Mercurial > fife-parpg
view build/linux/code_blocks/engine_template.xml @ 662:1ed5b5a0e7e3
Removing unneeded gltext.h include:
* With the include in place, MSVC (2005 & 2008) will fail to build the latest trunk as glext.h is part of GLUT and does not ship with the Microsoft compiler
* In case we would like to support the GL extensions, we should ship GLUT includes and the library with the win32 devkit
author | mvbarracuda@33b003aa-7bff-0310-803a-e67f0ece8222 |
date | Sat, 06 Nov 2010 11:13:21 +0000 |
parents | b3838661971f |
children |
line wrap: on
line source
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?> <CodeBlocks_project_file> <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" /> <Project> <Option title="_fife.pyd" /> <Option pch_mode="0" /> <Option compiler="gcc" /> <Build> <Target title="default"> <Option output="../../../engine/swigwrappers/python/" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" /> <Option type="3" /> <Option compiler="gcc" /> <Option createDefFile="1" /> <Compiler> <Add option="-DHAVE_OPENGL" /> <Add option="-DHAVE_ZIP" /> <Add directory="../../../engine" /> <Add directory="../../../engine/core" /> </Compiler> <Linker> <Add option="-L/usr/lib" /> <Add library="guichan_opengl" /> <Add library="guichan_sdl" /> <Add library="guichan" /> <Add library="vorbis" /> <Add library="ogg" /> <Add library="vorbisfile" /> <Add library="SDL_image" /> <Add library="SDL" /> <Add library="openal" /> <Add library="SDL_ttf" /> <Add library="boost_filesystem" /> <Add library="boost_regex" /> <Add library="png" /> <Add library="GL" /> <Add library="GLU" /> <Add library="python2.5" /> <Add directory="../../../ext/install/lib" /> </Linker> </Target> </Build> <VirtualTargets> <Add alias="All" targets="default;" /> </VirtualTargets> <Compiler> <Add option="-Wall" /> <Add option="-O3" /> <Add option="-fPIC" /> <Add option="-D_GNU_SOURCE=1" /> <Add option="-D_REENTRANT" /> <Add option="-DHAVE_OPENGL" /> <Add directory="/usr/include/python2.5" /> <Add directory="/usr/include/SDL" /> <Add directory="/usr/include/vorbis" /> <Add directory="../../../ext/install/include" /> </Compiler> <Linker> <Add option="-Wl,-rpath,../ext/install/lib,-rpath,ext/install/lib" /> </Linker> __FILE_INSERTION_POINT__ <Extensions> <code_completion /> <envvars /> <debugger /> </Extensions> </Project> </CodeBlocks_project_file>