view src/cdrom/macosx/CDPlayer.cpp @ 773:da0a2ad35bf4

Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 23:48:19 +0100 From: Max Horn Subject: Re: Again Audio CD patch Am 04.01.2004 um 22:38 schrieb Sam Lantinga: > > Okay, I fixed the buffering problems by simply using a 4 second buffer > instead of a 1 second buffer. However, using your code I can't play an > entire CD - the playback stops after the first song. > Found the problem: FSReadFork returns eofErr when the file is finished. However, we check its return value for errors, and if anything but noErr occurs, the reader thread aborts its current iteration. That is bad, because it aborts before it can ever set the flag which tells that the file is over (also, any remaining data which FSRead did return is lost - so you'd not hear about to 4 seconds from the end of the file. Furthermore, the computed data size was 8 bytes to high (I forgot to account for the fact that the size of an (A)IFF chunk always contains the chunk header & size fields, too). This is enough to make it work. However, the end condition is rather fragile, so I tuned some other things to be pessimistic (check for <= 0 instead of == 0, when eofErr is encountered enforce mReadFilePosition == mFileLength). You never know... The attached patch fixes the issue for me.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Mon, 05 Jan 2004 00:57:51 +0000
parents 336603031bab
children 08b7fc2b5225
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002  Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

#include "CDPlayer.h"
#include "AudioFilePlayer.h"
#include "CAGuard.h"

// we're exporting these functions into C land for SDL_syscdrom.c
extern "C" {

//  Constants

#define kAudioCDFilesystemID   (UInt16)(('J' << 8) | 'H') // 'JH'; this avoids compiler warning

// XML PList keys
#define kRawTOCDataString           "Format 0x02 TOC Data"
#define kSessionsString             "Sessions"
#define kSessionTypeString          "Session Type"
#define kTrackArrayString           "Track Array"
#define kFirstTrackInSessionString      "First Track"
#define kLastTrackInSessionString       "Last Track"
#define kLeadoutBlockString         "Leadout Block"
#define kDataKeyString              "Data"
#define kPointKeyString             "Point"
#define kSessionNumberKeyString         "Session Number"
#define kStartBlockKeyString            "Start Block"   
//  Globals

#pragma mark -- Globals --

static bool             playBackWasInit = false;
static AudioUnit        theUnit;
static AudioFilePlayer* thePlayer = NULL;
static CDPlayerCompletionProc   completionProc = NULL;
static pthread_mutex_t  apiMutex;
static pthread_t        callbackThread;
static pthread_mutex_t  callbackMutex;
static volatile  int    runCallBackThread;
static int              initMutex = SDL_TRUE;
static SDL_CD*          theCDROM;

//  Prototypes

#pragma mark -- Prototypes --

OSStatus CheckInit ();

OSStatus MatchAUFormats (AudioUnit theUnit, UInt32 theInputBus);

void     FilePlayNotificationHandler (void* inRefCon, OSStatus inStatus);

void*    RunCallBackThread (void* inRefCon);

#pragma mark -- Public Functions --

void     Lock ()
    if (initMutex) {
        pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
        pthread_mutexattr_init (&attr);
        pthread_mutex_init (&apiMutex, &attr);
        pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attr);
        initMutex = SDL_FALSE;
    pthread_mutex_lock (&apiMutex);

void     Unlock ()
    pthread_mutex_unlock (&apiMutex);

//  DetectAudioCDVolumes

int DetectAudioCDVolumes(FSVolumeRefNum *volumes, int numVolumes)
    int volumeIndex;
    int cdVolumeCount = 0;
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    for (volumeIndex = 1; result == noErr || result != nsvErr; volumeIndex++)
        FSVolumeRefNum  actualVolume;
        FSVolumeInfo    volumeInfo;
        memset (&volumeInfo, 0, sizeof(volumeInfo));
        result = FSGetVolumeInfo (kFSInvalidVolumeRefNum,
        if (result == noErr)
            if (volumeInfo.filesystemID == kAudioCDFilesystemID) // It's an audio CD
                if (volumes != NULL && cdVolumeCount < numVolumes)
                    volumes[cdVolumeCount] = actualVolume;
            // I'm commenting this out because it seems to be harmless
            //SDL_SetError ("DetectAudioCDVolumes: FSGetVolumeInfo returned %d", result);
    return cdVolumeCount;

//  ReadTOCData

int ReadTOCData (FSVolumeRefNum theVolume, SDL_CD *theCD)
    HFSUniStr255      dataForkName;
    OSStatus          theErr;
    SInt16            forkRefNum;
    SInt64            forkSize;
    Ptr               forkData = 0;
    ByteCount         actualRead;
    CFDataRef         dataRef = 0;
    CFPropertyListRef propertyListRef = 0;

    FSRefParam      fsRefPB;
    FSRef           tocPlistFSRef;
    const char* error = "Unspecified Error";
    // get stuff from .TOC.plist                                                   
    fsRefPB.ioCompletion = NULL;
    fsRefPB.ioNamePtr = "\p.TOC.plist";
    fsRefPB.ioVRefNum = theVolume;
    fsRefPB.ioDirID = 0;
    fsRefPB.newRef = &tocPlistFSRef;
    theErr = PBMakeFSRefSync (&fsRefPB);
    if(theErr != noErr) {
        error = "PBMakeFSRefSync";
        goto bail;
    // Load and parse the TOC XML data

    theErr = FSGetDataForkName (&dataForkName);
    if (theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSGetDataForkName";
        goto bail;
    theErr = FSOpenFork (&tocPlistFSRef, dataForkName.length, dataForkName.unicode, fsRdPerm, &forkRefNum);
    if (theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSOpenFork";
        goto bail;
    theErr = FSGetForkSize (forkRefNum, &forkSize);
    if (theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSGetForkSize";
        goto bail;
    // Allocate some memory for the XML data
    forkData = NewPtr (forkSize);
    if(forkData == NULL) {
        error = "NewPtr";
        goto bail;
    theErr = FSReadFork (forkRefNum, fsFromStart, 0 /* offset location */, forkSize, forkData, &actualRead);
    if(theErr != noErr) {
        error = "FSReadFork";
        goto bail;
    dataRef = CFDataCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (UInt8 *)forkData, forkSize);
    if(dataRef == 0) {
        error = "CFDataCreate";
        goto bail;

    propertyListRef = CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData (kCFAllocatorDefault,
    if (propertyListRef == NULL) {
        error = "CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData";
        goto bail;

    // Now we got the Property List in memory. Parse it.
    // First, make sure the root item is a CFDictionary. If not, release and bail.
    if(CFGetTypeID(propertyListRef)== CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
        CFDictionaryRef dictRef = (CFDictionaryRef)propertyListRef;
        CFDataRef   theRawTOCDataRef;
        CFArrayRef  theSessionArrayRef;
        CFIndex     numSessions;
        CFIndex     index;
        // This is how we get the Raw TOC Data
        theRawTOCDataRef = (CFDataRef)CFDictionaryGetValue (dictRef, CFSTR(kRawTOCDataString));
        // Get the session array info.
        theSessionArrayRef = (CFArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue (dictRef, CFSTR(kSessionsString));
        // Find out how many sessions there are.
        numSessions = CFArrayGetCount (theSessionArrayRef);
        // Initialize the total number of tracks to 0
        theCD->numtracks = 0;
        // Iterate over all sessions, collecting the track data
        for(index = 0; index < numSessions; index++)
            CFDictionaryRef theSessionDict;
            CFNumberRef     leadoutBlock;
            CFArrayRef      trackArray;
            CFIndex         numTracks;
            CFIndex         trackIndex;
            UInt32          value = 0;
            theSessionDict      = (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (theSessionArrayRef, index);
            leadoutBlock        = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue (theSessionDict, CFSTR(kLeadoutBlockString));
            trackArray = (CFArrayRef)CFDictionaryGetValue (theSessionDict, CFSTR(kTrackArrayString));
            numTracks = CFArrayGetCount (trackArray);

            for(trackIndex = 0; trackIndex < numTracks; trackIndex++) {
                CFDictionaryRef theTrackDict;
                CFNumberRef     trackNumber;
                CFNumberRef     sessionNumber;
                CFNumberRef     startBlock;
                CFBooleanRef    isDataTrack;
                UInt32          value;
                theTrackDict  = (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (trackArray, trackIndex);
                trackNumber   = (CFNumberRef)  CFDictionaryGetValue (theTrackDict, CFSTR(kPointKeyString));
                sessionNumber = (CFNumberRef)  CFDictionaryGetValue (theTrackDict, CFSTR(kSessionNumberKeyString));
                startBlock    = (CFNumberRef)  CFDictionaryGetValue (theTrackDict, CFSTR(kStartBlockKeyString));
                isDataTrack   = (CFBooleanRef) CFDictionaryGetValue (theTrackDict, CFSTR(kDataKeyString));
                // Fill in the SDL_CD struct
                int idx = theCD->numtracks++;

                CFNumberGetValue (trackNumber, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value);
                theCD->track[idx].id = value;
                CFNumberGetValue (startBlock, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value);
                theCD->track[idx].offset = value;

                theCD->track[idx].type = (isDataTrack == kCFBooleanTrue) ? SDL_DATA_TRACK : SDL_AUDIO_TRACK;

                // Since the track lengths are not stored in .TOC.plist we compute them.
                if (trackIndex > 0) {
                    theCD->track[idx-1].length = theCD->track[idx].offset - theCD->track[idx-1].offset;
            // Compute the length of the last track
            CFNumberGetValue (leadoutBlock, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &value);
            theCD->track[theCD->numtracks-1].length = 
                value - theCD->track[theCD->numtracks-1].offset;

            // Set offset to leadout track
            theCD->track[theCD->numtracks].offset = value;

    theErr = 0;
    goto cleanup;
    SDL_SetError ("ReadTOCData: %s returned %d", error, theErr);
    theErr = -1;

    if (propertyListRef != NULL)
    if (dataRef != NULL)
    if (forkData != NULL)
    FSCloseFork (forkRefNum);

    return theErr;

//  ListTrackFiles

int ListTrackFiles (FSVolumeRefNum theVolume, FSRef *trackFiles, int numTracks)
    OSStatus        result = -1;
    FSIterator      iterator;
    ItemCount       actualObjects;
    FSRef           rootDirectory;
    FSRef           ref;
    HFSUniStr255    nameStr;
    result = FSGetVolumeInfo (theVolume,
    if (result != noErr) {
        SDL_SetError ("ListTrackFiles: FSGetVolumeInfo returned %d", result);
        goto bail;

    result = FSOpenIterator (&rootDirectory, kFSIterateFlat, &iterator);
    if (result == noErr) {
            result = FSGetCatalogInfoBulk (iterator, 1, &actualObjects,
                                           NULL, kFSCatInfoNone, NULL, &ref, NULL, &nameStr);
            if (result == noErr) {
                CFStringRef  name;
                name = CFStringCreateWithCharacters (NULL, nameStr.unicode, nameStr.length);
                // Look for .aiff extension
                if (CFStringHasSuffix (name, CFSTR(".aiff")) ||
                    CFStringHasSuffix (name, CFSTR(".cdda"))) {
                    // Extract the track id from the filename
                    int trackID = 0, i = 0;
                    while (i < nameStr.length && !isdigit(nameStr.unicode[i])) {
                    while (i < nameStr.length && isdigit(nameStr.unicode[i])) {
                        trackID = 10 * trackID +(nameStr.unicode[i] - '0');

                    #if DEBUG_CDROM
                    printf("Found AIFF for track %d: '%s'\n", trackID, 
                    CFStringGetCStringPtr (name, CFStringGetSystemEncoding()));
                    // Track ID's start at 1, but we want to start at 0
                    assert(0 <= trackID && trackID <= SDL_MAX_TRACKS);
                    if (trackID < numTracks)
                        memcpy (&trackFiles[trackID], &ref, sizeof(FSRef));
                CFRelease (name);
        } while(noErr == result);
        FSCloseIterator (iterator);
    result = 0;
    return result;

//  LoadFile

int LoadFile (const FSRef *ref, int startFrame, int stopFrame)
    int error = -1;
    if (CheckInit () < 0)
        goto bail;
    // release any currently playing file
    if (ReleaseFile () < 0)
        goto bail;
    printf ("LoadFile: %d %d\n", startFrame, stopFrame);
    try {
        // create a new player, and attach to the audio unit
        thePlayer = new AudioFilePlayer(ref);
        if (thePlayer == NULL) {
            SDL_SetError ("LoadFile: Could not create player");
            throw (-3);
        thePlayer->SetDestination(theUnit, 0);
        if (startFrame >= 0)
            thePlayer->SetStartFrame (startFrame);
        if (stopFrame >= 0 && stopFrame > startFrame)
            thePlayer->SetStopFrame (stopFrame);
        // we set the notifier later
        //thePlayer->SetNotifier(FilePlayNotificationHandler, NULL);
        #if DEBUG_CDROM
        fflush (stdout);
    catch (...)
        goto bail;
    error = 0;

    return error;

//  ReleaseFile

int ReleaseFile ()
    int error = -1;
    try {
        if (thePlayer != NULL) {
            delete thePlayer;
            thePlayer = NULL;
    catch (...)
        goto bail;
    error = 0;
    return error;

//  PlayFile

int PlayFile ()
    OSStatus result = -1;
    if (CheckInit () < 0)
        goto bail;
    try {
        // start processing of the audio unit
        result = AudioOutputUnitStart (theUnit);
            THROW_RESULT("PlayFile: AudioOutputUnitStart")    
    catch (...)
        goto bail;
    result = 0;
    return result;

//  PauseFile

int PauseFile ()
    OSStatus result = -1;
    if (CheckInit () < 0)
        goto bail;
    try {
        // stop processing the audio unit
        result = AudioOutputUnitStop (theUnit);
            THROW_RESULT("PauseFile: AudioOutputUnitStop")
    catch (...)
        goto bail;
    result = 0;
    return result;

//  SetCompletionProc

void SetCompletionProc (CDPlayerCompletionProc proc, SDL_CD *cdrom)
    assert(thePlayer != NULL);

    theCDROM = cdrom;
    completionProc = proc;
    thePlayer->SetNotifier (FilePlayNotificationHandler, cdrom);

int GetCurrentFrame ()
    int frame;
    if (thePlayer == NULL)
        frame = 0;
        frame = thePlayer->GetCurrentFrame ();
    return frame; 

#pragma mark -- Private Functions --

OSStatus CheckInit ()
    if (playBackWasInit)
        return 0;
    OSStatus result = noErr;
    // Create the callback mutex
    pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
    pthread_mutexattr_init (&attr);
    pthread_mutex_init (&callbackMutex, &attr);
    pthread_mutexattr_destroy (&attr);
    pthread_mutex_lock (&callbackMutex);
    // Start callback thread
    pthread_attr_t attr1;
    pthread_attr_init (&attr1);        
    pthread_create (&callbackThread, &attr1, RunCallBackThread, NULL);
    pthread_attr_destroy (&attr1);

    try {
        ComponentDescription desc;
        desc.componentType = kAudioUnitComponentType;
        desc.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_Output;
        desc.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitID_DefaultOutput;
        desc.componentFlags = 0;
        desc.componentFlagsMask = 0;
        Component comp = FindNextComponent (NULL, &desc);
        if (comp == NULL) {
            SDL_SetError ("CheckInit: FindNextComponent returned NULL");
        result = OpenAComponent (comp, &theUnit);
            THROW_RESULT("CheckInit: OpenAComponent")
        // you need to initialize the output unit before you set it as a destination
        result = AudioUnitInitialize (theUnit);
            THROW_RESULT("CheckInit: AudioUnitInitialize")
        // In this case we first want to get the output format of the OutputUnit
        // Then we set that as the input format. Why?
        // So that only a single conversion process is done
        // when SetDestination is called it will get the input format of the
        // unit its supplying data to. This defaults to 44.1K, stereo, so if
        // the device is not that, then we lose a possibly rendering of data
        result = MatchAUFormats (theUnit, 0);
            THROW_RESULT("CheckInit: MatchAUFormats")
        playBackWasInit = true;
    catch (...)
        return -1;
    return 0;

OSStatus MatchAUFormats (AudioUnit theUnit, UInt32 theInputBus)
    AudioStreamBasicDescription theDesc;
    UInt32 size = sizeof (theDesc);
    OSStatus result = AudioUnitGetProperty (theUnit,
        THROW_RESULT("MatchAUFormats: AudioUnitGetProperty")

    result = AudioUnitSetProperty (theUnit,
    return result;

void FilePlayNotificationHandler(void * inRefCon, OSStatus inStatus)
    if (inStatus == kAudioFilePlay_FileIsFinished) {
        // notify non-CA thread to perform the callback
        pthread_mutex_unlock (&callbackMutex);
    } else if (inStatus == kAudioFilePlayErr_FilePlayUnderrun) {
        SDL_SetError ("CDPlayer Notification: buffer underrun");
    } else if (inStatus == kAudioFilePlay_PlayerIsUninitialized) {
        SDL_SetError ("CDPlayer Notification: player is uninitialized");
    } else {
        SDL_SetError ("CDPlayer Notification: unknown error %ld", inStatus);

void* RunCallBackThread (void *param)
    runCallBackThread = 1;
    while (runCallBackThread) {
        pthread_mutex_lock (&callbackMutex);

        if (completionProc && theCDROM) {
            #if DEBUG_CDROM
            printf ("callback!\n");
        } else {
            #if DEBUG_CDROM
            printf ("callback?\n");
    runCallBackThread = -1;
    printf ("thread dying now...\n");
    return NULL;

}; // extern "C"