view engine/core/eventchannel/eventmanager.h @ 487:7f1c42b66aa4

Moved the shooter demo Timer() class to Changed the formula that calculates the length of the audio clip to be correct. The shooter demo now demonstrates the use of the audio clip callbacks correctly. Fixed the fife_timer extension to actually work.
author prock@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222
date Mon, 03 May 2010 19:58:16 +0000
parents a1884665aa95
children b312d170ab0c
line wrap: on
line source

 *   Copyright (C) 2005-2008 by the FIFE team                              *
 *                                               *
 *   This file is part of FIFE.                                            *
 *                                                                         *
 *   FIFE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or                 *
 *   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public            *
 *   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either          *
 *   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.    *
 *                                                                         *
 *   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
 *   Lesser General Public License for more details.                       *
 *                                                                         *
 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public      *
 *   License along with this library; if not, write to the                 *
 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA          *


// Standard C++ library includes
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <list>

// 3rd party library includes

// FIFE includes
// These includes are split up in two parts, separated by one empty line
// First block: files included from the FIFE root src directory
// Second block: files included from the same folder
#include "eventchannel/command/ec_command.h"
#include "eventchannel/command/ec_icommandcontroller.h"
#include "eventchannel/command/ec_icommandlistener.h"

#include "eventchannel/key/ec_ikeycontroller.h"
#include "eventchannel/key/ec_ikeylistener.h"
#include "eventchannel/key/ec_keyevent.h"
#include "eventchannel/key/ec_key.h"

#include "eventchannel/mouse/ec_imousecontroller.h"
#include "eventchannel/mouse/ec_imouselistener.h"
#include "eventchannel/mouse/ec_mouseevent.h"

#include "eventchannel/sdl/ec_isdleventcontroller.h"
#include "eventchannel/sdl/ec_isdleventlistener.h"

#include "eventchannel/trigger/ec_itriggercontroller.h"

namespace FIFE {

	class ICommandListener;
	class InputEvent;
	class MouseEvent;
	class KeyEvent;
	class IKeyFilter;

	/**  Event Manager manages all events related to FIFE
	class EventManager:
		public ICommandController,
		public IKeyController,
		public IMouseController,
		public ISdlEventController,
		public IEventSource,
		public ITriggerController {
		/** Constructor.

		/** Destructor
		virtual ~EventManager();

		void addCommandListener(ICommandListener* listener);
		void addCommandListenerFront(ICommandListener* listener);
		void removeCommandListener(ICommandListener* listener);
		void dispatchCommand(Command& command);
		void addKeyListener(IKeyListener* listener);
		void addKeyListenerFront(IKeyListener* listener);
		void removeKeyListener(IKeyListener* listener);
		void addMouseListener(IMouseListener* listener);
		void addMouseListenerFront(IMouseListener* listener);
		void removeMouseListener(IMouseListener* listener);
		void addSdlEventListener(ISdlEventListener* listener);
		void addSdlEventListenerFront(ISdlEventListener* listener);
		void removeSdlEventListener(ISdlEventListener* listener);
		EventSourceType getEventSourceType();

		void registerTrigger(Trigger& trigger);
		void unregisterTrigger(Trigger& trigger);

		/** Process the SDL event queue.
		 * This is to be called only by the engine itself once per frame.
		 * It passes appropriate events to their listeners
		void processEvents();

		void setKeyFilter(IKeyFilter* keyFilter);

		// Helpers for processEvents
		void processActiveEvent(SDL_Event event);
		void processKeyEvent(SDL_Event event);
		void processMouseEvent(SDL_Event event);
		bool combineEvents(SDL_Event& event1, const SDL_Event& event2);

		// Events dispatchers - only dispatchSdlevent may reject the event.
		bool dispatchSdlEvent(SDL_Event& evt);
		void dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent& evt);
		void dispatchMouseEvent(MouseEvent& evt);

		// Translate events
		void fillModifiers(InputEvent& evt);
		void fillKeyEvent(const SDL_Event& sdlevt, KeyEvent& keyevt);
		void fillMouseEvent(const SDL_Event& sdlevt, MouseEvent& mouseevt);

		void pollTriggers();

		std::deque<ICommandListener*> m_commandlisteners;
		std::deque<ICommandListener*> m_pending_commandlisteners;
		std::deque<ICommandListener*> m_pending_commandlisteners_front;
		std::deque<ICommandListener*> m_pending_cldeletions;

		std::deque<IKeyListener*> m_keylisteners;
		std::deque<IKeyListener*> m_pending_keylisteners;
		std::deque<IKeyListener*> m_pending_keylisteners_front;
		std::deque<IKeyListener*> m_pending_kldeletions;

		std::deque<IMouseListener*> m_mouselisteners;
		std::deque<IMouseListener*> m_pending_mouselisteners;
		std::deque<IMouseListener*> m_pending_mouselisteners_front;
		std::deque<IMouseListener*> m_pending_mldeletions;

		std::deque<ISdlEventListener*> m_sdleventlisteners;
		std::deque<ISdlEventListener*> m_pending_sdleventlisteners;
		std::deque<ISdlEventListener*> m_pending_sdleventlisteners_front;
		std::deque<ISdlEventListener*> m_pending_sdldeletions;

		std::map<int, bool> m_keystatemap;
		IKeyFilter* m_keyfilter;
		int m_mousestate;
		MouseEvent::MouseButtonType m_mostrecentbtn;

		std::list<Trigger*> m_triggers;
} //FIFE
