changeset 910:8837535006f1

Added SeriesTables module (which I had placed originally in the IFT6266 repository) and its doc. Added a logo for the doc and changed to reflect correct title.
author fsavard
date Thu, 18 Mar 2010 12:23:14 -0400
parents 8e3f1d852ab1
children fdb63e4e042d
files doc/ doc/index.txt pylearn/io/seriestables/ pylearn/io/seriestables/ pylearn/io/seriestables/
diffstat 5 files changed, 924 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/	Thu Mar 18 11:34:29 2010 -0400
+++ b/doc/	Thu Mar 18 12:23:14 2010 -0400
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 master_doc = 'index'
 # General substitutions.
-project = 'Theano'
+project = 'Pylearn'
 copyright = '2008--2009, LISA lab'
 # The default replacements for |version| and |release|, also used in various
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 # List of directories, relative to source directories, that shouldn't be searched
 # for source files.
-exclude_dirs = ['images', 'scripts', 'sandbox']
+exclude_dirs = ['images', 'scripts', 'api']
 # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
 #default_role = None
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 # The name of an image file (within the static path) to place at the top of
 # the sidebar.
 #html_logo = 'images/theano_logo-200x67.png'
-html_logo = 'images/theano_logo_allblue_200x46.png'
+html_logo = 'images/logo_pylearn_200x57.png'
 # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
 # docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 #html_file_suffix = ''
 # Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'theanodoc'
+htmlhelp_basename = 'pylearndoc'
 # Options for LaTeX output
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
 # (source start file, target name, title, author, document class [howto/manual]).
 latex_documents = [
-  ('index', 'theano.tex', 'theano Documentation',
+  ('index', 'pylearn.tex', 'pylearn Documentation',
    'LISA lab, University of Montreal', 'manual'),
--- a/doc/index.txt	Thu Mar 18 11:34:29 2010 -0400
+++ b/doc/index.txt	Thu Mar 18 12:23:14 2010 -0400
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
 For the moment, the following documentation is available.
+* :doc:`io.SeriesTables module <seriestables>` -- Saves error series and other statistics during training
 * `API <api/>`_ -- The automatically-generated API documentation
 You can download the latest `PDF documentation <>`_, rather than reading it online.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pylearn/io/seriestables/	Thu Mar 18 12:23:14 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+from series import ErrorSeries, BasicStatisticsSeries, AccumulatorSeriesWrapper, SeriesArrayWrapper, SharedParamsStatisticsWrapper, DummySeries
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pylearn/io/seriestables/	Thu Mar 18 12:23:14 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,605 @@
+import tables
+import numpy
+import time
+# Utility functions to create IsDescription objects (pytables data types)
+The way these "IsDescription constructor" work is simple: write the
+code as if it were in a file, then exec()ute it, leaving us with
+a local-scoped LocalDescription which may be used to call createTable.
+It's a small hack, but it's necessary as the names of the columns
+are retrieved based on the variable name, which we can't programmatically set
+def _get_description_timestamp_cpuclock_columns(store_timestamp, store_cpuclock, pos=0):
+    toexec = ""
+    if store_timestamp:
+        toexec += "\ttimestamp = tables.Time32Col(pos="+str(pos)+")\n"
+        pos += 1
+    if store_cpuclock:
+        toexec += "\tcpuclock = tables.Float64Col(pos="+str(pos)+")\n"
+        pos += 1
+    return toexec, pos
+def _get_description_n_ints(int_names, int_width=64, pos=0):
+    """
+    Begins construction of a class inheriting from IsDescription
+    to construct an HDF5 table with index columns named with int_names.
+    See Series().__init__ to see how those are used.
+    """
+    int_constructor = "tables.Int64Col"
+    if int_width == 32:
+        int_constructor = "tables.Int32Col"
+    elif not int_width in (32, 64):
+        raise "int_width must be left unspecified, or should equal 32 or 64"
+    toexec = ""
+    for n in int_names:
+        toexec += "\t" + n + " = " + int_constructor + "(pos=" + str(pos) + ")\n"
+        pos += 1
+    return toexec, pos
+def _get_description_with_n_ints_n_floats(int_names, float_names, 
+                        int_width=64, float_width=32,
+                        store_timestamp=True, store_cpuclock=True):
+    """
+    Constructs a class to be used when constructing a table with PyTables.
+    This is useful to construct a series with an index with multiple levels.
+    E.g. if you want to index your "validation error" with "epoch" first, then
+    "minibatch_index" second, you'd use two "int_names".
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    int_names : tuple of str
+        Names of the int (e.g. index) columns
+    float_names : tuple of str
+        Names of the float (e.g. error) columns
+    int_width : {'32', '64'}
+        Type of ints.
+    float_width : {'32', '64'}
+        Type of floats.
+    store_timestamp : bool
+        See __init__ of Series
+    store_cpuclock : bool
+        See __init__ of Series
+    Returns
+    -------
+    A class object, to pass to createTable()
+    """
+    toexec = "class LocalDescription(tables.IsDescription):\n"
+    toexec_, pos = _get_description_timestamp_cpuclock_columns(store_timestamp, store_cpuclock)
+    toexec += toexec_
+    toexec_, pos = _get_description_n_ints(int_names, int_width=int_width, pos=pos)
+    toexec += toexec_
+    float_constructor = "tables.Float32Col"
+    if float_width == 64:
+        float_constructor = "tables.Float64Col"
+    elif not float_width in (32, 64):
+        raise "float_width must be left unspecified, or should equal 32 or 64"
+    for n in float_names:
+        toexec += "\t" + n + " = " + float_constructor + "(pos=" + str(pos) + ")\n"
+        pos += 1
+    exec(toexec)
+    return LocalDescription
+# Series classes
+# Shortcut to allow passing a single int as index, instead of a tuple
+def _index_to_tuple(index):
+    if type(index) == tuple:
+        return index
+    if type(index) == list:
+        index = tuple(index)
+        return index
+    try:
+        if index % 1 > 0.001 and index % 1 < 0.999:
+            raise
+        idx = long(index)
+        return (idx,)
+    except:
+        raise TypeError("index must be a tuple of integers, or at least a single integer")
+class Series():
+    """
+    Base Series class, with minimal arguments and type checks. 
+    Yet cannot be used by itself (it's append() method raises an error)
+    """
+    def __init__(self, table_name, hdf5_file, index_names=('epoch',), 
+                    title="", hdf5_group='/', 
+                    store_timestamp=True, store_cpuclock=True):
+        """Basic arguments each Series must get.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        table_name : str
+            Name of the table to create under group "hd5_group" (other 
+            parameter). No spaces, ie. follow variable naming restrictions.
+        hdf5_file : open HDF5 file
+            File opened with openFile() in PyTables (ie. return value of 
+            openFile).
+        index_names : tuple of str
+            Columns to use as index for elements in the series, other 
+            example would be ('epoch', 'minibatch'). This would then allow
+            you to call append(index, element) with index made of two ints,
+            one for epoch index, one for minibatch index in epoch.
+        title : str
+            Title to attach to this table as metadata. Can contain spaces 
+            and be longer then the table_name.
+        hdf5_group : str
+            Path of the group (kind of a file) in the HDF5 file under which
+            to create the table.
+        store_timestamp : bool
+            Whether to create a column for timestamps and store them with 
+            each record.
+        store_cpuclock : bool
+            Whether to create a column for cpu clock and store it with 
+            each record.
+        """
+        #########################################
+        # checks
+        if type(table_name) != str:
+            raise TypeError("table_name must be a string")
+        if table_name == "":
+            raise ValueError("table_name must not be empty")
+        if not isinstance(hdf5_file, tables.file.File):
+            raise TypeError("hdf5_file must be an open HDF5 file (use tables.openFile)")
+        #if not ('w' in hdf5_file.mode or 'a' in hdf5_file.mode):
+        #    raise ValueError("hdf5_file must be opened in write or append mode")
+        if type(index_names) != tuple:
+            raise TypeError("index_names must be a tuple of strings." + \
+                    "If you have only one element in the tuple, don't forget " +\
+                    "to add a comma, e.g. ('epoch',).")
+        for name in index_names:
+            if type(name) != str:
+                raise TypeError("index_names must only contain strings, but also"+\
+                        "contains a "+str(type(name))+".")
+        if type(title) != str:
+            raise TypeError("title must be a string, even if empty")
+        if type(hdf5_group) != str:
+            raise TypeError("hdf5_group must be a string")
+        if type(store_timestamp) != bool:
+            raise TypeError("store_timestamp must be a bool")
+        if type(store_cpuclock) != bool:
+            raise TypeError("store_timestamp must be a bool")
+        #########################################
+        self.table_name = table_name
+        self.hdf5_file = hdf5_file
+        self.index_names = index_names
+        self.title = title
+        self.hdf5_group = hdf5_group
+        self.store_timestamp = store_timestamp
+        self.store_cpuclock = store_cpuclock
+    def append(self, index, element):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def _timestamp_cpuclock(self, newrow):
+        if self.store_timestamp:
+            newrow["timestamp"] = time.time()
+        if self.store_cpuclock:
+            newrow["cpuclock"] = time.clock()
+class DummySeries():
+    """
+    To put in a series dictionary instead of a real series, to do nothing
+    when we don't want a given series to be saved.
+    E.g. if we'd normally have a "training_error" series in a dictionary
+    of series, the training loop would have something like this somewhere:
+        series["training_error"].append((15,), 20.0)
+    but if we don't want to save the training errors this time, we simply
+    do
+        series["training_error"] = DummySeries()
+    """
+    def append(self, index, element):
+        pass
+class ErrorSeries(Series):
+    """
+    Most basic Series: saves a single float (called an Error as this is
+    the most common use case I foresee) along with an index (epoch, for
+    example) and timestamp/cpu.clock for each of these floats.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, error_name, table_name, 
+                    hdf5_file, index_names=('epoch',), 
+                    title="", hdf5_group='/', 
+                    store_timestamp=True, store_cpuclock=True):
+        """
+        For most parameters, see Series.__init__
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        error_name : str
+            In the HDF5 table, column name for the error float itself.
+        """
+        # most type/value checks are performed in Series.__init__
+        Series.__init__(self, table_name, hdf5_file, index_names, title, 
+                            store_timestamp=store_timestamp,
+                            store_cpuclock=store_cpuclock)
+        if type(error_name) != str:
+            raise TypeError("error_name must be a string")
+        if error_name == "":
+            raise ValueError("error_name must not be empty")
+        self.error_name = error_name
+        self._create_table()
+    def _create_table(self):
+       table_description = _get_description_with_n_ints_n_floats( \
+                                  self.index_names, (self.error_name,),
+                                  store_timestamp=self.store_timestamp,
+                                  store_cpuclock=self.store_cpuclock)
+       self._table = self.hdf5_file.createTable(self.hdf5_group,
+                            self.table_name, 
+                            table_description,
+                            title=self.title)
+    def append(self, index, error):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : tuple of int
+            Following index_names passed to __init__, e.g. (12, 15) if 
+            index_names were ('epoch', 'minibatch_size').
+            A single int (not tuple) is acceptable if index_names has a single 
+            element.
+            An array will be casted to a tuple, as a convenience.
+        error : float
+            Next error in the series.
+        """
+        index = _index_to_tuple(index)
+        if len(index) != len(self.index_names):
+            raise ValueError("index provided does not have the right length (expected " \
+                            + str(len(self.index_names)) + " got " + str(len(index)))
+        # other checks are implicit when calling newrow[..] =,
+        # which should throw an error if not of the right type
+        newrow = self._table.row
+        # Columns for index in table are based on index_names
+        for col_name, value in zip(self.index_names, index):
+            newrow[col_name] = value
+        newrow[self.error_name] = error
+        # adds timestamp and cpuclock to newrow if necessary
+        self._timestamp_cpuclock(newrow)
+        newrow.append()
+        self.hdf5_file.flush()
+# Does not inherit from Series because it does not itself need to
+# access the hdf5_file and does not need a series_name (provided
+# by the base_series.)
+class AccumulatorSeriesWrapper():
+    '''
+    Wraps a Series by accumulating objects passed its Accumulator.append()
+    method and "reducing" (e.g. calling numpy.mean(list)) once in a while,
+    every "reduce_every" calls in fact.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, base_series, reduce_every, reduce_function=numpy.mean):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        base_series : Series
+            This object must have an append(index, value) function.
+        reduce_every : int
+            Apply the reduction function (e.g. mean()) every time we get this 
+            number of elements. E.g. if this is 100, then every 100 numbers 
+            passed to append(), we'll take the mean and call append(this_mean) 
+            on the BaseSeries.
+        reduce_function : function
+            Must take as input an array of "elements", as passed to (this 
+            accumulator's) append(). Basic case would be to take an array of 
+            floats and sum them into one float, for example.
+        """
+        self.base_series = base_series
+        self.reduce_function = reduce_function
+        self.reduce_every = reduce_every
+        self._buffer = []
+    def append(self, index, element):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : tuple of int
+            The index used is the one of the last element reduced. E.g. if
+            you accumulate over the first 1000 minibatches, the index
+            passed to the base_series.append() function will be 1000.
+            A single int (not tuple) is acceptable if index_names has a single 
+            element.
+            An array will be casted to a tuple, as a convenience.
+        element : float
+            Element that will be accumulated.
+        """
+        self._buffer.append(element)
+        if len(self._buffer) == self.reduce_every:
+            reduced = self.reduce_function(self._buffer)
+            self.base_series.append(index, reduced)
+            self._buffer = []
+        # The >= case should never happen, except if lists
+        # were appended by accessing _buffer externally (when it's
+        # intended to be private), which should be a red flag.
+        assert len(self._buffer) < self.reduce_every
+# Outside of class to fix an issue with exec in Python 2.6.
+# My sorries to the god of pretty code.
+def _BasicStatisticsSeries_construct_table_toexec(index_names, store_timestamp, store_cpuclock):
+    toexec = "class LocalDescription(tables.IsDescription):\n"
+    toexec_, pos = _get_description_timestamp_cpuclock_columns(store_timestamp, store_cpuclock)
+    toexec += toexec_
+    toexec_, pos = _get_description_n_ints(index_names, pos=pos)
+    toexec += toexec_
+    toexec += "\tmean = tables.Float32Col(pos=" + str(pos) + ")\n"
+    toexec += "\tmin = tables.Float32Col(pos=" + str(pos+1) + ")\n"
+    toexec += "\tmax = tables.Float32Col(pos=" + str(pos+2) + ")\n"
+    toexec += "\tstd = tables.Float32Col(pos=" + str(pos+3) + ")\n"
+    # This creates "LocalDescription", which we may then use
+    exec(toexec)
+    return LocalDescription
+# Defaults functions for BasicStatsSeries. These can be replaced.
+_basic_stats_functions = {'mean': lambda(x): numpy.mean(x),
+                    'min': lambda(x): numpy.min(x),
+                    'max': lambda(x): numpy.max(x),
+                    'std': lambda(x): numpy.std(x)}
+class BasicStatisticsSeries(Series):
+    def __init__(self, table_name, hdf5_file, 
+                    stats_functions=_basic_stats_functions, 
+                    index_names=('epoch',), title="", hdf5_group='/', 
+                    store_timestamp=True, store_cpuclock=True):
+        """
+        For most parameters, see Series.__init__
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        series_name : str
+            Not optional here. Will be prepended with "Basic statistics for "
+        stats_functions : dict, optional
+            Dictionary with a function for each key "mean", "min", "max", 
+            "std". The function must take whatever is passed to append(...) 
+            and return a single number (float).
+        """
+        # Most type/value checks performed in Series.__init__
+        Series.__init__(self, table_name, hdf5_file, index_names, title, 
+                            store_timestamp=store_timestamp,
+                            store_cpuclock=store_cpuclock)
+        if type(hdf5_group) != str:
+            raise TypeError("hdf5_group must be a string")
+        if type(stats_functions) != dict:
+            # just a basic check. We'll suppose caller knows what he's doing.
+            raise TypeError("stats_functions must be a dict")
+        self.hdf5_group = hdf5_group
+        self.stats_functions = stats_functions
+        self._create_table()
+    def _create_table(self):
+        table_description = \
+                _BasicStatisticsSeries_construct_table_toexec( \
+                    self.index_names,
+                    self.store_timestamp, self.store_cpuclock)
+        self._table = self.hdf5_file.createTable(self.hdf5_group,
+                         self.table_name, table_description)
+    def append(self, index, array):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : tuple of int
+            Following index_names passed to __init__, e.g. (12, 15) 
+            if index_names were ('epoch', 'minibatch_size')
+            A single int (not tuple) is acceptable if index_names has a single 
+            element.
+            An array will be casted to a tuple, as a convenience.
+        array
+            Is of whatever type the stats_functions passed to
+            __init__ can take. Default is anything numpy.mean(),
+            min(), max(), std() can take. 
+        """
+        index = _index_to_tuple(index)
+        if len(index) != len(self.index_names):
+            raise ValueError("index provided does not have the right length (expected " \
+                            + str(len(self.index_names)) + " got " + str(len(index)))
+        newrow = self._table.row
+        for col_name, value in zip(self.index_names, index):
+            newrow[col_name] = value
+        newrow["mean"] = self.stats_functions['mean'](array)
+        newrow["min"] = self.stats_functions['min'](array)
+        newrow["max"] = self.stats_functions['max'](array)
+        newrow["std"] = self.stats_functions['std'](array)
+        self._timestamp_cpuclock(newrow)
+        newrow.append()
+        self.hdf5_file.flush()
+class SeriesArrayWrapper():
+    """
+    Simply redistributes any number of elements to sub-series to respective 
+    append()s.
+    To use if you have many elements to append in similar series, e.g. if you 
+    have an array containing [train_error, valid_error, test_error], and 3 
+    corresponding series, this allows you to simply pass this array of 3 
+    values to append() instead of passing each element to each individual 
+    series in turn.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, base_series_list):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        base_series_list : array or tuple of Series
+            You must have previously created and configured each of those
+            series, then put them in an array. This array must follow the
+            same order as the array passed as ``elements`` parameter of
+            append().
+        """
+        self.base_series_list = base_series_list
+    def append(self, index, elements):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        index : tuple of int
+            See for example ErrorSeries.append()
+        elements : array or tuple
+            Array or tuple of elements that will be passed down to
+            the base_series passed to __init__, in the same order.
+        """
+        if len(elements) != len(self.base_series_list):
+            raise ValueError("not enough or too much elements provided (expected " \
+                            + str(len(self.base_series_list)) + " got " + str(len(elements)))
+        for series, el in zip(self.base_series_list, elements):
+            series.append(index, el)
+class SharedParamsStatisticsWrapper(SeriesArrayWrapper):
+    '''
+    Save mean, min/max, std of shared parameters place in an array.
+    Here "shared" means "theano.shared", which means elements of the
+    array will have a .value to use for numpy.mean(), etc.
+    This inherits from SeriesArrayWrapper, which provides the append()
+    method.
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, arrays_names, new_group_name, hdf5_file,
+                    base_group='/', index_names=('epoch',), title="",
+                    store_timestamp=True, store_cpuclock=True):
+        """
+        For other parameters, see Series.__init__
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        array_names : array or tuple of str
+            Name of each array, in order of the array passed to append(). E.g. 
+            ('layer1_b', 'layer1_W', 'layer2_b', 'layer2_W')
+        new_group_name : str
+            Name of a new HDF5 group which will be created under base_group to 
+            store the new series.
+        base_group : str
+            Path of the group under which to create the new group which will
+            store the series.
+        title : str
+            Here the title is attached to the new group, not a table.
+        store_timestamp : bool
+            Here timestamp and cpuclock are stored in *each* table
+        store_cpuclock : bool
+            Here timestamp and cpuclock are stored in *each* table
+        """
+        # most other checks done when calling BasicStatisticsSeries
+        if type(new_group_name) != str:
+            raise TypeError("new_group_name must be a string")
+        if new_group_name == "":
+            raise ValueError("new_group_name must not be empty")
+        base_series_list = []
+        new_group = hdf5_file.createGroup(base_group, new_group_name, title=title)
+        stats_functions = {'mean': lambda(x): numpy.mean(x.value),
+                    'min': lambda(x): numpy.min(x.value),
+                    'max': lambda(x): numpy.max(x.value),
+                    'std': lambda(x): numpy.std(x.value)}
+        for name in arrays_names:
+            base_series_list.append(
+                        BasicStatisticsSeries(
+                                table_name=name,
+                                hdf5_file=hdf5_file,
+                                index_names=index_names,
+                                stats_functions=stats_functions,
+                                hdf5_group=new_group._v_pathname,
+                                store_timestamp=store_timestamp,
+                                store_cpuclock=store_cpuclock))
+        SeriesArrayWrapper.__init__(self, base_series_list)
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/pylearn/io/seriestables/	Thu Mar 18 12:23:14 2010 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+import tempfile
+import numpy
+import numpy.random
+from jobman import DD
+import tables
+from series import *
+import series
+# Utils
+def compare_floats(f1,f2):
+    if f1-f2 < 1e-3:
+        return True
+    return False
+def compare_lists(it1, it2, floats=False):
+    if len(it1) != len(it2):
+        return False
+    for el1,  el2 in zip(it1, it2):
+        if floats:
+            if not compare_floats(el1,el2):
+                return False
+        elif el1 != el2:
+            return False
+    return True
+# Basic Series class tests
+def test_Series_types():
+    pass
+# ErrorSeries tests
+def test_ErrorSeries_common_case(h5f=None):
+    if not h5f:
+        h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    validation_error = series.ErrorSeries(error_name="validation_error", table_name="validation_error",
+                                hdf5_file=h5f, index_names=('epoch','minibatch'),
+                                title="Validation error indexed by epoch and minibatch")
+    # (1,1), (1,2) etc. are (epoch, minibatch) index
+    validation_error.append((1,1), 32.0)
+    validation_error.append((1,2), 30.0)
+    validation_error.append((2,1), 28.0)
+    validation_error.append((2,2), 26.0)
+    h5f.close()
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "r")
+    table = h5f.getNode('/', 'validation_error')
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.epoch[:], [1,1,2,2])
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.minibatch[:], [1,2,1,2])
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.validation_error[:], [32.0, 30.0, 28.0, 26.0])
+def test_ErrorSeries_no_index(h5f=None):
+    if not h5f:
+        h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    validation_error = series.ErrorSeries(error_name="validation_error",
+                                table_name="validation_error",
+                                hdf5_file=h5f, 
+                                # empty tuple
+                                index_names=tuple(),
+                                title="Validation error with no index")
+    # (1,1), (1,2) etc. are (epoch, minibatch) index
+    validation_error.append(tuple(), 32.0)
+    validation_error.append(tuple(), 30.0)
+    validation_error.append(tuple(), 28.0)
+    validation_error.append(tuple(), 26.0)
+    h5f.close()
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "r")
+    table = h5f.getNode('/', 'validation_error')
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.validation_error[:], [32.0, 30.0, 28.0, 26.0])
+    assert not ("epoch" in dir(table.cols))
+def test_ErrorSeries_notimestamp(h5f=None):
+    if not h5f:
+        h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    validation_error = series.ErrorSeries(error_name="validation_error", table_name="validation_error",
+                                hdf5_file=h5f, index_names=('epoch','minibatch'),
+                                title="Validation error indexed by epoch and minibatch", 
+                                store_timestamp=False)
+    # (1,1), (1,2) etc. are (epoch, minibatch) index
+    validation_error.append((1,1), 32.0)
+    h5f.close()
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "r")
+    table = h5f.getNode('/', 'validation_error')
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.epoch[:], [1])
+    assert not ("timestamp" in dir(table.cols))
+    assert "cpuclock" in dir(table.cols)
+def test_ErrorSeries_nocpuclock(h5f=None):
+    if not h5f:
+        h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    validation_error = series.ErrorSeries(error_name="validation_error", table_name="validation_error",
+                                hdf5_file=h5f, index_names=('epoch','minibatch'),
+                                title="Validation error indexed by epoch and minibatch", 
+                                store_cpuclock=False)
+    # (1,1), (1,2) etc. are (epoch, minibatch) index
+    validation_error.append((1,1), 32.0)
+    h5f.close()
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "r")
+    table = h5f.getNode('/', 'validation_error')
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.epoch[:], [1])
+    assert not ("cpuclock" in dir(table.cols))
+    assert "timestamp" in dir(table.cols)
+def test_AccumulatorSeriesWrapper_common_case(h5f=None):
+    if not h5f:
+        h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    validation_error = ErrorSeries(error_name="accumulated_validation_error",
+                                table_name="accumulated_validation_error",
+                                hdf5_file=h5f,
+                                index_names=('epoch','minibatch'),
+                                title="Validation error, summed every 3 minibatches, indexed by epoch and minibatch")
+    accumulator = AccumulatorSeriesWrapper(base_series=validation_error,
+                                    reduce_every=3, reduce_function=numpy.sum)
+    # (1,1), (1,2) etc. are (epoch, minibatch) index
+    accumulator.append((1,1), 32.0)
+    accumulator.append((1,2), 30.0)
+    accumulator.append((2,1), 28.0)
+    accumulator.append((2,2), 26.0)
+    accumulator.append((3,1), 24.0)
+    accumulator.append((3,2), 22.0)
+    h5f.close()
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "r")
+    table = h5f.getNode('/', 'accumulated_validation_error')
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.epoch[:], [2,3])
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.minibatch[:], [1,2])
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.accumulated_validation_error[:], [90.0,72.0], floats=True)
+def test_BasicStatisticsSeries_common_case(h5f=None):
+    if not h5f:
+        h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    stats_series = BasicStatisticsSeries(table_name="b_vector_statistics",
+                                hdf5_file=h5f, index_names=('epoch','minibatch'),
+                                title="Basic statistics for b vector indexed by epoch and minibatch")
+    # (1,1), (1,2) etc. are (epoch, minibatch) index
+    stats_series.append((1,1), [0.15, 0.20, 0.30])
+    stats_series.append((1,2), [-0.18, 0.30, 0.58])
+    stats_series.append((2,1), [0.18, -0.38, -0.68])
+    stats_series.append((2,2), [0.15, 0.02, 1.9])
+    h5f.close()
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "r")
+    table = h5f.getNode('/', 'b_vector_statistics')
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.epoch[:], [1,1,2,2])
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.minibatch[:], [1,2,1,2])
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.mean[:], [0.21666667,  0.23333333, -0.29333332,  0.69], floats=True)
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.min[:], [0.15000001, -0.18000001, -0.68000001,  0.02], floats=True)
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.max[:], [0.30, 0.58, 0.18, 1.9], floats=True)
+    assert compare_lists(table.cols.std[:], [0.06236095, 0.31382939,  0.35640177, 0.85724366], floats=True)
+def test_SharedParamsStatisticsWrapper_commoncase(h5f=None):
+    import numpy.random
+    if not h5f:
+        h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    stats = SharedParamsStatisticsWrapper(new_group_name="params", base_group="/",
+                                arrays_names=('b1','b2','b3'), hdf5_file=h5f,
+                                index_names=('epoch','minibatch'))
+    b1 = DD({'value':numpy.random.rand(5)})
+    b2 = DD({'value':numpy.random.rand(5)})
+    b3 = DD({'value':numpy.random.rand(5)})
+    stats.append((1,1), [b1,b2,b3])
+    h5f.close()
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "r")
+    b1_table = h5f.getNode('/params', 'b1')
+    b3_table = h5f.getNode('/params', 'b3')
+    assert b1_table.cols.mean[0] - numpy.mean(b1.value) < 1e-3
+    assert b3_table.cols.mean[0] - numpy.mean(b3.value) < 1e-3
+    assert b1_table.cols.min[0] - numpy.min(b1.value) < 1e-3
+    assert b3_table.cols.min[0] - numpy.min(b3.value) < 1e-3
+def test_SharedParamsStatisticsWrapper_notimestamp(h5f=None):
+    import numpy.random
+    if not h5f:
+        h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+        h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    stats = SharedParamsStatisticsWrapper(new_group_name="params", base_group="/",
+                                arrays_names=('b1','b2','b3'), hdf5_file=h5f,
+                                index_names=('epoch','minibatch'),
+                                store_timestamp=False)
+    b1 = DD({'value':numpy.random.rand(5)})
+    b2 = DD({'value':numpy.random.rand(5)})
+    b3 = DD({'value':numpy.random.rand(5)})
+    stats.append((1,1), [b1,b2,b3])
+    h5f.close()
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "r")
+    b1_table = h5f.getNode('/params', 'b1')
+    b3_table = h5f.getNode('/params', 'b3')
+    assert b1_table.cols.mean[0] - numpy.mean(b1.value) < 1e-3
+    assert b3_table.cols.mean[0] - numpy.mean(b3.value) < 1e-3
+    assert b1_table.cols.min[0] - numpy.min(b1.value) < 1e-3
+    assert b3_table.cols.min[0] - numpy.min(b3.value) < 1e-3
+    assert not ('timestamp' in dir(b1_table.cols))
+def test_get_desc():
+    h5f_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name
+    h5f = tables.openFile(h5f_path, "w")
+    desc = series._get_description_with_n_ints_n_floats(("col1","col2"), ("col3","col4"))
+    mytable = h5f.createTable('/', 'mytable', desc)
+    # just make sure the columns are there... otherwise this will throw an exception
+    mytable.cols.col1
+    mytable.cols.col2
+    mytable.cols.col3
+    mytable.cols.col4
+    try:
+        # this should fail... LocalDescription must be local to get_desc_etc
+        test = LocalDescription
+        assert False
+    except:
+        assert True
+    assert True
+def test_index_to_tuple_floaterror():
+    try:
+        series._index_to_tuple(5.1)
+        assert False
+    except TypeError:
+        assert True
+def test_index_to_tuple_arrayok():
+    tpl = series._index_to_tuple([1,2,3])
+    assert type(tpl) == tuple and tpl[1] == 2 and tpl[2] == 3
+def test_index_to_tuple_intbecomestuple():
+    tpl = series._index_to_tuple(32)
+    assert type(tpl) == tuple and tpl == (32,)
+def test_index_to_tuple_longbecomestuple():
+    tpl = series._index_to_tuple(928374928374928L)
+    assert type(tpl) == tuple and tpl == (928374928374928L,)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import tempfile
+    test_get_desc()
+    test_ErrorSeries_common_case()
+    test_BasicStatisticsSeries_common_case()
+    test_AccumulatorSeriesWrapper_common_case()
+    test_SharedParamsStatisticsWrapper_commoncase()