view src/hermes/mmxp2_32.asm @ 4384:6800e2560310 SDL-1.2

Fixed bugs #882 and 865, re-opening bug #634 Ronald Lamprecht to SDL Hi, Sam Lantinga wrote: The problem with that fix is that it breaks IME events again. Maybe we can handle keyboard events differently to prevent this issue? Spending an hour reading MSDN, analysing SDL and another hour testing the reality on XP I am really wondering how patch r4990 could have ever worked in any situation. It's main effect is to break the unicode translation and causing spurious activation events! Why does TranslateMessage(&msg) nothing useful? Simply because it does not affect "msg" at all! All keyboard events are dispatched without the slightest change (see MSDN). TranslateMessage() just appends additional WM_CHAR, WM_DEADCHAR, WM_SYSCHAR, WM_SYSDEADCHAR event messages to the queue. But I could not find any SDL event handling routine that catches these events and transforms them to proper SDL keyevents while eliminating the corresponding WM_KEYDOWN, etc. events. Thus any IME input like the '@' generated by "Alt + 6(Numpad) + 4(Numpad)" is simply lost. But the situation is even worse! Up to r4990 the TranslateKey()/ToUnicode() calls did evaluate dead keys and did deliver proper key events for subsequent key strokes like '´' + 'e' resulting in 'é'. ToUnicode() needs proper key state informations to be able to handle these substitutions. But unfortunatly TranslateMessage() needs the same state information and eats it up while generating the WM_CHAR messages :-( Thus the current 1.2.14 breakes the partial IME support of previous releases, too. The key state race condition between ToUnicode() and TranslateMessage() requires to avoid any ToUnicode() usage for receiving proper WM_CHAR, etc. messages generated by TranslateMessage(). (Yes - the '@' and 'é' appear as WM_CHAR messages when unicode is switched off). The spurious SDL activation events are *not* caused by additional WM_ACTIVATE Windows messages! Besides DIB_HandleMessage() SDL_PrivateAppActive() is called by another source which I am not yet aware of - any hints? Thus I do strongly recommend the deletion of the TranslateMessage(&msg) call as a quick fix. A proper support of unicode and IME requires a clean SDL keyboard input concept first. Which SDL keyboards events should be transmitted to the app when the user presses '´' + 'e' ? Within the current unicode handling the first key stroke is hidden. Even though ToUnicode() delivers the proper key SDL does ignore it in TranslateKey(). Just the composed key event is transmitted to the app. That is what you expect for text input, but the app can no longer use keys like '^' as a key button because it will never receive a key event for it! With a given concept it seems to be necessary to regenerate SDL key events out of the WM_CHAR, etc. events and to drop all related direct WM_KEYDOWN, etc. events while the remaining basic WM_KEYDOWN, etc. events would still have to result in SDL key events. Anyway the source of the spurious WM_ACTIVATE should be located to avoid future trouble. Greets, Ronald
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Tue, 17 Nov 2009 04:59:13 +0000
parents 5f463dddee36
line wrap: on
line source

; pII-optimised MMX format converters for HERMES
; Copyright (c) 1998 Christian Nentwich (
;   and (c) 1999 Jonathan Matthew (
; This source code is licensed under the GNU LGPL
; Please refer to the file COPYING.LIB contained in the distribution for
; licensing conditions		
; This file partly contains code that is (c) Intel Corporation, specifically
; the mode detection routine, and the converter to 15 bit (8 pixel
; conversion routine from the mmx programming tutorial pages).
; These routines aren't exactly pII optimised - it's just that as they
; are, they're terrible on p5 MMXs, but less so on pIIs.  Someone needs to
; optimise them for p5 MMXs..


%include ""
SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_24RGB888
SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB565
SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR565
SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_16RGB555
SDL_FUNC _ConvertMMXpII32_16BGR555

;; Macros for conversion routines

%macro _push_immq_mask 1
	push dword %1
	push dword %1

%macro load_immq 2
	_push_immq_mask %2
	movq %1, [esp]

%macro pand_immq 2
	_push_immq_mask %2
	pand %1, [esp]

%define CLEANUP_IMMQ_LOADS(num) \
	add esp, byte 8 * num

%define mmx32_rgb888_mask 00ffffffh
%define mmx32_rgb565_b 000000f8h
%define mmx32_rgb565_g 0000fc00h
%define mmx32_rgb565_r 00f80000h

%define mmx32_rgb555_rb 00f800f8h
%define mmx32_rgb555_g 0000f800h
%define mmx32_rgb555_mul 20000008h
%define mmx32_bgr555_mul 00082000h



        ; set up mm6 as the mask, mm7 as zero
        load_immq mm6, mmx32_rgb888_mask
        pxor mm7, mm7

        mov edx, ecx                    ; save ecx
        and ecx, 0fffffffch             ; clear lower two bits
        jnz .L1
        jmp .L2


        movq mm0, [esi]                 ; A R G B a r g b
        pand mm0, mm6                   ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
        movq mm1, [esi+8]               ; A R G B a r g b
        pand mm1, mm6                   ; 0 R G B 0 r g b

        movq mm2, mm0                   ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
        punpckhdq mm2, mm7              ; 0 0 0 0 0 R G B
        punpckldq mm0, mm7              ; 0 0 0 0 0 r g b
        psllq mm2, 24                   ; 0 0 R G B 0 0 0
        por mm0, mm2                    ; 0 0 R G B r g b

        movq mm3, mm1                   ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
        psllq mm3, 48                   ; g b 0 0 0 0 0 0
        por mm0, mm3                    ; g b R G B r g b

        movq mm4, mm1                   ; 0 R G B 0 r g b
        punpckhdq mm4, mm7              ; 0 0 0 0 0 R G B
        punpckldq mm1, mm7              ; 0 0 0 0 0 r g b
        psrlq mm1, 16                   ; 0 0 0 R G B 0 r
        psllq mm4, 8                    ; 0 0 0 0 R G B 0
        por mm1, mm4                    ; 0 0 0 0 R G B r

        movq [edi], mm0
        add esi, BYTE 16
        movd [edi+8], mm1
        add edi, BYTE 12
        sub ecx, BYTE 4
        jnz .L1

        mov ecx, edx
        and ecx, BYTE 3
        jz .L4
        mov al, [esi]
        mov bl, [esi+1]
        mov dl, [esi+2]
        mov [edi], al
        mov [edi+1], bl
        mov [edi+2], dl
        add esi, BYTE 4
        add edi, BYTE 3
        dec ecx
        jnz .L3


        ; set up masks
        load_immq mm5, mmx32_rgb565_b
        load_immq mm6, mmx32_rgb565_g
        load_immq mm7, mmx32_rgb565_r

        mov edx, ecx
        shr ecx, 2
        jnz .L1
        jmp .L2         ; not necessary at the moment, but doesn't hurt (much)

        movq mm0, [esi]         ; argb
        movq mm1, mm0           ; argb
        pand mm0, mm6           ; 00g0
        movq mm3, mm1           ; argb
        pand mm1, mm5           ; 000b
        pand mm3, mm7           ; 0r00
        pslld mm1, 2            ; 0 0 000000bb bbb00000
        por mm0, mm1            ; 0 0 ggggggbb bbb00000
        psrld mm0, 5            ; 0 0 00000ggg gggbbbbb

        movq mm4, [esi+8]       ; argb
        movq mm2, mm4           ; argb
        pand mm4, mm6           ; 00g0
        movq mm1, mm2           ; argb
        pand mm2, mm5           ; 000b
        pand mm1, mm7           ; 0r00
        pslld mm2, 2            ; 0 0 000000bb bbb00000
        por mm4, mm2            ; 0 0 ggggggbb bbb00000
        psrld mm4, 5            ; 0 0 00000ggg gggbbbbb

        packuswb mm3, mm1       ; R 0 r 0
        packssdw mm0, mm4       ; as above.. ish
        por mm0, mm3            ; done.
        movq [edi], mm0

        add esi, 16
        add edi, 8
        dec ecx
        jnz .L1

        mov ecx, edx
        and ecx, BYTE 3
        jz .L4
        mov al, [esi]
        mov bh, [esi+1]
        mov ah, [esi+2]
        shr al, 3
        and eax, 0F81Fh            ; BYTE?
        shr ebx, 5
        and ebx, 07E0h             ; BYTE?
        add eax, ebx
        mov [edi], al
        mov [edi+1], ah
        add esi, BYTE 4
        add edi, BYTE 2
        dec ecx
        jnz .L3



        load_immq mm5, mmx32_rgb565_r
        load_immq mm6, mmx32_rgb565_g
        load_immq mm7, mmx32_rgb565_b

        mov edx, ecx
        shr ecx, 2
        jnz .L1
        jmp .L2

        movq mm0, [esi]                 ; a r g b
        movq mm1, mm0                   ; a r g b
        pand mm0, mm6                   ; 0 0 g 0
        movq mm3, mm1                   ; a r g b
        pand mm1, mm5                   ; 0 r 0 0
        pand mm3, mm7                   ; 0 0 0 b

        psllq mm3, 16                   ; 0 b 0 0
        psrld mm1, 14                   ; 0 0 000000rr rrr00000
        por mm0, mm1                    ; 0 0 ggggggrr rrr00000
        psrld mm0, 5                    ; 0 0 00000ggg gggrrrrr

        movq mm4, [esi+8]               ; a r g b
        movq mm2, mm4                   ; a r g b
        pand mm4, mm6                   ; 0 0 g 0
        movq mm1, mm2                   ; a r g b
        pand mm2, mm5                   ; 0 r 0 0
        pand mm1, mm7                   ; 0 0 0 b

        psllq mm1, 16                   ; 0 b 0 0
        psrld mm2, 14                   ; 0 0 000000rr rrr00000
        por mm4, mm2                    ; 0 0 ggggggrr rrr00000
        psrld mm4, 5                    ; 0 0 00000ggg gggrrrrr

        packuswb mm3, mm1               ; BBBBB000 00000000 bbbbb000 00000000
        packssdw mm0, mm4               ; 00000GGG GGGRRRRR 00000GGG GGGRRRRR
        por mm0, mm3                    ; BBBBBGGG GGGRRRRR bbbbbggg gggrrrrr
        movq [edi], mm0

        add esi, BYTE 16
        add edi, BYTE 8
        dec ecx
        jnz .L1

        and edx, BYTE 3
        jz .L4
        mov al, [esi+2]
        mov bh, [esi+1]
        mov ah, [esi]
        shr al, 3
        and eax, 0F81Fh                    ; BYTE ?
        shr ebx, 5
        and ebx, 07E0h                     ; BYTE ?
        add eax, ebx
        mov [edi], al
        mov [edi+1], ah
        add esi, BYTE 4
        add edi, BYTE 2
        dec edx
        jnz .L3



        ; the 16BGR555 converter is identical to the RGB555 one,
        ; except it uses a different multiplier for the pmaddwd
        ; instruction.  cool huh.

        load_immq mm7, mmx32_bgr555_mul
        jmp _convert_bgr555_cheat

; This is the same as the Intel version.. they obviously went to
; much more trouble to expand/coil the loop than I did, so theirs
; would almost certainly be faster, even if only a little.
; I did rename 'mmx32_rgb555_add' to 'mmx32_rgb555_mul', which is
; (I think) a more accurate name..

	load_immq mm7, mmx32_rgb555_mul
	load_immq mm6, mmx32_rgb555_g
	mov edx,ecx		           ; Save ecx 

        and ecx,DWORD 0fffffff8h            ; clear lower three bits
	jnz .L_OK
        jmp near .L2 

	movq mm2,[esi+8]

	movq mm0,[esi]
	movq mm3,mm2

	pand_immq mm3, mmx32_rgb555_rb
	movq mm1,mm0

	pand_immq mm1, mmx32_rgb555_rb
	pmaddwd mm3,mm7


	pmaddwd mm1,mm7
	pand mm2,mm6

	movq mm4,[esi+24]
	pand mm0,mm6

	movq mm5,[esi+16]
	por mm3,mm2

	psrld mm3,6
	por mm1,mm0

	movq mm0,mm4
	psrld mm1,6

	pand_immq mm0, mmx32_rgb555_rb
	packssdw mm1,mm3

	movq mm3,mm5
	pmaddwd mm0,mm7

	pand_immq mm3, mmx32_rgb555_rb
	pand mm4,mm6

	movq [edi],mm1			
	pmaddwd mm3,mm7

        add esi,BYTE 32
	por mm4,mm0

	pand mm5,mm6
	psrld mm4,6

	movq mm2,[esi+8]
	por mm5,mm3

	movq mm0,[esi]
	psrld mm5,6

	movq mm3,mm2
	movq mm1,mm0

	pand_immq mm3, mmx32_rgb555_rb
	packssdw mm5,mm4

	pand_immq mm1, mmx32_rgb555_rb
	pand mm2,mm6


	movq [edi+8],mm5
	pmaddwd mm3,mm7

	pmaddwd mm1,mm7
        add edi,BYTE 16
        sub ecx,BYTE 8
	jz .L2
        jmp .L1

	mov ecx,edx
        and ecx,BYTE 7
	jz .L4
	mov ebx,[esi]
        add esi,BYTE 4
        mov eax,ebx
        mov edx,ebx

        shr eax,3
        shr edx,6

        and eax,BYTE 0000000000011111b
        and edx,     0000001111100000b

        shr ebx,9

        or eax,edx

        and ebx,     0111110000000000b

        or eax,ebx

        mov [edi],ax
        add edi,BYTE 2

	dec ecx
	jnz .L3	


%ifidn __OUTPUT_FORMAT__,elf
section .note.GNU-stack noalloc noexec nowrite progbits