= 47 || a1 == 51 )
-          return 0;
-        v7 = a1 == 73;
-        goto LABEL_20;
-      }
-    }
-    return 1;
+    if ( spell_id == SPELL_SPIRIT_BLESS || spell_id == SPELL_SPIRIT_FATE || spell_id == SPELL_SPIRIT_HEROISM || spell_id == SPELL_BODY_HAMMERHANDS
+      || spell_id == SPELL_LIGHT_HOUR_OF_POWER || spell_id == SPELL_DARK_PAIN_REFLECTION)
+      return false;
+    return true;
-  if ( a1 == 39 || (v1 = a1 - 2) == 0 )
-    return 1;
-  v2 = v1 - 3;
-  if ( !v2 )
-    return 0;
-  v3 = v2 - 1;
-  if ( !v3 || (v4 = v3 - 3) == 0 )
-    return 1;
-  v5 = v4 - 8;
-  if ( !v5 )
-    return 0;
-  v6 = v5 - 1;
-  if ( !v6 )
-    return 1;
-  v7 = v6 == 20;
-  if ( !v7 )
-    return 1;
-  return 0;
+  if ( spell_id == SPELL_FIRE_FIRE_BOLT || spell_id == SPELL_FIRE_FIREBALL || spell_id == SPELL_FIRE_METEOR_SHOWER
+    || spell_id == SPELL_AIR_LIGHNING_BOLT || spell_id == SPELL_EARTH_BLADES )
+    return true;
+  if ( spell_id == SPELL_FIRE_HASTE || spell_id == SPELL_AIR_SHIELD || spell_id == SPELL_EARTH_STONESKIN )
+    return false;
+  return true;
 //----- (0042FBDD) --------------------------------------------------------
@@ -977,14 +880,14 @@
 void ProcessInputActions()
   char v4; // al@9
-  char v8; // bl@100
+  //char v8; // bl@100
   unsigned __int16 v9; // ax@102
-  int v10; // eax@103
+  int spell_price; // eax@103
   char v14; // al@159
   unsigned int v15; // eax@168
   PartyAction partyAction; // [sp-14h] [bp-1Ch]@20
   InputAction inputAction; // [sp+0h] [bp-8h]@7
-  int v24; // [sp+4h] [bp-4h]@87
+  //int v24; // [sp+4h] [bp-4h]@87
   Keyboard* pKeyboard = pGame->pKeyboardInstance;
@@ -1208,9 +1111,8 @@
               if ( !pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uTimeToRecovery )
-                v24 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->GetAttackRecoveryTime(false);
                 if ( !pParty->bTurnBasedModeOn )
-                  pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->SetRecoveryTime((signed __int64)(flt_6BE3A4_debug_recmod1 * (double)v24 * 2.133333333333333));
+                  pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->SetRecoveryTime((signed __int64)(flt_6BE3A4_debug_recmod1 * (double)pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->GetAttackRecoveryTime(false) * 2.133333333333333));
@@ -1244,24 +1146,21 @@
             if ( !uActiveCharacter )
-            v8 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uQuickSpell;
-            if ( !v8
-              || bUnderwater
-              || ((v9 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[(unsigned __int8)v8 / 11 + 12], !(HIBYTE(v9) & 1)) ? 
-                 ((v9 & 0x80u) == 0 ? (!(v9 & 0x40) ? (v10 = *(&pSpellDatas[0].uNormalLevelMana + 10 * (unsigned __int8)v8)) : 
-                 (v10 = *(&pSpellDatas[0].uExpertLevelMana + 10 * (unsigned __int8)v8))) : 
-                 (v10 = *(&pSpellDatas[0].uMasterLevelMana + 10 * (unsigned __int8)v8))) : 
-                 (v10 = *(&pSpellDatas[0].uMagisterLevelMana + 10 * (unsigned __int8)v8)),
-                  v10 > pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->sMana) )
+            v9 = pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->pActiveSkills[(unsigned __int8)pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uQuickSpell / 11 + 12];
+            if ( !pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uQuickSpell || bUnderwater
+              || (( !(HIBYTE(v9) & 1)) ? 
+                 ((v9 & 0x80) == 0 ? 
+                 ((v9 & 0x40) == 0 ? spell_price = pSpellDatas[pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uQuickSpell].uNormalLevelMana : spell_price = pSpellDatas[pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uQuickSpell].uExpertLevelMana) : 
+                 spell_price = pSpellDatas[pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uQuickSpell].uMasterLevelMana) : 
+                 spell_price = pSpellDatas[pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->uQuickSpell].uMagisterLevelMana,
+                 spell_price > pPlayers[uActiveCharacter]->sMana) )
               pPartyActionQueue = pPartyActionQueue;
               pMessageQueue_50CBD0->AddMessage(UIMSG_Attack, 0, 0);
-            {
-            pMessageQueue_50C9E8->AddMessage(UIMSG_CastQuickSpell, 0, 0);
-            }
+              pMessageQueue_50C9E8->AddMessage(UIMSG_CastQuickSpell, 0, 0);
           case INPUT_Attack:
             if (pCurrentScreen != SCREEN_GAME)
--- a/mm7_7.cpp	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/mm7_7.cpp	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
   dword_4F8580[0] = 1;
   return result;
+	__debugbreak();//Ritor1
   for( int i = 0; i < 62; i++ )
 	  dword_4F8580[i] = 0;
@@ -41,18 +41,9 @@
 //----- (00423B4A) --------------------------------------------------------
 void  sub_423B4A()
-  float *v0; // eax@1
-  signed int v1; // ecx@1
-  v0 = &array_507D30[0].flt_2C;
-  v1 = 50;
-  do
-  {
-    *v0 = 0.0;
-    v0 += 12;
-    --v1;
-  }
-  while ( v1 );
+	__debugbreak();//Ritor1
+  for ( uint i = 0; i < 50; i++ )
+    array_507D30[i].flt_2C = 0.0;
--- a/mm7_data.h	Mon Dec 23 00:48:53 2013 +0600
+++ b/mm7_data.h	Mon Dec 23 17:30:22 2013 +0600
@@ -1062,8 +1062,8 @@
 int MakeActorAIList_BLV();
 void UpdateActorAI();
 bool __fastcall sub_4070EF_prolly_detect_player(unsigned int uObjID, unsigned int uObj2ID);
-bool __fastcall sub_4075DB(int a1, int a2, int a3, struct BLVFace *a4);
-bool __fastcall sub_4077F1(int a1, int a2, int a3, struct ODMFace *a4, struct BSPVertexBuffer *a5);
+bool __fastcall sub_4075DB(int a1, int a2, int a3, struct BLVFace *face);
+bool __fastcall sub_4077F1(int a1, int a2, int a3, struct ODMFace *face, struct BSPVertexBuffer *a5);
 bool __fastcall sub_407A1C(int x, int z, int y, struct Vec3_int_ v); // idb
 void InitializeActors();
 void InitializeSpriteObjects();
@@ -1116,7 +1116,7 @@
 void __fastcall sub_42F960_create_object(int x, int y, int z); // idb
 void CompactLayingItemsList();
 void _42FA66_do_explosive_impact(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, __int16 a5, signed int a6);
-bool _42FB5C_check_spell(signed int a1);
+bool _42FB5C_check_spell(signed int spell_id);
 void sub_42FBDD();
 void CloseWindowBackground();
 void ProcessInputActions();