view test/automated/render/render.c @ 4495:dbbfdb9ea716

Simplified clipboard API for sanity's sake. A complete clipboard implementation would support multiple formats that could be queried at runtime, events for when the clipboard contents changed, support for HTML, images, etc. We're not going that crazy, at least for now. :)
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Wed, 07 Jul 2010 23:54:03 -0700
parents 64ce267332c6
children 35afe807b51c
line wrap: on
line source

 * Automated SDL_Surface test.
 * Written by Edgar Simo "bobbens"
 * Released under Public Domain.

#include "SDL.h"
#include "../SDL_at.h"

#include "../common/common.h"

 * Pull in images for testcases.
#include "../common/images.h"

#define SCREEN_W     80
#define SCREEN_H     60

#define FACE_W       img_face.width
#define FACE_H       img_face.height

 * Prototypes.
static int render_compare( const char *msg, const SurfaceImage_t *s, int allowable_error );
static int render_isSupported( int code );
static int render_hasDrawColor (void);
static int render_hasBlendModes (void);
static int render_hasTexColor (void);
static int render_hasTexAlpha (void);
static int render_clearScreen (void);
/* Testcases. */
static int render_testReadWrite (void);
static int render_testPrimitives (void);
static int render_testPrimitivesBlend (void);
static int render_testBlit (void);
static int render_testBlitColour (void);
static int render_testBlitAlpha (void);
static int render_testBlitBlendMode( SDL_Texture * tface, int mode );
static int render_testBlitBlend (void);

 * @brief Compares screen pixels with image pixels.
 *    @param msg Message on failure.
 *    @param s Image to compare against.
 *    @return 0 on success.
static int render_compare( const char *msg, const SurfaceImage_t *s, int allowable_error )
   int ret;
   SDL_Rect rect;
   Uint8 pix[4*80*60];
   SDL_Surface *testsur;

   /* Read pixels. */
   /* Explicitly specify the rect in case the window isn't expected size... */
   rect.x = 0;
   rect.y = 0;
   rect.w = 80;
   rect.h = 60;
   ret = SDL_RenderReadPixels( &rect, FORMAT, pix, 80*4 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderReadPixels", ret==0) )
      return 1;

   /* Create surface. */
   testsur = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom( pix, 80, 60, 32, 80*4,
                                       RMASK, GMASK, BMASK, AMASK);
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom", testsur!=NULL ))
      return 1;

   /* Compare surface. */
   ret = surface_compare( testsur, s, allowable_error );
   if (SDL_ATassert( msg, ret==0 ))
      return 1;

   /* Clean up. */
   SDL_FreeSurface( testsur );

   return 0;

#if 0
static int dump_screen( int index )
   int ret;
   char name[1024];
   Uint8 pix[4*80*60];
   SDL_Surface *testsur;
   SDL_RendererInfo info;

   /* Read pixels. */
   ret = SDL_RenderReadPixels( NULL, FORMAT, pix, 80*4 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderReadPixels", ret==0) )
      return 1;

   /* Create surface. */
   testsur = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom( pix, 80, 60, 32, 80*4,
                                       RMASK, GMASK, BMASK, AMASK);
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom", testsur!=NULL ))
      return 1;

   /* Dump surface. */
   sprintf(name, "%s-%s-%d.bmp", SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(),, index);
   SDL_SaveBMP(testsur, name);

   /* Clean up. */
   SDL_FreeSurface( testsur );

   return 0;

 * @brief Checks to see if functionality is supported.
static int render_isSupported( int code )
   return (code == 0);

 * @brief Test to see if we can vary the draw colour.
static int render_hasDrawColor (void)
   int ret, fail;
   Uint8 r, g, b, a;

   fail = 0;

   /* Set colour. */
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 100, 100, 100, 100 );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_GetRenderDrawColor( &r, &g, &b, &a );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   /* Restore natural. */
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;

   /* Something failed, consider not available. */
   if (fail)
      return 0;
   /* Not set properly, consider failed. */
   else if ((r != 100) || (g != 100) || (b != 100) || (a != 100))
      return 0;
   return 1;

 * @brief Test to see if we can vary the blend mode.
static int render_hasBlendModes (void)
   int fail;
   int ret;
   int mode;

   fail = 0;

   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode( &mode );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = (mode != SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode( &mode );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = (mode != SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD);
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode( &mode );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = (mode != SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD);
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_MASK );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode( &mode );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = (mode != SDL_BLENDMODE_MASK);
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode( &mode );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = (mode != SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE);
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;

   return !fail;

 * @brief Loads the test face.
static SDL_Texture * render_loadTestFace (void)
   SDL_Surface *face;
   SDL_Texture *tface;

   /* Create face surface. */
   face = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom( (void*)img_face.pixel_data,
         img_face.width, img_face.height, 32, img_face.width*4,
         0xff000000, /* Red bit mask. */
         0x00ff0000, /* Green bit mask. */
         0x0000ff00, /* Blue bit mask. */
         0x000000ff /* Alpha bit mask. */
         0x000000ff, /* Red bit mask. */
         0x0000ff00, /* Green bit mask. */
         0x00ff0000, /* Blue bit mask. */
         0xff000000 /* Alpha bit mask. */
   if (face == NULL)
      return 0;
   tface = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( 0, face );

   return tface;

 * @brief Test to see if can set texture colour mode.
static int render_hasTexColor (void)
   int fail;
   int ret;
   SDL_Texture *tface;
   Uint8 r, g, b;

   /* Get test face. */
   tface = render_loadTestFace();
   if (tface == 0)
      return 0;

   /* See if supported. */
   fail = 0;
   ret = SDL_SetTextureColorMod( tface, 100, 100, 100 );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_GetTextureColorMod( tface, &r, &g, &b );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;

   /* Clean up. */
   SDL_DestroyTexture( tface );

   if (fail)
      return 0;
   else if ((r != 100) || (g != 100) || (b != 100))
      return 0;
   return 1;

 * @brief Test to see if we can vary the alpha of the texture.
static int render_hasTexAlpha (void)
   int fail;
   int ret;
   SDL_Texture *tface;
   Uint8 a;

   /* Get test face. */
   tface = render_loadTestFace();
   if (tface == 0)
      return 0;

   /* See if supported. */
   fail = 0;
   ret = SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod( tface, 100 );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;
   ret = SDL_GetTextureAlphaMod( tface, &a );
   if (!render_isSupported(ret))
      fail = 1;

   /* Clean up. */
   SDL_DestroyTexture( tface );

   if (fail)
      return 0;
   else if (a != 100)
      return 0;
   return 1;

 * @brief Clears the screen.
 * @note We don't test for errors, but they shouldn't happen.
static int render_clearScreen (void)
   int ret;

   /* Set colour. */
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;

   /* Clear screen. */
   ret = SDL_RenderFillRect( NULL );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderFillRect", ret == 0))
      return -1;

   /* Set defaults. */
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Test reading and writing framebuffer
static int render_testReadWrite (void)
   int ret;
   SDL_Rect rect;

   /* Write pixels. */
   rect.x = 0;
   rect.y = 0;
   rect.w = 80;
   rect.h = 60;
   ret = SDL_RenderWritePixels( &rect, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB24, img_primitives.pixel_data, img_primitives.width*img_primitives.bytes_per_pixel );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderWritePixels", ret==0) )
      return 1;

   /* See if it's the same. */
   if (render_compare( "Read/write output not the same.", &img_primitives, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_OPAQUE ))
      return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Tests the SDL primitives for rendering.
static int render_testPrimitives (void)
   int ret;
   int x, y;
   SDL_Rect rect;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Need drawcolour or just skip test. */
   if (!render_hasDrawColor())
      return 0;

   /* Draw a rectangle. */
   rect.x = 40;
   rect.y = 0;
   rect.w = 40;
   rect.h = 80;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 13, 73, 200, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderFillRect( &rect );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderFillRect", ret == 0))
      return -1;

   /* Draw a rectangle. */
   rect.x = 10;
   rect.y = 10;
   rect.w = 60;
   rect.h = 40;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 200, 0, 100, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderFillRect( &rect );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderFillRect", ret == 0))
      return -1;

   /* Draw some points like so:
    * X.X.X.X..
    * .X.X.X.X.
    * X.X.X.X.. */
   for (y=0; y<3; y++) {
      x = y % 2;
      for (; x<80; x+=2) {
         ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( x*y, x*y/2, x*y/3, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
            return -1;
         ret = SDL_RenderDrawPoint( x, y );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawPoint", ret == 0))
            return -1;

   /* Draw some lines. */
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 0, 255, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderDrawLine( 0, 30, 80, 30 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawLine", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 55, 55, 5, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderDrawLine( 40, 30, 40, 60 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawLine", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 5, 105, 105, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderDrawLine( 0, 0, 29, 29 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawLine", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderDrawLine( 29, 30, 0, 59 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawLine", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderDrawLine( 79, 0, 50, 29 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawLine", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderDrawLine( 79, 59, 50, 30 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawLine", ret == 0))
      return -1;

   /* See if it's the same. */
   if (render_compare( "Primitives output not the same.", &img_primitives, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_OPAQUE ))
      return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Tests the SDL primitives with alpha for rendering.
static int render_testPrimitivesBlend (void)
   int ret;
   int i, j;
   SDL_Rect rect;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Need drawcolour and blendmode or just skip test. */
   if (!render_hasDrawColor() || !render_hasBlendModes())
      return 0;

   /* Create some rectangles for each blend mode. */
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 0 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderFillRect( NULL );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderFillRect", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   rect.x = 10;
   rect.y = 25;
   rect.w = 40;
   rect.h = 25;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 240, 10, 10, 75 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderFillRect( &rect );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderFillRect", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   rect.x = 30;
   rect.y = 40;
   rect.w = 45;
   rect.h = 15;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 10, 240, 10, 100 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderFillRect( &rect );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderFillRect", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   rect.x = 25;
   rect.y = 25;
   rect.w = 25;
   rect.h = 25;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 10, 10, 240, 125 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode", ret == 0))
      return -1;
   ret = SDL_RenderFillRect( &rect );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderFillRect", ret == 0))
      return -1;

   /* Draw blended lines, lines for everyone. */
   for (i=0; i<SCREEN_W; i+=2)  {
      ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 60+2*i, 240-2*i, 50, 3*i );
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
         return -1;
      ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode((((i/2)%3)==0) ? SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND :
            (((i/2)%3)==1) ? SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD : SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD );
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode", ret == 0))
         return -1;
      ret = SDL_RenderDrawLine( 0, 0, i, 59 );
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawLine", ret == 0))
         return -1;
   for (i=0; i<SCREEN_H; i+=2)  {
      ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( 60+2*i, 240-2*i, 50, 3*i );
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
         return -1;
      ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode((((i/2)%3)==0) ? SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND :
            (((i/2)%3)==1) ? SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD : SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD );
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode", ret == 0))
         return -1;
      ret = SDL_RenderDrawLine( 0, 0, 79, i );
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawLine", ret == 0))
         return -1;

   /* Draw points. */
   for (j=0; j<SCREEN_H; j+=3) {
      for (i=0; i<SCREEN_W; i+=3) {
         ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawColor( j*4, i*3, j*4, i*3 );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor", ret == 0))
            return -1;
         ret = SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode( ((((i+j)/3)%3)==0) ? SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND :
               ((((i+j)/3)%3)==1) ? SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD : SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode", ret == 0))
            return -1;
         ret = SDL_RenderDrawPoint( i, j );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderDrawPoint", ret == 0))
            return -1;

   /* See if it's the same. */
   if (render_compare( "Blended primitives output not the same.", &img_blend, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_BLENDED ))
      return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Tests some blitting routines.
static int render_testBlit (void)
   int ret;
   SDL_Rect rect;
   SDL_Texture *tface;
   int i, j, ni, nj;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Need drawcolour or just skip test. */
   if (!render_hasDrawColor())
      return 0;

   /* Create face surface. */
   tface = render_loadTestFace();
   if (SDL_ATassert( "render_loadTestFace()", tface != 0))
      return -1;

   /* Constant values. */
   rect.w = img_face.width;
   rect.h = img_face.height;
   ni     = SCREEN_W - img_face.width;
   nj     = SCREEN_H - img_face.height;

   /* Loop blit. */
   for (j=0; j <= nj; j+=4) {
      for (i=0; i <= ni; i+=4) {
         /* Blitting. */
         rect.x = i;
         rect.y = j;
         ret = SDL_RenderCopy( tface, NULL, &rect );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderCopy", ret == 0))
            return -1;

   /* Clean up. */
   SDL_DestroyTexture( tface );

   /* See if it's the same. */
   if (render_compare( "Blit output not the same.", &img_blit, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_OPAQUE ))
      return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Blits doing colour tests.
static int render_testBlitColour (void)
   int ret;
   SDL_Rect rect;
   SDL_Texture *tface;
   int i, j, ni, nj;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Need drawcolour or just skip test. */
   if (!render_hasTexColor())
      return 0;

   /* Create face surface. */
   tface = render_loadTestFace();
   if (SDL_ATassert( "render_loadTestFace()", tface != 0))
      return -1;

   /* Constant values. */
   rect.w = img_face.width;
   rect.h = img_face.height;
   ni     = SCREEN_W - img_face.width;
   nj     = SCREEN_H - img_face.height;

   /* Test blitting with colour mod. */
   for (j=0; j <= nj; j+=4) {
      for (i=0; i <= ni; i+=4) {
         /* Set colour mod. */
         ret = SDL_SetTextureColorMod( tface, (255/nj)*j, (255/ni)*i, (255/nj)*j );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetTextureColorMod", ret == 0))
            return -1;

         /* Blitting. */
         rect.x = i;
         rect.y = j;
         ret = SDL_RenderCopy( tface, NULL, &rect );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderCopy", ret == 0))
            return -1;

   /* Clean up. */
   SDL_DestroyTexture( tface );

   /* See if it's the same. */
   if (render_compare( "Blit output not the same (using SDL_SetTextureColorMod).",
            &img_blitColour, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_OPAQUE ))
      return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Tests blitting with alpha.
static int render_testBlitAlpha (void)
   int ret;
   SDL_Rect rect;
   SDL_Texture *tface;
   int i, j, ni, nj;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Need alpha or just skip test. */
   if (!render_hasTexAlpha())
      return 0;

   /* Create face surface. */
   tface = render_loadTestFace();
   if (SDL_ATassert( "render_loadTestFace()", tface != 0))
      return -1;

   /* Constant values. */
   rect.w = img_face.width;
   rect.h = img_face.height;
   ni     = SCREEN_W - img_face.width;
   nj     = SCREEN_H - img_face.height;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Test blitting with alpha mod. */
   for (j=0; j <= nj; j+=4) {
      for (i=0; i <= ni; i+=4) {
         /* Set alpha mod. */
         ret = SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod( tface, (255/ni)*i );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod", ret == 0))
            return -1;

         /* Blitting. */
         rect.x = i;
         rect.y = j;
         ret = SDL_RenderCopy( tface, NULL, &rect );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderCopy", ret == 0))
            return -1;

   /* Clean up. */
   SDL_DestroyTexture( tface );

   /* See if it's the same. */
   if (render_compare( "Blit output not the same (using SDL_SetSurfaceAlphaMod).",
            &img_blitAlpha, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_BLENDED ))
      return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Tests a blend mode.
static int render_testBlitBlendMode( SDL_Texture * tface, int mode )
   int ret;
   int i, j, ni, nj;
   SDL_Rect rect;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Steps to take. */
   ni     = SCREEN_W - FACE_W;
   nj     = SCREEN_H - FACE_H;

   /* Constant values. */
   rect.w = FACE_W;
   rect.h = FACE_H;

   /* Test blend mode. */
   for (j=0; j <= nj; j+=4) {
      for (i=0; i <= ni; i+=4) {
         /* Set blend mode. */
         ret = SDL_SetTextureBlendMode( tface, mode );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetTextureBlendMode", ret == 0))
            return -1;

         /* Blitting. */
         rect.x = i;
         rect.y = j;
         ret = SDL_RenderCopy( tface, NULL, &rect );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderCopy", ret == 0))
            return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Tests some more blitting routines.
static int render_testBlitBlend (void)
   int ret;
   SDL_Rect rect;
   SDL_Texture *tface;
   int i, j, ni, nj;
   int mode;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Need drawcolour and blendmode or just skip test. */
   if (!render_hasBlendModes() || !render_hasTexColor() || !render_hasTexAlpha())
      return 0;

   /* Create face surface. */
   tface = render_loadTestFace();
   if (SDL_ATassert( "render_loadTestFace()", tface != 0))
      return -1;

   /* Steps to take. */
   ni     = SCREEN_W - FACE_W;
   nj     = SCREEN_H - FACE_H;

   /* Constant values. */
   rect.w = img_face.width;
   rect.h = img_face.height;

   /* Set alpha mod. */
   ret = SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod( tface, 100 );
   if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod", ret == 0))
      return -1;

   /* Test None. */
   if (render_testBlitBlendMode( tface, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE ))
      return -1;
   /* See if it's the same. */
   if (render_compare( "Blit blending output not the same (using SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE).",
            &img_blendNone, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_OPAQUE ))
      return -1;

   /* Test Mask. */
   if (render_testBlitBlendMode( tface, SDL_BLENDMODE_MASK ))
      return -1;
   if (render_compare( "Blit blending output not the same (using SDL_BLENDMODE_MASK).",
            &img_blendMask, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_OPAQUE ))
      return -1;

   /* Test Blend. */
   if (render_testBlitBlendMode( tface, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND ))
      return -1;
   if (render_compare( "Blit blending output not the same (using SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND).",
            &img_blendBlend, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_BLENDED ))
      return -1;

   /* Test Add. */
   if (render_testBlitBlendMode( tface, SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD ))
      return -1;
   if (render_compare( "Blit blending output not the same (using SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD).",
            &img_blendAdd, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_BLENDED ))
      return -1;

   /* Test Mod. */
   if (render_testBlitBlendMode( tface, SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD ))
      return -1;
   if (render_compare( "Blit blending output not the same (using SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD).",
            &img_blendMod, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_BLENDED ))
      return -1;

   /* Clear surface. */
   if (render_clearScreen())
      return -1;

   /* Loop blit. */
   for (j=0; j <= nj; j+=4) {
      for (i=0; i <= ni; i+=4) {

         /* Set colour mod. */
         ret = SDL_SetTextureColorMod( tface, (255/nj)*j, (255/ni)*i, (255/nj)*j );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetTextureColorMod", ret == 0))
            return -1;

         /* Set alpha mod. */
         ret = SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod( tface, (100/ni)*i );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod", ret == 0))
            return -1;

         /* Crazy blending mode magic. */
         mode = (i/4*j/4) % 4;
         if (mode==0) mode = SDL_BLENDMODE_MASK;
         else if (mode==1) mode = SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND;
         else if (mode==2) mode = SDL_BLENDMODE_ADD;
         else if (mode==3) mode = SDL_BLENDMODE_MOD;
         ret = SDL_SetTextureBlendMode( tface, mode );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_SetTextureBlendMode", ret == 0))
            return -1;

         /* Blitting. */
         rect.x = i;
         rect.y = j;
         ret = SDL_RenderCopy( tface, NULL, &rect );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_RenderCopy", ret == 0))
            return -1;

   /* Clean up. */
   SDL_DestroyTexture( tface );

   /* Check to see if matches. */
   if (render_compare( "Blit blending output not the same (using SDL_BLENDMODE_*).",
            &img_blendAll, ALLOWABLE_ERROR_BLENDED ))
      return -1;

   return 0;

 * @brief Runs all the tests on the surface.
 *    @return 0 on success.
int render_runTests (void)
   int ret;

   /* No error. */
   ret = 0;

   /* Test functionality first. */
   if (render_hasDrawColor())
      SDL_ATprintVerbose( 1, "      Draw Color supported\n" );
   if (render_hasBlendModes())
      SDL_ATprintVerbose( 1, "      Blend Modes supported\n" );
   if (render_hasTexColor())
      SDL_ATprintVerbose( 1, "      Texture Color Mod supported\n" );
   if (render_hasTexAlpha())
      SDL_ATprintVerbose( 1, "      Texture Alpha Mod supported\n" );

   /* Software surface blitting. */
   ret = render_testReadWrite();
   if (ret)
      return -1;
   ret = render_testPrimitives();
   if (ret)
      return -1;
   ret = render_testPrimitivesBlend();
   if (ret)
      return -1;
   ret = render_testBlit();
   if (ret)
      return -1;
   ret = render_testBlitColour();
   if (ret)
      return -1;
   ret = render_testBlitAlpha();
   if (ret)
      return -1;
   ret = render_testBlitBlend();

   return ret;

 * @brief Entry point.
 * This testsuite is tricky, we're creating a testsuite per driver, the thing
 *  is we do quite a of stuff outside of the actual testcase which *could*
 *  give issues. Don't like that very much, but no way around without creating
 *  superfluous testsuites.
int main( int argc, const char *argv[] )
   (void) argc;
   (void) argv;
int test_render (void)
#endif /* TEST_STANDALONE */
   int failed;
   int i, j, nd, nr;
   int ret;
   const char *driver, *str;
   char msg[256];
   SDL_Window *w;
   SDL_RendererInfo renderer;

   /* Initializes the SDL subsystems. */
   ret = SDL_Init(0);
   if (ret != 0)
      return -1;

   /* Get number of drivers. */
   nd = SDL_GetNumVideoDrivers();
   if (nd < 0)
      goto err;
   SDL_ATprintVerbose( 1, "%d Video Drivers found\n", nd );

   /* Now run on the video mode. */
   ret = SDL_InitSubSystem( SDL_INIT_VIDEO );
   if (ret != 0)
      goto err;

    * Surface on video mode tests.
   /* Run for all video modes. */
   failed = 0;
   for (i=0; i<nd; i++) {
      /* Get video mode. */
      driver = SDL_GetVideoDriver(i);
      if (driver == NULL)
         goto err;
      SDL_ATprintVerbose( 1, " %d) %s\n", i+1, driver );

       * Initialize testsuite.
      SDL_snprintf( msg, sizeof(msg) , "Rendering with %s driver", driver );
      SDL_ATinit( msg );

       * Initialize.
      SDL_ATbegin( "Initializing video mode" );
      /* Initialize video mode. */
      ret = SDL_VideoInit( driver, 0 );
      if (SDL_ATvassert( ret==0, "SDL_VideoInit( %s, 0 )", driver ))
         goto err_cleanup;
      /* Check to see if it's the one we want. */
      str = SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver();
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver", SDL_strcmp(driver,str)==0))
         goto err_cleanup;
      /* Create window. */
            80, 60, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN );
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_CreateWindow", w!=NULL ))
         goto err_cleanup;
      /* Check title. */
      str = SDL_GetWindowTitle( w );
      if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_GetWindowTitle", SDL_strcmp(msg,str)==0))
         goto err_cleanup;
      /* Get renderers. */
      nr = SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers();
      if (SDL_ATassert("SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers", nr>=0))
         goto err_cleanup;
      SDL_ATprintVerbose( 1, "   %d Render Drivers\n", nr );
      for (j=0; j<nr; j++) {

         /* We have to recreate window each time, because opengl and opengles renderers */
         /* both add SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL flag for window, that was last used              */
               80, 60, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_CreateWindow", w!=NULL ))
            goto err_cleanup;

         /* Get renderer info. */
         ret = SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo( j, &renderer );
         if (ret != 0)
            goto err_cleanup;

         /* Set testcase name. */
         SDL_snprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), "Renderer %s", );
         SDL_ATprintVerbose( 1, "    %d) %s\n", j+1, );
         SDL_ATbegin( msg );

         /* Set renderer. */
         ret = SDL_CreateRenderer( w, j, 0 );
         if (SDL_ATassert( "SDL_CreateRenderer", ret==0 ))
            goto err_cleanup;

          * Run tests.
         ret = render_runTests();

         if (ret)

      /* Exit the current renderer. */

       * Finish testsuite.
      failed += SDL_ATfinish();

   /* Exit SDL. */

   return failed;


   return 1;