Mercurial > sdl-ios-xcode
view test/testblitspeed.c @ 3335:b8d313de8a65
Adam Strzelecki to SDL
Since current DirectFB implementation is incomplete for YUV surfaces (actually causes segmentation faults when trying Lock and use YUV planar textures) I decided to fix it a bit.
Here's a patch that should make DirectFB properly support YUV both packed and planar (3 planes).
(1) Removed SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL at all in favor of DFB_BYTES_PER_PIXEL(SDLToDFBPixelFormat(fmt)) which does return always proper BPP for YUVs too, coz SDL_BYTESPERPIXEL returns incorrect values for FOURCCs
(2) Fixed data->pixels allocation for planar YUVs in CreateTexture, it should allocate 150% more space
(3) Copy other planes for planar YUVs in UpdateTexture
(4) Moved checking if format is supported at all with DirectFB on CreateTexture at the beginning of the code
Waiting for comments,
Adam Strzelecki |
author | Sam Lantinga <> |
date | Sun, 04 Oct 2009 04:03:37 +0000 |
parents | 204be4fc2726 |
children |
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line source
/* * Benchmarks surface-to-surface blits in various formats. * * Written by Ryan C. Gordon. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "SDL.h" static SDL_Surface *dest = NULL; static SDL_Surface *src = NULL; static int testSeconds = 10; static int percent(int val, int total) { return ((int) ((((float) val) / ((float) total)) * 100.0f)); } static int randRange(int lo, int hi) { return (lo + (int) (((double) hi) * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0))); } static void copy_trunc_str(char *str, size_t strsize, const char *flagstr) { if ((strlen(str) + strlen(flagstr)) >= (strsize - 1)) strcpy(str + (strsize - 5), " ..."); else strcat(str, flagstr); } static void __append_sdl_surface_flag(SDL_Surface * _surface, char *str, size_t strsize, Uint32 flag, const char *flagstr) { if (_surface->flags & flag) copy_trunc_str(str, strsize, flagstr); } #define append_sdl_surface_flag(a, b, c, fl) __append_sdl_surface_flag(a, b, c, fl, " " #fl) #define print_tf_state(str, val) printf("%s: {%s}\n", str, (val) ? "true" : "false" ) static void output_videoinfo_details(void) { const SDL_VideoInfo *info = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); printf("SDL_GetVideoInfo():\n"); if (info == NULL) printf(" (null.)\n"); else { print_tf_state(" hardware surface available", info->hw_available); print_tf_state(" window manager available", info->wm_available); print_tf_state(" accelerated hardware->hardware blits", info->blit_hw); print_tf_state(" accelerated hardware->hardware colorkey blits", info->blit_hw_CC); print_tf_state(" accelerated hardware->hardware alpha blits", info->blit_hw_A); print_tf_state(" accelerated software->hardware blits", info->blit_sw); print_tf_state(" accelerated software->hardware colorkey blits", info->blit_sw_CC); print_tf_state(" accelerated software->hardware alpha blits", info->blit_sw_A); print_tf_state(" accelerated color fills", info->blit_fill); printf(" video memory: (%d)\n", info->video_mem); } printf("\n"); } static void output_surface_details(const char *name, SDL_Surface * surface) { printf("Details for %s:\n", name); if (surface == NULL) { printf("-WARNING- You've got a NULL surface!"); } else { char f[256]; printf(" width : %d\n", surface->w); printf(" height : %d\n", surface->h); printf(" depth : %d bits per pixel\n", surface->format->BitsPerPixel); printf(" pitch : %d\n", (int) surface->pitch); printf(" red bits : 0x%08X mask, %d shift, %d loss\n", (int) surface->format->Rmask, (int) surface->format->Rshift, (int) surface->format->Rloss); printf(" green bits : 0x%08X mask, %d shift, %d loss\n", (int) surface->format->Gmask, (int) surface->format->Gshift, (int) surface->format->Gloss); printf(" blue bits : 0x%08X mask, %d shift, %d loss\n", (int) surface->format->Bmask, (int) surface->format->Bshift, (int) surface->format->Bloss); printf(" alpha bits : 0x%08X mask, %d shift, %d loss\n", (int) surface->format->Amask, (int) surface->format->Ashift, (int) surface->format->Aloss); f[0] = '\0'; /*append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof (f), SDL_SWSURFACE); */ if ((surface->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == 0) copy_trunc_str(f, sizeof(f), " SDL_SWSURFACE"); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_HWSURFACE); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_ASYNCBLIT); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_ANYFORMAT); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_HWPALETTE); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_DOUBLEBUF); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_FULLSCREEN); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_OPENGL); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_RESIZABLE); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_NOFRAME); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_HWACCEL); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_SRCCOLORKEY); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_RLEACCELOK); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_RLEACCEL); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_SRCALPHA); append_sdl_surface_flag(surface, f, sizeof(f), SDL_PREALLOC); if (f[0] == '\0') strcpy(f, " (none)"); printf(" flags :%s\n", f); } printf("\n"); } static void output_details(void) { output_videoinfo_details(); output_surface_details("Source Surface", src); output_surface_details("Destination Surface", dest); } static Uint32 blit(SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Surface * src, int x, int y) { Uint32 start = 0; SDL_Rect srcRect; SDL_Rect dstRect; srcRect.x = 0; srcRect.y = 0; dstRect.x = x; dstRect.y = y; dstRect.w = srcRect.w = src->w; /* SDL will clip as appropriate. */ dstRect.h = srcRect.h = src->h; start = SDL_GetTicks(); SDL_BlitSurface(src, &srcRect, dst, &dstRect); return (SDL_GetTicks() - start); } static void blitCentered(SDL_Surface * dst, SDL_Surface * src) { int x = (dst->w - src->w) / 2; int y = (dst->h - src->h) / 2; blit(dst, src, x, y); } static int atoi_hex(const char *str) { if (str == NULL) return 0; if (strlen(str) > 2) { int retval = 0; if ((str[0] == '0') && (str[1] == 'x')) sscanf(str + 2, "%X", &retval); return (retval); } return (atoi(str)); } static int setup_test(int argc, char **argv) { const char *dumpfile = NULL; SDL_Surface *bmp = NULL; Uint32 dstbpp = 32; Uint32 dstrmask = 0x00FF0000; Uint32 dstgmask = 0x0000FF00; Uint32 dstbmask = 0x000000FF; Uint32 dstamask = 0x00000000; Uint32 dstflags = 0; int dstw = 640; int dsth = 480; Uint32 srcbpp = 32; Uint32 srcrmask = 0x00FF0000; Uint32 srcgmask = 0x0000FF00; Uint32 srcbmask = 0x000000FF; Uint32 srcamask = 0x00000000; Uint32 srcflags = 0; int srcw = 640; int srch = 480; Uint32 origsrcalphaflags = 0; Uint32 origdstalphaflags = 0; Uint32 srcalphaflags = 0; Uint32 dstalphaflags = 0; Uint8 origsrcalpha = 255; Uint8 origdstalpha = 255; Uint8 srcalpha = 255; Uint8 dstalpha = 255; int screenSurface = 0; int i = 0; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if (strcmp(arg, "--dstbpp") == 0) dstbpp = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstrmask") == 0) dstrmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstgmask") == 0) dstgmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstbmask") == 0) dstbmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstamask") == 0) dstamask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstwidth") == 0) dstw = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstheight") == 0) dsth = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--dsthwsurface") == 0) dstflags |= SDL_HWSURFACE; else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcbpp") == 0) srcbpp = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcrmask") == 0) srcrmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcgmask") == 0) srcgmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcbmask") == 0) srcbmask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcamask") == 0) srcamask = atoi_hex(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcwidth") == 0) srcw = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcheight") == 0) srch = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--srchwsurface") == 0) srcflags |= SDL_HWSURFACE; else if (strcmp(arg, "--seconds") == 0) testSeconds = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--screen") == 0) screenSurface = 1; else if (strcmp(arg, "--dumpfile") == 0) dumpfile = argv[++i]; /* !!! FIXME: set colorkey. */ else if (0) { /* !!! FIXME: we handle some commandlines elsewhere now */ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown commandline option: %s\n", arg); return (0); } } if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_Init failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); return (0); } bmp = SDL_LoadBMP("sample.bmp"); if (bmp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "SDL_LoadBMP failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); SDL_Quit(); return (0); } if ((dstflags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == 0) dstflags |= SDL_SWSURFACE; if ((srcflags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == 0) srcflags |= SDL_SWSURFACE; if (screenSurface) dest = SDL_SetVideoMode(dstw, dsth, dstbpp, dstflags); else { dest = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(dstflags, dstw, dsth, dstbpp, dstrmask, dstgmask, dstbmask, dstamask); } if (dest == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "dest surface creation failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); SDL_Quit(); return (0); } src = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(srcflags, srcw, srch, srcbpp, srcrmask, srcgmask, srcbmask, srcamask); if (src == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "src surface creation failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); SDL_Quit(); return (0); } /* handle alpha settings... */ srcalphaflags = (src->flags & SDL_SRCALPHA) | (src->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL); dstalphaflags = (dest->flags & SDL_SRCALPHA) | (dest->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL); origsrcalphaflags = srcalphaflags; origdstalphaflags = dstalphaflags; SDL_GetSurfaceAlphaMod(src, &srcalpha); SDL_GetSurfaceAlphaMod(dest, &dstalpha); origsrcalpha = srcalpha; origdstalpha = dstalpha; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if (strcmp(arg, "--srcalpha") == 0) srcalpha = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstalpha") == 0) dstalpha = atoi(argv[++i]); else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcsrcalpha") == 0) srcalphaflags |= SDL_SRCALPHA; else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcnosrcalpha") == 0) srcalphaflags &= ~SDL_SRCALPHA; else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcrleaccel") == 0) srcalphaflags |= SDL_RLEACCEL; else if (strcmp(arg, "--srcnorleaccel") == 0) srcalphaflags &= ~SDL_RLEACCEL; else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstsrcalpha") == 0) dstalphaflags |= SDL_SRCALPHA; else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstnosrcalpha") == 0) dstalphaflags &= ~SDL_SRCALPHA; else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstrleaccel") == 0) dstalphaflags |= SDL_RLEACCEL; else if (strcmp(arg, "--dstnorleaccel") == 0) dstalphaflags &= ~SDL_RLEACCEL; } if ((dstalphaflags != origdstalphaflags) || (origdstalpha != dstalpha)) SDL_SetAlpha(dest, dstalphaflags, dstalpha); if ((srcalphaflags != origsrcalphaflags) || (origsrcalpha != srcalpha)) SDL_SetAlpha(src, srcalphaflags, srcalpha); /* set some sane defaults so we can see if the blit code is broken... */ SDL_FillRect(dest, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(dest->format, 0, 0, 0)); SDL_FillRect(src, NULL, SDL_MapRGB(src->format, 0, 0, 0)); blitCentered(src, bmp); SDL_FreeSurface(bmp); if (dumpfile) SDL_SaveBMP(src, dumpfile); /* make sure initial convert is sane. */ output_details(); return (1); } static void test_blit_speed(void) { Uint32 clearColor = SDL_MapRGB(dest->format, 0, 0, 0); Uint32 iterations = 0; Uint32 elasped = 0; Uint32 end = 0; Uint32 now = 0; Uint32 last = 0; int testms = testSeconds * 1000; int wmax = (dest->w - src->w); int hmax = (dest->h - src->h); int isScreen = (SDL_GetVideoSurface() == dest); SDL_Event event; printf("Testing blit speed for %d seconds...\n", testSeconds); now = SDL_GetTicks(); end = now + testms; do { /* pump the event queue occasionally to keep OS happy... */ if (now - last > 1000) { last = now; while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) { /* no-op. */ } } iterations++; elasped += blit(dest, src, randRange(0, wmax), randRange(0, hmax)); if (isScreen) { SDL_Flip(dest); /* show it! */ SDL_FillRect(dest, NULL, clearColor); /* blank it for next time! */ } now = SDL_GetTicks(); } while (now < end); printf("Non-blitting crap accounted for %d percent of this run.\n", percent(testms - elasped, testms)); printf("%d blits took %d ms (%d fps).\n", (int) iterations, (int) elasped, (int) (((float) iterations) / (((float) elasped) / 1000.0f))); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int initialized = setup_test(argc, argv); if (initialized) { test_blit_speed(); SDL_Quit(); } return (!initialized); } /* end of testblitspeed.c ... */