1 ## a vs die roller as used by WOD games
2 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
4 #
5 # openrpg-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
6 #
7 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10 # (at your option) any later version.
11 #
12 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 #
17 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
19 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
20 # --
21 #
22 # File: srex.py
23 # Original Author: Michael Edwards (AKA akoman)
24 # Maintainer:
25 # Original Version: 1.0
26 #
27 # Description: A modified form of the World of Darkness die roller to
28 # conform to ShadowRun rules-sets. Thanks to the ORPG team
29 # for the original die rollers.
30 # Thanks to tdb30_ for letting me think out loud with him.
31 # I take my hint from the HERO dieroller: It creates for wildly variant options
32 # Further, .vs and .open do not work together in any logical way. One method of
33 # chaining them results in a [Bad Dice Format] and the other results in a standard
34 # output from calling .open()
36 # vs is a classic 'comparison' method function, with one difference. It uses a
37 # c&p'ed .open(int) from die.py but makes sure that once the target has been exceeded
38 # then it stops rerolling. The overhead from additional boolean checking is probably
39 # greater than the gains from not over-rolling. The behaviour is in-line with
40 # Shadowrun Third Edition which recommends not rolling once you've exceeded the target
41 # open is an override of .open(int) in die.py. The reason is pretty simple. In die.py open
42 # refers to 'open-ended rolling' whereas in Shadowrun it refers to an 'Open Test' where
43 # the objective is to find the highest die total out of rolled dice. This is then generally
44 # used as the target in a 'Success Test' (for which .vs functions)
46 # Modified by: Darloth
47 # Mod Version: 1.1
48 # Modified Desc:
49 # I've altered the vs call to make it report successes against every target number (tn)
50 # in a specified (default 3) range, with the original as median.
51 # This reduces rerolling if the TN was calculated incorrectly, and is also very useful
52 # when people are rolling against multiple TNs, which is the case with most area-effect spells.
53 # To aid in picking the specified TN out from the others, it will be in bold.
54 # vswide is a version which can be used with no arguments, or can be used to get a very wide range, by
55 # directly specifying the upper bound (Which is limited to 30)
57 from die import *
59 __version__ = "1.1"
61 class srex(std):
63 def __init__(self,source=[]):
64 std.__init__(self,source)
67 def vs(self,actualtarget=4,tnrange=3): #reports all tns around specified, max distance of range
68 return srVs(self,actualtarget,(actualtarget-tnrange),(actualtarget+tnrange))
71 def vswide(self,actualtarget=4,maxtarget=12): #wide simply means it reports TNs from 2 to a specified max.
72 return srVs(self,actualtarget,2,maxtarget)
75 def open(self): #unchanged from standard shadowrun open.
76 return srOpen(self)
78 class srVs(std):
80 def __init__(self,source=[],actualtarget=4,mintn=2,maxtn=12):
81 std.__init__(self, source)
82 if actualtarget > 30:
83 actualtarget = 30
84 if mintn > 30:
85 mintn = 30
86 if maxtn > 30:
87 maxtn = 30
88 # In Shadowrun, not target number may be below 2. Any
89 # thing lower is scaled up.
90 if actualtarget < 2:
91 self.target = 2
92 else:
93 self.target = actualtarget
94 #if the target number is higher than max (Mainly for wide rolls) then increase max to tn
95 if actualtarget > maxtn:
96 maxtn = actualtarget
97 #store minimum for later use as well, also in result printing section.
98 if mintn < 2:
99 self.mintn = 2
100 else:
101 self.mintn = mintn
102 self.maxtn = maxtn #store for later use in printing results. (Yeah, these comments are now disordered)
104 # Shadowrun was built to use the d6 but in the interests of experimentation I have
105 # made the dieroller generic enough to use any die type
106 self.openended(self[0].sides)
109 def openended(self,num):
110 if num <= 1:
111 self
112 done = 1
114 #reroll dice if they hit the highest number, until they are greater than the max TN (recursive)
115 for i in range(len(self.data)):
116 if (self.data[i].lastroll() >= num) and (self.data[i] < self.maxtn):
117 self.data[i].extraroll()
118 done = 0
119 if done:
120 return self
121 else:
122 return self.openended(num)
124 #count successes, by looping through each die, and checking it against the currently set TN
126 def __sum__(self):
127 s = 0
128 for r in self.data:
129 if r >= self.target:
130 s += 1
131 return s
133 #a modified sum, but this one takes a target argument, and is there because otherwise it is difficult to loop through
134 #tns counting successes against each one without changing target, which is rather dangerous as the original TN could
135 #easily be lost.
137 def xsum(self,curtarget):
138 s = 0
139 for r in self.data:
140 if r >= curtarget:
141 s += 1
142 return s
146 def __str__(self):
147 if len(self.data) > 0:
148 myStr = "[" + str(self.data[0])
149 for a in self.data[1:]:
150 myStr += ","
151 myStr += str(a)
152 myStr += "] Results: "
153 #cycle through from mintn to maxtn, summing successes for each separate TN
154 for targ in range(self.mintn,self.maxtn+1):
155 if targ == self.target:
156 myStr += "<b>"
157 myStr += "(" + str(self.xsum(targ)) + " vs " + str(targ) + ") "
158 if targ == self.target:
159 myStr += "</b>"
160 else:
161 myStr = "[] = (0)"
163 return myStr
165 class srOpen(std):
167 def __init__(self,source=[]):
168 std.__init__(self,source)
169 self.openended(self[0].sides)
172 def openended(self,num):
173 if num <= 1:
174 self
175 done = 1
176 for i in range(len(self.data)):
177 if self.data[i].lastroll() == num:
178 self.data[i].extraroll()
179 done = 0
180 if done:
181 return self
182 else:
183 return self.openended(num)
186 def __sum__(self):
187 s = 0
188 for r in self.data:
189 if r > s:
190 s = r
191 return s
194 def __str__(self):
195 if len(self.data) > 0:
196 myStr = "[" + str(self.data[0])
197 for a in self.data[1:]:
198 myStr += ","
199 myStr += str(a)
200 self.takeHighest(1)
201 myStr += "] for a result of (" + str(self.__sum__().__int__()) + ")"
202 else:
203 myStr = "[] = (0)"
205 return myStr