view docs/man3/SDL_AudioSpec.3 @ 1135:cf6133247d34

Mac Classic and CodeWarrior patches. --ryan. From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= <> Subject: Re: [SDL] Updated Mac patch Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2005 15:21:27 +0200 To: A list for developers using the SDL library <> Earlier, I wrote: > Updated the previous Mac patch to disable Carbon by default. > Also "fixed" the SDL.spec again, so that it builds on Darwin. > > > Also applied fine to SDL12 CVS, when I tried it. > > Haven't completed any new packaging or projects for Xcode/PB, > but it seems to build and install fine here (in development). Tested the new patch to build with old CodeWarrior and MPW, and it seems it needed some hacks with those old headers... Just in case you want to support the archeological versions - here is a small add-on to the above patch, to fix those... I couldn't get the old CW5 projects to build without a few modifications - such as deleting the stray old header in: "CWprojects/Support/Carbon/Include/ConditionalMacros.h" ? But I updated both projects to CW6 too and built for Carbon, and it ran all of the Mac test projects without any problems. The MPW file seems to have compiled, with a small order change. As long as you're still shipping the CWProjects and MPWmake with the download, they should probably be updated/fixed ? (another "solution" would of course be to just delete them) I'll post my new projects along with the new Xcode projects later on, along with XML exports of the various .mcp files. (CW5 builds for Classic / "PPC", and CW6 builds for Carbon) It'll be packaged as a part of the next SpriteWorld X release... [Classic/Carbon/Win/X11] --anders
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Thu, 08 Sep 2005 06:34:28 +0000
parents e5bc29de3f0a
children 546f7c1eb755
line wrap: on
line source

.TH "SDL_AudioSpec" "3" "Tue 11 Sep 2001, 22:58" "SDL" "SDL API Reference" 
SDL_AudioSpec\- Audio Specification Structure
\f(CWtypedef struct{
  int freq;
  Uint16 format;
  Uint8 channels;
  Uint8 silence;
  Uint16 samples;
  Uint32 size;
  void (*callback)(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len);
  void *userdata;
} SDL_AudioSpec;\fR
.TP 20
Audio frequency in samples per second
.TP 20
Audio data format
.TP 20
Number of channels: 1 mono, 2 stereo
.TP 20
Audio buffer silence value (calculated)
.TP 20
Audio buffer size in samples
.TP 20
Audio buffer size in bytes (calculated)
.TP 20
Callback function for filling the audio buffer
.TP 20
Pointer the user data which is passed to the callback function
The \fBSDL_AudioSpec\fR structure is used to describe the format of some audio data\&. This structure is used by \fI\fBSDL_OpenAudio\fP\fR and \fI\fBSDL_LoadWAV\fP\fR\&. While all fields are used by \fBSDL_OpenAudio\fP only \fBfreq\fR, \fBformat\fR, \fBsamples\fR and \fBchannels\fR are used by \fBSDL_LoadWAV\fP\&. We will detail these common members here\&.
.TP 20
The number of samples sent to the sound device every second\&. Common values are 11025, 22050 and 44100\&. The higher the better\&.
.TP 20
Specifies the size and type of each sample element 
.IP "\fBAUDIO_U8\fP" 10Unsigned 8-bit samples
.IP "\fBAUDIO_S8\fP" 10Signed 8-bit samples
.IP "\fBAUDIO_U16\fP or \fBAUDIO_U16LSB\fP" 10Unsigned 16-bit little-endian samples
.IP "\fBAUDIO_S16\fP or \fBAUDIO_S16LSB\fP" 10Signed 16-bit little-endian samples
.IP "\fBAUDIO_U16MSB\fP" 10Unsigned 16-bit big-endian samples
.IP "\fBAUDIO_S16MSB\fP" 10Signed 16-bit big-endian samples
.IP "\fBAUDIO_U16SYS\fP" 10Either \fBAUDIO_U16LSB\fP or \fBAUDIO_U16MSB\fP depending on you systems endianness
.IP "\fBAUDIO_S16SYS\fP" 10Either \fBAUDIO_S16LSB\fP or \fBAUDIO_S16MSB\fP depending on you systems endianness
.TP 20
The number of seperate sound channels\&. 1 is mono (single channel), 2 is stereo (dual channel)\&.
.TP 20
When used with \fI\fBSDL_OpenAudio\fP\fR this refers to the size of the audio buffer in samples\&. A sample a chunk of audio data of the size specified in \fBformat\fR mulitplied by the number of channels\&. When the \fBSDL_AudioSpec\fR is used with \fI\fBSDL_LoadWAV\fP\fR \fBsamples\fR is set to 4096\&.
\fI\fBSDL_OpenAudio\fP\fR, \fI\fBSDL_LoadWAV\fP\fR
...\" created by instant / docbook-to-man, Tue 11 Sep 2001, 22:58