view docs/man3/SDLKey.3 @ 1438:1f4f09641645

Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2006 11:25:09 +0900 From: Hayashi Naoyuki Subject: Re: [SDL] CVS stable again, please update SDL ports Some problems are caused on Tru64 UNIX. If applying SDL12-osf1.path, these problems are fixed. 1. configure-script say "recursive mutexes... no" and "pthread semaphores... no". checking for pthreads... yes checking for recursive mutexes... no checking for pthread semaphores... no This is because it compiled without pthread_cflags and pthread_lib when checking recursive mutexes and pthread semaphores. 2. Compiling src/audio/mme/SDL_mmeaudio.c fails. cc: Severe: ./src/audio/mme/SDL_mmeaudio.c, line 25: Cannot find file <mme_api.h> specified in #include directive. (noinclfilef) #include <mme_api.h> -^ This is because BUILD_CFLAGS is wrong. 3. Compiling src/cdrom/osf/SDL_syscdrom.c fails. cc: Warning: ./src/cdrom/osf/SDL_syscdrom.c, line 176: Too few actual parameters in the invocation of the macro "SDL_stack_alloc". (toofewactuals) cdpath = SDL_stack_alloc(len); ------------------------------------^ cc: Error: ./src/cdrom/osf/SDL_syscdrom.c, line 176: Invalid expression. (badexpr) cdpath = SDL_stack_alloc(len); -----------------^ SDL_stack_alloc is defined in include/SDL_stdinc.h. #define SDL_stack_alloc(type, count) (type*)alloca(sizeof(type)*count) 4. Linking fails if running configure with --enable-x11-shared=yes. /usr/ccs/bin/ld: Warning: Unresolved: p_XData32 5. Compiling src/video/x11/SDL_x11dyn.c fails if running configure with --enable-x11-shared=no. cc: Error: ./src/video/x11/SDL_x11sym.h, line 149: In this statement, "_SmtBufferOverflow" is not declared. (undeclared) SDL_X11_SYM(1,void,_SmtBufferOverflow,(Display *dpy,register smtDisplayPtr)) ^ cc: Error: ./src/video/x11/SDL_x11sym.h, line 150: In this statement, "_SmtBufferOverflow" is not declared. (undeclared) SDL_X11_SYM(1,void,_SmtBufferOverflow,(Display *dpy,register smtDisplayPtr)) ^ cc: Error: ./src/video/x11/SDL_x11sym.h, line 150: In this statement, "_SmtIpError" is not declared. (undeclared) SDL_X11_SYM(1,void,_SmtIpError,(Display *dpy,register smtDisplayPtr, int)) ^
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Sun, 26 Feb 2006 04:54:01 +0000
parents 74212992fb08
children 546f7c1eb755
line wrap: on
line source

.TH "SDLKey" "3" "Wed 11 Oct 2000, 22:28" "SDL" "SDL API Reference"
SDLKey\- SDL Keysym Definitions
.SH "SDL Keysym definitions"
\fBSDLKey               ASCII value    Common Name\fR
\f(CWSDLK_BACKSPACE       '\\b'           backspace
SDLK_TAB             '\\t'           tab
SDLK_CLEAR                          clear
SDLK_RETURN          '\\r'           return
SDLK_PAUSE                          pause
SDLK_ESCAPE          '^['           escape
SDLK_SPACE           ' '            space
SDLK_EXCLAIM         '!'            exclaim
SDLK_QUOTEDBL        '"'            quotedbl
SDLK_HASH            '#'            hash
SDLK_DOLLAR          '$'            dollar
SDLK_AMPERSAND       '&'            ampersand
SDLK_QUOTE           '''            quote
SDLK_LEFTPAREN       '('            left parenthesis
SDLK_RIGHTPAREN      ')'            right parenthesis
SDLK_ASTERISK        '*'            asterisk
SDLK_PLUS            '+'            plus sign
SDLK_COMMA           ','            comma
SDLK_MINUS           '-'            minus sign
SDLK_PERIOD          '.'            period
SDLK_SLASH           '/'            forward slash
SDLK_0               '0'            0
SDLK_1               '1'            1
SDLK_2               '2'            2
SDLK_3               '3'            3
SDLK_4               '4'            4
SDLK_5               '5'            5
SDLK_6               '6'            6
SDLK_7               '7'            7
SDLK_8               '8'            8
SDLK_9               '9'            9
SDLK_COLON           ':'            colon
SDLK_SEMICOLON       ';'            semicolon
SDLK_LESS            '<'            less-than sign
SDLK_EQUALS          '='            equals sign
SDLK_GREATER         '>'            greater-than sign
SDLK_QUESTION        '?'            question mark
SDLK_AT              '@'            at
SDLK_LEFTBRACKET     '['            left bracket
SDLK_BACKSLASH       '\\'            backslash
SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET    ']'            right bracket
SDLK_CARET           '^'            caret
SDLK_UNDERSCORE      '_'            underscore
SDLK_BACKQUOTE       '`'            grave
SDLK_a               'a'            a
SDLK_b               'b'            b
SDLK_c               'c'            c
SDLK_d               'd'            d
SDLK_e               'e'            e
SDLK_f               'f'            f
SDLK_g               'g'            g
SDLK_h               'h'            h
SDLK_i               'i'            i
SDLK_j               'j'            j
SDLK_k               'k'            k
SDLK_l               'l'            l
SDLK_m               'm'            m
SDLK_n               'n'            n
SDLK_o               'o'            o
SDLK_p               'p'            p
SDLK_q               'q'            q
SDLK_r               'r'            r
SDLK_s               's'            s
SDLK_t               't'            t
SDLK_u               'u'            u
SDLK_v               'v'            v
SDLK_w               'w'            w
SDLK_x               'x'            x
SDLK_y               'y'            y
SDLK_z               'z'            z
SDLK_DELETE          '^?'           delete
SDLK_KP0                            keypad 0
SDLK_KP1                            keypad 1
SDLK_KP2                            keypad 2
SDLK_KP3                            keypad 3
SDLK_KP4                            keypad 4
SDLK_KP5                            keypad 5
SDLK_KP6                            keypad 6
SDLK_KP7                            keypad 7
SDLK_KP8                            keypad 8
SDLK_KP9                            keypad 9
SDLK_KP_PERIOD       '.'            keypad period
SDLK_KP_DIVIDE       '/'            keypad divide
SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY     '*'            keypad multiply
SDLK_KP_MINUS        '-'            keypad minus
SDLK_KP_PLUS         '+'            keypad plus
SDLK_KP_ENTER        '\\r'           keypad enter
SDLK_KP_EQUALS       '='            keypad equals
SDLK_UP                             up arrow
SDLK_DOWN                           down arrow
SDLK_RIGHT                          right arrow
SDLK_LEFT                           left arrow
SDLK_INSERT                         insert
SDLK_HOME                           home
SDLK_END                            end
SDLK_PAGEUP                         page up
SDLK_PAGEDOWN                       page down
SDLK_F1                             F1
SDLK_F2                             F2
SDLK_F3                             F3
SDLK_F4                             F4
SDLK_F5                             F5
SDLK_F6                             F6
SDLK_F7                             F7
SDLK_F8                             F8
SDLK_F9                             F9
SDLK_F10                            F10
SDLK_F11                            F11
SDLK_F12                            F12
SDLK_F13                            F13
SDLK_F14                            F14
SDLK_F15                            F15
SDLK_NUMLOCK                        numlock
SDLK_CAPSLOCK                       capslock
SDLK_SCROLLOCK                      scrollock
SDLK_RSHIFT                         right shift
SDLK_LSHIFT                         left shift
SDLK_RCTRL                          right ctrl
SDLK_LCTRL                          left ctrl
SDLK_RALT                           right alt
SDLK_LALT                           left alt
SDLK_RMETA                          right meta
SDLK_LMETA                          left meta
SDLK_LSUPER                         left windows key
SDLK_RSUPER                         right windows key
SDLK_MODE                           mode shift
SDLK_HELP                           help
SDLK_PRINT                          print-screen
SDLK_SYSREQ                         SysRq
SDLK_BREAK                          break
SDLK_MENU                           menu
SDLK_POWER                          power
SDLK_EURO                           euro\fR

.SH "SDL modifier definitions"
\fBSDL Modifier    Meaning\fR
\f(CWKMOD_NONE       No modifiers applicable
KMOD_NUM        Numlock is down
KMOD_CAPS       Capslock is down
KMOD_LCTRL      Left Control is down
KMOD_RCTRL      Right Control is down
KMOD_RSHIFT     Right Shift is down
KMOD_LSHIFT     Left Shift is down
KMOD_RALT       Right Alt is down
KMOD_LALT       Left Alt is down
KMOD_CTRL       A Control key is down
KMOD_SHIFT      A Shift key is down
KMOD_ALT        An Alt key is down\fR