view src/cdrom/macosx/SDL_syscdrom.c @ 1133:609c060fd2a2

The MacOSX Carbon/Cocoa/X11 all in one library patch. Relevant emails: To: SDL Developers <> From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= <> Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 23:29:04 +0200 Subject: [SDL] Mac OS X Video Drivers [patch] I've updated/added the Carbon and X11 video drivers to the Mac OS X port of SDL 1.2 (the CVS version), and made the Cocoa driver and runtime *optional*. The default is still Cocoa, and the "Quartz" driver. But you can now also use "toolbox" for Carbon, and "x11" for running with Apple's (or other) X11 server: export SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 export SDL_VIDEO_GL_DRIVER=/usr/X11R6/lib/libGL.dylib It also checks if the frameworks are available, by a: #include <Carbon/Carbon.h> or #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> (this should make it configure on plain Darwin as well?) Here are the new configure targets: --enable-video-cocoa use Cocoa/Quartz video driver default=yes --enable-video-carbon use Carbon/QuickDraw video driver default=yes --enable-video-x11 use X11 video driver default=no ./configure --enable-video-cocoa --enable-video-carbon --enable-video-x11 \ --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib The Carbon version is just an updated version of the old SDL driver for Mac OS 9, and could probably be improved... (but it does work, including the Carbon version of SDLmain) If you disable cocoa, you can run with -framework Carbon only, and the C version of SDL_main.c. And if you disable carbon too, you can still use the X11 version which doesn't require SDLmain. I updated the DrawSprocket version, but did not include it. (no blitters or VRAM GWorlds etc. available on OS X anyway) Besides for Mac OS 9, I don't think there's any use for it ? And note that any performance on Mac OS X equals OpenGL anyway... You can get "fair" software SDL results on captured CG displays, but for decent frame rates you need to be using GL for rendering. Finally, here is the patch itself: --anders PS. It says "video", but as usual it applies to mouse/keyboard too. ------ To: A list for developers using the SDL library <> From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Anders_F_Bj=F6rklund?= <> Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2005 10:02:15 +0200 Subject: [SDL] Updated Mac patch Updated the previous Mac patch to disable Carbon by default. Also "fixed" the SDL.spec again, so that it builds on Darwin. Also applied fine to SDL12 CVS, when I tried it.
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Thu, 08 Sep 2005 06:16:14 +0000
parents d581fe3f36db
children c9b51268668f
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

static char rcsid =
 "@(#) $Id$";

#include "SDL_syscdrom_c.h"

#pragma mark -- Globals --

static FSRef**         tracks;
static FSVolumeRefNum* volumes;
static CDstatus        status;
static int             nextTrackFrame;
static int             nextTrackFramesRemaining;
static int             fakeCD;
static int             currentTrack;
static int             didReadTOC;
static int             cacheTOCNumTracks;
static int             currentDrive; /* Only allow 1 drive in use at a time */

#pragma mark -- Prototypes --

static const char *SDL_SYS_CDName   (int drive);
static int         SDL_SYS_CDOpen   (int drive);
static int         SDL_SYS_CDGetTOC (SDL_CD *cdrom);
static CDstatus    SDL_SYS_CDStatus (SDL_CD *cdrom, int *position);
static int         SDL_SYS_CDPlay   (SDL_CD *cdrom, int start, int length);
static int         SDL_SYS_CDPause  (SDL_CD *cdrom);
static int         SDL_SYS_CDResume (SDL_CD *cdrom);
static int         SDL_SYS_CDStop   (SDL_CD *cdrom);
static int         SDL_SYS_CDEject  (SDL_CD *cdrom);
static void        SDL_SYS_CDClose  (SDL_CD *cdrom);

#pragma mark -- Helper Functions --

/* Read a list of tracks from the volume */
static int LoadTracks (SDL_CD *cdrom)
    /* Check if tracks are already loaded */
    if  ( tracks[cdrom->id] != NULL )
        return 0;
    /* Allocate memory for tracks */
    tracks[cdrom->id] = (FSRef*) calloc (1, sizeof(**tracks) * cdrom->numtracks);
    if (tracks[cdrom->id] == NULL) {
        SDL_OutOfMemory ();
        return -1;
    /* Load tracks */
    if (ListTrackFiles (volumes[cdrom->id], tracks[cdrom->id], cdrom->numtracks) < 0)
        return -1;

    return 0;

/* Find a file for a given start frame and length */
static FSRef* GetFileForOffset (SDL_CD *cdrom, int start, int length,  int *outStartFrame, int *outStopFrame)
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < cdrom->numtracks; i++) {
        if (cdrom->track[i].offset <= start &&
            start < (cdrom->track[i].offset + cdrom->track[i].length))
    if (i == cdrom->numtracks)
        return NULL;
    currentTrack = i;

    *outStartFrame = start - cdrom->track[i].offset;
    if ((*outStartFrame + length) < cdrom->track[i].length) {
        *outStopFrame = *outStartFrame + length;
        length = 0;
        nextTrackFrame = -1;
        nextTrackFramesRemaining = -1;
    else {
        *outStopFrame = -1;
        length -= cdrom->track[i].length - *outStartFrame;
        nextTrackFrame = cdrom->track[i+1].offset;
        nextTrackFramesRemaining = length;
    return &tracks[cdrom->id][i];

/* Setup another file for playback, or stop playback (called from another thread) */
static void CompletionProc (SDL_CD *cdrom)
    Lock ();
    if (nextTrackFrame > 0 && nextTrackFramesRemaining > 0) {
        /* Load the next file to play */
        int startFrame, stopFrame;
        FSRef *file;
        PauseFile ();
        ReleaseFile ();
        file = GetFileForOffset (cdrom, nextTrackFrame, 
            nextTrackFramesRemaining, &startFrame, &stopFrame);
        if (file == NULL) {
            status = CD_STOPPED;
            Unlock ();
        LoadFile (file, startFrame, stopFrame);
        SetCompletionProc (CompletionProc, cdrom);
        PlayFile ();
    else {
        /* Release the current file */
        PauseFile ();
        ReleaseFile ();
        status = CD_STOPPED;
    Unlock ();

#pragma mark -- Driver Functions --

/* Initialize */
int SDL_SYS_CDInit (void) 
    /* Initialize globals */
    volumes = NULL;
    tracks  = NULL;
    status  = CD_STOPPED;
    nextTrackFrame = -1;
    nextTrackFramesRemaining = -1;
    fakeCD  = SDL_FALSE;
    currentTrack = -1;
    didReadTOC = SDL_FALSE;
    cacheTOCNumTracks = -1;
    currentDrive = -1;
    /* Fill in function pointers */
    SDL_CDcaps.Name   = SDL_SYS_CDName;
    SDL_CDcaps.Open   = SDL_SYS_CDOpen;
    SDL_CDcaps.Status = SDL_SYS_CDStatus;
    SDL_CDcaps.Play   = SDL_SYS_CDPlay;
    SDL_CDcaps.Pause  = SDL_SYS_CDPause;
    SDL_CDcaps.Resume = SDL_SYS_CDResume;
    SDL_CDcaps.Stop   = SDL_SYS_CDStop;
    SDL_CDcaps.Eject  = SDL_SYS_CDEject;
    SDL_CDcaps.Close  = SDL_SYS_CDClose;

        Read the list of "drives"
        This is currently a hack that infers drives from
        mounted audio CD volumes, rather than
        actual CD-ROM devices - which means it may not
        act as expected sometimes.
    /* Find out how many cd volumes are mounted */
    SDL_numcds = DetectAudioCDVolumes (NULL, 0);

        If there are no volumes, fake a cd device
        so tray empty can be reported.
    if (SDL_numcds == 0) {
        fakeCD = SDL_TRUE;
        SDL_numcds = 1;
        status = CD_TRAYEMPTY;
        return 0;
    /* Allocate space for volumes */
    volumes = (FSVolumeRefNum*) calloc (1, sizeof(*volumes) * SDL_numcds);
    if (volumes == NULL) {
        SDL_OutOfMemory ();
        return -1;
    /* Allocate space for tracks */
    tracks = (FSRef**) calloc (1, sizeof(*tracks) * (SDL_numcds + 1));
    if (tracks == NULL) {
        SDL_OutOfMemory ();
        return -1;
    /* Mark the end of the tracks array */
    tracks[ SDL_numcds ] = (FSRef*)-1;
        Redetect, now save all volumes for later
        Update SDL_numcds just in case it changed
        int numVolumes = SDL_numcds;
        SDL_numcds = DetectAudioCDVolumes (volumes, numVolumes);
        /* If more cds suddenly show up, ignore them */
        if (SDL_numcds > numVolumes) {
            SDL_SetError ("Some CD's were added but they will be ignored");
            SDL_numcds = numVolumes;
    return 0;

/* Shutdown and cleanup */
void SDL_SYS_CDQuit(void)
    if (volumes != NULL)
        free (volumes);
    if (tracks != NULL) {
        FSRef **ptr;
        for (ptr = tracks; *ptr != (FSRef*)-1; ptr++)
            if (*ptr != NULL)
                free (*ptr);
        free (tracks);

/* Get the Unix disk name of the volume */
static const char *SDL_SYS_CDName (int drive)
    OSStatus     err = noErr;
    HParamBlockRec  pb;
    GetVolParmsInfoBuffer   volParmsInfo;
    if (fakeCD)
        return "Fake CD-ROM Device";

    pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
    pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volumes[drive];
    pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&volParmsInfo;
    pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = (SInt32)sizeof(volParmsInfo);
    err = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb);

    if (err != noErr) {
        SDL_SetError ("PBHGetVolParmsSync returned %d", err);
        return NULL;

    return volParmsInfo.vMDeviceID;

/* Open the "device" */
static int SDL_SYS_CDOpen (int drive)
    /* Only allow 1 device to be open */
    if (currentDrive >= 0) {
        SDL_SetError ("Only one cdrom is supported");
        return -1;
        currentDrive = drive;

    return drive;

/* Get the table of contents */
static int SDL_SYS_CDGetTOC (SDL_CD *cdrom)
    if (fakeCD) {
        SDL_SetError (kErrorFakeDevice);
        return -1;
    if (didReadTOC) {
        cdrom->numtracks = cacheTOCNumTracks;
        return 0;
    ReadTOCData (volumes[cdrom->id], cdrom);
    didReadTOC = SDL_TRUE;
    cacheTOCNumTracks = cdrom->numtracks;
    return 0;

/* Get CD-ROM status */
static CDstatus SDL_SYS_CDStatus (SDL_CD *cdrom, int *position)
    if (position) {
        int trackFrame;
        Lock ();
        trackFrame = GetCurrentFrame ();
        Unlock ();
        *position = cdrom->track[currentTrack].offset + trackFrame;
    return status;

/* Start playback */
static int SDL_SYS_CDPlay(SDL_CD *cdrom, int start, int length)
    int startFrame, stopFrame;
    FSRef *ref;
    if (fakeCD) {
        SDL_SetError (kErrorFakeDevice);
        return -1;
    if (LoadTracks (cdrom) < 0)
        return -2;
    if (PauseFile () < 0)
        return -3;
    if (ReleaseFile () < 0)
        return -4;
    ref = GetFileForOffset (cdrom, start, length, &startFrame, &stopFrame);
    if (ref == NULL) {
        SDL_SetError ("SDL_SYS_CDPlay: No file for start=%d, length=%d", start, length);
        return -5;
    if (LoadFile (ref, startFrame, stopFrame) < 0)
        return -6;
    SetCompletionProc (CompletionProc, cdrom);
    if (PlayFile () < 0)
        return -7;
    status = CD_PLAYING;
    return 0;

/* Pause playback */
static int SDL_SYS_CDPause(SDL_CD *cdrom)
    if (fakeCD) {
        SDL_SetError (kErrorFakeDevice);
        return -1;
    Lock ();
    if (PauseFile () < 0) {
        Unlock ();
        return -2;
    status = CD_PAUSED;
    Unlock ();
    return 0;

/* Resume playback */
static int SDL_SYS_CDResume(SDL_CD *cdrom)
    if (fakeCD) {
        SDL_SetError (kErrorFakeDevice);
        return -1;
    Lock ();
    if (PlayFile () < 0) {
        Unlock ();
        return -2;
    status = CD_PLAYING;
    Unlock ();
    return 0;

/* Stop playback */
static int SDL_SYS_CDStop(SDL_CD *cdrom)
    if (fakeCD) {
        SDL_SetError (kErrorFakeDevice);
        return -1;
    Lock ();
    if (PauseFile () < 0) {
        Unlock ();
        return -2;
    if (ReleaseFile () < 0) {
        Unlock ();
        return -3;
    status = CD_STOPPED;
    Unlock ();
    return 0;

/* Eject the CD-ROM (Unmount the volume) */
static int SDL_SYS_CDEject(SDL_CD *cdrom)
    OSStatus err;
	HParamBlockRec  pb;
    if (fakeCD) {
        SDL_SetError (kErrorFakeDevice);
        return -1;
    Lock ();
    if (PauseFile () < 0) {
        Unlock ();
        return -2;
    if (ReleaseFile () < 0) {
        Unlock ();
        return -3;
    status = CD_STOPPED;
	// Eject the volume
	pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
	pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = volumes[cdrom->id];
	err = PBUnmountVol((ParamBlockRec *) &pb);

	if (err != noErr) {
        Unlock ();
		SDL_SetError ("PBUnmountVol returned %d", err);
		return -4;
    status = CD_TRAYEMPTY;

    /* Invalidate volume and track info */
    volumes[cdrom->id] = 0;
    free (tracks[cdrom->id]);
    tracks[cdrom->id] = NULL;
    Unlock ();
    return 0;

/* Close the CD-ROM */
static void SDL_SYS_CDClose(SDL_CD *cdrom)
    currentDrive = -1;