view src/video/maccommon/SDL_macwm.c @ 4167:a6f635e5eaa6 SDL-1.2

Fixed bug #611 From Tim Angus 2008-08-12 11:18:06 I'm one of the maintainers of, an updated version of the Quake 3 engine. Relatively recently, we moved ioq3 to use SDL as a replacement for 95% of the platform specific code that was there. On the whole it's doing a great job but unfortunately since the move we've been getting complaints about the quality of the mouse input on the Windows platform to the point where for many the game is unplayable. Put in other terms, the current stable SDL 1.2 is basically not fit for purpose if you need high quality mouse input as you do in a first person shooter. Over the weekend I decided to pull my finger out and actually figure out what's going on. There are basically two major problems. Firstly, when using the "windib" driver, mouse input is gathered via the WM_MOUSEMOVE message. Googling for this indicates that often this is known to result in "spurious" and/or "missing" mouse movement events; this is the primary cause of the poor mouse input. The second problem is that the "directx" driver does not work at all in combination with OpenGL meaning that you can't use DirectInput if your application also uses OpenGL. In other words you're locked into using the "windib" driver and its poor mouse input. In order to address these problems I've done the following: * Remove WM_MOUSEMOVE based motion event generation and replace with calls to GetCursorPos which seems much more reliable. In order to achieve this I've moved mouse motion out into a separate function that is called once per DIB_PumpEvents. * Remove the restriction on the "directx" driver being inoperable in combination with OpenGL. There is a bug for this issues that I've hijacked to a certain extent ( I'm the first to admit I don't really understand why this restriction is there in the first place. The commit message for the bug fix that introduced this restriction (r581) isn't very elaborate and I couldn't see any other bug tracking the issue. If anyone has more information on the bug that was avoided by r581 it would be helpful as I/someone could then look into addressing the problem without disabling the "directx" driver. * I've also removed the restriction on not being allowed to use DirectInput in windowed mode. I couldn't see any reason for this, at least not from our perspective. I have my suspicions that it'll be something like matching up the cursor with the mouse coordinates... * I bumped up the DirectInput API used to version 7 in order to get access to mouse buttons 4-7. I've had to inject a little bit of the DX7 headers into SDL there as the MinGW ones aren't up to date in this respect.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Thu, 02 Apr 2009 04:43:36 +0000
parents a1b03ba2fcd0
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

    Sam Lantinga
#include "SDL_config.h"

#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <Carbon.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <Strings.h>

#include <Devices.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <MacTypes.h>
#include <QDOffscreen.h>
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#include <Video.h>

#include "SDL_stdinc.h"
#include "SDL_macwm_c.h"

void Mac_SetCaption(_THIS, const char *title, const char *icon)
	/* Don't convert C to P string in place, because it may be read-only */
	Str255		ptitle; /* MJS */
	ptitle[0] = strlen (title);
	SDL_memcpy(ptitle+1, title, ptitle[0]); /* MJS */
	if (SDL_Window)
		SetWTitle(SDL_Window, ptitle); /* MJS */

 * ADC Gamma Ramp support...
 * Mac Gamma Ramp code was originally from sample code provided by
 *  Apple Developer Connection, and not written specifically for SDL:
 * "Contains: Functions to enable Mac OS device gamma adjustments using 3 channel 256 element 8 bit gamma ramps
 *  Written by: Geoff Stahl (ggs)
 *  Copyright: Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc., All Rights Reserved
 *  Disclaimer: You may incorporate this sample code into your applications without
 *              restriction, though the sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the
 *              responsibility for its operation is 100% yours.  However, what you are
 *              not permitted to do is to redistribute the source as "DSC Sample Code"
 *              after having made changes. If you're going to re-distribute the source,
 *              we require that you make it clear in the source that the code was
 *              descended from Apple Sample Code, but that you've made changes."
 * (The sample code has been integrated into this file, and thus is modified from the original Apple sources.)

typedef struct recDeviceGamma											/* storage for device handle and gamma table */
	GDHandle hGD;												/* handle to device */
	GammaTblPtr pDeviceGamma;									/* pointer to device gamma table */
} recDeviceGamma;
typedef recDeviceGamma * precDeviceGamma;

typedef struct recSystemGamma											/* storage for system devices and gamma tables */
	short numDevices;											/* number of devices */
	precDeviceGamma * devGamma;									/* array of pointers to device gamma records */
} recSystemGamma;
typedef recSystemGamma * precSystemGamma;

static Ptr CopyGammaTable (GammaTblPtr pTableGammaIn)
	GammaTblPtr		pTableGammaOut = NULL;
	short			tableSize, dataWidth;

	if (pTableGammaIn)												/* if there is a table to copy  */
		dataWidth = (pTableGammaIn->gDataWidth + 7) / 8;			/* number of bytes per entry */
		tableSize = sizeof (GammaTbl) + pTableGammaIn->gFormulaSize +
					(pTableGammaIn->gChanCnt * pTableGammaIn->gDataCnt * dataWidth);
		pTableGammaOut = (GammaTblPtr) NewPtr (tableSize);			/* allocate new table */
		if (pTableGammaOut)											
			BlockMove( (Ptr)pTableGammaIn, (Ptr)pTableGammaOut, tableSize);	/* move everything */
	return (Ptr)pTableGammaOut;										/* return whatever we allocated, could be NULL */

static OSErr GetGammaTable (GDHandle hGD, GammaTblPtr * ppTableGammaOut)
	VDGammaRecord   DeviceGammaRec;
	CntrlParam		cParam;
	OSErr			err;
	cParam.ioCompletion = NULL;										/* set up control params */
	cParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
	cParam.ioVRefNum = 0;
	cParam.ioCRefNum = (**hGD).gdRefNum;
	cParam.csCode = cscGetGamma;									/* Get Gamma commnd to device */
	*(Ptr *)cParam.csParam = (Ptr) &DeviceGammaRec;					/* record for gamma */

	err = PBStatusSync( (ParmBlkPtr)&cParam );						/* get gamma */
	*ppTableGammaOut = (GammaTblPtr)(DeviceGammaRec.csGTable);		/* pull table out of record */
	return err;	

static Ptr GetDeviceGamma (GDHandle hGD)
	GammaTblPtr		pTableGammaDevice = NULL;
	GammaTblPtr		pTableGammaReturn = NULL;	
	OSErr			err;
	err = GetGammaTable (hGD, &pTableGammaDevice);					/* get a pointer to the devices table */
	if ((noErr == err) && pTableGammaDevice)						/* if succesful */
		pTableGammaReturn = (GammaTblPtr) CopyGammaTable (pTableGammaDevice); /* copy to global */

	return (Ptr) pTableGammaReturn;

static void DisposeGammaTable (Ptr pGamma)
	if (pGamma)
		DisposePtr((Ptr) pGamma);									/* get rid of it */

static void DisposeSystemGammas (Ptr* ppSystemGammas)
	precSystemGamma pSysGammaIn;
	if (ppSystemGammas)
		pSysGammaIn = (precSystemGamma) *ppSystemGammas;
		if (pSysGammaIn)
			short i;
			for (i = 0; i < pSysGammaIn->numDevices; i++)		/* for all devices */
				if (pSysGammaIn->devGamma [i])						/* if pointer is valid */
					DisposeGammaTable ((Ptr) pSysGammaIn->devGamma [i]->pDeviceGamma); /* dump gamma table */
					DisposePtr ((Ptr) pSysGammaIn->devGamma [i]);					   /* dump device info */
			DisposePtr ((Ptr) pSysGammaIn->devGamma);				/* dump device pointer array		 */
			DisposePtr ((Ptr) pSysGammaIn);							/* dump system structure */
			*ppSystemGammas = NULL;

static Boolean GetDeviceGammaRampGD (GDHandle hGD, Ptr pRamp)
	GammaTblPtr		pTableGammaTemp = NULL;
	long 			indexChan, indexEntry;
	OSErr			err;
	if (pRamp)															/* ensure pRamp is allocated */
		err = GetGammaTable (hGD, &pTableGammaTemp);					/* get a pointer to the current gamma */
		if ((noErr == err) && pTableGammaTemp)							/* if successful */
			/* fill ramp */
			unsigned char * pEntry = (unsigned char *) &pTableGammaTemp->gFormulaData + pTableGammaTemp->gFormulaSize; /* base of table */
			short bytesPerEntry = (pTableGammaTemp->gDataWidth + 7) / 8; /* size, in bytes, of the device table entries */
			short shiftRightValue = pTableGammaTemp->gDataWidth - 8; 	 /* number of right shifts device -> ramp */
			short channels = pTableGammaTemp->gChanCnt;	
			short entries = pTableGammaTemp->gDataCnt;									
			if (3 == channels)											/* RGB format */
			{															/* note, this will create runs of entries if dest. is bigger (not linear interpolate) */
				for (indexChan = 0; indexChan < channels; indexChan++)
					for (indexEntry = 0; indexEntry < 256; indexEntry++)
						*((unsigned char *) pRamp + (indexChan * 256) + indexEntry) = 
						  *(pEntry + indexChan * entries * bytesPerEntry + indexEntry * entries * bytesPerEntry / 256) >> shiftRightValue;
			else														/* single channel format */
				for (indexChan = 0; indexChan < 768; indexChan += 256)	/* repeat for all 3 channels (step by ramp size) */
					for (indexEntry = 0; indexEntry < 256; indexEntry++) /* for all entries set vramp value */
						*((unsigned char *) pRamp + indexChan + indexEntry) = 
						  *(pEntry + indexEntry * entries * bytesPerEntry / 256) >> shiftRightValue;
			return true;
	return false;

static Ptr GetSystemGammas (void)
	precSystemGamma pSysGammaOut;									/* return pointer to system device gamma info */
	short devCount = 0;												/* number of devices attached */
	Boolean fail = false;
	GDHandle hGDevice;
	pSysGammaOut = (precSystemGamma) NewPtr (sizeof (recSystemGamma)); /* allocate for structure */
	hGDevice = GetDeviceList ();							/* top of device list */
	do																/* iterate */
		devCount++;													/* count devices					 */
		hGDevice = GetNextDevice (hGDevice);						/* next device */
	} while (hGDevice);
	pSysGammaOut->devGamma = (precDeviceGamma *) NewPtr (sizeof (precDeviceGamma) * devCount); /* allocate for array of pointers to device records */
	if (pSysGammaOut)
		pSysGammaOut->numDevices = devCount;						/* stuff count */
		devCount = 0;												/* reset iteration */
		hGDevice = GetDeviceList ();
			pSysGammaOut->devGamma [devCount] = (precDeviceGamma) NewPtr (sizeof (recDeviceGamma));	  /* new device record */
			if (pSysGammaOut->devGamma [devCount])					/* if we actually allocated memory */
				pSysGammaOut->devGamma [devCount]->hGD = hGDevice;										  /* stuff handle */
				pSysGammaOut->devGamma [devCount]->pDeviceGamma = (GammaTblPtr)GetDeviceGamma (hGDevice); /* copy gamma table */
			else													/* otherwise dump record on exit */
			 fail = true;
			devCount++;												/* next device */
			hGDevice = GetNextDevice (hGDevice);						
		} while (hGDevice);
	if (!fail)														/* if we did not fail */
		return (Ptr) pSysGammaOut;									/* return pointer to structure */
		DisposeSystemGammas ((Ptr *) &pSysGammaOut);					/* otherwise dump the current structures (dispose does error checking) */
		return NULL;												/* could not complete */

static void RestoreDeviceGamma (GDHandle hGD, Ptr pGammaTable)
	VDSetEntryRecord setEntriesRec;
	VDGammaRecord	gameRecRestore;
	CTabHandle      hCTabDeviceColors;
	Ptr				csPtr;
	OSErr			err = noErr;
	if (pGammaTable)												/* if we have a table to restore								 */
		gameRecRestore.csGTable = pGammaTable;						/* setup restore record */
		csPtr = (Ptr) &gameRecRestore;
		err = Control((**hGD).gdRefNum, cscSetGamma, (Ptr) &csPtr);	/* restore gamma */

		if ((noErr == err) && (8 == (**(**hGD).gdPMap).pixelSize))	/* if successful and on an 8 bit device */
			hCTabDeviceColors = (**(**hGD).gdPMap).pmTable;			/* do SetEntries to force CLUT update */
			setEntriesRec.csTable = (ColorSpec *) &(**hCTabDeviceColors).ctTable;
			setEntriesRec.csStart = 0;
			setEntriesRec.csCount = (**hCTabDeviceColors).ctSize;
			csPtr = (Ptr) &setEntriesRec;
			err = Control((**hGD).gdRefNum, cscSetEntries, (Ptr) &csPtr); /* SetEntries in CLUT */

static void RestoreSystemGammas (Ptr pSystemGammas)
	short i;
	precSystemGamma pSysGammaIn = (precSystemGamma) pSystemGammas;
	if (pSysGammaIn)
		for (i = 0; i < pSysGammaIn->numDevices; i++)			/* for all devices */
			RestoreDeviceGamma (pSysGammaIn->devGamma [i]->hGD, (Ptr) pSysGammaIn->devGamma [i]->pDeviceGamma);	/* restore gamma */

static Ptr CreateEmptyGammaTable (short channels, short entries, short bits)
	GammaTblPtr		pTableGammaOut = NULL;
	short			tableSize, dataWidth;

	dataWidth = (bits + 7) / 8;										/* number of bytes per entry */
	tableSize = sizeof (GammaTbl) + (channels * entries * dataWidth);
	pTableGammaOut = (GammaTblPtr) NewPtrClear (tableSize);			/* allocate new tabel */

	if (pTableGammaOut)												/* if we successfully allocated */
		pTableGammaOut->gVersion = 0;								/* set parameters based on input */
		pTableGammaOut->gType = 0;
		pTableGammaOut->gFormulaSize = 0;
		pTableGammaOut->gChanCnt = channels;
		pTableGammaOut->gDataCnt = entries;
		pTableGammaOut->gDataWidth = bits;
	return (Ptr)pTableGammaOut;										/* return whatever we allocated */

static Boolean SetDeviceGammaRampGD (GDHandle hGD, Ptr pRamp)
	VDSetEntryRecord setEntriesRec;
	VDGammaRecord	gameRecRestore;
	GammaTblPtr		pTableGammaNew;
	GammaTblPtr		pTableGammaCurrent = NULL;
	CTabHandle      hCTabDeviceColors;
	Ptr				csPtr;
	OSErr			err;
	short 			dataBits, entries, channels = 3;						/* force three channels in the gamma table */
	if (pRamp)																/* ensure pRamp is allocated */
		err= GetGammaTable (hGD, &pTableGammaCurrent);						/* get pointer to current table */
		if ((noErr == err) && pTableGammaCurrent)
			dataBits = pTableGammaCurrent->gDataWidth;						/* table must have same data width */
			entries = pTableGammaCurrent->gDataCnt;							/* table must be same size */
			pTableGammaNew = (GammaTblPtr) CreateEmptyGammaTable (channels, entries, dataBits); /* our new table */
			if (pTableGammaNew)												/* if successful fill table */
				unsigned char * pGammaBase = (unsigned char *) &pTableGammaNew->gFormulaData + pTableGammaNew->gFormulaSize; /* base of table */
				if ((256 == entries) && (8 == dataBits)) 						/* simple case: direct mapping */
					BlockMove ((Ptr)pRamp, (Ptr)pGammaBase, channels * entries); /* move everything */
				else														/* tough case handle entry, channel and data size disparities */
					short indexChan, indexEntry;
					short bytesPerEntry = (dataBits + 7) / 8; 				/* size, in bytes, of the device table entries */
					short shiftRightValue = 8 - dataBits;					/* number of right shifts ramp -> device */
					shiftRightValue += ((bytesPerEntry - 1) * 8);  			/* multibyte entries and the need to map a byte at a time most sig. to least sig. */
					for (indexChan = 0; indexChan < channels; indexChan++) /* for all the channels */
						for (indexEntry = 0; indexEntry < entries; indexEntry++) /* for all the entries */
							short currentShift = shiftRightValue;			/* reset current bit shift */
							long temp = *((unsigned char *)pRamp + (indexChan << 8) + (indexEntry << 8) / entries); /* get data from ramp */
							short indexByte;
							for (indexByte = 0; indexByte < bytesPerEntry; indexByte++) /* for all bytes */
								if (currentShift < 0)						/* shift data correctly for current byte */
									*(pGammaBase++) = temp << -currentShift;
									*(pGammaBase++) = temp >> currentShift;
								currentShift -= 8;							/* increment shift to align to next less sig. byte */
				/* set gamma */
				gameRecRestore.csGTable = (Ptr) pTableGammaNew;				/* setup restore record */
				csPtr = (Ptr) &gameRecRestore;
				err = Control((**hGD).gdRefNum, cscSetGamma, (Ptr) &csPtr);	/* restore gamma (note, display drivers may delay returning from this until VBL) */
				if ((8 == (**(**hGD).gdPMap).pixelSize) && (noErr == err))	/* if successful and on an 8 bit device */
					hCTabDeviceColors = (**(**hGD).gdPMap).pmTable;			/* do SetEntries to force CLUT update */
					setEntriesRec.csTable = (ColorSpec *) &(**hCTabDeviceColors).ctTable;
					setEntriesRec.csStart = 0;
					setEntriesRec.csCount = (**hCTabDeviceColors).ctSize;
					csPtr = (Ptr) &setEntriesRec;
					err = Control((**hGD).gdRefNum, cscSetEntries, (Ptr) &csPtr);	/* SetEntries in CLUT */
				DisposeGammaTable ((Ptr) pTableGammaNew);					/* dump table */
				if (noErr == err)
					return true;
	else																	/* set NULL gamma -> results in linear map */
		gameRecRestore.csGTable = (Ptr) NULL;								/* setup restore record */
		csPtr = (Ptr) &gameRecRestore;
		err = Control((**hGD).gdRefNum, cscSetGamma, (Ptr) &csPtr);			/* restore gamma */
		if ((8 == (**(**hGD).gdPMap).pixelSize) && (noErr == err))			/* if successful and on an 8 bit device */
			hCTabDeviceColors = (**(**hGD).gdPMap).pmTable;					/* do SetEntries to force CLUT update */
			setEntriesRec.csTable = (ColorSpec *) &(**hCTabDeviceColors).ctTable;
			setEntriesRec.csStart = 0;
			setEntriesRec.csCount = (**hCTabDeviceColors).ctSize;
			csPtr = (Ptr) &setEntriesRec;
			err = Control((**hGD).gdRefNum, cscSetEntries, (Ptr) &csPtr);	/* SetEntries in CLUT */
		if (noErr == err)
			return true;
	return false;															/* memory allocation or device control failed if we get here */

/* end of ADC Gamma Ramp support code... */

static Ptr systemGammaPtr;

void Mac_QuitGamma(_THIS)
	if (systemGammaPtr)

static unsigned char shiftedRamp[3 * 256];

int Mac_SetGammaRamp(_THIS, Uint16 *ramp)
	int i;
	if (!systemGammaPtr)
		systemGammaPtr = GetSystemGammas();
	for (i = 0; i < 3 * 256; i++)
		shiftedRamp[i] = ramp[i] >> 8;

	if (SetDeviceGammaRampGD(GetMainDevice(), (Ptr) shiftedRamp))
		return 0;
		return -1;

int Mac_GetGammaRamp(_THIS, Uint16 *ramp)
	if (GetDeviceGammaRampGD(GetMainDevice(), (Ptr) shiftedRamp))
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < 3 * 256; i++)
			ramp[i] = shiftedRamp[i] << 8;
		return 0;
		return -1;