2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <crtdbg.h>
6 #include <io.h>
7 #include <direct.h>
9 #include "Engine/Engine.h"
11 #include "ZlibWrapper.h"
12 #include "SaveLoad.h"
13 #include "Party.h"
14 #include "LOD.h"
15 #include "Engine/Graphics/Outdoor.h"
16 #include "Media/Audio/AudioPlayer.h"
17 #include "Engine/Objects/Actor.h"
18 #include "Engine/Objects/Chest.h"
19 #include "Timer.h"
20 #include "GUI/GUIWindow.h"
21 #include "GUI/GUIFont.h"
22 #include "Engine/Graphics/Overlays.h"
23 #include "Engine/Objects/SpriteObject.h"
24 #include "Engine/Graphics/Viewport.h"
25 #include "stru123.h"
26 #include "texts.h"
27 #include "Engine/Graphics/Level/Decoration.h"
29 #include "MMT.h"
33 struct SavegameList *pSavegameList = new SavegameList;
34 unsigned int uNumSavegameFiles;
35 std::array<unsigned int, 45> pSavegameUsedSlots;
36 std::array<struct RGBTexture, 45> pSavegameThumbnails;
37 std::array<SavegameHeader, 45> pSavegameHeader;
39 //----- (0045EE8A) --------------------------------------------------------
40 void __fastcall LoadGame(unsigned int uSlot)
41 {
42 bool v25; // esi@62
43 bool v26; // eax@62
44 SavegameHeader header; // [sp+Ch] [bp-E4h]@23
45 char Str[123]; // [sp+70h] [bp-80h]@25
47 MapsLongTimers_count = 0;
48 if (!pSavegameUsedSlots[uSlot])
49 {
50 pAudioPlayer->PlaySound(SOUND_error, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
51 Log::Warning(L"LoadGame: slot %u is empty", uSlot);
52 return;
53 }
55 for (uint i = 1; i < 5; ++i)
56 for (uint j = 1; j < 6; ++j)
57 {
58 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), "data\\lloyd%d%d.pcx", i, j);
59 remove(pTmpBuf.data());
60 }
62 if (SoundSetAction[24][0])
63 for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
64 {
65 for (uint j = 0; j < pSoundList->sNumSounds; ++j)
66 if (pSoundList->pSL_Sounds[j].uSoundID == 2 * (SoundSetAction[24][0] + 50 * pParty->pPlayers[i].uVoiceID) + 4998)
67 {
68 pSoundList->UnloadSound(j, 1);
69 break;
70 }
72 for (uint j = 0; j < pSoundList->sNumSounds; ++j)
73 if (pSoundList->pSL_Sounds[j].uSoundID == 2 * (SoundSetAction[24][0] + 50 * pParty->pPlayers[i].uVoiceID) + 4999)
74 {
75 pSoundList->UnloadSound(j, 1);
76 break;
77 }
78 }
80 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), "saves\\%s", pSavegameList->pFileList[uSlot].pSaveFileName);
82 pNew_LOD->CloseWriteFile();
83 if (!CopyFileA(pTmpBuf.data(), "data\\new.lod", 0))
84 int e = GetLastError();
86 pNew_LOD->LoadFile("data\\new.lod", 0);
87 FILE *file = pNew_LOD->FindContainer("header.bin", 1);
88 if (!file)
89 {
90 sprintf(Str, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 100);//Сохраненная игра повреждена! Code=%d
91 Log::Warning(L"%S", Str);
92 MessageBoxA(nullptr, Str, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:549", 0);
93 }
94 Assert(sizeof(SavegameHeader) == 100);
95 fread(&header, sizeof(SavegameHeader), 1, file);
97 file = pNew_LOD->FindContainer("party.bin", 1);
98 if (!file)
99 {
100 sprintf(Str, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 101);//Сохраненная игра повреждена! Code=%d
101 Log::Warning(L"%S", Str);
102 MessageBoxA(nullptr, Str, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:559", 0);
103 }
104 if (sizeof(Party) != 0x16238)
105 Log::Warning(L"class Party: deserialization warning");
106 fread(pParty, sizeof(Party), 1, file);
109 file = pNew_LOD->FindContainer("clock.bin", 1);
110 if (!file)
111 {
112 sprintf(Str, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 102);//Сохраненная игра повреждена! Code=%d
113 Log::Warning(L"%S", Str);
114 MessageBoxA(nullptr, Str, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:569", 0);
115 }
116 if (sizeof(Timer) != 0x28)
117 Log::Warning(L"class Timer: deserialization warning");
118 fread(pEventTimer, sizeof(Timer), 1, file);
120 file = pNew_LOD->FindContainer("overlay.bin", 1);
121 if (!file)
122 {
123 sprintf(Str, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 103);//Сохраненная игра повреждена! Code=%d
124 Log::Warning(L"%S", Str);
125 MessageBoxA(nullptr, Str, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:579", 0);
126 }
127 if (sizeof(OtherOverlayList) != 0x3F0)
128 Log::Warning(L"class OtherOverlayList: deserialization warning");
129 fread(pOtherOverlayList, sizeof(OtherOverlayList), 1, file);
131 file = pNew_LOD->FindContainer("npcdata.bin", 0);
132 if (!file)
133 {
134 sprintf(Str, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 104);//Сохраненная игра повреждена! Code=%d
135 Log::Warning(L"%S", Str);
136 MessageBoxA(nullptr, Str, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:590", 0);
137 }
138 if (sizeof(pNPCStats->pNewNPCData) != 0x94BC)
139 Log::Warning(L"NPCStats: deserialization warning");
140 fread(pNPCStats->pNewNPCData, sizeof(pNPCStats->pNewNPCData), 1, file);
141 pNPCStats->_476C60();
143 file = pNew_LOD->FindContainer("npcgroup.bin", 0);
144 if (!file)
145 {
146 sprintf(Str, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 105);//Сохраненная игра повреждена! Code=%d
147 Log::Warning(L"%S", Str);
148 MessageBoxA(nullptr, Str, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:600", 0);
149 }
150 if (sizeof(pNPCStats->pGroups_copy) != 0x66)
151 Log::Warning(L"NPCStats: deserialization warning");
152 fread(pNPCStats->pGroups_copy, sizeof(pNPCStats->pGroups_copy), 1, file);
154 uActiveCharacter = 0;
155 for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
156 if (pParty->pPlayers[i].CanAct())
157 {
158 uActiveCharacter = i + 1;
159 break;
160 }
162 for (uint i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
163 {
164 if ( pParty->pPlayers[i].uQuickSpell )
165 AA1058_PartyQuickSpellSound[i].AddPartySpellSound(pParty->pPlayers[i].uQuickSpell, i + 1);
167 for (uint j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
168 {
169 uint uEquipIdx = pParty->pPlayers[i].pEquipment.pIndices[j];
170 if (uEquipIdx)
171 {
172 int pItemID = pParty->pPlayers[i].pInventoryItemList[uEquipIdx - 1].uItemID;
173 if (pItemsTable->pItems[pItemID].uEquipType == EQUIP_WAND && pItemID )//жезл
174 {
175 __debugbreak(); // looks like offset in player's inventory and wand_lut much like case in 0042ECB5
176 stru_A750F8[i].AddPartySpellSound(wand_spell_ids[pItemID - ITEM_WAND_FIRE], i + 9);
177 }
178 }
179 }
180 }
182 pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->Release();
183 current_screen_type = SCREEN_GAME;
185 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
187 SetUserInterface(pParty->alignment, true);
189 pEventTimer->Resume();
190 pEventTimer->StopGameTime();
192 v25 = pGames_LOD->DoesContainerExist(header.pLocationName);
193 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), "levels\\%s", header.pLocationName);
194 v26 = _access(pTmpBuf.data(), 4) != -1;
195 if ( !v25 && !v26 )
196 Error("Unable to find: %s!", header.pLocationName);
198 strcpy(pCurrentMapName, header.pLocationName);
199 dword_6BE364_game_settings_1 |= GAME_SETTINGS_2000 | GAME_SETTINGS_0001;
201 for (uint i = 0; i < uNumSavegameFiles; ++i)
202 pSavegameThumbnails[i].Release();
204 pIcons_LOD->RemoveTexturesPackFromTextureList();
205 if ( use_music_folder )
206 alSourcef (mSourceID, AL_GAIN, pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier]);
207 else
208 pAudioPlayer->SetMusicVolume(pSoundVolumeLevels[uMusicVolimeMultiplier] * 64.0f);
209 pAudioPlayer->SetMasterVolume(pSoundVolumeLevels[uSoundVolumeMultiplier] * 128.0f);
210 if (uTurnSpeed)
211 pParty->sRotationY = uTurnSpeed * pParty->sRotationY / (signed int)uTurnSpeed;
212 MM7Initialization();
213 bFlashQuestBook = false;
214 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
215 }
217 //----- (0045F469) --------------------------------------------------------
218 void SaveGame( bool IsAutoSAve, bool NotSaveWorld )
219 {
220 int text_pos; // eax@6
221 FILE *pLLoidFile; // edi@24
222 char* compressed_buf; // edi@30
223 char *data_write_pos; // esi@41
224 CHAR Buffer[128]; // [sp+Ch] [bp-264h]@59
225 char Dir[255]; // [sp+8Ch] [bp-1E4h]@51
226 char Drive[255]; // [sp+ACh] [bp-1C4h]@51
227 SavegameHeader save_header; // [sp+CCh] [bp-1A4h]@10
228 char Filename[255]; // [sp+130h] [bp-140h]@51
229 char Ext[255]; // [sp+150h] [bp-120h]@51
230 char Source[32]; // [sp+170h] [bp-100h]@51
231 char work_string[120]; // [sp+190h] [bp-E0h]@8
232 int pPositionY; // [sp+208h] [bp-68h]@2
233 int pPositionX; // [sp+20Ch] [bp-64h]@2
234 int sPRotationY; // [sp+210h] [bp-60h]@2
235 int sPRotationX; // [sp+214h] [bp-5Ch]@2
236 ODMHeader odm_data; // [sp+218h] [bp-58h]@30
237 int res; // [sp+224h] [bp-4Ch]@30
238 int pPositionZ; // [sp+228h] [bp-48h]@2
239 size_t Size; // [sp+250h] [bp-20h]@26
240 char *uncompressed_buff; // [sp+258h] [bp-18h]@2
241 unsigned int compressed_block_size; // [sp+260h] [bp-10h]@23
243 //v66 = a2;
244 strcpy(byte_6BE3B0.data(), pCurrentMapName);//byte_6BE3B0 - save_map_name
245 if (!_stricmp(pCurrentMapName, "d05.blv")) // arena
246 return;
248 uncompressed_buff = (char*)malloc(1000000);
250 LOD::Directory pLodDirectory; // [sp+22Ch] [bp-44h]@2
251 pPositionX = pParty->vPosition.x;
252 pPositionY = pParty->vPosition.y;
253 pPositionZ = pParty->vPosition.z;
254 sPRotationY = pParty->sRotationY;
255 sPRotationX = pParty->sRotationX;
256 pParty->vPosition.x = pParty->vPrevPosition.x;
257 pParty->vPosition.z = pParty->vPrevPosition.z;
258 pParty->vPosition.y = pParty->vPrevPosition.y;
260 pParty->uFallStartY = pParty->vPrevPosition.z;
262 pParty->sRotationY = pParty->sPrevRotationY;
263 pParty->sRotationX = pParty->sPrevRotationX;
264 if (uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor)
265 pIndoor->stru1.uLastVisitDay = pParty->uTimePlayed;
266 else
267 pOutdoor->loc_time.uLastVisitDay = pParty->uTimePlayed;
269 pRenderer->PackScreenshot(150, 112, uncompressed_buff, 1000000, &pLodDirectory.uDataSize);//создание скриншота
270 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, "image.pcx");
272 if (current_screen_type == SCREEN_SAVEGAME)
273 {
274 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(8, 8, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_loadsave));
275 pRenderer->DrawTextureIndexed(18, 141, pIcons_LOD->GetTexture(uTextureID_save_up));
276 text_pos = pFontSmallnum->AlignText_Center(186, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[190]);
277 pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, text_pos + 25, 219, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[190], 0, 0, 0); //Сохранение
278 text_pos = pFontSmallnum->AlignText_Center(186, pSavegameHeader[uLoadGameUI_SelectedSlot].pName);
279 pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawTextInRect(pFontSmallnum, text_pos + 25, 259, 0, pSavegameHeader[uLoadGameUI_SelectedSlot].pName, 185, 0);
280 text_pos = pFontSmallnum->AlignText_Center(186, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[165]);
281 pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->DrawText(pFontSmallnum, text_pos + 25, 299, 0, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[165], 0, 0, 0); //Пожалуйста, подождите
282 pRenderer->Present();
283 }
285 if (pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, uncompressed_buff, 0))
286 {
287 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 200); //Сохраненная игра повреждена! Code=%d
288 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:773", 0);
289 }
291 Assert(sizeof(SavegameHeader) == 100);
292 memset(save_header.pName, 0, 20);
293 memset(save_header.pLocationName, 0, 20);
294 memset(save_header.field_30, 0, 52);
295 strcpy(save_header.pLocationName, pCurrentMapName);
296 save_header.uWordTime = pParty->uTimePlayed;
297 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, "header.bin");
298 pLodDirectory.uDataSize = sizeof(SavegameHeader);
299 if (pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, &save_header, 0))
300 {
301 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 201);
302 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:784", 0);
303 }
304 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, "party.bin");
305 pLodDirectory.uDataSize = sizeof(Party); //90680;
306 if ( pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, pParty, 0) )
307 {
308 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 202);//Save game corrupted! Code=%d
309 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:793", 0);
310 }
311 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, "clock.bin");
312 pLodDirectory.uDataSize =sizeof(Timer);// 40;
313 if ( pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, pEventTimer, 0) )
314 {
315 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 203);
316 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:802", 0);
317 }
318 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, "overlay.bin");
319 pLodDirectory.uDataSize =sizeof(OtherOverlayList);// 1008;
320 if ( pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, pOtherOverlayList, 0) )
321 {
322 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 204);
323 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:811", 0);
324 }
325 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, "npcdata.bin");
326 pLodDirectory.uDataSize = 501 * sizeof(NPCData);
327 Assert(pLodDirectory.uDataSize == 38076);
328 if ( pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, pNPCStats->pNewNPCData, 0) )
329 {
330 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 205);
331 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:820", 0);
332 }
333 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, "npcgroup.bin");
334 pLodDirectory.uDataSize = 102;
335 if ( pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, pNPCStats->pGroups_copy, 0) )
336 {
337 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 206);
338 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:829", 0);
339 }
340 for (int i = 1; i <= 4; ++i) // 4 - players
341 {
342 for (int j = 1; j <= 5; ++j) // 5 - images
343 {
344 sprintf(work_string, "data\\lloyd%d%d.pcx", i, j);
345 pLLoidFile = fopen(work_string, "rb");
346 if ( pLLoidFile )
347 {
348 __debugbreak();
349 sprintf(work_string, "lloyd%d%d.pcx", i, j);
350 fseek(pLLoidFile, 0, SEEK_END);
351 pLodDirectory.uDataSize = ftell(pLLoidFile);
352 rewind(pLLoidFile);
353 fread(uncompressed_buff, pLodDirectory.uDataSize, 1, pLLoidFile);
354 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, work_string);
355 fclose(pLLoidFile);
356 remove(work_string);
357 if ( pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, uncompressed_buff, 0) )
358 {
359 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 207);
360 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:857", 0);
361 Size = 5080748;
362 }
363 }
364 }
365 }
366 if ( !NotSaveWorld )//autosave for change location
367 {
368 //__debugbreak();
369 CompactLayingItemsList();
370 compressed_buf = (char*)malloc(1000000);
371 odm_data.uVersion = 91969;
372 odm_data.pMagic[0] = 'm';
373 odm_data.pMagic[1] = 'v';
374 odm_data.pMagic[2] = 'i';
375 odm_data.pMagic[3] = 'i';
376 odm_data.uCompressedSize = 0;
377 odm_data.uDecompressedSize = 0;
378 data_write_pos = uncompressed_buff;
379 memcpy((void *)compressed_buf, &odm_data, 0x10);
380 if ( uCurrentlyLoadedLevelType == LEVEL_Indoor )
381 {
382 pIndoor->dlv.uNumFacesInBModels = pIndoor->uNumFaces;
383 pIndoor->dlv.uNumBModels = 0;
384 pIndoor->dlv.uNumDecorations = uNumLevelDecorations;
385 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pIndoor->dlv,sizeof(DDM_DLV_Header) );//0x28
386 data_write_pos += sizeof(DDM_DLV_Header);
387 memcpy(data_write_pos, pIndoor->_visible_outlines, 0x36B);
388 data_write_pos += 875;
389 for (int i = 0; i <(signed int)pIndoor->uNumFaces; ++i)
390 {
391 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pIndoor->pFaces[i].uAttributes, 4);
392 data_write_pos += 4;
393 }
395 for (int i = 0; i <(signed int)uNumLevelDecorations; ++i)
396 {
397 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pLevelDecorations[i].uFlags, 2);
398 data_write_pos += 2;
399 }
400 memcpy(data_write_pos, &uNumActors, 4);
401 data_write_pos += 4;
402 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pActors, uNumActors * sizeof(Actor));
403 data_write_pos += uNumActors * sizeof(Actor);
404 memcpy(data_write_pos, &uNumSpriteObjects, 4);
405 data_write_pos += 4;
406 memcpy(data_write_pos, pSpriteObjects.data(), 112 * uNumSpriteObjects);
407 data_write_pos += 112 * uNumSpriteObjects;
408 memcpy(data_write_pos, &uNumChests, 4);
409 data_write_pos += 4;
410 memcpy(data_write_pos, pChests.data(), sizeof(Chest)*uNumChests);//5324 *
411 data_write_pos += sizeof(Chest)* uNumChests;
412 memcpy(data_write_pos, pIndoor->pDoors, 0x3E80);
413 data_write_pos += 16000;
414 memcpy(data_write_pos, pIndoor->ptr_0002B4_doors_ddata, pIndoor->blv.uDoors_ddata_Size);
415 data_write_pos += pIndoor->blv.uDoors_ddata_Size;
416 memcpy(data_write_pos, &stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars, 0xC8);
417 data_write_pos += 200;
418 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pIndoor->stru1, 0x38);
419 data_write_pos += 56;
421 }
422 else//for Outdoor
423 {
424 pOutdoor->ddm.uNumFacesInBModels = 0;
425 for ( int i = 0; i < pOutdoor->uNumBModels; ++i )
426 pOutdoor->ddm.uNumFacesInBModels += pOutdoor->pBModels[i].uNumFaces;
427 pOutdoor->ddm.uNumBModels = pOutdoor->uNumBModels;
428 pOutdoor->ddm.uNumDecorations = uNumLevelDecorations;
429 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pOutdoor->ddm, sizeof(DDM_DLV_Header));//0x28
430 data_write_pos += sizeof(DDM_DLV_Header);
431 memcpy(data_write_pos, pOutdoor->uFullyRevealedCellOnMap, 0x3C8);
432 data_write_pos += 968;
433 memcpy(data_write_pos, pOutdoor->uPartiallyRevealedCellOnMap, 0x3C8);
434 data_write_pos += 968;
435 for (int i = 0; i < pOutdoor->uNumBModels ; ++i)
436 for (int j = 0; j < pOutdoor->pBModels[i].uNumFaces;++j)//*(int *)&pOutdoor->pBModels->pModelName[v24]; ++j)
437 {
438 memcpy(data_write_pos, &(pOutdoor->pBModels[i].pFaces[j].uAttributes), 4);
439 data_write_pos += 4;
440 }
442 for (int i = 0; i < (signed int)uNumLevelDecorations; ++i)
443 {
444 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pLevelDecorations[i].uFlags, 2);
445 data_write_pos += 2;
446 }
447 memcpy(data_write_pos, &uNumActors, 4);
448 data_write_pos += 4;
449 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pActors, uNumActors * sizeof(Actor));
450 data_write_pos += uNumActors * sizeof(Actor);
451 memcpy(data_write_pos, &uNumSpriteObjects, 4);
452 data_write_pos += 4;
453 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pSpriteObjects, uNumSpriteObjects * sizeof(SpriteObject));
454 data_write_pos += uNumSpriteObjects * sizeof(SpriteObject);
455 memcpy(data_write_pos, &uNumChests, 4);
456 data_write_pos += 4;
457 memcpy(data_write_pos, pChests.data(), sizeof(Chest)* uNumChests);
458 data_write_pos += sizeof(Chest) * uNumChests;
459 memcpy(data_write_pos, &stru_5E4C90_MapPersistVars, 0xC8);
460 data_write_pos += 200;
461 memcpy(data_write_pos, &pOutdoor->loc_time, 0x38);
462 data_write_pos += 56;
463 }
464 strcpy(Source, pCurrentMapName);
465 _splitpath(Source, Drive, Dir, Filename, Ext);
466 Ext[1] = 'd';
468 Size = (int)data_write_pos - (int)uncompressed_buff;
469 compressed_block_size = 999984;
470 res = zlib::MemZip((char *)compressed_buf + 16, (unsigned int *)&compressed_block_size, uncompressed_buff,Size);
471 if (res || (signed int)compressed_block_size > (signed int)Size )
472 {
473 memcpy((void *)(compressed_buf + 16), uncompressed_buff, Size);
474 compressed_block_size = Size;
475 }
476 compressed_block_size += 16;
477 memcpy(&((ODMHeader *)compressed_buf)->uCompressedSize, &compressed_block_size, 4);
478 memcpy(&((ODMHeader *)compressed_buf)->uDecompressedSize, &Size, 4);
479 sprintf(Source, "%s%s", Filename, Ext);
480 strcpy(pLodDirectory.pFilename, Source);
481 pLodDirectory.uDataSize = compressed_block_size;
482 if ( pNew_LOD->Write(&pLodDirectory, (const void *)compressed_buf, 0) )
483 {
484 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 208);
485 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:1071", 0);
486 }
487 free((void *)compressed_buf);
488 }
489 free(uncompressed_buff);
490 if ( IsAutoSAve )
491 {
492 if ( !CopyFileA("data\\new.lod", "saves\\autosave.mm7", 0) )
493 {
494 FormatMessageA(0x1000, 0, GetLastError(), 0x400, Buffer, 0x80, 0);
495 sprintf(work_string, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[612], 300);
496 MessageBoxA(nullptr, work_string, "E:\\WORK\\MSDEV\\MM7\\MM7\\Code\\LoadSave.cpp:1097", 0);
497 }
498 }
499 pParty->vPosition.x = pPositionX;
500 pParty->vPosition.y = pPositionY;
501 pParty->vPosition.z = pPositionZ;
502 pParty->uFallStartY = pPositionZ;
503 pParty->sRotationY = sPRotationY;
504 pParty->sRotationX = sPRotationX;
505 }
507 //----- (00460078) --------------------------------------------------------
508 void __fastcall DoSavegame(unsigned int uSlot)
509 {
510 if ( _stricmp(pCurrentMapName, "d05.blv") )//Not Arena(не Арена)
511 {
512 LOD::Directory pDir; // [sp+Ch] [bp-28h]@2
513 SaveGame(0, 0);
514 strcpy(pSavegameHeader[uSlot].pLocationName, pCurrentMapName);//дать название карты
515 pSavegameHeader[uSlot].uWordTime = pParty->uTimePlayed;//текущее время
516 strcpy(pDir.pFilename, "header.bin");
517 pDir.uDataSize = 100;
518 pNew_LOD->Write(&pDir, &pSavegameHeader[uSlot], 0);
519 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), "saves\\save%03d.mm7", uSlot);
520 pNew_LOD->CloseWriteFile();//закрыть
521 CopyFileA("data\\new.lod", pTmpBuf.data(), 0);//сохранение файла в директорию saves
522 }
523 GUI_UpdateWindows();
524 pGUIWindow_CurrentMenu->Release();
525 current_screen_type = SCREEN_GAME;
526 //v3 = pSavegameThumbnails;
527 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
528 for (uint i = 0; i < 45; i++)
529 pSavegameThumbnails[i].Release();
531 if ( _stricmp(pCurrentMapName, "d05.blv") )
532 pNew_LOD->_4621A7();
533 else
534 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[583], 2);// "No saving in the Arena"
535 pIcons_LOD->RemoveTexturesFromTextureList();
536 pEventTimer->Resume();
537 ShowStatusBarString(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[656], 2);// "Game Saved!"
538 viewparams->bRedrawGameUI = true;
539 }
540 // 4E28F8: using guessed type int current_screen_type;
542 //----- (0045E297) --------------------------------------------------------
543 void SavegameList::Initialize(unsigned int bHideEmptySlots)
544 {
545 //memset(pSavegameList, 0, sizeof(pSavegameList));//Ritor1: вызывает затирание
546 pSavegameList->Reset();
547 uNumSavegameFiles = 0;
549 _chdir("saves");
550 {
551 if (!bHideEmptySlots && _access(pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[613], 0) != -1 ) // AutoSave.MM7
552 strcpy(pSavegameList->pFileList[uNumSavegameFiles++].pSaveFileName, pGlobalTXT_LocalizationStrings[613]);
554 for (uint i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
555 {
556 sprintf(pTmpBuf.data(), "save%03d.mm7", i);
557 if (_access(pTmpBuf.data(), 0) == -1)
558 continue;
560 uint idx = i;
561 if (!bHideEmptySlots)
562 idx = uNumSavegameFiles;
563 strcpy(pSavegameList->pFileList[idx].pSaveFileName, pTmpBuf.data());
565 ++uNumSavegameFiles;
566 }
567 }
568 _chdir("..");
569 }
570 //----- (0046086A) --------------------------------------------------------
571 void SaveNewGame()
572 {
573 FILE *file; // eax@7
574 void *pSave; // [sp+170h] [bp-8h]@3
576 if ( pMovie_Track )
577 pMediaPlayer->Unload();
578 pSave = malloc(1000000);
579 pNew_LOD->CloseWriteFile();
580 remove("data\\new.lod");//удалить new.lod
582 LOD::FileHeader header; // [sp+Ch] [bp-16Ch]@3 заголовок
583 strcpy(header.LodVersion, "MMVII");
584 strcpy(header.LodDescription, "newmaps for MMVII");
585 header.LODSize = 100;
586 header.dword_0000A8 = 0;
588 LOD::Directory a3; // [sp+14Ch] [bp-2Ch]@3
589 a3.dword_000018 = 0;
590 a3.word_00001E = 0;
591 strcpy(a3.pFilename, "current");
592 pNew_LOD->CreateNewLod(&header, &a3, "data\\new.lod");//создаётся new.lod в дирректории
593 if (pNew_LOD->LoadFile("data\\new.lod", false))//загрузить файл new.lod(isFileOpened = true)
594 {
595 pNew_LOD->CreateTempFile();//создаётся временный файл OutputFileHandle
596 pNew_LOD->uNumSubDirs = 0;
598 LOD::Directory pDir; // [sp+10Ch] [bp-6Ch]@4
599 for (int i = pGames_LOD->uNumSubDirs / 2; i < pGames_LOD->uNumSubDirs; ++i)//копирование файлов с 76 по 151
600 {
601 memcpy(&pDir, &pGames_LOD->pSubIndices[i], sizeof(pDir));//копирование текущего файла в pDir
602 file = pGames_LOD->FindContainer(pGames_LOD->pSubIndices[i].pFilename, 1);
603 fread(pSave, pGames_LOD->pSubIndices[i].uDataSize, 1, file);
604 pNew_LOD->AppendDirectory(&pDir, pSave);
605 }
607 LOD::Directory save_game_dir; // [sp+12Ch] [bp-4Ch]@9
608 strcpy(pSavegameHeader[0].pLocationName, "out01.odm");
609 strcpy(save_game_dir.pFilename, "header.bin");
610 save_game_dir.uDataSize = sizeof(SavegameHeader);
611 pNew_LOD->AppendDirectory(&save_game_dir, &pSavegameHeader[0]);
613 pNew_LOD->FixDirectoryOffsets();
615 pParty->vPrevPosition.x = 12552;
616 pParty->vPrevPosition.y = 1816;
617 pParty->vPrevPosition.z = 0;
619 pParty->vPosition.x = 12552;
620 pParty->vPosition.y = 1816;
621 pParty->vPosition.z = 0;
623 pParty->uFallStartY = 0;
625 pParty->sPrevRotationX = 0;
626 pParty->sPrevRotationY = 512;
628 pParty->sRotationX = 0;
629 pParty->sRotationY = 512;
631 SaveGame(1, 1);
632 }
633 free(pSave);
634 }