view src/video/Xext/extensions/xf86dga.h @ 821:30168104389f

Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2004 14:52:40 +0200 From: "Mike Gorchak" Subject: Batch of the QNX6 fixes for the SDL 1. Updated readme.QNX 2. Fixed crashes during intensive window updating under fast machines (got over 200 rectangles for update). 3. Fixed double-buffered fullscreen modes, now it works as needed. 4. Fixed Photon detection algorithm. 5. Fixed HWSURFACE update function. 6. Added SDL_PHOTON_FULLSCREEN_REFRESH environment variable support for control refresh rates under Photon. 7. Added 640x400 fullscreen mode emulation via 640x480 (if videodriver not supports original 640x400 mode of course) shifted by 40 vertical pixels from begin, to center it. It's needed for some old DOS games which ran in doubled 320x200 mode. 8. Added available video ram amount support. 8. Added hardware surface allocation/deallocation support if current videomode and videodriver supports it. 9. Added hardware filling support. 10. Added hardware blits support (simple and colorkeyed). And I've added to testvidinfo test color-keyed blits benchmark (maybe need to add alpha blits benchmark too ?). Currently Photon not supporting any alpha hardware blittings (all drivers lack of alpha blitting code support, only software alpha blitting exist in photon, which is hundreds times slowest than the SDL's one). So I've not added the alpha support. I suppose new QNX 6.3 will have the hardware alpha support, so when it will be done, I'll add alpha support.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Sat, 14 Feb 2004 20:22:21 +0000
parents 585a7e1285ae
children 0c105755b110
line wrap: on
line source

   Copyright (c) 1999  XFree86 Inc
/* $XFree86: xc/include/extensions/xf86dga.h,v 3.21 2001/08/01 00:44:36 tsi Exp $ */

#ifndef _XF86DGA_H_
#define _XF86DGA_H_

#include <X11/Xfuncproto.h>
#include <XFree86/extensions/xf86dga1.h>
#include "SDL_name.h"

#define X_XDGAQueryVersion		0

/* 1 through 9 are in xf86dga1.h */

/* 10 and 11 are reserved to avoid conflicts with rogue DGA extensions */

#define X_XDGAQueryModes		12
#define X_XDGASetMode			13
#define X_XDGASetViewport		14
#define X_XDGAInstallColormap		15
#define X_XDGASelectInput		16
#define X_XDGAFillRectangle		17
#define X_XDGACopyArea			18
#define X_XDGACopyTransparentArea	19
#define X_XDGAGetViewportStatus		20
#define X_XDGASync			21
#define X_XDGAOpenFramebuffer		22
#define X_XDGACloseFramebuffer		23
#define X_XDGASetClientVersion		24
#define X_XDGAChangePixmapMode		25
#define X_XDGACreateColormap		26

#define XDGAConcurrentAccess	0x00000001
#define XDGASolidFillRect	0x00000002
#define XDGABlitRect		0x00000004
#define XDGABlitTransRect	0x00000008
#define XDGAPixmap    		0x00000010

#define XDGAInterlaced          0x00010000
#define XDGADoublescan          0x00020000

#define XDGAFlipImmediate	0x00000001
#define XDGAFlipRetrace		0x00000002

#define XDGANeedRoot		0x00000001

#define XF86DGANumberEvents		7

#define XDGAPixmapModeLarge		0
#define XDGAPixmapModeSmall		1

#define XF86DGAClientNotLocal		0
#define XF86DGANoDirectVideoMode	1
#define XF86DGAScreenNotActive		2
#define XF86DGADirectNotActivated	3
#define XF86DGAOperationNotSupported	4
#define XF86DGANumberErrors		(XF86DGAOperationNotSupported + 1)

typedef struct {
   int num;		/* A unique identifier for the mode (num > 0) */
   char *name;		/* name of mode given in the XF86Config */
   float verticalRefresh;
   int flags;		/* DGA_CONCURRENT_ACCESS, etc... */
   int imageWidth;	/* linear accessible portion (pixels) */
   int imageHeight;
   int pixmapWidth;	/* Xlib accessible portion (pixels) */
   int pixmapHeight;	/* both fields ignored if no concurrent access */
   int bytesPerScanline; 
   int byteOrder;	/* MSBFirst, LSBFirst */
   int depth;		
   int bitsPerPixel;
   unsigned long redMask;
   unsigned long greenMask;
   unsigned long blueMask;
   short visualClass;
   int viewportWidth;
   int viewportHeight;
   int xViewportStep;	/* viewport position granularity */
   int yViewportStep;
   int maxViewportX;	/* max viewport origin */
   int maxViewportY;
   int viewportFlags;	/* types of page flipping possible */
   int reserved1;
   int reserved2;

typedef struct {
   SDL_NAME(XDGAMode) mode;
   unsigned char *data;
   Pixmap pixmap;

#ifndef _XF86DGA_SERVER_

typedef struct {
   int type;
   unsigned long serial;
   Display *display;
   int screen;
   Time time;
   unsigned int state;
   unsigned int button;
} SDL_NAME(XDGAButtonEvent);

typedef struct {
   int type;
   unsigned long serial;
   Display *display;
   int screen;
   Time time;
   unsigned int state;
   unsigned int keycode;

typedef struct {
   int type;
   unsigned long serial;
   Display *display;
   int screen;
   Time time;
   unsigned int state;
   int dx;
   int dy;
} SDL_NAME(XDGAMotionEvent);

typedef union {
  int type;
  SDL_NAME(XDGAButtonEvent) xbutton;
  SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEvent)	  xkey;
  SDL_NAME(XDGAMotionEvent) xmotion;
  long		  pad[24];

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAQueryExtension)(
    Display 	*dpy,
    int 	*eventBase,
    int 	*erroBase

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAQueryVersion)(
    Display 	*dpy,
    int 	*majorVersion,
    int 	*minorVersion

    Display	*dpy,
    int 	screen,
    int		*num

    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		mode

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGAOpenFramebuffer)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int 	screen

void SDL_NAME(XDGACloseFramebuffer)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen

void SDL_NAME(XDGASetViewport)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		x,
    int		y,
    int		flags

void SDL_NAME(XDGAInstallColormap)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    Colormap	cmap

Colormap SDL_NAME(XDGACreateColormap)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int 	screen,
    SDL_NAME(XDGADevice)  *device,
    int 	alloc

void SDL_NAME(XDGASelectInput)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    long	event_mask

void SDL_NAME(XDGAFillRectangle)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		x,
    int		y,
    unsigned int	width,
    unsigned int	height,
    unsigned long	color

void SDL_NAME(XDGACopyArea)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		srcx,
    int		srcy,
    unsigned int	width,
    unsigned int	height,
    int		dstx,
    int		dsty

void SDL_NAME(XDGACopyTransparentArea)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		srcx,
    int		srcy,
    unsigned int	width,
    unsigned int	height,
    int		dstx,
    int		dsty,
    unsigned long key

int SDL_NAME(XDGAGetViewportStatus)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen
void SDL_NAME(XDGASync)(
    Display	*dpy,
    int		screen

Bool SDL_NAME(XDGASetClientVersion)(
    Display	*dpy

void SDL_NAME(XDGAChangePixmapMode)(
    Display 	*dpy,
    int		screen,
    int		*x,
    int		*y,
    int		mode

void SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEventToXKeyEvent)(SDL_NAME(XDGAKeyEvent)* dk, XKeyEvent* xk);

#endif /* _XF86DGA_SERVER_ */
#endif /* _XF86DGA_H_ */