diff upmana/manifest.py @ 28:ff154cf3350c ornery-orc

Traipse 'OpenRPG' {100203-00} Traipse is a distribution of OpenRPG that is designed to be easy to setup and go. Traipse also makes it easy for developers to work on code without fear of sacrifice. 'Ornery-Orc' continues the trend of 'Grumpy' and adds fixes to the code. 'Ornery-Orc's main goal is to offer more advanced features and enhance the productivity of the user. Update Summary (Stable) New Features: New Bookmarks Feature New 'boot' command to remote admin New confirmation window for sent nodes Miniatures Layer pop up box allows users to turn off Mini labels, from FlexiRPG New Zoom Mouse plugin added New Images added to Plugin UI Switching to Element Tree New Map efficiency, from FlexiRPG New Status Bar to Update Manager New TrueDebug Class in orpg_log (See documentation for usage) New Portable Mercurial New Tip of the Day, from Core and community New Reference Syntax added for custom PC sheets New Child Reference for gametree New Parent Reference for gametree New Gametree Recursion method, mapping, context sensitivity, and effeciency.. New Features node with bonus nodes and Node Referencing help added New Dieroller structure from Core New DieRoller portability for odd Dice New 7th Sea die roller; ie [7k3] = [7d10.takeHighest(3).open(10)] New 'Mythos' System die roller added New vs. die roller method for WoD; ie [3v3] = [3d10.vs(3)]. Included for Mythos roller also New Warhammer FRPG Die Roller (Special thanks to Puu-san for the support) New EZ_Tree Reference system. Push a button, Traipse the tree, get a reference (Beta!) New Grids act more like Spreadsheets in Use mode, with Auto Calc Fixes: Fix to allow for portability to an OpenSUSE linux OS Fix to mplay_client for Fedora and OpenSUSE Fix to Text based Server Fix to Remote Admin Commands Fix to Pretty Print, from Core Fix to Splitter Nodes not being created Fix to massive amounts of images loading, from Core Fix to Map from gametree not showing to all clients Fix to gametree about menus Fix to Password Manager check on startup Fix to PC Sheets from tool nodes. They now use the tabber_panel Fix to Whiteboard ID to prevent random line or text deleting. Fixes to Server, Remote Server, and Server GUI Fix to Update Manager; cleaner clode for saved repositories Fixes made to Settings Panel and now reactive settings when Ok is pressed Fixes to Alternity roller's attack roll. Uses a simple Tuple instead of a Splice Fix to Use panel of Forms and Tabbers. Now longer enters design mode Fix made Image Fetching. New fetching image and new failed image Fix to whiteboard ID's to prevent non updated clients from ruining the fix. default_manifest.xml renamed to default_upmana.xml
author sirebral
date Wed, 03 Feb 2010 22:16:49 -0600
parents 97265586402b
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/upmana/manifest.py	Sat Oct 03 18:49:37 2009 -0500
+++ b/upmana/manifest.py	Wed Feb 03 22:16:49 2010 -0600
@@ -1,185 +1,214 @@
-import xmltramp
+from __future__ import with_statement
 from orpg.dirpath import dir_struct
-import upmana.validate
-from os import sep
+from upmana.validate import validate
+from orpg.tools.orpg_log import logger
+from os import sep, getcwd
 from types import *
-class ManifestChanges:
-    def __init__(self, filename="updatemana.xml"):
-        self.filename = dir_struct["home"] + 'upmana' + sep + filename
-        upmana.validate.Validate(dir_struct["home"] + 'upmana' + sep).config_file(filename,"default_manifest.xml")
-        self.xml_dom = self.LoadDoc()
+from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree, Element, parse, fromstring
+from xml.etree.ElementPath import find
+class ManifestChanges(object):
+    etree = ElementTree()
+    filename = dir_struct['home'] + 'upmana' + sep + 'upmana.xml'
-    def GetString(self, plugname, strname, defaultval, verbose=0):
+    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+        it = cls.__dict__.get("__it__")
+        if it is not None:
+            return it
+        cls.__it__ = it = object.__new__(cls)
+        it._init()
+        return it
+    def _init(self):
+        validate.config_file('upmana.xml', "default_upmana.xml")
+        self.LoadDoc()
+    def PluginChildren(self, plugname):
+        plugin = self.etree.find(plugname)
+        children = plugin.getchildren()
+        nodes = []
+        for child in children:
+            nodes.append(child.tag)
+        return nodes
+    def GetString(self, plugname, strname, defaultval="", verbose=False):
         strname = self.safe(strname)
-        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
-            if plugname == plugin._name:
-                for child in plugin._dir:
-                    if child._name == strname:
-                        #str() on this to make sure it's ASCII, not unicode, since orpg can't handle unicode.
-                        if verbose: print "successfully found the value"
-                        if len(child): return str( self.normal(child[0]) )
-                        else: return ""
-        else:
-            if verbose:
-                print "manifest: no value has been stored for " + strname + " in " + plugname + " so the default has been returned"
+        plugin = self.etree.find(plugname)
+        if plugin is None or plugin.find(strname) is None:
+            msg = ["plugindb: no value has been stored for", strname, "in",
+                   plugname, "so the default has been returned"]
             return defaultval
+        return self.normal(plugin.find(strname).text or '')
+    def DelString(self, plugname, strname):
+        strname = self.safe(strname)
+        plugin = self.etree.find(plugname)
+        plugin.remove(plugin.find(strname))
+        self.SaveDoc()
     def SetString(self, plugname, strname, val):
-        #Set Node, <repo, name, description, value>
-        #Set Setting, <setting, value>
         val = self.safe(val)
         strname = self.safe(strname)
-        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
-        ##this isn't absolutely necessary, but it saves the trouble of sending a parsed object instead of a simple string.
-            if plugname == plugin._name:
-                plugin[strname] = val
-                plugin[strname]._attrs["type"] = "string"
-                self.SaveDoc()
-                return "found plugin"
-        else:
-            self.xml_dom[plugname] = xmltramp.parse("<" + strname + " type=\"string\">" + val + "</" + strname + ">")
-            self.SaveDoc()
-            return "added plugin"
+        plugin = self.etree.find(plugname)
+        if plugin is None:
+            plugin = Element(plugname)
+            self.etree.getroot().append(plugin)
+        str_el = plugin.find(strname)
+        if str_el is None:
+            str_el = Element(strname)
+            str_el.set('type', 'str')
+            plugin.append(str_el)
+        str_el.text = val
+        self.SaveDoc()
     def FetchList(self, parent):
         retlist = []
-        if not len(parent): return []
-        for litem in parent[0]._dir:
-            if len(litem):
-                if litem._attrs["type"] == "int": retlist += [int(litem[0])]
-                elif litem._attrs["type"] == "long": retlist += [long(litem[0])]
-                elif litem._attrs["type"] == "float": retlist += [float(litem[0])]
-                elif litem._attrs["type"] == "list": retlist += [self.FetchList(litem)]
-                elif litem._attrs["type"] == "dict": retlist += [self.FetchDict(litem)]
-                else: retlist += [str( self.normal(litem[0]) )]
-            else: retlist += [""]
+        for litem in parent.find('list').findall('lobject'):
+            if litem.get('type') == 'int': retlist.append(int(litem.text))
+            if litem.get('type') == 'bool': retlist.append(litem.text == 'True')
+            elif litem.get('type') == 'float': retlist.append(float(litem.text))
+            elif litem.get('type') == 'list': retlist.append(self.FetchList(litem))
+            elif litem.get('type') == 'dict': retlist.append(self.FetchDict(litem))
+            else: retlist.append(str(self.normal(litem.text)))
+        return retlist
+    def GetList(self, plugname, listname, defaultval=list(), verbose=False):
+        listname = self.safe(listname)
+        plugin = self.etree.find(plugname)
+        if plugin is None or plugin.find(listname) is None:
+            msg = ["plugindb: no value has been stored for", listname, "in",
+                   plugname, "so the default has been returned"]
+            return defaultval
+        retlist = self.FetchList(plugin.find(listname))
         return retlist
-    def GetList(self, plugname, listname, defaultval, verbose=0):
-        listname = self.safe(listname)
-        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
-            if plugname == plugin._name:
-                for child in plugin._dir:
-                    if child._name == listname and child._attrs["type"] == "list":
-                        retlist = self.FetchList(child)
-                        if verbose: print "successfully found the value"
-                        return retlist
-        else:
-            if verbose:
-                print "plugindb: no value has been stored for " + listname + " in " + plugname + " so the default has been returned"
-            return defaultval
     def BuildList(self, val):
-        listerine = "<list>"
+        list_el = Element('list')
         for item in val:
-            if isinstance(item, basestring):#it's a string
-                listerine += "<lobject type=\"str\">" + self.safe(item) + "</lobject>"
-            elif isinstance(item, IntType):#it's an int
-                listerine += "<lobject type=\"int\">" + str(item) + "</lobject>"
-            elif isinstance(item, FloatType):#it's a float
-                listerine += "<lobject type=\"float\">" + str(item) + "</lobject>"
-            elif isinstance(item, LongType):#it's a long
-                listerine += "<lobject type=\"long\">" + str(item) + "</lobject>"
-            elif isinstance(item, ListType):#it's a list
-                listerine += "<lobject type=\"list\">" + self.BuildList(item) + "</lobject>"
-            elif isinstance(item, DictType):#it's a dictionary
-                listerine += "<lobject type=\"dict\">" + self.BuildDict(item) + "</lobject>"
-            else: return "type unknown"
-        listerine += "</list>"
-        return listerine
+            i = Element('lobject')
+            if isinstance(item, bool):
+                i.set('type', 'bool')
+                i.text = str(item)
+            elif isinstance(item, int):#it's an int
+                i.set('type', 'int')
+                i.text = str(item)
+            elif isinstance(item, float):#it's a float
+                i.set('type', 'float')
+                i.text = str(item)
+            elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):#it's a list
+                i.set('type', 'list')
+                i.append(self.BuildList(item))
+            elif isinstance(item, dict):#it's a dictionary
+                i.set('type', 'dict')
+                i.append(self.BuildDict(item))
+            else:
+                i.set('type', 'str')
+                i.text = self.safe(item)
+            list_el.append(i)
+        return list_el
     def SetList(self, plugname, listname, val):
         listname = self.safe(listname)
-        list = xmltramp.parse(self.BuildList(val))
-        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
-            if plugname == plugin._name:
-                plugin[listname] = list
-                plugin[listname]._attrs["type"] = "list"
-                self.SaveDoc()
-                return "found plugin"
+        plugin = self.etree.find(plugname)
+        if plugin is None:
+            plugin = Element(plugname)
+            self.etree.getroot().append(plugin)
+        list_el = plugin.find(listname)
+        if list_el is None:
+            list_el = Element(listname)
+            list_el.set('type', 'list')
+            plugin.append(list_el)
-            self.xml_dom[plugname] = xmltramp.parse("<" + listname + "></" + listname + ">")
-            self.xml_dom[plugname][listname] = list
-            self.xml_dom[plugname][listname]._attrs["type"] = "list"
-            self.SaveDoc()
-            return "added plugin"
+            list_el.remove(list_el.find('list'))
+        list_el.append(self.BuildList(val))
+        self.SaveDoc()
     def BuildDict(self, val):
-        dictator = "<dict>"
-        for item in val.keys():
-            if isinstance(val[item], basestring):
-                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + self.safe(item) + "\" type=\"str\">" + self.safe(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
-            elif isinstance(val[item], IntType):#it's an int
-                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + self.safe(item) + "\" type=\"int\">" + str(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
-            elif isinstance(val[item], FloatType):#it's a float
-                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + self.safe(item) + "\" type=\"float\">" + str(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
-            elif isinstance(val[item], LongType):#it's a long
-                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + self.safe(item) + "\" type=\"long\">" + str(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
-            elif isinstance(val[item], DictType):#it's a dictionary
-                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + self.safe(item) + "\" type=\"dict\">" + self.BuildDict(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
-            elif isinstance(val[item], ListType):#it's a list
-                dictator += "<dobject name=\"" + self.safe(item) + "\" type=\"list\">" + self.BuildList(val[item]) + "</dobject>"
-            else: return str(val[item]) + ": type unknown"
-        dictator += "</dict>"
-        return dictator
+        dict_el = Element('dict')
+        for key, item in val.items():
+            i = Element('dobject')
+            if isinstance(item, bool):
+                i.set('type', 'bool')
+                i.set('name', self.safe(key))
+                i.text = str(item)
+            elif isinstance(item, int):#it's an int
+                i.set('type', 'int')
+                i.set('name', self.safe(key))
+                i.text = str(item)
+            elif isinstance(item, float):#it's a float
+                i.set('type', 'float')
+                i.set('name', self.safe(key))
+                i.text = str(item)
+            elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):#it's a list
+                i.set('type', 'list')
+                i.set('name', self.safe(key))
+                i.append(self.BuildList(item))
+            elif isinstance(item, dict):#it's a dictionary
+                i.set('type', 'dict')
+                i.set('name', self.safe(key))
+                i.append(self.BuildDict(item))
+            else:
+                i.set('type', 'str')
+                i.set('name', self.safe(key))
+                i.text = self.safe(item)
+            dict_el.append(i)
+        return dict_el
-    def SetDict(self, plugname, dictname, val, file="plugindb.xml"):
+    def SetDict(self, plugname, dictname, val):
         dictname = self.safe(dictname)
-        dict = xmltramp.parse(self.BuildDict(val))
-        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
-            if plugname == plugin._name:
-                plugin[dictname] = dict
-                plugin[dictname]._attrs["type"] = "dict"
-                self.SaveDoc()
-                return "found plugin"
+        plugin = self.etree.find(plugname)
+        if plugin is None:
+            plugin = Element(plugname)
+            self.etree.getroot().append(plugin)
+        dict_el = plugin.find(dictname)
+        if dict_el is None:
+            dict_el = Element(dictname)
+            dict_el.set('type', 'dict')
+            plugin.append(dict_el)
-            self.xml_dom[plugname] = xmltramp.parse("<" + dictname + "></" + dictname + ">")
-            self.xml_dom[plugname][dictname] = dict
-            self.xml_dom[plugname][dictname]._attrs["type"] = "dict"
-            self.SaveDoc()
-            return "added plugin"
+            dict_el.remove(list_el.find('dict'))
+        dict_el.append(self.BuildDict(val))
+        self.SaveDoc()
     def FetchDict(self, parent):
         retdict = {}
-        if not len(parent): return {}
-        for ditem in parent[0]._dir:
-            if len(ditem):
-                ditem._attrs["name"] = self.normal(ditem._attrs["name"])
-                if ditem._attrs["type"] == "int": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = int(ditem[0])
-                elif ditem._attrs["type"] == "long": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = long(ditem[0])
-                elif ditem._attrs["type"] == "float": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = float(ditem[0])
-                elif ditem._attrs["type"] == "list": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = self.FetchList(ditem)
-                elif ditem._attrs["type"] == "dict": retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = self.FetchDict(ditem)
-                else: retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = str( self.normal(ditem[0]) )
-            else: retdict[ditem._attrs["name"]] = ""
+        for ditem in parent.findall('dobject'):
+            key = self.normal(ditem.get('name'))
+            if ditem.get('type') == 'int': value = int(ditem.text)
+            elif ditem.get('type') == 'bool': value = ditem.text == 'True'
+            elif ditem.get('type') == 'float': value = float(ditem.text)
+            elif ditem.get('type') == 'list': value = self.FetchList(ditem)
+            elif ditem.get('type') == 'dict': value = self.FetchDict(ditem)
+            else: value = str(self.normal(ditem[0]))
+            retdict[key] = value
         return retdict
-    def GetDict(self, plugname, dictname, defaultval, verbose=0):
+    def GetDict(self, plugname, dictname, defaultval=dict(), verbose=False):
         dictname = self.safe(dictname)
-        for plugin in self.xml_dom:
-            if plugname == plugin._name:
-                for child in plugin._dir:
-                    if child._name == dictname and child._attrs["type"] == "dict": return self.FetchDict(child)
-        else:
-            if verbose:
-                print "plugindb: no value has been stored for " + dictname + " in " + plugname + " so the default has been returned"
+        plugin = self.etree.find(plugname)
+        if plugin is None or plugin.find(dictname) is None:
+            msg = ["plugindb: no value has been stored for", dictname, "in",
+                   plugname, "so the default has been returned"]
             return defaultval
+        retdict = self.FetchDict(plugin.find(dictname))
+        return retdict
     def safe(self, string):
-        return string.replace("<", "$$lt$$").replace(">", "$$gt$$").replace("&","$$amp$$").replace('"',"$$quote$$")
+        return string.replace("<", "$$lt$$").replace(">", "$$gt$$")\
+               .replace("&","$$amp$$").replace('"',"$$quote$$")
     def normal(self, string):
-        return string.replace("$$lt$$", "<").replace("$$gt$$", ">").replace("$$amp$$","&").replace("$$quote$$",'"')
+        return string.replace("$$lt$$", "<").replace("$$gt$$", ">")\
+               .replace("$$amp$$","&").replace("$$quote$$",'"')
     def SaveDoc(self):
-        f = open(self.filename, "w")
-        f.write(self.xml_dom.__repr__(1, 1))
-        f.close()
+        with open(self.filename, "w") as f:
+            self.etree.write(f)
     def LoadDoc(self):
-        xml_file = open(self.filename)
-        manifest = xml_file.read()
-        xml_file.close()
-        return xmltramp.parse(manifest)
+        with open(self.filename) as f:
+            self.etree.parse(f)
+manifest = ManifestChanges()