diff plugins/xxgvm.py @ 0:4385a7d0efd1 grumpy-goblin

Deleted and repushed it with the 'grumpy-goblin' branch. I forgot a y
author sirebral
date Tue, 14 Jul 2009 16:41:58 -0500
children c54768cffbd4
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plugins/xxgvm.py	Tue Jul 14 16:41:58 2009 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+import os
+import orpg.pluginhandler
+import string
+class Plugin(orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler):
+    # Initialization subroutine.
+    #
+    # !self : instance of self
+    # !openrpg : instance of the the base openrpg control
+    def __init__(self, plugindb, parent):
+        orpg.pluginhandler.PluginHandler.__init__(self, plugindb, parent)
+        # The Following code should be edited to contain the proper information
+        self.name = 'Game Variable Manager'
+        self.author = 'mDuo13'
+        self.help = 'This plugin is used to manage variables in your idle status. That way,\n'
+        self.help += 'you can keep as many numbers as you want in your idle status, and you can update \n'
+        self.help += 'them without having to go to the Settings menu.\n'
+        self.help += '\n'
+        self.help += 'First you must create some variables. You can do that by typing \n'
+        self.help += '"/gvm set *var*=*value*" where *var* is the variables name (no $ symbol), and\n'
+        self.help += '*value* is the variables starting value. The variables name can be any word,\n'
+        self.help += 'but dont put spaces between the variables name and value.\n'
+        self.help += '\n'
+        self.help += 'You can look up the value of a variable by typing "/gvm get *var*"\n'
+        self.help += '\n'
+        self.help += 'To set your status, type "/gvm status *message*" where *message* is the message \n'
+        self.help += 'you want your status to have. To include variables, simply the variables name, \n'
+        self.help += 'STARTING WITH A $ SYMBOL. For example, you could create a status with \n'
+        self.help += '"/gvm status HP:$hp MP:$mp AC:$ac" which, if $hp was 20, $mp was 10, and $ac\n'
+        self.help += 'was 5, would make your status "HP:20 MP:10 AC:5".\n'
+        self.help += '\n'
+        self.help += 'If you later change the values of any of the variables in your status, they will \n'
+        self.help += 'be automatically updated; to update a value, just type\n'
+        self.help += '"/gvm set *var*=*variable*" the same way you used it to create the variable.\n'
+        self.help += '\n'
+        self.help += 'You can list the current variables with the "/gvm list" command. You can also\n'
+        self.help += 'now roll dice with curly brackets, and have filters apply to them, like this:\n'
+        self.help += '"{4d6.takeHighest(3)+$bonus}". Any other filters you have (i.e. the Alias \n'
+        self.help += 'Library) will also apply to curly bracket rolls automatically.\n'
+        self.help += '\n'
+        self.help += 'Note that the GVM plugin conflicts with the NowPlaying and GSC plugins, so if\n'
+        self.help += 'you have both plugin enabled at the same time, they may not work quite right.\n'
+        self.help += '\n'
+        self.help += 'You can now save a group of variables with "/gvm save *name*". You can also load\n'
+        self.help += 'a group of previously saved variables with "/gvm open *name*"\n'
+        #You can set variables below here. Always set them to a blank value in this section. Use plugin_enabled
+        #to set their proper values.
+        self.vars = {}
+        self.status_scrip=""
+        self.status_on=0
+    def plugin_enabled(self):
+        #You can add new /commands like
+        # self.plugin_addcommand(cmd, function, helptext)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/gvm', self.on_gvm, '[set name=value | calc name=value | get name | status | list | save set_name |  open set_name] - This plugin is used to manage variables that you can use in your status bar or in dice rolls')
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/gvmq', self.on_gvmq, '[set name=value | calc name=value | get name | status | list | save set_name |  open set_name] - This plugin is used to manage variables that you can use in your status bar or in dice rolls', False)
+        self.plugin_addcommand('/=', self.on_comment, '', False)
+    def plugin_disabled(self):
+        #Here you need to remove any commands you added, and anything else you want to happen when you disable the plugin
+        #such as closing windows created by the plugin
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/gvm')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/gvmq')
+        self.plugin_removecmd('/=')
+    def on_comment(self, cmdargs):
+        pass
+    def on_gvm(self, cmdargs):
+        for key in self.vars.keys():
+            cmdargs = cmdargs.replace("$" + key, self.vars[key])
+        args = cmdargs.split(None,-1)
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            args = [' ']
+        if args[0]=="set":
+            cmd = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].strip().split("=")
+            self.vars[cmd[0]] = cmd[1]
+            self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: Set variable $" + cmd[0] + " to be: " + cmd[1])
+            if self.status_on:
+                self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip)
+        elif args[0]=="calc":
+            cmd = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].strip().split("=")
+            val = str(eval(cmd[1]))
+            self.vars[cmd[0]] = val
+            self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: Set variable $" + cmd[0] + " to be: " + val)
+            if self.status_on:
+                self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip)
+        elif args[0]=="get":
+            if args[1] in self.vars.keys():
+                self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: Variable $" + args[1] + " is: " + self.vars[args[1]])
+            else:
+                self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: Variable $" + args[1] + " does not exist!")
+        elif args[0]=="status":
+            self.status_scrip = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:]
+            status_on = 1
+            self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip)
+        elif args[0]=="save":
+            fname = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:]
+            self.plugindb.SetDict("xxgvm", fname, self.vars)
+            self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: Successfully saved variable set " + fname + "!")
+        elif args[0]=="open":
+            fname = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:]
+            self.vars = self.plugindb.GetDict("xxgvm", fname, {})
+            self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: Loaded the file " + fname + ". Variables contained are:<br />" + self.make_list())
+        elif args[0] == "list":
+            self.chat.Post(self.make_list())
+        else:
+            self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: SYNTAX ERROR. <br />USEAGE: /gvm [set name=value | get name | status | list | save set_name |  open set_name]")
+    def on_gvmq(self, cmdargs):
+        for key in self.vars.keys():
+            cmdargs = cmdargs.replace("$" + key, self.vars[key])
+        args = cmdargs.split(None,-1)
+        if len(args) == 0:
+            args = [' ']
+        if args[0]=="set":
+            cmd = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].strip().split("=")
+            self.vars[cmd[0]] = cmd[1]
+            if self.status_on:
+                self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip)
+        elif args[0]=="calc":
+            cmd = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:].strip().split("=")
+            self.vars[cmd[0]] = str(eval(cmd[1]))
+            if self.status_on:
+                self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip)
+        elif args[0]=="get":
+            if args[1] in self.vars.keys():
+                self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: Variable $" + args[1] + " is: " + self.vars[args[1]])
+            else:
+                self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: Variable $" + args[1] + " does not exist!")
+        elif args[0]=="status":
+            self.status_scrip = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:]
+            status_on = 1
+            self.gvm_status(self.status_scrip)
+        elif args[0]=="save":
+            fname = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:]
+            self.plugindb.SetDict("xxgvm", fname, self.vars)
+        elif args[0]=="open":
+            fname = cmdargs[len(args[0])+1:]
+            self.vars = self.plugindb.GetDict("xxgvm", fname, {})
+        elif args[0] == "list":
+            self.chat.Post(self.make_list())
+        else:
+            self.chat.InfoPost("GVM: SYNTAX ERROR. <br />USEAGE: /gvmq [set name=value | get name | status | list | save set_name |  open set_name]")
+    def pre_parse(self, text):
+        try:
+            for key in self.vars.keys():
+                text = text.replace("$" + key, self.vars[key])
+        except Exception, e:
+            print e
+            print key
+            self.vars[key]
+        return text
+    def gvm_status(self, cmd):
+        keychain = self.vars.keys()
+        keychain.sort()
+        newchain = []
+        for key in keychain:
+            newchain = [key] + newchain
+        for key in keychain:
+            cmd = cmd.replace("$" + key, self.vars[key])
+        self.settings.set_setting("IdleStatusAlias", cmd)
+        self.session.set_text_status(cmd)
+    def make_list(self):
+        keychain = self.vars.keys()
+        lister = ""
+        for key in keychain:
+            lister += "$" + key + "\t::\t" + self.vars[key] + "<br />"
+        if len(keychain)==0:
+            return "No variables!"
+        else:
+            return lister
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