view src/video/Xext/extensions/Xinerama.h @ 2359:b70b96e615d2 gsoc2008_iphone

These files are the OpenGL ES render driver. You should be able to use them on any platform that supports OpenGL ES -- not just iPhone. The driver is based off the OpenGL render driver. There are a few differences between OpenGL and OpenGL ES that present difficulties for this driver: - OpenGL ES does NOT support many pixel formats (for example, no GL_BGR). Also, when using texture functions format and internalFormat must be the same -- this means 32 bit packed formats like SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGR888 cannot be automatically converted to GL_RGB (which is 24bpp). - OpenGL ES doesn't have GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH, which means data must be reformatted before uploading changes to dirty rects. This change has been added. - OpenGL ES doesn't support paletted textures, though there is an extension. I'm looking into this. Some other notable differences: - OpenGL ES has an extension called GL_OES_draw_texture which allows for quicker 2D sprite-type drawing. I use this in GL_RenderCopy when it is available. The iPhone supports the extension, but the iPhone Simulator does not (presently). - No glBegin() / glEnd() and no GL_QUADS! I'm using glDrawArrays with GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP instead!
author Holmes Futrell <>
date Thu, 17 Jul 2008 23:31:42 +0000 (2008-07-17)
parents c121d94672cb
line wrap: on
line source
/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/Xinerama.h,v 3.2 2000/03/01 01:04:20 dawes Exp $ */

#ifndef _Xinerama_h
#define _Xinerama_h

#include "SDL_name.h"

typedef struct
    int screen_number;
    short x_org;
    short y_org;
    short width;
    short height;
} SDL_NAME(XineramaScreenInfo);

Bool SDL_NAME(XineramaQueryExtension) (Display * dpy,
                                       int *event_base, int *error_base);

Status SDL_NAME(XineramaQueryVersion) (Display * dpy, int *major, int *minor);

Bool SDL_NAME(XineramaIsActive) (Display * dpy);

   Returns the number of heads and a pointer to an array of
   structures describing the position and size of the individual
   heads.  Returns NULL and number = 0 if Xinerama is not active.
   Returned array should be freed with XFree().

SDL_NAME(XineramaScreenInfo) *
SDL_NAME(XineramaQueryScreens) (Display * dpy, int *number);

#endif /* _Xinerama_h */
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