1 <?xml version="1.0"?>
2 <doc>
3 <assembly>
4 <name>Microsoft.Expression.Drawing</name>
5 </assembly>
6 <members>
7 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.Callout">
8 <summary>
9 Renders a callout shape supporting several shapes combined with a callout arrow.
10 </summary>
11 </member>
12 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape">
13 <summary>
14 Provides a base class of a composite shape that derives from <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.ContentControl"/> and implements <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/>.
15 </summary>
16 <remarks>
17 <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape"/> implements <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/> interface,
18 and supports rendering a geometry similar to <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape"/>, but the geometry can be rendered outside the layout boundary.
20 A typical implementation has a customized default template in generic.xaml which template-binds most shape properties to a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Path"/>.
21 It should also extend the <see cref="P:GeometrySource"/> property to customize the appearance of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Path"/>.
23 This class also supports showing content together with the shape.
24 </remarks>
25 </member>
26 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySourceParameters">
27 <summary>
28 Provides an interface to describe the parameters of a Shape.
29 </summary>
30 <remarks>
31 This interface is the data for communication between Shape and GeometrySource.
32 Typically, a concrete implementation of IShape will implement this interface and pass it into
33 GeometrySource.UpdateGeometry(), which will then consume the shape as a read-only data provider.
34 </remarks>
35 </member>
36 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape">
37 <summary>
38 Provides the necessary interface to define a Shape.
39 Both primitive and composite shapes need to match this interface, although they might derive from different types of FrameworkElement.
40 </summary>
41 </member>
42 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape.InvalidateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons)">
43 <summary>
44 Invalidates the geometry for a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/>. After the invalidation, the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/> will recompute the geometry, which will occur asynchronously.
45 </summary>
46 </member>
47 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape.Fill">
48 <summary>Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush" /> that specifies how to paint the interior of the shape.</summary>
49 <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush" /> that describes how the shape's interior is painted. The default is null.</returns>
50 </member>
51 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape.Stroke">
52 <summary>Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush" /> that specifies how the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline is painted.</summary>
53 <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush" /> that specifies how the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline is painted.</returns>
54 </member>
55 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape.StrokeThickness">
56 <summary>Gets or sets the width of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> stroke outline. </summary>
57 <returns>The width of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline, in pixels.</returns>
58 </member>
59 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape.Stretch">
60 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Stretch" /> enumeration value that describes how the shape fills its allocated space.</summary>
61 <returns>One of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Stretch" /> enumeration values. The default value at runtime depends on the type of <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" />.</returns>
62 </member>
63 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape.RenderedGeometry">
64 <summary>
65 Gets the rendered geometry presented by the rendering engine.
66 </summary>
67 </member>
68 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape.GeometryMargin">
69 <summary>
70 Gets the margin between logical bounds and actual geometry bounds.
71 This can be either positive (as in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc"/>) or negative (as in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.Callout"/>).
72 </summary>
73 </member>
74 <member name="E:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape.RenderedGeometryChanged">
75 <summary>
76 Occurs when RenderedGeometry is changed.
77 </summary>
78 </member>
79 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.CreateGeometrySource">
80 <summary>
81 Extends how the shape is drawn with creating geometry source.
82 </summary>
83 </member>
84 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.InvalidateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons)">
85 <summary>
86 Invalidates the geometry for a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/>. After the invalidation, the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/> will recompute the geometry, which will occur asynchronously.
87 </summary>
88 </member>
89 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.ArrangeOverride(System.Windows.Size)">
90 <summary>Provides the behavior for the Arrange portion of a Silverlight layout pass. Classes can override this method to define their own Arrange pass behavior.</summary>
91 <returns>The actual size used once the element is arranged in layout.</returns>
92 <param name="finalSize">The final area within the parent that this object should use to arrange itself and its children.</param>
93 <remarks> <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape"/> will recompute the Geometry when it's invalidated and update the RenderedGeometry and GeometryMargin.</remarks>
94 </member>
95 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.OnContentChanged(System.Object,System.Object)">
96 <summary>
97 Transforms a string content into <see cref="T:TextBlock"/> with center alignment and multiple line support.
98 </summary>
99 <remarks>
100 Use template-binding to <see cref="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.InternalContent"/> instead of <see cref="P:Content"/> to enable this method.
101 </remarks>
102 </member>
103 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.Fill">
104 <summary>
105 Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush"/> that specifies how to paint the interior of the shape.
106 </summary>
107 <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush"/> that describes how the shape's interior is painted.</returns>
108 </member>
109 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.Stroke">
110 <summary>Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush" /> that specifies how the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline is painted.</summary>
111 <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush" /> that specifies how the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline is painted.</returns>
112 </member>
113 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.StrokeThickness">
114 <summary>Gets or sets the width of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> stroke outline. </summary>
115 <returns>The width of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline, in pixels.</returns>
116 </member>
117 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.Stretch">
118 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Stretch" /> enumeration value that describes how the shape fills its allocated space.</summary>
119 <returns>One of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Stretch" /> enumeration values.</returns>
120 </member>
121 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.StrokeStartLineCap">
122 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" /> enumeration value that describes the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> at the start of a <see cref="P:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.Stroke" />. </summary>
123 <returns>A value of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" /> enumeration that specifies the shape at the start of a <see cref="P:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.Stroke" />.</returns>
124 </member>
125 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.StrokeEndLineCap">
126 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" /> enumeration value that describes the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> at the end of a line. </summary>
127 <returns>One of the enumeration values for <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" />. </returns>
128 </member>
129 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.StrokeLineJoin">
130 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineJoin" /> enumeration value that specifies the type of join that is used at the vertices of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" />.</summary>
131 <returns>A value of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineJoin" /> enumeration that specifies the join appearance. </returns>
132 </member>
133 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.StrokeMiterLimit">
134 <summary>Gets or sets a limit on the ratio of the miter length to half the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.StrokeThickness" /> of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> element. </summary>
135 <returns>The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.StrokeThickness" /> of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> element. This value is always a positive number that is greater than or equal to 1.</returns>
136 </member>
137 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.StrokeDashArray">
138 <summary>Gets or sets a collection of <see cref="T:System.Double" /> values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline shapes. </summary>
139 <returns>A collection of <see cref="T:System.Double" /> values that specify the pattern of dashes and gaps. </returns>
140 </member>
141 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.StrokeDashCap">
142 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" /> enumeration value that specifies how the ends of a dash are drawn. </summary>
143 <returns>One of the enumeration values for <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" />. The default is <see cref="F:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Flat" />. </returns>
144 </member>
145 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.StrokeDashOffset">
146 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Double" /> that specifies the distance within the dash pattern where a dash begins.</summary>
147 <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Double" /> that represents the distance within the dash pattern where a dash begins. The default value is 0.</returns>
148 </member>
149 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.RenderedGeometry">
150 <summary>
151 Gets the rendered geometry presented by the rendering engine.
152 </summary>
153 </member>
154 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.GeometryMargin">
155 <summary>
156 Gets the margin between the logical bounds and the actual geometry bounds.
157 This can be either positive (as in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc"/>) or negative (as in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.Callout"/>).
158 </summary>
159 </member>
160 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.InternalContent">
161 <summary>
162 Gets or sets the internal content that converts a string into a center-aligned, multiple-line TextBlock.
163 </summary>
164 </member>
165 <member name="E:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeContentShape.RenderedGeometryChanged">
166 <summary>
167 Occurs when RenderedGeometry is changed.
168 </summary>
169 </member>
170 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.Callout.AnchorPoint">
171 <summary>
172 Gets or sets the position of the callout relative to the top and left corner.
173 </summary>
174 </member>
175 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.Callout.CalloutStyle">
176 <summary>
177 Gets or sets the callout style.
178 </summary>
179 </member>
180 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape">
181 <summary>
182 Provides a base class of a composite shape that derives from <see cref="T:System.Windows.Controls.Control"/> and implements <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/>.
183 </summary>
184 <remarks>
185 <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape"/> implements <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/> interface,
186 and supports rendering a geometry similar to <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape"/>, but the geometry can be rendered outside the layout boundary.
188 A typical implementation has a customized default template in generic.xaml which template-binds most shape properties to a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Path"/>.
189 It should also extend the <see cref="P:GeometrySource"/> property to customize the appearance of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Path"/>.
190 </remarks>
191 </member>
192 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.CreateGeometrySource">
193 <summary>
194 Extends how the shape is drawn with creating geometry source.
195 </summary>
196 </member>
197 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.InvalidateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons)">
198 <summary>
199 Invalidates the geometry for a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/>. After the invalidation, the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/> will recompute the geometry, which will occur asynchronously.
200 </summary>
201 </member>
202 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.ArrangeOverride(System.Windows.Size)">
203 <summary>Provides the behavior for the Arrange portion of a Silverlight layout pass. Classes can override this method to define their own Arrange pass behavior.</summary>
204 <returns>The actual size used once the element is arranged in layout.</returns>
205 <param name="finalSize">The final area within the parent that this object should use to arrange itself and its children.</param>
206 <remarks> <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape"/> will recompute the Geometry when it's invalidated and update the RenderedGeometry and GeometryMargin.</remarks>
207 </member>
208 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.Fill">
209 <summary>
210 Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush"/> that specifies how to paint the interior of the shape.
211 </summary>
212 <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush"/> that describes how the shape's interior is painted.</returns>
213 </member>
214 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.Stroke">
215 <summary>Gets or sets the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush" /> that specifies how the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline is painted.</summary>
216 <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Brush" /> that specifies how the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline is painted.</returns>
217 </member>
218 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.StrokeThickness">
219 <summary>Gets or sets the width of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> stroke outline. </summary>
220 <returns>The width of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> outline, in pixels.</returns>
221 </member>
222 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.Stretch">
223 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Stretch" /> enumeration value that describes how the shape fills its allocated space.</summary>
224 <returns>One of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.Stretch" /> enumeration values.</returns>
225 </member>
226 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.StrokeStartLineCap">
227 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" /> enumeration value that describes the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> at the start of a <see cref="P:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.Stroke" />. </summary>
228 <returns>A value of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" /> enumeration that specifies the shape at the start of a <see cref="P:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.Stroke" />.</returns>
229 </member>
230 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.StrokeEndLineCap">
231 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" /> enumeration value that describes the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> at the end of a line. </summary>
232 <returns>One of the enumeration values for <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" />. </returns>
233 </member>
234 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.StrokeLineJoin">
235 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineJoin" /> enumeration value that specifies the type of join that is used at the vertices of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" />.</summary>
236 <returns>A value of the <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineJoin" /> enumeration that specifies the join appearance. </returns>
237 </member>
238 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.StrokeMiterLimit">
239 <summary>Gets or sets a limit on the ratio of the miter length to half the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.StrokeThickness" /> of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> element. </summary>
240 <returns>The limit on the ratio of the miter length to the <see cref="P:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape.StrokeThickness" /> of a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Shapes.Shape" /> element. This value is always a positive number that is greater than or equal to 1.</returns>
241 </member>
242 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.StrokeDashArray">
243 <summary>Gets or sets a collection of <see cref="T:System.Double" /> values that indicate the pattern of dashes and gaps that is used to outline shapes. </summary>
244 <returns>A collection of <see cref="T:System.Double" /> values that specify the pattern of dashes and gaps. </returns>
245 </member>
246 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.StrokeDashCap">
247 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" /> enumeration value that specifies how the ends of a dash are drawn. </summary>
248 <returns>One of the enumeration values for <see cref="T:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap" />. The default is <see cref="F:System.Windows.Media.PenLineCap.Flat" />. </returns>
249 </member>
250 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.StrokeDashOffset">
251 <summary>Gets or sets a <see cref="T:System.Double" /> that specifies the distance within the dash pattern where a dash begins.</summary>
252 <returns>A <see cref="T:System.Double" /> that represents the distance within the dash pattern where a dash begins. The default value is 0.</returns>
253 </member>
254 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.RenderedGeometry">
255 <summary>
256 Gets the rendered geometry presented by the rendering engine.
257 </summary>
258 </member>
259 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.GeometryMargin">
260 <summary>
261 Gets the margin between the logical bounds and the actual geometry bounds.
262 This can be either positive (as in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc"/>) or negative (as in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.Callout"/>).
263 </summary>
264 </member>
265 <member name="E:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.CompositeShape.RenderedGeometryChanged">
266 <summary>
267 Occurs when RenderedGeometry is changed.
268 </summary>
269 </member>
270 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.LineArrow">
271 <summary>
272 Renders a bent line segment with optional arrow heads on both ends.
273 </summary>
274 </member>
275 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.LineArrow.MeasureOverride(System.Windows.Size)">
276 <summary>Provides the behavior for the Measure pass of Silverlight layout. Classes can override this method to define their own Measure pass behavior.</summary>
277 <returns>The size that this object determines it requires during layout, based on its calculations of child object allotted sizes, or possibly on other considerations such as fixed container size.</returns>
278 <param name="availableSize">The available size that this object can give to child objects. Infinity (<see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />) can be specified as a value to indicate that the object will size to whatever content is available.</param>
279 <remarks>
280 A default <see cref="T:LineArrow"/> can render at anysize.
281 The <see cref="P:RenderedGeometry"/> will stretch to the layout boundary and render to the outside if necessary.
282 </remarks>
283 </member>
284 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.LineArrow.BendAmount">
285 <summary>
286 Gets or sets the amount of bend for the arrow.
287 </summary>
288 <value>The bend amount between 0 and 1.</value>
289 </member>
290 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.LineArrow.StartArrow">
291 <summary>
292 Gets or sets how the arrow head is rendered at the start of the line.
293 </summary>
294 </member>
295 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.LineArrow.EndArrow">
296 <summary>
297 Gets or sets how the arrow head is rendered at the end of the line.
298 </summary>
299 </member>
300 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.LineArrow.StartCorner">
301 <summary>
302 Gets or sets from which corner to start drawing the arrow.
303 </summary>
304 </member>
305 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.LineArrow.ArrowSize">
306 <summary>
307 Gets or sets the length of the arrow in pixels.
308 </summary>
309 </member>
310 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems">
311 <summary>
312 Provides an items control that displays one selected item, and allows panning between items using touch gestures.
313 </summary>
314 </member>
315 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems.#ctor">
316 <summary>
317 The constructor for PanningItems.
318 </summary>
319 </member>
320 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems.OnApplyTemplate">
321 <summary>
322 Called when the PanningItems template is applied.
323 </summary>
324 </member>
325 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems.ScrollDirection">
326 <summary>
327 Gets or sets the orientation of items in the control.
328 </summary>
329 </member>
330 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems.FlickTolerance">
331 <summary>
332 Gets or sets the flick tolerance. This can be a value between 0 and 1.
333 It represents the percentage of the size of the PanningItems needed to be covered by the flick gesture to trigger an items change.
334 </summary>
335 </member>
336 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems.PreviousItem">
337 <summary>
338 Gets or sets the item before the selected item.
339 </summary>
340 </member>
341 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems.NextItem">
342 <summary>
343 Gets or sets the item after the selected item.
344 </summary>
345 </member>
346 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems.LoopContents">
347 <summary>
348 Gets or sets whether the contents of the items control will loop, so that the first item will follow the last item.
349 </summary>
350 </member>
351 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.PanningItems.SliderValue">
352 <summary>
353 Gets or sets the value of the slider controlling the panning motion.
354 </summary>
355 </member>
356 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathGeometryHelper">
357 <summary>
358 Helper class to work with PathGeometry.
359 </summary>
360 </member>
361 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathGeometryHelper.ConvertToPathGeometry(System.String)">
362 <summary>
363 Converts a string in the path mini-language into a PathGeometry.
364 </summary>
365 <param name="abbreviatedGeometry">A string in the path mini-language.</param>
366 </member>
367 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathGeometryHelper.AsPathGeometry(System.Windows.Media.Geometry)">
368 <summary>
369 Converts the given geometry into a single PathGeometry.
370 </summary>
371 </member>
372 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathGeometryHelper.SyncPolylineGeometry(System.Windows.Media.Geometry@,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point},System.Boolean)">
373 <summary>
374 Updates the given geometry as PathGeometry with a polyline matching a given point list.
375 </summary>
376 </member>
377 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathGeometryHelper.AbbreviatedGeometryParser">
378 <summary>
379 Parses abbreviated geometry sytax.
380 </summary>
381 </member>
382 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper">
383 <summary>
384 Helper class to convert an ArcSegment to BezierSegment(s).
385 </summary>
386 <summary>
387 Helper class to work with PathSegment and all variations.
388 </summary>
389 <summary>
390 Strategy classes to handle different types of PathSegment.
391 </summary>
392 </member>
393 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.ArcToBezierSegments(System.Windows.Media.ArcSegment,System.Windows.Point)">
394 <summary>
395 Converts an arc segment into Bezier format.
396 Returns BezierSegment, PolyBezierSegment, LineSegment, or null.
397 When returning null, the arc degenerates into the start point.
398 </summary>
399 </member>
400 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.SetIsStroked(System.Windows.Media.PathSegment,System.Boolean)">
401 <summary>
402 Avoid calling the three-parameter constructor, since it always sets a local value for IsStroked.
403 </summary>
404 <param name="segment"></param>
405 <param name="isStroked"></param>
406 </member>
407 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.SyncPolylineSegment(System.Windows.Media.PathSegmentCollection,System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point},System.Int32,System.Int32)">
408 <summary>
409 Updates the SegmentCollection with a given polyline matching a given point list.
410 Tries to keep changes minimum and returns false if nothing has been changed.
411 </summary>
412 </member>
413 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.SyncPolyBezierSegment(System.Windows.Media.PathSegmentCollection,System.Int32,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point},System.Int32,System.Int32)">
414 <summary>
415 Updates the collection[index] segment with a poly-Bezier segment matching a given point list.
416 A given point list must contain 3*N points for N Bezier segments.
417 </summary>
418 </member>
419 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.IsEmpty(System.Windows.Media.PathSegment)">
420 <summary>
421 Tests if a given path segment is empty.
422 </summary>
423 </member>
424 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.GetPointCount(System.Windows.Media.PathSegment)">
425 <summary>
426 Gets the point count in a given path segment.
427 </summary>
428 </member>
429 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.GetLastPoint(System.Windows.Media.PathSegment)">
430 <summary>
431 Gets the last point of a given path segment.
432 </summary>
433 </member>
434 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.GetPoint(System.Windows.Media.PathSegment,System.Int32)">
435 <summary>
436 Gets the point of a given index in a given segment.
437 If input is (-1), returns the last point.
438 </summary>
439 </member>
440 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.FlattenSegment(System.Windows.Media.PathSegment,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point},System.Windows.Point,System.Double)">
441 <summary>
442 Flattens a given segment and adds resulting points into a given point list.
443 </summary>
444 <param name="segment">The segment to be flatten.</param>
445 <param name="points">The resulting points list.</param>
446 <param name="start">The start point of the segment.</param>
447 <param name="tolerance">The error tolerance. Must be positive. Can be zero. Fallback to default tolerance.</param>
448 </member>
449 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.ArcToBezierHelper.ArcToBezier(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Point[]@,System.Int32@)">
450 <summary>
451 ArcToBezier, computes the Bezier approximation of an arc.
452 </summary>
453 <remarks>
454 This utility computes the Bezier approximation for an elliptical arc as
455 it is defined in the SVG arc spec. The ellipse from which the arc is
456 carved is axis-aligned in its own coordinates, and defined there by its
457 x and y radii. The rotation angle defines how the ellipse's axes are
458 rotated relative to the x axis. The start and end points define one of 4
459 possible arcs; the sweep and large-arc flags determine which one of
460 these arcs will be chosen.
462 Returning cPieces = 0 indicates a line instead of an arc
463 cPieces = -1 indicates that the arc degenerates to a point
464 </remarks>
465 </member>
466 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.ArcToBezierHelper.GetArcAngle(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point,System.Boolean,System.Boolean,System.Double@,System.Double@,System.Int32@)">
467 <summary>
468 Gets the number of Bezier arcs, and sine/cosine of each.
469 </summary>
470 <remarks>
471 This is a private utility used by ArcToBezier. Breaks the arc into
472 pieces so that no piece will span more than 90 degrees. The input
473 points are on the unit circle.
474 </remarks>
475 </member>
476 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.ArcToBezierHelper.GetBezierDistance(System.Double,System.Double)">
477 <summary>
478 GetBezierDistance returns the distance as a fraction of the radius.
479 </summary>
480 <remarks>
481 Get the distance from a circular arc's end points to the control points
482 of the Bezier arc that approximates it, as a fraction of the arc's
483 radius.
485 Since the result is relative to the arc's radius, it depends strictly on
486 the arc's angle. The arc is assumed to be of 90 degrees or less, so the
487 angle is determined by the cosine of that angle, which is derived from
488 rDot = the dot product of two radius vectors. We need the Bezier curve
489 that agrees with the arc's points and tangents at the ends and midpoint.
490 Here we compute the distance from the curve's endpoints to its control
491 points.
493 Since we are looking for the relative distance, we can work on the unit
494 circle. Place the center of the circle at the origin, and put the X axis
495 as the bisector between the 2 vectors. Let a be the angle between the
496 vectors. Then the X coordinates of the 1st and last points are cos(a/2).
497 Let x be the X coordinate of the 2nd and 3rd points. At t=1/2 we have a
498 point at (1,0). But the terms of the polynomial there are all equal:
500 (1-t)^3 = t*(1-t)^2 = t^2*(1-t) = t^3 = 1/8,
502 so from the Bezier formula there we have:
504 1 = (1/8) * (cos(a/2) + 3x + 3x + cos(a/2)),
506 hence
508 x = (4 - cos(a/2)) / 3
510 The X difference between that and the 1st point is:
512 DX = x - cos(a/2) = 4(1 - cos(a/2)) / 3.
514 But DX = distance / sin(a/2), hence the distance is
516 dist = (4/3)*(1 - cos(a/2)) / sin(a/2).
518 Rather than the angle a, we are given rDot = R^2 * cos(a), so we
519 multiply top and bottom by R:
521 dist = (4/3)*(R - Rcos(a/2)) / Rsin(a/2)
523 and use some trig:
524 ________________
525 cos(a/2) = \/(1 + cos(a)) / 2
526 ______________________
527 R*cos(a/2) = \/(R^2 + R^2 cos(a)) / 2
528 ________________
529 = \/(R^2 + rDot) / 2
531 Let A = (R^2 + rDot)/2.
532 ____________________
533 R*sin(a/2) = \/R^2 - R^2 cos^2(a/2)
534 _______
535 = \/R^2 - A
537 so:
538 _
539 4 R - \/A
540 dist = - * ------------
541 3 _______
542 \/R^2 - A
544 History:
545 5/29/2001 MichKa
546 Created it.
547 </remarks>
548 </member>
549 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentHelper.ArcToBezierHelper.AcceptRadius(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double@)">
550 <summary>
551 Returns false if the radius is too small compared to the chord length (returns true on NaNs)
552 radius is modified to the value that is accepted.
553 </summary>
554 </member>
555 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.BezierCurveFlattener">
556 <summary>
557 A utility class to flatten Bezier curves.
558 </summary>
559 </member>
560 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.BezierCurveFlattener.FlattenCubic(System.Windows.Point[],System.Double,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.Windows.Point},System.Boolean,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.Double})">
561 <summary>
562 Flattens a Bezier cubic curve and adds the resulting polyline to the third parameter.
563 </summary>
564 <param name="controlPoints">The four Bezier cubic control points.</param>
565 <param name="errorTolerance">The maximum distance between two corresponding points on the true curve
566 and on the flattened polyline. Must be strictly positive.</param>
567 <param name="resultPolyline">Where to add the flattened polyline.</param>
568 <param name="skipFirstPoint">True to skip the first control point when adding the flattened polyline.
569 <param name="resultParameters">Where to add the value of the Bezier curve parameter associated with
570 each of the polyline vertices.</param>
571 If <paramref name="resultPolyline"/> is empty, the first control point
572 and its associated parameter are always added.</param>
573 </member>
574 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.BezierCurveFlattener.FlattenQuadratic(System.Windows.Point[],System.Double,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.Windows.Point},System.Boolean,System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{System.Double})">
575 <summary>
576 Flattens a Bezier quadratic curve and adds the resulting polyline to the third parameter.
577 Uses degree elevation for Bezier curves to reuse the code for the cubic case.
578 </summary>
579 <param name="controlPoints">The three Bezier quadratic control points.</param>
580 <param name="errorTolerance">The maximum distance between two corresponding points on the true curve
581 and on the flattened polyline. Must be strictly positive.</param>
582 <param name="resultPolyline">Where to add the flattened polyline.</param>
583 <param name="skipFirstPoint">Whether to skip the first control point when adding the flattened polyline.
584 <param name="resultParameters">Where to add the value of the Bezier curve parameter associated with
585 each of the polyline vertices.</param>
586 If <paramref name="resultPolyline"/> is empty, the first control point and
587 its associated parameter are always added.</param>
588 </member>
589 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions">
590 <summary>
591 Extension methods that support non-geometry types.
592 </summary>
593 </member>
594 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.ForEach(System.Collections.IEnumerable,System.Action{System.Object})">
595 <summary>
596 Allows the application of an action delegate (often a very simple lambda) against an entire sequence.
597 </summary>
598 </member>
599 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.ForEach``1(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0},System.Action{``0})">
600 <summary>
601 Allows the application of an action delegate (often a very simple lambda) against an entire sequence.
602 </summary>
603 </member>
604 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.ForEach``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Action{``0,System.Int32})">
605 <summary>
606 Allows the application of an action delegate (often a very simple lambda) against an entire sequence with the index of each item.
607 </summary>
608 </member>
609 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.EnsureListCount``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Int32,System.Func{``0})">
610 <summary>
611 Ensures the count of a list to a given count. Creates with a given factory or removes items when necessary.
612 If Input IList is a List, AddRange or RemoveRange is used when there's no factory.
613 </summary>
614 </member>
615 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.EnsureListCountAtLeast``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0},System.Int32,System.Func{``0})">
616 <summary>
617 Ensures the count of a list is at least the given count. Creates with a given factory.
618 </summary>
619 </member>
620 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.AddRange``1(System.Collections.Generic.ICollection{``0},System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{``0})">
621 <summary>
622 Add a range of items to the end of a collection.
623 If a collection is a list, List.AddRange is used.
624 </summary>
625 </member>
626 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.Last``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0})">
627 <summary>
628 Gets the last item of a given list.
629 </summary>
630 </member>
631 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.RemoveLast``1(System.Collections.Generic.IList{``0})">
632 <summary>
633 Removes the last item from the given list.
634 </summary>
635 </member>
636 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.DeepCopy``1(``0)">
637 <summary>
638 Makes a copy of obj and all it's public properties, including all collection properties.
639 </summary>
640 </member>
641 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.SetIfDifferent(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Windows.DependencyProperty,System.Object)">
642 <summary>
643 Sets the value if different. Avoids setting a local value if possible.
644 Returns true when the value has been changed.
645 </summary>
646 </member>
647 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.ClearIfSet(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Windows.DependencyProperty)">
648 <summary>
649 Clears the dependency property when it is locally set on the given dependency object.
650 Returns false if the dependeny property is not locally set.
651 </summary>
652 </member>
653 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.FindVisualDesendent``1(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Func{``0,System.Boolean})">
654 <summary>
655 Finds all visual descendants of a given type and condition using breadth-first search.
656 </summary>
657 </member>
658 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.CommonExtensions.GetVisualChildren(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">
659 <summary>
660 Gets all visual children in IEnumerable.
661 </summary>
662 </member>
663 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.DrawingPropertyMetadata">
664 <summary>
665 Unifies the interface of PropertyMetadata in WPF and Silverlight.
666 Provides the necessary notification about render, arrange, or measure.
667 </summary>
668 </member>
669 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.DrawingPropertyMetadata.#ctor(Microsoft.Expression.Media.DrawingPropertyMetadataOptions,System.Object)">
670 <summary>
671 This private Ctor should only be used by AttachCallback.
672 </summary>
673 </member>
674 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.DrawingPropertyMetadata.AttachCallback(System.Object,Microsoft.Expression.Media.DrawingPropertyMetadataOptions,System.Windows.PropertyChangedCallback)">
675 <summary>
676 Chain InternalCallback() to attach the instance of DrawingPropertyMetadata on property callback.
677 In Silverlight, the property metadata is thrown away after setting. Use callback to remember it.
678 </summary>
679 </member>
680 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.DrawingPropertyMetadata.InternalCallback(System.Windows.DependencyObject,System.Windows.DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)">
681 <summary>
682 Before chaining the original callback, trigger DrawingPropertyChangedEvent.
683 </summary>
684 </member>
685 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper">
686 <summary>
687 Extension methods for geometry-related data structures (Point/Vector/Size/Rect).
688 </summary>
689 </member>
690 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Resize(System.Windows.Rect,System.Double)">
691 <summary>
692 Resizes the rectangle to a relative size while keeping the center invariant.
693 </summary>
694 </member>
695 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Subtract(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
696 <summary>
697 Gets the difference vector between two points.
698 </summary>
699 </member>
700 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Plus(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
701 <summary>
702 Memberwise plus for Point.
703 </summary>
704 </member>
705 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Minus(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
706 <summary>
707 Memberwise minus for Point.
708 </summary>
709 </member>
710 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.ConvertToPathGeometry(System.String)">
711 <summary>
712 Converts a string of mini-languages to a <see cref="T:PathGeometry"/>.
713 </summary>
714 <remarks>See: Path Markup Syntax(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc189041(VS.95).aspx)</remarks>
715 <param name="abbreviatedGeometry">The string of path mini-languages for describing geometric paths.</param>
716 <returns>A <see cref="T:PathGeometry"/> converted from the the path mini-languages.</returns>
717 </member>
718 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.FlattenFigure(System.Windows.Media.PathFigure,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point},System.Double)">
719 <summary>
720 Flattens a <see cref="T:PathFigure"/> and adds result points to a given <paramref name="points"/>.
721 </summary>
722 <param name="figure">The input <see cref="T:PathFigure"/>.</param>
723 <param name="points">The point list to which result points will append.</param>
724 <param name="tolerance">A positive number specifying the maximum allowed error from the result points to the input path figure. A Value of zero allows the algorithm to pick the tolerance automatically.</param>
725 </member>
726 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.GetArcPoint(System.Double)">
727 <summary>
728 Gets the normalized arc in a (0,0)(1,1) box.
729 Zero degrees is mapped to [0.5, 0] (up), and clockwise.
730 </summary>
731 </member>
732 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.GetArcPoint(System.Double,System.Windows.Rect)">
733 <summary>
734 Gets the absolute arc point in a given bound with a given relative radius.
735 </summary>
736 </member>
737 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.GetArcAngle(System.Windows.Point)">
738 <summary>
739 Gets the angle on an arc relative to a (0,0)(1,1) box.
740 Zero degrees is mapped to [0.5, 0] (up), and clockwise.
741 </summary>
742 </member>
743 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.GetArcAngle(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Rect)">
744 <summary>
745 Gets the angle on an arc from a given absolute point relative to a bound.
746 </summary>
747 </member>
748 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.RelativeTransform(System.Windows.Rect,System.Windows.Rect)">
749 <summary>
750 Computes the transform that moves "Rect from" to "Rect to".
751 </summary>
752 </member>
753 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.RelativeTransform(System.Windows.UIElement,System.Windows.UIElement)">
754 <summary>
755 Computes the transform from the coordinate space of one <c>UIElement</c> to another.
756 </summary>
757 <param name="from">The source element.</param>
758 <param name="to">The destination element.</param>
759 <returns>The transform between the <c>UIElement</c>s, or null if it cannot be computed.</returns>
760 </member>
761 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.RelativeToAbsolutePoint(System.Windows.Rect,System.Windows.Point)">
762 <summary>
763 Maps a relative point to an absolute point using the mapping from a given bound to a (0,0)(1,1) box.
764 </summary>
765 </member>
766 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.AbsoluteToRelativePoint(System.Windows.Rect,System.Windows.Point)">
767 <summary>
768 Maps an absolute point to a relative point using the mapping from a (0,0)(1,1) box to a given bound.
769 </summary>
770 </member>
771 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.GetStretchBound(System.Windows.Rect,System.Windows.Media.Stretch,System.Windows.Size)">
772 <summary>
773 Computes the bound after stretching within a given logical bound.
774 If stretch to uniform, use given aspectRatio.
775 If aspectRatio is empty, it's equivalent to Fill.
776 If stretch is None, it's equivalent to Fill or Uniform.
777 </summary>
778 </member>
779 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Midpoint(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
780 <summary>
781 Returns the mid point of two points.
782 </summary>
783 <param name="lhs">The first point.</param>
784 <param name="rhs">The second point.</param>
785 <returns>The mid point between <paramref name="lhs"/> and <paramref name="rhs"/>.</returns>
786 </member>
787 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Dot(System.Windows.Vector,System.Windows.Vector)">
788 <summary>
789 Returns the dot product of two vectors.
790 </summary>
791 <param name="lhs">The first vector.</param>
792 <param name="rhs">The second vector.</param>
793 <returns>The dot product of <paramref name="lhs"/> and <paramref name="rhs"/>.</returns>
794 </member>
795 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Dot(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
796 <summary>
797 Returns the dot product of two points.
798 </summary>
799 </member>
800 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Distance(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
801 <summary>
802 Returns the distance between two points.
803 </summary>
804 <param name="lhs">The first point.</param>
805 <param name="rhs">The second point.</param>
806 <returns>The distance between <paramref name="lhs"/> and <paramref name="rhs"/>.</returns>
807 </member>
808 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.SquaredDistance(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
809 <summary>
810 Returns the square of the distance between two points.
811 </summary>
812 <param name="lhs">The first point.</param>
813 <param name="rhs">The second point.</param>
814 <returns>The square of the distance between <paramref name="lhs"/> and <paramref name="rhs"/>.</returns>
815 </member>
816 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Determinant(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
817 <summary>
818 Determinant of the cross product. Equivalent to directional area.
819 </summary>
820 </member>
821 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Normal(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
822 <summary>
823 Computes the normal direction vector of given line segments.
824 </summary>
825 </member>
826 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.Perpendicular(System.Windows.Vector)">
827 <summary>
828 Computes the perpendicular vector, 90-degrees, counter-clockwise.
829 Vector to the right perpendicular results in a vector to up.
830 </summary>
831 </member>
832 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.GeometryEquals(System.Windows.Media.Geometry,System.Windows.Media.Geometry)">
833 <summary>
834 Returns whether the two geometries are identical.
835 </summary>
836 </member>
837 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.EnsureGeometryType``1(``0@,System.Windows.Media.Geometry@,System.Func{``0})">
838 <summary>
839 Ensures the value is an instance of result type (T). If not, replace with a new instance of type (T).
840 </summary>
841 </member>
842 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.GeometryHelper.EnsureSegmentType``1(``0@,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Media.PathSegment},System.Int32,System.Func{``0})">
843 <summary>
844 Ensures the list[index] is an instance of result type (T). If not, replace with a new instance of type (T).
845 </summary>
846 </member>
847 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper">
848 <summary>
849 Helper class that provides static properties and methods related to floating point arithmetic.
850 </summary>
851 </member>
852 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper.Epsilon">
853 <summary>
854 The minimum distance to consider that two values are same.
855 Note: internal floating point in MIL/SL is float, not double.
856 </summary>
857 </member>
858 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper.TwoPI">
859 <summary>
860 The value of the angle of a full circle.
861 </summary>
862 </member>
863 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper.PentagramInnerRadius">
864 <summary>
865 The inner radius for a pentagram polygon shape, at precision of three digits in percentage.
866 (1 - Sin36 * Sin72 / Sin54) / (Cos36) ^ 2, which is 0.47210998990512996761913067272407
867 </summary>
868 </member>
869 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper.IsVerySmall(System.Double)">
870 <summary>
871 Determines whether a <c>System.Double</c> value is small enough to be considered
872 equivalent to zero.
873 </summary>
874 <param name="value"></param>
875 <returns><c>True</c> if value is smaller than <c>DoubleTolerance</c>;
876 otherwise, <c>False</c>.</returns>
877 </member>
878 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper.EnsureRange(System.Double,System.Nullable{System.Double},System.Nullable{System.Double})">
879 <summary>
880 Returns the value that's within the given range.
881 A given min/max that is null equals no limit.
882 </summary>
883 </member>
884 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper.Hypotenuse(System.Double,System.Double)">
885 <summary>
886 Computes the Euclidean norm of the vector (x, y).
887 </summary>
888 <param name="x">The first component.</param>
889 <param name="y">The second component.</param>
890 <returns>The Euclidean norm of the vector (x, y).</returns>
891 </member>
892 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper.DoubleFromMantissaAndExponent(System.Double,System.Int32)">
893 <summary>
894 Computes a real number from the mantissa and exponent.
895 </summary>
896 <param name="x"></param>
897 <param name="exp"></param>
898 <returns>The value of x * 2^exp if successful.</returns>
899 </member>
900 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MathHelper.IsFiniteDouble(System.Double)">
901 <summary>
902 Tests a double.
903 </summary>
904 <param name="x">The double to test.</param>
905 <returns><c>True</c> if x is not a NaN and is not equal to plus or minus infinity;
906 otherwise, <c>False</c>.</returns>
907 </member>
908 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathFigureHelper">
909 <summary>
910 Helper class to work with PathFigure.
911 </summary>
912 </member>
913 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathFigureHelper.FlattenFigure(System.Windows.Media.PathFigure,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point},System.Double,System.Boolean)">
914 <summary>
915 Flattens the given figure and adds result points to the given point list.
916 </summary>
917 <param name="tolerance">The error tolerance. Must be positive. Can be zero. Fallback to default tolerance.</param>
918 </member>
919 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathFigureHelper.AllSegments(System.Windows.Media.PathFigure)">
920 <summary>
921 Iterates all segments inside a given figure, and returns the correct start point for each segment.
922 </summary>
923 </member>
924 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathFigureHelper.SyncPolylineFigure(System.Windows.Media.PathFigure,System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point},System.Boolean,System.Boolean)">
925 <summary>
926 Synchronizes the figure to the given list of points as a single polyline segment.
927 Tries to keep the change to a minimum and returns false if nothing has been changed.
928 </summary>
929 </member>
930 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathFigureHelper.SyncEllipseFigure(System.Windows.Media.PathFigure,System.Windows.Rect,System.Windows.Media.SweepDirection,System.Boolean)">
931 <summary>
932 Synchronizes the given figure to be a closed ellipse with two arc segments.
933 </summary>
934 </member>
935 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PathSegmentData">
936 <summary>
937 A Tuple data structure for PathSegment and the corresponding StartPoint.
938 </summary>
939 </member>
940 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData">
941 <summary>
942 Represents a polyline with a list of connecting points.
943 A closed polygon is represented by repeating the first point at the end.
944 The differences, normals, angles, and lengths are computed on demand.
945 </summary>
946 </member>
947 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.#ctor(System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point})">
948 <summary>
949 Constructs a polyline with two or more points.
950 </summary>
951 <param name="points"></param>
952 </member>
953 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.Difference(System.Int32)">
954 The forward difference vector of polyline.
955 Points[i] + Differences[i] = Points[i+1]
956 </member>
957 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.SmoothNormal(System.Int32,System.Double,System.Double)">
958 <summary>
959 Compute the normal vector of given location (lerp(index, index+1, fraction).
960 If the location is within range of cornerRadius, interpolate the normal direction.
961 </summary>
962 <param name="cornerRadius">The range of normal smoothless. If zero, no smoothness and return the exact normal on index.</param>
963 </member>
964 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.IsClosed">
965 <summary>
966 The polyline is closed when the first and last points are repeated.
967 </summary>
968 </member>
969 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.Count">
970 <summary>
971 The count of points in this polyline.
972 </summary>
973 </member>
974 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.TotalLength">
975 <summary>
976 The total arc length of this polyline.
977 </summary>
978 </member>
979 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.Points">
980 <summary>
981 The point array of this polyline.
982 </summary>
983 </member>
984 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.Lengths">
985 <summary>
986 The length between line segments, Points[i] to Points[i+1].
987 </summary>
988 </member>
989 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.Normals">
990 <summary>
991 The list of normal vectors for each segment.
992 Normals[i] is the normal of segment p[i] to p[i + 1].
993 Normals[N-1] == Normals[N-2].
994 </summary>
995 </member>
996 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.Angles">
997 <summary>
998 The list of Cos(angle) between two line segments on point p[i].
999 Note: The value is cos(angle) = Dot(u, v). Not in degrees.
1000 </summary>
1001 </member>
1002 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData.AccumulatedLength">
1003 <summary>
1004 The list of accumulated length from points[i] to points[0].
1005 </summary>
1006 </member>
1007 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation">
1008 <summary>
1009 The data structure to communicate with the PathMarch algorithm.
1010 </summary>
1011 </member>
1012 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.GetPoint(System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Windows.Point})">
1013 <summary>
1014 Gets the interpolated position of this MarchLocation on a given point list.
1015 </summary>
1016 </member>
1017 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.GetNormal(Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData,System.Double)">
1018 <summary>
1019 Get the interpolated normal direction of this MarchLocation on a given normal vector list.
1020 </summary>
1021 </member>
1022 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.GetArcLength(System.Collections.Generic.IList{System.Double})">
1023 <summary>
1024 Gets the arc length of this MarchLocation to the start of the entire polyline.
1025 </summary>
1026 </member>
1027 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.Reason">
1028 <summary>
1029 The reason why this location is sampled.
1030 </summary>
1031 </member>
1032 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.Index">
1033 <summary>
1034 The index of the point on a polyline point list.
1035 </summary>
1036 </member>
1037 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.Ratio">
1038 <summary>
1039 Ratio: [0, 1], which is always before / (before + after).
1040 </summary>
1041 </member>
1042 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.Before">
1043 <summary>
1044 Arc length before a stop point. Non-negative and less than Length[index].
1045 </summary>
1046 </member>
1047 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.After">
1048 <summary>
1049 Arc length after the stop point. Non-negative and less than Length[index].
1050 </summary>
1051 </member>
1052 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation.Remain">
1053 <summary>
1054 Remaining length within a step to hit next stop. Positive to go forward. Negative to go backward.
1055 </summary>
1056 </member>
1057 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineHelper">
1058 <summary>
1059 Helper class to work with list of points
1060 </summary>
1061 </member>
1062 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineHelper.PathMarch(Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData,System.Double,System.Double,System.Func{Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.MarchLocation,System.Double})">
1063 <summary>
1064 March the given polyline with a given interval and output each stop through callback.
1065 </summary>
1066 <param name="polyline">The polyline points to march on.</param>
1067 <param name="startArcLength">The arc length to march before stopping at the first point.</param>
1068 <param name="cornerThreshold">The max angle between edges to be considered a corner vertex.</param>
1069 <param name="stopCallback">Callback when marching algorithm stop at a point. The callback returns the arc length for next stop.
1070 If the asked length is negative, march backwards. If callback returns NaN, finish marching.</param>
1071 </member>
1072 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineHelper.GetWrappedPolylines(System.Collections.Generic.IList{Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.PolylineData},System.Double@)">
1073 <summary>
1074 Reorders the given list of polylines so that the polyline with a given arc length in the list is the first.
1075 Polylines that preceded this line are concatenated to the end of the list, with the first polyline at the very end.
1076 </summary>
1077 <param name="lines">A list of polylines.</param>
1078 <param name="startArcLength">The arc length in the entire list of polylines at which to find the start line.
1079 The arc length into that line is returned in this variable.</param>
1080 <returns>The reordered and wrapped list.</returns>
1081 </member>
1082 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.RandomEngine">
1083 <summary>
1084 A random generator that supports uniform and Gaussian distributions.
1085 </summary>
1086 </member>
1087 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.RandomEngine.Gaussian">
1088 <summary>
1089 Generates a pair of independent, standard, normally distributed random numbers,
1090 zero expectation, unit variance, using polar form of the Box-Muller transformation.
1091 </summary>
1092 </member>
1093 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.SimpleSegment.#ctor">
1094 <summary>
1095 Private constructor. Force to use factory methods.
1096 </summary>
1097 </member>
1098 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.SimpleSegment.Create(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
1099 <summary>
1100 Creates a line segment
1101 </summary>
1102 </member>
1103 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.SimpleSegment.Create(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
1104 <summary>
1105 Creates a cubic bezier segment from quatratic curve (3 control points)
1106 </summary>
1107 </member>
1108 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.SimpleSegment.Create(System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
1109 <summary>
1110 Creates a cubic bezier segment with 4 control points.
1111 </summary>
1112 </member>
1113 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.SimpleSegment.Points">
1114 <summary>
1115 Control points of path segment. Length is variant.
1116 Line segment has 2 points, Cubic bezier has 4 points.
1117 </summary>
1118 </member>
1119 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Drawing.Core.TransformExtensions.TransformEquals(System.Windows.Media.Transform,System.Windows.Media.Transform)">
1120 <summary>
1121 Compares two transforms for an exact match. Transforms with the same value but different structure (e.g. Translate(0,0) and Rotate(0) are not considered equivalent).
1122 </summary>
1123 <param name="firstTransform">The first transform.</param>
1124 <param name="secondTransform">The second transform.</param>
1125 <returns></returns>
1126 </member>
1127 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.UnitType">
1128 <summary>
1129 Specifies the unit of thickness.
1130 </summary>
1131 </member>
1132 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.UnitType.Pixel">
1133 <summary>
1134 Unit in pixels.
1135 </summary>
1136 </member>
1137 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.UnitType.Percent">
1138 <summary>
1139 Unit in percentage relative to the bounding box.
1140 </summary>
1141 </member>
1142 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1">
1143 <summary>
1144 Provides the base class of a source of geometry.
1145 Generates and caches the geometry based on the input parameters and the layout bounds.
1146 </summary>
1147 <remarks>
1148 A typical implementation will extend the UpdateCachedGeometry() to update this.cachedGeometry.
1149 This base class will then handle the invalidation, pipeline to the geometry effects, and then cache relative to the layout bounds.
1150 An implementation should try to reuse the cached geometry as much as possible to avoid reconstruction in the rendering thread.
1151 An implementation can extend the ComputeLogicalBounds to handle Stretch differently.
1152 </remarks>
1153 <typeparam name="TParameters">The type of geometry source parameter on which the base class is working on.</typeparam>
1154 </member>
1155 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySource">
1156 <summary>
1157 Provides an interface to describe the source of a geometry.
1158 </summary>
1159 <remarks>
1160 This interface is designed to expose the geometry source in a non-generic way.
1161 Typical implementation should subclass GeometrySource instead of implementing this interface directly.
1162 </remarks>
1163 </member>
1164 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySource.InvalidateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons)">
1165 <summary>
1166 Notifies that the geometry has been invalidated because of external changes.
1167 </summary>
1168 <remarks>
1169 Geometry is typically invalidated when parameters are changed.
1170 If any geometry has been invalidated externally, the geometry will be recomputed even if the layout bounds change.
1171 </remarks>
1172 </member>
1173 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySource.UpdateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySourceParameters,System.Windows.Rect)">
1174 <summary>
1175 Update the geometry using the given parameters and the layout bounds.
1176 Returns false if nothing has been updated.
1177 </summary>
1178 </member>
1179 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySource.Geometry">
1180 <summary>
1181 Gets or sets the resulting geometry after the latest UpdateGeometry().
1182 </summary>
1183 </member>
1184 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySource.LogicalBounds">
1185 <summary>
1186 Gets the bounding box where the geometry should stretch to.
1187 The actual geometry might be smaller or larger than this.
1188 <see cref="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySource.LogicalBounds"/> should already take stroke thickness and stretch into consideration.
1189 </summary>
1190 </member>
1191 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySource.LayoutBounds">
1192 <summary>
1193 Gets the actual bounds of FrameworkElement.
1194 <see cref="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySource.LayoutBounds"/> includes logical bounds, stretch, and stroke thickness.
1195 </summary>
1196 </member>
1197 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.cachedGeometry">
1198 <summary>
1199 Specifics the geometry from the previous geometry effect process.
1200 </summary>
1201 </member>
1202 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.InvalidateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons)">
1203 <summary>
1204 Notifies that the geometry has been invalidated because of external changes.
1205 </summary>
1206 <remarks>
1207 The geometry is typically invalidated when parameters are changed.
1208 If any geometry has been invalidated externally, the geometry will be recomputed regardless if the layout bounds change.
1209 </remarks>
1210 </member>
1211 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.UpdateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySourceParameters,System.Windows.Rect)">
1212 <summary>
1213 Update the geometry based on the given parameters and layoutBounds.
1214 Returns false if the geometry hasn't been changed.
1215 </summary>
1216 </member>
1217 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.UpdateCachedGeometry(`0)">
1218 <summary>
1219 Extends the way to provide geometry by implementing this function.
1220 Returns true when any of the geometry is changed.
1221 </summary>
1222 </member>
1223 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.ComputeLogicalBounds(System.Windows.Rect,Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySourceParameters)">
1224 <summary>
1225 Extends the way to handle stretch mode.
1226 The default is to always use Stretch.Fill and center stroke.
1227 </summary>
1228 </member>
1229 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.ApplyGeometryEffect(Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySourceParameters,System.Boolean)">
1230 <summary>
1231 Apply the geometry effect when dirty or forced and update this.Geometry.
1232 Otherwise, keep this.Geometry as this.cachedGeometry.
1233 </summary>
1234 </member>
1235 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.Geometry">
1236 <summary>
1237 Gets or sets the resulting geometry after the latest UpdateGeometry().
1238 </summary>
1239 </member>
1240 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.LogicalBounds">
1241 <summary>
1242 Gets the bounding box that the geometry should stretch to.
1243 The actual geometry might be smaller or larger than this.
1244 <see cref="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.LogicalBounds"/> should already take stroke thickness and stretch into consideration.
1245 </summary>
1246 <value></value>
1247 </member>
1248 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.LayoutBounds">
1249 <summary>
1250 Gets the actual bounds of FrameworkElement.
1251 <see cref="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometrySource`1.LayoutBounds"/> includes logical bounds, stretch and stroke thickness.
1252 </summary>
1253 <value></value>
1254 </member>
1255 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArcGeometrySource.ComputeLogicalBounds(System.Windows.Rect,Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySourceParameters)">
1256 <summary>
1257 Arc recognizes Stretch.None as the same as Stretch.Fill, assuming aspect ratio = 1:1.
1258 </summary>
1259 </member>
1260 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArcGeometrySource.NormalizeThickness(Microsoft.Expression.Media.IArcGeometrySourceParameters)">
1261 <summary>
1262 Normalize thickness, both relative to the bounding box and the absolute pixel.
1263 Relative thickness = 0 -> full circle radius or clamped.
1264 Relative thickness = 1 -> shrank to a dot, or degenerated.
1265 </summary>
1266 </member>
1267 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArcGeometrySource.UpdateZeroAngleGeometry(System.Boolean,System.Double)">
1268 <summary>
1269 The arc is degenerated to a line pointing to center / normal inward.
1270 </summary>
1271 </member>
1272 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArcGeometrySource.ComputeAngleRanges(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
1273 <summary>
1274 Compute a list of angle pairs, defining the ranges in which arc sample should locate.
1275 The return value have 2, 4, or 6 double values, each pair defines a range and they are in the order
1276 to span the angles from given start to end angles. The ranges will break at the self-intersect angle.
1277 If input start/end are within the invalid range between self intersect angle, it will be moved to neighboring self intersect.
1278 </summary>
1279 </member>
1280 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArcGeometrySource.EnsureFirstQuadrant(System.Double)">
1281 <summary>
1282 Move angle to 0-90 range.
1283 </summary>
1284 </member>
1285 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArcGeometrySource.SyncPieceWiseInnerCurves(System.Windows.Media.PathFigure,System.Int32,System.Windows.Point@,System.Double[])">
1286 <summary>
1287 Compute all pieces of inner curves with each pair of input angles, and connect them with poly Bezier segments.
1288 The new segments are output to given figure.Segments list from the given index. The start point is output seperately.
1289 </summary>
1290 </member>
1291 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArcGeometrySource.ComputeOneInnerCurve(System.Double,System.Double,System.Windows.Rect,System.Double)">
1292 <summary>
1293 Compute one piece of inner curve with given angle range, and output one piece of smooth curve in format of poly Beizer semgents.
1294 </summary>
1295 </member>
1296 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArcGeometrySource.InnerCurveSelfIntersect(System.Double,System.Double,System.Double)">
1297 <summary>
1298 Compute the parameter (angle) of the self-intersect point for given ellipse with given thickness.
1299 The result is always in first quadrant, and might be 0 or 90 indicating no self-intersect.
1300 Basic algorithm is to binary search for the angle that sample point is not in first quadrant.
1301 </summary>
1302 </member>
1303 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowOrientation">
1304 <summary>
1305 Specifies the direction the arrow points.
1306 </summary>
1307 </member>
1308 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowOrientation.Left">
1309 <summary>
1310 The arrow points to the left.
1311 </summary>
1312 </member>
1313 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowOrientation.Right">
1314 <summary>
1315 The arrow points to the right.
1316 </summary>
1317 </member>
1318 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowOrientation.Up">
1319 <summary>
1320 The arrow points up.
1321 </summary>
1322 </member>
1323 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowOrientation.Down">
1324 <summary>
1325 The arrow points down.
1326 </summary>
1327 </member>
1328 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.BlockArrowGeometrySource.ArrowBuilder">
1329 <summary>
1330 B
1331 /|
1332 / C--D
1333 A |
1334 \ C--D
1335 \|
1336 B
1337 Algorithm only uses Width/Height assuming top-left at 0,0.
1338 </summary>
1339 </member>
1340 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutStyle">
1341 <summary>
1342 Specifies the rendering style of a callout shape.
1343 </summary>
1344 </member>
1345 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutStyle.Rectangle">
1346 <summary>
1347 A rectangular callout.
1348 </summary>
1349 </member>
1350 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutStyle.RoundedRectangle">
1351 <summary>
1352 A rectangular callout with rounded corners.
1353 </summary>
1354 </member>
1355 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutStyle.Oval">
1356 <summary>
1357 A oval-shaped callout.
1358 </summary>
1359 </member>
1360 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutStyle.Cloud">
1361 <summary>
1362 A cloud-shaped callout.
1363 </summary>
1364 </member>
1365 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutGeometrySource.UpdateEdge(System.Windows.Media.PathSegmentCollection,System.Int32,System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point,System.Double,System.Boolean)">
1366 <summary>
1367 Updates the edge line, and then connects to the anchor point if necessary.
1368 </summary>
1369 </member>
1370 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutGeometrySource.UpdatePolylineSegment(System.Windows.Media.PathSegmentCollection,System.Int32,System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point,System.Double)">
1371 <summary>
1372 Updates the polyline segment, and then connects start, anchor, and end points with the callout style.
1373 </summary>
1374 </member>
1375 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutGeometrySource.UpdateLineSegment(System.Windows.Media.PathSegmentCollection,System.Int32,System.Windows.Point)">
1376 <summary>
1377 Updates the line segment to a given point.
1378 </summary>
1379 </member>
1380 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutGeometrySource.ComputeCorners(System.Double)">
1381 <summary>
1382 Computes the corner points in a clockwise direction, with eight points for the four corners.
1383 </summary>
1384 </member>
1385 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CalloutGeometrySource.UpdateCornerArc(System.Windows.Media.PathSegmentCollection,System.Int32,System.Windows.Point,System.Windows.Point)">
1386 <summary>
1387 The corner arc is always smaller than a 90-degree arc.
1388 </summary>
1389 </member>
1390 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect">
1391 <summary>
1392 Provides the base class for GeometryEffect that transforms a geometry into another geometry.
1393 </summary>
1394 <remarks>
1395 This class provides the basic implementation of processing the rendered geometry of a IShape before it's passed to rendering.
1396 A typical implementation will extend the virtual function <see cref="F:ProcessGeometry"/> to transform the input geometry.
1397 <see cref="T:GeometryEffect"/> is typically attached to <see cref="T:IShape"/> as an attached property and activated when <see cref="T:IShape"/> geometry is updated.
1398 The <see cref="P:OutputGeometry"/> of a <see cref="T:GeometryEffect"/> will replace the rendered geometry in <see cref="T:IShape"/>.
1399 </remarks>
1400 </member>
1401 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.GetGeometryEffect(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">
1402 <summary>
1403 Gets the geometry effect as an attached property on a given dependency object.
1404 </summary>
1405 </member>
1406 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.SetGeometryEffect(System.Windows.DependencyObject,Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect)">
1407 <summary>
1408 Sets the geometry effect as an attached property on a given dependency object.
1409 </summary>
1410 </member>
1411 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.CloneCurrentValue">
1412 <summary>
1413 Makes a deep copy of the <see cref="T:GeometryEffect"/> using its current values.
1414 </summary>
1415 </member>
1416 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.DeepCopy">
1417 <summary>
1418 Makes a deep copy of the geometry effect. Implements CloneCurrentValue in Silverlight.
1419 </summary>
1420 <returns>A clone of the current instance of the geometry effect.</returns>
1421 </member>
1422 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.Equals(Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect)">
1423 <summary>
1424 Tests if the given geometry effect is equivalent to the current instance.
1425 </summary>
1426 <param name="geometryEffect">A geometry effect to compare with.</param>
1427 <returns>Returns true when two effects render with the same appearance.</returns>
1428 </member>
1429 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.cachedGeometry">
1430 <summary>
1431 Specifics the geometry from the previous geometry effect process.
1432 </summary>
1433 </member>
1434 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.InvalidateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons)">
1435 <summary>
1436 Invalidates the geometry effect without actually computing the geometry.
1437 Notifies all parent shapes or effects to invalidate accordingly.
1438 </summary>
1439 </member>
1440 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.ProcessGeometry(System.Windows.Media.Geometry)">
1441 <summary>
1442 Processes the geometry effect on a given input geometry.
1443 Stores the result in GeometryEffect.OutputGeometry.
1444 </summary>
1445 <returns>Returns false if nothing has been changed.</returns>
1446 </member>
1447 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.UpdateCachedGeometry(System.Windows.Media.Geometry)">
1448 <summary>
1449 Extends the way of updating cachedGeometry based on a given input geometry.
1450 </summary>
1451 </member>
1452 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.Detach">
1453 <summary>
1454 Notified when detached from a parent chain.
1455 </summary>
1456 </member>
1457 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.Attach(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">
1458 <summary>
1459 Notified when attached to a parent chain.
1460 </summary>
1461 </member>
1462 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.InvalidateParent(System.Windows.DependencyObject)">
1463 <summary>
1464 Invalidates the geometry on a given dependency object when
1465 the object is a valid parent type (IShape or GeometryEffect).
1466 </summary>
1467 </member>
1468 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.CreateInstanceCore">
1469 <summary>
1470 Implement the Freezable in WPF.
1471 </summary>
1472 </member>
1473 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.DefaultGeometryEffect">
1474 <summary>
1475 The default geometry effect that only passes through the input geometry.
1476 </summary>
1477 </member>
1478 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.OutputGeometry">
1479 <summary>
1480 Gets the output geometry of this geometry effect.
1481 </summary>
1482 </member>
1483 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect.Parent">
1484 <summary>
1485 Parent can be either IShape or GeometryEffectGroup.
1486 </summary>
1487 </member>
1488 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffectConverter">
1489 <summary>
1490 Provides the conversion between string and geometry effects.
1491 </summary>
1492 <remarks>
1493 This class enables the brief syntax in XAML like <code>GeometryEffect="Sketch"</code>.
1494 Creates a clone of the instance of the geometry effect so it can be used as a resource.
1495 </remarks>
1496 </member>
1497 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffectConverter.registeredEffects">
1498 <summary>
1499 Builds a preset list of supported geometry effects.
1500 </summary>
1501 </member>
1502 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffectConverter.CanConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Type)">
1503 <summary>
1504 A GeometryEffect that can be converted from a string type.
1505 </summary>
1506 </member>
1507 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffectConverter.CanConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Type)">
1508 <summary>
1509 A GeometryEffect that can be converted to a string type.
1510 </summary>
1511 </member>
1512 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffectConverter.ConvertFrom(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Object)">
1513 <summary>
1514 Converts a string to a geometry effect. The fallback value is null.
1515 </summary>
1516 </member>
1517 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffectConverter.ConvertTo(System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,System.Object,System.Type)">
1518 <summary>
1519 Converts a geometry effect into a string. The fallback value is null.
1520 </summary>
1521 </member>
1522 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons">
1523 <summary>
1524 Specifies the reason of <see cref="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometry"/> being called.
1525 </summary>
1526 </member>
1527 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons.PropertyChanged">
1528 <summary>
1529 Geometry has been invalidated because a property has been changed.
1530 </summary>
1531 </member>
1532 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons.IsAnimated">
1533 <summary>
1534 Geometry has been invalidated because a property is being animated.
1535 </summary>
1536 </member>
1537 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons.ChildInvalidated">
1538 <summary>
1539 Geometry has been invalidated because a child has been invalidated.
1540 </summary>
1541 </member>
1542 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons.ParentInvalidated">
1543 <summary>
1544 Geometry has been invalidated because a parent has been invalidated.
1545 </summary>
1546 </member>
1547 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons.TemplateChanged">
1548 <summary>
1549 Geometry has been invalidated because a new template has been applied.
1550 </summary>
1551 </member>
1552 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySourceExtensions">
1553 <summary>
1554 Provides helper extension methods to work with IGeometrySource and parameters.
1555 </summary>
1556 </member>
1557 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowType">
1558 <summary>
1559 Specifies the arrow head type.
1560 </summary>
1561 </member>
1562 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowType.NoArrow">
1563 <summary>
1564 No arrow head.
1565 </summary>
1566 </member>
1567 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowType.Arrow">
1568 <summary>
1569 A triangle arrow head.
1570 </summary>
1571 </member>
1572 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowType.StealthArrow">
1573 <summary>
1574 A stealth triangle arrow head.
1575 </summary>
1576 </member>
1577 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowType.OpenArrow">
1578 <summary>
1579 An open triangle arrow head.
1580 </summary>
1581 </member>
1582 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.ArrowType.OvalArrow">
1583 <summary>
1584 An oval arrow head.
1585 </summary>
1586 </member>
1587 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CornerType">
1588 <summary>
1589 Specifies the corner location.
1590 </summary>
1591 </member>
1592 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CornerType.TopLeft">
1593 <summary>
1594 On the top left of the bounding box.
1595 </summary>
1596 </member>
1597 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CornerType.TopRight">
1598 <summary>
1599 On the top right of the bounding box.
1600 </summary>
1601 </member>
1602 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CornerType.BottomRight">
1603 <summary>
1604 On the bottom right of the bounding box.
1605 </summary>
1606 </member>
1607 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.CornerType.BottomLeft">
1608 <summary>
1609 On the bottom left of the bounding box.
1610 </summary>
1611 </member>
1612 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.PolygonGeometrySource.ComputeLogicalBounds(System.Windows.Rect,Microsoft.Expression.Media.IGeometrySourceParameters)">
1613 <summary>
1614 Polygon recognizes Stretch.None as the same as Stretch.Fill.
1615 </summary>
1616 </member>
1617 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.SketchGeometryEffect">
1618 <summary>
1619 A geometry effect that transforms any geometry into a Sketch style as in SketchFlow.
1620 </summary>
1621 </member>
1622 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.SketchGeometryEffect.DeepCopy">
1623 <summary>
1624 Makes a deep copy of the geometry effect.
1625 </summary>
1626 <returns>A clone of the current instance of the geometry effect.</returns>
1627 </member>
1628 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.SketchGeometryEffect.Equals(Microsoft.Expression.Media.GeometryEffect)">
1629 <summary>
1630 Tests if the given geometry effect is equivalent to the current instance.
1631 </summary>
1632 <param name="geometryEffect">A geometry effect to compare with.</param>
1633 <returns>Returns true when two effects render with the same appearance.</returns>
1634 </member>
1635 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.SketchGeometryEffect.UpdateCachedGeometry(System.Windows.Media.Geometry)">
1636 <summary>
1637 Updating cachedGeometry based on the given input geometry.
1638 </summary>
1639 <param name="input">An input geometry.</param>
1640 <returns>Returns true when anything on cachedGeometry has been updated.</returns>
1641 </member>
1642 <member name="F:Microsoft.Expression.Media.SketchGeometryEffect.randomSeed">
1643 <summary>
1644 Use the same random seed on creation to keep visual flickering to a minimum.
1645 </summary>
1646 </member>
1647 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Media.SketchGeometryEffect.GetEffectiveSegments(System.Windows.Media.PathFigure)">
1648 <summary>
1649 Iterates all simple segments in given path figure including the closing chord.
1650 </summary>
1651 </member>
1652 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc">
1653 <summary>
1654 Renders an arc shape supporting Arc, Ring, and Pie mode controlled by ArcThickness.
1655 </summary>
1656 </member>
1657 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.PrimitiveShape">
1658 <summary>
1659 Platform-neutral implementation of Shape deriving from WPF:Shape or SL:Path.
1660 </summary>
1661 <summary>
1662 Provides the WPF implementation of Shape that derives from the platform Shape.
1663 </summary>
1664 </member>
1665 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.PrimitiveShape.CreateGeometrySource">
1666 <summary>
1667 Extends how the shape is drawn with creating geometry source.
1668 </summary>
1669 </member>
1670 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.PrimitiveShape.InvalidateGeometry(Microsoft.Expression.Media.InvalidateGeometryReasons)">
1671 <summary>
1672 Invalidates the geometry for a <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/>. After the invalidation, the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Media.IShape"/> will recompute the geometry, which will occur asynchronously.
1673 </summary>
1674 </member>
1675 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.PrimitiveShape.MeasureOverride(System.Windows.Size)">
1676 <summary>Provides the behavior for the Measure portion of Silverlight layout pass. Classes can override this method to define their own Measure pass behavior.</summary>
1677 <returns>The size that this object determines it requires during layout, based on its calculations of child object allotted sizes, or possibly on other considerations such as fixed container size.</returns>
1678 <param name="availableSize">The available size that this object can provide to child objects. Infinity (<see cref="F:System.Double.PositiveInfinity" />) can be specified as a value to indicate that the object will size to whatever content is available.</param>
1679 <remarks>
1680 In WPF, measure override works from Shape.DefiningGeometry which is not always as expected
1681 see bug 99497 for details where WPF is not having correct measure by default.
1683 In Silverlight, measure override on Path does not work the same as primitive shape works.
1685 We should return the smallest size this shape can correctly render without clipping.
1686 By default a shape can render as small as a dot, therefore returning the strokethickness.
1687 </remarks>
1688 </member>
1689 <member name="M:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.PrimitiveShape.ArrangeOverride(System.Windows.Size)">
1690 <summary>Provides the behavior for the Arrange portion of Silverlight layout pass. Classes can override this method to define their own Arrange pass behavior.</summary>
1691 <returns>The actual size used once the element is arranged in layout.</returns>
1692 <param name="finalSize">The final area within the parent that this object should use to arrange itself and its children.</param>
1693 <remarks> <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.PrimitiveShape"/> will recompute the Geometry when it's invalidated and update the RenderedGeometry and GeometryMargin.</remarks>
1694 </member>
1695 <member name="E:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.PrimitiveShape.RenderedGeometryChanged">
1696 <summary>
1697 Occurs when RenderedGeometry is changed.
1698 </summary>
1699 </member>
1700 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.PrimitiveShape.GeometryMargin">
1701 <summary>
1702 Gets the margin between logical bounds and actual geometry bounds.
1703 This can be either positive (as in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc"/>) or negative (as in <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Controls.Callout"/>).
1704 </summary>
1705 </member>
1706 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.StartAngle">
1707 <summary>
1708 Gets or sets the start angle.
1709 </summary>
1710 <value>The start angle in degrees. Zero degrees is pointing up.</value>
1711 </member>
1712 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.EndAngle">
1713 <summary>
1714 Gets or sets the end angle.
1715 </summary>
1716 <value>The end angle in degrees. Zero degrees is pointing up.</value>
1717 </member>
1718 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.ArcThickness">
1719 <summary>
1720 Gets or sets the arc thickness.
1721 </summary>
1722 <value>The arc thickness in pixels or percentage depending on "ArcThicknessUnit".</value>
1723 </member>
1724 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.Arc.ArcThicknessUnit">
1725 <summary>
1726 Gets or sets the arc thickness unit.
1727 </summary>
1728 <value>The arc thickness unit in pixels or percentage.</value>
1729 </member>
1730 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.BlockArrow">
1731 <summary>
1732 Renders a block arrow shape that supports resizable arrow head and body.
1733 </summary>
1734 </member>
1735 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.BlockArrow.Orientation">
1736 <summary>
1737 Gets or sets the orientation.
1738 </summary>
1739 <value>The orientation where the arrow is pointing to.</value>
1740 </member>
1741 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.BlockArrow.ArrowheadAngle">
1742 <summary>
1743 Gets or sets the arrow head angle.
1744 </summary>
1745 <value>The arrow head angle in degrees.</value>
1746 </member>
1747 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.BlockArrow.ArrowBodySize">
1748 <summary>
1749 Gets or sets the size of the arrow body.
1750 </summary>
1751 <value>The size of the arrow body in pixels.</value>
1752 </member>
1753 <member name="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.RegularPolygon">
1754 <summary>
1755 Renders a regular polygon shape or corresponding star shape with variable number of points.
1756 </summary>
1757 </member>
1758 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.RegularPolygon.PointCount">
1759 <summary>
1760 Gets or sets the number of points of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.RegularPolygon"/>.
1761 </summary>
1762 </member>
1763 <member name="P:Microsoft.Expression.Shapes.RegularPolygon.InnerRadius">
1764 <summary>
1765 Gets or sets the the distance between the center and the innermost point.
1766 </summary>
1767 <value>The distance between the center and the innermost point.</value>
1768 </member>
1769 </members>
1770 </doc>