view docs/man3/ @ 58:bd6b0a910a65

* Removed fullscreen menu option from the "Window" menu * Updated the BUGS file * Fixed command line parameters when launched from Finder * Implemented setting the icon window caption * Implemented frameless style windows * Added note about SDL_RESIZABLE implementation to SDL_QuartzVideo.m * Window close requests now go through the event filtering system
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Mon, 11 Jun 2001 06:44:43 +0000
parents 74212992fb08
children e5bc29de3f0a
line wrap: on
line source

man_MANS =  \
    SDLKey.3 \
    SDL_ActiveEvent.3 \
    SDL_AddTimer.3 \
    SDL_AudioCVT.3 \
    SDL_AudioSpec.3 \
    SDL_BlitSurface.3 \
    SDL_BuildAudioCVT.3 \
    SDL_CD.3 \
    SDL_CDClose.3 \
    SDL_CDEject.3 \
    SDL_CDName.3 \
    SDL_CDNumDrives.3 \
    SDL_CDOpen.3 \
    SDL_CDPause.3 \
    SDL_CDPlay.3 \
    SDL_CDPlayTracks.3 \
    SDL_CDResume.3 \
    SDL_CDStatus.3 \
    SDL_CDStop.3 \
    SDL_CDtrack.3 \
    SDL_CloseAudio.3 \
    SDL_Color.3 \
    SDL_CondBroadcast.3 \
    SDL_CondSignal.3 \
    SDL_CondWait.3 \
    SDL_CondWaitTimeout.3 \
    SDL_ConvertAudio.3 \
    SDL_ConvertSurface.3 \
    SDL_CreateCond.3 \
    SDL_CreateCursor.3 \
    SDL_CreateMutex.3 \
    SDL_CreateRGBSurface.3 \
    SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom.3 \
    SDL_CreateSemaphore.3 \
    SDL_CreateThread.3 \
    SDL_CreateYUVOverlay.3 \
    SDL_Delay.3 \
    SDL_DestroyCond.3 \
    SDL_DestroyMutex.3 \
    SDL_DestroySemaphore.3 \
    SDL_DisplayFormat.3 \
    SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha.3 \
    SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay.3 \
    SDL_EnableKeyRepeat.3 \
    SDL_EnableUNICODE.3 \
    SDL_Event.3 \
    SDL_EventState.3 \
    SDL_FillRect.3 \
    SDL_Flip.3 \
    SDL_FreeCursor.3 \
    SDL_FreeSurface.3 \
    SDL_FreeWAV.3 \
    SDL_FreeYUVOverlay.3 \
    SDL_GL_GetAttribute.3 \
    SDL_GL_GetProcAddress.3 \
    SDL_GL_LoadLibrary.3 \
    SDL_GL_SetAttribute.3 \
    SDL_GL_SwapBuffers.3 \
    SDL_GLattr.3 \
    SDL_GetAppState.3 \
    SDL_GetAudioStatus.3 \
    SDL_GetClipRect.3 \
    SDL_GetCursor.3 \
    SDL_GetEventFilter.3 \
    SDL_GetGamma.3 \
    SDL_GetGammaRamp.3 \
    SDL_GetKeyName.3 \
    SDL_GetKeyState.3 \
    SDL_GetModState.3 \
    SDL_GetMouseState.3 \
    SDL_GetRGB.3 \
    SDL_GetRGBA.3 \
    SDL_GetRelativeMouseState.3 \
    SDL_GetThreadID.3 \
    SDL_GetTicks.3 \
    SDL_GetVideoInfo.3 \
    SDL_GetVideoSurface.3 \
    SDL_Init.3 \
    SDL_InitSubSystem.3 \
    SDL_JoyAxisEvent.3 \
    SDL_JoyBallEvent.3 \
    SDL_JoyButtonEvent.3 \
    SDL_JoyHatEvent.3 \
    SDL_JoystickClose.3 \
    SDL_JoystickEventState.3 \
    SDL_JoystickGetAxis.3 \
    SDL_JoystickGetBall.3 \
    SDL_JoystickGetButton.3 \
    SDL_JoystickGetHat.3 \
    SDL_JoystickIndex.3 \
    SDL_JoystickName.3 \
    SDL_JoystickNumAxes.3 \
    SDL_JoystickNumBalls.3 \
    SDL_JoystickNumButtons.3 \
    SDL_JoystickNumHats.3 \
    SDL_JoystickOpen.3 \
    SDL_JoystickOpened.3 \
    SDL_JoystickUpdate.3 \
    SDL_KeyboardEvent.3 \
    SDL_KillThread.3 \
    SDL_ListModes.3 \
    SDL_LoadBMP.3 \
    SDL_LoadWAV.3 \
    SDL_LockAudio.3 \
    SDL_LockSurface.3 \
    SDL_LockYUVOverlay.3 \
    SDL_MapRGB.3 \
    SDL_MapRGBA.3 \
    SDL_MixAudio.3 \
    SDL_MouseButtonEvent.3 \
    SDL_MouseMotionEvent.3 \
    SDL_NumJoysticks.3 \
    SDL_OpenAudio.3 \
    SDL_Overlay.3 \
    SDL_Palette.3 \
    SDL_PauseAudio.3 \
    SDL_PeepEvents.3 \
    SDL_PixelFormat.3 \
    SDL_PollEvent.3 \
    SDL_PumpEvents.3 \
    SDL_PushEvent.3 \
    SDL_Quit.3 \
    SDL_QuitEvent.3 \
    SDL_QuitSubSystem.3 \
    SDL_RWFromFile.3 \
    SDL_Rect.3 \
    SDL_RemoveTimer.3 \
    SDL_ResizeEvent.3 \
    SDL_SaveBMP.3 \
    SDL_SemPost.3 \
    SDL_SemTryWait.3 \
    SDL_SemValue.3 \
    SDL_SemWait.3 \
    SDL_SemWaitTimeout.3 \
    SDL_SetAlpha.3 \
    SDL_SetClipRect.3 \
    SDL_SetColorKey.3 \
    SDL_SetColors.3 \
    SDL_SetCursor.3 \
    SDL_SetEventFilter.3 \
    SDL_SetGamma.3 \
    SDL_SetGammaRamp.3 \
    SDL_SetModState.3 \
    SDL_SetPalette.3 \
    SDL_SetTimer.3 \
    SDL_SetVideoMode.3 \
    SDL_ShowCursor.3 \
    SDL_Surface.3 \
    SDL_SysWMEvent.3 \
    SDL_ThreadID.3 \
    SDL_UnlockAudio.3 \
    SDL_UnlockSurface.3 \
    SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay.3 \
    SDL_UpdateRect.3 \
    SDL_UpdateRects.3 \
    SDL_UserEvent.3 \
    SDL_VideoDriverName.3 \
    SDL_VideoInfo.3 \
    SDL_VideoModeOK.3 \
    SDL_WM_GetCaption.3 \
    SDL_WM_GrabInput.3 \
    SDL_WM_IconifyWindow.3 \
    SDL_WM_SetCaption.3 \
    SDL_WM_SetIcon.3 \
    SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen.3 \
    SDL_WaitEvent.3 \
    SDL_WaitThread.3 \
    SDL_WarpMouse.3 \
    SDL_WasInit.3 \
    SDL_keysym.3 \
    SDL_mutexP.3 \