view orpg/mapper/ @ 39:ed322725b928 ornery-orc tip

Traipse 'OpenRPG' {110114-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Closed) New Features: New to Map, can re-order Grid, Miniatures, and Whiteboard layer draw order New to Server GUI, can now clear log New Earthdawn Dieroller New IronClaw roller, sheet, and image New ShapeShifter PC Sheet Updates: Update to Warhammer PC Sheet. Rollers set as macros. Should work with little maintanence. Update to Browser Server window. Display rooms with ' " & cleaner Update to Server. Handles ' " & cleaner Update to Dieroller. Cleaner, more effecient expression system Update to Hidden Die plugin, allows for non standard dice rolls Update to, allows for more portable references when starting Traipse Update to the Features node Fixes: Fix to InterParse that was causing an Infernal Loop with Namespace Internal Fix to XML data, removed old Minidom and switched to Element Tree Fix to Server that was causing eternal attempt to find a Server ID, in Register Rooms thread Fix to Server, removing wxPython dependencies where not needed Fix to metaservers.xml file not being created Fix to Single and Double quotes in Whiteboard text Fix to Background images not showing when using the Image Server Fix to Duplicate chat names appearing Fix to Server GUI's logging output Fix to FNB.COLORFUL_TABS bug Fix to Gametree for XSLT Sheets Fix to Gametree for locating gametree files Fix to Send to Chat from Gametree Fix to Gametree, renaming and remapping operates correctly Fix to aliaslib, prevents error caused when SafeHTML is sent None
author sirebral
date Fri, 14 Jan 2011 05:24:52 -0600
parents d02e9197c066
line wrap: on
line source

# Copyright (C) 2000-2001 The OpenRPG Project
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
# --
# File: mapper/
# Author: Chris Davis
# Maintainer:
# Version:
#   $Id:,v Traipse 'Ornery-Orc' prof.ebral Exp $
# Description:
__version__ = "$Id:,v Traipse 'Ornery-Orc' prof.ebral Exp $"

from threading import RLock
from orpg.networking.mplay_client import *
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element, fromstring

class map_element_msg_base:
#  This is a base class

    def __init__(self,reentrant_lock_object = None):

        if not hasattr(self,"tagname"):
            raise Exception, "This is a virtual class that cannot be directly instantiated.  Set self.tagname in derived class."
        self._props = {}
        #  This is a dictionary that holds (value,changed) 2-tuples, indexed by attribute
        #  Avoid manipulating these values directly.  Instead, use the provided accessor methods.
        #  If there is not one that suits your needs, please add one to this class and
        #  use it instead.

        self.children = {}
        # This next clause will set self.p_lock to a passed-in RLock object, if present.
        #    Otherwise, it will create it's very own for this instance.
        #    Using a passed in object is useful to protect an entire <map/> element from
        #    being changed by another thread when any part of it is being change by another
        #    thread.  Just pass the map_msg's p_lock object in to it's descendents.
        if reentrant_lock_object: self.p_lock = reentrant_lock_object
        else: self.p_lock = RLock()

    def clear(self):

        for child in self.children.keys():
            self.children[child] = None
            del self.children[child]

        for p in self._props.keys(): self._props[p] = None


    #  Accessor functions begin

    #  Access single property

    def init_prop(self,prop,value):  # set's the changed flag to False and assigns
        self._props[prop] = (value, 0)

    def set_prop(self,prop,value):  # set's the changed flag to True and assigns
        self._props[prop] = (value, 1)

    def get_prop(self,prop):  # returns None if prop not found
        if prop in self._props.keys():
            (p,c) = self._props[prop]
            return p
        else: self.p_lock.release(); return None

    def is_prop_changed(self,prop):  # returns None if prop not found
        if prop in self._props.keys():
            (p,c) = self._props[prop]
            return c
        else: self.p_lock.release(); return None

    def get_child(self,key):         # returns None if key not found in children list
        if self.children.has_key(key):
            return self.children[key]
            return None

    #  Access multiple properties
    def init_props(self,props):               # same as init_prop(), but takes dictionary of props
        for k in props.keys(): self._props[k] = (props[k],0)

    def set_props(self,props):                # same as set_prop(), but takes dictionary of props
        for k in props.keys(): self._props[k] = (props[k],1)

    def get_all_props(self):                  # returns dictionary of all properties, regardless of change
        result = {}
        for k in self._props.keys():
            (p,c) = self._props[k]
            result[k] = p
        return result

    def get_changed_props(self):              # returns dictionary of all properties that have been changed
        result = {}
        for k in self._props.keys():
            (p,c) = self._props[k]
            if c: result[k] = p
        return result

    def get_children(self):                 # returns dictionary of children
        return self.children

    #  Accessor functions end

    #  XML emitters begin
    def get_all_xml(self,action="new",output_action = 0):    # outputs a tag with all attributes it contains
        xml_str = "<" + self.tagname
        if action and output_action: xml_str += " action='" + action + "'"
        for k in self._props.keys():
            (p,c) = self._props[k]
            if k != "action" or not action: xml_str += " " + k + "='" + p + "'"
        if self.children:
            xml_str += ">"
            for child in self.children.keys(): xml_str += self.children[child].get_all_xml(action)
            xml_str += "</" + self.tagname + ">"
        else: xml_str += "/>"
        return xml_str

    def get_changed_xml(self,action="update",output_action = 0):    # outputs a tag with all changed attributes
        xml_str = "<" + self.tagname
        if action and output_action:
            xml_str += " action='" + action + "'"

        # if present, always send the id, even if it didn't change
        if self._props.has_key("id"):
            (p,c) = self._props["id"]
            xml_str += " id='" + p + "'"
        for k in self._props.keys():
            (p,c) = self._props[k]
            if (k != "id" or k != "action") and c == 1: xml_str += " " + k + "='" + p + "'"
        if self.children:
            xml_str += ">"
            for child in self.children.keys(): xml_str += self.children[child].get_changed_xml(action)
            xml_str += "</" + self.tagname + ">"
        else: xml_str += "/>"
        return xml_str

    # convenience method to use if only this tag is modified
    #   outputs a <map/> element containing only the changes to this tag
    def standalone_update_text(self,update_id_string):
        buffer = "<map id='" + update_id_string + "'>"
        buffer += self.get_changed_xml("update")
        buffer += "<map/>"
        return buffer

    # XML emitters end

    #  XML importers begin

    def _from_dom(self,xml_dom,prop_func):
        if iselement(xml_dom): ## Uses new Element Tree style
            if xml_dom.tag == self.tagname:
                if xml_dom.attrib:
                    for k in xml_dom.attrib: prop_func(k,xml_dom.get(k))
        elif not iselement(xml_dom): ## Uses old DOM style (deprecated!!)
            if xml_dom.tagName == self.tagname:
                if xml_dom.getAttributeKeys():
                    for k in xml_dom.getAttributeKeys(): prop_func(k,xml_dom.getAttribute(k))
            raise Exception, "Error attempting to modify a " + self.tagname + " from a non-<" + self.tagname + "/> element"

    def init_from_dom(self,xml_dom):
    #  xml_dom must be pointing to an empty tag.  Override in a derived class for <map/> and other similar tags.

    def set_from_dom(self,xml_dom):
    #  xml_dom must be pointing to an empty tag.  Override in a derived class for <map/> and other similar tags

    def init_from_xml(self,xml):
        #xml_dom = parseXml(xml)
        xml_dom = fromstring(xml)
        #node_list = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName(self.tagname)
        node_list = xml_dom.findall(self.tagname)
        if len(node_list) < 1: print "Warning: no <" + self.tagname + "/> elements found in DOM."
            while len(node_list): self.init_from_dom(node_list.pop())
        #if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()

    def set_from_xml(self,xml):
        #xml_dom = parseXml(xml)
        xml_dom = fromstring(xml)
        #node_list = xml_dom.getElementsByTagName(self.tagname)
        node_list = xml_dom.findall(self.tagname)
        if len(node_list) < 1: print "Warning: no <" + self.tagname + "/> elements found in DOM."
            while len(node_list): self.set_from_dom(node_list.pop())
        #if xml_dom: xml_dom.unlink()

    # XML importers end