view src/audio/ums/SDL_umsaudio.c @ 1287:15a89a0c52bf

Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 21:28:48 +0900 (JST) From: "Michael Leonhard" Subject: [SDL] resize bug on Win32 and patch This is my first post to this mailing list. In this email I will detail a bug in the behavior of resizable SDL windows on Win32. Then I will explain the solution and provide a patch. Symptoms: Under Windows, an SDL display created with the SDL_RESIZABLE flag exhibits quirky behavior when being maximized. The window is resized to the proper size, but it is shifted upwards about half the height of the title bar. Similarly, a window whose origin is above the top of the screen will spontaneously move its upper-left origin upon being resized. After two such resize-induced moves, the title bar will be entirely off the top edge of the screen. Subsequently, when the mouse is clicked and released on the window border, the window will shrink its height spontaneously. This height shrinkage occurs even if the user did not resize the border. To observe this curious situation, please invoke: SDL-1.2.8/test/testwm.exe -resize Cause: A pair of integers, SDL_windowX and SDL_windowY, are defined in video/wincommon/SDL_sysevents.c. They are used by the DirectX video driver and the DIB video driver: video/windx5/SDL_dx5video.c video/windib/SDL_dibvideo.c As I understand the source code, the primary use of these variables is to create a rectangle that represents the surface area in CLIENT SPACE. Client space refers to a coordinate system that originates at the upper left corner of a Win32 Window's drawable area. This is just inside the window border and title bar. This client space rectangle, called bounds, is subsequently converted to screen space with a call to AdjustWindowRectEx. The problem is found in SDL's handling of the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message. According to MSDN, "The WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message is sent to a window whose size, position, or place in the Z order has changed as a result of a call to the SetWindowPos function or another window-management function." I have confirmed that this message is indeed being sent to the SDL window when the mouse is clicked on the window border, even if the window border is not dragged. In video/wincommon/SDL_sysevents.c, on line 464, in response to the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message, the (potentially) new client rectangle is obtained. This rectangle is translated into screen coordinates and THEN assigned to the SDL_windowX and Y variables. Thus screen coordinates are being assigned to client coordinate variables. Once this is understood, the solution is apparent: assign SDL_windowX and Y before translating the rectangle to screen coordinates. This is accomplished by the following patch. -Mike_L
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Sun, 29 Jan 2006 08:50:06 +0000
parents 74212992fb08
children c9b51268668f
line wrap: on
line source

    AIX support for the SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 2000  Carsten Griwodz

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

    Carsten Griwodz

    based on linux/SDL_dspaudio.c by Sam Lantinga

static char rcsid =
 "@(#) $Id$";

/* Allow access to a raw mixing buffer */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include "SDL_audio.h"
#include "SDL_error.h"
#include "SDL_audio_c.h"
#include "SDL_audiodev_c.h"
#include "SDL_umsaudio.h"

/* The tag name used by UMS audio */
#define UMS_DRIVER_NAME         "ums"

#define DEBUG_AUDIO 1

/* Audio driver functions */
static int UMS_OpenAudio(_THIS, SDL_AudioSpec *spec);
static void UMS_PlayAudio(_THIS);
static Uint8 *UMS_GetAudioBuf(_THIS);
static void UMS_CloseAudio(_THIS);

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADOpen(_THIS,  string device, string mode, long flags);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADClose(_THIS);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADGetBitsPerSample(_THIS, long* bits);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetBitsPerSample(_THIS, long bits);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetSampleRate(_THIS, long rate, long* set_rate);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetByteOrder(_THIS, string byte_order);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetAudioFormatType(_THIS, string fmt);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetNumberFormat(_THIS, string fmt);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADInitialize(_THIS);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADStart(_THIS);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADStop(_THIS);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetTimeFormat(_THIS,  UMSAudioTypes_TimeFormat fmt );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADWriteBuffSize(_THIS,  long* buff_size );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADWriteBuffRemain(_THIS,  long* buff_size );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADWriteBuffUsed(_THIS,  long* buff_size );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetDMABufferSize(_THIS,  long bytes, long* bytes_ret );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetVolume(_THIS,  long volume );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetBalance(_THIS,  long balance );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetChannels(_THIS,  long channels );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADPlayRemainingData(_THIS,  boolean block );
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADEnableOutput(_THIS,  string output, long* left_gain, long* right_gain);
static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADWrite(_THIS,  UMSAudioTypes_Buffer* buff, long samples, long* samples_written);

/* Audio driver bootstrap functions */
static int Audio_Available(void)
    return 1;

static void Audio_DeleteDevice(_THIS)
    if(this->hidden->playbuf._buffer) free(this->hidden->playbuf._buffer);
    if(this->hidden->fillbuf._buffer) free(this->hidden->fillbuf._buffer);
    _somFree( this->hidden->umsdev );

static SDL_AudioDevice *Audio_CreateDevice(int devindex)
    SDL_AudioDevice *this;

     * Allocate and initialize management storage and private management
     * storage for this SDL-using library.
    this = (SDL_AudioDevice *)malloc(sizeof(SDL_AudioDevice));
    if ( this ) {
        memset(this, 0, (sizeof *this));
        this->hidden = (struct SDL_PrivateAudioData *)malloc((sizeof *this->hidden));
    if ( (this == NULL) || (this->hidden == NULL) ) {
        if ( this ) {
    memset(this->hidden, 0, (sizeof *this->hidden));
    fprintf(stderr, "Creating UMS Audio device\n");

     * Calls for UMS env initialization and audio object construction.
    this->hidden->ev     = somGetGlobalEnvironment();
    this->hidden->umsdev = UMSAudioDeviceNew();

     * Set the function pointers.
    this->OpenAudio   = UMS_OpenAudio;
    this->WaitAudio   = NULL;           /* we do blocking output */
    this->PlayAudio   = UMS_PlayAudio;
    this->GetAudioBuf = UMS_GetAudioBuf;
    this->CloseAudio  = UMS_CloseAudio;
    this->free        = Audio_DeleteDevice;

    fprintf(stderr, "done\n");
    return this;

AudioBootStrap UMS_bootstrap = {
	Audio_Available, Audio_CreateDevice

static Uint8 *UMS_GetAudioBuf(_THIS)
    fprintf(stderr, "enter UMS_GetAudioBuf\n");
    return this->hidden->fillbuf._buffer;
    long                      bufSize;
    UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode rc;

    rc = UADSetTimeFormat(this, UMSAudioTypes_Bytes );
    rc = UADWriteBuffSize(this,  bufSize );

static void UMS_CloseAudio(_THIS)
    UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode rc;

    fprintf(stderr, "enter UMS_CloseAudio\n");
    rc = UADPlayRemainingData(this, TRUE);
    rc = UADStop(this);
    rc = UADClose(this);

static void UMS_PlayAudio(_THIS)
    UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode rc;
    long                      samplesToWrite;
    long                      samplesWritten;
    UMSAudioTypes_Buffer      swpbuf;

    fprintf(stderr, "enter UMS_PlayAudio\n");
    samplesToWrite = this->hidden->playbuf._length/this->hidden->bytesPerSample;
        rc = UADWrite(this,  &this->hidden->playbuf,
	               &samplesWritten );
	samplesToWrite -= samplesWritten;

	/* rc values: UMSAudioDevice_Success
	 *            UMSAudioDevice_Failure
	 *            UMSAudioDevice_Preempted
	 *            UMSAudioDevice_Interrupted
	 *            UMSAudioDevice_DeviceError
	if ( rc == UMSAudioDevice_DeviceError ) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Returning from PlayAudio with devices error\n");

    memcpy( &swpbuf,                &this->hidden->playbuf, sizeof(UMSAudioTypes_Buffer) );
    memcpy( &this->hidden->playbuf, &this->hidden->fillbuf, sizeof(UMSAudioTypes_Buffer) );
    memcpy( &this->hidden->fillbuf, &swpbuf,                sizeof(UMSAudioTypes_Buffer) );

    fprintf(stderr, "Wrote audio data and swapped buffer\n");

#if 0
// 	/* Set the DSP frequency */
// 	value = spec->freq;
// 	if ( ioctl(this->hidden->audio_fd, SOUND_PCM_WRITE_RATE, &value) < 0 ) {
// 		SDL_SetError("Couldn't set audio frequency");
// 		return(-1);
// 	}
// 	spec->freq = value;

static int UMS_OpenAudio(_THIS, SDL_AudioSpec *spec)
    char*  audiodev = "/dev/paud0";
    long   lgain;
    long   rgain;
    long   outRate;
    long   outBufSize;
    long   bitsPerSample;
    long   samplesPerSec;
    long   success;
    Uint16 test_format;
    int    frag_spec;
    UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode rc;

    fprintf(stderr, "enter UMS_OpenAudio\n");
    rc = UADOpen(this, audiodev,"PLAY", UMSAudioDevice_BlockingIO);
    if ( rc != UMSAudioDevice_Success ) {
	SDL_SetError("Couldn't open %s: %s", audiodev, strerror(errno));
	return -1;
    rc = UADSetAudioFormatType(this, "PCM"); 

    success = 0;
    test_format = SDL_FirstAudioFormat(spec->format);
        fprintf(stderr, "Trying format 0x%4.4x\n", test_format);
        switch ( test_format )
        case AUDIO_U8:
/* from the mac code: better ? */
/* sample_bits = spec->size / spec->samples / spec->channels * 8; */
	    success       = 1;
            bitsPerSample = 8;
            rc = UADSetSampleRate(this,  spec->freq << 16, &outRate );
            rc = UADSetByteOrder(this, "MSB");       /* irrelevant */
            rc = UADSetNumberFormat(this, "UNSIGNED");
        case AUDIO_S8:
	    success       = 1;
            bitsPerSample = 8;
            rc = UADSetSampleRate(this,  spec->freq << 16, &outRate );
            rc = UADSetByteOrder(this, "MSB");       /* irrelevant */
            rc = UADSetNumberFormat(this, "SIGNED");
        case AUDIO_S16LSB:
	    success       = 1;
            bitsPerSample = 16;
            rc = UADSetSampleRate(this,  spec->freq << 16, &outRate );
            rc = UADSetByteOrder(this, "LSB");
            rc = UADSetNumberFormat(this, "SIGNED");
        case AUDIO_S16MSB:
	    success       = 1;
            bitsPerSample = 16;
            rc = UADSetSampleRate(this,  spec->freq << 16, &outRate );
            rc = UADSetByteOrder(this, "MSB");
            rc = UADSetNumberFormat(this, "SIGNED");
        case AUDIO_U16LSB:
	    success       = 1;
            bitsPerSample = 16;
            rc = UADSetSampleRate(this,  spec->freq << 16, &outRate );
            rc = UADSetByteOrder(this, "LSB");
            rc = UADSetNumberFormat(this, "UNSIGNED");
        case AUDIO_U16MSB:
	    success       = 1;
            bitsPerSample = 16;
            rc = UADSetSampleRate(this,  spec->freq << 16, &outRate );
            rc = UADSetByteOrder(this, "MSB");
            rc = UADSetNumberFormat(this, "UNSIGNED");
        if ( ! success ) {
            test_format = SDL_NextAudioFormat();
    while ( ! success && test_format );

    if ( success == 0 ) {
        SDL_SetError("Couldn't find any hardware audio formats");
        return -1;

    spec->format = test_format;

    for ( frag_spec = 0; (0x01<<frag_spec) < spec->size; ++frag_spec );
    if ( (0x01<<frag_spec) != spec->size ) {
        SDL_SetError("Fragment size must be a power of two");
        return -1;
    if ( frag_spec > 2048 ) frag_spec = 2048;

    this->hidden->bytesPerSample   = (bitsPerSample / 8) * spec->channels;
    samplesPerSec                  = this->hidden->bytesPerSample * outRate;

    this->hidden->playbuf._length  = 0;
    this->hidden->playbuf._maximum = spec->size;
    this->hidden->playbuf._buffer  = (unsigned char*)malloc(spec->size);
    this->hidden->fillbuf._length  = 0;
    this->hidden->fillbuf._maximum = spec->size;
    this->hidden->fillbuf._buffer  = (unsigned char*)malloc(spec->size);

    rc = UADSetBitsPerSample(this,  bitsPerSample );
    rc = UADSetDMABufferSize(this,  frag_spec, &outBufSize );
    rc = UADSetChannels(this, spec->channels);      /* functions reduces to mono or stereo */

    lgain = 100; /*maximum left input gain*/
    rgain = 100; /*maimum right input gain*/
    rc = UADEnableOutput(this, "LINE_OUT",&lgain,&rgain);
    rc = UADInitialize(this);
    rc = UADStart(this);
    rc = UADSetVolume(this, 100);
    rc = UADSetBalance(this, 0);

    /* We're ready to rock and roll. :-) */
    return 0;

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADGetBitsPerSample(_THIS, long* bits)
    return UMSAudioDevice_get_bits_per_sample( this->hidden->umsdev,
					       bits );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetBitsPerSample(_THIS, long bits)
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_bits_per_sample( this->hidden->umsdev,
					       bits );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetSampleRate(_THIS, long rate, long* set_rate)
    /* from the mac code: sample rate = spec->freq << 16; */
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_sample_rate( this->hidden->umsdev,
					   set_rate );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetByteOrder(_THIS, string byte_order)
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_byte_order( this->hidden->umsdev,
					  byte_order );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetAudioFormatType(_THIS, string fmt)
    /* possible PCM, A_LAW or MU_LAW */
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_audio_format_type( this->hidden->umsdev,
						 fmt );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetNumberFormat(_THIS, string fmt)
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_number_format( this->hidden->umsdev,
					     fmt );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADInitialize(_THIS)
    return UMSAudioDevice_initialize( this->hidden->umsdev,
				      this->hidden->ev );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADStart(_THIS)
    return UMSAudioDevice_start( this->hidden->umsdev,
				 this->hidden->ev );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetTimeFormat(_THIS,  UMSAudioTypes_TimeFormat fmt )
     * Switches the time format to the new format, immediately.
     * possible UMSAudioTypes_Msecs, UMSAudioTypes_Bytes or UMSAudioTypes_Samples
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_time_format( this->hidden->umsdev,
					   fmt );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADWriteBuffSize(_THIS,  long* buff_size )
     * returns write buffer size in the current time format
    return UMSAudioDevice_write_buff_size( this->hidden->umsdev,
					   buff_size );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADWriteBuffRemain(_THIS,  long* buff_size )
     * returns amount of available space in the write buffer
     * in the current time format
    return UMSAudioDevice_write_buff_remain( this->hidden->umsdev,
					     buff_size );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADWriteBuffUsed(_THIS,  long* buff_size )
     * returns amount of filled space in the write buffer
     * in the current time format
    return UMSAudioDevice_write_buff_used( this->hidden->umsdev,
					   buff_size );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetDMABufferSize(_THIS,  long bytes, long* bytes_ret )
     * Request a new DMA buffer size, maximum requested size 2048.
     * Takes effect with next initialize() call.
     * Devices may or may not support DMA.
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_DMA_buffer_size( this->hidden->umsdev,
					       bytes_ret );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetVolume(_THIS,  long volume )
     * Set the volume.
     * Takes effect immediately.
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_volume( this->hidden->umsdev,
				      volume );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetBalance(_THIS,  long balance )
     * Set the balance.
     * Takes effect immediately.
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_balance( this->hidden->umsdev,
				       balance );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADSetChannels(_THIS,  long channels )
     * Set mono or stereo.
     * Takes effect with next initialize() call.
    if ( channels != 1 ) channels = 2;
    return UMSAudioDevice_set_number_of_channels( this->hidden->umsdev,
				                  channels );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADOpen(_THIS,  string device, string mode, long flags)
    return UMSAudioDevice_open( this->hidden->umsdev,
				flags );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADWrite(_THIS,  UMSAudioTypes_Buffer* buff,
                                           long samples,
					   long* samples_written)
    return UMSAudioDevice_write( this->hidden->umsdev,
				 samples_written );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADPlayRemainingData(_THIS,  boolean block )
    return UMSAudioDevice_play_remaining_data( this->hidden->umsdev,

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADStop(_THIS)
    return UMSAudioDevice_stop( this->hidden->umsdev,
				this->hidden->ev );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADClose(_THIS)
    return UMSAudioDevice_close( this->hidden->umsdev,
				 this->hidden->ev );

static UMSAudioDevice_ReturnCode UADEnableOutput(_THIS,  string output, long* left_gain, long* right_gain)
    return UMSAudioDevice_enable_output( this->hidden->umsdev,
					 right_gain );