view src/video/Xext/extensions/xf86dga.h @ 1982:3b4ce57c6215

First shot at new audio data types (int32 and float32). Notable changes: - Converters between types are autogenerated. Instead of making multiple passes over the data with seperate filters for endianess, size, signedness, etc, converting between data types is always one specialized filter. This simplifies SDL_BuildAudioCVT(), which otherwise had a million edge cases with the new types, and makes the actually conversions more CPU cache friendly. Left a stub for adding specific optimized versions of these routines (SSE/MMX/Altivec, assembler, etc) - Autogenerated converters are built by SDL/src/audio/ This does not need to be run unless tweaking the code, and thus doesn't need integration into the build system. - Went through all the drivers and tried to weed out all the "Uint16" references that are better specified with the new SDL_AudioFormat typedef. - Cleaned out a bunch of hardcoded bitwise magic numbers and replaced them with new SDL_AUDIO_* macros. - Added initial float32 and int32 support code. Theoretically, existing drivers will push these through converters to get the data they want to feed to the hardware. Still TODO: - Optimize and debug new converters. - Update the CoreAudio backend to accept float32 data directly. - Other backends, too? - SDL_LoadWAV() needs to be updated to support int32 and float32 .wav files (both of which exist and can be generated by 'sox' for testing purposes). - Update the mixer to handle new datatypes. - Optionally update SDL_sound and SDL_mixer, etc.
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:10:46 +0000
parents c121d94672cb
line wrap: on
line source

   Copyright (c) 1999  XFree86 Inc
/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/xf86dga.h,v 3.21 2001/08/01 00:44:36 tsi Exp $ */

#ifndef _XF86DGA_H_
#define _XF86DGA_H_

#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
#include "xf86dga1.h"
#include "SDL_name.h"

#define X_XDGAQueryVersion		0

/* 1 through 9 are in xf86dga1.h */

/* 10 and 11 are reserved to avoid conflicts with rogue DGA extensions */

#define X_XDGAQueryModes		12
#define X_XDGASetMode			13
#define X_XDGASetViewport		14
#define X_XDGAInstallColormap		15
#define X_XDGASelectInput		16
#define X_XDGAFillRectangle		17
#define X_XDGACopyArea			18
#define X_XDGACopyTransparentArea	19
#define X_XDGAGetViewportStatus		20
#define X_XDGASync			21
#define X_XDGAOpenFramebuffer		22
#define X_XDGACloseFramebuffer		23
#define X_XDGASetClientVersion		24
#define X_XDGAChangePixmapMode		25
#define X_XDGACreateColormap		26

#define XDGAConcurrentAccess	0x00000001
#define XDGASolidFillRect	0x00000002
#define XDGABlitRect		0x00000004
#define XDGABlitTransRect	0x00000008
#define XDGAPixmap    		0x00000010

#define XDGAInterlaced          0x00010000
#define XDGADoublescan          0x00020000

#define XDGAFlipImmediate	0x00000001
#define XDGAFlipRetrace		0x00000002

#define XDGANeedRoot		0x00000001

#define XF86DGANumberEvents		7

#define XDGAPixmapModeLarge		0
#define XDGAPixmapModeSmall		1

#define XF86DGAClientNotLocal		0
#define XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode	1
#define XF86DGAScreenNotActive		2
#define XF86DGADirectNotActivated	3
#define XF86DGAOperationNotSupported	4
#define XF86DGANumberErrors		(XF86DGAOperationNotSupported + 1)

typedef struct
    int num;                    /* A unique identifier for the mode (num > 0) */
    char *name;                 /* name of mode given in the XF86Config */
    float verticalRefresh;
    int flags;                  /* DGA_CONCURRENT_ACCESS, etc... */
    int imageWidth;             /* linear accessible portion (pixels) */
    int imageHeight;
    int pixmapWidth;            /* Xlib accessible portion (pixels) */
    int pixmapHeight;           /* both fields ignored if no concurrent access */
    int bytesPerScanline;
    int byteOrder;              /* MSBFirst, LSBFirst */
    int depth;
    int bitsPerPixel;
    unsigned long redMask;
    unsigned long greenMask;
    unsigned long blueMask;
    short visualClass;
    int viewportWidth;
    int viewportHeight;
    int xViewportStep;          /* viewport position granularity */
    int yViewportStep;
    int maxViewportX;           /* max viewport origin */
    int maxViewportY;
    int viewportFlags;          /* types of page flipping possible */
    int reserved1;
    int reserved2;

typedef struct
    SDL_NAME(XDGAMode) mode;
    unsigned char *data;
    Pixmap pixmap;

#ifndef _XF86DGA_SERVER_
_XFUNCPROTOBEGIN typedef struct
    int type;
    unsigned long serial;
    Display *display;
    int screen;
    Time time;
    unsigned int state;
    unsigned int button;
} SDL_NAME(XDGAButtonEvent);

typedef struct
    int type;
    unsigned long serial;
    Display *display;
    int screen;
    Time time;
    unsigned int state;
    unsigned int keycode;

typedef struct
    int type;
    unsigned long serial;
    Display *display;
    int screen;
    Time time;
    unsigned int state;
    int dx;
    int dy;
} SDL_NAME(XDGAMotionEvent);

typedef union
    int type;
      SDL_NAME(XDGAButtonEvent) xbutton;
      SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEvent) xkey;
      SDL_NAME(XDGAMotionEvent) xmotion;
    long pad[24];

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAQueryExtension) (Display * dpy,
                                   int *eventBase, int *erroBase);

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAQueryVersion) (Display * dpy,
                                 int *majorVersion, int *minorVersion);

SDL_NAME(XDGAMode) * SDL_NAME(XDGAQueryModes) (Display * dpy,
                                               int screen, int *num);

SDL_NAME(XDGADevice) * SDL_NAME(XDGASetMode) (Display * dpy,
                                              int screen, int mode);

SDL_NAME(XDGAOpenFramebuffer) (Display * dpy, int screen);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGACloseFramebuffer) (Display * dpy, int screen);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGASetViewport) (Display * dpy,
                                     int screen, int x, int y, int flags);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGAInstallColormap) (Display * dpy,
                                         int screen, Colormap cmap);

SDL_NAME(XDGACreateColormap) (Display * dpy,
                              int screen,
                              SDL_NAME(XDGADevice) * device, int alloc);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGASelectInput) (Display * dpy, int screen,
                                     long event_mask);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGAFillRectangle) (Display * dpy,
                                       int screen,
                                       int x,
                                       int y,
                                       unsigned int width,
                                       unsigned int height,
                                       unsigned long color);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGACopyArea) (Display * dpy,
                                  int screen,
                                  int srcx,
                                  int srcy,
                                  unsigned int width,
                                  unsigned int height, int dstx, int dsty);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGACopyTransparentArea) (Display * dpy,
                                             int screen,
                                             int srcx,
                                             int srcy,
                                             unsigned int width,
                                             unsigned int height,
                                             int dstx,
                                             int dsty, unsigned long key);

     int SDL_NAME(XDGAGetViewportStatus) (Display * dpy, int screen);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGASync) (Display * dpy, int screen);

SDL_NAME(XDGASetClientVersion) (Display * dpy);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGAChangePixmapMode) (Display * dpy,
                                          int screen, int *x, int *y,
                                          int mode);

     void SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEventToXKeyEvent) (SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEvent) * dk,
                                             XKeyEvent * xk);

#endif /* _XF86DGA_SERVER_ */
#endif /* _XF86DGA_H_ */
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