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Traipse Alpha 'OpenRPG' {091012-01}
Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go.
Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice.
'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code.
'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the
productivity of the user.
Update Summary:
Adds Bookmarks (Alpha) with cool Smiley Star and Plus Symbol images!
Changes made to the map for increased portability. SnowDog has changes planned in
Core, though.
Added an initial push to the BCG. Not much to see, just shows off how it is
re-writing Main code.
Fix to remote admin commands
Minor fix to texted based server, works in /System/ folder
Some Core changes to gametree to correctly disply Pretty Print, thanks David!
Fix to Splitter Nodes not being created.
Added images to Plugin Control panel for Autostart feature
Fix to massive amounts of images loading; from Core
fix to gsclient so with_statement imports
Added 'boot' command to remote admin
Prep work in Pass tool for remote admin rankings and different passwords, ei, Server,
Admin, Moderator, etc.
Remote Admin Commands more organized, more prep work.
Added Confirmation window for sent nodes.
Un remarks Update Manager from
author | sirebral |
date | Mon, 12 Oct 2009 22:48:57 -0500 |
parents | c54768cffbd4 |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
import os import orpg.pluginhandler import string class Plugin(orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler): # Initialization subroutine. # # !self : instance of self # !openrpg : instance of the the base openrpg control def __init__(self, plugindb, parent): orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler.__init__(self, plugindb, parent) # The Following code should be edited to contain the proper information = 'Game Variable Manager' = 'mDuo13' = 'This plugin is used to manage variables in your idle status. That way,\n' += 'you can keep as many numbers as you want in your idle status, and you can update \n' += 'them without having to go to the Settings menu.\n' += '\n' += 'First you must create some variables. You can do that by typing \n' += '"/gvm set *var*=*value*" where *var* is the variables name (no $ symbol), and\n' += '*value* is the variables starting value. The variables name can be any word,\n' += 'but dont put spaces between the variables name and value.\n' += '\n' += 'You can look up the value of a variable by typing "/gvm get *var*"\n' += '\n' += 'To set your status, type "/gvm status *message*" where *message* is the message \n' += 'you want your status to have. To include variables, simply the variables name, \n' += 'STARTING WITH A $ SYMBOL. For example, you could create a status with \n' += '"/gvm status HP:$hp MP:$mp AC:$ac" which, if $hp was 20, $mp was 10, and $ac\n' += 'was 5, would make your status "HP:20 MP:10 AC:5".\n' += '\n' += 'If you later change the values of any of the variables in your status, they will \n' += 'be automatically updated; to update a value, just type\n' += '"/gvm set *var*=*variable*" the same way you used it to create the variable.\n' += '\n' += 'You can list the current variables with the "/gvm list" command. You can also\n' += 'now roll dice with curly brackets, and have filters apply to them, like this:\n' += '"{4d6.takeHighest(3)+$bonus}". Any other filters you have (i.e. the Alias \n' += 'Library) will also apply to curly bracket rolls automatically.\n' += '\n' += 'Note that the GVM plugin conflicts with the NowPlaying and GSC plugins, so if\n' += 'you have both plugin enabled at the same time, they may not work quite right.\n' += '\n' += 'You can now save a group of variables with "/gvm save *name*". You can also load\n' += 'a group of previously saved variables with "/gvm open *name*"\n' #You can set variables below here. Always set them to a blank value in this section. Use plugin_enabled #to set their proper values. self.vars = {} self.status_scrip="" self.status_on=0 def plugin_enabled(self): #You can add new /commands like # self.plugin_addcommand(cmd, function, helptext) self.plugin_addcommand('/gvm', self.on_gvm, '[set name=value | calc name=value | get name | status | list | save set_name | open set_name] - This plugin is used to manage variables that you can use in your status bar or in dice rolls') self.plugin_addcommand('/gvmq', self.on_gvmq, '[set name=value | calc name=value | get name | status | list | save set_name | open set_name] - This plugin is used to manage variables that you can use in your status bar or in dice rolls', False) self.plugin_addcommand('/=', self.on_comment, '', False) def plugin_disabled(self): #Here you need to remove any commands you added, and anything else you want to happen when you disable the plugin #such as closing windows created by the plugin self.plugin_removecmd('/gvm') self.plugin_removecmd('/gvmq') self.plugin_removecmd('/=') def on_comment(self, cmdargs): pass def on_gvm(self, cmdargs): for key in self.vars.keys(): cmdargs = cmdargs.replace("$" + key, self.vars[key]) args = cmdargs.split(None,-1) if len(args) == 0: args = [' '] if args[0]=="set": cmd = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].strip().split("=") self.vars[cmd[0]] = cmd[1]"GVM: Set variable $" + cmd[0] + " to be: " + cmd[1]) if self.status_on: self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip) elif args[0]=="calc": cmd = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].strip().split("=") val = str(eval(cmd[1])) self.vars[cmd[0]] = val"GVM: Set variable $" + cmd[0] + " to be: " + val) if self.status_on: self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip) elif args[0]=="get": if args[1] in self.vars.keys():"GVM: Variable $" + args[1] + " is: " + self.vars[args[1]]) else:"GVM: Variable $" + args[1] + " does not exist!") elif args[0]=="status": self.status_scrip = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:] status_on = 1 self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip) elif args[0]=="save": fname = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:] self.plugindb.SetDict("xxgvm", fname, self.vars)"GVM: Successfully saved variable set " + fname + "!") elif args[0]=="open": fname = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:] self.vars = self.plugindb.GetDict("xxgvm", fname, {})"GVM: Loaded the file " + fname + ". Variables contained are:<br />" + self.make_list()) elif args[0] == "list": else:"GVM: SYNTAX ERROR. <br />USEAGE: /gvm [set name=value | get name | status | list | save set_name | open set_name]") def on_gvmq(self, cmdargs): for key in self.vars.keys(): cmdargs = cmdargs.replace("$" + key, self.vars[key]) args = cmdargs.split(None,-1) if len(args) == 0: args = [' '] if args[0]=="set": cmd = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].strip().split("=") self.vars[cmd[0]] = cmd[1] if self.status_on: self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip) elif args[0]=="calc": cmd = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].strip().split("=") self.vars[cmd[0]] = str(eval(cmd[1])) if self.status_on: self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip) elif args[0]=="get": if args[1] in self.vars.keys():"GVM: Variable $" + args[1] + " is: " + self.vars[args[1]]) else:"GVM: Variable $" + args[1] + " does not exist!") elif args[0]=="status": self.status_scrip = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:] status_on = 1 self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip) elif args[0]=="save": fname = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:] self.plugindb.SetDict("xxgvm", fname, self.vars) elif args[0]=="open": fname = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:] self.vars = self.plugindb.GetDict("xxgvm", fname, {}) elif args[0] == "list": else:"GVM: SYNTAX ERROR. <br />USEAGE: /gvmq [set name=value | get name | status | list | save set_name | open set_name]") def pre_parse(self, text): try: for key in self.vars.keys(): text = text.replace("$" + key, self.vars[key]) except Exception, e: print e print key self.vars[key] return text def gvm_status(self, cmd): keychain = self.vars.keys() keychain.sort() newchain = [] for key in keychain: newchain = [key] + newchain for key in keychain: cmd = cmd.replace("$" + key, self.vars[key]) self.settings.set_setting("IdleStatusAlias", cmd) self.session.set_text_status(cmd) def make_list(self): keychain = self.vars.keys() lister = "" for key in keychain: lister += "$" + key + "\t::\t" + self.vars[key] + "<br />" if len(keychain)==0: return "No variables!" else: return lister