view src/cpuinfo/SDL_cpuinfo.c @ 1176:dd2a8deeb26d

Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 20:09:03 -0400 From: Mark Schreiber <> To: Subject: [PATCH]SDL mprotect() crash fix (I'm going to throw this patch your way at the suggestion of #SDL -- for some reason, I had some difficulty sending it to the main list last time, and I go bonkers subscribing to send each email or patch...) Currently, when I run SDL applications as non-root using SDL_VIDEODRIVER=dga, the fbdev fallback mprotect()s read/write the proper size of mmapped /dev/fb0 (7.5MB), but on framebuffer release mprotect()s read-only the range by the entire size of my video memory (128MB), which causes a segfault: #0 0x002a9a27 in ?? () from /lib/ #1 0x04a63eb6 in SDL_XDGAUnmapFramebuffer (screen=3D0) at XF86DGA2.c:978 #2 0x04a63efc in SDL_XDGACloseFramebuffer (dpy=3D0x9d3f008, screen=3D0) at XF86DGA2.c:268 #3 0x04a68b57 in DGA_Available () at SDL_dgavideo.c:98 #4 0x04a53677 in SDL_VideoInit (driver_name=3D0xbfb0bfc7 "dga", flags=3D0) at SDL_video.c:180 #5 0x04a2613f in SDL_InitSubSystem (flags=3D32) at SDL.c:74 #6 0x04a2617c in SDL_Init (flags=3D32) at SDL.c:166 #7 0x08049722 in main (argc=3D1, argv=3D0x0) at testwin.c:32 This is SDL 1.2.8 on Fedora Core 4, radeon driver for a Radeon 9250, xorg-x11-6.8.2-37. I've attached a one-line patch against SDL CVS that updates the size of the framebuffer at framebuffer map time so that the mprotect() on unmap will be the same size. I'm not sure if this is the best approach (i.e. one might want to retain the original value), but it does make my SDL applications work without segfaulting. -- Best of luck, Mark Schreiber
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Sat, 19 Nov 2005 18:57:00 +0000
parents 51a8702d8ecd
children b616ac4f39d1
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

static char rcsid =
 "@(#) $Id$";

/* CPU feature detection for SDL */

#ifdef unix /* FIXME: Better setjmp detection? */
#define USE_SETJMP
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_cpuinfo.h"

#ifdef MACOSX
#include <sys/sysctl.h> /* For AltiVec check */

#define CPU_HAS_RDTSC	0x00000001
#define CPU_HAS_MMX	0x00000002
#define CPU_HAS_MMXEXT	0x00000004
#define CPU_HAS_3DNOW	0x00000010
#define CPU_HAS_3DNOWEXT 0x00000020
#define CPU_HAS_SSE	0x00000040
#define CPU_HAS_SSE2	0x00000080
#define CPU_HAS_ALTIVEC	0x00000100

/* This is the brute force way of detecting instruction sets...
   the idea is borrowed from the libmpeg2 library - thanks!
static jmp_buf jmpbuf;
static void illegal_instruction(int sig)
	longjmp(jmpbuf, 1);
#endif // USE_SETJMP

static __inline__ int CPU_haveCPUID()
	int has_CPUID = 0;
#if defined(__GNUC__) && defined(i386)
	__asm__ (
"        pushfl                      # Get original EFLAGS             \n"
"        popl    %%eax                                                 \n"
"        movl    %%eax,%%ecx                                           \n"
"        xorl    $0x200000,%%eax     # Flip ID bit in EFLAGS           \n"
"        pushl   %%eax               # Save new EFLAGS value on stack  \n"
"        popfl                       # Replace current EFLAGS value    \n"
"        pushfl                      # Get new EFLAGS                  \n"
"        popl    %%eax               # Store new EFLAGS in EAX         \n"
"        xorl    %%ecx,%%eax         # Can not toggle ID bit,          \n"
"        jz      1f                  # Processor=80486                 \n"
"        movl    $1,%0               # We have CPUID support           \n"
"1:                                                                    \n"
	: "=m" (has_CPUID)
	: "%eax", "%ecx"
#elif defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__x86_64__)
/* Technically, if this is being compiled under __x86_64__ then it has 
CPUid by definition.  But it's nice to be able to prove it.  :)      */
	__asm__ (
"        pushfq                      # Get original EFLAGS             \n"
"        popq    %%rax                                                 \n"
"        movq    %%rax,%%rcx                                           \n"
"        xorl    $0x200000,%%eax     # Flip ID bit in EFLAGS           \n"
"        pushq   %%rax               # Save new EFLAGS value on stack  \n"
"        popfq                       # Replace current EFLAGS value    \n"
"        pushfq                      # Get new EFLAGS                  \n"
"        popq    %%rax               # Store new EFLAGS in EAX         \n"
"        xorl    %%ecx,%%eax         # Can not toggle ID bit,          \n"
"        jz      1f                  # Processor=80486                 \n"
"        movl    $1,%0               # We have CPUID support           \n"
"1:                                                                    \n"
	: "=m" (has_CPUID)
	: "%rax", "%rcx"
#elif defined(_MSC_VER) && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_))
	__asm {
        pushfd                      ; Get original EFLAGS
        pop     eax
        mov     ecx, eax
        xor     eax, 200000h        ; Flip ID bit in EFLAGS
        push    eax                 ; Save new EFLAGS value on stack
        popfd                       ; Replace current EFLAGS value
        pushfd                      ; Get new EFLAGS
        pop     eax                 ; Store new EFLAGS in EAX
        xor     eax, ecx            ; Can not toggle ID bit,
        jz      done                ; Processor=80486
        mov     has_CPUID,1         ; We have CPUID support
	return has_CPUID;

static __inline__ int CPU_getCPUIDFeatures()
	int features = 0;
#if defined(__GNUC__) && ( defined(i386) || defined(__x86_64__) )
	__asm__ (
"        movl    %%ebx,%%edi\n"
"        xorl    %%eax,%%eax         # Set up for CPUID instruction    \n"
"        cpuid                       # Get and save vendor ID          \n"
"        cmpl    $1,%%eax            # Make sure 1 is valid input for CPUID\n"
"        jl      1f                  # We dont have the CPUID instruction\n"
"        xorl    %%eax,%%eax                                           \n"
"        incl    %%eax                                                 \n"
"        cpuid                       # Get family/model/stepping/features\n"
"        movl    %%edx,%0                                              \n"
"1:                                                                    \n"
"        movl    %%edi,%%ebx\n"
	: "=m" (features)
	: "%eax", "%ecx", "%edx", "%edi"
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)  && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_))
	__asm {
        xor     eax, eax            ; Set up for CPUID instruction
        cpuid                       ; Get and save vendor ID
        cmp     eax, 1              ; Make sure 1 is valid input for CPUID
        jl      done                ; We dont have the CPUID instruction
        xor     eax, eax
        inc     eax
        cpuid                       ; Get family/model/stepping/features
        mov     features, edx
	return features;

static __inline__ int CPU_getCPUIDFeaturesExt()
	int features = 0;
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (defined(i386) || defined (__x86_64__) )
	__asm__ (
"        movl    %%ebx,%%edi\n"
"        movl    $0x80000000,%%eax   # Query for extended functions    \n"
"        cpuid                       # Get extended function limit     \n"
"        cmpl    $0x80000001,%%eax                                     \n"
"        jl      1f                  # Nope, we dont have function 800000001h\n"
"        movl    $0x80000001,%%eax   # Setup extended function 800000001h\n"
"        cpuid                       # and get the information         \n"
"        movl    %%edx,%0                                              \n"
"1:                                                                    \n"
"        movl    %%edi,%%ebx\n"
	: "=m" (features)
	: "%eax", "%ecx", "%edx", "%edi"
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)  && (defined(_M_IX86) || defined(_X86_))
	__asm {
        mov     eax,80000000h       ; Query for extended functions
        cpuid                       ; Get extended function limit
        cmp     eax,80000001h
        jl      done                ; Nope, we dont have function 800000001h
        mov     eax,80000001h       ; Setup extended function 800000001h
        cpuid                       ; and get the information
        mov     features,edx
	return features;

static __inline__ int CPU_haveRDTSC()
	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeatures() & 0x00000010);
	return 0;

static __inline__ int CPU_haveMMX()
	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeatures() & 0x00800000);
	return 0;

static __inline__ int CPU_haveMMXExt()
	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeaturesExt() & 0x00400000);
	return 0;

static __inline__ int CPU_have3DNow()
	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeaturesExt() & 0x80000000);
	return 0;

static __inline__ int CPU_have3DNowExt()
	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeaturesExt() & 0x40000000);
	return 0;

static __inline__ int CPU_haveSSE()
	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeatures() & 0x02000000);
	return 0;

static __inline__ int CPU_haveSSE2()
	if ( CPU_haveCPUID() ) {
		return (CPU_getCPUIDFeatures() & 0x04000000);
	return 0;

static __inline__ int CPU_haveAltiVec()
	volatile int altivec = 0;
#ifdef MACOSX
	int selectors[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_VECTORUNIT }; 
	int hasVectorUnit = 0; 
	size_t length = sizeof(hasVectorUnit); 
	int error = sysctl(selectors, 2, &hasVectorUnit, &length, NULL, 0); 
	if( 0 == error )
		altivec = (hasVectorUnit != 0); 
#elif defined(USE_SETJMP) && defined(GCC_ALTIVEC)
	void (*handler)(int sig);
	handler = signal(SIGILL, illegal_instruction);
	if ( setjmp(jmpbuf) == 0 ) {
		asm volatile ("mtspr 256, %0\n\t"
			      "vand %%v0, %%v0, %%v0"
			      : "r" (-1));
		altivec = 1;
	signal(SIGILL, handler);
	return altivec; 

static Uint32 SDL_CPUFeatures = 0xFFFFFFFF;

static Uint32 SDL_GetCPUFeatures()
	if ( SDL_CPUFeatures == 0xFFFFFFFF ) {
		SDL_CPUFeatures = 0;
		if ( CPU_haveRDTSC() ) {
			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_RDTSC;
		if ( CPU_haveMMX() ) {
			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_MMX;
		if ( CPU_haveMMXExt() ) {
		if ( CPU_have3DNow() ) {
			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_3DNOW;
		if ( CPU_have3DNowExt() ) {
		if ( CPU_haveSSE() ) {
			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_SSE;
		if ( CPU_haveSSE2() ) {
			SDL_CPUFeatures |= CPU_HAS_SSE2;
		if ( CPU_haveAltiVec() ) {
	return SDL_CPUFeatures;

	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_RDTSC ) {
		return SDL_TRUE;
	return SDL_FALSE;

SDL_bool SDL_HasMMX()
	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_MMX ) {
		return SDL_TRUE;
	return SDL_FALSE;

SDL_bool SDL_HasMMXExt()
	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_MMXEXT ) {
		return SDL_TRUE;
	return SDL_FALSE;

SDL_bool SDL_Has3DNow()
	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_3DNOW ) {
		return SDL_TRUE;
	return SDL_FALSE;

SDL_bool SDL_Has3DNowExt()
	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_3DNOWEXT ) {
		return SDL_TRUE;
	return SDL_FALSE;

SDL_bool SDL_HasSSE()
	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_SSE ) {
		return SDL_TRUE;
	return SDL_FALSE;

SDL_bool SDL_HasSSE2()
	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_SSE2 ) {
		return SDL_TRUE;
	return SDL_FALSE;

SDL_bool SDL_HasAltiVec()
	if ( SDL_GetCPUFeatures() & CPU_HAS_ALTIVEC ) {
		return SDL_TRUE;
	return SDL_FALSE;

#ifdef TEST_MAIN

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
	printf("RDTSC: %d\n", SDL_HasRDTSC());
	printf("MMX: %d\n", SDL_HasMMX());
	printf("MMXExt: %d\n", SDL_HasMMXExt());
	printf("3DNow: %d\n", SDL_Has3DNow());
	printf("3DNowExt: %d\n", SDL_Has3DNowExt());
	printf("SSE: %d\n", SDL_HasSSE());
	printf("SSE2: %d\n", SDL_HasSSE2());
	printf("AltiVec: %d\n", SDL_HasAltiVec());
	return 0;

#endif /* TEST_MAIN */