view src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzYUV.m @ 1199:2d6dc7de1145

From: Mike Frysinger <> To: Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2005 22:57:37 -0500 Subject: [SDL] exec stack in libsdl update i posted back in September a patch to remove executable stacks: later in November, a similar patch was merged it seems: however, this lacks the additional output format checks that i posted in my patch ... this isnt a problem if the hermes asm code is only ever used to produce ELF objects, but if this is not true, then the additional checks in my original patch will need to be merged -mike
author Ryan C. Gordon <>
date Mon, 12 Dec 2005 09:13:12 +0000
parents c5b2b6d2d1fe
children 19418e4422cb
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2003  Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

#include "SDL_QuartzVideo.h"
#include "SDL_QuartzWindow.h"
#include "SDL_yuvfuncs.h"

#define yuv_idh (this->hidden->yuv_idh)
#define yuv_matrix (this->hidden->yuv_matrix)
#define yuv_codec (this->hidden->yuv_codec)
#define yuv_seq (this->hidden->yuv_seq)
#define yuv_pixmap (this->hidden->yuv_pixmap)
#define yuv_data (this->hidden->yuv_data)
#define yuv_width (this->hidden->yuv_width)
#define yuv_height (this->hidden->yuv_height)
#define yuv_port (this->hidden->yuv_port)

static int QZ_LockYUV (_THIS, SDL_Overlay *overlay) {

    return 0;

static void QZ_UnlockYUV (_THIS, SDL_Overlay *overlay) {


static int QZ_DisplayYUV (_THIS, SDL_Overlay *overlay, SDL_Rect *dstrect) {

    OSErr err;
    CodecFlags flags;

    if (dstrect->x != 0 || dstrect->y != 0) {

        SDL_SetError ("Need a dstrect at (0,0)");
        return -1;

    if (dstrect->w != yuv_width || dstrect->h != yuv_height) {

        Fixed scale_x, scale_y;

        scale_x = FixDiv ( Long2Fix (dstrect->w), Long2Fix (overlay->w) );
        scale_y = FixDiv ( Long2Fix (dstrect->h), Long2Fix (overlay->h) );

        SetIdentityMatrix (yuv_matrix);
        ScaleMatrix (yuv_matrix, scale_x, scale_y, Long2Fix (0), Long2Fix (0));

        SetDSequenceMatrix (yuv_seq, yuv_matrix);

        yuv_width = dstrect->w;
        yuv_height = dstrect->h;

    if( ( err = DecompressSequenceFrameS(
                                         sizeof (PlanarPixmapInfoYUV420),
                                         codecFlagUseImageBuffer, &flags, nil ) != noErr ) )
        SDL_SetError ("DecompressSequenceFrameS failed");

    return err == noErr;

static void QZ_FreeHWYUV (_THIS, SDL_Overlay *overlay) {

    CDSequenceEnd (yuv_seq);

    free (overlay->hwfuncs);
    free (overlay->pitches);
    free (overlay->pixels);

    if (SDL_VideoSurface->flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) {
        [ qz_window close ];
        qz_window = nil;

    free (yuv_matrix);
    DisposeHandle ((Handle)yuv_idh);

/* check for 16 byte alignment, bail otherwise */
#define CHECK_ALIGN(x) do { if ((Uint32)x & 15) { SDL_SetError("Alignment error"); return NULL; } } while(0)

/* align a byte offset, return how much to add to make it a multiple of 16 */
#define ALIGN(x) ((16 - (x & 15)) & 15)

SDL_Overlay* QZ_CreateYUVOverlay (_THIS, int width, int height,
                                         Uint32 format, SDL_Surface *display) {

    Uint32 codec;
    OSStatus err;
    CGrafPtr port;
    SDL_Overlay *overlay;

    if (format == SDL_YV12_OVERLAY ||
        format == SDL_IYUV_OVERLAY) {

        codec = kYUV420CodecType;
    else {
        SDL_SetError ("Hardware: unsupported video format");
        return NULL;

    yuv_idh = (ImageDescriptionHandle) NewHandleClear (sizeof(ImageDescription));
    if (yuv_idh == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    yuv_matrix = (MatrixRecordPtr) malloc (sizeof(MatrixRecord));
    if (yuv_matrix == NULL) {
        return NULL;

    if ( EnterMovies() != noErr ) {
        SDL_SetError ("Could not init QuickTime for YUV playback");
        return NULL;

    err = FindCodec (codec, bestSpeedCodec, nil, &yuv_codec);
    if (err != noErr) {
        SDL_SetError ("Could not find QuickTime codec for format");
        return NULL;

    if (SDL_VideoSurface->flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) {

          Acceleration requires a window to be present.
          A CGrafPtr that points to the screen isn't good enough
        NSRect content = NSMakeRect (0, 0, SDL_VideoSurface->w, SDL_VideoSurface->h);

        qz_window = [ [ SDL_QuartzWindow alloc ]
                            backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered defer:NO ];

        if (qz_window == nil) {
            SDL_SetError ("Could not create the Cocoa window");
            return NULL;

        [ qz_window setContentView:[ [ NSQuickDrawView alloc ] init ] ];
        [ qz_window setReleasedWhenClosed:YES ];
        [ qz_window center ];
        [ qz_window setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents:YES ];
        [ qz_window setLevel:CGShieldingWindowLevel() ];
        [ qz_window makeKeyAndOrderFront:nil ];

        port = [ [ qz_window contentView ] qdPort ];
        SetPort (port);
            BUG: would like to remove white flash when window kicks in
                Rect r;
                SetRect (&r, 0, 0, SDL_VideoSurface->w, SDL_VideoSurface->h);
                PaintRect (&r);
                QDFlushPortBuffer (port, nil);
    else {
        port = [ window_view qdPort ];
        SetPort (port);
    SetIdentityMatrix (yuv_matrix);
    HLock ((Handle)yuv_idh);
    (**yuv_idh).idSize = sizeof(ImageDescription);
    (**yuv_idh).cType  = codec;
    (**yuv_idh).version = 1;
    (**yuv_idh).revisionLevel = 0;
    (**yuv_idh).width = width;
    (**yuv_idh).height = height;
    (**yuv_idh).hRes = Long2Fix(72);
    (**yuv_idh).vRes = Long2Fix(72);
    (**yuv_idh).spatialQuality = codecLosslessQuality;
    (**yuv_idh).frameCount = 1;
    (**yuv_idh).clutID = -1;
    (**yuv_idh).dataSize = 0;
    (**yuv_idh).depth = 24;
    HUnlock ((Handle)yuv_idh);
    err = DecompressSequenceBeginS (
    if (err != noErr) {
        SDL_SetError ("Error trying to start YUV codec.");
        return NULL;
    overlay = (SDL_Overlay*) malloc (sizeof(*overlay));
    if (overlay == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    overlay->format      = format;
    overlay->w           = width;
    overlay->h           = height;
    overlay->planes      = 3;
    overlay->hw_overlay  = 1;
        int      offset;
        Uint8  **pixels;
        Uint16  *pitches;
        int      plane2, plane3;

        if (format == SDL_IYUV_OVERLAY) {

            plane2 = 1; /* Native codec format */
            plane3 = 2;
        else if (format == SDL_YV12_OVERLAY) {

            /* switch the U and V planes */
            plane2 = 2; /* U plane maps to plane 3 */
            plane3 = 1; /* V plane maps to plane 2 */
        else {
            SDL_SetError("Unsupported YUV format");
            return NULL;

        pixels = (Uint8**) malloc (sizeof(*pixels) * 3);
        pitches = (Uint16*) malloc (sizeof(*pitches) * 3);
        if (pixels == NULL || pitches == NULL) {
            return NULL;

        yuv_pixmap = (PlanarPixmapInfoYUV420*)
            malloc (sizeof(PlanarPixmapInfoYUV420) +
                    (width * height * 2));
        if (yuv_pixmap == NULL) {
            SDL_OutOfMemory ();
            return NULL;

        /* CHECK_ALIGN(yuv_pixmap); */
        offset  = sizeof(PlanarPixmapInfoYUV420);
        /* offset += ALIGN(offset); */
        /* CHECK_ALIGN(offset); */

        pixels[0] = (Uint8*)yuv_pixmap + offset;
        /* CHECK_ALIGN(pixels[0]); */

        pitches[0] = width;
        yuv_pixmap->componentInfoY.offset = offset;
        yuv_pixmap->componentInfoY.rowBytes = width;

        offset += width * height;
        pixels[plane2] = (Uint8*)yuv_pixmap + offset;
        pitches[plane2] = width / 2;
        yuv_pixmap->componentInfoCb.offset = offset;
        yuv_pixmap->componentInfoCb.rowBytes = width / 2;

        offset += (width * height / 4);
        pixels[plane3] = (Uint8*)yuv_pixmap + offset;
        pitches[plane3] = width / 2;
        yuv_pixmap->componentInfoCr.offset = offset;
        yuv_pixmap->componentInfoCr.rowBytes = width / 2;

        overlay->pixels = pixels;
        overlay->pitches = pitches;

    overlay->hwfuncs = malloc (sizeof(*overlay->hwfuncs));
    if (overlay->hwfuncs == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    overlay->hwfuncs->Lock    = QZ_LockYUV;
    overlay->hwfuncs->Unlock  = QZ_UnlockYUV;
    overlay->hwfuncs->Display = QZ_DisplayYUV;
    overlay->hwfuncs->FreeHW  = QZ_FreeHWYUV;

    yuv_width = overlay->w;
    yuv_height = overlay->h;
    return overlay;