view src/video/quartz/SDL_QuartzWM.m @ 937:1e6366bde299

Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 17:14:00 +0200 From: "Eckhard Stolberg" Subject: Controller names in SDL for Windows I'm working on an Atari 2600 emulator for different systems that uses the SDL. Some time ago someone created an adaptor that lets you use your old Atari controllers with your computer through the USB port. Some of the Atari controllers require special handling by the emulator, so it would be nice, if it would be possible to detect if any of the controllers connected to the computer is this adaptor. SDL would allow that with the SDL_JoystickName function, but unfortunately it doesn't work properly on Windows. On Linux and MacOSX this function returns the name of the controller, but on Windows you'll only get the name of the joystick driver. Most joysticks nowadays use the generic Microsoft driver, so they all return the same name. In an old MSDN article ( Microsoft describes how to read out the OEM controller names from the registry. I have implemented this for the SDL controller handler on Windows, and now reading the joystick name works properly there too.
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Sat, 21 Aug 2004 03:45:58 +0000
parents af585d6efec8
children 121f56c1277d
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2003  Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Sam Lantinga

#include "SDL_QuartzVideo.h"

struct WMcursor {
    Cursor curs;

void QZ_FreeWMCursor     (_THIS, WMcursor *cursor) { 

    if ( cursor != NULL )
        free (cursor);

/* Use the Carbon cursor routines for now */
WMcursor*    QZ_CreateWMCursor   (_THIS, Uint8 *data, Uint8 *mask, 
                                         int w, int h, int hot_x, int hot_y) { 
    WMcursor *cursor;
    int row, bytes;
    /* Allocate the cursor memory */
    cursor = (WMcursor *)malloc(sizeof(WMcursor));
    if ( cursor == NULL ) {
    memset(cursor, 0, sizeof(*cursor));
    if (w > 16)
        w = 16;
    if (h > 16)
        h = 16;
    bytes = (w+7)/8;

    for ( row=0; row<h; ++row ) {
        memcpy(&cursor->[row], data, bytes);
        data += bytes;
    for ( row=0; row<h; ++row ) {
        memcpy(&cursor->curs.mask[row], mask, bytes);
        mask += bytes;
    cursor->curs.hotSpot.h = hot_x;
    cursor->curs.hotSpot.v = hot_y;

void QZ_ShowMouse (_THIS) {
    if (!cursor_visible) {
        [ NSCursor unhide ];
        cursor_visible = YES;

void QZ_HideMouse (_THIS) {
    BOOL isInGameWin = QZ_IsMouseInWindow (this);
    if (isInGameWin && cursor_visible) {
        [ NSCursor hide ];
        cursor_visible = NO;

BOOL QZ_IsMouseInWindow (_THIS) {
    return (mode_flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) ? true : NSPointInRect([ qz_window mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream ], [ window_view frame ]);

int QZ_ShowWMCursor (_THIS, WMcursor *cursor) { 

    if ( cursor == NULL) {
        if ( cursor_should_be_visible ) {
            QZ_HideMouse (this);
            cursor_should_be_visible = NO;
            QZ_ChangeGrabState (this, QZ_HIDECURSOR);
    else {
        if ( ! cursor_should_be_visible ) {
            QZ_ShowMouse (this);
            cursor_should_be_visible = YES;
            QZ_ChangeGrabState (this, QZ_SHOWCURSOR);

    return 1;

    Coordinate conversion functions, for convenience
    Cocoa sets the origin at the lower left corner of the window/screen
    SDL, CoreGraphics/WindowServer, and QuickDraw use the origin at the upper left corner
    The routines were written so they could be called before SetVideoMode() has finished;
    this might have limited usefulness at the moment, but the extra cost is trivial.

/* Convert Cocoa screen coordinate to Cocoa window coordinate */
void QZ_PrivateGlobalToLocal (_THIS, NSPoint *p) {

    *p = [ qz_window convertScreenToBase:*p ];

/* Convert Cocoa window coordinate to Cocoa screen coordinate */
void QZ_PrivateLocalToGlobal (_THIS, NSPoint *p) {

    *p = [ qz_window convertBaseToScreen:*p ];

/* Convert SDL coordinate to Cocoa coordinate */
void QZ_PrivateSDLToCocoa (_THIS, NSPoint *p) {

    if ( CGDisplayIsCaptured (display_id) ) { /* capture signals fullscreen */
        p->y = CGDisplayPixelsHigh (display_id) - p->y;
    else {
        *p = [ window_view convertPoint:*p toView: nil ];

/* Convert Cocoa coordinate to SDL coordinate */
void QZ_PrivateCocoaToSDL (_THIS, NSPoint *p) {

    if ( CGDisplayIsCaptured (display_id) ) { /* capture signals fullscreen */
        p->y = CGDisplayPixelsHigh (display_id) - p->y;
    else {

        *p = [ window_view convertPoint:*p fromView: nil ];
        /* The coordinates need to be inverted */
        p->y = [window_view frame].size.height - p->y - 1;

/* Convert SDL coordinate to window server (CoreGraphics) coordinate */
CGPoint QZ_PrivateSDLToCG (_THIS, NSPoint *p) {
    CGPoint cgp;
    if ( ! CGDisplayIsCaptured (display_id) ) { /* not captured => not fullscreen => local coord */
        int height;
        QZ_PrivateSDLToCocoa (this, p);
        QZ_PrivateLocalToGlobal (this, p);
        height = CGDisplayPixelsHigh (display_id);
        p->y = height - p->y;
    cgp.x = p->x;
    cgp.y = p->y;
    return cgp;

#if 0 /* Dead code */
/* Convert window server (CoreGraphics) coordinate to SDL coordinate */
void QZ_PrivateCGToSDL (_THIS, NSPoint *p) {
    if ( ! CGDisplayIsCaptured (display_id) ) { /* not captured => not fullscreen => local coord */
        int height;

        /* Convert CG Global to Cocoa Global */
        height = CGDisplayPixelsHigh (display_id);
        p->y = height - p->y;

        QZ_PrivateGlobalToLocal (this, p);
        QZ_PrivateCocoaToSDL (this, p);
#endif /* Dead code */

void  QZ_PrivateWarpCursor (_THIS, int x, int y) {
    NSPoint p;
    CGPoint cgp;
    p = NSMakePoint (x, y);
    cgp = QZ_PrivateSDLToCG (this, &p);
    /* this is the magic call that fixes cursor "freezing" after warp */
    CGSetLocalEventsSuppressionInterval (0.0);
    CGWarpMouseCursorPosition (cgp);

void QZ_WarpWMCursor (_THIS, Uint16 x, Uint16 y) {

    /* Only allow warping when in foreground */
    if ( ! [ NSApp isActive ] )
    /* Do the actual warp */
    QZ_PrivateWarpCursor (this, x, y);

    /* Generate the mouse moved event */
    SDL_PrivateMouseMotion (0, 0, x, y);

void QZ_MoveWMCursor     (_THIS, int x, int y) { }
void QZ_CheckMouseMode   (_THIS) { }

void QZ_SetCaption    (_THIS, const char *title, const char *icon) {

    if ( qz_window != nil ) {
        NSString *string;
        if ( title != NULL ) {
            string = [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithCString:title ];
            [ qz_window setTitle:string ];
            [ string release ];
        if ( icon != NULL ) {
            string = [ [ NSString alloc ] initWithCString:icon ];
            [ qz_window setMiniwindowTitle:string ];
            [ string release ];

void QZ_SetIcon       (_THIS, SDL_Surface *icon, Uint8 *mask)
    NSBitmapImageRep *imgrep;
    NSImage *img;
    SDL_Surface *mergedSurface;
    int i,j;
    NSAutoreleasePool *pool;
    SDL_Rect rrect;
    NSSize imgSize = {icon->w, icon->h};
    pool = [ [ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ];
    SDL_GetClipRect(icon, &rrect);
    /* create a big endian RGBA surface */
    mergedSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE|SDL_SRCALPHA, 
                    icon->w, icon->h, 32, 0xff<<24, 0xff<<16, 0xff<<8, 0xff<<0);
    if (mergedSurface==NULL) {
        NSLog(@"Error creating surface for merge");
        goto freePool;
    if (mergedSurface->pitch != 
        mergedSurface->format->BytesPerPixel * mergedSurface->w) {
        SDL_SetError ("merged surface has wrong format");
        SDL_FreeSurface (mergedSurface);
        goto freePool;
    if (SDL_BlitSurface(icon,&rrect,mergedSurface,&rrect)) {
        NSLog(@"Error blitting to mergedSurface");
        goto freePool;
    if (mask) {

        Uint32 *pixels = mergedSurface->pixels;
        for (i = 0; i < mergedSurface->h; i++) {
            for (j = 0; j < mergedSurface->w; j++) {
                int index = i * mergedSurface->w + j;
                int mindex = index >> 3;
                int bindex = 7 - (index & 0x7);
                if (mask[mindex] & (1 << bindex))
                    pixels[index] |= 0x000000FF;
                    pixels[index] &= 0xFFFFFF00;
    imgrep = [ [ NSBitmapImageRep alloc] 
                    initWithBitmapDataPlanes:(unsigned char **)&mergedSurface->pixels 
                        pixelsWide:icon->w pixelsHigh:icon->h bitsPerSample:8 samplesPerPixel:4 
                        hasAlpha:YES isPlanar:NO colorSpaceName:NSDeviceRGBColorSpace 
                        bytesPerRow:icon->w<<2 bitsPerPixel:32 ];
    img = [ [ NSImage alloc ] initWithSize:imgSize ];
    [ img addRepresentation: imgrep ];
    [ NSApp setApplicationIconImage:img ];
    [ img release ];
    [ imgrep release ];
    [pool release];

int  QZ_IconifyWindow (_THIS) { 

    if ( ! [ qz_window isMiniaturized ] ) {
        [ qz_window miniaturize:nil ];
        return 1;
    else {
        SDL_SetError ("window already iconified");
        return 0;

int  QZ_GetWMInfo  (_THIS, SDL_SysWMinfo *info) { 
    info->nsWindowPtr = qz_window;
    return 0; 

void QZ_ChangeGrabState (_THIS, int action) {

        Figure out what the next state should be based on the action.
        Ignore actions that can't change the current state.
    if ( grab_state == QZ_UNGRABBED ) {
        if ( action == QZ_ENABLE_GRAB ) {
            if ( cursor_should_be_visible )
                grab_state = QZ_VISIBLE_GRAB;
                grab_state = QZ_INVISIBLE_GRAB;
    else if ( grab_state == QZ_VISIBLE_GRAB ) {
        if ( action == QZ_DISABLE_GRAB )
            grab_state = QZ_UNGRABBED;
        else if ( action == QZ_HIDECURSOR )
            grab_state = QZ_INVISIBLE_GRAB;
    else {
        assert( grab_state == QZ_INVISIBLE_GRAB );
        if ( action == QZ_DISABLE_GRAB )
            grab_state = QZ_UNGRABBED;
        else if ( action == QZ_SHOWCURSOR )
            grab_state = QZ_VISIBLE_GRAB;
    /* now apply the new state */
    if (grab_state == QZ_UNGRABBED) {
        CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (1);
    else if (grab_state == QZ_VISIBLE_GRAB) {
        CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (1);
    else {
        assert( grab_state == QZ_INVISIBLE_GRAB );

        QZ_PrivateWarpCursor (this, SDL_VideoSurface->w / 2, SDL_VideoSurface->h / 2);
        CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (0);

SDL_GrabMode QZ_GrabInput (_THIS, SDL_GrabMode grab_mode) {

    int doGrab = grab_mode & SDL_GRAB_ON;
    /*int fullscreen = grab_mode & SDL_GRAB_FULLSCREEN;*/

    if ( this->screen == NULL ) {
        SDL_SetError ("QZ_GrabInput: screen is NULL");
        return SDL_GRAB_OFF;
    if ( ! video_set ) {
        /*SDL_SetError ("QZ_GrabInput: video is not set, grab will take effect on mode switch"); */
        current_grab_mode = grab_mode;
        return grab_mode;       /* Will be set later on mode switch */

    if ( grab_mode != SDL_GRAB_QUERY ) {
        if ( doGrab )
            QZ_ChangeGrabState (this, QZ_ENABLE_GRAB);
            QZ_ChangeGrabState (this, QZ_DISABLE_GRAB);
        current_grab_mode = doGrab ? SDL_GRAB_ON : SDL_GRAB_OFF;

    return current_grab_mode;