view orpg/ @ 33:6f460a73989e ornery-orc

Traipse 'OpenRPG' {100503-02} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Patch-2) New Features: New Namespace method with two new syntaxes New Namespace Internal is context sensitive, always! New Namespace External is 'as narrow as you make it' New Namespace FutureCheck helps ensure you don't receive an incorrect node New Namespace 2.0 documentation in the User Manual New Namespace plugin, Allows Traipse users to use the Standard syntax !@ :: @! New Mini Library with minis from Devin Knight New PluginDB access for URL2Link plugin New to Forms, they now show their content in Design Mode New to Update Manager, checks Repo for updates on software start New to Mini Lib node, change title in design mode New to Game Tree, never lose a node, appends a number to the end of corrupted trees New to Server GUI, Traipse Suite's Debug Console New Warhammer PC Sheet Updates: Update to White Board layer, uses a pencil image for color button Update to Grid Layer, uses a grid image for color button Update to Chat Window, size of drop down menus Update to default lobby message Update to template Text node Update to 4e PC Sheet node Update to how display names are acquired Update to Server, added some 'Pious' technology Update to features node Fixes: Fix to Server GUI startup errors Fix to Server GUI Rooms tab updating Fix to Chat and Settings if non existant die roller is picked Fix to Dieroller and .open() used with .vs(). Successes are correctly calculated Fix to Alias Lib's Export to Tree, Open, Save features Fix to alias node, now works properly Fix to Splitter node, minor GUI cleanup Fix to Backgrounds not loading through remote loader Fix to Node name errors Fix to rolling dice in chat Whispers Fix to Splitters Sizing issues Fix to URL2Link plugin, modified regex compilation should remove memory leak Fix to, a roll back due to zoomed grid issues Fix to whiteboard_handler, Circles work by you clicking the center of the circle Fix to Servers parse_incoming_dom which was outdated and did not respect XML Fix to a broken link in the server welcome message Fix to InterParse and logger requiring traceback Fix to Update Manager Status Bar Fix to failed image and erroneous pop up Fix to Mini Lib node that was preventing use Fix to plugins that parce dice but did not call InterParse Fix to nodes for name changing by double click Fix to Game Tree, node ordering on drag and drop corrected Fix to Game Tree, corrupted error message was not showing Fix to Update Manager, checks for internet connection Fix to Update Manager, Auto Update corrections Fix to Server GUI's broadcast, room, player messaging Daily-01: Figured out, this time, why the version file is copied. because of the linux .py~ files. Daily-02: Incomplete feature node updates, sorry. Should be a complete transition after this. Files in the update: Currently selected branch: ornery-orc Author: sirebral Files Modified (in update): data/tips.txt images/draw.png images/grid.png orpg/chat/ orpg/chat/ orpg/dieroller/ orpg/dieroller/rollers/ orpg/gametree/ orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ orpg/gametree/nodehandlers/ orpg/ orpg/mapper/ orpg/mapper/ orpg/mapper/ orpg/mapper/ orpg/networking/ orpg/networking/ orpg/ orpg/ orpg/templates/default_LobbyMessage.html orpg/templates/feature.xml orpg/templates/nodes/4e_char_sheet.xml orpg/templates/nodes/Warhammerv2CS2-Traipse.xml orpg/templates/nodes/split.xml orpg/templates/nodes/textctrl.xml orpg/tools/ orpg/tools/ orpg/tools/ orpg/tools/ plugins/ plugins/ plugins/ plugins/ readme.txt upmana/
author sirebral
date Mon, 03 May 2010 03:47:00 -0500
parents 211ac836b6a0
line wrap: on
line source

"""\ -- a lightweight DOM implementation based on SAX.

parse( "foo.xml" )

parseString( "<foo><bar/></foo>" )

 * convenience methods for getting elements and text.
 * more testing
 * bring some of the writer and linearizer code into conformance with this
 * SAX 2 namespaces

from orpg import pulldom
import string
from StringIO import StringIO
import types

class Node:
    ELEMENT_NODE                = 1
    ATTRIBUTE_NODE              = 2
    TEXT_NODE                   = 3
    CDATA_SECTION_NODE          = 4
    ENTITY_NODE                 = 6
    COMMENT_NODE                = 8
    DOCUMENT_NODE               = 9
    DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE          = 10
    NOTATION_NODE               = 12
    allnodes = {}
    _debug = 0
    _makeParentNodes = 1
    debug = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.childNodes = []
        self.ownerDocument = None
        if Node._debug:
            index = repr(id(self)) + repr(self.__class__)
            Node.allnodes[index] = repr(self.__dict__)
            if Node.debug is None: Node.debug = StringIO()
                #open( "debug4.out", "w" )
            Node.debug.write("create %s\n" % index)

    def __getattr__(self, key):
        if key[0:2] == "__": raise AttributeError
        # getattr should never call getattr!
        if self.__dict__.has_key("inGetAttr"):
            del self.inGetAttr
            raise AttributeError, key
        prefix, attrname = key[:5], key[5:]
        if prefix == "_get_":
            self.inGetAttr = 1
            if hasattr(self, attrname):
                del self.inGetAttr
                return (lambda self=self, attrname=attrname:
                                getattr(self, attrname))
                del self.inGetAttr
                raise AttributeError, key
            self.inGetAttr = 1
            try: func = getattr(self, "_get_" + key)
            except AttributeError: raise AttributeError, key
            del self.inGetAttr
            return func()

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return 1

    def toxml(self,pretty=0):
        writer = StringIO()
        return str(writer.getvalue())

    def hasChildNodes(self):
        if self.childNodes: return 1
        else: return 0

    def getChildren(self):
        return self.childNodes

    def _get_firstChild(self):
        if self.hasChildNodes(): return self.childNodes[0]
        else: return None

    def _get_lastChild(self):
        return self.childNodes[-1]

    def insertBefore(self, newChild, refChild):
        if refChild == None: return self.appendChild(newChild)
        index = self.childNodes.index(refChild)
        self.childNodes.insert(index, newChild)
        if self._makeParentNodes:
            newChild.parentNode = self
            newChild.ownerDocument = self.ownerDocument
        return newChild

    def appendChild(self, node):
        if self.childNodes:
            last = self.lastChild
            node.previousSibling = last
            last.nextSibling = node
        else: node.previousSibling = None
        node.nextSibling = None
        node.ownerDocument = self.ownerDocument
        node.parentNode = self
        return node

    def replaceChild(self, newChild, oldChild):
        index = self.childNodes.index(oldChild)
        self.childNodes[index] = newChild
        newChild.ownerDocument = self.ownerDocument
        return oldChild

    def removeChild(self, oldChild):
        index = self.childNodes.index(oldChild)
        del self.childNodes[index]
        return oldChild

    def cloneNode(self, deep=0):
        newNode = Node()
        if deep: self.deep_clone(newNode)
        return newNode

    def deep_clone(self, newNode):
        for child in self.childNodes:
            new_child = child.cloneNode(1)

    def normalize(self):
        """Join adjacent Text nodes and delete empty Text nodes
        in the full depth of the sub-tree underneath this Node.
        i = 0
        while i < len(self.childNodes):
            cn = self.childNodes[i]
            if cn.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
                i = i + 1
                # join adjacent Text nodes
                while i < len(self.childNodes) and self.childNodes[i].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
                    cn.nodeValue = = + self.childNodes[i].data
                    del self.childNodes[i]
                # delete empty nodes
                if cn.nodeValue.strip() == "":
                    i = i - 1
                    del self.childNodes[i]
            elif cn.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE: cn.normalize()
            i = i + 1

    def unlink(self):
        self.parentNode = None
        while self.childNodes:
            del self.childNodes[-1] # probably not most efficient!
        self.childNodes = None
        self.previousSibling = None
        self.nextSibling = None
        if self.attributes:
            for attr in self._attrs.values(): self.removeAttributeNode(attr)
            assert not len(self._attrs)
            assert not len(self._attrsNS)
        if Node._debug:
            index = repr(id(self)) + repr(self.__class__)
            self.debug.write("Deleting: %s\n" % index)
            del Node.allnodes[index]

def _write_data(writer, data):
    "Writes datachars to writer."
    data = string.replace(data, "&", "&amp;")
    data = string.replace(data, "<", "&lt;")
    data = string.replace(data, "\"", "&quot;")
    data = string.replace(data, ">", "&gt;")

def _getElementsByTagNameHelper(parent, name, rc):
    for node in parent.childNodes:
        if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE and \
            (name == "*" or node.tagName == name):
        _getElementsByTagNameHelper(node, name, rc)
    return rc

def _getElementsByTagNameNSHelper(parent, nsURI, localName, rc):
    for node in parent.childNodes:
        if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
            if ((localName == "*" or node.tagName == localName) and
                (nsURI == "*" or node.namespaceURI == nsURI)):
            _getElementsByTagNameNSHelper(node, name, rc)

class Attr(Node):
    nodeType = Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE

    def __init__(self, qName, namespaceURI="", localName=None, prefix=None):
        # skip setattr for performance
        self.__dict__["localName"] = localName or qName
        self.__dict__["nodeName"] = self.__dict__["name"] = qName
        self.__dict__["namespaceURI"] = namespaceURI
        self.__dict__["prefix"] = prefix
        self.attributes = None
        # nodeValue and value are set elsewhere

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name in ("value", "nodeValue"): self.__dict__["value"] = self.__dict__["nodeValue"] = value
        else: self.__dict__[name] = value

    def cloneNode(self, deep=0):
        newNode = Attr(self.__dict__["name"],self.__dict__["namespaceURI"],
        newNode.__dict__["value"] = newNode.__dict__["nodeValue"] = self.value
        if deep: self.deep_clone(newNode)
        return newNode

class AttributeList:
    """the attribute list is a transient interface to the underlying
    dictionaries.  mutations here will change the underlying element's
    def __init__(self, attrs, attrsNS):
        self._attrs = attrs
        self._attrsNS = attrsNS
        self.length = len(self._attrs.keys())

    def copy(self):
        clone = AttributeList(self._attrs.copy(),self._attrsNS.copy())
        return clone

    def item(self, index):
        try: return self[self.keys()[index]]
        except IndexError: return None

    def items(self):
        return map(lambda node: (node.tagName, node.value),

    def itemsNS(self):
        return map(lambda node: ((node.URI, node.localName), node.value),

    def keys(self):
        return self._attrs.keys()

    def keysNS(self):
        return self._attrsNS.keys()

    def values(self):
        return self._attrs.values()

    def __len__(self):
        return self.length

    def __cmp__(self, other):
        if self._attrs is getattr(other, "_attrs", None): return 0
        else: return cmp(id(self), id(other))

    #FIXME: is it appropriate to return .value?
    def __getitem__(self, attname_or_tuple):
        if type(attname_or_tuple) is types.TupleType: return self._attrsNS[attname_or_tuple]
        else: return self._attrs[attname_or_tuple]

    # same as set
    def __setitem__(self, attname, value):
        if type(value) is types.StringType:
            node = Attr(attname)
            assert isinstance(value, Attr) or type(value) is types.StringType
            node = value
        old = self._attrs.get(attname, None)
        if old: old.unlink()
        self._attrs[] = node
        self._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)] = node

    def __delitem__(self, attname_or_tuple):
        node = self[attname_or_tuple]
        del self._attrs[]
        del self._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)]

class Element(Node):
    nodeType = Node.ELEMENT_NODE

    def __init__(self, tagName, namespaceURI="", prefix="",
        self.tagName = self.nodeName = tagName
        self.localName = localName or tagName
        self.prefix = prefix
        self.namespaceURI = namespaceURI
        self.nodeValue = None
        self._attrs={}  # attributes are double-indexed:
        self._attrsNS={}#    tagName -> Attribute
                #    URI,localName -> Attribute
                # in the future: consider lazy generation of attribute objects
                #                this is too tricky for now because of headaches
                #                with namespaces.

    def cloneNode(self, deep=0):
        newNode = Element(self.tagName,self.namespaceURI,self.prefix,self.localName )
        keys = self._attrs.keys()
        for k in keys:
            attr = self._attrs[k].cloneNode(1)
        if deep: self.deep_clone(newNode)
        return newNode

    def _get_tagName(self):
        return str(self.tagName)

    def getAttributeKeys(self):
        result = []
        if self._attrs: return self._attrs.keys()
        else: return None

    def getAttribute(self, attname):
        if self.hasAttribute(attname): return str(self._attrs[attname].value)
        else: return ""

    def getAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
        return self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)].value

    def setAttribute(self, attname, value):
        attr = Attr(attname)
        # for performance
        attr.__dict__["value"] = attr.__dict__["nodeValue"] = value

    def setAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName, value):
        prefix, localname = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
        # for performance
        attr = Attr(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, localname, prefix)
        attr.__dict__["value"] = attr.__dict__["nodeValue"] = value
        # FIXME: return original node if something changed.

    def getAttributeNode(self, attrname):
        return self._attrs.get(attrname)

    def getAttributeNodeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
        return self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)]

    def setAttributeNode(self, attr):
        old = self._attrs.get(, None)
        if old: old.unlink()
        self._attrs[] = attr
        self._attrsNS[(attr.namespaceURI, attr.localName)] = attr
        # FIXME: return old value if something changed

    def removeAttribute(self, name):
        attr = self._attrs[name]

    def removeAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
        attr = self._attrsNS[(namespaceURI, localName)]

    def removeAttributeNode(self, node):
        del self._attrs[]
        del self._attrsNS[(node.namespaceURI, node.localName)]

    def hasAttribute(self, name):
        return self._attrs.has_key(name)

    def hasAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
        return self._attrsNS.has_key((namespaceURI, localName))

    def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
        return _getElementsByTagNameHelper(self, name, [])

    def getElementsByTagNameNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
        _getElementsByTagNameNSHelper(self, namespaceURI, localName, [])

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<DOM Element: %s at %s>" % (self.tagName, id(self))

    # undocumented
    def writexml(self, writer, tabs=0):
        tab_str = ""
        if tabs:
            tab_str = "\n" + ("  "*(tabs-1))
            tabs += 1
        writer.write(tab_str + "<" + self.tagName)
        a_names = self._get_attributes().keys()

        for a_name in a_names:
            writer.write(" %s=\"" % a_name)
            _write_data(writer, self._get_attributes()[a_name].value)
        if self.childNodes:
            for node in self.childNodes:
            if self.childNodes[0].nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE:
                tab_str = ""
            writer.write(tab_str + "</%s>" % self.tagName)
        else: writer.write("/>")

    def _get_attributes(self):
        return AttributeList(self._attrs, self._attrsNS)

class Comment(Node):
    nodeType = Node.COMMENT_NODE

    def __init__(self, data):
        Node.__init__(self) = self.nodeValue = data
        self.nodeName = "#comment"
        self.attributes = None

    def writexml(self, writer, tabs=0):
        writer.write("<!--%s-->" %

    def cloneNode(self, deep=0):
        newNode = Comment(
        if deep: self.deep_clone(newNode)
        return newNode

class ProcessingInstruction(Node):

    def __init__(self, target, data):
        Node.__init__(self) = self.nodeName = target = self.nodeValue = data
        self.attributes = None

    def writexml(self, writer, tabs=0):
        writer.write("<?%s %s?>" % (,

    def cloneNode(self, deep=0):
        newNode = ProcessingInstruction(,
        if deep: self.deep_clone(newNode)
        return newNode

class Text(Node):
    nodeType = Node.TEXT_NODE
    nodeName = "#text"

    def __init__(self, data):
        Node.__init__(self) = self.nodeValue = data
        self.attributes = None

    def __repr__(self):
        if len( > 10: dotdotdot = "..."
        else: dotdotdot = ""
        return "<DOM Text node \"%s%s\">" % ([0:10], dotdotdot)

    def writexml(self, writer, tabs=0):

    def _get_nodeValue(self):
        return str(self.nodeValue)

    def _set_nodeValue(self,data): = self.nodeValue = data

    def cloneNode(self, deep=0):
        newNode = Text(
        if deep: self.deep_clone(newNode)
        return newNode

def _nssplit(qualifiedName):
    fields = string.split(qualifiedName,':', 1)
    if len(fields) == 2: return fields
    elif len(fields) == 1: return ('', fields[0])

class Document(Node):
    nodeType = Node.DOCUMENT_NODE
    documentElement = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.attributes = None
        self.nodeName = "#document"
        self.nodeValue = None
        self.ownerDocument = self

    def appendChild(self, node):
        if node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
            if self.documentElement: raise TypeError, "Two document elements disallowed"
            else: self.documentElement = node
        Node.appendChild(self, node)
        return node
    createElement = Element
    createTextNode = Text
    createComment = Comment
    createProcessingInstruction = ProcessingInstruction
    createAttribute = Attr

    def createElementNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName):
        prefix,localName = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
        return Element(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, prefix, localName)

    def createAttributeNS(self, namespaceURI, qualifiedName):
        prefix,localName = _nssplit(qualifiedName)
        return Attr(qualifiedName, namespaceURI, localName, prefix)

    def getElementsByTagNameNS(self, namespaceURI, localName):
        _getElementsByTagNameNSHelper(self, namespaceURI, localName)

    def unlink(self):
        self.documentElement = None

    def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
        rc = []
        _getElementsByTagNameHelper(self, name, rc)
        return rc

    def writexml(self, writer):
        for node in self.childNodes: node.writexml(writer)

def _doparse(func, args, kwargs):
    events = apply(func, args, kwargs)
    toktype, rootNode = events.getEvent()
    return rootNode

def parse(*args, **kwargs):
    "Parse a file into a DOM by filename or file object"
    return _doparse(pulldom.parse, args, kwargs)

def parseString(*args, **kwargs):
    "Parse a file into a DOM from a string"
    return _doparse(pulldom.parseString, args, kwargs)