+ − 1
+ − 2 This is a list of API changes in SDL's version history.
+ − 3
+ − 4 Version 1.0:
+ − 5
+ − 6 1.2.0:
+ − 7 Added SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE event to signal that the screen needs to
+ − 8 be redrawn. This is currently only delivered to OpenGL windows
+ − 9 on X11, though it may be delivered in the future when the video
+ − 10 memory is lost under DirectX.
+ − 11
+ − 12 1.1.8:
+ − 13 You can pass SDL_NOFRAME to SDL_VideoMode() to create a window
+ − 14 that has no title bar or frame decoration. Fullscreen video
+ − 15 modes automatically have this flag set.
+ − 16
+ − 17 Added a function to query the clipping rectangle for a surface:
+ − 18 void SDL_GetClipRect(SDL_Surface *surface, SDL_Rect *rect)
+ − 19
+ − 20 Added a function to query the current event filter:
+ − 21 SDL_EventFilter SDL_GetEventFilter(void)
+ − 22
+ − 23 If you pass -1 to SDL_ShowCursor(), it won't change the current
+ − 24 cursor visibility state, but will still return it.
+ − 25
+ − 26 SDL_LockSurface() and SDL_UnlockSurface() are recursive, meaning
+ − 27 you can nest them as deep as you want, as long as each lock call
+ − 28 has a matching unlock call. The surface remains locked until the
+ − 29 last matching unlock call.
+ − 30
+ − 31 Note that you may not blit to or from a locked surface.
+ − 32
+ − 33 1.1.7:
+ − 34 The SDL_SetGammaRamp() and SDL_GetGammaRamp() functions now take
+ − 35 arrays of Uint16 values instead of Uint8 values. For the most part,
+ − 36 you can just take your old values and shift them up 8 bits to get
+ − 37 new correct values for your gamma ramps.
+ − 38
+ − 39 You can pass SDL_RLEACCEL in flags passed to SDL_ConvertSurface()
+ − 40 and SDL will try to RLE accelerate colorkey and alpha blits in the
+ − 41 resulting surface.
+ − 42
+ − 43 1.1.6:
+ − 44 Added a function to return the thread ID of a specific thread:
+ − 45 Uint32 SDL_GetThreadID(SDL_Thread *thread)
+ − 46 If 'thread' is NULL, this function returns the id for this thread.
+ − 47
+ − 48 1.1.5:
+ − 49 The YUV overlay structure has been changed to use an array of
+ − 50 pitches and pixels representing the planes of a YUV image, to
+ − 51 better enable hardware acceleration. The YV12 and IYUV formats
+ − 52 each have three planes, corresponding to the Y, U, and V portions
+ − 53 of the image, while packed pixel YUV formats just have one plane.
+ − 54
+ − 55 For palettized mode (8bpp), the screen colormap is now split in
+ − 56 a physical and a logical palette. The physical palette determines
+ − 57 what colours the screen pixels will get when displayed, and the
+ − 58 logical palette controls the mapping from blits to/from the screen.
+ − 59 A new function, SDL_SetPalette() has been added to change
+ − 60 logical and physical palettes separately. SDL_SetColors() works
+ − 61 just as before, and is equivalent to calling SDL_SetPalette() with
+ − 62 a flag argument of (SDL_LOGPAL|SDL_PHYSPAL).
+ − 63
+ − 64 SDL_BlitSurface() no longer modifies the source rectangle, only the
+ − 65 destination rectangle. The width/height members of the destination
+ − 66 rectangle are ignored, only the position is used.
+ − 67
+ − 68 The old source clipping function SDL_SetClipping() has been replaced
+ − 69 with a more useful function to set the destination clipping rectangle:
+ − 70 SDL_bool SDL_SetClipRect(SDL_Surface *surface, SDL_Rect *rect)
+ − 71
+ − 72 Added a function to see what subsystems have been initialized:
+ − 73 Uint32 SDL_WasInit(Uint32 flags)
+ − 74
+ − 75 The Big Alpha Flip: SDL now treats alpha as opacity like everybody
+ − 76 else, and not as transparency:
+ − 77
+ − 78 A new cpp symbol: SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE is defined as 255
+ − 79 A new cpp symbol: SDL_ALPHA_TRANSPARENT is defined as 0
+ − 80 Values between 0 and 255 vary from fully transparent to fully opaque.
+ − 81
+ − 82 New functions:
+ − 83 SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha()
+ − 84 Returns a surface converted to a format with alpha-channel
+ − 85 that can be blit efficiently to the screen. (In other words,
+ − 86 like SDL_DisplayFormat() but the resulting surface has
+ − 87 an alpha channel.) This is useful for surfaces with alpha.
+ − 88 SDL_MapRGBA()
+ − 89 Works as SDL_MapRGB() but takes an additional alpha parameter.
+ − 90 SDL_GetRGBA()
+ − 91 Works as SDL_GetRGB() but also returns the alpha value
+ − 92 (SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE for formats without an alpha channel)
+ − 93
+ − 94 Both SDL_GetRGB() and SDL_GetRGBA() now always return values in
+ − 95 the [0..255] interval. Previously, SDL_GetRGB() would return
+ − 96 (0xf8, 0xfc, 0xf8) for a completely white pixel in RGB565 format.
+ − 97 (N.B.: This is broken for bit fields < 3 bits.)
+ − 98
+ − 99 SDL_MapRGB() returns pixels in which the alpha channel is set opaque.
+ − 100
+ − 101 SDL_SetAlpha() can now be used for both setting the per-surface
+ − 102 alpha, using the new way of thinking of alpha, and also to enable
+ − 103 and disable per-pixel alpha blending for surfaces with an alpha
+ − 104 channel:
+ − 105 To disable alpha blending:
+ − 106 SDL_SetAlpha(surface, 0, 0);
+ − 107 To re-enable alpha blending:
+ − 108 SDL_SetAlpha(surface, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0);
+ − 109 Surfaces with an alpha channel have blending enabled by default.
+ − 110
+ − 111 SDL_SetAlpha() now accepts SDL_RLEACCEL as a flag, which requests
+ − 112 RLE acceleration of blits, just as like with SDL_SetColorKey().
+ − 113 This flag can be set for both surfaces with an alpha channel
+ − 114 and surfaces with an alpha value set by SDL_SetAlpha().
+ − 115 As always, RLE surfaces must be locked before pixel access is
+ − 116 allowed, and unlocked before any other SDL operations are done
+ − 117 on it.
+ − 118
+ − 119 The blit semantics for surfaces with and without alpha and colorkey
+ − 120 have now been defined:
+ − 121
+ − 122 RGBA->RGB:
+ − 123 SDL_SRCALPHA set:
+ − 124 alpha-blend (using alpha-channel).
+ − 125 SDL_SRCCOLORKEY ignored.
+ − 126 SDL_SRCALPHA not set:
+ − 127 copy RGB.
+ − 128 if SDL_SRCCOLORKEY set, only copy the pixels matching the
+ − 129 RGB values of the source colour key, ignoring alpha in the
+ − 130 comparison.
+ − 131
+ − 132 RGB->RGBA:
+ − 133 SDL_SRCALPHA set:
+ − 134 alpha-blend (using the source per-surface alpha value);
+ − 135 set destination alpha to opaque.
+ − 136 SDL_SRCALPHA not set:
+ − 137 copy RGB, set destination alpha to opaque.
+ − 138 both:
+ − 139 if SDL_SRCCOLORKEY set, only copy the pixels matching the
+ − 140 source colour key.
+ − 141
+ − 142 RGBA->RGBA:
+ − 143 SDL_SRCALPHA set:
+ − 144 alpha-blend (using the source alpha channel) the RGB values;
+ − 145 leave destination alpha untouched. [Note: is this correct?]
+ − 146 SDL_SRCCOLORKEY ignored.
+ − 147 SDL_SRCALPHA not set:
+ − 148 copy all of RGBA to the destination.
+ − 149 if SDL_SRCCOLORKEY set, only copy the pixels matching the
+ − 150 RGB values of the source colour key, ignoring alpha in the
+ − 151 comparison.
+ − 152
+ − 153 RGB->RGB:
+ − 154 SDL_SRCALPHA set:
+ − 155 alpha-blend (using the source per-surface alpha value).
+ − 156 SDL_SRCALPHA not set:
+ − 157 copy RGB.
+ − 158 both:
+ − 159 if SDL_SRCCOLORKEY set, only copy the pixels matching the
+ − 160 source colour key.
+ − 161
+ − 162 As a special case, blits from surfaces with per-surface alpha
+ − 163 value of 128 (50% transparency) are optimised and much faster
+ − 164 than other alpha values. This does not apply to surfaces with
+ − 165 alpha channels (per-pixel alpha).
+ − 166
+ − 167 New functions for manipulating the gamma of the display have
+ − 168 been added:
+ − 169 int SDL_SetGamma(float red, float green, float blue);
+ − 170 int SDL_SetGammaRamp(Uint8 *red, Uint8 *green, Uint8 *blue);
+ − 171 int SDL_GetGammaRamp(Uint8 *red, Uint8 *green, Uint8 *blue);
+ − 172 Gamma ramps are tables with 256 entries which map the screen color
+ − 173 components into actually displayed colors. For an example of
+ − 174 implementing gamma correction and gamma fades, see test/testgamma.c
+ − 175 Gamma control is not supported on all hardware.
+ − 176
+ − 177 1.1.4:
+ − 178 The size of the SDL_CDtrack structure changed from 8 to 12 bytes
+ − 179 as the size of the length member was extended to 32 bits.
+ − 180
+ − 181 You can now use SDL for 2D blitting with a GL mode by passing the
+ − 182 SDL_OPENGLBLIT flag to SDL_SetVideoMode(). You can specify 16 or
+ − 183 32 bpp, and the data in the framebuffer is put into the GL scene
+ − 184 when you call SDL_UpdateRects(), and the scene will be visible
+ − 185 when you call SDL_GL_SwapBuffers().
+ − 186
+ − 187 Run the "testgl" test program with the -logo command line option
+ − 188 to see an example of this blending of 2D and 3D in SDL.
+ − 189
+ − 190 1.1.3:
+ − 191 Added SDL_FreeRW() to the API, to complement SDL_AllocRW()
+ − 192
+ − 193 Added resizable window support - just add SDL_RESIZABLE to the
+ − 194 SDL_SetVideoMode() flags, and then wait for SDL_VIDEORESIZE events.
+ − 195 See SDL_events.h for details on the new SDL_ResizeEvent structure.
+ − 196
+ − 197 Added condition variable support, based on mutexes and semaphores.
+ − 198 SDL_CreateCond()
+ − 199 SDL_DestroyCond()
+ − 200 SDL_CondSignal()
+ − 201 SDL_CondBroadcast()
+ − 202 SDL_CondWait()
+ − 203 SDL_CondTimedWait()
+ − 204 The new function prototypes are in SDL_mutex.h
+ − 205
+ − 206 Added counting semaphore support, based on the mutex primitive.
+ − 207 SDL_CreateSemaphore()
+ − 208 SDL_DestroySemaphore()
+ − 209 SDL_SemWait()
+ − 210 SDL_SemTryWait()
+ − 211 SDL_SemWaitTimeout()
+ − 212 SDL_SemPost()
+ − 213 SDL_SemValue()
+ − 214 The new function prototypes are in SDL_mutex.h
+ − 215
+ − 216 Added support for asynchronous blitting. To take advantage of this,
+ − 217 you must set the SDL_ASYNCBLIT flag when setting the video mode and
+ − 218 creating surfaces that you want accelerated in this way. You must
+ − 219 lock surfaces that have this flag set, and the lock will block until
+ − 220 any queued blits have completed.
+ − 221
+ − 222 Added YUV video overlay support.
+ − 223 The supported YUV formats are: YV12, IYUV, YUY2, UYVY, and YVYU.
+ − 224 This function creates an overlay surface:
+ − 225 SDL_CreateYUVOverlay()
+ − 226 You must lock and unlock the overlay to get access to the data:
+ − 227 SDL_LockYUVOverlay() SDL_UnlockYUVOverlay()
+ − 228 You can then display the overlay:
+ − 229 SDL_DisplayYUVOverlay()
+ − 230 You must free the overlay when you are done using it:
+ − 231 SDL_FreeYUVOverlay()
+ − 232 See SDL_video.h for the full function prototypes.
+ − 233
+ − 234 The joystick hat position constants have been changed:
+ − 235 Old constant New constant
+ − 236 ------------ ------------
+ − 238 1 SDL_HAT_UP
+ − 240 3 SDL_HAT_RIGHT
+ − 242 5 SDL_HAT_DOWN
+ − 244 7 SDL_HAT_LEFT
+ − 245 8 SDL_HAT_LEFTUP
+ − 246 The new constants are bitmasks, so you can check for the
+ − 247 individual axes like this:
+ − 248 if ( hat_position & SDL_HAT_UP ) {
+ − 249 }
+ − 250 and you'll catch left-up, up, and right-up.
+ − 251
+ − 252 1.1.2:
+ − 253 Added multiple timer support:
+ − 254 SDL_AddTimer() and SDL_RemoveTimer()
+ − 255
+ − 256 SDL_WM_SetIcon() now respects the icon colorkey if mask is NULL.
+ − 257
+ − 258 1.1.0:
+ − 259 Added initial OpenGL support.
+ − 260 First set GL attributes (such as RGB depth, alpha depth, etc.)
+ − 261 SDL_GL_SetAttribute()
+ − 262 Then call SDL_SetVideoMode() with the SDL_OPENGL flag.
+ − 263 Perform all of your normal GL drawing.
+ − 264 Finally swap the buffers with the new SDL function:
+ − 265 SDL_GL_SwapBuffers()
+ − 266 See the new 'testgl' test program for an example of using GL with SDL.
+ − 267
+ − 268 You can load GL extension functions by using the function:
+ − 269 SDL_GL_LoadProcAddress()
+ − 270
+ − 271 Added functions to initialize and cleanup specific SDL subsystems:
+ − 272 SDL_InitSubSystem() and SDL_QuitSubSystem()
+ − 273
+ − 274 Added user-defined event type:
+ − 275 typedef struct {
+ − 276 Uint8 type;
+ − 277 int code;
+ − 278 void *data1;
+ − 279 void *data2;
+ − 280 } SDL_UserEvent;
+ − 281 This structure is in the "user" member of an SDL_Event.
+ − 282
+ − 283 Added a function to push events into the event queue:
+ − 284 SDL_PushEvent()
+ − 285
+ − 286 Example of using the new SDL user-defined events:
+ − 287 {
+ − 288 SDL_Event event;
+ − 289
+ − 290 event.type = SDL_USEREVENT;
+ − 291 event.user.code = my_event_code;
+ − 292 event.user.data1 = significant_data;
+ − 293 event.user.data2 = 0;
+ − 294 SDL_PushEvent(&event);
+ − 295 }
+ − 296
+ − 297 Added a function to get mouse deltas since last query:
+ − 298 SDL_GetRelativeMouseState()
+ − 299
+ − 300 Added a boolean datatype to SDL_types.h:
+ − 301 SDL_bool = { SDL_TRUE, SDL_FALSE }
+ − 302
+ − 303 Added a function to get the current audio status:
+ − 304 SDL_GetAudioState();
+ − 305 It returns one of:
+ − 309
+ − 310 Added an AAlib driver (ASCII Art) - by Stephane Peter.
+ − 311
+ − 312 1.0.6:
+ − 313 The input grab state is reset after each call to SDL_SetVideoMode().
+ − 314 The input is grabbed by default in fullscreen mode, and ungrabbed in
+ − 315 windowed mode. If you want to set input grab to a particular value,
+ − 316 you should set it after each call to SDL_SetVideoMode().
+ − 317
+ − 318 1.0.5:
+ − 319 Exposed SDL_AudioInit(), SDL_VideoInit()
+ − 320 Added SDL_AudioDriverName() and SDL_VideoDriverName()
+ − 321
+ − 322 Added new window manager function:
+ − 323 SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen()
+ − 324 This is currently implemented only on Linux
+ − 325
+ − 326 The ALT-ENTER code has been removed - it's not appropriate for a
+ − 327 lib to bind keys when they aren't even emergency escape sequences.
+ − 328
+ − 329 ALT-ENTER functionality can be implemented with the following code:
+ − 330
+ − 331 int Handle_AltEnter(const SDL_Event *event)
+ − 332 {
+ − 333 if ( event->type == SDL_KEYDOWN ) {
+ − 334 if ( (event->key.keysym.sym == SDLK_RETURN) &&
+ − 335 (event->key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT) ) {
+ − 336 SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen(SDL_GetVideoSurface());
+ − 337 return(0);
+ − 338 }
+ − 339 }
+ − 340 return(1);
+ − 341 }
+ − 342 SDL_SetEventFilter(Handle_AltEnter);
+ − 343
+ − 344 1.0.3:
+ − 345 Under X11, if you grab the input and hide the mouse cursor,
+ − 346 the mouse will go into a "relative motion" mode where you
+ − 347 will always get relative motion events no matter how far in
+ − 348 each direction you move the mouse - relative motion is not
+ − 349 bounded by the edges of the window (though the absolute values
+ − 350 of the mouse positions are clamped by the size of the window).
+ − 351 The SVGAlib, framebuffer console, and DirectInput drivers all
+ − 352 have this behavior naturally, and the GDI and BWindow drivers
+ − 353 never go into "relative motion" mode.
+ − 354
+ − 355 1.0.2:
+ − 356 Added a function to enable keyboard repeat:
+ − 357 SDL_EnableKeyRepeat()
+ − 358
+ − 359 Added a function to grab the mouse and keyboard input
+ − 360 SDL_WM_GrabInput()
+ − 361
+ − 362 Added a function to iconify the window.
+ − 363 SDL_WM_IconifyWindow()
+ − 364 If this function succeeds, the application will receive an event
+ − 365 signaling SDL_APPACTIVE event
+ − 366
+ − 367 1.0.1:
+ − 368 Added constants to SDL_audio.h for 16-bit native byte ordering:
+ − 370
+ − 371 1.0.0:
+ − 372 New public release
+ − 373
+ − 374 Version 0.11:
+ − 375
+ − 376 0.11.5:
+ − 377 A new function SDL_GetVideoSurface() has been added, and returns
+ − 378 a pointer to the current display surface.
+ − 379
+ − 380 SDL_AllocSurface() has been renamed SDL_CreateRGBSurface(), and
+ − 381 a new function SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom() has been added to allow
+ − 382 creating an SDL surface from an existing pixel data buffer.
+ − 383
+ − 384 Added SDL_GetRGB() to the headers and documentation.
+ − 385
+ − 386 0.11.4:
+ − 387 SDL_SetLibraryPath() is no longer meaningful, and has been removed.
+ − 388
+ − 389 0.11.3:
+ − 390 A new flag for SDL_Init(), SDL_INIT_NOPARACHUTE, prevents SDL from
+ − 391 installing fatal signal handlers on operating systems that support
+ − 392 them.
+ − 393
+ − 394 Version 0.9:
+ − 395
+ − 396 0.9.15:
+ − 397 SDL_CreateColorCursor() has been removed. Color cursors should
+ − 398 be implemented as sprites, blitted by the application when the
+ − 399 cursor moves. To get smooth color cursor updates when the app
+ − 400 is busy, pass the SDL_INIT_EVENTTHREAD flag to SDL_Init(). This
+ − 401 allows you to handle the mouse motion in another thread from an
+ − 402 event filter function, but is currently only supported by Linux
+ − 403 and BeOS. Note that you'll have to protect the display surface
+ − 404 from multi-threaded access by using mutexes if you do this.
+ − 405
+ − 406 Thread-safe surface support has been removed from SDL.
+ − 407 This makes blitting somewhat faster, by removing SDL_MiddleBlit().
+ − 408 Code that used SDL_MiddleBlit() should use SDL_LowerBlit() instead.
+ − 409 You can make your surfaces thread-safe by allocating your own
+ − 410 mutex and making lock/unlock calls around accesses to your surface.
+ − 411
+ − 412 0.9.14:
+ − 413 SDL_GetMouseState() now takes pointers to int rather than Uint16.
+ − 414
+ − 415 If you set the SDL_WINDOWID environment variable under UNIX X11,
+ − 416 SDL will use that as the main window instead of creating it's own.
+ − 417 This is an unsupported extension to SDL, and not portable at all.
+ − 418
+ − 419 0.9.13:
+ − 420 Added a function SDL_SetLibraryPath() which can be used to specify
+ − 421 the directory containing the SDL dynamic libraries. This is useful
+ − 422 for commercial applications which ship with particular versions
+ − 423 of the libraries, and for security on multi-user systems.
+ − 424 If this function is not used, the default system directories are
+ − 425 searched using the native dynamic object loading mechanism.
+ − 426
+ − 427 In order to support C linkage under Visual C++, you must declare
+ − 428 main() without any return type:
+ − 429 main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ − 430 /* Do the program... */
+ − 431 return(0);
+ − 432 }
+ − 433 C++ programs should also return a value if compiled under VC++.
+ − 434
+ − 435 The blit_endian member of the SDL_VideoInfo struct has been removed.
+ − 436
+ − 437 SDL_SymToASCII() has been replaced with SDL_GetKeyName(), so there
+ − 438 is now no longer any function to translate a keysym to a character.
+ − 439
+ − 440 The SDL_keysym structure has been extended with a 'scancode' and
+ − 441 'unicode' member. The 'scancode' is a hardware specific scancode
+ − 442 for the key that was pressed, and may be 0. The 'unicode' member
+ − 443 is a 16-bit UNICODE translation of the key that was pressed along
+ − 444 with any modifiers or compose keys that have been pressed.
+ − 445 If no UNICODE translation exists for the key, 'unicode' will be 0.
+ − 446
+ − 447 Added a function SDL_EnableUNICODE() to enable/disable UNICODE
+ − 448 translation of character keypresses. Translation defaults off.
+ − 449
+ − 450 To convert existing code to use the new API, change code which
+ − 451 uses SDL_SymToASCII() to get the keyname to use SDL_GetKeyName(),
+ − 452 and change code which uses it to get the ASCII value of a sym to
+ − 453 use the 'unicode' member of the event keysym.
+ − 454
+ − 455 0.9.12:
+ − 456 There is partial support for 64-bit datatypes. I don't recommend
+ − 457 you use this if you have a choice, because 64-bit datatypes are not
+ − 458 supported on many platforms. On platforms for which it is supported,
+ − 459 the SDL_HAS_64BIT_TYPE C preprocessor define will be enabled, and
+ − 460 you can use the Uint64 and Sint64 datatypes.
+ − 461
+ − 462 Added functions to SDL_endian.h to support 64-bit datatypes:
+ − 463 SDL_SwapLE64(), SDL_SwapBE64(),
+ − 464 SDL_ReadLE64(), SDL_ReadBE64(), SDL_WriteLE64(), SDL_WriteBE64()
+ − 465
+ − 466 A new member "len_ratio" has been added to the SDL_AudioCVT structure,
+ − 467 and allows you to determine either the original buffer length or the
+ − 468 converted buffer length, given the other.
+ − 469
+ − 470 A new function SDL_FreeWAV() has been added to the API to free data
+ − 471 allocated by SDL_LoadWAV_RW(). This is necessary under Win32 since
+ − 472 the gcc compiled DLL uses a different heap than VC++ compiled apps.
+ − 473
+ − 474 SDL now has initial support for international keyboards using the
+ − 475 Latin character set.
+ − 476 If a particular mapping is desired, you can set the DEFAULT_KEYBOARD
+ − 477 compile-time variable, or you can set the environment variable
+ − 478 "SDL_KEYBOARD" to a string identifying the keyboard mapping you desire.
+ − 479 The valid values for these variables can be found in SDL_keyboard.c
+ − 480
+ − 481 Full support for German and French keyboards under X11 is implemented.
+ − 482
+ − 483 0.9.11:
+ − 484 The THREADED_EVENTS compile-time define has been replaced with the
+ − 485 SDL_INIT_EVENTTHREAD flag. If this flag is passed to SDL_Init(),
+ − 486 SDL will create a separate thread to perform input event handling.
+ − 487 If this flag is passed to SDL_Init(), and the OS doesn't support
+ − 488 event handling in a separate thread, SDL_Init() will fail.
+ − 489 Be sure to add calls to SDL_Delay() in your main thread to allow
+ − 490 the OS to schedule your event thread, or it may starve, leading
+ − 491 to slow event delivery and/or dropped events.
+ − 492 Currently MacOS and Win32 do not support this flag, while BeOS
+ − 493 and Linux do support it. I recommend that your application only
+ − 494 use this flag if absolutely necessary.
+ − 495
+ − 496 The SDL thread function passed to SDL_CreateThread() now returns a
+ − 497 status. This status can be retrieved by passing a non-NULL pointer
+ − 498 as the 'status' argument to SDL_WaitThread().
+ − 499
+ − 500 The volume parameter to SDL_MixAudio() has been increased in range
+ − 501 from (0-8) to (0-128)
+ − 502
+ − 503 SDL now has a data source abstraction which can encompass a file,
+ − 504 an area of memory, or any custom object you can envision. It uses
+ − 505 these abstractions, SDL_RWops, in the endian read/write functions,
+ − 506 and the built-in WAV and BMP file loaders. This means you can load
+ − 507 WAV chunks from memory mapped files, compressed archives, network
+ − 508 pipes, or anything else that has a data read abstraction.
+ − 509
+ − 510 There are three built-in data source abstractions:
+ − 511 SDL_RWFromFile(), SDL_RWFromFP(), SDL_RWFromMem()
+ − 512 along with a generic data source allocation function:
+ − 513 SDL_AllocRW()
+ − 514 These data sources can be used like stdio file pointers with the
+ − 515 following convenience functions:
+ − 516 SDL_RWseek(), SDL_RWread(), SDL_RWwrite(), SDL_RWclose()
+ − 517 These functions are defined in the new header file "SDL_rwops.h"
+ − 518
+ − 519 The endian swapping functions have been turned into macros for speed
+ − 520 and SDL_CalculateEndian() has been removed. SDL_endian.h now defines
+ − 521 SDL_BYTEORDER as either SDL_BIG_ENDIAN or SDL_LIL_ENDIAN depending on
+ − 522 the endianness of the host system.
+ − 523
+ − 524 The endian read/write functions now take an SDL_RWops pointer
+ − 525 instead of a stdio FILE pointer, to support the new data source
+ − 526 abstraction.
+ − 527
+ − 528 The SDL_*LoadWAV() functions have been replaced with a single
+ − 529 SDL_LoadWAV_RW() function that takes a SDL_RWops pointer as it's
+ − 530 first parameter, and a flag whether or not to automatically
+ − 531 free it as the second parameter. SDL_LoadWAV() is a macro for
+ − 532 backward compatibility and convenience:
+ − 533 SDL_LoadWAV_RW(SDL_RWFromFile("sample.wav", "rb"), 1, ...);
+ − 534
+ − 535 The SDL_*LoadBMP()/SDL_*SaveBMP() functions have each been replaced
+ − 536 with a single function that takes a SDL_RWops pointer as it's
+ − 537 first parameter, and a flag whether or not to automatically
+ − 538 free it as the second parameter. SDL_LoadBMP() and SDL_SaveBMP()
+ − 539 are macros for backward compatibility and convenience:
+ − 540 SDL_LoadBMP_RW(SDL_RWFromFile("sample.bmp", "rb"), 1, ...);
+ − 541 SDL_SaveBMP_RW(SDL_RWFromFile("sample.bmp", "wb"), 1, ...);
+ − 542 Note that these functions use SDL_RWseek() extensively, and should
+ − 543 not be used on pipes or other non-seekable data sources.
+ − 544
+ − 545 0.9.10:
+ − 546 The Linux SDL_SysWMInfo and SDL_SysWMMsg structures have been
+ − 547 extended to support multiple types of display drivers, as well as
+ − 548 safe access to the X11 display when THREADED_EVENTS is enabled.
+ − 549 The new structures are documented in the SDL_syswm.h header file.
+ − 550
+ − 551 Thanks to John Elliott <jce@seasip.demon.co.uk>, the UK keyboard
+ − 552 should now work properly, as well as the "Windows" keys on US
+ − 553 keyboards.
+ − 554
+ − 555 The Linux CD-ROM code now reads the CD-ROM devices from /etc/fstab
+ − 556 instead of trying to open each block device on the system.
+ − 557 The CD must be listed in /etc/fstab as using the iso9660 filesystem.
+ − 558
+ − 559 On Linux, if you define THREADED_EVENTS at compile time, a separate
+ − 560 thread will be spawned to gather X events asynchronously from the
+ − 561 graphics updates. This hasn't been extensively tested, but it does
+ − 562 provide a means of handling keyboard and mouse input in a separate
+ − 563 thread from the graphics thread. (This is now enabled by default.)
+ − 564
+ − 565 A special access function SDL_PeepEvents() allows you to manipulate
+ − 566 the event queue in a thread-safe manner, including peeking at events,
+ − 567 removing events of a specified type, and adding new events of arbitrary
+ − 568 type to the queue (use the new 'user' member of the SDL_Event type).
+ − 569
+ − 570 If you use SDL_PeepEvents() to gather events, then the main graphics
+ − 571 thread needs to call SDL_PumpEvents() periodically to drive the event
+ − 572 loop and generate input events. This is not necessary if SDL has been
+ − 573 compiled with THREADED_EVENTS defined, but doesn't hurt.
+ − 574
+ − 575 A new function SDL_ThreadID() returns the identifier associated with
+ − 576 the current thread.
+ − 577
+ − 578 0.9.9:
+ − 579 The AUDIO_STEREO format flag has been replaced with a new 'channels'
+ − 580 member of the SDL_AudioSpec structure. The channels are 1 for mono
+ − 581 audio, and 2 for stereo audio. In the future more channels may be
+ − 582 supported for 3D surround sound.
+ − 583
+ − 584 The SDL_MixAudio() function now takes an additional volume parameter,
+ − 585 which should be set to SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME for compatibility with the
+ − 586 original function.
+ − 587
+ − 588 The CD-ROM functions which take a 'cdrom' parameter can now be
+ − 589 passed NULL, and will act on the last successfully opened CD-ROM.
+ − 590
+ − 591 0.9.8:
+ − 592 No changes, bugfixes only.
+ − 593
+ − 594 0.9.7:
+ − 595 No changes, bugfixes only.
+ − 596
+ − 597 0.9.6:
+ − 598 Added a fast rectangle fill function: SDL_FillRect()
+ − 599
+ − 600 Addition of a useful function for getting info on the video hardware:
+ − 601 const SDL_VideoInfo *SDL_GetVideoInfo(void)
+ − 602 This function replaces SDL_GetDisplayFormat().
+ − 603
+ − 604 Initial support for double-buffering:
+ − 605 Use the SDL_DOUBLEBUF flag in SDL_SetVideoMode()
+ − 606 Update the screen with a new function: SDL_Flip()
+ − 607
+ − 608 SDL_AllocSurface() takes two new flags:
+ − 609 SDL_SRCCOLORKEY means that the surface will be used for colorkey blits
+ − 610 and if the hardware supports hardware acceleration of colorkey blits
+ − 611 between two surfaces in video memory, to place the surface in video
+ − 612 memory if possible, otherwise it will be placed in system memory.
+ − 613 SDL_SRCALPHA means that the surface will be used for alpha blits and
+ − 614 if the hardware supports hardware acceleration of alpha blits between
+ − 615 two surfaces in video memory, to place the surface in video memory
+ − 616 if possible, otherwise it will be placed in system memory.
+ − 617 SDL_HWSURFACE now means that the surface will be created with the
+ − 618 same format as the display surface, since having surfaces in video
+ − 619 memory is only useful for fast blitting to the screen, and you can't
+ − 620 blit surfaces with different surface formats in video memory.
+ − 621
+ − 622 0.9.5:
+ − 623 You can now pass a NULL mask to SDL_WM_SetIcon(), and it will assume
+ − 624 that the icon consists of the entire image.
+ − 625
+ − 626 SDL_LowerBlit() is back -- but don't use it on the display surface.
+ − 627 It is exactly the same as SDL_MiddleBlit(), but doesn't check for
+ − 628 thread safety.
+ − 629
+ − 630 Added SDL_FPLoadBMP(), SDL_FPSaveBMP(), SDL_FPLoadWAV(), which take
+ − 631 a FILE pointer instead of a file name.
+ − 632
+ − 633 Added CD-ROM audio control API:
+ − 634 SDL_CDNumDrives()
+ − 635 SDL_CDName()
+ − 636 SDL_CDOpen()
+ − 637 SDL_CDStatus()
+ − 638 SDL_CDPlayTracks()
+ − 639 SDL_CDPlay()
+ − 640 SDL_CDPause()
+ − 641 SDL_CDResume()
+ − 642 SDL_CDStop()
+ − 643 SDL_CDEject()
+ − 644 SDL_CDClose()
+ − 645
+ − 646 0.9.4:
+ − 647 No changes, bugfixes only.
+ − 648
+ − 649 0.9.3:
+ − 650 Mouse motion event now includes relative motion information:
+ − 651 Sint16 event->motion.xrel, Sint16 event->motion.yrel
+ − 652
+ − 653 X11 keyrepeat handling can be disabled by defining IGNORE_X_KEYREPEAT
+ − 654 (Add -DIGNORE_X_KEYREPEAT to CFLAGS line in obj/x11Makefile)
+ − 655
+ − 656 0.9.2:
+ − 657 No changes, bugfixes only.
+ − 658
+ − 659 0.9.1:
+ − 660 Removed SDL_MapSurface() and SDL_UnmapSurface() -- surfaces are now
+ − 661 automatically mapped on blit.
+ − 662
+ − 663 0.8.0:
+ − 664 SDL stable release