annotate src/video/x11/SDL_x11video.c @ 4532:dc4a3de60d3a

Logitech G15 on Ubuntu 10.04: code = 1, sym = 0xFF1B (Escape) scancode = 41 (Escape) code = 2, sym = 0x31 (1) scancode = 30 (1) code = 3, sym = 0x32 (2) scancode = 31 (2) code = 4, sym = 0x33 (3) scancode = 32 (3) code = 5, sym = 0x34 (4) scancode = 33 (4) code = 6, sym = 0x35 (5) scancode = 34 (5) code = 7, sym = 0x36 (6) scancode = 35 (6) code = 8, sym = 0x37 (7) scancode = 36 (7) code = 9, sym = 0x38 (8) scancode = 37 (8) code = 10, sym = 0x39 (9) scancode = 38 (9) code = 11, sym = 0x30 (0) scancode = 39 (0) code = 12, sym = 0x2D (minus) scancode = 45 (-) code = 13, sym = 0x3D (equal) scancode = 46 (=) code = 14, sym = 0xFF08 (BackSpace) scancode = 42 (Backspace) code = 15, sym = 0xFF09 (Tab) scancode = 43 (Tab) code = 16, sym = 0x71 (q) scancode = 20 (Q) code = 17, sym = 0x77 (w) scancode = 26 (W) code = 18, sym = 0x65 (e) scancode = 8 (E) code = 19, sym = 0x72 (r) scancode = 21 (R) code = 20, sym = 0x74 (t) scancode = 23 (T) code = 21, sym = 0x79 (y) scancode = 28 (Y) code = 22, sym = 0x75 (u) scancode = 24 (U) code = 23, sym = 0x69 (i) scancode = 12 (I) code = 24, sym = 0x6F (o) scancode = 18 (O) code = 25, sym = 0x70 (p) scancode = 19 (P) code = 26, sym = 0x5B (bracketleft) scancode = 47 ([) code = 27, sym = 0x5D (bracketright) scancode = 48 (]) code = 28, sym = 0xFF0D (Return) scancode = 40 (Return) code = 29, sym = 0xFFE3 (Control_L) scancode = 224 (Left Ctrl) code = 30, sym = 0x61 (a) scancode = 4 (A) code = 31, sym = 0x73 (s) scancode = 22 (S) code = 32, sym = 0x64 (d) scancode = 7 (D) code = 33, sym = 0x66 (f) scancode = 9 (F) code = 34, sym = 0x67 (g) scancode = 10 (G) code = 35, sym = 0x68 (h) scancode = 11 (H) code = 36, sym = 0x6A (j) scancode = 13 (J) code = 37, sym = 0x6B (k) scancode = 14 (K) code = 38, sym = 0x6C (l) scancode = 15 (L) code = 39, sym = 0x3B (semicolon) scancode = 51 (;) code = 40, sym = 0x27 (apostrophe) scancode = 52 (') code = 41, sym = 0x60 (grave) scancode = 53 (`) code = 42, sym = 0xFFE1 (Shift_L) scancode = 225 (Left Shift) code = 43, sym = 0x5C (backslash) scancode = 49 (\) code = 44, sym = 0x7A (z) scancode = 29 (Z) code = 45, sym = 0x78 (x) scancode = 27 (X) code = 46, sym = 0x63 (c) scancode = 6 (C) code = 47, sym = 0x76 (v) scancode = 25 (V) code = 48, sym = 0x62 (b) scancode = 5 (B) code = 49, sym = 0x6E (n) scancode = 17 (N) code = 50, sym = 0x6D (m) scancode = 16 (M) code = 51, sym = 0x2C (comma) scancode = 54 (,) code = 52, sym = 0x2E (period) scancode = 55 (.) code = 53, sym = 0x2F (slash) scancode = 56 (/) code = 54, sym = 0xFFE2 (Shift_R) scancode = 229 (Right Shift) code = 55, sym = 0xFFAA (KP_Multiply) scancode = 85 (Keypad *) code = 56, sym = 0xFFE9 (Alt_L) scancode = 226 (Left Alt) code = 57, sym = 0x20 (space) scancode = 44 (Space) code = 58, sym = 0xFFE5 (Caps_Lock) scancode = 57 (CapsLock) code = 59, sym = 0xFFBE (F1) scancode = 58 (F1) code = 60, sym = 0xFFBF (F2) scancode = 59 (F2) code = 61, sym = 0xFFC0 (F3) scancode = 60 (F3) code = 62, sym = 0xFFC1 (F4) scancode = 61 (F4) code = 63, sym = 0xFFC2 (F5) scancode = 62 (F5) code = 64, sym = 0xFFC3 (F6) scancode = 63 (F6) code = 65, sym = 0xFFC4 (F7) scancode = 64 (F7) code = 66, sym = 0xFFC5 (F8) scancode = 65 (F8) code = 67, sym = 0xFFC6 (F9) scancode = 66 (F9) code = 68, sym = 0xFFC7 (F10) scancode = 67 (F10) code = 69, sym = 0xFF7F (Num_Lock) scancode = 83 (Numlock) code = 70, sym = 0xFF14 (Scroll_Lock) scancode = 71 (ScrollLock) code = 71, sym = 0xFF95 (KP_Home) scancode = 95 (Keypad 7) code = 72, sym = 0xFF97 (KP_Up) scancode = 96 (Keypad 8) code = 73, sym = 0xFF9A (KP_Prior) scancode = 97 (Keypad 9) code = 74, sym = 0xFFAD (KP_Subtract) scancode = 86 (Keypad -) code = 75, sym = 0xFF96 (KP_Left) scancode = 92 (Keypad 4) code = 76, sym = 0xFF9D (KP_Begin) scancode = 93 (Keypad 5) code = 77, sym = 0xFF98 (KP_Right) scancode = 94 (Keypad 6) code = 78, sym = 0xFFAB (KP_Add) scancode = 87 (Keypad +) code = 79, sym = 0xFF9C (KP_End) scancode = 89 (Keypad 1) code = 80, sym = 0xFF99 (KP_Down) scancode = 90 (Keypad 2) code = 81, sym = 0xFF9B (KP_Next) scancode = 91 (Keypad 3) code = 82, sym = 0xFF9E (KP_Insert) scancode = 98 (Keypad 0) code = 83, sym = 0xFF9F (KP_Delete) scancode = 99 (Keypad .) code = 84, sym = 0xFE03 (ISO_Level3_Shift) scancode = 0 () code = 86, sym = 0x3C (less) scancode not found code = 87, sym = 0xFFC8 (F11) scancode = 68 (F11) code = 88, sym = 0xFFC9 (F12) scancode = 69 (F12) code = 90, sym = 0xFF26 (Katakana) scancode = 0 () code = 91, sym = 0xFF25 (Hiragana) scancode = 0 () code = 92, sym = 0xFF23 (Henkan_Mode) scancode = 0 () code = 93, sym = 0xFF27 (Hiragana_Katakana) scancode = 0 () code = 94, sym = 0xFF22 (Muhenkan) scancode = 0 () code = 96, sym = 0xFF8D (KP_Enter) scancode = 88 (Keypad Enter) code = 97, sym = 0xFFE4 (Control_R) scancode = 228 (Right Ctrl) code = 98, sym = 0xFFAF (KP_Divide) scancode = 84 (Keypad /) code = 99, sym = 0xFF61 (Print) scancode = 70 (PrintScreen) code = 100, sym = 0xFFEA (Alt_R) scancode = 230 (Right Alt) code = 101, sym = 0xFF0A (Linefeed) scancode = 0 () code = 102, sym = 0xFF50 (Home) scancode = 74 (Home) code = 103, sym = 0xFF52 (Up) scancode = 82 (Up) code = 104, sym = 0xFF55 (Prior) scancode = 75 (PageUp) code = 105, sym = 0xFF51 (Left) scancode = 80 (Left) code = 106, sym = 0xFF53 (Right) scancode = 79 (Right) code = 107, sym = 0xFF57 (End) scancode = 77 (End) code = 108, sym = 0xFF54 (Down) scancode = 81 (Down) code = 109, sym = 0xFF56 (Next) scancode = 78 (PageDown) code = 110, sym = 0xFF63 (Insert) scancode = 73 (Insert) code = 111, sym = 0xFFFF (Delete) scancode = 76 (Delete) code = 113, sym = 0x1008FF12 (XF86AudioMute) scancode = 0 () code = 114, sym = 0x1008FF11 (XF86AudioLowerVolume) scancode = 0 () code = 115, sym = 0x1008FF13 (XF86AudioRaiseVolume) scancode = 0 () code = 116, sym = 0x1008FF2A (XF86PowerOff) scancode = 0 () code = 117, sym = 0xFFBD (KP_Equal) scancode = 103 (Keypad =) code = 118, sym = 0xB1 (plusminus) scancode not found code = 119, sym = 0xFF13 (Pause) scancode = 72 (Pause) code = 120, sym = 0x1008FF4A (XF86LaunchA) scancode = 0 () code = 121, sym = 0xFFAE (KP_Decimal) scancode = 99 (Keypad .) code = 122, sym = 0xFF31 (Hangul) scancode = 0 () code = 123, sym = 0xFF34 (Hangul_Hanja) scancode = 0 () code = 125, sym = 0xFFEB (Super_L) scancode = 227 (Left GUI) code = 126, sym = 0xFFEC (Super_R) scancode = 231 (Right GUI) code = 127, sym = 0xFF67 (Menu) scancode = 118 (Menu) code = 128, sym = 0xFF69 (Cancel) scancode = 120 (Stop) code = 129, sym = 0xFF66 (Redo) scancode = 121 (Again) code = 130, sym = 0x1005FF70 (SunProps) scancode = 0 () code = 131, sym = 0xFF65 (Undo) scancode = 122 (Undo) code = 132, sym = 0x1005FF71 (SunFront) scancode = 0 () code = 133, sym = 0x1008FF57 (XF86Copy) scancode = 0 () code = 134, sym = 0x1005FF73 (SunOpen) scancode = 0 () code = 135, sym = 0x1008FF6D (XF86Paste) scancode = 0 () code = 136, sym = 0xFF68 (Find) scancode = 126 (Find) code = 137, sym = 0x1008FF58 (XF86Cut) scancode = 0 () code = 138, sym = 0xFF6A (Help) scancode = 117 (Help) code = 139, sym = 0x1008FF65 (XF86MenuKB) scancode = 0 () code = 140, sym = 0x1008FF1D (XF86Calculator) scancode = 0 () code = 142, sym = 0x1008FF2F (XF86Sleep) scancode = 0 () code = 143, sym = 0x1008FF2B (XF86WakeUp) scancode = 0 () code = 144, sym = 0x1008FF5D (XF86Explorer) scancode = 0 () code = 145, sym = 0x1008FF7B (XF86Send) scancode = 0 () code = 147, sym = 0x1008FF8A (XF86Xfer) scancode = 0 () code = 148, sym = 0x1008FF41 (XF86Launch1) scancode = 0 () code = 149, sym = 0x1008FF42 (XF86Launch2) scancode = 0 () code = 150, sym = 0x1008FF2E (XF86WWW) scancode = 0 () code = 151, sym = 0x1008FF5A (XF86DOS) scancode = 0 () code = 152, sym = 0x1008FF2D (XF86ScreenSaver) scancode = 0 () code = 154, sym = 0x1008FF74 (XF86RotateWindows) scancode = 0 () code = 155, sym = 0x1008FF19 (XF86Mail) scancode = 0 () code = 156, sym = 0x1008FF30 (XF86Favorites) scancode = 0 () code = 157, sym = 0x1008FF33 (XF86MyComputer) scancode = 0 () code = 158, sym = 0x1008FF26 (XF86Back) scancode = 0 () code = 159, sym = 0x1008FF27 (XF86Forward) scancode = 0 () code = 161, sym = 0x1008FF2C (XF86Eject) scancode = 0 () code = 162, sym = 0x1008FF2C (XF86Eject) scancode = 0 () code = 163, sym = 0x1008FF17 (XF86AudioNext) scancode = 0 () code = 164, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode = 0 () code = 165, sym = 0x1008FF16 (XF86AudioPrev) scancode = 0 () code = 166, sym = 0x1008FF15 (XF86AudioStop) scancode = 0 () code = 167, sym = 0x1008FF1C (XF86AudioRecord) scancode = 0 () code = 168, sym = 0x1008FF3E (XF86AudioRewind) scancode = 0 () code = 169, sym = 0x1008FF6E (XF86Phone) scancode = 0 () code = 171, sym = 0x1008FF81 (XF86Tools) scancode = 0 () code = 172, sym = 0x1008FF18 (XF86HomePage) scancode = 0 () code = 173, sym = 0x1008FF73 (XF86Reload) scancode = 0 () code = 174, sym = 0x1008FF56 (XF86Close) scancode = 0 () code = 177, sym = 0x1008FF78 (XF86ScrollUp) scancode = 0 () code = 178, sym = 0x1008FF79 (XF86ScrollDown) scancode = 0 () code = 179, sym = 0x28 (parenleft) scancode not found code = 180, sym = 0x29 (parenright) scancode not found code = 181, sym = 0x1008FF68 (XF86New) scancode = 0 () code = 182, sym = 0xFF66 (Redo) scancode = 121 (Again) code = 183, sym = 0x1008FF81 (XF86Tools) scancode = 0 () code = 184, sym = 0x1008FF45 (XF86Launch5) scancode = 0 () code = 185, sym = 0x1008FF65 (XF86MenuKB) scancode = 0 () code = 192, sym = 0x1008FFA9 (XF86TouchpadToggle) scancode = 0 () code = 195, sym = 0xFF7E (Mode_switch) scancode = 257 (ModeSwitch) code = 200, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode = 0 () code = 201, sym = 0x1008FF31 (XF86AudioPause) scancode = 0 () code = 202, sym = 0x1008FF43 (XF86Launch3) scancode = 0 () code = 203, sym = 0x1008FF44 (XF86Launch4) scancode = 0 () code = 204, sym = 0x1008FF4B (XF86LaunchB) scancode = 0 () code = 205, sym = 0x1008FFA7 (XF86Suspend) scancode = 0 () code = 206, sym = 0x1008FF56 (XF86Close) scancode = 0 () code = 207, sym = 0x1008FF14 (XF86AudioPlay) scancode = 0 () code = 208, sym = 0x1008FF97 (XF86AudioForward) scancode = 0 () code = 210, sym = 0xFF61 (Print) scancode = 70 (PrintScreen) code = 212, sym = 0x1008FF8F (XF86WebCam) scancode = 0 () code = 215, sym = 0x1008FF19 (XF86Mail) scancode = 0 () code = 217, sym = 0x1008FF1B (XF86Search) scancode = 0 () code = 219, sym = 0x1008FF3C (XF86Finance) scancode = 0 () code = 221, sym = 0x1008FF36 (XF86Shop) scancode = 0 () code = 223, sym = 0xFF69 (Cancel) scancode = 120 (Stop) code = 224, sym = 0x1008FF03 (XF86MonBrightnessDown) scancode = 0 () code = 225, sym = 0x1008FF02 (XF86MonBrightnessUp) scancode = 0 () code = 226, sym = 0x1008FF32 (XF86AudioMedia) scancode = 0 () code = 227, sym = 0x1008FF59 (XF86Display) scancode = 0 () code = 228, sym = 0x1008FF04 (XF86KbdLightOnOff) scancode = 0 () code = 229, sym = 0x1008FF06 (XF86KbdBrightnessDown) scancode = 0 () code = 230, sym = 0x1008FF05 (XF86KbdBrightnessUp) scancode = 0 () code = 231, sym = 0x1008FF7B (XF86Send) scancode = 0 () code = 232, sym = 0x1008FF72 (XF86Reply) scancode = 0 () code = 233, sym = 0x1008FF90 (XF86MailForward) scancode = 0 () code = 234, sym = 0x1008FF77 (XF86Save) scancode = 0 () code = 235, sym = 0x1008FF5B (XF86Documents) scancode = 0 () code = 236, sym = 0x1008FF93 (XF86Battery) scancode = 0 () code = 237, sym = 0x1008FF94 (XF86Bluetooth) scancode = 0 () code = 238, sym = 0x1008FF95 (XF86WLAN) scancode = 0 ()
author Sam Lantinga <>
date Sun, 18 Jul 2010 00:40:17 -0700
parents a956a315fe67
children f8c3870af5a2
rev   line source
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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1 /*
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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2 SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
f7b03b6838cb Fixed bug #926
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3521
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3 Copyright (C) 1997-2010 Sam Lantinga
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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5 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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6 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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7 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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8 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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10 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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13 Lesser General Public License for more details.
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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15 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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16 License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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17 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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19 Sam Lantinga
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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21 */
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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22 #include "SDL_config.h"
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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15d2c6f40c48 Added X11 clipboard support.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4472
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24 #include <unistd.h> /* For getpid() and readlink() */
15d2c6f40c48 Added X11 clipboard support.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4472
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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26 #include "SDL_video.h"
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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27 #include "SDL_mouse.h"
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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28 #include "../SDL_sysvideo.h"
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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29 #include "../SDL_pixels_c.h"
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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31 #include "SDL_x11video.h"
c0f2a1e6f0cd Added missing header
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3697
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32 #include "SDL_x11render.h"
44e49d3fa6cf Final merge of Google Summer of Code 2008 work...
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2324
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81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
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81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
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35 #include "SDL_x11opengles.h"
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
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36 #endif
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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38 /* Initialization/Query functions */
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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39 static int X11_VideoInit(_THIS);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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40 static void X11_VideoQuit(_THIS);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
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7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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42 /* Find out what class name we should use */
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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43 static char *
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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44 get_classname()
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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45 {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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46 char *spot;
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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47 #if defined(__LINUX__) || defined(__FREEBSD__)
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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48 char procfile[1024];
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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49 char linkfile[1024];
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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50 int linksize;
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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51 #endif
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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53 /* First allow environment variable override */
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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54 spot = SDL_getenv("SDL_VIDEO_X11_WMCLASS");
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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55 if (spot) {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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56 return SDL_strdup(spot);
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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57 }
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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59 /* Next look at the application's executable name */
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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60 #if defined(__LINUX__) || defined(__FREEBSD__)
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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61 #if defined(__LINUX__)
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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62 SDL_snprintf(procfile, SDL_arraysize(procfile), "/proc/%d/exe", getpid());
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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63 #elif defined(__FREEBSD__)
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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64 SDL_snprintf(procfile, SDL_arraysize(procfile), "/proc/%d/file",
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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65 getpid());
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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66 #else
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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67 #error Where can we find the executable name?
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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68 #endif
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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69 linksize = readlink(procfile, linkfile, sizeof(linkfile) - 1);
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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70 if (linksize > 0) {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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71 linkfile[linksize] = '\0';
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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72 spot = SDL_strrchr(linkfile, '/');
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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73 if (spot) {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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74 return SDL_strdup(spot + 1);
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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75 } else {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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76 return SDL_strdup(linkfile);
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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77 }
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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78 }
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
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79 #endif /* __LINUX__ || __FREEBSD__ */
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
81 /* Finally use the default we've used forever */
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
82 return SDL_strdup("SDL_App");
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
83 }
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
85 /* X11 driver bootstrap functions */
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
87 static int
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
88 X11_Available(void)
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
89 {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
90 Display *display = NULL;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
91 if (SDL_X11_LoadSymbols()) {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
92 display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
93 if (display != NULL) {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
94 XCloseDisplay(display);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
95 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
96 SDL_X11_UnloadSymbols();
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
97 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
98 return (display != NULL);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
99 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
101 static void
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
102 X11_DeleteDevice(SDL_VideoDevice * device)
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
103 {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
104 SDL_VideoData *data = (SDL_VideoData *) device->driverdata;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
105 if (data->display) {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
106 XCloseDisplay(data->display);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
107 }
3202e4826c57 more valgrind errors fixed. Plus I ran make indent which changed a few files.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2323
diff changeset
108 SDL_free(data->windowlist);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
109 SDL_free(device->driverdata);
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
111 SDL_free(device->gles_data);
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
112 #endif
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
113 SDL_free(device);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
115 SDL_X11_UnloadSymbols();
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
116 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
118 static SDL_VideoDevice *
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
119 X11_CreateDevice(int devindex)
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
120 {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
121 SDL_VideoDevice *device;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
122 SDL_VideoData *data;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
123 const char *display = NULL; /* Use the DISPLAY environment variable */
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
125 if (!SDL_X11_LoadSymbols()) {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
126 return NULL;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
127 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
129 /* Initialize all variables that we clean on shutdown */
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
130 device = (SDL_VideoDevice *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(SDL_VideoDevice));
4ac07ae446d3 Fixed many valgrind errors. But, I broke testdyngl.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2305
diff changeset
131 if (!device) {
4ac07ae446d3 Fixed many valgrind errors. But, I broke testdyngl.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2305
diff changeset
132 SDL_OutOfMemory();
4ac07ae446d3 Fixed many valgrind errors. But, I broke testdyngl.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2305
diff changeset
133 return NULL;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
134 }
4ac07ae446d3 Fixed many valgrind errors. But, I broke testdyngl.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2305
diff changeset
135 data = (struct SDL_VideoData *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(SDL_VideoData));
4ac07ae446d3 Fixed many valgrind errors. But, I broke testdyngl.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2305
diff changeset
136 if (!data) {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
137 SDL_OutOfMemory();
4ac07ae446d3 Fixed many valgrind errors. But, I broke testdyngl.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2305
diff changeset
138 SDL_free(device);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
139 return NULL;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
140 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
141 device->driverdata = data;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
144 device->gles_data = (struct SDL_PrivateGLESData *) SDL_calloc(1, sizeof(SDL_PrivateGLESData));
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
145 if (!device->gles_data) {
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
146 SDL_OutOfMemory();
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
147 return NULL;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
148 }
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
149 #endif
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
151 /* FIXME: Do we need this?
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
152 if ( (SDL_strncmp(XDisplayName(display), ":", 1) == 0) ||
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
153 (SDL_strncmp(XDisplayName(display), "unix:", 5) == 0) ) {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
154 local_X11 = 1;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
155 } else {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
156 local_X11 = 0;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
157 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
158 */
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
159 data->display = XOpenDisplay(display);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
160 #if defined(__osf__) && defined(SDL_VIDEO_DRIVER_X11_DYNAMIC)
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
161 /* On Tru64 if linking without -lX11, it fails and you get following message.
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
162 * Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
163 * Xlib: XDM authorization key matches an existing client!
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
164 *
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
165 * It succeeds if retrying 1 second later
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
166 * or if running xhost +localhost on shell.
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
167 */
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
168 if (data->display == NULL) {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
169 SDL_Delay(1000);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
170 data->display = XOpenDisplay(display);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
171 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
172 #endif
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
173 if (data->display == NULL) {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
174 SDL_free(device);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
175 SDL_SetError("Couldn't open X11 display");
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
176 return NULL;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
177 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
178 #ifdef X11_DEBUG
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
179 XSynchronize(data->display, True);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
180 #endif
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
182 /* Set the function pointers */
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
183 device->VideoInit = X11_VideoInit;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
184 device->VideoQuit = X11_VideoQuit;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
185 device->GetDisplayModes = X11_GetDisplayModes;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
186 device->SetDisplayMode = X11_SetDisplayMode;
1d23870d8c49 Added stubs for x11 gamma functions and enabled them in SDL_x11video.c
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 1952
diff changeset
187 device->SetDisplayGammaRamp = X11_SetDisplayGammaRamp;
1d23870d8c49 Added stubs for x11 gamma functions and enabled them in SDL_x11video.c
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 1952
diff changeset
188 device->GetDisplayGammaRamp = X11_GetDisplayGammaRamp;
54fac87e1f34 Added an API to enable/disable the screen saver.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3013
diff changeset
189 device->SuspendScreenSaver = X11_SuspendScreenSaver;
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
190 device->PumpEvents = X11_PumpEvents;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
192 device->CreateWindow = X11_CreateWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
193 device->CreateWindowFrom = X11_CreateWindowFrom;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
194 device->SetWindowTitle = X11_SetWindowTitle;
e4a469d6ddab Implemented SDL_SetWindowIcon(), with translucent icon support under X11.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2963
diff changeset
195 device->SetWindowIcon = X11_SetWindowIcon;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
196 device->SetWindowPosition = X11_SetWindowPosition;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
197 device->SetWindowSize = X11_SetWindowSize;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
198 device->ShowWindow = X11_ShowWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
199 device->HideWindow = X11_HideWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
200 device->RaiseWindow = X11_RaiseWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
201 device->MaximizeWindow = X11_MaximizeWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
202 device->MinimizeWindow = X11_MinimizeWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
203 device->RestoreWindow = X11_RestoreWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
204 device->SetWindowGrab = X11_SetWindowGrab;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
205 device->DestroyWindow = X11_DestroyWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
206 device->GetWindowWMInfo = X11_GetWindowWMInfo;
420716272158 Implemented X11 OpenGL support.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1951
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
208 device->GL_LoadLibrary = X11_GL_LoadLibrary;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
209 device->GL_GetProcAddress = X11_GL_GetProcAddress;
089a77aebb7d Added test program for SDL_CreateWindowFrom()
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3025
diff changeset
210 device->GL_UnloadLibrary = X11_GL_UnloadLibrary;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
211 device->GL_CreateContext = X11_GL_CreateContext;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
212 device->GL_MakeCurrent = X11_GL_MakeCurrent;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
213 device->GL_SetSwapInterval = X11_GL_SetSwapInterval;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
214 device->GL_GetSwapInterval = X11_GL_GetSwapInterval;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
215 device->GL_SwapWindow = X11_GL_SwapWindow;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
216 device->GL_DeleteContext = X11_GL_DeleteContext;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
217 #endif
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
219 device->GL_LoadLibrary = X11_GLES_LoadLibrary;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
220 device->GL_GetProcAddress = X11_GLES_GetProcAddress;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
221 device->GL_UnloadLibrary = X11_GLES_UnloadLibrary;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
222 device->GL_CreateContext = X11_GLES_CreateContext;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
223 device->GL_MakeCurrent = X11_GLES_MakeCurrent;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
224 device->GL_SetSwapInterval = X11_GLES_SetSwapInterval;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
225 device->GL_GetSwapInterval = X11_GLES_GetSwapInterval;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
226 device->GL_SwapWindow = X11_GLES_SwapWindow;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
227 device->GL_DeleteContext = X11_GLES_DeleteContext;
81773a1eac83 Patch from David Carre:
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3057
diff changeset
228 #endif
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
15d2c6f40c48 Added X11 clipboard support.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4472
diff changeset
230 device->SetClipboardText = X11_SetClipboardText;
15d2c6f40c48 Added X11 clipboard support.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4472
diff changeset
231 device->GetClipboardText = X11_GetClipboardText;
15d2c6f40c48 Added X11 clipboard support.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4472
diff changeset
232 device->HasClipboardText = X11_HasClipboardText;
15d2c6f40c48 Added X11 clipboard support.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4472
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
234 device->free = X11_DeleteDevice;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
236 return device;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
237 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
239 VideoBootStrap X11_bootstrap = {
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
240 "x11", "SDL X11 video driver",
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
241 X11_Available, X11_CreateDevice
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
242 };
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
245 static void
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
246 X11_CheckWindowManager(_THIS)
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
247 {
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
248 SDL_VideoData *data = (SDL_VideoData *) _this->driverdata;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
249 Display *display = data->display;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
251 int status, real_format;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
252 Atom real_type;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
253 unsigned long items_read, items_left;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
254 unsigned char *propdata;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
255 Window wm_window = 0;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
257 char *wm_name;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
258 #endif
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
261 status = XGetWindowProperty(display, DefaultRootWindow(display), _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK, 0L, 1L, False, XA_WINDOW, &real_type, &real_format, &items_read, &items_left, &propdata);
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
262 if (status == Success && items_read) {
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
263 wm_window = ((Window*)propdata)[0];
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
264 }
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
265 XFree(propdata);
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
267 if (!wm_window) {
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
269 printf("Couldn't get _NET_SUPPORTING_WM_CHECK property\n");
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
270 #endif
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
271 return;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
272 }
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
273 data->net_wm = SDL_TRUE;
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
276 wm_name = X11_GetWindowTitle(_this, wm_window);
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
277 printf("Window manager: %s\n", wm_name);
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
278 SDL_free(wm_name);
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
279 #endif
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
280 }
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
282 int
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
283 X11_VideoInit(_THIS)
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
284 {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
285 SDL_VideoData *data = (SDL_VideoData *) _this->driverdata;
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
287 /* Get the window class name, usually the name of the application */
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
288 data->classname = get_classname();
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
290 /* Open a connection to the X input manager */
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
291 #ifdef X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
292 if (SDL_X11_HAVE_UTF8) {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
293 data->im =
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
294 XOpenIM(data->display, NULL, data->classname, data->classname);
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
295 }
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
296 #endif
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
298 /* Look up some useful Atoms */
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
299 #define GET_ATOM(X) data->X = XInternAtom(data->display, #X, False)
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
311 /* Detect the window manager */
a956a315fe67 Lots of prep for the "real" way to support fullscreen mode on modern window managers.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4508
diff changeset
312 X11_CheckWindowManager(_this);
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
76f9b76ddf0f Don't add any renderers if you can't add any displays
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3218
diff changeset
314 if (X11_InitModes(_this) < 0) {
76f9b76ddf0f Don't add any renderers if you can't add any displays
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3218
diff changeset
315 return -1;
76f9b76ddf0f Don't add any renderers if you can't add any displays
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3218
diff changeset
316 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
27cb878a278e Implemented the X11 (non-OpenGL) renderer, no alpha or scaling available.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2763
diff changeset
27cb878a278e Implemented the X11 (non-OpenGL) renderer, no alpha or scaling available.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2763
diff changeset
319 X11_AddRenderDriver(_this);
27cb878a278e Implemented the X11 (non-OpenGL) renderer, no alpha or scaling available.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2763
diff changeset
320 #endif
27cb878a278e Implemented the X11 (non-OpenGL) renderer, no alpha or scaling available.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2763
diff changeset
dbc6d1893869 Checking in Christian Walther's patch for x11 keyboard input. Minor code tweaks by Bob.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2162
diff changeset
322 if (X11_InitKeyboard(_this) != 0) {
dbc6d1893869 Checking in Christian Walther's patch for x11 keyboard input. Minor code tweaks by Bob.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2162
diff changeset
323 return -1;
dbc6d1893869 Checking in Christian Walther's patch for x11 keyboard input. Minor code tweaks by Bob.
Bob Pendleton <>
parents: 2162
diff changeset
324 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
325 X11_InitMouse(_this);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
327 return 0;
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
328 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
330 void
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
331 X11_VideoQuit(_THIS)
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
332 {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
333 SDL_VideoData *data = (SDL_VideoData *) _this->driverdata;
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
335 if (data->classname) {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
336 SDL_free(data->classname);
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
337 }
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
338 #ifdef X_HAVE_UTF8_STRING
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
339 if (data->im) {
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
340 XCloseIM(data->im);
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
341 }
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
342 #endif
7177581dc9fa Initial work on X11 window code in.
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 1950
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
344 X11_QuitModes(_this);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
345 X11_QuitKeyboard(_this);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
346 X11_QuitMouse(_this);
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
347 }
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
ee331407574f Don't use DirectColor visuals until we implement DirectColor colormap support
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2940
diff changeset
349 SDL_bool
791b3256fb22 Mostly cleaned up warnings with -Wmissing-prototypes
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 4459
diff changeset
350 X11_UseDirectColorVisuals(void)
ee331407574f Don't use DirectColor visuals until we implement DirectColor colormap support
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2940
diff changeset
351 {
8cc00819c8d6 Reverted Bob's indent checkin
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3011
diff changeset
352 /* Once we implement DirectColor colormaps and gamma ramp support...
8cc00819c8d6 Reverted Bob's indent checkin
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3011
diff changeset
8cc00819c8d6 Reverted Bob's indent checkin
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3011
diff changeset
354 */
8cc00819c8d6 Reverted Bob's indent checkin
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 3011
diff changeset
355 return SDL_FALSE;
ee331407574f Don't use DirectColor visuals until we implement DirectColor colormap support
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2940
diff changeset
356 }
ee331407574f Don't use DirectColor visuals until we implement DirectColor colormap support
Sam Lantinga <>
parents: 2940
diff changeset
a344e42bce3b Started work on the new X11 driver.
Sam Lantinga <>
diff changeset
358 /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 expandtab: */