1 from setuptools import setup, find_packages
3 setup(
4 name='NoseDjango',
5 version='0.5',
6 author='Victor Ng',
7 author_email = 'victor.ng@monkeybeanonline.com',
8 description = 'nose plugin for easy testing of django projects ' \
9 'and apps. Sets up a test database (or schema) and installs apps ' \
10 'from test settings file before tests are run, and tears the test ' \
11 'database (or schema) down after all tests are run.',
12 install_requires='nose>=0.10',
13 url = "http://poli-cms.googlecode.com/svn/nose-django/",
14 license = 'GNU LGPL',
15 packages = find_packages(exclude=['tests']),
16 zip_safe = False,
17 include_package_data = True,
18 entry_points = {
19 'nose.plugins': [
20 'django = nosedjango.nosedjango:NoseDjango',
21 ]
22 }
23 )