view src/main/macos/SDL_main.c @ 1230:88c2d6aed428

From Mike Frysinger and/or Gentoo: - libsdl-PIC-load-mmx-masks-from-stack.patch this one may be a little controversial ... the fix here is again that you cant reference the memory addresses like this to load into a mmx register, so the way to do it is to push two 32bit words onto the stack, load the 64bit value off of the stack into the mmx register, and then adjust the stack so that it's back to normal.
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Thu, 05 Jan 2006 15:25:19 +0000
parents 609c060fd2a2
children c9b51268668f
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

static char rcsid =
 "@(#) $Id$";

/* This file takes care of command line argument parsing, and stdio redirection
   in the MacOS environment. (stdio/stderr is *not* directed for Mach-O builds)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>	
#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include <Carbon.h>
#include <Dialogs.h>
#include <Fonts.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Resources.h>
#include <Folders.h>

/* Include the SDL main definition header */
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_main.h"
#ifdef main
#undef main

#if !(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
/* The standard output files */
#define STDOUT_FILE	"stdout.txt"
#define STDERR_FILE	"stderr.txt"

#if !defined(__MWERKS__) && !TARGET_API_MAC_CARBON
	/* In MPW, the qd global has been removed from the libraries */
	QDGlobals qd;

/* Structure for keeping prefs in 1 variable */
typedef struct {
    Str255  command_line;
    Str255  video_driver_name;
    Boolean output_to_file;
}  PrefsRecord;

/* See if the command key is held down at startup */
static Boolean CommandKeyIsDown(void)
	KeyMap  theKeyMap;


	if (((unsigned char *) theKeyMap)[6] & 0x80) {

#if !(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))

/* Parse a command line buffer into arguments */
static int ParseCommandLine(char *cmdline, char **argv)
	char *bufp;
	int argc;

	argc = 0;
	for ( bufp = cmdline; *bufp; ) {
		/* Skip leading whitespace */
		while ( isspace(*bufp) ) {
		/* Skip over argument */
		if ( *bufp == '"' ) {
			if ( *bufp ) {
				if ( argv ) {
					argv[argc] = bufp;
			/* Skip over word */
			while ( *bufp && (*bufp != '"') ) {
		} else {
			if ( *bufp ) {
				if ( argv ) {
					argv[argc] = bufp;
			/* Skip over word */
			while ( *bufp && ! isspace(*bufp) ) {
		if ( *bufp ) {
			if ( argv ) {
				*bufp = '\0';
	if ( argv ) {
		argv[argc] = NULL;

/* Remove the output files if there was no output written */
static void cleanup_output(void)
	FILE *file;
	int empty;

	/* Flush the output in case anything is queued */

	/* See if the files have any output in them */
	file = fopen(STDOUT_FILE, "rb");
	if ( file ) {
		empty = (fgetc(file) == EOF) ? 1 : 0;
		if ( empty ) {
	file = fopen(STDERR_FILE, "rb");
	if ( file ) {
		empty = (fgetc(file) == EOF) ? 1 : 0;
		if ( empty ) {

#endif //!(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))

static int getCurrentAppName (StrFileName name) {
    ProcessSerialNumber process;
    ProcessInfoRec      process_info;
    FSSpec              process_fsp;
    process.highLongOfPSN = 0;
    process.lowLongOfPSN  = kCurrentProcess;
    process_info.processInfoLength = sizeof (process_info);
    process_info.processName    = NULL;
    process_info.processAppSpec = &process_fsp;
    if ( noErr != GetProcessInformation (&process, &process_info) )
       return 0;
    memcpy (name,,[0] + 1);
    return 1;

static int getPrefsFile (FSSpec *prefs_fsp, int create) {

    /* The prefs file name is the application name, possibly truncated, */
    /* plus " Preferences */
    #define  SUFFIX   " Preferences"
    #define  MAX_NAME 19             /* 31 - strlen (SUFFIX) */
    short  volume_ref_number;
    long   directory_id;
    StrFileName  prefs_name;
    StrFileName  app_name;
    /* Get Preferences folder - works with Multiple Users */
    if ( noErr != FindFolder ( kOnSystemDisk, kPreferencesFolderType, kDontCreateFolder,
                               &volume_ref_number, &directory_id) )
        exit (-1);
    if ( ! getCurrentAppName (app_name) )
        exit (-1);
    /* Truncate if name is too long */
    if (app_name[0] > MAX_NAME )
        app_name[0] = MAX_NAME;
    memcpy (prefs_name + 1, app_name + 1, app_name[0]);    
    memcpy (prefs_name + app_name[0] + 1, SUFFIX, strlen (SUFFIX));
    prefs_name[0] = app_name[0] + strlen (SUFFIX);
    /* Make the file spec for prefs file */
    if ( noErr != FSMakeFSSpec (volume_ref_number, directory_id, prefs_name, prefs_fsp) ) {
        if ( !create )
            return 0;
        else {
            /* Create the prefs file */
            memcpy (prefs_fsp->name, prefs_name, prefs_name[0] + 1);
            prefs_fsp->parID   = directory_id;
            prefs_fsp->vRefNum = volume_ref_number;
            FSpCreateResFile (prefs_fsp, 0x3f3f3f3f, 'pref', 0); // '????' parsed as trigraph
            if ( noErr != ResError () )
                return 0;
    return 1;

static int readPrefsResource (PrefsRecord *prefs) {
    Handle prefs_handle;
    prefs_handle = Get1Resource( 'CLne', 128 );

	if (prefs_handle != NULL) {
		int offset = 0;
//		int j      = 0;
		/* Get command line string */	
		memcpy (prefs->command_line, *prefs_handle, (*prefs_handle)[0]+1);

		/* Get video driver name */
		offset += (*prefs_handle)[0] + 1;	
		memcpy (prefs->video_driver_name, *prefs_handle + offset, (*prefs_handle)[offset] + 1);		
		/* Get save-to-file option (1 or 0) */
		offset += (*prefs_handle)[offset] + 1;
		prefs->output_to_file = (*prefs_handle)[offset];
		ReleaseResource( prefs_handle );
        return ResError() == noErr;

    return 0;

static int writePrefsResource (PrefsRecord *prefs, short resource_file) {

    Handle prefs_handle;
    UseResFile (resource_file);
    prefs_handle = Get1Resource ( 'CLne', 128 );
    if (prefs_handle != NULL)
        RemoveResource (prefs_handle);
    prefs_handle = NewHandle ( prefs->command_line[0] + prefs->video_driver_name[0] + 4 );
    if (prefs_handle != NULL) {
        int offset;
        HLock (prefs_handle);
        /* Command line text */
        offset = 0;
        memcpy (*prefs_handle, prefs->command_line, prefs->command_line[0] + 1);
        /* Video driver name */
        offset += prefs->command_line[0] + 1;
        memcpy (*prefs_handle + offset, prefs->video_driver_name, prefs->video_driver_name[0] + 1);
        /* Output-to-file option */
        offset += prefs->video_driver_name[0] + 1;
        *( *((char**)prefs_handle) + offset)     = (char)prefs->output_to_file;
        *( *((char**)prefs_handle) + offset + 1) = 0;
        AddResource   (prefs_handle, 'CLne', 128, "\pCommand Line");
        WriteResource (prefs_handle);
        UpdateResFile (resource_file);
        DisposeHandle (prefs_handle);
        return ResError() == noErr;
    return 0;

static int readPreferences (PrefsRecord *prefs) {

    int    no_error = 1;
    FSSpec prefs_fsp;

    /* Check for prefs file first */
    if ( getPrefsFile (&prefs_fsp, 0) ) {
        short  prefs_resource;
        prefs_resource = FSpOpenResFile (&prefs_fsp, fsRdPerm);
        if ( prefs_resource == -1 ) /* this shouldn't happen, but... */
            return 0;
        UseResFile   (prefs_resource);
        no_error = readPrefsResource (prefs);     
        CloseResFile (prefs_resource);
    /* Fall back to application's resource fork (reading only, so this is safe) */
    else {
          no_error = readPrefsResource (prefs);

    return no_error;

static int writePreferences (PrefsRecord *prefs) {
    int    no_error = 1;
    FSSpec prefs_fsp;
    /* Get prefs file, create if it doesn't exist */
    if ( getPrefsFile (&prefs_fsp, 1) ) {
        short  prefs_resource;
        prefs_resource = FSpOpenResFile (&prefs_fsp, fsRdWrPerm);
        if (prefs_resource == -1)
            return 0;
        no_error = writePrefsResource (prefs, prefs_resource);
        CloseResFile (prefs_resource);
    return no_error;

/* This is where execution begins */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])

#if !(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
#pragma unused(argc, argv)
#define DEFAULT_ARGS "\p"                /* pascal string for default args */
#define DEFAULT_VIDEO_DRIVER "\ptoolbox" /* pascal string for default video driver name */	
#define DEFAULT_OUTPUT_TO_FILE 1         /* 1 == output to file, 0 == no output */

#define VIDEO_ID_DRAWSPROCKET 1          /* these correspond to popup menu choices */
#define VIDEO_ID_TOOLBOX      2

#if !(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
	int     nargs;
	char   **args;
	char   *commandLine;
	StrFileName  appNameText;
	int     videodriver     = VIDEO_ID_TOOLBOX;
    int     settingsChanged = 0;
    long	i;

	/* Kyle's SDL command-line dialog code ... */
	InitGraf    (&qd.thePort);
	InitFonts   ();
	InitWindows ();
	InitMenus   ();
	InitDialogs (nil);
	InitCursor ();
	MaxApplZone ();
	MoreMasters ();
	MoreMasters ();
#if 0
	/* Intialize SDL, and put up a dialog if we fail */
	if ( SDL_Init (0) < 0 ) {

#define kErr_OK		1
#define kErr_Text	2

        DialogPtr errorDialog;
        short	  dummyType;
    	Rect	  dummyRect;
	    Handle    dummyHandle;
	    short     itemHit;
		errorDialog = GetNewDialog (1001, nil, (WindowPtr)-1);
		if (errorDialog == NULL)
		    return -1;
		DrawDialog (errorDialog);
		GetDialogItem (errorDialog, kErr_Text, &dummyType, &dummyHandle, &dummyRect);
		SetDialogItemText (dummyHandle, "\pError Initializing SDL");
		SetPort (GetDialogPort(errorDialog));
		SetPort (errorDialog);
		do {
			ModalDialog (nil, &itemHit);
		} while (itemHit != kErr_OK);
		DisposeDialog (errorDialog);
		exit (-1);

/* Set up SDL's QuickDraw environment  */

	 if ( readPreferences (&prefs) ) {
        if (memcmp (prefs.video_driver_name+1, "DSp", 3) == 0)
            videodriver = 1;
        else if (memcmp (prefs.video_driver_name+1, "toolbox", 7) == 0)
            videodriver = 2;
	if ( CommandKeyIsDown() ) {

#define kCL_OK		1
#define kCL_Cancel	2
#define kCL_Text	3
#define kCL_File	4
#define kCL_Video   6
        DialogPtr commandDialog;
        short	  dummyType;
        Rect	  dummyRect;
        Handle    dummyHandle;
        short     itemHit;
        ControlRef control;
        /* Assume that they will change settings, rather than do exhaustive check */
        settingsChanged = 1;
        /* Create dialog and display it */
        commandDialog = GetNewDialog (1000, nil, (WindowPtr)-1);
        SetPort ( GetDialogPort(commandDialog) );
        SetPort (commandDialog);
        /* Setup controls */
        GetDialogItemAsControl(commandDialog, kCL_File, &control);
        SetControlValue (control, prefs.output_to_file);
        GetDialogItem   (commandDialog, kCL_File, &dummyType, &dummyHandle, &dummyRect); /* MJS */
        SetControlValue ((ControlHandle)dummyHandle, prefs.output_to_file );

        GetDialogItem     (commandDialog, kCL_Text, &dummyType, &dummyHandle, &dummyRect);
        SetDialogItemText (dummyHandle, prefs.command_line);

        GetDialogItemAsControl(commandDialog, kCL_Video, &control);
        SetControlValue (control, videodriver);
        GetDialogItem   (commandDialog, kCL_Video, &dummyType, &dummyHandle, &dummyRect);
        SetControlValue ((ControlRef)dummyHandle, videodriver);

        SetDialogDefaultItem (commandDialog, kCL_OK);
        SetDialogCancelItem  (commandDialog, kCL_Cancel);

        do {
        	ModalDialog(nil, &itemHit); /* wait for user response */
            /* Toggle command-line output checkbox */	
        	if ( itemHit == kCL_File ) {
        		GetDialogItemAsControl(commandDialog, kCL_File, &control);
        		SetControlValue (control, !GetControlValue(control));
        		GetDialogItem(commandDialog, kCL_File, &dummyType, &dummyHandle, &dummyRect); /* MJS */
        		SetControlValue((ControlHandle)dummyHandle, !GetControlValue((ControlHandle)dummyHandle) );

        } while (itemHit != kCL_OK && itemHit != kCL_Cancel);

        /* Get control values, even if they did not change */
        GetDialogItem     (commandDialog, kCL_Text, &dummyType, &dummyHandle, &dummyRect); /* MJS */
        GetDialogItemText (dummyHandle, prefs.command_line);

        GetDialogItemAsControl(commandDialog, kCL_File, &control);
        prefs.output_to_file = GetControlValue(control);
        GetDialogItem (commandDialog, kCL_File, &dummyType, &dummyHandle, &dummyRect); /* MJS */
        prefs.output_to_file = GetControlValue ((ControlHandle)dummyHandle);

        GetDialogItemAsControl(commandDialog, kCL_Video, &control);
        videodriver = GetControlValue(control);
        GetDialogItem (commandDialog, kCL_Video, &dummyType, &dummyHandle, &dummyRect);
        videodriver = GetControlValue ((ControlRef)dummyHandle);

        DisposeDialog (commandDialog);

        if (itemHit == kCL_Cancel ) {
        	exit (0);
    /* Set pseudo-environment variables for video driver, update prefs */
	switch ( videodriver ) {
	      putenv ("SDL_VIDEODRIVER=DSp");
	      memcpy (prefs.video_driver_name, "\pDSp", 4);
	      putenv ("SDL_VIDEODRIVER=toolbox");
	      memcpy (prefs.video_driver_name, "\ptoolbox", 8);

#if !(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
    /* Redirect standard I/O to files */
	if ( prefs.output_to_file ) {
		freopen (STDOUT_FILE, "w", stdout);
		freopen (STDERR_FILE, "w", stderr);
	} else {
		fclose (stdout);
		fclose (stderr);
    if (settingsChanged) {
        /* Save the prefs, even if they might not have changed (but probably did) */
        if ( ! writePreferences (&prefs) )
            fprintf (stderr, "WARNING: Could not save preferences!\n");
#if !(defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__))
    appNameText[0] = 0;
    getCurrentAppName (appNameText); /* check for error here ? */

    commandLine = (char*) malloc (appNameText[0] + prefs.command_line[0] + 2);
    if ( commandLine == NULL ) {

    /* Rather than rewrite ParseCommandLine method, let's replace  */
    /* any spaces in application name with underscores,            */
    /* so that the app name is only 1 argument                     */   
    for (i = 1; i < 1+appNameText[0]; i++)
        if ( appNameText[i] == ' ' ) appNameText[i] = '_';

    /* Copy app name & full command text to command-line C-string */      
    memcpy (commandLine, appNameText + 1, appNameText[0]);
    commandLine[appNameText[0]] = ' ';
    memcpy (commandLine + appNameText[0] + 1, prefs.command_line + 1, prefs.command_line[0]);
    commandLine[ appNameText[0] + 1 + prefs.command_line[0] ] = '\0';

    /* Parse C-string into argv and argc */
    nargs = ParseCommandLine (commandLine, NULL);
    args = (char **)malloc((nargs+1)*(sizeof *args));
    if ( args == NULL ) {
	ParseCommandLine (commandLine, args);
	/* Run the main application code */
	SDL_main(nargs, args);
	free (args);
	free (commandLine);
   	/* Remove useless stdout.txt and stderr.txt */
   	cleanup_output ();
#else // defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
	SDL_main(argc, argv);
	/* Exit cleanly, calling atexit() functions */
	exit (0);    

	/* Never reached, but keeps the compiler quiet */
	return (0);