view src/video/Xext/Xxf86dga/XF86DGA2.c @ 4167:a6f635e5eaa6 SDL-1.2

Fixed bug #611 From Tim Angus 2008-08-12 11:18:06 I'm one of the maintainers of, an updated version of the Quake 3 engine. Relatively recently, we moved ioq3 to use SDL as a replacement for 95% of the platform specific code that was there. On the whole it's doing a great job but unfortunately since the move we've been getting complaints about the quality of the mouse input on the Windows platform to the point where for many the game is unplayable. Put in other terms, the current stable SDL 1.2 is basically not fit for purpose if you need high quality mouse input as you do in a first person shooter. Over the weekend I decided to pull my finger out and actually figure out what's going on. There are basically two major problems. Firstly, when using the "windib" driver, mouse input is gathered via the WM_MOUSEMOVE message. Googling for this indicates that often this is known to result in "spurious" and/or "missing" mouse movement events; this is the primary cause of the poor mouse input. The second problem is that the "directx" driver does not work at all in combination with OpenGL meaning that you can't use DirectInput if your application also uses OpenGL. In other words you're locked into using the "windib" driver and its poor mouse input. In order to address these problems I've done the following: * Remove WM_MOUSEMOVE based motion event generation and replace with calls to GetCursorPos which seems much more reliable. In order to achieve this I've moved mouse motion out into a separate function that is called once per DIB_PumpEvents. * Remove the restriction on the "directx" driver being inoperable in combination with OpenGL. There is a bug for this issues that I've hijacked to a certain extent ( I'm the first to admit I don't really understand why this restriction is there in the first place. The commit message for the bug fix that introduced this restriction (r581) isn't very elaborate and I couldn't see any other bug tracking the issue. If anyone has more information on the bug that was avoided by r581 it would be helpful as I/someone could then look into addressing the problem without disabling the "directx" driver. * I've also removed the restriction on not being allowed to use DirectInput in windowed mode. I couldn't see any reason for this, at least not from our perspective. I have my suspicions that it'll be something like matching up the cursor with the mouse coordinates... * I bumped up the DirectInput API used to version 7 in order to get access to mouse buttons 4-7. I've had to inject a little bit of the DX7 headers into SDL there as the MinGW ones aren't up to date in this respect.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Thu, 02 Apr 2009 04:43:36 +0000
parents 904defc0792e
line wrap: on
line source

/* $XFree86: xc/lib/Xxf86dga/XF86DGA2.c,v 1.18 2001/08/17 13:27:51 dawes Exp $ */

Copyright (c) 1995  Jon Tombs
Copyright (c) 1995,1996  The XFree86 Project, Inc



#ifdef __EMX__ /* needed here to override certain constants in X headers */
#define INCL_DOS
#include <os2.h>


/* Apparently some X11 systems can't include this multiple times... */
#include <X11/Xlibint.h>

#include "../extensions/xf86dga.h"
#include "../extensions/xf86dgastr.h"
#include "../extensions/Xext.h"
#include "../extensions/extutil.h"
#include <stdio.h>

#if defined(ENABLE_FBCON)  /* Needed for framebuffer console support */
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <linux/fb.h>

/* If you change this, change the Bases[] array below as well */
#define MAX_HEADS 16

char *SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name) = XF86DGANAME;

static XExtensionInfo _xdga_info_data;
static XExtensionInfo *xdga_info = &_xdga_info_data;

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAMapFramebuffer)(int, char *, unsigned char*, CARD32, CARD32, CARD32);
void SDL_NAME(XDGAUnmapFramebuffer)(int);
unsigned char* SDL_NAME(XDGAGetMappedMemory)(int);

#define XDGACheckExtension(dpy,i,val) \
  XextCheckExtension (dpy, i, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name), val)

 *                                                                           *
 *			   private utility routines                          *
 *                                                                           *

static int xdga_close_display(Display *dpy, XExtCodes *codes);
static Bool xdga_wire_to_event(Display *dpy, XEvent *event, xEvent *wire_ev);
static Status xdga_event_to_wire(Display *dpy, XEvent *event, xEvent *wire_ev);

static XExtensionHooks xdga_extension_hooks = {
    NULL,				/* create_gc */
    NULL,				/* copy_gc */
    NULL,				/* flush_gc */
    NULL,				/* free_gc */
    NULL,				/* create_font */
    NULL,				/* free_font */
    xdga_close_display,			/* close_display */
    xdga_wire_to_event,			/* wire_to_event */
    xdga_event_to_wire,			/* event_to_wire */
    NULL,				/* error */
    NULL,				/* error_string */

static XEXT_GENERATE_CLOSE_DISPLAY (xdga_close_display, xdga_info)

XEXT_GENERATE_FIND_DISPLAY (SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display), xdga_info, 
				   0, NULL)

static Status
  Display *dpy,
  XEvent *event,
  xEvent *wire_ev
    return True;

static Bool
  Display *dpy,
  XEvent *event,
  xEvent *wire_ev
  dgaEvent *wire = (dgaEvent *) wire_ev;
  SDL_NAME(XDGAButtonEvent) *bevent;
  SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEvent) *kevent;
  SDL_NAME(XDGAMotionEvent) *mevent;
  XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);

  XDGACheckExtension (dpy, info, False);

  switch((wire->u.u.type & 0x7f) - info->codes->first_event) {
  case MotionNotify:
	mevent = (SDL_NAME(XDGAMotionEvent)*)event;
	mevent->type = wire->u.u.type & 0x7F;
	mevent->serial = _XSetLastRequestRead(dpy, (xGenericReply *)wire);
	mevent->display = dpy;
	mevent->screen = wire->u.event.screen;
	mevent->time = wire->u.event.time;
	mevent->state = wire->u.event.state;
	mevent->dx = wire->u.event.dx;
	mevent->dy = wire->u.event.dy;
	return True;
  case ButtonPress:
  case ButtonRelease:
	bevent = (SDL_NAME(XDGAButtonEvent)*)event;
	bevent->type = wire->u.u.type & 0x7F;
	bevent->serial = _XSetLastRequestRead(dpy, (xGenericReply *)wire);
	bevent->display = dpy;
	bevent->screen = wire->u.event.screen;
	bevent->time = wire->u.event.time;
	bevent->state = wire->u.event.state;
	bevent->button = wire->u.u.detail;
	return True;
  case KeyPress:
  case KeyRelease:
	kevent = (SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEvent)*)event;
	kevent->type = wire->u.u.type & 0x7F;
	kevent->serial = _XSetLastRequestRead(dpy, (xGenericReply *)wire);
	kevent->display = dpy;
	kevent->screen = wire->u.event.screen;
	kevent->time = wire->u.event.time;
	kevent->state = wire->u.event.state;
	kevent->keycode = wire->u.u.detail;
	return True;

  return False;

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAQueryExtension) (
    Display *dpy,
    int *event_basep,
    int *error_basep
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);

    if (XextHasExtension(info)) {
	*event_basep = info->codes->first_event;
	*error_basep = info->codes->first_error;
	return True;
    } else {
	return False;

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAQueryVersion)(
    Display *dpy,
    int *majorVersion, 
    int *minorVersion
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGAQueryVersionReply rep;
    xXDGAQueryVersionReq *req;

    XDGACheckExtension (dpy, info, False);

    GetReq(XDGAQueryVersion, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGAQueryVersion;
    if (!_XReply(dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse)) {
	return False;
    *majorVersion = rep.majorVersion;
    *minorVersion = rep.minorVersion;
    if (*majorVersion >= 2)
	int i, j;

	for (i = 0, j = info->codes->first_event;
	     i < XF86DGANumberEvents;
	     i++, j++) 
	    XESetWireToEvent(dpy, j, xdga_wire_to_event);
	    XESetEventToWire(dpy, j, xdga_event_to_wire);
    return True;

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGASetClientVersion)(
    Display	*dpy
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGASetClientVersionReq *req;

    XDGACheckExtension (dpy, info, False);

    GetReq(XDGASetClientVersion, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGASetClientVersion;
    req->major = XDGA_MAJOR_VERSION;
    req->minor = XDGA_MINOR_VERSION;
    return True;

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAOpenFramebuffer)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int 	screen
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGAOpenFramebufferReply rep;
    xXDGAOpenFramebufferReq *req;
    char *deviceName = NULL;
    Bool ret;

    XDGACheckExtension (dpy, info, False);

    GetReq(XDGAOpenFramebuffer, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGAOpenFramebuffer;
    req->screen = screen;
    if (!_XReply(dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse)) {
	return False;

    if(rep.length) {
	deviceName = Xmalloc(rep.length << 2);
	_XRead(dpy, deviceName, rep.length << 2);

    ret = SDL_NAME(XDGAMapFramebuffer)(screen, deviceName,
				(unsigned char*)(long)rep.mem1, 
				rep.size, rep.offset, rep.extra);


    return ret;

void SDL_NAME(XDGACloseFramebuffer)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGACloseFramebufferReq *req;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));


    GetReq(XDGACloseFramebuffer, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGACloseFramebuffer;
    req->screen = screen;

    Display *dpy,
    int screen,
    int *num
    XExtDisplayInfo *dinfo = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGAQueryModesReply rep;
    xXDGAQueryModesReq *req;
    SDL_NAME(XDGAMode) *modes = NULL;

    *num = 0;

    XDGACheckExtension (dpy, dinfo, NULL);

    GetReq(XDGAQueryModes, req);
    req->reqType = dinfo->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGAQueryModes;
    req->screen = screen;

    if (_XReply(dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse)) {
	if(rep.length) {
	   xXDGAModeInfo info;
	   int i, size;
	   char *offset;

	   size = rep.length << 2;
	   size -= rep.number * sz_xXDGAModeInfo; /* find text size */
	   modes = (SDL_NAME(XDGAMode)*)Xmalloc((rep.number * sizeof(SDL_NAME(XDGAMode))) + size);
	   offset = (char*)(&modes[rep.number]); /* start of text */

	   if(modes) {	
	      for(i = 0; i < rep.number; i++) {
		_XRead(dpy, (char*)(&info), sz_xXDGAModeInfo);

		modes[i].num = info.num;
		modes[i].verticalRefresh = 
			(float)info.vsync_num / (float)info.vsync_den;
		modes[i].flags = info.flags;
		modes[i].imageWidth = info.image_width;
		modes[i].imageHeight = info.image_height;
		modes[i].pixmapWidth = info.pixmap_width;
		modes[i].pixmapHeight = info.pixmap_height;
		modes[i].bytesPerScanline = info.bytes_per_scanline;
		modes[i].byteOrder = info.byte_order;
		modes[i].depth = info.depth;
		modes[i].bitsPerPixel = info.bpp;
		modes[i].redMask = info.red_mask;
		modes[i].greenMask = info.green_mask;
		modes[i].blueMask = info.blue_mask;
		modes[i].visualClass = info.visual_class;
		modes[i].viewportWidth = info.viewport_width;
		modes[i].viewportHeight = info.viewport_height;
		modes[i].xViewportStep = info.viewport_xstep;
		modes[i].yViewportStep = info.viewport_ystep;
		modes[i].maxViewportX = info.viewport_xmax;
		modes[i].maxViewportY = info.viewport_ymax;
		modes[i].viewportFlags = info.viewport_flags;
		modes[i].reserved1 = info.reserved1;
		modes[i].reserved2 = info.reserved2;	

		_XRead(dpy, offset, info.name_size);
		modes[i].name = offset;
		offset += info.name_size;
	      *num = rep.number;
	   } else
		_XEatData(dpy, rep.length << 2);


    return modes;

    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		mode
    XExtDisplayInfo *dinfo = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGASetModeReply rep;
    xXDGASetModeReq *req;
    SDL_NAME(XDGADevice) *dev = NULL;
    Pixmap pid;

    XDGACheckExtension (dpy, dinfo, NULL);

    GetReq(XDGASetMode, req);
    req->reqType = dinfo->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGASetMode;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->mode = mode;
    req->pid = pid = XAllocID(dpy);
    if (_XReply(dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse)) {
	if(rep.length) {
	   xXDGAModeInfo info;
	   int size;

	   size = rep.length << 2;
	   size -= sz_xXDGAModeInfo; /* get text size */

	   dev = (SDL_NAME(XDGADevice)*)Xmalloc(sizeof(SDL_NAME(XDGADevice)) + size);
	   if(dev) {
		_XRead(dpy, (char*)(&info), sz_xXDGAModeInfo);

		dev->mode.num = info.num;
		dev->mode.verticalRefresh = 
				(float)info.vsync_num / (float)info.vsync_den;
		dev->mode.flags = info.flags;
		dev->mode.imageWidth = info.image_width;
		dev->mode.imageHeight = info.image_height;
		dev->mode.pixmapWidth = info.pixmap_width;
		dev->mode.pixmapHeight = info.pixmap_height;
		dev->mode.bytesPerScanline = info.bytes_per_scanline;
		dev->mode.byteOrder = info.byte_order;
		dev->mode.depth = info.depth;
		dev->mode.bitsPerPixel = info.bpp;
		dev->mode.redMask = info.red_mask;
		dev->mode.greenMask = info.green_mask;
		dev->mode.blueMask = info.blue_mask;
		dev->mode.visualClass = info.visual_class;
		dev->mode.viewportWidth = info.viewport_width;
		dev->mode.viewportHeight = info.viewport_height;
		dev->mode.xViewportStep = info.viewport_xstep;
		dev->mode.yViewportStep = info.viewport_ystep;
		dev->mode.maxViewportX = info.viewport_xmax;
		dev->mode.maxViewportY = info.viewport_ymax;
		dev->mode.viewportFlags = info.viewport_flags;
		dev->mode.reserved1 = info.reserved1;
		dev->mode.reserved2 = info.reserved2;

		dev-> = (char*)(&dev[1]);	
		_XRead(dpy, dev->, info.name_size);

		dev->pixmap = (rep.flags & XDGAPixmap) ? pid : 0;
		dev->data = SDL_NAME(XDGAGetMappedMemory)(screen);

		    dev->data += rep.offset;
	   /* not sure what to do if the allocation fails */


    return dev;

void SDL_NAME(XDGASetViewport)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		x,
    int		y,
    int		flags
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGASetViewportReq *req;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));

    GetReq(XDGASetViewport, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGASetViewport;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->x = x;
    req->y = y;
    req->flags = flags;

void SDL_NAME(XDGAInstallColormap)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    Colormap	cmap
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGAInstallColormapReq *req;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));

    GetReq(XDGAInstallColormap, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGAInstallColormap;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->cmap = cmap;

void SDL_NAME(XDGASelectInput)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    long	mask
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGASelectInputReq *req;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));

    GetReq(XDGASelectInput, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGASelectInput;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->mask = mask;

void SDL_NAME(XDGAFillRectangle)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		x,
    int		y,
    unsigned int	width,
    unsigned int	height,
    unsigned long	color
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGAFillRectangleReq *req;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));

    GetReq(XDGAFillRectangle, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGAFillRectangle;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->x = x;
    req->y = y;
    req->width = width;
    req->height = height;
    req->color = color;

void SDL_NAME(XDGACopyArea)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		srcx,
    int		srcy,
    unsigned int	width,
    unsigned int	height,
    int		dstx,
    int		dsty
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGACopyAreaReq *req;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));

    GetReq(XDGACopyArea, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGACopyArea;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->srcx = srcx;
    req->srcy = srcy;
    req->width = width;
    req->height = height;
    req->dstx = dstx;
    req->dsty = dsty;

void SDL_NAME(XDGACopyTransparentArea)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		srcx,
    int		srcy,
    unsigned int	width,
    unsigned int	height,
    int		dstx,
    int		dsty,
    unsigned long key
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGACopyTransparentAreaReq *req;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));

    GetReq(XDGACopyTransparentArea, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGACopyTransparentArea;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->srcx = srcx;
    req->srcy = srcy;
    req->width = width;
    req->height = height;
    req->dstx = dstx;
    req->dsty = dsty;
    req->key = key;

int SDL_NAME(XDGAGetViewportStatus)(
    Display *dpy,
    int screen 
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGAGetViewportStatusReply rep;
    xXDGAGetViewportStatusReq *req;
    int status = 0;

    XDGACheckExtension (dpy, info, 0);

    GetReq(XDGAGetViewportStatus, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGAGetViewportStatus;
    req->screen = screen;
    if (!_XReply(dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse))
	status = rep.status;
    return status;

void SDL_NAME(XDGASync)(
    Display *dpy,
    int screen 
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGASyncReply rep;
    xXDGASyncReq *req;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));

    GetReq(XDGASync, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGASync;
    req->screen = screen;
    _XReply(dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse);

void SDL_NAME(XDGAChangePixmapMode)(
    Display *dpy,
    int screen,
    int *x,
    int *y,
    int mode 
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGAChangePixmapModeReq *req;
    xXDGAChangePixmapModeReply rep;

    XextSimpleCheckExtension (dpy, info, SDL_NAME(xdga_extension_name));

    GetReq(XDGAChangePixmapMode, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGAChangePixmapMode;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->x = *x;
    req->y = *y;
    req->flags = mode;
    _XReply(dpy, (xReply *)&rep, 0, xFalse);
    *x = rep.x;
    *y = rep.y;

Colormap SDL_NAME(XDGACreateColormap)(
    Display *dpy,
    int screen,
    SDL_NAME(XDGADevice) *dev,
    int	alloc
    XExtDisplayInfo *info = SDL_NAME(xdga_find_display) (dpy);
    xXDGACreateColormapReq *req;
    Colormap cid;

    XDGACheckExtension (dpy, info, -1);

    GetReq(XDGACreateColormap, req);
    req->reqType = info->codes->major_opcode;
    req->dgaReqType = X_XDGACreateColormap;
    req->screen = screen;
    req->mode = dev->mode.num;
    req->alloc = alloc;
    cid = req->id = XAllocID(dpy);

    return cid;

void SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEventToXKeyEvent)(
    SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEvent)* dk, 
    XKeyEvent* xk
    xk->type = dk->type;
    xk->serial = dk->serial;
    xk->send_event = False;
    xk->display = dk->display;
    xk->window = RootWindow(dk->display, dk->screen);
    xk->root = xk->window;
    xk->subwindow = None;
    xk->time = dk->time;
    xk->x = xk->y = xk->x_root = xk->y_root = 0;
    xk->state = dk->state;
    xk->keycode = dk->keycode;
    xk->same_screen = True;

#include <X11/Xmd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#if defined(ISC) 
# define HAS_SVR3_MMAP
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <errno.h>

# include <sys/at_ansi.h>
# include <sys/kd.h>

# include <sys/sysmacros.h>
# include <sys/immu.h>
# include <sys/region.h>

# include <sys/mmap.h>
# if !defined(Lynx)
#  if !defined(__EMX__)
#   include <sys/mman.h>
#  endif
# else
#  include <sys/types.h>
#  include <errno.h>
#  include <smem.h>
# endif
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#if defined(SVR4) && !defined(sun) && !defined(SCO325)
#define DEV_MEM "/dev/pmem"
#elif defined(SVR4) && defined(sun)
#define DEV_MEM "/dev/xsvc"
#define DEV_MEM "/dev/mem"

typedef struct _DGAMapRec{
  unsigned char *physical;
  unsigned char *virtual;
  CARD32 size;
  int fd;
  int screen;
  struct _DGAMapRec *next;
} DGAMapRec, *DGAMapPtr;

static Bool
DGAMapPhysical(int, char*, unsigned char*, CARD32, CARD32, CARD32, DGAMapPtr); 
static void DGAUnmapPhysical(DGAMapPtr);

static DGAMapPtr _Maps = NULL;

unsigned char*
SDL_NAME(XDGAGetMappedMemory)(int screen)
    DGAMapPtr pMap = _Maps;
    unsigned char *pntr = NULL;

    while(pMap != NULL) {
	if(pMap->screen == screen) {
	    pntr = pMap->virtual;
	pMap = pMap->next;

    return pntr;

   int screen,
   char *name,			/* optional device name */
   unsigned char* base,		/* physical memory */
   CARD32 size,			/* size */
   CARD32 offset,		/* optional offset */
   CARD32 extra			/* optional extra data */
   DGAMapPtr pMap = _Maps;
   Bool result;
   /* is it already mapped ? */
   while(pMap != NULL) {
     if(pMap->screen == screen)
	return True;
     pMap = pMap->next;

   if(extra & XDGANeedRoot) {
    /* we should probably check if we have root permissions and
       return False here */


   pMap = (DGAMapPtr)Xmalloc(sizeof(DGAMapRec));

   result = DGAMapPhysical(screen, name, base, size, offset, extra, pMap);

   if(result) {
      pMap->next = _Maps;
      _Maps = pMap;
   } else 
   return result;

SDL_NAME(XDGAUnmapFramebuffer)(int screen)
   DGAMapPtr pMap = _Maps;
   DGAMapPtr pPrev = NULL;

   /* is it already mapped */
    while(pMap != NULL) {
	if(pMap->screen == screen)
	pPrev = pMap;
	pMap = pMap->next;



	_Maps = pMap->next;
	pPrev->next = pMap->next;


static Bool
   int screen,
   char *name,			/* optional device name */
   unsigned char* base,		/* physical memory */
   CARD32 size,			/* size */
   CARD32 offset,		/* optional offset */
   CARD32 extra,		/* optional extra data */
   DGAMapPtr pMap
) {
#if defined(ISC) && defined(HAS_SVR3_MMAP)
    struct kd_memloc mloc;
#elif defined(__EMX__)
    APIRET rc;
    ULONG action;
    HFILE hfd;
    base += offset;

    pMap->screen = screen;
    pMap->physical = base;
    pMap->size = size;

#if defined(ISC) && defined(HAS_SVR3_MMAP)
    if ((pMap->fd = open("/dev/mmap", O_RDWR)) < 0)
	return False;
    mloc.vaddr = (char *)0;
    mloc.physaddr = (char *)base;
    mloc.length = size;

    if ((pMap->virtual = (void *)ioctl(pMap->fd, MAP, &mloc)) == (void *)-1)
	return False;
#elif defined (__EMX__)
     * Dragon warning here! /dev/pmap$ is never closed, except on progam exit.
     * Consecutive calling of this routine will make PMAP$ driver run out
     * of memory handles. Some umap/close mechanism should be provided

    rc = DosOpen("/dev/pmap$", &hfd, &action, 0, FILE_NORMAL, FILE_OPEN,
    if (rc != 0)
	return False;
	struct map_ioctl {
		union {
			ULONG phys;
			void* user;
		} a;
		ULONG size;
	} pmap,dmap;
	ULONG plen,dlen;
#define XFREE86_PMAP	0x76
#define PMAP_MAP	0x44

	pmap.a.phys = base;
	pmap.size = size;
	rc = DosDevIOCtl(hfd, XFREE86_PMAP, PMAP_MAP,
			 (PULONG)&pmap, sizeof(pmap), &plen,
			 (PULONG)&dmap, sizeof(dmap), &dlen);
	if (rc == 0) {
		pMap->virtual = dmap.a.user;
   if (rc != 0)
	return False;
#elif defined (Lynx)
    pMap->virtual = smem_create("XF86DGA", (char*)base, size, SM_READ|SM_WRITE);
#ifndef MAP_FILE
#define MAP_FILE 0
    if (!name)
	    name = DEV_MEM;
    if ((pMap->fd = open(name, O_RDWR)) < 0)
#if defined(ENABLE_FBCON)
    { /* /dev/fb0 fallback added by Sam Lantinga <> */
        /* Try to fall back to /dev/fb on Linux - FIXME: verify the device */
        struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo;

        if ((pMap->fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR)) < 0) {
            return False;
        /* The useable framebuffer console memory may not be the whole
           framebuffer that X has access to. :-(
        if ( ioctl(pMap->fd, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &finfo) < 0 ) {
            return False;
        /* Warning: On PPC, the size and virtual need to be offset by:
           (((long)finfo.smem_start) -
        base = 0;
        size = pMap->size = finfo.smem_len;
	return False;
    pMap->virtual = mmap(NULL, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, 
			MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, pMap->fd, (off_t)base);
    if (pMap->virtual == (void *)-1)
	return False;

#if !defined(ISC) && !defined(HAS_SVR3_MMAP) && !defined(Lynx) \
	&& !defined(__EMX__)
    mprotect(pMap->virtual, size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);

    return True;

static void
DGAUnmapPhysical(DGAMapPtr pMap)
#if !defined(ISC) && !defined(HAS_SVR3_MMAP) && !defined(Lynx) \
	&& !defined(__EMX__)
    mprotect(pMap->virtual,pMap->size, PROT_READ);
#elif defined(Lynx)
	/* XXX this doesn't allow enable after disable */
    smem_create(NULL, pMap->virtual, pMap->size, SM_DETACH);

   /* We need to unmap and close too !!!!!!!!!!*/