1 from ppci import ir
2 from ppci.irmach import AbstractInstruction as makeIns
3 from .basetarget import Label, Comment, Alignment, LabelRef, DebugInfo, Nop
4 from .instructionselector import InstructionSelector
5 from .arminstructions import Orr, Lsl, Str2, Ldr2, Ldr3
6 from .arminstructions import B, Bl, Bgt, Blt, Beq, Bne
7 from .arminstructions import Mov2, Mov3
8 from .arminstructions import Add, Sub, Cmp, Sub2, Add2, Mul
9 from .basetarget import Imm8, Imm7, Imm3
12 class ArmInstructionSelector(InstructionSelector):
13 """ Instruction selector for the arm architecture """
14 def munchExpr(self, e):
15 if isinstance(e, ir.Alloc):
16 return 0
17 elif isinstance(e, ir.Binop) and e.operation == '+' and \
18 isinstance(e.b, ir.Const) and e.b.value < 8:
19 a = self.munchExpr(e.a)
20 d = self.newTmp()
21 c = Imm3(e.b.value)
22 self.emit(Add2, others=[c], dst=[d], src=[a])
23 return d
24 elif isinstance(e, ir.Binop) and e.operation == '+':
25 a = self.munchExpr(e.a)
26 b = self.munchExpr(e.b)
27 d = self.newTmp()
28 self.emit(Add, dst=[d], src=[a, b])
29 return d
30 elif isinstance(e, ir.Binop) and e.operation == '-' and \
31 isinstance(e.b, ir.Const) and e.b.value < 8:
32 a = self.munchExpr(e.a)
33 d = self.newTmp()
34 c = Imm3(e.b.value)
35 self.emit(Sub2, others=[c], dst=[d], src=[a])
36 return d
37 elif isinstance(e, ir.Binop) and e.operation == '-':
38 a = self.munchExpr(e.a)
39 b = self.munchExpr(e.b)
40 d = self.newTmp()
41 self.emit(Sub, dst=[d], src=[a, b])
42 return d
43 elif isinstance(e, ir.Binop) and e.operation == '|':
44 a = self.munchExpr(e.a)
45 b = self.munchExpr(e.b)
46 d = self.newTmp()
47 self.move(d, a)
48 self.emit(Orr, dst=[], src=[d, b])
49 return d
50 elif isinstance(e, ir.Binop) and e.operation == '<<':
51 a = self.munchExpr(e.a)
52 b = self.munchExpr(e.b)
53 d = self.newTmp()
54 self.move(d, a)
55 self.emit(Lsl, dst=[], src=[d, b]) # TODO: is d a source variable?
56 return d
57 elif isinstance(e, ir.Binop) and e.operation == '*':
58 a = self.munchExpr(e.a)
59 b = self.munchExpr(e.b)
60 d = self.newTmp()
61 self.move(d, a)
62 # this mul instruction has operands swapped:
63 self.emit(Mul, dst=[d], src=[b, d])
64 return d
65 elif isinstance(e, ir.Const) and e.value < 256:
66 d = self.newTmp()
67 self.emit(Mov3, others=[Imm8(e.value)], dst=[d])
68 return d
69 elif isinstance(e, ir.Const) and e.value < (2**31):
70 d = self.newTmp()
71 ln = LabelRef(self.frame.addConstant(e.value))
72 self.emit(Ldr3, others=[ln], dst=[d])
73 return d
74 elif isinstance(e, ir.Mem) and isinstance(e.e, ir.Binop) and \
75 e.e.operation == '+' and isinstance(e.e.b, ir.Const):
76 base = self.munchExpr(e.e.a)
77 d = self.newTmp()
78 c = e.e.b.value
79 self.emit(Ldr2, others=[c], src=[base], dst=[d])
80 return d
81 elif isinstance(e, ir.Mem):
82 # Load from memory
83 base = self.munchExpr(e.e)
84 d = self.newTmp()
85 self.emit(Ldr2, others=[0], src=[base], dst=[d])
86 return d
87 elif isinstance(e, ir.Temp):
88 return e
89 elif isinstance(e, ir.Call):
90 # Move arguments into proper locations:
91 reguses = []
92 for i, a in enumerate(e.arguments):
93 loc = self.frame.argLoc(i)
94 m = ir.Move(loc, a)
95 self.munchStm(m)
96 if isinstance(loc, ir.Temp):
97 reguses.append(loc)
98 self.emit(Bl(LabelRef(e.f)), src=reguses, dst=[self.frame.rv])
99 d = self.newTmp()
100 self.move(d, self.frame.rv)
101 return d
102 else:
103 raise NotImplementedError('Expr --> {}'.format(e))
105 def munchStm(self, s):
106 if isinstance(s, ir.Terminator):
107 pass
108 elif isinstance(s, ir.Move) and isinstance(s.dst, ir.Mem) and \
109 isinstance(s.dst.e, ir.Binop) and s.dst.e.operation == '+' and \
110 isinstance(s.dst.e.b, ir.Const):
111 a = self.munchExpr(s.dst.e.a)
112 val = self.munchExpr(s.src)
113 c = s.dst.e.b.value
114 self.emit(Str2, others=[c], src=[a, val])
115 elif isinstance(s, ir.Move) and isinstance(s.dst, ir.Mem):
116 memloc = self.munchExpr(s.dst.e)
117 val = self.munchExpr(s.src)
118 self.emit(Str2, others=[0], src=[memloc, val])
119 elif isinstance(s, ir.Move) and isinstance(s.dst, ir.Temp):
120 val = self.munchExpr(s.src)
121 dreg = s.dst
122 self.move(dreg, val)
123 elif isinstance(s, ir.Exp):
124 # Generate expression code and discard the result.
125 x = self.munchExpr(s.e)
126 self.emit(Nop(), src=[x])
127 elif isinstance(s, ir.Jump):
128 tgt = self.targets[s.target]
129 self.emit(B(LabelRef(s.target.name)), jumps=[tgt])
130 elif isinstance(s, ir.CJump):
131 a = self.munchExpr(s.a)
132 b = self.munchExpr(s.b)
133 self.emit(Cmp, src=[a, b])
134 ntgt = self.targets[s.lab_no]
135 ytgt = self.targets[s.lab_yes]
136 jmp_ins = makeIns(B(LabelRef(s.lab_no.name)), jumps=[ntgt])
137 opnames = {'<': Blt, '>':Bgt, '==':Beq, '!=':Bne}
138 op = opnames[s.cond](LabelRef(s.lab_yes.name))
139 self.emit(op, jumps=[ytgt, jmp_ins]) # Explicitely add fallthrough
140 self.emit2(jmp_ins)
141 else:
142 raise NotImplementedError('Stmt --> {}'.format(s))
144 def move(self, dst, src):
145 self.emit(Mov2, src=[src], dst=[dst])