view @ 1584:b786d9c15e42

Fixed bug #61 Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 13:35:11 +0800 From: "Leonidas" Subject: [SDL] Re: Trigger mouse wheel event -- not in X-environment I have looked into the codes for the IMPS/2 mouse wheel mode of fbcon driver. But I found something weird. Here's the original codes to set a mouse device into IMPS/2 mode in libSDL. In the file src/video/fbcon/SDL_fbevents.c In function static int set_imps2_mode(int fd) ... Uint8 set_imps2[] = {0xf3, 200, 0xf3, 100, 0xf3, 80}; Uint8 reset = 0xff; fd_set fdset; struct timeval tv; int retval = 0; // Set mouse device fd into IMPS/2 mode if ( write(fd, &set_imps2, sizeof(set_imps2)) == sizeof(set_imps2) ) { // ??? then RESET it..??? if (write(fd, &reset, sizeof (reset)) == sizeof (reset) ) { retval = 1; } } ........... Since it sets IMPS/2 mode then reset it, so you will never get a mouse into IMPS/2 mode to use its wheel. What I did to make the wheel usable is remove the RESET codes. .... if ( write(fd, &set_imps2, sizeof(set_imps2)) == sizeof(set_imps2) ) { /* if (write(fd, &reset, sizeof (reset)) == sizeof (reset) ) { } */ retval = 1; } .... And in FB_OpenMouse(_THIS) Make the device /dev/psaux to be setted into imps2 mode such that it can be detected its a imps/2 mouse or not. (my mouse device is on ps2, but the codes only set /dev/input/mice device originally) Then I have done, I can use the mouse wheel when SDL uses frame buff driver. I dont exactly know I did right or wrong, I just change it for my usuage. Correct me please, if I did something wrong. Best regards, Li Tsung Lin IAP Product Dept. Engineer EeRise Corp. (Image Processing System, Computer Vision System) Hsin Tien, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Wed, 22 Mar 2006 07:22:40 +0000
parents c07c6ef7c93e
line wrap: on
line source

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               <QPM:ProductName>Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL)</QPM:ProductName>
               <QPM:AuthorName>Sam Lantinga</QPM:AuthorName>
               <QPM:ProductDescriptionShort>This is the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL), a generic API that provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display framebuffer across multiple platforms.</QPM:ProductDescriptionShort>
               <QPM:ProductDescriptionLong>This is the Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL), a generic API that provides low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, and display framebuffer across multiple platforms. This is the libraries, include files and other resources you can use to develop and run SDL applications.</QPM:ProductDescriptionLong>

               <QPM:ReleaseCopyright>GNU Lesser General Public License</QPM:ReleaseCopyright>

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