view orpg/ @ 242:72e0cce81a47 beta

Traipse Beta 'OpenRPG' {100817-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Closing/Closed) New Features: New to Map, can re-order Grid, Miniatures, and Whiteboard layer draw order New to Server GUI, can now clear log New Earthdawn Dieroller Updates: Update to Warhammer PC Sheet. Rollers set as macros. Should work with little maintanence. Update to Browser Server window. Display rooms with ' " & cleaner Update to Server. Handles ' " & cleaner Update to Dieroller. Cleaner, more effecient expression system Update to Hidden Die plugin, allows for non standard dice rolls Fixes: Fix to InterParse that was causing an Infernal Loop with Namespace Internal Fix to XML data, removed old Minidom and switched to Element Tree Fix to Server that was causing eternal attempt to find a Server ID, in Register Rooms thread Fix to metaservers.xml file not being created Fix to Single and Double quotes in Whiteboard text Fix to Background images not showing when using the Image Server Fix to Duplicate chat names appearing Fix to Server GUI's logging output Fix to FNB.COLORFUL_TABS bug Fix to Gametree for XSLT Sheets Fix to Gametree for locating gametree files Fix to Send to Chat from Gametree
author sirebral
date Tue, 17 Aug 2010 14:53:04 -0500
parents 551cd440acce
line wrap: on
line source

import minidom
import xml.sax,xml.sax.handler
import types

try: from cStringIO import StringIO
except ImportError: from StringIO import StringIO

try: _StringTypes = [types.StringType, types.UnicodeType]
except AttributeError: _StringTypes = [types.StringType]


class PullDOM(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
    def __init__(self):
        self.firstEvent = [None, None]
        self.lastEvent = self.firstEvent
        self._ns_contexts = [{}] # contains uri -> prefix dicts
        self._current_context = self._ns_contexts[-1]

    def setDocumentLocator(self, locator): pass

    def startPrefixMapping(self, prefix, uri):
        self._current_context[uri] = prefix

    def endPrefixMapping(self, prefix):
        del self._ns_contexts[-1]

    def startElementNS(self, name, tagName , attrs):
        uri,localname = name
        if uri:
            # When using namespaces, the reader may or may not
            # provide us with the original name. If not, create
            # *a* valid tagName from the current context.
            if tagName is None: tagName = self._current_context[uri] + ":" + localname
            node = self.document.createElementNS(uri, tagName)
            # When the tagname is not prefixed, it just appears as
            # localname
            node = self.document.createElement(localname)
        for aname,value in attrs.items():
            a_uri, a_localname = aname
            if a_uri:
                qname = self._current_context[a_uri] + ":" + a_localname
                attr = self.document.createAttributeNS(a_uri, qname)
            else: attr = self.document.createAttribute(a_localname)
            attr.value = value
        parent = self.curNode
        node.parentNode = parent
        self.curNode = node
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(START_ELEMENT, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1], node))

    def endElementNS(self, name, tagName):
        node = self.curNode
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(END_ELEMENT, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1], node))
        self.curNode = node.parentNode

    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        node = self.document.createElement(name)
        for aname,value in attrs.items():
            attr = self.document.createAttribute(aname)
            attr.value = value
        parent = self.curNode
        node.parentNode = parent
        self.curNode = node
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(START_ELEMENT, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1], node))

    def endElement(self, name):
        node = self.curNode
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(END_ELEMENT, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1], node))
        self.curNode = node.parentNode

    def comment(self, s):
        node = self.document.createComment(s)
        parent = self.curNode
        node.parentNode = parent
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(COMMENT, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1], node))

    def processingInstruction(self, target, data):
        node = self.document.createProcessingInstruction(target, data)
        parent = self.curNode
        node.parentNode = parent
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1], node))

    def ignorableWhitespace(self, chars):
        node = self.document.createTextNode(chars[start:start + length])
        parent = self.curNode
        node.parentNode = parent
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(IGNORABLE_WHITESPACE, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1], node))

    def characters(self, chars):
        node = self.document.createTextNode(chars)
        parent = self.curNode
        node.parentNode = parent
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(CHARACTERS, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1]

    def startDocument(self):
        node = self.curNode = self.document = minidom.Document()
        node.parentNode = None
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(START_DOCUMENT, node), None]
        self.lastEvent = self.lastEvent[1], node))

    def endDocument(self):
        assert not self.curNode.parentNode
        for node in self.curNode.childNodes:
            if node.nodeType == node.ELEMENT_NODE: self.document.documentElement = node
        #if not self.document.documentElement:
        #    raise Error, "No document element"
        self.lastEvent[1] = [(END_DOCUMENT, node), None], self.curNode))

class ErrorHandler:
    def warning(self, exception):
        print exception
    def error(self, exception):
        raise exception
    def fatalError(self, exception):
        raise exception

class DOMEventStream:
    def __init__(self, stream, parser, bufsize): = stream
        self.parser = parser
        self.bufsize = bufsize

    def reset(self):
        self.pulldom = PullDOM()
        # This content handler relies on namespace support

    def __getitem__(self, pos):
        rc = self.getEvent()
        if rc: return rc
        raise IndexError

    def expandNode(self, node):
        event = self.getEvent()
        while event:
            token, cur_node = event
            if cur_node is node: return
            if token != END_ELEMENT: cur_node.parentNode.appendChild(cur_node)
            event = self.getEvent()

    def getEvent(self):
        if not self.pulldom.firstEvent[1]: self.pulldom.lastEvent = self.pulldom.firstEvent
        while not self.pulldom.firstEvent[1]:
            if not buf:
                #FIXME: why doesn't Expat close work?
                return None
        rc = self.pulldom.firstEvent[1][0]
        self.pulldom.firstEvent[1] = self.pulldom.firstEvent[1][1]
        return rc

class SAX2DOM(PullDOM):

    def startElementNS(self, name, tagName , attrs):
        PullDOM.startElementNS(self, name, tagName, attrs)

    def startElement(self, name, attrs):
        PullDOM.startElement(self, name, attrs)

    def processingInstruction(self, target, data):
        PullDOM.processingInstruction(self, target, data)
        node = self.lastEvent[0][1]

    def ignorableWhitespace(self, chars):
        PullDOM.ignorableWhitespace(self, chars)
        node = self.lastEvent[0][1]

    def characters(self, chars):
        PullDOM.characters(self, chars)
        node = self.lastEvent[0][1]

default_bufsize = (2 ** 14) - 20

def parse(stream_or_string, parser=None, bufsize=default_bufsize):
    if type(stream_or_string) in _StringTypes: stream = open(stream_or_string)
    else: stream = stream_or_string
    if not parser: parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
    return DOMEventStream(stream, parser, bufsize)

def parseString(string, parser=None):
    bufsize = len(string)
    buf = StringIO(string)
    if not parser: parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
    return DOMEventStream(buf, parser, bufsize)