view src/video/aalib/SDL_aaevents.c @ 1240:3b8a43c428bb

From Bug #36: There are a couple of issues with the selection of Altivec alpha-blitting routines in CalculateAlphaBlit() in src/video/SDL_Blit_A.c. 1) There's no check for the presence of Altivec when checking if the Blit32to565PixelAlphaAltivec() routine can be selected. 2) Altivec cannot be used in video memory, and there's no check if the destination surface is a hardware surface. (Alpha-blitting to a hardware surface with GPU support is a bad idea, but somebody's bound to do it anyway.) Patch to fix these attached.
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Sun, 08 Jan 2006 21:18:15 +0000
parents b8d311d90021
children c9b51268668f
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2004 Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

static char rcsid =
 "@(#) $Id$";

/* Handle the event stream, converting AA events into SDL events */

#include <stdio.h>

#include <aalib.h>

#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_sysevents.h"
#include "SDL_events_c.h"
#include "SDL_aavideo.h"
#include "SDL_aaevents_c.h"

/* The translation tables from a console scancode to a SDL keysym */
static SDLKey keymap[401];

static SDL_keysym *TranslateKey(int scancode, SDL_keysym *keysym);

void AA_PumpEvents(_THIS)
	int posted = 0;
	int mouse_button, mouse_x, mouse_y;
	int evt;
	SDL_keysym keysym;

	static int prev_button = -1, prev_x = -1, prev_y = -1;

	if( ! this->screen ) /* Wait till we got the screen initialized */

	do {
		posted = 0;
		/* Gather events */

		/* Get mouse status */
		aa_getmouse (AA_context, &mouse_x, &mouse_y, &mouse_button);
		mouse_x = mouse_x * this->screen->w / aa_scrwidth (AA_context);
		mouse_y = mouse_y * this->screen->h / aa_scrheight (AA_context);

		/* Compare against previous state and generate events */
		if( prev_button != mouse_button ) {
			if( mouse_button & AA_BUTTON1 ) {
				if ( ! (prev_button & AA_BUTTON1) ) {
					posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, 1, 0, 0);
			} else {
				if ( prev_button & AA_BUTTON1 ) {
					posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, 1, 0, 0);
			if( mouse_button & AA_BUTTON2 ) {
				if ( ! (prev_button & AA_BUTTON2) ) {
					posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, 2, 0, 0);
			} else {
				if ( prev_button & AA_BUTTON2 ) {
					posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, 2, 0, 0);
			if( mouse_button & AA_BUTTON3 ) {
				if ( ! (prev_button & AA_BUTTON3) ) {
					posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, 3, 0, 0);
			} else {
				if ( prev_button & AA_BUTTON3 ) {
					posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, 3, 0, 0);
		if ( prev_x != mouse_x || prev_y != mouse_y ) {
			posted += SDL_PrivateMouseMotion(0, 0, mouse_x, mouse_y);

		prev_button = mouse_button;
		prev_x = mouse_x; prev_y = mouse_y;

		/* Get keyboard event */
		evt = aa_getevent(AA_context, 0);
		if ( (evt > AA_NONE) && (evt < AA_RELEASE) && (evt != AA_MOUSE) && (evt != AA_RESIZE) ) {
			/* Key pressed */
/*    			printf("Key pressed: %d (%c)\n", evt, evt); */
			posted += SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_PRESSED, TranslateKey(evt, &keysym));
		} else if ( evt >= AA_RELEASE ) {
			/* Key released */
			evt &= ~AA_RELEASE;
/*  			printf("Key released: %d (%c)\n", evt, evt); */
			posted += SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_RELEASED, TranslateKey(evt, &keysym));
	} while ( posted );

void AA_InitOSKeymap(_THIS)
	int i;
	static const char *std_keys = " 01234567890&#'()_-|$*+-=/\\:;.,!?<>{}[]@~%^\x9";
	const char *std;

	/* Initialize the AAlib key translation table */
	for ( i=0; i<SDL_TABLESIZE(keymap); ++i )
		keymap[i] = SDLK_UNKNOWN;

	keymap[AA_ESC] = SDLK_ESCAPE;
	keymap[AA_UP] = SDLK_UP;
	keymap[AA_DOWN] = SDLK_DOWN;
	keymap[AA_LEFT] = SDLK_LEFT;

	/* Alphabet keys */
	for ( i = 0; i<26; ++i ){
		keymap['a' + i] = SDLK_a+i;
		keymap['A' + i] = SDLK_a+i;
	/* Function keys */
	for ( i = 0; i<12; ++i ){
		keymap[334 + i] = SDLK_F1+i;
	/* Keys that have the same symbols and don't have to be translated */
	for( std = std_keys; *std; std ++ ) {
		keymap[*std] = *std;

	keymap[13] = SDLK_RETURN;

	keymap[369] = SDLK_LSHIFT;
	keymap[370] = SDLK_RSHIFT;
	keymap[371] = SDLK_LCTRL;
	keymap[372] = SDLK_RCTRL;
	keymap[377] = SDLK_LALT;
	keymap[270] = SDLK_RALT;
	keymap[271] = SDLK_NUMLOCK;
	keymap[373] = SDLK_CAPSLOCK;
	keymap[164] = SDLK_SCROLLOCK;

	keymap[243] = SDLK_INSERT;
	keymap[304] = SDLK_DELETE;
	keymap[224] = SDLK_HOME;
	keymap[231] = SDLK_END;
	keymap[229] = SDLK_PAGEUP;
	keymap[230] = SDLK_PAGEDOWN;

	keymap[241] = SDLK_PRINT;
	keymap[163] = SDLK_BREAK;

	keymap[302] = SDLK_KP0;
	keymap[300] = SDLK_KP1;
	keymap[297] = SDLK_KP2;
	keymap[299] = SDLK_KP3;
	keymap[294] = SDLK_KP4;
	keymap[301] = SDLK_KP5;
	keymap[296] = SDLK_KP6;
	keymap[293] = SDLK_KP7;
	keymap[295] = SDLK_KP8;
	keymap[298] = SDLK_KP9;

static SDL_keysym *TranslateKey(int scancode, SDL_keysym *keysym)
	/* Set the keysym information */
	keysym->scancode = scancode;
	keysym->sym = keymap[scancode];
	keysym->mod = KMOD_NONE;

	/* If UNICODE is on, get the UNICODE value for the key */
	keysym->unicode = 0;
	if ( SDL_TranslateUNICODE ) {
		/* Populate the unicode field with the ASCII value */
		keysym->unicode = scancode;