view Xcode-iPhoneOS/Demos/src/accelerometer.c @ 4447:947201caa46e

Added automated test to Xcode project plus needed changes to SDL_RWFromFile to be OS X bundle aware. The Mac OS X project has a new target called testsdl which builds the automated test. I looked at using Xcode's native unit test support, but the impedance mismatch between the existing automated test structure and Apple's was more than I could handle. As such, the testsdl application is a full blown proper OS X application, which means it is a self-contained .app bundle. This immediately revealed some problems from the automated test. The largest problem was the assumption about the current working directory and where to find resources. (I suspect Windows may have a similar problem depending on circumstance.) To open resources, the test was looking in directories relative to the SDL source directory, but this will not work well with self-contained .app bundles and Xcode which can place its built applications almost anywhere. And for real-world situations, this is pretty useless anyway. So I modified SDL_RWFromFile to do special things on OS X. First, it will look for a file in the .app bundle. If not found, it will fallback and just call fopen as it used to do. I also had to modify the automated test itself because it had a contrieved test which called fopen directly to do read from an existing FILE pointer. In addition, there was a write test. Since a .app bundle is likely going to be read-only, I added a special case for OS X to write to NSTemporaryDirectory. I expect these changes should work for both Mac and iPhone OS (which includes iPad). I will update the iPhone Xcode project next. Finally, FYI, the X11 automated test seems to be failing. Below is my output. Pending breakpoint 4 - "-[NSException raise]" resolved Platform : All tests successful (2) SDL_RWops : All tests successful (5) Rect : All tests successful (1) SDL_Surface : All tests successful (6) Rendering with cocoa driver : All tests successful (3) Assert Failed! Blit output not the same. Test Case 'Renderer x11' Test Suite 'Rendering with x11 driver' Last SDL error '' Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetSurfaceBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorFailure: Set a breakpoint @ CGErrorBreakpoint() to catch errors as they are logged. Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetWindowBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetSurfaceBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetWindowBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetSurfaceBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetWindowBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetSurfaceBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetWindowBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetSurfaceBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetWindowBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetSurfaceBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetWindowBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSGetSurfaceBounds Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Sat May 8 00:30:34 iMacAL.local testsdl[71586] <Error>: kCGErrorIllegalArgument: CGSBindSurface: Invalid window 0xa150 Rendering with x11 driver : Failed 1 out of 4 testcases! Rendering with dummy driver : All tests successful (3) SDL_Audio : All tests successful (1) Tests run with SDL 1.3.0 revision 1095906 System is running Mac OS X and is little endian
author Eric Wing <ewing . public |-at-| gmail . com>
date Sat, 08 May 2010 00:54:22 -0700
parents e431b888ac6c
children 78db79f5a4e2
line wrap: on
line source

 *	accelerometer.c
 *	written by Holmes Futrell
 *	use however you want

#include "SDL.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "common.h"

#define MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME 16       /* about 60 frames per second */
#define DAMPING 0.5f;           /* after bouncing off a wall, damping coefficient determines final speed */
#define FRICTION 0.0008f        /* coefficient of acceleration that opposes direction of motion */
#define GRAVITY_CONSTANT 0.004f /* how sensitive the ship is to the accelerometer */

/*	If we aren't on an iPhone, then this definition ought to yield reasonable behavior */

static SDL_Joystick *accelerometer;     /* used for controlling the ship */

static struct
    float x, y;                 /* position of ship */
    float vx, vy;               /* velocity of ship (in pixels per millesecond) */
    SDL_Rect rect;              /* (drawn) position and size of ship */
} shipData;

static SDL_Texture *ship = 0;        /* texture for spaceship */
static SDL_Texture *space = 0;       /* texture for space (background */


    /* get joystick (accelerometer) axis values and normalize them */
    float ax = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(accelerometer, 0);
    float ay = -SDL_JoystickGetAxis(accelerometer, 1);

    /* ship screen constraints */
    Uint32 minx = 0.0f;
    Uint32 maxx = SCREEN_WIDTH - shipData.rect.w;
    Uint32 miny = 0.0f;
    Uint32 maxy = SCREEN_HEIGHT - shipData.rect.h;

#define SINT16_MAX ((float)(0x7FFF))

    /* update velocity from accelerometer
       the factor SDL_IPHONE_MAX_G_FORCE / SINT16_MAX converts between 
       SDL's units reported from the joytick, and units of g-force, as reported by the accelerometer
    shipData.vx +=
    shipData.vy +=

    float speed = sqrt(shipData.vx * shipData.vx + shipData.vy * shipData.vy);

    if (speed > 0) {
        /* compensate for friction */
        float dirx = shipData.vx / speed;   /* normalized x velocity */
        float diry = shipData.vy / speed;   /* normalized y velocity */

        /* update velocity due to friction */
        if (speed - FRICTION * MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME > 0) {
            /* apply friction */
            shipData.vx -= dirx * FRICTION * MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME;
            shipData.vy -= diry * FRICTION * MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME;
        } else {
            /* applying friction would MORE than stop the ship, so just stop the ship */
            shipData.vx = 0.0f;
            shipData.vy = 0.0f;

    /* update ship location */
    shipData.x += shipData.vx * MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME;
    shipData.y += shipData.vy * MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME;

    if (shipData.x > maxx) {
        shipData.x = maxx;
        shipData.vx = -shipData.vx * DAMPING;
    } else if (shipData.x < minx) {
        shipData.x = minx;
        shipData.vx = -shipData.vx * DAMPING;
    if (shipData.y > maxy) {
        shipData.y = maxy;
        shipData.vy = -shipData.vy * DAMPING;
    } else if (shipData.y < miny) {
        shipData.y = miny;
        shipData.vy = -shipData.vy * DAMPING;

    /* draw the background */
    SDL_RenderCopy(space, NULL, NULL);

    /* draw the ship */
    shipData.rect.x = shipData.x;
    shipData.rect.y = shipData.y;

    SDL_RenderCopy(ship, NULL, &shipData.rect);

    /* update screen */



    SDL_Surface *bmp_surface;
    SDL_Surface *bmp_surface_rgba;
    int format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888;      /* desired texture format */
    Uint32 Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask;  /* masks for desired format */
    int bpp;                    /* bits per pixel for desired format */

    /* load the ship */
    bmp_surface = SDL_LoadBMP("ship.bmp");
    if (bmp_surface == NULL) {
        fatalError("could not ship.bmp");
    /* set blue to transparent on the ship */
    SDL_SetColorKey(bmp_surface, 1,
                    SDL_MapRGB(bmp_surface->format, 0, 0, 255));
    SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks(format, &bpp, &Rmask, &Gmask, &Bmask, &Amask);
       create a new RGBA surface and blit the bmp to it
       this is an extra step, but it seems to be necessary for the color key to work

       does the fact that this is necessary indicate a bug in SDL?
    bmp_surface_rgba =
        SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, bmp_surface->w, bmp_surface->h, bpp, Rmask,
                             Gmask, Bmask, Amask);
    SDL_BlitSurface(bmp_surface, NULL, bmp_surface_rgba, NULL);

    /* create ship texture from surface */
    ship = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(format, bmp_surface_rgba);
    if (ship == 0) {
        fatalError("could not create ship texture");
    SDL_SetTextureBlendMode(ship, SDL_BLENDMODE_BLEND);

    /* set the width and height of the ship from the surface dimensions */
    shipData.rect.w = bmp_surface->w;
    shipData.rect.h = bmp_surface->h;


    /* load the space background */
    bmp_surface = SDL_LoadBMP("space.bmp");
    if (bmp_surface == NULL) {
        fatalError("could not load space.bmp");
    /* create space texture from surface */
    space = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(format, bmp_surface);
    if (space == 0) {
        fatalError("could not create space texture");


main(int argc, char *argv[])

    SDL_Window *window;         /* main window */
    Uint32 startFrame;          /* time frame began to process */
    Uint32 endFrame;            /* time frame ended processing */
    Uint32 delay;               /* time to pause waiting to draw next frame */
    int done;                   /* should we clean up and exit? */

    /* initialize SDL */
        fatalError("Could not initialize SDL");

    /* create main window and renderer */
    window = SDL_CreateWindow(NULL, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT,
                                SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL | SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN |
    SDL_CreateRenderer(window, 0, 0);

    /* print out some info about joysticks and try to open accelerometer for use */
    printf("There are %d joysticks available\n", SDL_NumJoysticks());
    printf("Default joystick (index 0) is %s\n", SDL_JoystickName(0));
    accelerometer = SDL_JoystickOpen(0);
    if (accelerometer == NULL) {
        fatalError("Could not open joystick (accelerometer)");
    printf("joystick number of axis = %d\n",
    printf("joystick number of hats = %d\n",
    printf("joystick number of balls = %d\n",
    printf("joystick number of buttons = %d\n",

    /* load graphics */

    /* setup ship */
    shipData.x = (SCREEN_WIDTH - shipData.rect.w) / 2;
    shipData.y = (SCREEN_HEIGHT - shipData.rect.h) / 2;
    shipData.vx = 0.0f;
    shipData.vy = 0.0f;

    done = 0;
    /* enter main loop */
    while (!done) {
        startFrame = SDL_GetTicks();
        SDL_Event event;
        while (SDL_PollEvent(&event)) {
            if (event.type == SDL_QUIT) {
                done = 1;
        endFrame = SDL_GetTicks();

        /* figure out how much time we have left, and then sleep */
        delay = MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME - (endFrame - startFrame);
        if (delay < 0) {
            delay = 0;
        } else if (delay > MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME) {
            delay = MILLESECONDS_PER_FRAME;

    /* delete textures */

    /* shutdown SDL */

    return 0;
