1 from .symboltable import SymbolTable
2 from .nodes import *
3 from ...core.errors import CompilerException, Error
4 from .builtin import *
5 #from . import assembler
6 from .lexer import tokenize
8 class KsParser:
9 """ This module parses source code into an abstract syntax tree (AST) """
10 def __init__(self, source):
11 """ provide the parser with the tokens iterator from the lexer. """
12 self.tokens = tokenize(source) # Lexical stage
13 self.NextToken()
14 self.errorlist = []
16 def Error(self, msg):
17 raise CompilerException(msg, self.token.row, self.token.col)
19 # Lexer helpers:
20 def Consume(self, typ=''):
21 if self.token.typ == typ or typ == '':
22 v = self.token.val
23 self.NextToken()
24 return v
25 else:
26 self.Error('Excected: "{0}", got "{1}"'.format(typ, self.token.val))
28 def hasConsumed(self, typ):
29 if self.token.typ == typ:
30 self.Consume(typ)
31 return True
32 return False
34 def NextToken(self):
35 self.token = self.tokens.__next__()
36 # TODO: store filename in location?
37 self.location = (self.token.row, self.token.col)
39 # Helpers to find location of the error in the code:
40 def setLocation(self, obj, location):
41 obj.location = location
42 return obj
43 def getLocation(self):
44 return self.location
46 """
47 Recursive descent parser functions:
48 A set of mutual recursive functions.
49 Starting symbol is the Module.
50 """
51 def parseModule(self):
52 """ Top level parsing routine """
53 self.imports = []
54 loc = self.getLocation()
55 self.Consume('module')
56 modname = self.Consume('ID')
57 self.Consume(';')
58 mod = Module(modname)
60 # Construct a symbol table for this program
61 mod.symtable = SymbolTable()
62 # Add built in types and functions:
63 for x in [real, integer, boolean, char, chr_func]:
64 mod.symtable.addSymbol(x)
66 self.cst = mod.symtable
67 self.parseImportList()
69 self.parseDeclarationSequence()
70 # Procedures only allowed in this scope
71 self.parseProcedureDeclarations()
73 if self.hasConsumed('begin'):
74 mod.initcode = self.parseStatementSequence()
75 else:
76 mod.initcode = EmptyStatement()
78 self.Consume('end')
79 endname = self.Consume('ID')
80 if endname != modname:
81 self.Error('end denoter must be module name')
82 self.Consume('.')
84 mod.imports = self.imports
85 return self.setLocation(mod, loc)
87 # Import part
88 def parseImportList(self):
89 if self.hasConsumed('import'):
90 self.parseImport()
91 while self.hasConsumed(','):
92 self.parseImport()
93 self.Consume(';')
95 def parseImport(self):
96 loc = self.getLocation()
97 modname = self.Consume('ID')
98 #mod = loadModule(modname)
99 self.setLocation(mod, loc)
100 self.cst.addSymbol(mod)
102 # Helper to parse an identifier defenitions
103 def parseIdentDef(self):
104 loc = self.getLocation()
105 name = self.Consume('ID')
106 ispublic = self.hasConsumed('*')
107 # Make a node of this thing:
108 i = Id(name)
109 i.ispublic = ispublic
110 return self.setLocation(i, loc)
112 def parseIdentList(self):
113 ids = [ self.parseIdentDef() ]
114 while self.hasConsumed(','):
115 ids.append( self.parseIdentDef() )
116 return ids
118 def parseQualIdent(self):
119 """ Parse a qualified identifier """
120 name = self.Consume('ID')
121 if self.cst.has(Module, name):
122 modname = name
123 mod = self.cst.get(Module, modname)
124 self.Consume('.')
125 name = self.Consume('ID')
126 # Try to find existing imported symbol:
127 for imp in self.imports:
128 if imp.modname == modname and imp.name == name:
129 return imp
130 # Try to find the symbol in the modules exports:
131 for sym in mod.exports:
132 if sym.name == name:
133 impsym = ImportedSymbol(modname, name)
134 impsym.typ = sym.typ
135 impsym.signature = mod.signature
136 self.imports.append(impsym)
137 return impsym
138 self.Error("Cannot find symbol {0}".format(name))
139 else:
140 return self.cst.getSymbol(name)
142 # Helper to parse a designator
143 def parseDesignator(self):
144 """ A designator designates an object.
145 The base location in memory is denoted by the qualified identifier
146 The actual address depends on the selector.
147 """
148 loc = self.getLocation()
149 obj = self.parseQualIdent()
150 typ = obj.typ
151 selectors = []
152 while self.token.typ in ['.', '[', '^']:
153 if self.hasConsumed('.'):
154 field = self.Consume('ID')
155 if typ is PointerType:
156 selectors.append(Deref())
157 typ = typ.pointedType
158 if not type(typ) is RecordType:
159 self.Error("field reference, type not record but {0}".format(typ))
160 typ = typ.fields[field]
161 selectors.append(Field(field))
162 elif self.hasConsumed('['):
163 indexes = self.parseExpressionList()
164 self.Consume(']')
165 for idx in indexes:
166 if not type(typ) is ArrayType:
167 self.Error('Cannot index non array type')
168 if not isType(idx.typ, integer):
169 self.Error('Only integer expressions can be used as an index')
170 selectors.append(Index(idx, typ))
171 typ = typ.elementType
172 elif self.hasConsumed('^'):
173 selectors.append(Deref())
174 typ = typ.pointedType
175 return self.setLocation(Designator(obj, selectors, typ), loc)
177 # Declaration sequence
178 def parseDeclarationSequence(self):
179 """ 1. constants, 2. types, 3. variables """
180 self.parseConstantDeclarations()
181 self.parseTypeDeclarations()
182 self.parseVariableDeclarations()
184 # Constants
185 def evalExpression(self, expr):
186 if type(expr) is Binop:
187 a = self.evalExpression(expr.a)
188 b = self.evalExpression(expr.b)
189 if expr.op == '+':
190 return a + b
191 elif expr.op == '-':
192 return a - b
193 elif expr.op == '*':
194 return a * b
195 elif expr.op == '/':
196 return float(a) / float(b)
197 elif expr.op == 'mod':
198 return int(a % b)
199 elif expr.op == 'div':
200 return int(a / b)
201 elif expr.op == 'or':
202 return a or b
203 elif expr.op == 'and':
204 return a and b
205 else:
206 self.Error('Cannot evaluate expression with {0}'.format(expr.op))
207 elif type(expr) is Constant:
208 return expr.value
209 elif type(expr) is Designator:
210 if type(expr.obj) is Constant:
211 return self.evalExpression(expr.obj)
212 else:
213 self.Error('Cannot evaluate designated object {0}'.format(expr.obj))
214 elif type(expr) is Unop:
215 a = self.evalExpression(expr.a)
216 if expr.op == 'not':
217 return not a
218 elif expr.op == '-':
219 return -a
220 else:
221 self.Error('Unimplemented unary operation {0}'.format(expr.op))
222 else:
223 self.Error('Cannot evaluate expression {0}'.format(expr))
225 def parseConstExpression(self):
226 e = self.parseExpression()
227 return self.evalExpression(e), e.typ
229 def parseConstantDeclarations(self):
230 """ Parse const part of a module """
231 if self.hasConsumed('const'):
232 while self.token.typ == 'ID':
233 i = self.parseIdentDef()
234 self.Consume('=')
235 constvalue, typ = self.parseConstExpression()
236 self.Consume(';')
237 c = Constant(constvalue, typ, name=i.name, public=i.ispublic)
238 self.setLocation(c, i.location)
239 self.cst.addSymbol(c)
241 # Type system
242 def parseTypeDeclarations(self):
243 if self.hasConsumed('type'):
244 while self.token.typ == 'ID':
245 typename, export = self.parseIdentDef()
246 self.Consume('=')
247 typ = self.parseStructuredType()
248 self.Consume(';')
249 t = DefinedType(typename, typ)
250 self.cst.addSymbol(t)
252 def parseType(self):
253 if self.token.typ == 'ID':
254 typename = self.Consume('ID')
255 if self.cst.has(Type, typename):
256 typ = self.cst.get(Type, typename)
257 while type(typ) is DefinedType:
258 typ = typ.typ
259 return typ
260 else:
261 self.Error('Cannot find type {0}'.format(typename))
262 else:
263 return self.parseStructuredType()
265 def parseStructuredType(self):
266 if self.hasConsumed('array'):
267 dimensions = []
268 dimensions.append( self.parseConstExpression() )
269 while self.hasConsumed(','):
270 dimensions.append( self.parseConstExpression() )
271 self.Consume('of')
272 arr = self.parseType()
273 for dimension, consttyp in reversed(dimensions):
274 if not isType(consttyp, integer):
275 self.Error('array dimension must be an integer type (not {0})'.format(consttyp))
276 if dimension < 2:
277 self.Error('array dimension must be bigger than 1 (not {0})'.format(dimension))
278 arr = ArrayType(dimension, arr)
279 return arr
280 elif self.hasConsumed('record'):
281 fields = {}
282 while self.token.typ == 'ID':
283 # parse a fieldlist:
284 identifiers = self.parseIdentList()
285 self.Consume(':')
286 typ = self.parseType()
287 self.Consume(';')
288 for i in identifiers:
289 if i.name in fields.keys():
290 self.Error('record field "{0}" multiple defined.'.format(i.name))
291 fields[i.name] = typ
292 # TODO store this in another way, symbol table?
293 self.Consume('end')
294 return RecordType(fields)
295 elif self.hasConsumed('pointer'):
296 self.Consume('to')
297 typ = self.parseType()
298 return PointerType(typ)
299 elif self.hasConsumed('procedure'):
300 parameters, returntype = self.parseFormalParameters()
301 return ProcedureType(parameters, returntype)
302 else:
303 self.Error('Unknown structured type "{0}"'.format(self.token.val))
305 # Variable declarations:
306 def parseVariableDeclarations(self):
307 if self.hasConsumed('var'):
308 if self.token.typ == 'ID':
309 while self.token.typ == 'ID':
310 ids = self.parseIdentList()
311 self.Consume(':')
312 typename = self.parseType()
313 self.Consume(';')
314 for i in ids:
315 v = Variable(i.name, typename, public=i.ispublic)
316 self.setLocation(v, i.location)
317 self.cst.addSymbol(v)
318 else:
319 self.Error('Expected ID, got'+str(self.token))
321 # Procedures
322 def parseFPsection(self):
323 if self.hasConsumed('const'):
324 kind = 'const'
325 elif self.hasConsumed('var'):
326 kind = 'var'
327 else:
328 kind = 'value'
329 names = [ self.Consume('ID') ]
330 while self.hasConsumed(','):
331 names.append( self.Consume('ID') )
332 self.Consume(':')
333 typ = self.parseType()
334 parameters = [Parameter(kind, name, typ)
335 for name in names]
336 return parameters
338 def parseFormalParameters(self):
339 parameters = []
340 self.Consume('(')
341 if not self.hasConsumed(')'):
342 parameters += self.parseFPsection()
343 while self.hasConsumed(';'):
344 parameters += self.parseFPsection()
345 self.Consume(')')
346 if self.hasConsumed(':'):
347 returntype = self.parseQualIdent()
348 else:
349 returntype = void
350 return ProcedureType(parameters, returntype)
352 def parseProcedureDeclarations(self):
353 procedures = []
354 while self.token.typ == 'procedure':
355 p = self.parseProcedureDeclaration()
356 procedures.append(p)
357 self.Consume(';')
358 return procedures
360 def parseProcedureDeclaration(self):
361 loc = self.getLocation()
362 self.Consume('procedure')
363 i = self.parseIdentDef()
364 procname = i.name
365 proctyp = self.parseFormalParameters()
366 procsymtable = SymbolTable(parent = self.cst)
367 self.cst = procsymtable # Switch symbol table:
368 # Add parameters as variables to symbol table:
369 for parameter in proctyp.parameters:
370 vname = parameter.name
371 vtyp = parameter.typ
372 if parameter.kind == 'var':
373 vtyp = PointerType(vtyp)
374 variable = Variable(vname, vtyp, False)
375 if parameter.kind == 'const':
376 variable.isReadOnly = True
377 variable.isParameter = True
378 self.cst.addSymbol(variable)
379 self.Consume(';')
380 self.parseDeclarationSequence()
381 # Mark all variables as local:
382 for variable in self.cst.getAllLocal(Variable):
383 variable.isLocal = True
385 if self.hasConsumed('begin'):
386 block = self.parseStatementSequence()
387 if self.hasConsumed('return'):
388 returnexpression = self.parseExpression()
389 else:
390 returnexpression = None
392 if proctyp.returntype.isType(void):
393 if not returnexpression is None:
394 self.Error('Void procedure cannot return a value')
395 else:
396 if returnexpression is None:
397 self.Error('Procedure must return a value')
398 if not isType(returnexpression.typ, proctyp.returntype):
399 self.Error('Returned type {0} does not match function return type {1}'.format(returnexpression.typ, proctyp.returntype))
401 self.Consume('end')
402 endname = self.Consume('ID')
403 if endname != procname:
404 self.Error('endname should match {0}'.format(name))
405 self.cst = procsymtable.parent # Switch back to parent symbol table
406 proc = Procedure(procname, proctyp, block, procsymtable, returnexpression)
407 self.setLocation(proc, loc)
408 self.cst.addSymbol(proc)
409 proc.public = i.ispublic
410 return proc
412 # Statements:
413 def parseAssignment(self, lval):
414 loc = self.getLocation()
415 self.Consume(':=')
416 rval = self.parseExpression()
417 if isType(lval.typ, real) and isType(rval.typ, integer):
418 rval = Unop(rval, 'INTTOREAL', real)
419 if type(rval.typ) is NilType:
420 if not type(lval.typ) is ProcedureType and not type(lval.typ) is PointerType:
421 self.Error('Can assign nil only to pointers or procedure types, not {0}'.format(lval))
422 elif not isType(lval.typ, rval.typ):
423 self.Error('Type mismatch {0} != {1}'.format(lval.typ, rval.typ))
424 return self.setLocation(Assignment(lval, rval), loc)
426 def parseExpressionList(self):
427 expressions = [ self.parseExpression() ]
428 while self.hasConsumed(','):
429 expressions.append( self.parseExpression() )
430 return expressions
432 def parseProcedureCall(self, procedure):
433 self.Consume('(')
434 if self.token.typ != ')':
435 args = self.parseExpressionList()
436 else:
437 args = []
438 self.Consume(')')
439 parameters = procedure.typ.parameters
440 if len(args) != len(parameters):
441 self.Error("Procedure requires {0} arguments, {1} given".format(len(parameters), len(args)))
442 for arg, param in zip(args, parameters):
443 if not arg.typ.isType(param.typ):
444 print(arg.typ, param.typ)
445 self.Error('Mismatch in parameter')
446 return ProcedureCall(procedure, args)
448 def parseIfStatement(self):
449 loc = self.getLocation()
450 self.Consume('if')
451 ifs = []
452 condition = self.parseExpression()
453 if not isType(condition.typ, boolean):
454 self.Error('condition of if statement must be boolean')
455 self.Consume('then')
456 truestatement = self.parseStatementSequence()
457 ifs.append( (condition, truestatement) )
458 while self.hasConsumed('elsif'):
459 condition = self.parseExpression()
460 if not isType(condition.typ, boolean):
461 self.Error('condition of if statement must be boolean')
462 self.Consume('then')
463 truestatement = self.parseStatementSequence()
464 ifs.append( (condition, truestatement) )
465 if self.hasConsumed('else'):
466 statement = self.parseStatementSequence()
467 else:
468 statement = None
469 self.Consume('end')
470 for condition, truestatement in reversed(ifs):
471 statement = IfStatement(condition, truestatement, statement)
472 return self.setLocation(statement, loc)
474 def parseCase(self):
475 # TODO
476 pass
478 def parseCaseStatement(self):
479 self.Consume('case')
480 expr = self.parseExpression()
481 self.Consume('of')
482 self.parseCase()
483 while self.hasConsumed('|'):
484 self.parseCase()
485 self.Consume('end')
487 def parseWhileStatement(self):
488 loc = self.getLocation()
489 self.Consume('while')
490 condition = self.parseExpression()
491 self.Consume('do')
492 statements = self.parseStatementSequence()
493 if self.hasConsumed('elsif'):
494 self.Error('elsif in while not yet implemented')
495 self.Consume('end')
496 return self.setLocation(WhileStatement(condition, statements), loc)
498 def parseRepeatStatement(self):
499 self.Consume('repeat')
500 stmt = self.parseStatementSequence()
501 self.Consume('until')
502 cond = self.parseBoolExpression()
504 def parseForStatement(self):
505 loc = self.getLocation()
506 self.Consume('for')
507 variable = self.parseDesignator()
508 if not variable.typ.isType(integer):
509 self.Error('loop variable of for statement must have integer type')
510 assert(variable.typ.isType(integer))
511 self.Consume(':=')
512 begin = self.parseExpression()
513 if not begin.typ.isType(integer):
514 self.Error('begin expression of a for statement must have integer type')
515 self.Consume('to')
516 end = self.parseExpression()
517 if not end.typ.isType(integer):
518 self.Error('end expression of a for statement must have integer type')
519 if self.hasConsumed('by'):
520 increment, typ = self.parseConstExpression()
521 if not typ.isType(integer):
522 self.Error('Increment must be integer')
523 else:
524 increment = 1
525 assert(type(increment) is int)
526 self.Consume('do')
527 statements = self.parseStatementSequence()
528 self.Consume('end')
529 return self.setLocation(ForStatement(variable, begin, end, increment, statements), loc)
531 def parseAsmcode(self):
532 # TODO: move this to seperate file
533 def parseOpcode():
534 return self.Consume('ID')
535 def parseOperand():
536 if self.hasConsumed('['):
537 memref = []
538 memref.append(parseOperand())
539 self.Consume(']')
540 return memref
541 else:
542 if self.token.typ == 'NUMBER':
543 return self.Consume('NUMBER')
544 else:
545 ID = self.Consume('ID')
546 if self.cst.has(Variable, ID):
547 return self.cst.get(Variable, ID)
548 else:
549 return ID
551 def parseOperands(n):
552 operands = []
553 if n > 0:
554 operands.append( parseOperand() )
555 n = n - 1
556 while n > 0:
557 self.Consume(',')
558 operands.append(parseOperand())
559 n = n - 1
560 return operands
561 self.Consume('asm')
562 asmcode = []
563 while self.token.typ != 'end':
564 opcode = parseOpcode()
565 func, numargs = assembler.opcodes[opcode]
566 operands = parseOperands(numargs)
567 asmcode.append( (opcode, operands) )
568 #print('opcode', opcode, operands)
569 self.Consume('end')
570 return AsmCode(asmcode)
572 def parseStatement(self):
573 try:
574 # Determine statement type based on the pending token:
575 if self.token.typ == 'if':
576 return self.parseIfStatement()
577 elif self.token.typ == 'case':
578 return self.parseCaseStatement()
579 elif self.token.typ == 'while':
580 return self.parseWhileStatement()
581 elif self.token.typ == 'repeat':
582 return self.parseRepeatStatement()
583 elif self.token.typ == 'for':
584 return self.parseForStatement()
585 elif self.token.typ == 'asm':
586 return self.parseAsmcode()
587 elif self.token.typ == 'ID':
588 # Assignment or procedure call
589 designator = self.parseDesignator()
590 if self.token.typ == '(' and type(designator.typ) is ProcedureType:
591 return self.parseProcedureCall(designator)
592 elif self.token.typ == ':=':
593 return self.parseAssignment(designator)
594 else:
595 self.Error('Unknown statement following designator: {0}'.format(self.token))
596 else:
597 # TODO: return empty statement??:
598 return EmptyStatement()
599 self.Error('Unknown statement {0}'.format(self.token))
600 except CompilerException as e:
601 print(e)
602 self.errorlist.append( (e.row, e.col, e.msg))
603 # Do error recovery by skipping all tokens until next ; or end
604 while not (self.token.typ == ';' or self.token.typ == 'end'):
605 self.Consume(self.token.typ)
606 return EmptyStatement()
608 def parseStatementSequence(self):
609 """ Sequence of statements seperated by ';' """
610 statements = [ self.parseStatement() ]
611 while self.hasConsumed(';'):
612 statements.append( self.parseStatement() )
613 return StatementSequence( statements )
615 # Parsing expressions:
616 """
617 grammar of expressions:
618 expression = SimpleExpression [ reloperator SimpleExpression ]
619 reloperator = '=' | '<=' | '>=' | '<>'
620 Simpleexpression = [ '+' | '-' ] term { addoperator term }
621 addoperator = '+' | '-' | 'or'
622 term = factor { muloperator factor }
623 muloperator = '*' | '/' | 'div' | 'mod' | 'and'
624 factor = number | nil | true | false | "(" expression ")" |
625 designator [ actualparameters ] | 'not' factor
626 """
627 def parseExpression(self):
628 """ The connector between the boolean and expression domain """
629 expr = self.parseSimpleExpression()
630 if self.token.typ in ['>=','<=','<','>','<>','=']:
631 relop = self.Consume()
632 expr2 = self.parseSimpleExpression()
633 # Automatic type convert to reals:
634 if isType(expr.typ, real) and isType(expr2.typ, integer):
635 expr2 = Unop(expr2, 'INTTOREAL', real)
636 if isType(expr2.typ, real) and isType(expr.typ, integer):
637 expr = Unop(expr, 'INTTOREAL', real)
638 # Type check:
639 if not isType(expr.typ, expr2.typ):
640 self.Error('Type mismatch in relop')
641 if isType(expr.typ, real) and relop in ['<>', '=']:
642 self.Error('Cannot check real values for equality')
644 expr = Relop(expr, relop, expr2, boolean)
645 return expr
647 # Parsing arithmatic expressions:
648 def parseTerm(self):
649 a = self.parseFactor()
650 while self.token.typ in ['*', '/', 'mod', 'div', 'and']:
651 loc = self.getLocation()
652 op = self.Consume()
653 b = self.parseTerm()
654 # Type determination and checking:
655 if op in ['mod', 'div']:
656 if not isType(a.typ, integer):
657 self.Error('First operand should be integer, not {0}'.format(a.typ))
658 if not isType(b.typ, integer):
659 self.Error('Second operand should be integer, not {0}'.format(b.typ))
660 typ = integer
661 elif op == '*':
662 if isType(a.typ, integer) and isType(b.typ, integer):
663 typ = integer
664 elif isType(a.typ, real) or isType(b.typ, real):
665 if isType(a.typ, integer):
666 # Automatic type cast
667 a = Unop(a, 'INTTOREAL', real)
668 if isType(b.typ, integer):
669 b = Unop(b, 'INTTOREAL', real)
670 if not isType(a.typ, real):
671 self.Error('first operand must be a real!')
672 if not isType(b.typ, real):
673 self.Error('second operand must be a real!')
674 typ = real
675 else:
676 self.Error('Unknown operands for multiply: {0}, {1}'.format(a, b))
677 elif op == '/':
678 # Division always yields a real result, for integer division use div
679 if isType(a.typ, integer):
680 # Automatic type cast
681 a = Unop(a, 'INTTOREAL', real)
682 if isType(b.typ, integer):
683 b = Unop(b, 'INTTOREAL', real)
684 if not isType(a.typ, real):
685 self.Error('first operand must be a real!')
686 if not isType(b.typ, real):
687 self.Error('second operand must be a real!')
688 typ = real
689 elif op == 'and':
690 if not isType(a.typ, boolean):
691 self.Error('First operand of and must be boolean')
692 if not isType(b.typ, boolean):
693 self.Error('Second operand of and must be boolean')
694 typ = boolean
695 else:
696 self.Error('Unknown operand {0}'.format(op))
698 a = self.setLocation(Binop(a, op, b, typ), loc)
699 return a
701 def parseFactor(self):
702 if self.hasConsumed('('):
703 e = self.parseExpression()
704 self.Consume(')')
705 return e
706 elif self.token.typ == 'NUMBER':
707 loc = self.getLocation()
708 val = self.Consume('NUMBER')
709 return self.setLocation(Constant(val, integer), loc)
710 elif self.token.typ == 'REAL':
711 loc = self.getLocation()
712 val = self.Consume('REAL')
713 return self.setLocation(Constant(val, real), loc)
714 elif self.token.typ == 'CHAR':
715 val = self.Consume('CHAR')
716 return Constant(val, char)
717 elif self.token.typ == 'STRING':
718 txt = self.Consume('STRING')
719 return StringConstant(txt)
720 elif self.token.typ in ['true', 'false']:
721 val = self.Consume()
722 val = True if val == 'true' else False
723 return Constant(val, boolean)
724 elif self.hasConsumed('nil'):
725 return Constant(0, NilType())
726 elif self.hasConsumed('not'):
727 f = self.parseFactor()
728 if not isType(f.typ, boolean):
729 self.Error('argument of boolean negation must be boolean type')
730 return Unop(f, 'not', boolean)
731 elif self.token.typ == 'ID':
732 designator = self.parseDesignator()
733 # TODO: handle functions different here?
734 if self.token.typ == '(' and type(designator.typ) is ProcedureType:
735 return self.parseProcedureCall(designator)
736 else:
737 return designator
738 else:
739 self.Error('Expected NUMBER, ID or ( expr ), got'+str(self.token))
741 def parseSimpleExpression(self):
742 """ Arithmatic expression """
743 if self.token.typ in ['+', '-']:
744 # Handle the unary minus
745 op = self.Consume()
746 a = self.parseTerm()
747 typ = a.typ
748 if not isType(typ,real) and not isType(typ, integer):
749 self.Error('Unary minus or plus can be only applied to real or integers')
750 if op == '-':
751 a = Unop(a, op, typ)
752 else:
753 a = self.parseTerm()
754 while self.token.typ in ['+', '-', 'or']:
755 loc = self.getLocation()
756 op = self.Consume()
757 b = self.parseTerm()
758 if op in ['+', '-']:
759 if isType(a.typ, real) or isType(b.typ, real):
760 typ = real
761 if isType(a.typ, integer):
762 # Automatic type cast
763 a = Unop(a, 'INTTOREAL', real)
764 if not isType(a.typ, real):
765 self.Error('first operand must be a real!')
766 if isType(b.typ, integer):
767 b = Unop(b, 'INTTOREAL', real)
768 if not isType(b.typ, real):
769 self.Error('second operand must be a real!')
770 elif isType(a.typ, integer) and isType(b.typ, integer):
771 typ = integer
772 else:
773 self.Error('Invalid types {0} and {1}'.format(a.typ, b.typ))
774 elif op == 'or':
775 if not isType(a.typ, boolean):
776 self.Error('first operand must be boolean for or operation')
777 if not isType(b.typ, boolean):
778 self.Error('second operand must be boolean for or operation')
779 typ = boolean
780 else:
781 self.Error('Unknown operand {0}'.format(op))
782 a = self.setLocation(Binop(a, op, b, typ), loc)
783 return a