view test/testoverlay.c @ 4532:dc4a3de60d3a

Logitech G15 on Ubuntu 10.04: code = 1, sym = 0xFF1B (Escape) scancode = 41 (Escape) code = 2, sym = 0x31 (1) scancode = 30 (1) code = 3, sym = 0x32 (2) scancode = 31 (2) code = 4, sym = 0x33 (3) scancode = 32 (3) code = 5, sym = 0x34 (4) scancode = 33 (4) code = 6, sym = 0x35 (5) scancode = 34 (5) code = 7, sym = 0x36 (6) scancode = 35 (6) code = 8, sym = 0x37 (7) scancode = 36 (7) code = 9, sym = 0x38 (8) scancode = 37 (8) code = 10, sym = 0x39 (9) scancode = 38 (9) code = 11, sym = 0x30 (0) scancode = 39 (0) code = 12, sym = 0x2D (minus) scancode = 45 (-) code = 13, sym = 0x3D (equal) scancode = 46 (=) code = 14, sym = 0xFF08 (BackSpace) scancode = 42 (Backspace) code = 15, sym = 0xFF09 (Tab) scancode = 43 (Tab) code = 16, sym = 0x71 (q) scancode = 20 (Q) code = 17, sym = 0x77 (w) scancode = 26 (W) code = 18, sym = 0x65 (e) scancode = 8 (E) code = 19, sym = 0x72 (r) scancode = 21 (R) code = 20, sym = 0x74 (t) scancode = 23 (T) code = 21, sym = 0x79 (y) scancode = 28 (Y) code = 22, sym = 0x75 (u) scancode = 24 (U) code = 23, sym = 0x69 (i) scancode = 12 (I) code = 24, sym = 0x6F (o) scancode = 18 (O) code = 25, sym = 0x70 (p) scancode = 19 (P) code = 26, sym = 0x5B (bracketleft) scancode = 47 ([) code = 27, sym = 0x5D (bracketright) scancode = 48 (]) code = 28, sym = 0xFF0D (Return) scancode = 40 (Return) code = 29, sym = 0xFFE3 (Control_L) scancode = 224 (Left Ctrl) code = 30, sym = 0x61 (a) scancode = 4 (A) code = 31, sym = 0x73 (s) scancode = 22 (S) code = 32, sym = 0x64 (d) scancode = 7 (D) code = 33, sym = 0x66 (f) scancode = 9 (F) code = 34, sym = 0x67 (g) scancode = 10 (G) code = 35, sym = 0x68 (h) scancode = 11 (H) code = 36, sym = 0x6A (j) scancode = 13 (J) code = 37, sym = 0x6B (k) scancode = 14 (K) code = 38, sym = 0x6C (l) scancode = 15 (L) code = 39, sym = 0x3B (semicolon) scancode = 51 (;) code = 40, sym = 0x27 (apostrophe) scancode = 52 (') code = 41, sym = 0x60 (grave) scancode = 53 (`) code = 42, sym = 0xFFE1 (Shift_L) scancode = 225 (Left Shift) code = 43, sym = 0x5C (backslash) scancode = 49 (\) code = 44, sym = 0x7A (z) scancode = 29 (Z) code = 45, sym = 0x78 (x) scancode = 27 (X) code = 46, sym = 0x63 (c) scancode = 6 (C) code = 47, sym = 0x76 (v) scancode = 25 (V) code = 48, sym = 0x62 (b) scancode = 5 (B) code = 49, sym = 0x6E (n) scancode = 17 (N) code = 50, sym = 0x6D (m) scancode = 16 (M) code = 51, sym = 0x2C (comma) scancode = 54 (,) code = 52, sym = 0x2E (period) scancode = 55 (.) code = 53, sym = 0x2F (slash) scancode = 56 (/) code = 54, sym = 0xFFE2 (Shift_R) scancode = 229 (Right Shift) code = 55, sym = 0xFFAA (KP_Multiply) scancode = 85 (Keypad *) code = 56, sym = 0xFFE9 (Alt_L) scancode = 226 (Left Alt) code = 57, sym = 0x20 (space) scancode = 44 (Space) code = 58, sym = 0xFFE5 (Caps_Lock) scancode = 57 (CapsLock) code = 59, sym = 0xFFBE (F1) scancode = 58 (F1) code = 60, sym = 0xFFBF (F2) scancode = 59 (F2) code = 61, sym = 0xFFC0 (F3) scancode = 60 (F3) code = 62, sym = 0xFFC1 (F4) scancode = 61 (F4) code = 63, sym = 0xFFC2 (F5) scancode = 62 (F5) code = 64, sym = 0xFFC3 (F6) scancode = 63 (F6) code = 65, sym = 0xFFC4 (F7) scancode = 64 (F7) code = 66, sym = 0xFFC5 (F8) scancode = 65 (F8) code = 67, sym = 0xFFC6 (F9) scancode = 66 (F9) code = 68, sym = 0xFFC7 (F10) scancode = 67 (F10) code = 69, sym = 0xFF7F (Num_Lock) scancode = 83 (Numlock) code = 70, sym = 0xFF14 (Scroll_Lock) scancode = 71 (ScrollLock) code = 71, sym = 0xFF95 (KP_Home) scancode = 95 (Keypad 7) code = 72, sym = 0xFF97 (KP_Up) scancode = 96 (Keypad 8) code = 73, sym = 0xFF9A (KP_Prior) scancode = 97 (Keypad 9) code = 74, sym = 0xFFAD (KP_Subtract) scancode = 86 (Keypad -) code = 75, sym = 0xFF96 (KP_Left) scancode = 92 (Keypad 4) code = 76, sym = 0xFF9D (KP_Begin) scancode = 93 (Keypad 5) code = 77, sym = 0xFF98 (KP_Right) scancode = 94 (Keypad 6) code = 78, sym = 0xFFAB (KP_Add) scancode = 87 (Keypad +) code = 79, sym = 0xFF9C (KP_End) scancode = 89 (Keypad 1) code = 80, sym = 0xFF99 (KP_Down) scancode = 90 (Keypad 2) code = 81, sym = 0xFF9B (KP_Next) scancode = 91 (Keypad 3) code = 82, sym = 0xFF9E (KP_Insert) scancode = 98 (Keypad 0) code = 83, sym = 0xFF9F (KP_Delete) scancode = 99 (Keypad .) code = 84, sym = 0xFE03 (ISO_Level3_Shift) scancode = 0 () code = 86, sym = 0x3C (less) scancode not found code = 87, sym = 0xFFC8 (F11) scancode = 68 (F11) code = 88, sym = 0xFFC9 (F12) scancode = 69 (F12) code = 90, sym = 0xFF26 (Katakana) scancode = 0 () code = 91, sym = 0xFF25 (Hiragana) scancode = 0 () code = 92, sym = 0xFF23 (Henkan_Mode) scancode = 0 () code = 93, sym = 0xFF27 (Hiragana_Katakana) scancode = 0 () code = 94, sym = 0xFF22 (Muhenkan) scancode = 0 () code = 96, sym = 0xFF8D (KP_Enter) scancode = 88 (Keypad Enter) code = 97, sym = 0xFFE4 (Control_R) scancode = 228 (Right Ctrl) code = 98, sym = 0xFFAF (KP_Divide) scancode = 84 (Keypad /) code = 99, sym = 0xFF61 (Print) scancode = 70 (PrintScreen) code = 100, sym = 0xFFEA (Alt_R) scancode = 230 (Right Alt) code = 101, sym = 0xFF0A (Linefeed) scancode = 0 () code = 102, sym = 0xFF50 (Home) scancode = 74 (Home) code = 103, sym = 0xFF52 (Up) scancode = 82 (Up) code = 104, sym = 0xFF55 (Prior) scancode = 75 (PageUp) code = 105, sym = 0xFF51 (Left) scancode = 80 (Left) code = 106, sym = 0xFF53 (Right) scancode = 79 (Right) code = 107, sym = 0xFF57 (End) scancode = 77 (End) code = 108, sym = 0xFF54 (Down) scancode = 81 (Down) code = 109, sym = 0xFF56 (Next) scancode = 78 (PageDown) code = 110, sym = 0xFF63 (Insert) scancode = 73 (Insert) code = 111, sym = 0xFFFF (Delete) scancode = 76 (Delete) code = 113, sym = 0x1008FF12 (XF86AudioMute) scancode = 0 () code = 114, sym = 0x1008FF11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume) scancode = 0 () code = 115, sym = 0x1008FF13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume) scancode = 0 () code = 116, sym = 0x1008FF2A (XF86PowerOff) scancode = 0 () code = 117, sym = 0xFFBD (KP_Equal) scancode = 103 (Keypad =) code = 118, sym = 0xB1 (plusminus) scancode not found code = 119, sym = 0xFF13 (Pause) scancode = 72 (Pause) code = 120, sym = 0x1008FF4A (XF86LaunchA) scancode = 0 () code = 121, sym = 0xFFAE (KP_Decimal) scancode = 99 (Keypad .) code = 122, sym = 0xFF31 (Hangul) scancode = 0 () code = 123, sym = 0xFF34 (Hangul_Hanja) scancode = 0 () code = 125, sym = 0xFFEB (Super_L) scancode = 227 (Left GUI) code = 126, sym = 0xFFEC (Super_R) scancode = 231 (Right GUI) code = 127, sym = 0xFF67 (Menu) scancode = 118 (Menu) code = 128, sym = 0xFF69 (Cancel) scancode = 120 (Stop) code = 129, sym = 0xFF66 (Redo) scancode = 121 (Again) code = 130, sym = 0x1005FF70 (SunProps) scancode = 0 () code = 131, sym = 0xFF65 (Undo) scancode = 122 (Undo) code = 132, sym = 0x1005FF71 (SunFront) scancode = 0 () code = 133, sym = 0x1008FF57 (XF86Copy) scancode = 0 () code = 134, sym = 0x1005FF73 (SunOpen) scancode = 0 () code = 135, sym = 0x1008FF6D (XF86Paste) scancode = 0 () code = 136, sym = 0xFF68 (Find) scancode = 126 (Find) code = 137, sym = 0x1008FF58 (XF86Cut) scancode = 0 () code = 138, sym = 0xFF6A (Help) scancode = 117 (Help) code = 139, sym = 0x1008FF65 (XF86MenuKB) scancode = 0 () code = 140, sym = 0x1008FF1D (XF86Calculator) scancode = 0 () code = 142, sym = 0x1008FF2F (XF86Sleep) scancode = 0 () code = 143, sym = 0x1008FF2B (XF86WakeUp) scancode = 0 () code = 144, sym = 0x1008FF5D (XF86Explorer) scancode = 0 () code = 145, sym = 0x1008FF7B (XF86Send) scancode = 0 () code = 147, sym = 0x1008FF8A (XF86Xfer) scancode = 0 () code = 148, sym = 0x1008FF41 (XF86Launch1) scancode = 0 () code = 149, sym = 0x1008FF42 (XF86Launch2) scancode = 0 () code = 150, sym = 0x1008FF2E (XF86WWW) scancode = 0 () code = 151, sym = 0x1008FF5A (XF86DOS) scancode = 0 () code = 152, sym = 0x1008FF2D (XF86ScreenSaver) scancode = 0 () code = 154, sym = 0x1008FF74 (XF86RotateWindows) scancode = 0 () code = 155, sym = 0x1008FF19 (XF86Mail) scancode = 0 () code = 156, sym = 0x1008FF30 (XF86Favorites) scancode = 0 () code = 157, sym = 0x1008FF33 (XF86MyComputer) scancode = 0 () code = 158, sym = 0x1008FF26 (XF86Back) scancode = 0 () code = 159, sym = 0x1008FF27 (XF86Forward) scancode = 0 () code = 161, sym = 0x1008FF2C (XF86Eject) scancode = 0 () code = 162, sym = 0x1008FF2C (XF86Eject) scancode = 0 () code = 163, sym = 0x1008FF17 (XF86AudioNext) scancode = 0 () code = 164, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode = 0 () code = 165, sym = 0x1008FF16 (XF86AudioPrev) scancode = 0 () code = 166, sym = 0x1008FF15 (XF86AudioStop) scancode = 0 () code = 167, sym = 0x1008FF1C (XF86AudioRecord) scancode = 0 () code = 168, sym = 0x1008FF3E (XF86AudioRewind) scancode = 0 () code = 169, sym = 0x1008FF6E (XF86Phone) scancode = 0 () code = 171, sym = 0x1008FF81 (XF86Tools) scancode = 0 () code = 172, sym = 0x1008FF18 (XF86HomePage) scancode = 0 () code = 173, sym = 0x1008FF73 (XF86Reload) scancode = 0 () code = 174, sym = 0x1008FF56 (XF86Close) scancode = 0 () code = 177, sym = 0x1008FF78 (XF86ScrollUp) scancode = 0 () code = 178, sym = 0x1008FF79 (XF86ScrollDown) scancode = 0 () code = 179, sym = 0x28 (parenleft) scancode not found code = 180, sym = 0x29 (parenright) scancode not found code = 181, sym = 0x1008FF68 (XF86New) scancode = 0 () code = 182, sym = 0xFF66 (Redo) scancode = 121 (Again) code = 183, sym = 0x1008FF81 (XF86Tools) scancode = 0 () code = 184, sym = 0x1008FF45 (XF86Launch5) scancode = 0 () code = 185, sym = 0x1008FF65 (XF86MenuKB) scancode = 0 () code = 192, sym = 0x1008FFA9 (XF86TouchpadToggle) scancode = 0 () code = 195, sym = 0xFF7E (Mode_switch) scancode = 257 (ModeSwitch) code = 200, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode = 0 () code = 201, sym = 0x1008FF31 (XF86AudioPause) scancode = 0 () code = 202, sym = 0x1008FF43 (XF86Launch3) scancode = 0 () code = 203, sym = 0x1008FF44 (XF86Launch4) scancode = 0 () code = 204, sym = 0x1008FF4B (XF86LaunchB) scancode = 0 () code = 205, sym = 0x1008FFA7 (XF86Suspend) scancode = 0 () code = 206, sym = 0x1008FF56 (XF86Close) scancode = 0 () code = 207, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode = 0 () code = 208, sym = 0x1008FF97 (XF86AudioForward) scancode = 0 () code = 210, sym = 0xFF61 (Print) scancode = 70 (PrintScreen) code = 212, sym = 0x1008FF8F (XF86WebCam) scancode = 0 () code = 215, sym = 0x1008FF19 (XF86Mail) scancode = 0 () code = 217, sym = 0x1008FF1B (XF86Search) scancode = 0 () code = 219, sym = 0x1008FF3C (XF86Finance) scancode = 0 () code = 221, sym = 0x1008FF36 (XF86Shop) scancode = 0 () code = 223, sym = 0xFF69 (Cancel) scancode = 120 (Stop) code = 224, sym = 0x1008FF03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown) scancode = 0 () code = 225, sym = 0x1008FF02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp) scancode = 0 () code = 226, sym = 0x1008FF32 (XF86AudioMedia) scancode = 0 () code = 227, sym = 0x1008FF59 (XF86Display) scancode = 0 () code = 228, sym = 0x1008FF04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff) scancode = 0 () code = 229, sym = 0x1008FF06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown) scancode = 0 () code = 230, sym = 0x1008FF05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp) scancode = 0 () code = 231, sym = 0x1008FF7B (XF86Send) scancode = 0 () code = 232, sym = 0x1008FF72 (XF86Reply) scancode = 0 () code = 233, sym = 0x1008FF90 (XF86MailForward) scancode = 0 () code = 234, sym = 0x1008FF77 (XF86Save) scancode = 0 () code = 235, sym = 0x1008FF5B (XF86Documents) scancode = 0 () code = 236, sym = 0x1008FF93 (XF86Battery) scancode = 0 () code = 237, sym = 0x1008FF94 (XF86Bluetooth) scancode = 0 () code = 238, sym = 0x1008FF95 (XF86WLAN) scancode = 0 ()
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Sun, 18 Jul 2010 00:40:17 -0700
parents c785543d1843
children 27ab20a36eba
line wrap: on
line source

/* Bring up a window and play with it */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>


#define NOTICE(X)	printf("%s", X);

#define WINDOW_WIDTH  640
#define WINDOW_HEIGHT 480

#include "SDL.h"

SDL_Surface *screen, *pic;
SDL_Overlay *overlay;
int scale;
int monochrome;
int luminance;
int w, h;

/* Call this instead of exit(), so we can clean up SDL: atexit() is evil. */
static void
quit(int rc)

/* NOTE: These RGB conversion functions are not intended for speed,
         only as examples.

RGBtoYUV(Uint8 * rgb, int *yuv, int monochrome, int luminance)
    if (monochrome) {
#if 1                           /* these are the two formulas that I found on the FourCC site... */
        yuv[0] = 0.299 * rgb[0] + 0.587 * rgb[1] + 0.114 * rgb[2];
        yuv[1] = 128;
        yuv[2] = 128;
        yuv[0] = (0.257 * rgb[0]) + (0.504 * rgb[1]) + (0.098 * rgb[2]) + 16;
        yuv[1] = 128;
        yuv[2] = 128;
    } else {
#if 1                           /* these are the two formulas that I found on the FourCC site... */
        yuv[0] = 0.299 * rgb[0] + 0.587 * rgb[1] + 0.114 * rgb[2];
        yuv[1] = (rgb[2] - yuv[0]) * 0.565 + 128;
        yuv[2] = (rgb[0] - yuv[0]) * 0.713 + 128;
        yuv[0] = (0.257 * rgb[0]) + (0.504 * rgb[1]) + (0.098 * rgb[2]) + 16;
        yuv[1] = 128 - (0.148 * rgb[0]) - (0.291 * rgb[1]) + (0.439 * rgb[2]);
        yuv[2] = 128 + (0.439 * rgb[0]) - (0.368 * rgb[1]) - (0.071 * rgb[2]);

    if (luminance != 100) {
        yuv[0] = yuv[0] * luminance / 100;
        if (yuv[0] > 255)
            yuv[0] = 255;

    /* clamp values...if you need to, we don't seem to have a need */

ConvertRGBtoYV12(SDL_Surface * s, SDL_Overlay * o, int monochrome,
                 int luminance)
    int x, y;
    int yuv[3];
    Uint8 *p, *op[3];


    /* Black initialization */

    /* Convert */
    for (y = 0; y < s->h && y < o->h; y++) {
        p = ((Uint8 *) s->pixels) + s->pitch * y;
        op[0] = o->pixels[0] + o->pitches[0] * y;
        op[1] = o->pixels[1] + o->pitches[1] * (y / 2);
        op[2] = o->pixels[2] + o->pitches[2] * (y / 2);
        for (x = 0; x < s->w && x < o->w; x++) {
            RGBtoYUV(p, yuv, monochrome, luminance);
            *(op[0]++) = yuv[0];
            if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0) {
                *(op[1]++) = yuv[2];
                *(op[2]++) = yuv[1];
            p += s->format->BytesPerPixel;


ConvertRGBtoIYUV(SDL_Surface * s, SDL_Overlay * o, int monochrome,
                 int luminance)
    int x, y;
    int yuv[3];
    Uint8 *p, *op[3];


    /* Black initialization */

    /* Convert */
    for (y = 0; y < s->h && y < o->h; y++) {
        p = ((Uint8 *) s->pixels) + s->pitch * y;
        op[0] = o->pixels[0] + o->pitches[0] * y;
        op[1] = o->pixels[1] + o->pitches[1] * (y / 2);
        op[2] = o->pixels[2] + o->pitches[2] * (y / 2);
        for (x = 0; x < s->w && x < o->w; x++) {
            RGBtoYUV(p, yuv, monochrome, luminance);
            *(op[0]++) = yuv[0];
            if (x % 2 == 0 && y % 2 == 0) {
                *(op[1]++) = yuv[1];
                *(op[2]++) = yuv[2];
            p += s->format->BytesPerPixel;


ConvertRGBtoUYVY(SDL_Surface * s, SDL_Overlay * o, int monochrome,
                 int luminance)
    int x, y;
    int yuv[3];
    Uint8 *p, *op;


    for (y = 0; y < s->h && y < o->h; y++) {
        p = ((Uint8 *) s->pixels) + s->pitch * y;
        op = o->pixels[0] + o->pitches[0] * y;
        for (x = 0; x < s->w && x < o->w; x++) {
            RGBtoYUV(p, yuv, monochrome, luminance);
            if (x % 2 == 0) {
                *(op++) = yuv[1];
                *(op++) = yuv[0];
                *(op++) = yuv[2];
            } else
                *(op++) = yuv[0];

            p += s->format->BytesPerPixel;


ConvertRGBtoYVYU(SDL_Surface * s, SDL_Overlay * o, int monochrome,
                 int luminance)
    int x, y;
    int yuv[3];
    Uint8 *p, *op;


    for (y = 0; y < s->h && y < o->h; y++) {
        p = ((Uint8 *) s->pixels) + s->pitch * y;
        op = o->pixels[0] + o->pitches[0] * y;
        for (x = 0; x < s->w && x < o->w; x++) {
            RGBtoYUV(p, yuv, monochrome, luminance);
            if (x % 2 == 0) {
                *(op++) = yuv[0];
                *(op++) = yuv[2];
                op[1] = yuv[1];
            } else {
                *op = yuv[0];
                op += 2;

            p += s->format->BytesPerPixel;


ConvertRGBtoYUY2(SDL_Surface * s, SDL_Overlay * o, int monochrome,
                 int luminance)
    int x, y;
    int yuv[3];
    Uint8 *p, *op;


    for (y = 0; y < s->h && y < o->h; y++) {
        p = ((Uint8 *) s->pixels) + s->pitch * y;
        op = o->pixels[0] + o->pitches[0] * y;
        for (x = 0; x < s->w && x < o->w; x++) {
            RGBtoYUV(p, yuv, monochrome, luminance);
            if (x % 2 == 0) {
                *(op++) = yuv[0];
                *(op++) = yuv[1];
                op[1] = yuv[2];
            } else {
                *op = yuv[0];
                op += 2;

            p += s->format->BytesPerPixel;


    SDL_Rect rect;
    int i;
    int disp;

    if (!scale) {
        rect.w = overlay->w;
        rect.h = overlay->h;
        for (i = 0; i < h - rect.h && i < w - rect.w; i++) {
            rect.x = i;
            rect.y = i;
            SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(overlay, &rect);
    } else {
        rect.w = overlay->w / 2;
        rect.h = overlay->h / 2;
        rect.x = (w - rect.w) / 2;
        rect.y = (h - rect.h) / 2;
        disp = rect.y - 1;
        for (i = 0; i < disp; i++) {
            rect.w += 2;
            rect.h += 2;
            SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay(overlay, &rect);
    printf("Displayed %d times.\n", i);

static void
PrintUsage(char *argv0)
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [arg] [arg] [arg] ...\n", argv0);
    fprintf(stderr, "Where 'arg' is one of:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-delay <seconds>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-width <pixels>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-height <pixels>\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-bpp <bits>\n");
            "	-format <fmt> (one of the: YV12, IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, YVYU)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-hw\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-flip\n");
            "	-scale (test scaling features, from 50%% upto window size)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-mono (use monochromatic RGB2YUV conversion)\n");
            "	-lum <perc> (use luminance correction during RGB2YUV conversion,\n");
            "	             from 0%% to unlimited, normal is 100%%)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-help (shows this help)\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "	-fullscreen (test overlay in fullscreen mode)\n");

main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *argv0 = argv[0];
    int flip;
    int delay;
    int desired_bpp;
    Uint32 video_flags, overlay_format;
    char *bmpfile;
    Uint32 then, now;
    int i;

    /* Set default options and check command-line */
    flip = 0;
    scale = 0;
    monochrome = 0;
    luminance = 100;
    delay = 1;
    desired_bpp = 0;
    video_flags = 0;
    overlay_format = SDL_YV12_OVERLAY;

    while (argc > 1) {
        if (strcmp(argv[1], "-delay") == 0) {
            if (argv[2]) {
                delay = atoi(argv[2]);
                argv += 2;
                argc -= 2;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "The -delay option requires an argument\n");
                return (1);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-width") == 0) {
            if (argv[2] && ((w = atoi(argv[2])) > 0)) {
                argv += 2;
                argc -= 2;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "The -width option requires an argument\n");
                return (1);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-height") == 0) {
            if (argv[2] && ((h = atoi(argv[2])) > 0)) {
                argv += 2;
                argc -= 2;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "The -height option requires an argument\n");
                return (1);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-bpp") == 0) {
            if (argv[2]) {
                desired_bpp = atoi(argv[2]);
                argv += 2;
                argc -= 2;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "The -bpp option requires an argument\n");
                return (1);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-lum") == 0) {
            if (argv[2]) {
                luminance = atoi(argv[2]);
                argv += 2;
                argc -= 2;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "The -lum option requires an argument\n");
                return (1);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-format") == 0) {
            if (argv[2]) {
                if (!strcmp(argv[2], "YV12"))
                    overlay_format = SDL_YV12_OVERLAY;
                else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "IYUV"))
                    overlay_format = SDL_IYUV_OVERLAY;
                else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "YUY2"))
                    overlay_format = SDL_YUY2_OVERLAY;
                else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "UYVY"))
                    overlay_format = SDL_UYVY_OVERLAY;
                else if (!strcmp(argv[2], "YVYU"))
                    overlay_format = SDL_YVYU_OVERLAY;
                else {
                            "The -format option %s is not recognized\n",
                    return (1);
                argv += 2;
                argc -= 2;
            } else {
                fprintf(stderr, "The -format option requires an argument\n");
                return (1);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-hw") == 0) {
            video_flags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;
            argv += 1;
            argc -= 1;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-flip") == 0) {
            video_flags |= SDL_DOUBLEBUF;
            argv += 1;
            argc -= 1;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-scale") == 0) {
            scale = 1;
            argv += 1;
            argc -= 1;
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-mono") == 0) {
            monochrome = 1;
            argv += 1;
            argc -= 1;
        } else if ((strcmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0)
                   || (strcmp(argv[1], "-h") == 0)) {
            return (1);
        } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-fullscreen") == 0) {
            video_flags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;
            argv += 1;
            argc -= 1;
        } else
    if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
        return (1);

    /* Initialize the display */
    screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(w, h, desired_bpp, video_flags);
    if (screen == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't set %dx%dx%d video mode: %s\n",
                w, h, desired_bpp, SDL_GetError());
    printf("Set%s %dx%dx%d mode\n",
           screen->flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN ? " fullscreen" : "",
           screen->w, screen->h, screen->format->BitsPerPixel);
    printf("(video surface located in %s memory)\n",
           (screen->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) ? "video" : "system");
    if (screen->flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF) {
        printf("Double-buffering enabled\n");
        flip = 1;

    /* Set the window manager title bar */
    SDL_WM_SetCaption("SDL test overlay", "testoverlay");

    /* Load picture */
    bmpfile = (argv[1] ? argv[1] : "sample.bmp");
    pic = SDL_LoadBMP(bmpfile);
    if (pic == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load %s: %s\n", bmpfile, SDL_GetError());

    /* Convert the picture to 32bits, for easy conversion */
        SDL_Surface *newsurf;
        SDL_PixelFormat format;

        format.palette = NULL;
        format.BitsPerPixel = 32;
        format.BytesPerPixel = 4;
        format.Rshift = 0;
        format.Gshift = 8;
        format.Bshift = 16;
        format.Rshift = 24;
        format.Gshift = 16;
        format.Bshift = 8;
        format.Ashift = 0;
        format.Rmask = 0xff << format.Rshift;
        format.Gmask = 0xff << format.Gshift;
        format.Bmask = 0xff << format.Bshift;
        format.Amask = 0;
        format.Rloss = 0;
        format.Gloss = 0;
        format.Bloss = 0;
        format.Aloss = 8;

        newsurf = SDL_ConvertSurface(pic, &format, SDL_SWSURFACE);
        if (!newsurf) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't convert picture to 32bits RGB: %s\n",
        pic = newsurf;

    /* Create the overlay */
    overlay = SDL_CreateYUVOverlay(pic->w, pic->h, overlay_format, screen);
    if (overlay == NULL) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't create overlay: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
    printf("Created %dx%dx%d %s %s overlay\n", overlay->w, overlay->h,
           overlay->planes, overlay->hw_overlay ? "hardware" : "software",
           overlay->format == SDL_YV12_OVERLAY ? "YV12" : overlay->format ==
           SDL_IYUV_OVERLAY ? "IYUV" : overlay->format ==
           SDL_YUY2_OVERLAY ? "YUY2" : overlay->format ==
           SDL_UYVY_OVERLAY ? "UYVY" : overlay->format ==
           SDL_YVYU_OVERLAY ? "YVYU" : "Unknown");
    for (i = 0; i < overlay->planes; i++) {
        printf("  plane %d: pitch=%d\n", i, overlay->pitches[i]);

    /* Convert to YUV, and draw to the overlay */
    then = SDL_GetTicks();
    switch (overlay->format) {
    case SDL_YV12_OVERLAY:
        ConvertRGBtoYV12(pic, overlay, monochrome, luminance);
        ConvertRGBtoUYVY(pic, overlay, monochrome, luminance);
        ConvertRGBtoYVYU(pic, overlay, monochrome, luminance);
    case SDL_YUY2_OVERLAY:
        ConvertRGBtoYUY2(pic, overlay, monochrome, luminance);
        ConvertRGBtoIYUV(pic, overlay, monochrome, luminance);
        printf("cannot convert RGB picture to obtained YUV format!\n");
    now = SDL_GetTicks();
    printf("Conversion Time: %d milliseconds\n", now - then);

    /* Do all the drawing work */
    then = SDL_GetTicks();
    now = SDL_GetTicks();
    printf("Time: %d milliseconds\n", now - then);
    SDL_Delay(delay * 1000);
    return (0);