diff Engine/Graphics/IndoorCameraD3D.h @ 2496:5abd8fc8f1c6

author Ritor1
date Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:38:54 +0600
children 68cdef6879a0
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Engine/Graphics/IndoorCameraD3D.h	Thu Sep 18 17:38:54 2014 +0600
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "VectorTypes.h"
+/*  124 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3
+  //----- (004C0376) --------------------------------------------------------
+  inline IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3() {}
+  //----- (004C037F) --------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual ~IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3() {}
+  //----- (004C039C) --------------------------------------------------------
+  //void ~IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3() {}
+  //void ( ***vdestructor_ptr)(IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3 *, bool);
+  union
+  {
+    struct
+    {
+      float x;
+      float y;
+      float z;
+    };
+    float v[3];
+  };
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  125 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4: public IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3
+  //----- (00498038) --------------------------------------------------------
+  inline IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4():
+    IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3()
+  {}
+  //----- (00498069) --------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual ~IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4()
+  {}
+  float dot;
+  int _wtf; // sizeof vec4 is 18 and first member is vdtor, but vdtor is already included in vec3 so very weird
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  199 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct IndoorCameraD3D_stru3
+  int field_0;
+  int field_4;
+  int field_8;
+  int field_C;
+  int field_10;
+  int field_14;
+  int field_18;
+  int field_1C;
+  int field_20;
+  int field_24;
+  int field_28;
+  int field_2C;
+  float flt_30;
+  int field_34;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  197 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct IndoorCameraD3D_stru1
+  //----- (004363A2) --------------------------------------------------------
+  IndoorCameraD3D_stru1()
+  {
+    this->flt_2C = 0.0;
+  }
+  int field_0;
+  int field_4;
+  int field_8;
+  int field_C;
+  int field_10;
+  int field_14;
+  int field_18;
+  int field_1C;
+  int field_20;
+  int field_24;
+  int field_28;
+  float flt_2C;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+/*  198 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct IndoorCameraD3D_stru2
+  unsigned int mm7__vector_000004_size;
+  IndoorCameraD3D_stru1 mm7__vector_000004[64];
+  int field_C04;
+  int field_C08;
+  int field_C0C;
+#pragma pack(pop)
+#define BLV_RENDER_DRAW_SW_OUTLINES      (1 << 0) // 1
+#define BLV_RENDER_DRAW_D3D_OUTLINES     (1 << 1) // 2
+#define ODM_RENDER_DRAW_D3D_OUTLINES     (1 << 2) // 4
+/*  123 */
+#pragma pack(push, 1)
+struct IndoorCameraD3D
+  IndoorCameraD3D();
+  //----- (004363C6) --------------------------------------------------------
+  virtual ~IndoorCameraD3D()
+  {
+    //this->vdestructor_ptr = &stru8_pvdtor;
+    //_eh_vector_destructor_iterator_(this->std__vector_000034_prolly_frustrum, 24, 6, IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4::dtor);
+    //IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3::dtor(&v1->field_24);
+    //IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3::dtor(&v1->field_14);
+    //IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3::dtor(&v1->field_4);
+  }
+  double GetPolygonMaxZ(struct RenderVertexSoft *pVertex, unsigned int uStripType);
+  double GetPolygonMinZ(struct RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, unsigned int uStripType);
+  struct IDirect3DTexture2 *LoadTextureAndGetHardwarePtr(char *Str1);
+  void Project(signed int x, signed int y, signed int z, int *a5, int *a6);
+  void Project(struct RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, unsigned int uNumVertices, char a4);
+  void _436CDC_mess_with_lightmap__clipflag_2(struct RenderVertexSoft *pInVertices, int uNumInVertices, struct RenderVertexSoft *pOutVertices, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices);
+  void _436F09_mess_with_lightmap__clipflag_4(struct RenderVertexSoft *pInVertices, int uNumInVertices, struct RenderVertexSoft *pOutVertices, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices);
+  void _437143(unsigned int uNumInVertices, struct RenderVertexSoft *pOutVertices, struct RenderVertexSoft *pInVertices, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices);
+  bool _4371C3(struct RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices, int _unused);
+  bool CalcPortalShape(struct RenderVertexSoft *a1, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices, struct RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *a4, signed int uNumVertices, char a6, int _unused);
+  char _437376(struct stru154 *thisa, struct RenderVertexSoft *a2, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices);
+  void _4374E8_ProllyBuildFrustrum();
+  void _437607(IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3 *a1, IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 *a2);
+  void Vec3Transform(const IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3 *pVector, IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3 *pOut);
+  void CreateWorldMatrixAndSomeStuff();
+  void MatrixMultiply(struct Matrix3x3_float_ *a1, struct Matrix3x3_float_ *a2, struct Matrix3x3_float_ *a3);
+  void PrepareAndDrawDebugOutline(struct BLVFace *pFace, unsigned int uDiffuse);
+  void debug_outline_sw(struct RenderVertexSoft *a2, unsigned int uNumVertices, unsigned int uDiffuse, float a5);
+  void debug_outline_d3d(const struct RenderVertexD3D3 *pLineVertices, unsigned int uNumLines, int uDiffuse, float z_stuff);
+  void do_draw_debug_line_sw(struct RenderVertexSoft *pLineBegin, signed int sStartDiffuse, struct RenderVertexSoft *pLineEnd, signed int sEndDiffuse, unsigned int uOutNumVertices, float z_stuff);
+  //void sr_437D4A_draw_some_vertices(float x, float y, float z, unsigned int a5, char a6, float a7);
+  //void sr_438141_draw_list_0037C();
+  //void sr_438240_draw_lits();
+  //void sr_Reset_list_0037C();
+  bool is_face_faced_to_camera(struct BLVFace *pFace, struct RenderVertexSoft *a2);
+  bool GetFacetOrientation(char polyType, struct Vec3_float_ *a2, struct Vec3_float_ *a3, struct Vec3_float_ *a4);
+  void ViewTransform(struct RenderVertexSoft *a1a, unsigned int uNumVertices);
+  bool IsCulled(struct BLVFace *pFace);
+  void ViewTransfrom_OffsetUV(struct RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, unsigned int uNumVertices, struct RenderVertexSoft *pOutVertices, struct stru320 *a5);
+  bool ApplyViewTransform_TrueIfStillVisible_BLV(int x, int y, int z, signed int *pOutX, int *pOutZ, int *pOutY, char bDoNotShow);
+  float GetPickDepth();
+  float GetShadingDistMist();
+  void DebugDrawPortal(struct BLVFace *pFace);
+  //void ( ***vdestructor_ptr)(IndoorCameraD3D *, bool);
+  IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3 field_4[3];
+  //IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3 field_14;
+  //IndoorCameraD3D_Vec3 field_24;
+  IndoorCameraD3D_Vec4 std__vector_000034_prolly_frustrum[6];
+  float fov;
+  float screenCenterX;
+  float screenCenterY;
+  float fov_x;
+  float fov_y;
+  float inv_fov;
+  float _unused_blv_party_x;
+  float _unused_blv_party_y;
+  float _unused_blv_party_z;
+  char field_E8[32];
+  float field_108;
+  float _unused_blv_party_x_2;
+  float _unused_blv_party_y_2;
+  float _unused_blv_party_z_2;
+  char field_118[32];
+  float field_138;
+  char field_13C[44];
+  float field_168;
+  char field_16C[44];
+  float field_198;
+  char field_19C[44];
+  float field_1C8;
+  char field_1CC[44];
+  float field_1F8;
+  char field_1FC[44];
+  float field_228;
+  char field_22C[44];
+  float field_258;
+  char field_25C[44];
+  float field_288;
+  char field_28C[44];
+  float field_2B8;
+  float field_2BC;
+  float field_2C0;
+  float field_2C4;
+  char field_2C8[32];
+  float field_2E8;
+  float field_2EC;
+  float field_2F0;
+  float field_2F4;
+  char field_2F8[32];
+  float field_318;
+  float field_31C;
+  float field_320;
+  float field_324;
+  char field_328[32];
+  float field_348;
+  float field_34C;
+  float field_350;
+  float field_354;
+  char field_358[32];
+  float field_378;
+  IndoorCameraD3D_stru3 list_0037C[16384];
+  unsigned int list_0037C_size;
+  IndoorCameraD3D_stru2 list_E0380[256];
+  int list_E0380_size;
+  void CalculateRotations(int camera_rot_x, int camera_rot_y);
+  int       sRotationY;        // moved  from 157 struct IndoorCamera::18
+  int       sRotationX;        // moved  from 157 struct IndoorCamera::14
+  float     fRotationYSine;    // moved  from 157 struct IndoorCamera::2C
+  float     fRotationYCosine;  // moved  from 157 struct IndoorCamera::30
+  float     fRotationXSine;    // moved  from 157 struct IndoorCamera::34
+  float     fRotationXCosine;  // moved  from 157 struct IndoorCamera::38
+  Vec3<int> vPartyPos;         // moved  from 157 struct IndoorCamera::00
+                               // merged from 162 struct BLVRenderParams::08
+  int        debug_flags;      // moved  from 157 struct IndoorCamera::4C
+                               // merged from 162 struct BLVRenderParams::04
+  int        int_sine_y;       // moved  from 157 struct ODMRenderParams::1C
+                               // merged from 162 struct BLVRenderParams::24
+  int        int_cosine_y;     // moved  from 157 struct ODMRenderParams::20
+                               // merged from 162 struct BLVRenderParams::20
+  int        int_sine_x;       // moved  from 157 struct ODMRenderParams::24
+                               // merged from 162 struct BLVRenderParams::2C
+  int        int_cosine_x;     // moved  from 157 struct ODMRenderParams::28
+                               // merged from 162 struct BLVRenderParams::28
+#pragma pack(pop)
\ No newline at end of file