view src/video/SDL_sysvideo.h @ 3097:0d12e8f1de3c

Date: Thu, 05 Feb 2009 18:07:35 +0100 From: Stefan Klug Subject: [SDL] SDL 1.3 WinCE backend as promised, I've started to work on the WinCE backend of SDL 1.3 I've modified the win32 video backend and the gdi renderer, to work properly in WinCE. The results till now are great, but there is still some work to do. Attached are two patches with my changes. I would be happy if someone could review and propably commit them. The first one ( should be straight forward without any side effects. The second one does the necessary changes to the win32 backend. I was really unhappy to start slicing this shiny new backend with #ifdef/#endif but I saw no other option. The most problematic issues are: - WinCe has no GetDIBits, so its practically impossible to fill a BITMAPINFO with correct values. I therefore removed the bmi member from the GDI_RenderData in SDL_gdirender.c to prevent usage of a not or not properly initialized bmi. - In SDL_win32window.c I exchanged some ASCII function by their general counterparts, (In CE only the Unicode versions are available). I don't know if this has a negative effect when running in win32 Cheers Stefan
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Mon, 23 Mar 2009 05:35:21 +0000
parents 0bc41e0361d3
children 7dc982143c06
line wrap: on
line source

    SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
    Copyright (C) 1997-2009 Sam Lantinga

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Lesser General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

    Sam Lantinga
#include "SDL_config.h"

#ifndef _SDL_sysvideo_h
#define _SDL_sysvideo_h

#include "SDL_mouse.h"
#include "SDL_keysym.h"

/* The SDL video driver */

typedef struct SDL_Window SDL_Window;
typedef struct SDL_Texture SDL_Texture;
typedef struct SDL_Renderer SDL_Renderer;
typedef struct SDL_RenderDriver SDL_RenderDriver;
typedef struct SDL_VideoDisplay SDL_VideoDisplay;
typedef struct SDL_VideoDevice SDL_VideoDevice;

/* Define the SDL texture structure */
struct SDL_Texture
    Uint32 id;

    Uint32 format;              /**< The pixel format of the texture */
    int access;                 /**< SDL_TextureAccess */
    int w;                      /**< The width of the texture */
    int h;                      /**< The height of the texture */
    int modMode;                /**< The texture modulation mode */
    int blendMode;                      /**< The texture blend mode */
    int scaleMode;                      /**< The texture scale mode */
    Uint8 r, g, b, a;                   /**< Texture modulation values */

    SDL_Renderer *renderer;

    void *driverdata;                   /**< Driver specific texture representation */

    SDL_Texture *next;

/* Define the SDL renderer structure */
struct SDL_Renderer
    int (*ActivateRenderer) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
    int (*DisplayModeChanged) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
    int (*CreateTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture);
    int (*QueryTexturePixels) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
                               void **pixels, int *pitch);
    int (*SetTexturePalette) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
                              const SDL_Color * colors, int firstcolor,
                              int ncolors);
    int (*GetTexturePalette) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
                              SDL_Color * colors, int firstcolor,
                              int ncolors);
    int (*SetTextureColorMod) (SDL_Renderer * renderer,
                               SDL_Texture * texture);
    int (*SetTextureAlphaMod) (SDL_Renderer * renderer,
                               SDL_Texture * texture);
    int (*SetTextureBlendMode) (SDL_Renderer * renderer,
                                SDL_Texture * texture);
    int (*SetTextureScaleMode) (SDL_Renderer * renderer,
                                SDL_Texture * texture);
    int (*UpdateTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
                          const SDL_Rect * rect, const void *pixels,
                          int pitch);
    int (*LockTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
                        const SDL_Rect * rect, int markDirty, void **pixels,
                        int *pitch);
    void (*UnlockTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture);
    void (*DirtyTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
                          int numrects, const SDL_Rect * rects);
    int (*SetDrawColor) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
    int (*SetDrawBlendMode) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
    int (*RenderPoint) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, int x, int y);
    int (*RenderLine) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, int x1, int y1, int x2,
                       int y2);
    int (*RenderFill) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, const SDL_Rect * rect);
    int (*RenderCopy) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture,
                       const SDL_Rect * srcrect, const SDL_Rect * dstrect);
    void (*RenderPresent) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);
    void (*DestroyTexture) (SDL_Renderer * renderer, SDL_Texture * texture);

    void (*DestroyRenderer) (SDL_Renderer * renderer);

    /* The current renderer info */
    SDL_RendererInfo info;

    /* The window associated with the renderer */
    SDL_WindowID window;

    Uint8 r, g, b, a;                   /**< Color for drawing operations values */
    int blendMode;                      /**< The drawing blend mode */

    void *driverdata;

/* Define the SDL render driver structure */
struct SDL_RenderDriver
    SDL_Renderer *(*CreateRenderer) (SDL_Window * window, Uint32 flags);

    /* Info about the renderer capabilities */
    SDL_RendererInfo info;

/* Define the SDL window structure, corresponding to toplevel windows */
struct SDL_Window
    Uint32 id;

    char *title;
    int x, y;
    int w, h;
    Uint32 flags;

    int display;
    SDL_Renderer *renderer;

    void *userdata;
    void *driverdata;
    (((W)->flags & SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN) && \
     ((W)->flags & SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN) && \
     !((W)->flags & SDL_WINDOW_MINIMIZED))

 * Define the SDL display structure This corresponds to physical monitors
 * attached to the system.
struct SDL_VideoDisplay
    int max_display_modes;
    int num_display_modes;
    SDL_DisplayMode *display_modes;
    SDL_DisplayMode desktop_mode;
    SDL_DisplayMode current_mode;
    SDL_DisplayMode fullscreen_mode;
    SDL_Palette *palette;

    Uint16 *gamma;
    Uint16 *saved_gamma;        /* (just offset into gamma) */

    int num_render_drivers;
    SDL_RenderDriver *render_drivers;

    int num_windows;
    SDL_Window *windows;

    SDL_Renderer *current_renderer;

    /* The hash list of textures */
    SDL_Texture *textures[64];

    SDL_VideoDevice *device;

    void *driverdata;

/* Define the SDL video driver structure */
#define _THIS	SDL_VideoDevice *_this

struct SDL_VideoDevice
    /* * * */
    /* The name of this video driver */
    const char *name;

    /* * * */
    /* Initialization/Query functions */

     * Initialize the native video subsystem, filling in the list of
     * displays for this driver, returning 0 or -1 if there's an error.
    int (*VideoInit) (_THIS);

     * Reverse the effects VideoInit() -- called if VideoInit() fails or
     * if the application is shutting down the video subsystem.
    void (*VideoQuit) (_THIS);

    /* * * */
     * Display functions

     * Get a list of the available display modes. e.g.
     * SDL_AddDisplayMode(_this->current_display, mode)
    void (*GetDisplayModes) (_THIS);

     * Setting the display mode is independent of creating windows, so
     * when the display mode is changed, all existing windows should have
     * their data updated accordingly, including the display surfaces
     * associated with them.
    int (*SetDisplayMode) (_THIS, SDL_DisplayMode * mode);

    /* Set the color entries of the display palette */
    int (*SetDisplayPalette) (_THIS, SDL_Palette * palette);

    /* Get the color entries of the display palette */
    int (*GetDisplayPalette) (_THIS, SDL_Palette * palette);

    /* Set the gamma ramp */
    int (*SetDisplayGammaRamp) (_THIS, Uint16 * ramp);

    /* Get the gamma ramp */
    int (*GetDisplayGammaRamp) (_THIS, Uint16 * ramp);

    /* * * */
     * Window functions
    int (*CreateWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    int (*CreateWindowFrom) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window, const void *data);
    void (*SetWindowTitle) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*SetWindowIcon) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window, SDL_Surface * icon);
    void (*SetWindowPosition) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*SetWindowSize) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*ShowWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*HideWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*RaiseWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*MaximizeWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*MinimizeWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*RestoreWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*SetWindowGrab) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*DestroyWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);

    /* Get some platform dependent window information */
      SDL_bool(*GetWindowWMInfo) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window,
                                  struct SDL_SysWMinfo * info);

    /* * * */
     * OpenGL support
    int (*GL_LoadLibrary) (_THIS, const char *path);
    void *(*GL_GetProcAddress) (_THIS, const char *proc);
    void (*GL_UnloadLibrary) (_THIS);
      SDL_GLContext(*GL_CreateContext) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    int (*GL_MakeCurrent) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window, SDL_GLContext context);
    int (*GL_SetSwapInterval) (_THIS, int interval);
    int (*GL_GetSwapInterval) (_THIS);
    void (*GL_SwapWindow) (_THIS, SDL_Window * window);
    void (*GL_DeleteContext) (_THIS, SDL_GLContext context);

    /* * * */
     * Event manager functions
    void (*PumpEvents) (_THIS);

    /* Suspend the screensaver */
    void (*SuspendScreenSaver) (_THIS);

    /* * * */
    /* Data common to all drivers */
    SDL_bool suspend_screensaver;
    int num_displays;
    SDL_VideoDisplay *displays;
    int current_display;
    Uint32 next_object_id;

    /* * * */
    /* Data used by the GL drivers */
        int red_size;
        int green_size;
        int blue_size;
        int alpha_size;
        int depth_size;
        int buffer_size;
        int stencil_size;
        int double_buffer;
        int accum_red_size;
        int accum_green_size;
        int accum_blue_size;
        int accum_alpha_size;
        int stereo;
        int multisamplebuffers;
        int multisamplesamples;
        int accelerated;
        int retained_backing;
        int driver_loaded;
        char driver_path[256];
        void *dll_handle;
    } gl_config;

    /* * * */
    /* Data private to this driver */
    void *driverdata;
    struct SDL_GLDriverData *gl_data;

    /* * * */
    /* The function used to dispose of this structure */
    void (*free) (_THIS);

typedef struct VideoBootStrap
    const char *name;
    const char *desc;
    int (*available) (void);
    SDL_VideoDevice *(*create) (int devindex);
} VideoBootStrap;

extern VideoBootStrap COCOA_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap X11_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap NX_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap iPod_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap WSCONS_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap FBCON_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap DirectFB_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap PS2GS_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap VGL_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap SVGALIB_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap GAPI_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap WIN32_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap BWINDOW_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap photon_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap qnxgf_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap EPOC_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap XBIOS_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap GEM_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap DC_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap RISCOS_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap OS2FSLib_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap UIKIT_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap DUMMY_bootstrap;
extern VideoBootStrap NDS_bootstrap;

#define SDL_CurrentDisplay	(_this->displays[_this->current_display])

extern SDL_VideoDevice *SDL_GetVideoDevice();
extern int SDL_AddBasicVideoDisplay(const SDL_DisplayMode * desktop_mode);
extern int SDL_AddVideoDisplay(const SDL_VideoDisplay * display);
extern SDL_bool
SDL_AddDisplayMode(int displayIndex, const SDL_DisplayMode * mode);
extern void
SDL_AddRenderDriver(int displayIndex, const SDL_RenderDriver * driver);

extern int SDL_RecreateWindow(SDL_Window * window, Uint32 flags);
extern SDL_Window *SDL_GetWindowFromID(SDL_WindowID windowID);
extern SDL_VideoDisplay *SDL_GetDisplayFromWindow(SDL_Window * window);

extern void SDL_OnWindowShown(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowHidden(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowResized(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowFocusGained(SDL_Window * window);
extern void SDL_OnWindowFocusLost(SDL_Window * window);
extern SDL_WindowID SDL_GetFocusWindow(void);

#endif /* _SDL_sysvideo_h */

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