view test/Makefile.wat @ 1303:52b5afd7ecee

Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 21:43:26 +1000 From: Sean Childs Subject: [SDL] Compiling SDL 1.2.8 with the free Borland compiler When compiling SDL 1.2.8 with the free Borland compiler, I received this error (there is a similar error that occurs in src\video\windx5\sdl_dx5events.c): Error E2342 ..\..\src\video\windib\sdl_dibevents.c 189: Type mismatch in parameter 'lpPrevWndFunc' (wanted 'int (__stdcall *)()', got 'long (__stdcall *)(void *,unsigned int,unsigned int,long)') in function DIB_HandleMessage I checked the MSDN library at: windowsuserinterface/windowing/windowprocedures/windowprocedurereference/wind owprocedurefunctions/callwindowproc.asp and it had this to say: If STRICT is not defined, the lpPrevWndFunc parameter has the data type FARPROC. The FARPROC type is declared as follows: int (FAR WINAPI * FARPROC) () In C, the FARPROC declaration indicates a callback function that has an unspecified parameter list. In C++, however, the empty parameter list in the declaration indicates that a function has no parameters. This subtle distinction can break careless code. Following is one way to handle this situation: #ifdef STRICT WNDPROC MyWindowProcedure #else FARPROC MyWindowProcedure #endif ... lResult = CallWindowProc(MyWindowProcedure, ...)
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Tue, 31 Jan 2006 15:30:42 +0000
parents 173c063d4f55
line wrap: on
line source

#          This is a Watcom makefile to build SDL.DLL for OS/2
# Makefile for test applications

# Create debug build or not?

# The next part is somewhat general, for creation of EXE files.

cflags = $(debugflags) -bm -bt=OS2 -5 -fpi -sg -otexan -wx -ei

    set include=$(%os2tk)\h;$(%include);../include

.extensions: .exe .obj .c

all :   testalpha.exe     &
        testbitmap.exe    &
        testcdrom.exe     &
        testcpuinfo.exe   &
        testjoystick.exe  &
        testkeys.exe      &
        testlock.exe      &
        testsem.exe       &
        testsprite.exe    &
        testtimer.exe     &
        testtypes.exe     &
        testver.exe       &
        testvidinfo.exe   &
        testwin.exe       &
        testwm.exe        &
        threadwin.exe     &
        torturethread.exe &

.c.obj : .AUTODEPEND
    wcc386 -zq -bm -5s -ei -oteaxan -wx $[* $(cflags)

.obj.exe : .AUTODEPEND
    wlink system os2v2 F $* L ..\src\sdl.lib name $@ op quiet

clean : .SYMBOLIC
        @if exist *.exe del *.exe
        @if exist *.obj del *.obj
        @if exist *.map del *.map
        @if exist *.res del *.res
        @if exist *.lst del *.lst