changeset 4732:e1307be6cb9e

Implementing base parts of TSF
author dewyatt
date Sun, 30 May 2010 15:48:16 -0400
parents bfc8ad7234b6
children 983eb9d5ed31
files EXCLUDE/GLTSF/include/TSF.hpp EXCLUDE/GLTSF/src/TSF.cpp
diffstat 2 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/EXCLUDE/GLTSF/include/TSF.hpp	Thu May 27 20:47:52 2010 -0400
+++ b/EXCLUDE/GLTSF/include/TSF.hpp	Sun May 30 15:48:16 2010 -0400
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 #define TSF_HPP
 #include <msctf.h>
+#include <atlbase.h>
 class TSF
@@ -37,8 +38,20 @@
 		LONG my_Reference_Count;
+	TSF();
+	~TSF();
+	void Initialize();
+	void Finalize();
+	bool my_COM_Initialized;
+	CComPtr<ITfThreadMgrEx> my_Thread_Manager;
+	UI_Sink *my_UI_Sink;
+	DWORD my_UI_Element_Sink_Cookie;
+	DWORD my_IPPA_Sink_Cookie;
--- a/EXCLUDE/GLTSF/src/TSF.cpp	Thu May 27 20:47:52 2010 -0400
+++ b/EXCLUDE/GLTSF/src/TSF.cpp	Sun May 30 15:48:16 2010 -0400
@@ -1,1 +1,140 @@
 #include "TSF.hpp"
+#include <stdexcept>
+TSF::TSF() : my_COM_Initialized(false),
+			 my_UI_Sink(0),
+			 my_UI_Element_Sink_Cookie(TF_INVALID_COOKIE),
+			 my_IPPA_Sink_Cookie(TF_INVALID_COOKIE)
+	Finalize();
+void TSF::Initialize()
+	Finalize();
+		throw std::runtime_error("Failed to initialize COM");
+	my_COM_Initialized = true;
+	if (S_OK != CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TF_ThreadMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, __uuidof(ITfThreadMgrEx), (void **)&my_Thread_Manager))
+		throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create ITfThreadMgrEx instance");
+	TfClientId Client_Id = 0;
+	if (FAILED(my_Thread_Manager->ActivateEx(&Client_Id, TF_TMAE_UIELEMENTENABLEDONLY)))
+		throw std::runtime_error("ITfThreadMgrEx::ActivateEx failed");
+	my_UI_Sink = new UI_Sink();
+	ITfSource *Source = NULL;
+	if (FAILED(my_Thread_Manager->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ITfSource), (void **)&Source)))
+		throw std::runtime_error("QueryInterface failed");
+	if (FAILED(Source->AdviseSink(__uuidof(ITfUIElementSink), (ITfUIElementSink *)my_UI_Sink, &my_UI_Element_Sink_Cookie)))
+		throw std::runtime_error("AdviseSink failed");
+	if (FAILED(Source->AdviseSink(__uuidof(ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink), (ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink *)my_UI_Sink, &my_IPPA_Sink_Cookie)))
+		throw std::runtime_error("AdviseSink failed");
+void TSF::Finalize()
+	if (my_UI_Sink)
+	{
+		ITfSource *Source = NULL;
+		if (SUCCEEDED(my_Thread_Manager->QueryInterface(__uuidof(ITfSource), (void **)&Source)))
+		{
+			Source->UnadviseSink(my_IPPA_Sink_Cookie);
+			Source->UnadviseSink(my_UI_Element_Sink_Cookie);
+			Source->Release();
+		}
+		if (my_Thread_Manager)
+			my_Thread_Manager->Deactivate();
+		my_UI_Sink->Release();
+		delete my_UI_Sink;
+		my_UI_Sink = NULL;
+	}
+	my_Thread_Manager = NULL;
+	if (my_COM_Initialized)
+	{
+		CoUninitialize();
+		my_COM_Initialized = false;
+	}
+	my_Reference_Count = 1;
+STDMETHODIMP TSF::UI_Sink::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppvObj)
+	if (NULL == ppvObj)
+		return E_INVALIDARG;
+	*ppvObj = NULL;
+	if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown))
+		*ppvObj = reinterpret_cast<IUnknown *>(this);
+	else if (IsEqualIID(riid, __uuidof(ITfUIElementSink)))
+		*ppvObj = reinterpret_cast<ITfUIElementSink *>(this);
+	else if (IsEqualIID(riid, __uuidof(ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink)))
+		*ppvObj = reinterpret_cast<ITfInputProcessorProfileActivationSink *>(this);
+	else if (IsEqualIID(riid, __uuidof(ITfCompartmentEventSink)))
+		*ppvObj = reinterpret_cast<ITfCompartmentEventSink *>(this);
+	if (*ppvObj)
+	{
+		AddRef();
+		return S_OK;
+	}
+ULONG TSF::UI_Sink::AddRef(void)
+	return ++my_Reference_Count;
+ULONG TSF::UI_Sink::Release(void)
+	LONG Count = --my_Reference_Count;
+	if (0 == Count)
+		delete this;
+	return Count;
+STDMETHODIMP TSF::UI_Sink::BeginUIElement(DWORD dwUIElementId, BOOL *pbShow)
+	return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP TSF::UI_Sink::UpdateUIElement(DWORD dwUIElementId)
+	return S_OK;
+	return S_OK;
+STDMETHODIMP TSF::UI_Sink::OnActivated(DWORD dwProfileType, LANGID langid, REFCLSID clsid, REFGUID catid, REFGUID guidProfile, HKL hkl, DWORD dwFlags)
+	return S_OK;
+	return S_OK;