view src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzVideo.h @ 320:66f815c147ed

Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2002 09:20:03 +0200 From: "Mike Gorchak" <> Subject: New QNX patch. Hi ! 1. Removed warning (possible bug) with invalid type, passing to the function in ph_WarpedMotion. 2. Rewritten handler of Ph_WM_RESIZE message, now works, but buggy (old handler doesn't work at all). 3. Added stub handler for Ph_WM_MAX (maximize) message. 4. Added more #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL to disable OpenGL stuff when it not needed. 5. Added support for SDL_NOFRAME and SDL_RESIZABLE flags (in OpenGL windows too). 6. Added cosmetic changes, if no SDL_RESIZABLE flag defined, disable resize handlers in window border and maximize button at caption. 7. Fixed my bug with invalid arguments count passed to PtCreateWidget call. 8. Fixed some palette problems. 9. Updated README.QNX file. And I changed testgl.c test application: 10. Added in testgl.c application support for SDL_NOFRAME flag and option -noframe.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Thu, 28 Mar 2002 16:20:10 +0000
parents f6ffac90895c
children 19e73568a75c
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002  Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

    @file   SDL_QuartzVideo.h
    @author Darrell Walisser
    @abstract SDL video driver for MacOS X.
        - Hardware Cursor support with NSCursor instead of Carbon
        - Keyboard repeat/mouse speed adjust (if needed)
        - Multiple monitor support (currently only main display)
        - Accelerated blitting support
        - Set the window icon (dock icon when API is available)
        - Fix white OpenGL window on minimize
        - Find out what events should be sent/ignored if window is mimimized
        - Find a better way to deal with resolution/depth switch while app is running
        - Resizeable windows
        - Check accuracy of QZ_SetGamma()
        - OGL not working in full screen with software renderer
        - SetColors sets palette correctly but clears framebuffer
        - Crash in CG after several mode switches
        - Retained windows don't draw their title bar quite right (OS Bug) (not using retained windows)
        - Cursor in 8 bit modes is screwy (might just be Radeon PCI bug)
        - Warping cursor delays mouse events for a fraction of a second,
          there is a hack around this that helps a bit

#include <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include <OpenGL/OpenGL.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>

#include "SDL_video.h"
#include "SDL_error.h"
#include "SDL_timer.h"
#include "SDL_syswm.h"
#include "SDL_sysvideo.h"
#include "SDL_pixels_c.h"
#include "SDL_events_c.h"

/* This is a workaround to directly access NSOpenGLContext's CGL context */
/* We need to do this in order to check for errors */
@interface NSOpenGLContext (CGLContextAccess)
- (CGLContextObj) cglContext;

@implementation NSOpenGLContext (CGLContextAccess)
- (CGLContextObj) cglContext;
    return _contextAuxiliary;

/* Structure for rez switch gamma fades */
/* We can hide the monitor flicker by setting the gamma tables to 0 */

typedef struct {

    CGGammaValue red[QZ_GAMMA_TABLE_SIZE];
    CGGammaValue green[QZ_GAMMA_TABLE_SIZE];
    CGGammaValue blue[QZ_GAMMA_TABLE_SIZE];

} SDL_QuartzGammaTable;

/* Main driver structure to store required state information */
typedef struct SDL_PrivateVideoData {

    CGDirectDisplayID  display;            /* 0 == main display (only support single display) */
    CFDictionaryRef    mode;               /* current mode of the display */
    CFDictionaryRef    save_mode;          /* original mode of the display */
    CFArrayRef         mode_list;          /* list of available fullscreen modes */
    CGDirectPaletteRef palette;            /* palette of an 8-bit display */
    NSOpenGLContext    *gl_context;        /* object that represents an OpenGL rendering context */
    Uint32             width, height, bpp; /* frequently used data about the display */
    Uint32             flags;              /* flags for mode, for teardown purposes */
    Uint32             video_set;          /* boolean; indicates if video was set correctly */
    Uint32             warp_flag;          /* boolean; notify to event loop that a warp just occured */
    Uint32             warp_ticks;         /* timestamp when the warp occured */
    NSWindow           *window;            /* Cocoa window to implement the SDL window */
    NSQuickDrawView    *view;              /* the window's view; draw 2D into this view */
} SDL_PrivateVideoData ;

#define _THIS	SDL_VideoDevice *this
#define display_id (this->hidden->display)
#define mode (this->hidden->mode)
#define save_mode (this->hidden->save_mode)
#define mode_list (this->hidden->mode_list)
#define palette (this->hidden->palette)
#define gl_context (this->hidden->gl_context)
#define device_width (this->hidden->width)
#define device_height (this->hidden->height)
#define device_bpp (this->hidden->bpp)
#define mode_flags (this->hidden->flags)
#define qz_window (this->hidden->window)
#define window_view (this->hidden->view)
#define video_set (this->hidden->video_set)
#define warp_ticks (this->hidden->warp_ticks)
#define warp_flag (this->hidden->warp_flag)

/* Obscuring code: maximum number of windows above ours (inclusive) */
#define kMaxWindows 256

/* Some of the Core Graphics Server API for obscuring code */
#define kCGSWindowLevelTop          2147483632
#define kCGSWindowLevelDockIconDrag 500
#define kCGSWindowLevelDockMenu     101
#define kCGSWindowLevelMenuIgnore    21
#define kCGSWindowLevelMenu          20
#define kCGSWindowLevelDockLabel     12
#define kCGSWindowLevelDockIcon      11
#define kCGSWindowLevelDock          10
#define kCGSWindowLevelUtility        3
#define kCGSWindowLevelNormal         0

/* For completeness; We never use these window levels, they are always below us
#define kCGSWindowLevelMBarShadow -20
#define kCGSWindowLevelDesktopPicture -2147483647
#define kCGSWindowLevelDesktop        -2147483648

typedef CGError       CGSError;
typedef long	      CGSWindowCount;
typedef void *	      CGSConnectionID;
typedef int	      CGSWindowID;
typedef CGSWindowID*  CGSWindowIDList;
typedef CGWindowLevel CGSWindowLevel;
typedef NSRect        CGSRect;

extern CGSConnectionID _CGSDefaultConnection ();

extern CGSError CGSGetOnScreenWindowList (CGSConnectionID cid, 
                                          CGSConnectionID owner,
                                          CGSWindowCount listCapacity,
                                          CGSWindowIDList list,
                                          CGSWindowCount *listCount);

extern CGSError CGSGetScreenRectForWindow (CGSConnectionID cid,
                                           CGSWindowID wid,
                                           CGSRect *rect);

extern CGWindowLevel CGSGetWindowLevel (CGSConnectionID cid,
                                        CGSWindowID wid,
                                        CGSWindowLevel *level);
extern CGSError CGSDisplayHWFill (CGDirectDisplayID id, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, 
                      unsigned int w, unsigned int h, unsigned int color);

extern CGSError CGSDisplayCanHWFill (CGDirectDisplayID id);

extern CGSError CGSGetMouseEnabledFlags (CGSConnectionID cid, CGSWindowID wid, int *flags);

/* Bootstrap functions */
static int              QZ_Available ();
static SDL_VideoDevice* QZ_CreateDevice (int device_index);
static void             QZ_DeleteDevice (SDL_VideoDevice *device);

/* Initialization, Query, Setup, and Redrawing functions */
static int          QZ_VideoInit        (_THIS, SDL_PixelFormat *video_format);

static SDL_Rect**   QZ_ListModes        (_THIS, SDL_PixelFormat *format, 
					 Uint32 flags);
static void         QZ_UnsetVideoMode   (_THIS);

static SDL_Surface* QZ_SetVideoMode     (_THIS, SDL_Surface *current, 
					 int width, int height, int bpp, 
					 Uint32 flags);
static int          QZ_ToggleFullScreen (_THIS, int on);
static int          QZ_SetColors        (_THIS, int first_color, 
					 int num_colors, SDL_Color *colors);
static void         QZ_DirectUpdate     (_THIS, int num_rects, SDL_Rect *rects);
static void         QZ_UpdateRects      (_THIS, int num_rects, SDL_Rect *rects);
static void         QZ_VideoQuit        (_THIS);

/* Hardware surface functions (for fullscreen mode only) */
static int  QZ_FillHWRect (_THIS, SDL_Surface *dst, SDL_Rect *rect, Uint32 color);
static int  QZ_LockHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface);
static void QZ_UnlockHWSurface(_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface);
static void QZ_FreeHWSurface (_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface);
/* static int  QZ_FlipHWSurface (_THIS, SDL_Surface *surface); */

/* Gamma Functions */
static int QZ_SetGamma     (_THIS, float red, float green, float blue);
static int QZ_GetGamma     (_THIS, float *red, float *green, float *blue);
static int QZ_SetGammaRamp (_THIS, Uint16 *ramp);
static int QZ_GetGammaRamp (_THIS, Uint16 *ramp);

/* OpenGL functions */
static int    QZ_SetupOpenGL (_THIS, int bpp, Uint32 flags);
static void   QZ_TearDownOpenGL (_THIS);
static void*  QZ_GL_GetProcAddress (_THIS, const char *proc);
static int    QZ_GL_GetAttribute   (_THIS, SDL_GLattr attrib, int* value);
static int    QZ_GL_MakeCurrent    (_THIS);
static void   QZ_GL_SwapBuffers    (_THIS);
static int    QZ_GL_LoadLibrary    (_THIS, const char *location);

/* Private function to warp the cursor (used internally) */
static void  QZ_PrivateWarpCursor (_THIS, int x, int y);

/* Cursor and Mouse functions */
static void         QZ_FreeWMCursor     (_THIS, WMcursor *cursor);
static WMcursor*    QZ_CreateWMCursor   (_THIS, Uint8 *data, Uint8 *mask, 
                                          int w, int h, int hot_x, int hot_y);
static int          QZ_ShowWMCursor     (_THIS, WMcursor *cursor);
static void         QZ_WarpWMCursor     (_THIS, Uint16 x, Uint16 y);
static void         QZ_MoveWMCursor     (_THIS, int x, int y);
static void         QZ_CheckMouseMode   (_THIS);

/* Event functions */
static void         QZ_InitOSKeymap     (_THIS);
static void         QZ_PumpEvents       (_THIS);

/* Window Manager functions */
static void QZ_SetCaption    (_THIS, const char *title, const char *icon);
static void QZ_SetIcon       (_THIS, SDL_Surface *icon, Uint8 *mask);
static int  QZ_IconifyWindow (_THIS);
static SDL_GrabMode QZ_GrabInput (_THIS, SDL_GrabMode grab_mode);
/*static int  QZ_GetWMInfo     (_THIS, SDL_SysWMinfo *info);*/