view src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzGL.m @ 821:30168104389f

Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 14:52:40 +0200 From: "Mike Gorchak" Subject: Batch of the QNX6 fixes for the SDL 1. Updated readme.QNX 2. Fixed crashes during intensive window updating under fast machines (got over 200 rectangles for update). 3. Fixed double-buffered fullscreen modes, now it works as needed. 4. Fixed Photon detection algorithm. 5. Fixed HWSURFACE update function. 6. Added SDL_PHOTON_FULLSCREEN_REFRESH environment variable support for control refresh rates under Photon. 7. Added 640x400 fullscreen mode emulation via 640x480 (if videodriver not supports original 640x400 mode of course) shifted by 40 vertical pixels from begin, to center it. It's needed for some old DOS games which ran in doubled 320x200 mode. 8. Added available video ram amount support. 8. Added hardware surface allocation/deallocation support if current videomode and videodriver supports it. 9. Added hardware filling support. 10. Added hardware blits support (simple and colorkeyed). And I've added to testvidinfo test color-keyed blits benchmark (maybe need to add alpha blits benchmark too ?). Currently Photon not supporting any alpha hardware blittings (all drivers lack of alpha blitting code support, only software alpha blitting exist in photon, which is hundreds times slowest than the SDL's one). So I've not added the alpha support. I suppose new QNX 6.3 will have the hardware alpha support, so when it will be done, I'll add alpha support.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Sat, 14 Feb 2004 20:22:21 +0000
parents ac44ddb84f6f
children ce05e92d909b
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2003  Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

#include "SDL_QuartzVideo.h"

@implementation NSOpenGLContext (CGLContextAccess)
- (CGLContextObj) cglContext;
    return _contextAuxiliary;

/* OpenGL helper functions (used internally) */

int QZ_SetupOpenGL (_THIS, int bpp, Uint32 flags) {

    NSOpenGLPixelFormatAttribute attr[32];
    NSOpenGLPixelFormat *fmt;
    int i = 0;
    int colorBits = bpp;

    if ( flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN ) {

        attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAFullScreen;
    /* In windowed mode, the OpenGL pixel depth must match device pixel depth */
    else if ( colorBits != device_bpp ) {

        colorBits = device_bpp;

    attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAColorSize;
    attr[i++] = colorBits;

    attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFADepthSize;
    attr[i++] = this->gl_config.depth_size;

    if ( this->gl_config.double_buffer ) {
        attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFADoubleBuffer;

    if ( this->gl_config.stereo ) {
        attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAStereo;

    if ( this->gl_config.stencil_size != 0 ) {
        attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAStencilSize;
        attr[i++] = this->gl_config.stencil_size;

#if NSOPENGL_CURRENT_VERSION > 1  /* What version should this be? */
    if ( this->gl_config.multisamplebuffers != 0 ) {
        attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers;
        attr[i++] = this->gl_config.multisamplebuffers;

    if ( this->gl_config.multisamplesamples != 0 ) {
        attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFASamples;
        attr[i++] = this->gl_config.multisamplesamples;

    attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFAScreenMask;
    attr[i++] = CGDisplayIDToOpenGLDisplayMask (display_id);
    attr[i] = 0;

    fmt = [ [ NSOpenGLPixelFormat alloc ] initWithAttributes:attr ];
    if (fmt == nil) {
        SDL_SetError ("Failed creating OpenGL pixel format");
        return 0;

    gl_context = [ [ NSOpenGLContext alloc ] initWithFormat:fmt

    if (gl_context == nil) {
        SDL_SetError ("Failed creating OpenGL context");
        return 0;

     * Wisdom from Apple engineer in reference to UT2003's OpenGL performance:
     *  "You are blowing a couple of the internal OpenGL function caches. This
     *  appears to be happening in the VAO case.  You can tell OpenGL to up
     *  the cache size by issuing the following calls right after you create
     *  the OpenGL context.  The default cache size is 16."    --ryan.

    #define GLI_ARRAY_FUNC_CACHE_MAX 284


        long cache_max = 64;
        CGLContextObj ctx = [ gl_context cglContext ];
        CGLSetParameter (ctx, GLI_SUBMIT_FUNC_CACHE_MAX, &cache_max);
        CGLSetParameter (ctx, GLI_ARRAY_FUNC_CACHE_MAX, &cache_max);

    /* End Wisdom from Apple Engineer section. --ryan. */

    /* Convince SDL that the GL "driver" is loaded */
    this->gl_config.driver_loaded = 1;

    [ fmt release ];

    return 1;

void QZ_TearDownOpenGL (_THIS) {

    [ NSOpenGLContext clearCurrentContext ];
    [ gl_context clearDrawable ];
    [ gl_context release ];

/* SDL OpenGL functions */

int    QZ_GL_LoadLibrary    (_THIS, const char *location) {
    this->gl_config.driver_loaded = 1;
    return 1;

void*  QZ_GL_GetProcAddress (_THIS, const char *proc) {

    /* We may want to cache the bundleRef at some point */
    CFBundleRef bundle;
    CFURLRef bundleURL = CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath (kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                                        CFSTR("/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework"), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true);

    CFStringRef functionName = CFStringCreateWithCString
        (kCFAllocatorDefault, proc, kCFStringEncodingASCII);

    void *function;

    bundle = CFBundleCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, bundleURL);
    assert (bundle != NULL);

    function = CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName (bundle, functionName);

    CFRelease ( bundleURL );
    CFRelease ( functionName );
    CFRelease ( bundle );

    return function;

int    QZ_GL_GetAttribute   (_THIS, SDL_GLattr attrib, int* value) {

    GLenum attr = 0;

    QZ_GL_MakeCurrent (this);

    switch (attrib) {
        case SDL_GL_RED_SIZE: attr = GL_RED_BITS;   break;
        case SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE: attr = GL_BLUE_BITS;  break;
        case SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE: attr = GL_GREEN_BITS; break;
        case SDL_GL_ALPHA_SIZE: attr = GL_ALPHA_BITS; break;
        case SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER: attr = GL_DOUBLEBUFFER; break;
        case SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE: attr = GL_DEPTH_BITS;  break;
        case SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE: attr = GL_STENCIL_BITS; break;
        case SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE: attr = GL_ACCUM_RED_BITS; break;
        case SDL_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE: attr = GL_ACCUM_GREEN_BITS; break;
        case SDL_GL_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE: attr = GL_ACCUM_BLUE_BITS; break;
        case SDL_GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE: attr = GL_ACCUM_ALPHA_BITS; break;
        case SDL_GL_STEREO: attr = GL_STEREO; break;
        case SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE:
            GLint bits = 0;
            GLint component;

            /* there doesn't seem to be a single flag in OpenGL for this! */
            glGetIntegerv (GL_RED_BITS, &component);   bits += component;
            glGetIntegerv (GL_GREEN_BITS,&component);  bits += component;
            glGetIntegerv (GL_BLUE_BITS, &component);  bits += component;
            glGetIntegerv (GL_ALPHA_BITS, &component); bits += component;

            *value = bits;
        return 0;

    glGetIntegerv (attr, (GLint *)value);
    return 0;

int    QZ_GL_MakeCurrent    (_THIS) {
    [ gl_context makeCurrentContext ];
    return 0;

void   QZ_GL_SwapBuffers    (_THIS) {
    [ gl_context flushBuffer ];